Zones Infectées an 26 Mai 1971
— 219 — DISEASES SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS - MALADIES SOUMISES AU RÈGLEMENT Infected Areas as on 26 May 1971 — Zones infectées an 26 mai 1971 For criteria used m compiling this lut, see page 223 — Les critères appliquas pour la compüahoa de cette liste sont publiés i la page 223. X Newly reported areas — Nouvelles zones signalées FUGUE — PESTE CBOLERA - CHOLÉRA Sefou, Return Nouna, Cerde Macina, Cercle Titao, Cerde Africa — Afrique Niono, Cercle Tougan, Cercle Africa — Afrique Ségou, Cercle Sikasso, Return Aau — Ana CONGO, DEM. BEP./RÉP. DËM. CAMEROON - CAMEROUN Koutiala, Cercle Krvu, Province Cameroun Onauiala, Provinca accidentel NIGER BURMA - BIRMANIE Victoria, Division Maradl, Departement Irrawaddy, Division MADAGASCAR Cameroun oriental Maxadi, Art Myaungmya, District Ttmuurive, Province Bamoun, Département Mayahi, An x Myaungmya, D Myaungmya Knbl, Département Tessaoua, Arr Mandalay, Division Artmnlmauo, S. Prif Margui-Wandala, Departement Niamey, Departement KyauJtsi, District IraarmftnatMil^ fanlnn Nyang-et-Kclle, Département Sanaga-Maritime, Département Nuuney, An Mandalay, D ; Mandalay Marinarivo, S. Prif. Woun, Département Ouallam, Air Analavoiy, Canton Say, Ait IN D U — INDE Téta, A n CHAD-TCHAD TiÛabéry, A n Ahmedabad (A) Fort-Lamy, Cap CA) Calcutta (P) (aid. A) Amstica — Amérique Ztnder, Departement Delhi (excL A) Gouré, Arc Madras (P) (excL A) BRAZIL-BRÉSIL DAHOMEY Taaout, Arr Nagpur (A) Département de l’Atlantique Zindcr Yille, A n ta ke, State Departement de l ’Ouémé Andhra Pradesh, Stase Xlpira,Muniapio NIGERIA - NIGERIA Chittoor, District East Godavari, District Cerna, State FRENCH TERRITORY OF THE Benue Hateau, State AFARS AND THE ISSAS Hyderabad, District Xlpu, Muoiaplo TERRITOIRE FRANÇAIS DES Igbolco, Division Visakhapatnam, Dismet Jos, Division West Godavari, District BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE AFARS ET DES ISSAS Makurdi, Division X Djibouti (exd PA) Wukan, Division Assam, State Le Fur, Department Kamrup, District East-Centrel State Nowgong, District Caupolirin.
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