Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1978-09-26
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• The aJ September 26, 1978 Vol. 111, No. 59 © 1978 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents' riefly Begin appeals for surrend'er of Sinai JERUSALEM (UPI) - Prime SAN DIEGO (U PI) - A commercial dangling from trees In the neighborhood MInister Menachem BegIn appealed to jeUiner approaching San Diego's airport nve miles from the airport. the people of Israel "with an aching and collided at 3,000 feet Monday with aUght The Cessna had taken off from Mon grieving heart" Monday to surrender plane nown by a private pilot on an in tgomery Field, a general aviation air. Jewlah settlements In the SInai because strument training run, sending both craft port, and was making an Instrument "this Is the road leading to peace." crashing In names Into a quiet landing at Undbergh Fjeld, the major But Foreign MInIster Moabe Dayan residential neighborhood. airport for commercial flights. MarIne said President Carter's peace efforts At least 144 people were killed, making GUMery Sgt. David L. Boswell, 35, may end In failure If Jordan and the crash America's "ont air disaster. oceanside, CalIf., was.t the controll and the Palestinians stay out of the The dead included aU 136 people aboard he was accompanied by an unldenWed negotiations. the Pacific South"est Airlinea commuter "It could be that from this wbole thing flight, the student pilot, hls instructor nothing will result," Dayan told a caucus and at least six people on the ground. Peopl. who Ii veIn the fllfht poth 01 j,l, of the coalition partner National Police said five people were arrested arrivIng and leavin, Irom Lindber,h ReUglous Party. on charges of looting. some trying to Fi,ld hallt been liehtln, lor yea,. to "Because Jordan won't go and remove money and jewelry from the hallt Ih' ell)l" International airport repreaentatlves of the PaJeatlnian Araba bodies of victims. EIght peraona were molltd to a I, ,.populat,d area - S.. won't want to come ... and Egypt won't taken Into custody on charges of falling to .tory, PO,t l . want to make a separate agreement only disperse. on Slnal- they've said they don't want a Flaming chunks of wreckage and instructor. separate agreement - it could be that we bodies crashed through the roofs of A Marine spokesman said BoneD had in of agree on all this and begin negotiations buildings the North Park section San several pilot'. licenses including one for and ne". see a concluaton." Diego. Many fires were touched off. Ten homes were leveled and five others were commercial multl~nglne aircraft. badly damaged. One two-story, elght loB for the casualties on the ground, an army of law enforcement officers and Giscard gov't loses unit apartment building was left in ruins. The Ught plane, a single engine Cesana military personnel was at the IlCene, PARIS (UPI) - President Valery trying to detennlne which victims were Giscard d'Estalng's center·rlght 172, struck the jeUiner's right wing. The PSA plane then slowly rolled over and passengers and which had been killed In coalItioo suffered a severe political their homes or on the street. setback Monday by losing its fourth plunged to earth. The Cessna crashed PoDce ChIef Bill Kolender said of the eight block! away. consecutive parliamentary by~lectlon to ground victims: "There have been "I looked up and heard what sounded the Left. like a bomb," said Mrs. Joseph Alessio, a several. There "as a child, SOlM adults. In the eastern steel and coal center of We don't know Mw many for sure. The I landlady who Uves In the area. "Then I Nancy, Jean.Jacques Servan-8chrelber, Intense heat of the flrea didn't leave leader of the Radical Parly and fonner saw the tall end of the plane come off. much of anything." publisher of the news magazine and two objects feU from the plane. I One ground victim was Identified as guess the first was part of the tall and the Darlene Watkins. Her brother, Sam L 'Exprell, was defeated by Socialist second a person." candidate Yvon Tondon, 30,757 votes to Rush, said a piece of the flaming debris The victims aboard the Boeing 1'0 feU onto her home. 21,851. Included a three-man cockpit crew and Servan-Schrelber attributed his defeat "My sister's lying there burned to to the "rising black tide of unem three flight attendants as well as 18 PSA death," Rush said. "She's all blllted up ployment" and to the unpopularity of the first officers. flight engineers and flight and everything." government's austerity policies. attendants - all members of crews The Cessna was owned by the Gibbs returning horne from other flights. Flying Service, and its owner, Bill Gibbs, By Unlled Prest International The colliBion occurred at 9 a.m. PDT. A Paclftc Southwest Alrlln .. Jet with 138 people lbolrd, III right 1111111 pllne II 3,000 f.. l. Ever,on, lboard Ihe J,I wla killed, I. said both Boswell and the Instructor Bodies were strewn on rooftops, front were "very experienced" fliers . Boswell A woman's place is wing Itlre. plunges lowlrd I Sin Diego r~ldenlill neighborhood WII' two peopl' In Ihe am,lI plane and at 1,.. 