Investment Opportunities in Bumi Muda Sedia ( Tamiang )

PB 1 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)




H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn adalah seorang putra Tamiang yang lahir di Seruway H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn., Son of Tamiang, was born in Seruway on 26 pada tanggal 26 Maret 1958. Beliau dilantik sebagai Bupati Aceh March 1958. He was inaugurated as the Regent of Aceh Tamiang on Tamiang pada tanggal 29 Desember 2017 untuk masa tugas dari Tahun 29 December 2017 for the term of 2017-2022 period. He completed 2017-2022. Riwayat pendidikan, beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan dasar his primary education in State Elementary School (SDN) 6 of Tanjung di SD Negeri 6 Tanjung Mulia Tahun 1970, kemudian SMP Negeri Kuala Mulia (graduated in 1970), then State Junior High School (SMPN) of Simpang Tahun 1974, dan SMA Negeri Kuala Simpang Tahun 1977. Kuala Simpang (graduated in 1974), and State Senior High School Untuk pendidikan tingginya beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana (SMAN) of Kuala Simpang (graduated in 1977). While his higher (S1) pada Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) Tahun 1985, education he completed his first degree (S1) at Syiah Kuala University pendidikan Magister (S2) pada Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan (UNSYIAH) of Banda Aceh (graduated in 1985), then his Master Degree Tahun 2012. Dari perkawinannya Bapak H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn dikaruniai 5 (S2) he obtained at University of Sumatera Utara (USU) of Medan in orang anak yaitu 2 orang putera dan 3 orang puteri. 2012. From her marriage, Mr. H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn., has 2 sons and 3 daughters.

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Dedikasinya yang tinggi dalam bekerja telah mengantar beliau menduduki jabatan penting dalam pemerintahan. Adapun riwayat His high dedication to work has led him to occupy important positions pekerjaan beliau antara lain adalah sebagai Kepala Kantor Pertanahan in the governance. The history of his work, among others, was as Head Kabupaten Aceh Barat Tahun 1999, sebagai Kepala Kantor Pertanahan of Land Affairs Agency of (1999), Head of Land Kabupaten Aceh Timur Tahun 2003, sebagai Kepala Kantor Pertanahan Affairs Agency Office of (2003), and Head of Land Kabupaten Bireuen Tahun 2011. Dan yang terakhir sebelum menjabat Affairs Agency Office of Bireuen Regency (2011). And the last before sebagai Bupati Aceh Tamiang adalah sebagai Kepala Kantor Wilayah serving as the Regent of Aceh Tamiang was as Head of Regional Office Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Provinsi Aceh di Banda Aceh pada of National Land Affairs Agency (BPN) of Aceh Province in Banda Aceh Tahun 2012. (2012).

Dengan berbekal ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang beliau With his knoledge and experience, Mr. H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn. together miliki, Bapak H. Mursil, SH, M.Kn bersama Wakil Bupati Bapak H. with Vice Regent Mr. H. Tengku Insyafuddin, is determined to build Tengku Insyafuddin bertekad untuk membangun Kabupaten Aceh Aceh Tamiang Regency with Vision: “Independent and Competitive Tamiang dengan Visi Aceh Tamiang Mandiri dan Berdaya Saing menuju Aceh Tamiang towards a Prosperous Islamic Society” as stated in the masyarakat Islami yang Sejahtera sesuai yang tertuang dalam dokumen document of The Medium-term of Development Plan (RPJMK) Year Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Kabupaten (RPJMK) Aceh 2018-2022 of Aceh Tamiang Regency. Tamiang Tahun 2018-2022.

Untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan realisasi investasi di Aceh In order to improve and increase the realization of investments in Tamiang, beliau bertekad untuk mewujudkan dan mengembangkan Aceh Tamiang, he is determined to realize and develop industrial area kawasan industry (industry halal food). Industri pengolahan makanan (halal food industry). The planned area for food processing industry yang direncanakan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengolah hasil produksi is intended to process regional leading production of food crops unggulan daerah sektor tanaman pangan (pertanian dan perkebunan), (agriculture and plantation), animal husbandry and fishery sectors. peternakan dan perikanan.

2 3 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang) Visi : “ACEH TAMIANG MANDIRI DAN BERDAYA SAING MENUJU MASYARAKAT ISLAMI YANG SEJAHTERA”. Misi : 1. Meningkatkan kualitas pengamalan Syariat Islam dengan upaya-upaya keteladanan dan Pengembangan Budaya Islam. 2. Memantapkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, melayani, berkualitas dan berbasis Information Communication Technology (ICT). 3. Meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi kerakyatan, pembangunan pertanian, peternakan, perkebunan, perikanan, kelautan dan potensi sumber daya alam lainnya.


Mission : 1. To improve the quality of Islamic Shari’a practice with exemplary efforts and to develop Islamic Culture; 2. To strengthen good governance, public servings, and qualified based on Information Communication Technology (ICT); 3. To increase economic growth and prosperity of the society by empowering the people’s economy, developments of agriculture, animal husbandry, plantation, fishery, marine and other natural resources potential; Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)

4. Pemantapan aksesibilitas dan kualitas pelayanan pendidikan dan kebudayaan, kesehatan serta ketenagakerjaan. 5. Meningkatkan pembangunan infrastruktur prasarana sarana layanan dasar serta pembangunan lingkungan berkelanjutan dan mitigasi bencana. 6. Penguatan peran dan fungsi lembaga pemerintah tingkat kecamatan dan Kampung. 7. Pemberdayaan dan Perlindungan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak Serta Pembinaan Pemuda dan Olah Raga.

