Cooperation in the River Basin

Mr. Gyula Holló Head of Delegation, Hungary Ms. Jasmine Bachmann ICPDR Secretariat, 2 Content

• Facts and figures about the Danube River Basin • International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR): legal basis and working structures • Achievements – with some examples

3 Most international River Basin in the World

•~9% Europe •81 M inhabitants •19 Countries

4 Danube River Basin

5 European Lifeline • Danube, 2,850km (Amazone 6,788km, Darling 2,740km) • 27 large and over 300 small tributaries • Danube River Basin: ~ 800,000km2 • Important for: agriculture, industry, drinking water, .. • Historical and cultural symbol • Highly important ecosystem (Kopacki rit, , …)

6 Main Problems

Floods / Nutrient / Hazardous Hydro- Droughts Organic Substances morphologica Pollution Pollution l

Alterations 7 Economic Disparities

GDP per capita (PPP) in $, 2006

40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

GE AT CZ SK HU SI HR BA RS ME BG RO MD UA 8 Danube River Protection Convention

Legal frame for co-operation to assure protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin. signed: 29 June 1994, Sofia entered into force: 22 October 1998

9 EU Water Framework Directve

• Comprehensive water directive of the European Union to ensure the “good status of all waters” by 2015. • Based on the principle of integrated river basin management and stakeholder participation.

ICPDR nominated as platform for coordination

10 ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River to implement the goals of the Convention: Î Strengthen international cooperation Î Ensure sustainable water management (conservation, rational use of surface waters and ground water) Î Control floods Î Reduce pollution loads to the to implement the EU Water Framework Directive: Î Develop the Danube River Basin Management Plan

11 Contracting Parties Bosnia & Herzegovina Austria Rep. of Czech Republic Slovakia Bulgaria Hungary Rep. of Moldova Slovenia Ukraine Croatia European Union

12 Observers to the ICPDR

Black Sea Commission Die Donau – Tourism Commission

Navigation Friends of Nature Commission

Europ. Angling Ass. GWP CEE UNESCO - IHP

REC VGB Power Tech 13 Structure of the Cooperation:

ICPDR – Delegations of the Contracting Parties

ICPDR Secretariat

River Basin Pressures and Monitoring and Flood Protection Management Measures Assessment Expert Group Expert Group Expert Group Expert Group

Supported by:

Ad hoc Info and Ad hoc Public Ad hoc Strategic GIS Expert Group Participation Expert Group Expert Group 14 Achievements ƒ Establishment of a stabile structure for cooperation: ICPDR ƒ Cooperation and partnership with external partners ƒ Stakeholder groups ƒ Donor organisations ƒ Business sector

15 Cooperation & Partnership


16 UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project


Project Steering Committee Meeting Chisinau, 09|06|2006

ICPDR StWG Meeting / DRP Steering Meeting Chisinau 8/9 June 2006 17 Fund: `Business Friends of the Danube´


18 Achievements ƒ Establishment of a stabile structure for cooperation: ICPDR ƒ Cooperation and partnership with external partners ƒ Stakeholder groups ƒ Donor organisations ƒ Business sector ƒ Joint programmes / activities for monitoring of water quality

