The Daily Iowan TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2019 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ INSIDE IOWA POLITICS Iowa ag affected in government shutdown The Iowa secretary of agriculture said disruptions in partnerships with federal agencies are concerns during the U.S. government shutdown. BY JULIA SHANAHAN ers. for the $12 billion federal-aid pack- “We are continuing to create uncer-
[email protected] States are prevented from imple- age offered to those affected by the tainty.” menting federal farm-bill policies U.S. ongoing trade dispute with Operationally, he said, the shut- Reynolds embarks on first DES MOINES — Iowa Secretary and funding, which will add to the China. down has disrupted partnerships full term as governor of Agriculture Mike Naig said on uncertainty surrounding funding “We have just pushed that un- and contracts the state has with such The DI will be in Des Moines today Monday that the partial govern- for conservation programs and certainty into 2019 on a variety of federal agencies as the Environ- to cover Gov. Kim Reynolds’ ment shutdown in Washington, food stamps in the new year. fronts, whether it’s [federal aid] mental Protection Agency, Food and second Condition of the State which enters its 25th day today, has Some farmers who harvested late payments, or whether it’s needing address, which will outline her had consequences for Iowa farm- have also not been able to sign up to see progress on trade,” Naig said. SEE SHUTDOWN, 2 legislative goals for 2019. The day also marks the release of Reyn- olds’ proposed fiscal 2020 budget and funding priorities.