4. To strengthen the accessibility and quality of education and cultural, health and employment services; 5. To increase developments of infrastructure, basic service facilities and sustainable environmental development and disaster mitigation. 6. To strengthen the roles and functions of government institutions at District and Kampong levels. 7. Empowerment and Protection of Women and Children as well as the Development of Youth and Sports.

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Letak, Luas dan Batas Wilayah Location, Area and Boundary Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Aceh, merupakan Aceh Tamiang Regency is one of the Regencies in Aceh hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan terletak di perbatasan Aceh- Province, is the result of the division from East Aceh Sumatera Utara. Regency and located on the border of Aceh and North Sumatera. Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang berada pada 03O53’18,81”-04O32’56,76” Lintang Aceh Tamiang Regency is located at 03O53’18.81”- Utara dan 97O43’41,51”– 04O32’56.76” North Latitude and 97O43’41.51”- 98O 14’45,41”Bujur 98O14’45.41” East Longitude, with an area of about

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Timur, dengan luas wilayah sekitar 1.957,02 km2 dan ketinggian antara 1,957.02 km2 and altitude between 20 to 700 m above sea level. The 20 dan 700 m di atas permukaan laut. Kabupaten ini terbagi atas 12 Regency is divided into 12 Districts (the Districts of Tamiang Hulu, Kecamatan (Tamiang Hulu, Bandar Pusaka, Kejuruan Muda, Tenggulun, Bandar Pusaka, Kejuruan Muda, Tenggulun, Rantau, Kota Kuala Rantau, Kota Kuala Simpang, Seruway, Bendahara, Banda Mulia, Simpang, Seruway, Bendahara, Banda Mulia, Karang Baru, Sekerak Karang Baru, Sekerak, dan Manyak Payed) dengan 27 Mukim, 213 Desa and Manyak Payed) with 27 Mukims, 213 Villages and 705 Hamlets. dan 705 Dusun. Batas-batasnya adalah: Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Kota The boundaries are : East Aceh Regency, City and Malacca Langsa dan Selat Malaka di sebelah Utara; Kabupaten Langkat (Provinsi Straits in the North; Langkat Regency (North Province) Sumatera Utara) dan Selat Malaka di sebelah Timur; Kabupaten Langkat and Malacca Strait in the East; Langkat Regency (North Sumatera (Provinsi Sumatera Utara) dan Kabupaten Gayo Lues di sebelah Selatan; Province) and in the South; East Aceh and Gayo dan Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan Kabupaten Gayo Lues di sebelah Barat. Lues Regencies in the West.

Iklim Climate Curah hujan di Kabupaten ini berkisar antara 176 mm dan 1.953 mm, The Rainfall in Aceh Tamiang Regency ranges from 176 mm to 1,953 dengan hari hujan antara 14 dan 117 hari hujan. mm, with rainy days between 14 to 117 rain days per year.

Penduduk Population Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang memiliki 282.921 penduduk terbagi dalam Aceh Tamiang Regency has a population of 282,921 people divided 66.752 rumah-tangga, dengan komposisi 142.914 laki-laki dan 140.007 into 66,752 households, with a composition of 142,914 men and wanita (rasio: 102), laju pertumbuhan mencapai 1,65% dan kepadatan 140,007 women (sex-ratio: 102); the growth rate reached 1.65% and mencapai 145 orang/km2. Angkatan Kerja tercatat 119.116 orang the density reached 145 people/ km2. The workforce recorded 119,116 (102.400 orang bekerja; dan 16.716 orang pengganguran terbuka). people (102,400 working people, and 16,716 open unemployment). Sedangkan non Angkatan Kerja berjumlah 68.658 orang (22.363 orang While the non-labor force amounted to 68,658 people (22,363 people

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bersekolah; 34.398 orang mengurusi rumah-tangga; dan 11.897 orang went to school, 34,398 people took care of households, and 11,897 memiliki kegiatan lain). Dengan demikian Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan people had other activities). Thus the Labor Force Participation Rate Kerja (TPAK) mencapai 63,44 dan Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) (LFPR/TPAK) reached 63.44 and the Open Unemployment Rate (OUR/ sekitar 14,03%. Penduduk miskin tercatat 14,51%; Indeks Pembangunan TPT) was about 14.03%. The poor were 14.51% and the Human Manusia (IPM): 67,41. Development Index (HDI) was 67.41.

Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) PDRB Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang masih didominasi oleh Sektor GRDP of Aceh Tamiang Regency was still dominated by the Agriculture, Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan dengan 40,54%; disusul oleh Forestry and Fishery Sector with 40.54%; followed by the Large-scale Sektor Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Motor and Retail Trade Sector, Car and Motorcycle Service Stations (10.79%) (10,79%) dan Sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian (10,64%). and the Mineral Mining Sector (10.64%).

