Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM) and Kosovo International Assistance to Media
R E P R E S E N TATIVE ON FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM) and Kosovo International Assistance to Media A Report by Mark Thompson Vienna 2000 The cover is a drawing by the German author and Nobel Prize laureate (1999), Günter Grass, “Des Schreibers Hand” (The writer’s hand). He gave his kind permission for its use as the logo of the publications of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. The drawing was created in the context of his novel Das Treffen in Telgte, dealing with the literary authors at the time of the Thirty Years Wa r. This report was possible due to the financial support of the European Commission © Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media 2000 Kärntnerring 5/7, Top 14, 2. DG A-1010 Vienna, Austria Te l . +43-1 512 21 450 F a x +43-1 512 21 459 p m - f o m @ o s c e . o r g Design: WerkstattKrystianBieniek, Vi e n n a Printed by Eugen Ketterl, Vi e n n a C o n t e n t s Freimut Duve, 4 Foreword, 5 Slovenia, 8 Croatia, 13 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3 2 Macedonia (FYROM), 5 0 Kosovo, 6 1 Conclusions and Recommendations, 7 5 The Author, 9 5 P r e f a c e This extensive report by Mark Thompson, author and prominent expert, to my knowledge, is probably the first of its kind. When my office came to the conclusion that an overview on the media activities of international organi- zations in the post-Yugoslav world would be useful to governments and to those international organizations, which are involved in the post-war assis- tance, I had no trouble identifying the author with the relevant regional expe- rience and the necessary expert approach.
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