1 alx peopl' on the laWlIS, backyards, the sidewalks and Mlllldl" ani, flv, ml ... lIIort of IhI IIrport. The J'I collldlid wMh, ground; Ihe d'llh loll ml, 110 high.,. joined th MarIn In 1962 anel was streets. Parts of bodies were seen assigned to nearby Camp Pendleton In in the locker room September 1977. He was married. NEW YORK (UPI) - A f_al judge The death toU exceeded the fatalities In ruled Monday that women sportswriters the worst previous U.S. avladon aC have a constitutional right to enter the Experts ,scoff at 'co"nspiracy' eldent, a collison of two commerclal locker room of the New York Yankees planes over New York City In December alter a game to conduct Interviews. 1960 when 134 persona died. The worst air The decision by U.S. DIstrict Judge WASHINGTON (UPI) - Tapping giant hearings on the 15-yearold assassination. He said experts who plotted tile precise Sgt. Cecil Kirk, director of the Mobile disaster eger was the coUialon of two Constance Baker MoUey struck down the charts with wooden pointers, three teams Dr. Bob Hunt, associate professor of location of Zapruder and the motorcade Crime Laboratory of the Washington jumbo jets In Tenerlfe, Canary 1s1anda, effort by Baseball Commlasloner BowIe of Investigators Monday painstakingly optical sciences at the University of concluded the head was of a man stan· Metropolltan Police Department, said on March 22, 1977, when 582 died. Kuhn and the Yankee management to presented evidence aimed at Arizona, said his team of photo experts ding on the sldewaJk and the rifle barrel his panel of experts studied a series of Lindbergh Field has been under maintain the clubhouse locker room as demolishing conspiracy theories about rejected a picture said to show the shots was probably the limb of a shrub. photos taken of Oswald from his time as a crltlciam by pllots saying the eastern an all-male preserve. the assassination of John F. Kennedy. came from the knoll opposite the Texas But Hunt's team failed to agree on the Marine until his slaying. approach - a 1,0000foot-wide corridor - Judge MoUey ruled that the pollcy of But In testimony llltely to encourage School Book Depository. interpretation of a blurred picture from Kirk said his team unanimously to the airport requires a sharp drop after toW exclusion of women from the assassination buffs, one of the teams Using 4-by-3-foot color enlargements another amateur film showing what rejected theories by assassination buffs clearing downtown San DIego. Yankee locker room does not violate the conceded It failed to reach agreement on from Abraham Zapruder's amateur appears to be a man standing behind a that some of the photos were faked, There bas been a battle for years over players' rights to privacy, but does a photo of what appears to be a man with motion picture of the assassination, Hunt parapet on the grassy knoll with concluding the pictures "were aU of the the building of a new airport In a safer deprive women sports writers of their a rifle atop the grassy knoll at the scene said what appears to be a man with a something, perhaps a rifle, In his hands. one and same man - Lee Harvey area. Some "anted a global airport that rights to equal protection of the laws. of the assassination. rifle was actually a trick of sunlight. He said analysis Indicated the Oswald." would aerve five southern CalIfornia She suggested a number of ways, In· The panels of photographic, an He Similarly analyzed a section of the existence of a man but the experts were Clyde Collins Snow, chief of physical counties. cludlng the UJe of curtains, to shield thropological and handwriting experts film showing what appears to be a man's divided over whether the object he held anthropology reaearch at the Federal One of the wltneaaes to the InflIght playn from the "roving eyes" of female lectured the House Assassinations head and the barrel of a rifle pointing could be identified as a rifle. He said Avlatlon Administration's Aeronautical colliaion was Andy Ruaaell who aid: "I reporters. Committee classroom-style in the final through shrubs toward the presidential there was no sign of gunsmoke or muzzle Center In Oklahoma City, said hls team don't know why, but God, it leemed The ruling was IlUlde on the complaint week of a month-long series of public limousine.