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Kondisi Sosial / Social Condition

207 Private Quran Education (TPA); 12 State Kindergarten (TKN) and 168 Private Kindergarten; 153 State Elementary School (SDN) and 9 Private SD; 10 State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIN) and 12 Private MI; 48 State 1 EDUCATION Junior High Schools (SMP) and 9 Private SMP; 3 State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) and 20 Private MTs; 15 State Senior High Schools (SMAN) and 5 Private SMA; 5 State Vocational High School (SMKN) and 3 Private SMK; and 2 State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) and 12 Private MA. 2 General Hospitals (RSUD and RSPP) in Karang Baru and Rantau; 14 Public Health Centers (PHC/Puskesmas), 34 Sub-PHC (Pustu), 292 Integrated Services Posts (Posyandu), 15 Polyclinics and 192 Rural Maternity Posts (Polindes)/Rural Health Posts (Poskesdes) and 38 Doctor Practices, 13 Midwife Practices and 28 Drug Shops; 2 HEALTH 42 Family Planning Clinics (KKB) and 213 Village Family Service Posts (PPKBD). Health Personnel: 25 General Practitioners, 8 Dentists, 6 Contract Midwives, 132 PTT Midwives, 239 Civil Servant Nurses and 64 Contract Nurses, 16 Civil Servant and 5 Contract Pharmaceuticals, 3 Civil Servant Nutritionists and 9 Civil Servant Sanitation Personnel as well as a Medical Technician.

275,448 Muslims (291 mosques, 356 small mosques and 130 meunasah); 270 Catholics, 138 Protestants, 3 RELIGION 696 Buddhist and 3 Hindus.

Potensi Sumber Daya Alam / Potential Natural Resources

1. AGRICULTURE Harvested area of wetland paddy: 29,965 ha with paddy production: 186,142 tons; maize (988 ha; a. Crops production: 3,003.4 tons); soybeans (260 ha; 382.5 tons); cassava (57 ha; 1,126 tons); sweet potato (25 ha; 85 tons); peanuts (37 ha, 62.2 tons); mungbeans (25 ha, 27.7 tons).

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b. Horticulture 125,524 fruit trees ready for harvest with production of 35,954 tons (durian, pineapple, banana, grapefruit, papaya, mangosteen, sapodilla, lansium, guava, cempedak/jackfruit and mango). 666 ha of vegetable harvest area with production of 7,365 tons (long beans, tomatoes, red pepper, mustard greens, spinach, eggplant and cucumber). Medical herbs: turmeric (0.0014 ha; 0.168 tons); ginger (0.0017 ha, 0,172 tons).

Production of Large Plantations: Fruit palm (27 companies : harvested area: 33,164.50 ha; production: 163,279,959.98 tons) and rubber ( 3 companies; 525 ha; 801,573,388 tons); Smallholder production: oil 2. PLANTATION palm 16,285 ha; 219,848 tons), rubber (14,606 ha; 13,121.1 tons), coconut (470 ha; 237.5 tons), areca nut (636 ha; 216.3 tons), sago (19 ha, 11.3 tons), sugar-palm (26 ha, 15.3 tons), coffee (5 ha, 1.5 tons); cacao (1,066 ha; 639.4 tons), patchouli (0.5 ha; 0.03 tons) and kapok (3 ha; 0.15 tons).

Forest area: 82,178.54 ha (protected forest: 43,612.28 ha; production forest: 18,181.39 ha; mangrove for- 3. FORESTRY est: 20,384.87 ha). Forest products: logs (432,636 m3) and processed wood (1,926,273 m3).

4. LIVESTOCK 71,948 cows; 630 buffaloes; 27,609 goats and 12,477 sheep.

Land area Productive Fishery: 2,025 ha (freshwater ponds: 50 ha and brackish water ponds: 1,975 ha); Marine Capture Fishery Production: 7,075.5 tons; Brackish Water Aquaculture Fishery Production: 619.5 5. MARINE / FISHERY tons (shrimp, fish and crab); Freshwater Aquaculture Production: 196.8 tons (catfish, gourami, Nile tilapia, common carp, Mozambique tilapia and giant prawns).

Electricity: 52.784.918 KW installed power; 104,622,562 KWh of production. 6. ENERGY Drinking water: 13,648 customers with 3,103,151 m3 of water supplied, with 7 processing units, capacity 350 liter/second.

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There are 3 inns and 67 Restaurants/Food-stalls. The number of tourists is 4,353 people (269 foreign and 7. TOURISM 4,048 domestic tourists). There are 152 Art and Culture Studios. The Regency has: 32 Natural Tourism, 1 Special Interest Tourism and 1 Artificial Tourism.

Sarana Dan Prasarana / Facilities And Infrastructure

Number of businesses: 313 units with 11,838 workers. Production Value of Small Industry: IDR. 3,962,500,000 (formal) and IDR. 161,821,548,000 (non-formal). INDUSTRY / 1 TRADE There are 27 traditional markets. There are 21 Banks and 4 Pawnshops. Road Length: 1,016,170 km (State Road: 48,570 km; Provincial Road: 44,200 km; and Regency Road: 923,400 2 TRANSPORTATION km), with 1,766 units of bridges along 6,564.3 meters. 2 Inner-City Terminals and 1 Inter-Provincial/Regency Terminal; 8 Post Offices.

