382 s. Mr. 1. Bot. 1997,63(6) 382- 399 The systematic value of the surface mitromorphology and anatomy of cypselae of some members of the Senecioneae, Liabeae and Vernonieae (Asteraceae) P. Leszek, D. Vincent' and Sharon L. Wilson Oepartment of Botan), Un iversity of the Witwatersrand , Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050 Repub li c of South Africa email:
[email protected] Recl!i\:ed 23 April /997; revised 26 Augusl /997 Twenty one characters of the surface micromorphology and 12 characters of the anatomy of cypseJae of species in the tribes Liabeae (Uabum disc%r, L. ovalum), Senecioneae (subtribe Senecioninae: Senecio inaequidens, S. madagascariensis, S. vulgaris, Bra~1yglottis repanda, subtribe Blennospermatinae: Abrotanella emarginata, A seapigera , Blennosperma nanum) and Vernoneae (Vern onia oligoeephala, V. paueiflora , V. poskeana) were investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data we re analysed phenetically with the assistance of cluster (SAHN) and principal component analyses. Both sources of data were biologically very informative. Taxonomically, the SEM data was most useful in recognising discontinuities between the taxa followed by the combined SEM and LM data sets. The placement of the Blennospermatinae in the Senecioneae is confirmed as being systematically discordant. Keywords: Cypselae, micromorphology, anatomy, Asteraceae. 'To whom correspondence should be addressed. Introduction muci laginous cells (Roth 1977). The Compo sitae or Asteraceae is one of the largest and most Nevertheless, characters dealing with surface micromorphol familiar fa milies of fl owering plants and has been researched for ogy and anatomy of cypseJae of the As teraceae have not been centuries (Heywood el al.