Downloaded from on June 11, 2015 - Published by Clinical science Comparison of ketorolac 0.4% and nepafenac 0.1% for the prevention of cystoid macular oedema after phacoemulsification: prospective placebo-controlled Editor’s choice Scan to access more free content randomised study Patrick Frensel Tzelikis,1 Monike Vieira,1 Wilson Takashi Hida,1,2 Antonio Francisco Motta,2 Celso Takashi Nakano,2 Eliane Mayumi Nakano,1 Milton Ruiz Alves2 1Brasilia Ophthalmologic ABSTRACT disposal, but there is still debate over whether to Hospital, HOB, Brasilia, DF, Purpose To compare the anti-inflammatory efficacy of use them in combination for routine cases. Brazil 2Ophthalmology Department, ketorolac of tromethamine 0.4% and nepafenac 0.1% Despite a convincing theory of pathogenesis Faculdade de Medicina, eye drops for prophylaxis of cystoid macular oedema involving migratory inflammatory mediator and Universidade de São Paulo, (CME) after small-incision cataract extraction. hyperpermeability of retinal blood vessels, particu- São Paulo, SP, Brazil Methods Patients were assigned randomly to three larly the retinal capillary bed, evidence-based medi- groups. Group 1 patients received a topical artificial tear cine still regards prophylaxis and treatment with Correspondence to fl Dr Patrick F Tzelikis, Brasilia substitute (placebo); group 2 received ketorolac anti-in ammatory agents as unproven. The present Ophthalmologic Hospital, HOB, tromethamine 0.4% (Acular LS, Allergan) and group 3 study evaluated the effects of ophthalmic solutions SQN 203, bloco K, apart 502, received nepafenac 0.1% (Nevanac, Alcon). The of the NSAIDs ketorolac 0.4% and nepafenac 0.1% Brasilia, DF 70833-110, Brazil; incidence and severity of CME were evaluated by retinal in preventing CME assessed by optical coherence
[email protected] foveal thickness on optical coherence tomography (OCT) tomography (OCT) using central subfield thickness 3 Received 15 August 2014 after 1, 4 and 12 weeks.