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MENGAPA BERINVESTASI DI KABUPATEN ACEH TAMIANG ? Kabupaten ini berada di jalur timur Sumatera yang sangat strategis dan hanya berjarak lebih kurang 250 km dari Kota Medan sehingga akses serta harga barang di kawasan ini relatif lebih murah daripada daerah Aceh lainnya. Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang merupakan daerah penghasil minyak dan gas meski jumlahnya tidak sebesar Kabupaten Aceh Utara, dan kawasan ini juga merupakan salah satu pusat perkebunan kelapa sawit di Aceh. Sektor unggulan lainnya di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah sektor perkebunan, pertanian, peternakan, dan perikanan serta sektor perdagangan dan jasa. Oleh karena itu, di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang sangat cocok didirikan industri pengolahan hasil tanaman pangan, perkebunan, dan perikanan.


The Regency is on the eastern path of Sumatra which is very strategic and only about 250 km from Medan City, so that access and price of goods in the area are relatively cheaper than in other Aceh regions. Aceh Tamiang Regency is a producer of crude palm oil and natural gas, though the amount is not as lot as produced in , and the Regency is also one of the plantation center of Oil Palm in Aceh. Other leading sectors in Aceh Tamiang Regency are Plantation, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Sectors as well as Trade and Services Sector. Therefore, in Aceh Tamiang Regency it is very suitable for industries processing food crops, plantation, and fishery foods.

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1. Sektor Perkebunan 1. Plantation Sector Wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang sangat berpotensi untuk Aceh Tamiang Regency is very potential for the development of pengembangan tanaman perkebunan. Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang plantation crops. Aceh Tamiang Regency has several commodities memiliki beberapa komoditi yang menjadi andalan di bidang which are the mainstay in the field of plantation, among others: perkebunan antara lain : kelapa sawit, karet, dan kakao. Disamping palm oil, rubber, and cocoa. Besides the commodities which are komoditi yang menjadi andalan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang ada the mainstay in Aceh Tamiang Regency, there are several local beberapa komoditi lokal yang juga menjadi perhatian Pemerintah commodities that are also in attention of Local Government to be Daerah untuk dikembangkan yaitu : kelapa, pinang, aren, sagu, developed, such as: coconut, areca nut, sugar palm, sago, coffee, kopi, kemiri, kapuk dan nilam. candle nut, kapok and patchouli.

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Peluang Investasi Sektor Perkebunan Investment Opportunity on The Plantation Sector

1. Pembangunan pabrik/industri pangan olahan dari CPO, coklat, 1. Construction of factory/industry of processed food from kelapa seperti pabrik minyak goreng dan pabrik pangan olahan CPO, cocoa, coconut such as vegetable oil factory and other lainnya. processed food factories. 2. Pembangunan pabrik latex/karet. 2. Construction of latex/rubber factory.

2. Sektor Pertanian 2. Agricultural Sector Potensi utama sektor pertanian di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah The main potential on the Agricultural Sector in Aceh Tamiang tanaman pangan yaitu padi, jagung dan kedelai. Disamping itu, Regency is food crops such as paddy, maize and soybeans. In produksi tanaman sayuran seperti mentimun, kacang panjang, addition, the production of vegetable crops such as cucumbers,

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terong, dan buah-buahan seperti durian, rambutan dan buah naga long beans, eggplants, and local fruits such as durian, rambutan juga memiliki potensi yang besar. and dragon fruit also have great potential.

Peluang Investasi Sektor Pertanian Investment Opportunity on The Agriculture Sector 1. Pembangunan pabrik/industri pangan olahan hasil pertanian. 1. Construction of food factory/industry of processed agricultural 2. Pembangunan kilang padi skala besar/Rice Mill. products. 2. Construction of large-scale Paddy Mill. 3. Sektor Peternakan 3. Animal Husbandry Sector Potensi Sektor Peternakan yang sangat menjanjikan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah peternakan dan pengembangan The potential on the very promising Animal Husbandry Sector in penggemukan sapi, kerbau, kambing, domba dan ayam. Sektor Aceh Tamiang Regency is breeding and fattening development peternakan memberikan peluang besar untuk berinvestasi, dengan of beef cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and chickens. The Animal

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didukung oleh lahan yang luas untuk tempat peternakan, lahan Husbandry Sector provides a great opportunity to invest, rumput untuk pakan ternak dan fasilitas berupa pasar hewan yang supported by extensive land for ranching, grassland for animal berada di jalur Lintas–Sumatera yang terletak di Kecamatan Manyak feed and animal market facilities located in the Sumatera Cross- Payed, sehingga memudahkan para peternak memasarkan ternak Lane located in Manyak Payed District, making it easier for dagangannya. farmers to market their livestock products.

Peluang Investasi Sektor Peternakan Investment Opportunity on The Livestock Sector 1. Usaha penggemukan dan peternakan sapi, kerbau, kambing 1. Fattening and breeding of cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep; dan domba 2. Construction of meat and dairy processing factory/industry; 2. Pembangunan pabrik/industri pengolahan daging dan susu. 3. Construction of leather factory/industry. 3. Pembangunan pabrik/industri kulit. 4. Fisheries Sector 4. Sektor Perikanan Potential on the Fishery Sector in Aceh Tamiang Regency is the Potensi sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah hasil result of capture fisheries such as shrimp, crab, common squid, perikanan tangkap seperti udang, kepiting, cumi-cumi, kerapu, grouper, pomfret, short-body mackerel, narrow-barred Spanish bawal, kembung, tenggiri, kakap dan jenis ikan laut lainnya. mackerel, snapper and other types of marine fish. While the results Sedangkan hasil perikanan budidaya seperti ikan lele, gurami, nila of aquaculture such as catfish, gourami, Nile tilapia and common dan mas. carp.

