A Dictionary of Typography and Its Accessory Arts. Presented to the Subscribers of the "Printers' Register," 1870

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A Dictionary of Typography and Its Accessory Arts. Presented to the Subscribers of the : Supplement to tin- "^rtnters 1 Register," September vt, mdccclxxi. "*>. > % V V .. X > X V X V * X X V s X X X V S X S X V X X S X X V X .X X X\x X X .X X X N .N .X X S A t. y littimrarg uprjrajjlur i f / / 4 / / / AND / I '/ ITS ACCESSORY ARTS /• - I / / i 7 ': BY / / I /; r JOHN SOUTHWARD. / /. / / / i ^rescntcb to the Subscribers of the "^printers' T^cgistcr. 1870-1871. / n V / gonfcon JOSEPH M. POWELL, "PRINTERS' REGISTER" OFFICE, 3, BOUVERIE STREET, E.( . / PRINTED 9Y DANIEL & CO., ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA j — 2? 113 %\%\ of JutjiOUtlCS. Among the various works on the Art of Printing, consulted in the compilation ol this Dictionary, may be named the following : Abridgments of Specifications relating to Printing. Johnson's Typographia. Andrews's History of British Journalism. Knight's Caxton. Annales de la Typographic Francaise et etrangere. Knight's Knowledge is Powei Annales de ITmprimerie. knight's Old Printer and the Modern Pres> xviii. Annals of Our Time. London Encyclopedia. Printing— vol. p , Annuaire de la Librairie et de ITmprimerie. Mi' {Cellar's American Printer. Cabbage's Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. Marahren's Handbuch der Typographic Bullhorn's Grammatography. Maverick's Henry J. Raymund and the New York IV---. Beadnell's Guide to Typography. McCreery's Press, a Poem. Biographical Memoirs of William (Jed. Morgan's Dictionary of Terms u.sed in Printing. Buckingham's Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Moxon's Mechanick Exercis Buckingham's Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Munsell's History and Chronology of Paper and Paper Making Burton's Book Hunter. National Cyclopedia. Printing— vol. ix, p. 847. Printing Press—vol. iv. Printing vol. ix, Camus's Histoire et procede*s du Polytypage et du Stereotypage- p. 849. Machine— p. 851. New American Cyclopaedia. Printing—vol. xiii, p. 585. Type Founding Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Printing—vol. vii, p. 764. Type —vol. ix, \u|. xv, p. 6SS. Newspapers—vol. xii, 306. p. 606. Stereotyping —vol. ix, p. 117. Newspapers—vol. vi, p. 748. Newspaper Press Directory. Chevallier's l'Origine de 1' Imprimerie de Paris. Cowie's Printer's Pocket Book and Manual. Nicholson's Manual of the Art of Bookbinding. Crapelet's De la profession d'lmprimeur. Noveau Manuel complet de I'lmprimeur Lithographe. Crapelet's Des Progres de ITmprimerie en France. Paper Mills Directory. Cyclopaedia. Crapelet's Etudes Pratiques et Litteraires sur la Typographic. Penny Printing — vol. xix, p. 14. Crisp's Printer's Business Guide. Kenouard's Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aides. De Vinne's Printers' Price List. Revista BibHographica, Madrid. Dibdin's Bibliomania. Ruse t't Str.iker's Priming and its Dictionnaire Encyclopedique. Typographic p. 1407. Savage's Account of the London Daily Newspaper*. of the Printing. Dictionnaire Universel. Impression —p. 844. Imprimerie - p. S45. Savage's Dictionary Art of Prcsse p. 134S. Lettre — Imprimeur —846. — — p. 926. Typographic Specimen des L'aractere- Typographiqui mens >( < >ld Printing p. p. p. 1684. Presse p. Journaux 8S7. Munileur— 1068. .11..,. — 1348. — Types in the possession of John Enschede* i to, 1789. Relieur Dudin's I'Art du doreur de Livres. Specimen of the various sorts of Printing Types 1 diversity 1 I Ixford, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Printing —vol. xviii. p. 537. at the Clarendon Printing House, 1786. