Aachen 677. Aaron (Saint) 235-36, ~ Church of 236, 238, 241. Aballac 29-30. Aberystwyth 202. Abraham 31. Abren [Habren] 6
Index Aachen 677. Ágrip af Nóregskónungasǫgum 570, 587. Aaron (saint) 235-36, ~ church of Aided Con Culainn 217. 236, 238, 241. Alban (saint) 669n18. Aballac 29-30. Albanac 62, 124. Aberystwyth 202. Albany (earlier name for Scotland) Abraham 31. 62, 124, 236, 241. See also Escoce, Abren [Habren] 64. Scotland. Absolom [Absolon] 144, 145. Albin (saint) 194, 492, 681. Achilles 509, 525, 532. Albinae (founding mothers of giants) Adam 31n19, 144-45, 328, 599. 518n41. Ægyptus 518. Albion (earlier name for Britain) 87- Ældad [Aeldad] 20. 88, 102, 254, 336-37, 518n41, 571. Ældolf 126. Alexander (the Great) 39-40, 479-81, Ælfric 23n8, 54, 133, 199, 303, 373, 495, 547, 549-550n17, 552, 604, 398, 427, 534, 607, 613. 648-49. Aeneas [Eneas] 138, 239, 297, 323, Alexander (bishop of Lincoln) 562, 438n47, 491, 505n16, 512-13, 516- 567-68, 577, 591-92; Alexandrs 18, 566, 570, 589, 599, 678. [Lvndvna byskvps] 568, 577. Ænmaunus 126. Alexander de Villa Dei 633. Æstrild(e) See Astrild. Alexius 549-50. Æthelbald (king) 113. Alfflæd (wife of Edward the Elder) Æthelred [Æþelred] 353, 402, ~ laws 293. of 371, 393, 395-97, 399, 402-403, Alfonso VIII (king of Castile) 670. 405, 407, 411, 413. Alfonso X “El Sabio” (king of Aethelstan. See Athelstan. Castile) 17, 674-76, 678-83. Æthelweard (chronicler) 210-12. Alfred (the Great) 92-93, 109, 290, Africa [Affrike/ Aufrike] 34-35, 36, 293, 305, 634, 640n33, ~ laws of 37, 209. 395. Aganippus 167-68, 627n12. 740 Reading Laȝamon’s Brut: Approaches and Explorations Alfweard (son of Edward the Elder) 11, 55, 66-67, 316, 369, 380; ~ 293.
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