Peluang Investasi Sektor Perikanan Investment Opportunity on The Fishery Sector 1. Pembangunan pabrik pengolahan/pengalengan ikan untuk skala 1. Construction of processing factory/fish canning for small/ kecil/menengah. medium scale;

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2. Usaha perikanan budidaya. 2. Fishery Aquaculture Business; 3. Usaha Rumah Makan Seafood. 3. Seafood Restaurant Business.

5. Sektor Pariwisata 5. Tourism Sector Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Provinsi Aceh, terkenal dengan kekayaan Aceh Tamiang Regency of Aceh Province is famous for its rich of objek wisatanya yang ramai dikunjungi para wisatawan dari berbagai tourism objects which are visited by tourists from various regions daerah maupun lokal. and locals.

Peluang Daerah Kunjungan Wisata Regional Potential Tourism Visits Adapun jenis-jenis objek wisata yang terdapat di Kabupaten Aceh The types of existed tourism objects in Aceh Tamiang Regency, Tamiang antara lain : among others are:

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a. Objek Wisata Alam Objek wisata ini antara lain Pantai Kuala Ketapang dan Pantai Pusung Cium; Air Terjun Sangka Pane, Air Terjun Sungai Rengas, Air Terjun Ekor Kuda, Air Terjun Lubuk Aren, Air Terjun Alur Batu, Air Terjun Seribu, Air Terjun Sungai Bampu, Air Terjun Pandan Lestari dan Air Terjun Sampan Lestari, Goa Kubin, Goa Pintu Angin, Goa Indah, Goa Gunung Pandan, Goa Pintu Janggut dan Goa Angin Mahkota; Pemandian Kuala Parit, Pemandian Gunung Pandan, Kolam Mata Air Belerang, Pemandian DAM, Jatih Asih Sumber Air Panas, Pemandian Batu Gantung Kala Muning, Pemandian Titi Biru, Pemandian Alam Kuala Bilo Uteun dan Pemandian Alam Atu Gombak; dan Wisata Pancing)

a. Natural Tourism Object These objects include: Beaches of Kuala Ketapang and Pusung Cium; Waterfalls of Sangka Pane, Rengas River, Ekor Kuda, Lubuk Aren, Alur Batu, Seribu, Bampu River, Pandan Lestari and Sampan Lestari; Caves of, Kubin, Pintu Angin, Indah, Mount Pandan, Panggu Doang and Angin Mahkota; Swimming Pools of Kuala Parit, Mount Pandan, Sulfur Springs, DAM, Jatih Asih Hot Water Spring, Batu Gantung Kala Muning, Titi Biru, Kuala Bilo Uteun Natural and Atu Gombak Natural; and Fishing Trip).

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b. Objek Wisata Heritage/Sejarah Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang masuk ke dalam daerah pengembangan Wisata Heritage di Provinsi Aceh karena di Daerah ini memiliki banyak bangunan/tempat-tempat bersejarah. Yang termasuk objek wisata ini adalah Bukit Kerang berada di Desa Masjid, dan kuburan sepanjang tujuh meter yakni Keramat Tengku Tinggi di Desa Tengku Tinggi. Di Desa Mesjid Sungai Iyu, Kecamatan Bendahara, ditemukan bukit yang isinya berupa kulit kerang. Bila ingin mengunjungi Istana Raja Karang yang kini dijadikan museum terdapat di Kecamatan Karang Baru. Di Karang Baru juga banyak ditemukan lokasi wisata peninggalan masa kerajaan, seperti makam raja-raja dan keturunannya serta masjidnya. Istana Raja lainnya juga dapat dikunjungi yaitu Istana Raja Benua di Desa Benua Raja Kecamatan Rantau. Sementara di Kecamatan Kejuruan Muda, tepatnya di Desa Tanjung Mancang, di tengah-

b. Heritage/Historical Tourism Objects Aceh Tamiang Regency is included in the development of Heritage Tourism in Aceh Province because in the area there are so many historical buildings/places. Included in these tourism objects are Kerang Hill located in Masjid Village, and the seven-meter tombs named Keramat Tengku Tinggi in Tengku Tinggi Village. In Mesjid Sungai Iyu Village of Bendahara District, it is found a hill full of shells. If someone wants to visit the Palace of King Karang which is now used as a museum located in Karang Baru District. In Karang Baru also found many tourism sites of the royal period relics, such as Tombs of Kings and their descendants and Mosques. Other King’s Palace can also be visited namely the Palace of King Benua in Benua Raja Village of Rantau District. While in Kejuruan Muda District, precisely in Tanjung Mancang Village, in the middle of

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tengah persawahan ada sebuah bukit yang keseluruhan isinya berupa kulit remis (sejenis kerang kecil yang hidup di air tawar). Di bukit tersebut telah ditemukan peninggalan semasa zaman batu berupa beberapa fosil, seperti kapak batu dan lain lain.

c. Objek Wisata Minat Khusus (Penangkaran Tuntong Laut di Desa Pusong Kapal, Kecamatan Seruway) Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) adalah salah satu satwa (penyu) yang keberadaannya sudah sulit sekali ditemukan, terutama di . Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) termasuk satwa yang dilindungi berdasarkan PP No. 7 Tahun 1999. Di Sumatera dikenal sebagai beluku, tuntong semangka dan tuntung. Sedangkan di Kalimantan Barat disebut kura-kura jidat merah, dan di Kalimantan

wetland paddy fields, there is a hill that the whole contents of the skin of clams (a kind of small shells that live in freshwater). In the hills it has been found relics during the stone age of some fossils, such as stone axes and others.