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Art. Typography. Speirs's Electrotyper's Manual. Stower's Printer's Encyclopedic Methodique. L" Imprimerie— v. iii, p. 537. Fundcrie— v. i, Grammar. P- 377- Papier—v. v, p. 463. Stower*s Printer's Price Book. English Cyclopaedia. Printing— vol. v, p. 744. The Stationer's Handbook. Fournier's Caracteres de ITmprimerie. Timperley's Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote Fournier's Manuel Typographique. Timperlcy's Printer's Manual. Great Exhibition of 1851 at London. Reports of Junes. Tobitt's Combination Type. Handbook of Graphotype. Triibner's Guide to American Literature. Hansard's Biographical Memoir. Typographia Espaiiola. Hansard's Typographia. Versuch den Ursprung der Spielkartcn, die F.infuhrung des I.einenpapieres, Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. und den Anfang des Holzsahneidekunst in Europa cucrfo'i History of Ink. Vita del Cavalier Giambattista Bodoni, Tipografo, Houghton's Printers' Practical Everyday Book. Vocabulaire des Termcs usue's dans ITmprimerie. Humphrey's History of the Art of Printing. Walter's Address to the Public, showing the great Improvement he has < made in the An <f Printing I Vrrangements. Hunt's Fourth Estate. Walter's Miscellanies in Pi \ -.-, intended as a Specimen of the International Exhibition of 1S62. Reports 1 if Juries, London, 1863. Types at the Logographic Printing Office. Jai l.son & Chatto's Treatise on Wood Engraving. Wilson's Treatise on English Punctuation. Johnson's Introduction to Logography. Compiler desires to to hint Mr. Sweet Tinas" : Mr, />. Citrsom . The acknowledge the great assistance rendered by 3 of "The Office J. Mr. P. M. Shanks ; and Mr. Joseph M. Powell. 1104634 — ; The Printers' Begiater. Supplement, Jan. 6, 1870. DICTIONARY OF TYPOGRAPHY AND ITS ACCESSORY ARTS. A List of the Authorities consulted in the compilation of thin Dictionary will be given in full when the work is completed. THE first letter of the English Alphabet. Signature a is the first sheet of every work, and is called the Title- sheet ; but the letter itself is never inserted at foot, as 52*9 the title-page sufficiently indicates how the sheet is to be collated and folded ; b being the first signature com- mencing the body of a work. In Parliamentary Bills, Chancery Bills, and similar work, however, it is usual and necessary to insert the letter. (See Signatures.) Abbreviations.— In the primitive times of Printing most Latin words were abbreviated, in order to save paper, com- position, and presswork. As reading, however, became more general, they were by degrees abolished, except in legal works. The present practice in regard to abbreviations,—as in side- notes, &c,—is not to abridge a word at the end of a syllable, but always to annex one or more letters of the next syllable and always to carry the reading part so far that it cannot be mistaken for any other word. A vast number of abbreviations are in use at present, such as Ps. for Psalms ; Jan. for January A.li. for Artxwm Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts); L.S. for locus sif/il/i; Jitr. for Jurenalis. &c A complete list of these will lie found in "The Guide to Typography," by Henry Beadnell, 1859, Vol. I., p. 199, et seq. Accents.—" Certain marks over vowels to direct the modula- tion of the voice. In the English language they are chiefly used in Spelling-books or Dictionaries, to mark the syllable's, and where to lay particular stress in pronunciation." — Murray. Those letters which are called by printers Accented, are the five vowels, marked as follows: Acute . Long . a Grave . Short . Circumflex Diaeresis i — — The Printers' Register. DICTIONARY OF TYPOGRAPHY. Supplement. ( i ii! i i printed at. Albion Press. -An Iron Press invented bj tfi R. C. 1468. ID il have been Oxford in this year, I easy in working. It is but the Librai tr il the British Museum has satisfac- torily proved it to be erroneous. much esteemed for it- extreme lightness; it runs very easily, the i i it is ob- 1469.