19 Transnational Monitorig Network

10 o 12o 30' 15 o 17 o30' 20 o 22o 30' 25 o 27o 30' 30 o

o 50 Praha M PL o UA ra va D S v it a a v e c O v B CZ n a b d a a a A v N S a P ltm v H rut ü J ih ra orna hl la tk va d MD01 R va a a h o e g r a ra e D y D o V it S n je y M N Hro n S la n iret 47 30' je a J va g ijia MD e a o b CZ01 SK im dr za n u R o is D a D02 CZ02 B T H09 jo P A03 a a r B ar S sz u r Is T i t i D01 n T S g In A02 Ipel a om e o r s h A01 SK01 n c a M h c old e Wien A04 SK04 C o va Kishinev L S ra a Danube a sn lz e th SK03 a B s München a L Zo H reg is D04 c g h yv R A H01 a B r H03 lyd is t e h r l et i l H02 - er tj I D03 r B a e MD04 o En ns ib e re p ed 47 30' a t l R e s b h m risu e ü a C om a K e S R tr s S n n ir I s e Si Körö t o H04 C 3 z l risu 0 it e l N e D v n gro M P lo n e Zala T a s n i E ic s h Ismail a s D anu be z c C ris u o a l A SL01 M p lb u a o ra K H06 H08 S D 45 a vin rav ina Mures RO S ja a v a R O 0 a HR03 D ra H05 SCG10 ranc 5 HR04 v a A H07 ga I Ljubljana Zagreb SCG01 B e Ta mi s HR HR01 SCG02 SCG11 SL S HR06 a HR05 SCG03 Ialomita v HR02 a SCG09 SCG12 A BLACK HR07 rg es Kupa B ucuresti SEA HR08 SCG04 RO04 BIH01 SCG06 SCG07 J SCG14 RO01 iu BIH02 SCG05 RO09 o a Beograd a S i n n r BIH04 O 45 U a BIH03 k n B SCG13 SCG08 l BG05 a U t V o a s v SCG16 SCG17 r a RO03 b n SCG15 S RO02 a a BG04 s M BG08 B o BG02 el r D anub e i L a BG01 o v R m a u FRY s BIH . BG03 L om Ja o L nt m a S m a ra Ju st k a ic o z go û s s . O t r O o 42 30' a M a t R Sarajevo k i in o s r r V D a I v a

Z a Ta p ra . M P o iva r a S ofia v a BG

FYROM 0 50 100 150 250 250 km

Monitoring location on the Danube River on the tributary 20 Watch your Danube!

21 Achievements ƒ Establishment of a stabile structure for cooperation: ICPDR ƒ Cooperation and partnership with external partners ƒ Stakeholder groups ƒ Donor organisations ƒ Business sector ƒ Joint programmes / activities for monitoring of water quality ƒ Operation of Accident Emergency Warning System ƒ Cooperation on flood protection 22 Flood damage prevention Flood Action Programme (2004) Æimprove flood forecast & warning Ærestore natural retention areas Æplanning land-use carefully

23 Achievements ƒ Enhanced cooperation on river sub-basin level (e.g. River, River, Danube Delta) ƒ Enhanced communication / outreach initiatives

24 Publications of the ICPDR

• Technical Reports • Danube Watch Magazine • Website:

25 26 The Danube flows through us!

INTERNATIONAL DANUBE ART MASTER 2006 27 Danube Box • Teacher’s handbook • Interactive CD-ROM, working sheets, poster, family cards • National languages and English •

28 In partnership with: Achievements ƒ Enhanced cooperation on river sub-basin level (e.g. Tisza River, Sava River, Danube Delta) ƒ Enhanced communication / outreach ƒ Improvement of the environmental situation in the Danube and the Black Sea

29 Macrobenthos in the Danube Delta 60


20 Number of Taxa Number

0 1988 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1960s 30 Cooperation with the Black Sea

“Towards stronger partnership in water management Danube Black Sea countries”, Feb 2007, Bucharest 31 Achievements ƒ Enhanced cooperation on river sub-basin level (e.g. Tisza River, Sava River) ƒ Enhanced communication / outreach ƒ Improvement of the environmental situation in the Danube and the Black Sea ƒ EU water policy (EU Water Framework Directive) fulfilled by all EU and non-EU Danubian countries

32 Danube Basin Analysis 2004

Ö First comprehensive analysis of the entire Danube River Basin

Ö Basis for any future river basin management planning

33 Next steps

Visions for basin-wide problems as basis for the Danube River Basin Management Plan

Ö … to reach good water and ecosystem quality

for the Danube and its people

34 Thank you for the appreciation of our work! [email protected]