c. Special Interest Object (Sea Turtle Breeding in Pusong Kapal Village of Seruway District) Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) is one of the animals (turtle) whose existence is very hard to find, especially in Indonesia. Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) is included as protected animals based on the Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999. In Sumatra it is known as beluku, tuntong semangka and tuntung. While in West Kalimantan it is called red forehad turtle, and in

20 21 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)

Timur disebut tumtum. Tuntong Laut sering kali diburu untuk East Kalimantan it is called tumtum. Tuntong Laut is often diambil telurnya sebagai hidangan tradisional yang dinamakan hunted, to take its eggs for the main ingredient of a traditional Tengulik. Sementara Tuntong kecil atau dewasa sering dijadikan dish called Tengulik. While small or adult Tuntong often used hewan peliharaan. PT Pertamina EP Field Rantau Aceh menjalin as pets. PT Pertamina EP Field Rantau Aceh cooperates with kerja sama dengan Yayasan Satu Cita Lestari Indonesia (YSCLI) Satu Cita Lestari Indonesia (YSCLI) Foundation to preserve melakukan pelestarian Tuntong Laut di Desa Pusong Kapal, Tuntong Laut in Pusong Kapal Village of Seruway District, Kecamatan Seruway, sekitar 30 km dari Ibukota Kabupaten. about 30 km from the Capital city of the Regency. Coastal Pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, antara lain di tiga kawasan area of Aceh Tamiang Regency, among others in three coastal pesisir pantai, yaitu Pantai Pusung Putus, Pantai Pusung Cium areas, namely the Beaches of Pusung Putus, Pusung Cium and dan Pantai Pusung Ujung Tamiang menjadi wilayah yang sering Pusung Ujung Tamiang become regions frequently visited by dikunjungi oleh Tuntong Laut ini untuk bertelur. Tuntong Laut to lay their eggs.

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d. Objek Wisata Buatan (Wisata Hutan Mangrove di Lubuk Damar, Kecamatan Seruway). Lokasi tempat wisata ini adalah di Desa Lubuk Damar, Kecamatan Seruway. Pemerintah Daerah mencoba melakukan penyelamatan kepunahan mangrove akibat penebangan liar dan alih fungsi lahan. Dengan menjadikan wilayah ini sebagai tempat wisata, diharapkan kepunahan mangrove akan dapat diatasi. Lokasi wisata ini berada + 36 km dari ibukota Aceh Tamiang dengan luas lahan sekitar 15 ha.

d. Artificial Tourism Object (Mangrove Forest Tourism in Lubuk Damar of Seruway District). The location of the resort is in Lubuk Damar Village of Seruway District. The local government is trying to rescue the extinction of mangroves due to illegal logging and landfills. By making the region as a tourism destination, it is expected that mangrove extinction will be overcome. The tourism location is about 36 km from the capital of Aceh Tamiang and located on an area of about 15 ha.

22 23 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)

Obyek wisata unggulan lainnya yang perlu dikunjungi antara lain adalah:

1. Pantai Balai Pantai Balai merupakan tempat wisata di Aceh Tamiang yaitu salah satu gampong yang ada di Kecamatan Seruway. Seperti pantai di tempat wisata di daerah lainnya, Pantai Balai juga memiliki hamparan pasir di tepi pantai yang indah. Meskipun Pantai ini belum terlalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan namun tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba kesana. Pantai Balai dengan suasananya yang nyaman sangat cocok bagi pengunjung yang suka dengan nuansa alam tenang.

Other leading tourism objects that need to be visited include :

1. Balai Beach Balai Beach is a tourism object in Aceh Tamiang as one of the Gampong in Seruway District. Like other beaches in tourism destinations of other Regions, Balai Beach also has a stretch of sand at the edge of a beautiful beach. Although the beach is not too crowded of tourist visits but it never hurts to try there. Balai Beach with a comfortable atmosphere makes the place is perfect for visitors who like the nuances of calm nature.

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2. Air Terjun Kembar Diberi nama Air Terjun Kembar karena air terjun ini memiliki dua air terjun yang berjajar di satu tempat. Obyek Wisata Air Terjun Kembar ini terletak di Gampong Tenggulun, Kecamatan Tenggulun. Air terjun ini berjarak 60 km dari ibukota Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Tempat ini memiliki pemandangan yang jarang, yaitu dua air terjun yang hampir sama di satu tempat. Di air terjun ini pengunjung bisa mandi sepuasnya di bawah air terjun dengan air yang menyegarkan.

2. Twin Waterfalls Given the name Twin Waterfall because the site has two waterfalls lined in one place. Twin Waterfall Tourism Object is located in Gampong Tenggulun of Tenggulun Village. The waterfall has a distance of 60 km from the capital city of Aceh Tamiang Regency. The place has a rare sight, two waterfalls are almost the same in one place. In the waterfalls, visitors can bathe as much in under waterfall with refreshing water.

