Pindar's First Olympian
PINDAR'S FIRST OLYMPIAN 1. In a summary discussion of Pindar's first O!Jmpian, D.C. Young (1968, 121-3) presents an analysis of the poem, the purpose of which is to demonstrate that its construction is strictly symmetrical. A nucleus of 12 lines (53-64: Tantalus honoured by the Gods, his misdeed and punishment, introduced and followed by a "transitional gnome") is preceded by a first Pelops myth (25-53) and followed by a second (65-94), each of about 28 lines. The poem begins and ends with passages of approximately 24 lines (1-24 and 95-118) dealing with the Olympic games, Hieron, his victory, and the poet's role as the recorder of victory. To make my point, there is no need to treat the question whether the lines 95-118 Inirror in every detail lines 1-24, as Young claims they do: "A : superlatives, a: vµ.vos ciµ.cfn/3a.AAEra,, B: general praise of Hieron, b: tlwpiav cf,opµ.,yya, C: (Hieron's) Olympic victory, c: Mµ.1m oe oi KAeos" opp. "c 1: TO 0£ KAeos oeoopKE, C1: Olympic victory (general), b1: Aio>..17to, µ.oMr~, B 1: general praise of Hieron, a 1: Mo'io-a Tpecf,u (3e>..os, A 1: superlatives (specific)." Apart from the details, it is undeni able (1) that both passages deal with the Games, the victory, the victor and the poet, and (2) that the poet uses Hieron's KAeos, which shines in the ci1ro,Kia of Pelops, to move from the opening passage to the first myth, and ends the second myth with the mention of Pelops' KAeos radiating (oeoopKE) from afar in Olympia.
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