CREATIVE ARTS Entry deadline: July 24 Dept. CA NOTE: CREATIVE ARTS is RETURNING to the EXHIBITION HALL. We will be joining our fellow Montana State Fair Departments, Home Arts, Quilting, Schools, and Weaving & Wool in the Exhibition Hall. Meghan Wakeley, Superintendent Email:
[email protected] Genevieve Mackey, Asst Superintendent Email:
[email protected] CREATIVE ARTS MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to provide an attractive, clean area for exhibition and display of the diverse collection of artwork clustered under the heading of Creative Arts. We will furnish fair and competent judging by craftsmen in each section. We will strive to create a friendly warm atmosphere where all visitors would be at ease to linger, look and learn about all the different types of artwork on display. JUDGES: TBA 2021 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (All activities listed will be in the Exhibition Hall) Monday, July 5 9am – 4pm Entry Office open in Mercantile Building to accept early entry forms and entries. Friday, July 23 Early entry forms are encouraged. Need not pay at this time. Saturday, July 24 10am – 4pm Entries accepted in Creative Arts in the Exhibition Hall Sunday, July 25 12pm – 4pm Entries accepted in Creative Arts in the Exhibition Hall Tuesday, July 27 1pm Judging: Leatherwork, Metal Work, and Woodworking 2:30pm Judging: Ceramics and Tole or Decorative Painting 3:30pm Judging: Variety Fare Friday, July 30 Noon Fair opens to the public Sunday, August 8 10am – 2pm Entries released in Department. Please make every effort to pick up your entries during this time frame. Unclaimed entries will be held at the Entry Office from Monday thru Thursday of the week following fair.