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3. Air Terjun Tujuh Tingkat Tempat wisata alam Air Terjun Tujuh Tingkat memiliki keunikan jika dilihat dari kondisi air terjun itu sendiri yaitu memiliki tujuh tingkatan dengan lingkungan yang berada di tempat yang masih alami. Air terjun Tujuh Tingkat ini lokasinya terletak di Desa Selamat, Kecamatan Tenggulun, yang dapat ditempuh menggunakan kendaraan roda-2.

3. Seven Waterfall Seven Waterfall Natural Tourism Object is unique when viewed from the condition of the waterfall itself that has seven levels with the environment in an unspoiled place. Seven Waterfall is located in Selamat Village of Tenggulun District which can be reached by using 2-wheel vehicles.

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4. Tangsar Alur Biak Tempat Wisata di Aceh Tamiang, Tangsar Alur Biak merupakan wisata pemandian lokasinya terletak di Gampong Bengkelang, Kecamatan Bandar Pusaka, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Untuk mencapai lokasi wisata ini pengunjung harus menempuh jarak sekitar 40 km dari ibukota Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Jika dari kota Kecamatan Bandar Pusaka kurang lebih sekitar 10 Km.

4. Tangsar Alur Biak The place of Interest in Aceh Tamiang called Tangsar Alur Biak is a bathing place located in Gampong Bengkelang of Bandar Pusaka District. To reach the location, visitors must take a distance of about 40 km from the capital city of Aceh Tamiang Regency. If from the city of Bandar Pusaka District, it takes about 10 Km.

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5. Goa Walet Obyek wisata Goa Walet adalah goa tempat sarang burung Walet yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Letak goa ini sangat jauh dari perkotaan, sehingga tidak terlalu terkenal di kalangan wisatawan. Oleh sebab itu Goa Walet terkesan menjadi tidak dikelola dengan baik. Namun untuk pengunjung yang suka berpetualang, wisata goa tersebut sangat cocok karena berada di kawasan yang masih alami.

5. Walet Cave Walet Cave is a cave of swallow bird’s nest in Aceh Tamiang Regency. The location of the cave is quite far from urban centers, so not very famous among tourists. Therefore Walet Cave is impressed to be not managed properly. But for visitors who like adventures, cave tourism is very suitable because it is in an unspoiled area.

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6. Goa Pintu Kuari Tempat Wisata Goa Pintu Kuari ini juga merupakan situs budaya dan situs pra sejarah di Aceh. Dalam gua ini terdapat berbagai macam ornamen yang menandai bahwa dulunya di dalam gua ini pernah dijadikan tempat tinggal oleh manusia purba. Gua ini bisa di jadikan tujuan wisata sejarah yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia. Untuk menuju ke tempat wisata Gua Pintu Kuari anda harus terlebih dahulu menempuh perjalanan dengan jarak sekitar 45 km dari ibukota kabupaten.

6. Pintu Kuari Cave Pintu Kuari Cave is also a cultural and pre-historical site in Aceh. In the cave there are various kinds of ornaments that mark the cave was once made a place to stay by early humans. The cave can be made into a historical tourism destination in Aceh Tamiang Regency. To get to the destination of Pintu Kuari Cave the visitors must first travel with a distance of about 45 km from the capital of the Regency.

28 29 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)


Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu The One-Stop Office of Investment and Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) (DPMPTSP) Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang terbentuk berdasarkan Qanun of Aceh Tamiang Regency is formed based on Qanun (Local Regulation) (Peraturan Daerah) Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang Nomor 8 Tahun 2016. of Aceh Tamiang Regency No. 8 of 2016. According to the Regulation of Sesuai Peraturan Bupati Aceh Tamiang Nomor 63 Tahun 2016, tugas the Regent of Aceh Tamiang No. 63 of 2016, the duty and function of dan fungsi DPMPTSP Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang adalah melaksanakan DPMPTSP of Aceh Tamiang Regency is to carry out the affairs in Field of urusan di Bidang Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu. One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services.

Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu The One-Stop Office of Investment and Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) (DPMPTSP) Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang telah meluncurkan pelayanan of Aceh Tamiang Regency has launched an online licensing service perizinan secara online yaitu aplikasi Izin Online DPMPTSP Kabupaten called the Online Application of DPMPTSP Licensing of Aceh Tamiang Aceh Tamiang. Inovasi tersebut adalah untuk membangun kepercayaan Regency. The innovation is to build public confidence in public services masyarakat terhadap pelayanan publik serta tuntutan masyarakat and public demands on improving public services. The motto of tentang peningkatan pelayanan publik. Adapun Motto pelayanan investment licensing services at DPMPTSP Aceh Tamiang Regency is perizinan penanaman modal pada DPMPTSP Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang “Dedicating and Serving Sincerely”. adalah “ Ikhlas Mengabdi dan Melayani”. The existence of online licensing application is expected to increase Adanya aplikasi perizinan online tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan the number of communities and businesses that take care of business jumlah masyarakat dan dunia usaha yang mengurus izin usahanya. Jenis licenses. Types of licensing that have been served with the application

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perizinan yang sudah terlayani dengan aplikasi ini antara lain SITU, include SITU, Doctor Practice License, Implementation Advertising Izin Praktek Dokter, Izin Penyelenggaraan Reklame, Izin Mendirikan License, Building Construction License (IMB) and SIUP. As for the Bangunan (IMB) dan SIUP. Sedangkan untuk izin SIUP, IUTM, STPW, permit of SIUP, IUTM, STPW, TDP and TDG has been connected with the TDP dan TDG sudah terkoneksi dengan aplikasi Sistem Informasi application of the Online Company Information System (SIPO) from Perusahaan Online (SIPO) dari Kementrian Perdagangan Republik the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia.



