TesioPower jadehorse Gibsons Tom Hal (RH) (1862)

Pacing Running Horse Maryland bred pacing RH () Pacing Running Horse Mare Tom Hal (RH) (1802) Native American Woods Horse Pacing Running Horse () Running Horse

Bald Stockings (RH) (1837) Figure RH (Burton's) Copperbottom (RH) Narragansett Pacer (RH) Brutus (RH) Robin Grey (RH) Robin Grey Mare (RH) Sir Archy Mare (RH) Johnsons Copperbottom (RH) Royalist 28 (1817) Pitts Ball (RH) Lamplighter Mare (RH) (RH) RANDOLPHS CELER (RH) Celer Mare (RH) Lamplighter Mare (RH) Bald Stockings Dam (RH) (18??) Florizel 5 Sister To Juno 6 Tarquin (RH) RUNNING HORSE RUNNING HORSE MARE RUNNING HORSE Tarquin Mare (RH) () RUNNING HORSE Unrecorded Running Horse Running Horse RUNNING HORSE Mare RUNNING HORSE RUNNING HORSE Bay Tom (RH) (1846) RUNNING HORSE

No Reliable Info ()

Knights Snowheel (RH) ()

Ditto ()

Miss Snowheel (RH) () Clardys Copperbottom Fenwicks Copperbottom Mohawk (ASA) UNRECORDED Pat Malone (ASA) () Whip Son (RH) Alergine (RH) Unrccorded Betsey Baker (ASA) Suggs Stump The Dealer Maud (ASA) () Stump Mare (RH) featherstones old roan (RH)

Unrecorded ()

Florizel 5 Gibsons Tom Hal (RH) (1862) DIOMED Sister To Juno 6 Sir Archy Rockingham 24 Castianira Tabitha 13 Timoleon (RH) (1814) 12 SALTRAM Virago 7 Saltram Mare (RH) Symes Wildair Stump The Dealer (RH) () Wildair Mare (RH) Driver Mare (RH) DIOMED Florizel 5 Old Potomac (RH) Sister To Juno 6 Fairy (RH) Blicks Pegasus (RH) Potomac Mare (RH) (181?) Yorick Mare (RH) DIOMED Florizel 5 Diomed Mare (RH) Sister To Juno 6 Pegasus Mare (RH) Hoomes Pegasus Stump The Dealer Mare (RH) () RUNNING HORSE MARE A9




Julia Johnson (RH) (184?) Eclipse 12 SALTRAM Virago 7 Whip Herod 26 Herod Mare Oroonoko Mare Blackburns Whip (RH) (1805) Meades Celer (RH) RANDOLPHS CELER (RH) Sloe Mare Speckleback (RH) Meades Celer (RH) Whip (RH) (1825) Old Speckleback (RH) Pilgrim Mare (RH)


Julia (RH) ()


