FPPC #1263363 | FEC # C00396556 Assalaamun alaykum, CAIR-CA PAC is pleased to present the 2016 Voter Guide. In this guide, we make recommendations about how you should vote in the presidential race (page 2), with respect to state propositions (pages 3-5), and in congressional, state, and local elections (county-specific recommendations begin on page 6). An independent and non-partisan group, CAIR-CA PAC is the largest political action committee that represents the interests of American Muslims. When deciding whether to endorse a candidate or contribute to a candidate’s campaign, CAIR-CA PAC leaders evaluate the candidate’s: (1) History of support for and positive interaction with the American Muslim community; and (2) Policies and history in the following areas: civil rights/civil liberties, education, the economy, the environment, immigration, and healthcare. We consider similar factors when evaluating state propositions. For more information about CAIR-CA PAC or to make a contribution, please contact us via email at
[email protected]. With du’as, CAIR-CA PAC* * CAIR-CA PAC’s Executive Committee consists of Joseph Salas (President), Hanna Chandoo (Secretary), and Tahir Farukhi (Treasurer). Hussam Ayloush, Mehdireza Hirji, and Fahd Jamil currently serve on the PAC’s Board of Directors. 1 FPPC #1263363 | FEC # C00396556 Office Candidate U.S. President Hillary Clinton U.S. Vice President Tim Kaine U.S. Senate Kamala Harris (dual endorsement) Loretta Sanchez 2 FPPC #1263363 | FEC # C00396556 Proposition Position 51 [Authorizes the state