1. Izin Prinsip Penanaman Modal (IPPM)/Pendaftaran Penanaman 1. Principle License for Investment (IPPM)/ Investment registration Modal 2. Location License 2. Izin Lokasi 3. Environment License 3. Izin Lingkungan 4. Building Construction License (IMB) 4. Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) 5. License of Installation of Advertising 5. Izin Pemasangan Reklame 6. Disturbance License (HO) 6. Izin Gangguan (HO) 7. Business Location License (SITU) 7. Izin Tempat Usaha (SITU) 8. Trading Business License (SIUP) 8. Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) 9. Company Registry (TDI) 9. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) 10. Warehouse Registry (TDG)

30 31 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)

10. Tanda Daftar Gudang (TDG) 11. Construction Service Business License (IUJK) 11. Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK) 12. Industrial Business License (IUI) 12. Izin Usaha Industri (IUI) 13. Industry Registry (TDI 13. Tanda Daftar Industri (TDI) 14. License for the Usage of Regional Wealth 14. Izin Pemakaian Kekayaan Daerah 15. License of Paddy Storage 15. Izin Kilang Padi 16. Restaurant and Food Stall License 16. Izin Usaha Restoran dan Rumah Makan 17. Public Recreation and Entertainment License 17. Izin Usaha Rekreasi dan Hiburan Umum 18. Fitness Center Establishment License 18. Izin Pendirian Pusat Kebugaran 19. Pharmacy License 19. Izin Apotik 20. Joint Practice License 20. Izin Praktek Bersama 21. Permitted Drug Stores and Traditional Herbal Medicine Sales 21. Izin Toko Obat Berizin dan Penjualan Jamu Tradisional License 22. Izin Praktek Perawat, Bidan, dan Fisioterapi 22. Practice Nurse, Midwife and Physiotherapy 23. Izin Praktek Dokter Umum, Dokter Gigi, dan Dokter Spesialis 23. Practice of General Practice, Dentist and Specialist Doctor 24. Izin Praktek Pengobatan Tradisional dan Akupunktur 24. Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture 25. Izin Tukang Gigi 25. Dental Proficient 26. Izin Kesehatan Lingkungan Pemukiman Industri 26. Environmental Health of Industrial Settlements 27. Izin Optik 27. Optical License 28. Izin Hotel dan Losmen 28. Hotel and Inn License 29. Izin Penjualan dan Penyaluran Obat-obatan Hewan dan Pertanian 29. Sales and Distribution License for Animal and Agricultural Medicine 30. Izin Salon dan Tukang Pangkas 30. Salon and Haircut License 31. Izin Pendirian Lembaga Pendidikan Non Formal 31. Non-Formal Education Establishment License

32 33 Investment Opportunities in Bumi Muda Sedia (Aceh Tamiang Regency)

Kontak Investasi :

DINAS PENANAMAN MODAL DAN PELAYANAN TERPADU SATU PINTU KABUPATEN ACEH TAMIANG Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.69 Karang Baru Kode Pos 24476 Telp : (0641) 7430494. Fax : (0641) 7430494. Email : [email protected] Website :

32 33 Peluang Investasi Di Bumi Muda Sedia (Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang)


INVESTMENT OWNERSHIP VALUE NO. SECTOR INVESTMENT ACTIVITY LOCATION STATUS PROJECTION (IDR/US$) a. Construction of food factory/industry of Local 1. AGRICULTURE processed agricultural products. Aceh Tamiang Regency Government and b. Construction of large-scale Rice Mill. Society a. Construction of factory/industry of processed food from CPO, cocoa, 2. PLANTATION coconut such as vegetable oil factory Aceh Tamiang Regency Society and other processed food factories; b. Construction of latex/rubber factory a. Fattening and breeding of cows, ANIMAL buffaloes, goats and sheep; 3. b. Construction of meat and dairy Aceh Tamiang Regency Society HUSBANDRY processing factory/industry; c. Construction of leather factory/industry

MARINE/ Utilization of Forestry Products based-on 4. Aceh Tamiang Regency Society FISHERY Sustainable Principles.

34 35 Investment Opportunities in Bumi Muda Sedia (Aceh Tamiang Regency)

INVESTMENT OWNERSHIP VALUE NO. SECTOR INVESTMENT ACTIVITY LOCATION STATUS PROJECTION (IDR/US$) a. Construction of processing factory/fish Aceh Tamiang Regency canning for small/medium scale; Society 5. FORESTRY b. Fishery Aquaculture Business; c. Seafood Restaurant Business. a. Improvement of Installed Power of Power Plant and Expansion of Local Distribution Networks; Aceh Tamiang Regency 6. MINING Government b. Development of clean/drinking water distribution. a. Construction of Hotel/Lodging; b. Construction of Transportation Facility and Infrastructure to Tourism Destinations; Local 7. TOURISM c. Construction of Public Facilities in Aceh Tamiang Regency Government and Tourism Destinations; Society d. Restaurant/Souvenir Shops/Worship Facilities; and e. Training for Tourism Guides.

34 35 Peta Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang Map of Aceh Tamiang Regency