— II tti i tabli tied al Paris, being the second pull is -hurt, the power great, and the means whereby i • in introduced into Tours two there is litl the Press g Prance, the first being • r- earlier. ler. ii i- very easily taken down for cleaning, a — :. The i»'v. g an inclined piece oi 1470. "Signatures"are first employed by Antonio Zarot,at Milan- iiar: bo the platen is forced d in doing 1471. — Caxton, who sets up the first press in England, at West- and the impression ta it the moment the piet minster, prints the "Game of Chesse," which was finished lught tut" a verti i return of the bar, the in 1474. platen is raised by a spiral Bpring flxi 1475.— Printing is introduced into Spain, at Barcelona. tj following i Aldino. The name of a Btyle oi pe, of which the in ! printed Almanack was composed by Regiomon- i- a specimen tanus, who received a munificent donation from the King oi Hungary for his trouble. DIl TIONARY OE TYPOGRAPHY. 147".—The first work wholly in Greek type is printed at Milan. Aldus. This celebrated printer, otherwise known as Aldus 1488. — The firsl bible in Hebrew characters is printed at Sorocino i i ifflceal Man i native ol Rome. He in Italy. \ ice in 1496, and introduced a neater cut oi Roman types, and 1 195.— art of printing Music is introduced into England. it is to him, or rather to the engraver, Prance The • 1500. invents Italic about this year. thai we o i called bj ( —Aldus Manutius type to ii- as Italics, which Udus used fori The in i paten! of King's Printer was granted to Richard I hi ales de I Imprimerie d ! " par A. Renouard. Pin- by Henry VII. He was afterwards succeeded 1834.) Amongsl other imp in printiu inent bj Thomas Berthelet. man corrected and en m, by giving a better 1501.—Printing i introduced into Scotland. i imma, addiu o the 1515.—Ottavio de Petrucci invents Music Printing from .Metal re proper pi Types. Algebraic Marks. A knowledge of the proper meaning of 1526.—The New Testament, being the first English Bible, is printed at Antwerp. icquired by the study oi mathemal ii \ ing statement of the names of them will be u leful to read- 1539.
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    CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Ik Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924032192373 Sir G. Hayter, R./l. Bet* Majesty Queen Tictorta in Coronation Robes. : progress in printing and the 6raphic Hrts during the Victorian Gra. "i BY John Southward, Author of "Practical Printing"; "Modern Printing"; "The Principles and Progress of Printing Machinery"; the Treatise on "Modern Typography" in the " EncyclopEedia Britannica" Cgtii Edition); "Printing" and "Types" in "Chambers's Encyclopaedia" (New Edition); "Printing" in "Cassell's Storehouse of General Information"; "Lessons on Printing" in Cassell's New Technical Educator," &c. &c. LONDON SiMPKiN, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. 1897. X^he whole of the Roman Cypc in tbta Booh has been set up by the Linotj^pe Composing Machine, and machined direct from the Linotj'pc Bars by 6eo. CH. loncs, Saint Bride Rouse, Dean Street, fetter Lane, London, e.C. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W Contents. ^^ Progress in Jobbing Printing Chapter I. Progress in Newspaper Printing Chapter II. Progress in Book Printing - Chapter III. Printing by Hand Press Chapter IV. Printing by Power Press Chapter V. The Art of the Compositor Chapter VI. Type-Founding Chapter VII. Stereotyping and Electrotyping Chapter VIII. Process Blocks Chapter IX. Ink Manufacture Chapter X. Paper-Making Chapter XI. Description of the Illustrations Chapter XII. ^pj progress in printing peculiarity about it It is not paid for by the person who is to become its possessor.
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