
m m mstm sm B uchanan R ecord.


r O H N G h. H O L M E S .


T I! E F U N N Y M A N . ashamed of me. -She always said that marry her if she’ll have me. I want Blood Oranges. christenin’ wasn’t never legal. It her lo swear by somethin’ holy she’ll BIX & WILKINSON, The 4|jfnnny man* satin his easy chair, disappointed her, too. I was an ho a true wife to me. She hadn’t any­ Strolling about the neighborhood of CARPETS! But tire chair wasen't easy to h im / awful baby.” thing particularly holy herself, and the Quincy market, writes a Boston For his eyes were fixed in a vacant glare, “I should think likely,” said Teen the holiest tiling I know of is the correspondent of the Iowa State Reg­ Aud his lace was dark and grim. with candor. “Do you set much by Rock of Ages. I’ve heard my mother ister, my attention was attracted by MOST PERFECT MADE *Vvc written ’em up, aa’ I've written ’em your mother? ’ sing it. She’s dead. We’ve been the sign, “Blood Oranges, §7.50 a Box”, Prepared With strict regard to Parity, Strength, and We 1 ave now in stock 300 rolls of BUI AND SELL BEAL ESTATE. down— “She’s dead,” said Jack in a subdued huntin’ Boston over tonight after the which decora teethe exterior of an im­ Hcaltlifulness. Dr. Price’s Baking Powder contains Carpels. We want to sell them. We Tho Mother-in-law and tlie Dude, voice. Teen looked at him ; she had ltock of Ages. porter’s shop, I had always supposed no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price’s Extracts, M O N E Y T O LOAM Chicago girl's boot and the CongrcS7man*s Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., flavor deliciously. want to sell them had enough to say loot, never heard him speak like that. Mother Mary was used to tiie pathos that the blood orange was a freak of In Targe or small sums, atlov rates, on improved PP/CF £Af<7‘/G POW0ER CO. CmaiBo Ann S r Laws. And the Young Wife's slack-baked food*' “I ’most wished mine was,” said the of her sober work, but tiie tears sprang nature, to be found semi-occasionally I.owell all Wool Ingrains, 07els. farm s only. girl; “she’d *a b’en better off—along of now to her large and gentle eyes. She like a yellow fire-cracker in a pack of Ividerminster all Wool Ingrains, 67cts- COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING. “My liver is torpid, I'm loosing^in girth, me.” did not speak to Jack— could not the Golden Dragons brand; hut this, Tieiuoiit Star ail wool Ingrains (Bets. My braiu’s slowly oozing away: “That’s so,” said Jack. possibly, just then; but, delaying only it seems, was a mistake, for the dealer Dining on .Rattlesnakes. Also, Count] Agents tor REMIHGTOH TYPE WHITER. O the gastliest joke on this whole wide earth The two took a turn in silence, up for the moment till she could com­ assured me that the ruddy fruit was a A quantity all wool Ingrains, 30 to G3c. Ts th is being funny fo r pay Rattlesnakes are considered a dainty soy BERRIEN SPRINGS MICH. and down the brightly lighted street; mand herself, she flung her rich, distinct variety. Tapestries, - 50 to 75cts. * * * * * * their thoughts looked out strangely maternal voice upon the words of the “It is arlifically produced,” he said, hy many persons. Certain Indians al­ Body Brussel Carpets. SO to $1.15 He sits to day in his easy chair from their marred young faces; they old hymn. Iler husband joined her, “hy grafting an ordinary orange tree ways eat them, and when Bartram Cotton Carpets, - - 20to40ets. With a smile on his plump, round check, felt as if they were in a foreign coun­ and-all tiie people present swelled the with the pomegranate. The result is was in the south he dined with a gen­ PO U L T R Y . There's an nitetuons roll in his voice when­ try. Jack had meant to ask her lo chorus. an orange like any other, so far as fla­ tleman who had served the body of a 'll At above price we will make your e 'e r take a drink, hut he gave it up; be "Rock of Ages, cleft for me! vor is concerned, with red juice that large diamond rattler. Loskiel says: ■ carpet ready for the door. He laughs or he tries to speak. couldn’t, somehow. *Lctiuelridemyseltin * * * * «thee; * is visible through the skin. It brings “The flesh of the rattlesnake dried and For he writes “Death Notices—one line per “Was you always a fisherman?” Be of sin the double cure; a slightly higher price, because it is re­ boiled to a broth is said to he more 1st quality Linoleum, SOets per yard. Market Prices, d im e," asked Teen, feeling, with a woman’s Cleanse m e from its guilt and power.V garded as a curiosity. The people of nourishing than that of the viper, and m CASH, And he pens all the elegies sad; tact, that somebody must change the They sang: it all through,— the three Sicily cultivated it mostly. Yes,there of service in consumption. The skin Uo rcve!s in “Accidents" “Murders" and current of the subject. verses that everybody knows,— and are one or two queer kinds of oranges shed by tiie snake is pounded and -will lie paid Tor ‘ C rim es," “I was a fisherman three generations Jack and Teen stood listening. Jack I know of. The pineapple orange, ground fine by the Indians, who use it And “One More Good Man Gone Bad!" hack,” Jack answered her; “horned a tried to sing himself; but Teen hid her which lias something of the pineapple internally for many purposes. The POULTRY, face, and cried upon liis arm. Chippewas use the skin to extract POWDER As he writes up the items of “Scalded Child" fisherman, you bet! I couldn’t ’a h’en flavor, is finding its way into the mar­ “Thou must save,” sang the praying ket. Then there is the “navel” grown splinters.” Brickell, an old writer on Dress Goods! His “asides" keep the room in a roar; nothin’ else if I’d drownded for it. It’s Nortli Carolina, says, referring to rattle­ Absolutely Pure. For his wit runs riot in lancies wild, a smart business. You hev to keep people; “Thou must save, and thou extensively in southern California. It Butchers’ Stock, Hides, Pelts and Tallow. Since lie's funny for pay no more. alone!” is considered particularly fine, and sells snakes: “These snakes cast their skins 1 Lot 50cplaid suiting, 30 wide, for S2c. Tin? powder never varies. A marvel of purity, your wits about you. Fishes is no every year, and commonly remain near At ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET. strength and wholesomcuess. More economical —B ichard Lohl, in Life. fools,” The strain died solemnly; the room at corresponding prices. The most cu­ 1 Lot 50c stripe suiting, 30 wide, for 28c. A . B A R M A N . than the ordinary kinds, ami cannot he. sold in “Ain’t they ?”asked the girl listlessly. was quiet; tiie minister yonder be­ rious thing about it is the astonishing­ the place where the old skin lies. I L->t see gray stripe suiting, 38 competition witli the multitude of low test, short She was conscious of failing in con­ gan to pray, and all the people bowed ly accurate imitation of the human These cast skins are frequently pulver­ weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only hi From the Century Magazine for June. their heads. But Mother Mary stood ized, and given with good success in wide, for * 30c. cans. Royal Baiuno P owdeu Co.. IOC Wall St.., versational brilliancy; but the truth umbilicus which ornaments the ex­ FLY . 19-15 JACK. was, she couldn’t get over what they quite still witli the girl’s hand trem­ tremity further from the stem. It is fevers. So is tiie gall, mixed with day, 1 L o t .'.o - ail wool serge suiting, 35 Hy the author of *iTlie Gates A jav," had been saying: it was always un- bling in her own. from this peculiarly that tiie variety made up in pills, and given in pestilen­ v\ tl>* tit I Hack and Cohns, for 38c. MASON M adonna of the Tubs.** etc. foitunate when she remembered her “Swear it, Teen?” Jack bent down takes its name. These navel oranges, tial fevers and the smallpox, for which I l ot 50c all wool seige. 30 wide, -SJ&TID mother. Jack begaD to talk to her liis curly head and whispered; he by the way. are of tiie feminine gender, it is accounted a noble remedy and a about his business again, hut Teen would not shame his promised wife and have no seeds au all. great arcanum.” The rattles were Crav and l.r ,wn. or 37c. ‘•That’s my mother. Have I gob the before these people. “Swear by that iflsed long before this country was en­ t t.*> 5Ucalt utio! Casiilui t«',31 u dc » # BROWN’S jimjauis?” asked this unaccustomed did not reply; and wiien he looked “I had a few sweet lemons in stock tered by the whites, being considered worshiper of himself. But then he down at tier to see what ailed her, you’ll be true wife to me?” the other day,” added the dealer. tine assor meat of Colors, 32c. HAMLIN “I Swear it, Jack,” sobbed Teen. a sovereign remedy in many cases.— remembered ih;a he was sober, lie there were real tears rolling over her “They are quite a rarity. People in San Francisco Call. could sing ho longer after tills, but pretty cheeks. “If that’s the lloek of Ages, I. swear by this part of the world have poor taste Above arc all goods usually sold for “Why, Teen 1” said Jack. it, though I was to die for it, I’ll be an in tropical fruit, any way. They will bowed Ins head and looked into his honest wile to you.” SOets. Extraordinary values that tve old i'ett hat, and wondeied if lie were “Leave go of me, Jaciv,” said Teen, al ways pay more for a red banana than Money in Circulation. or nobody can duplicate when these going to cry, or get religion. In point “and let me get off; 1 ain’t good .com­ “Gome back when you’ve got your for a yellow one, though the former is nft Pianos. license,” said Mother Alary, smiling At the present time, deducting the considered an inferior fruit where both l i r e g o n e . of fact, he did neither of these tilings, pany tonight. I’ve got the clumps. I money held by the Treasury and the because a very old church-member can’t entertain ye, Jack. And Jack through her tears, “and my husband are grown. The lime, too, is far more WRITE FOR SAMPLES. arose just then, and said he saw a —don’t lei’s talk about mothers next will marry you if you want him to.” prized in tropical countries than the banks, the amount of circulation real­ H O L M E S <& D A V I D , BITTERS poor castaway in our midst'tonight, time, will we? It spoils the evenin’. “We’ll come tomorrow,” Jack lemon, hut northerners think it is only ly in the hands of the people can hard­ Combining IRON Trith PURE TEGETABLE ly fall, says the Baltimore Sun, much BUCHANAN, MICH., and lie besought the prayers of the Leave go of me, and I’ll go home hy answered gravely. for pickling.” TOXICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES “Jack,” S iiid Teen in her pretty way, short of $900,000,000, or about $10.25 and EXRICHES T H E BLOOD* Quickens meeting for his soul. Jack stopped my own self. I'd rather.” BROWIREIMCAMPBELL Agents for Berrien Co. “I won't leave go of you!” cried —for she had a very pietty way,— to every man, woman, and child in the the action of tho LiTer and Kidneys. Clears tho crying. lie looked hard at the old “if I’m an honest wife to you, will you IIow to Have White Hands. country. This amount amply suffices Corner M ieh. and Market Sts. complexion, makes tho skin smooth. It docs not church-member. lie knew liim; lmd Jack with a sudden blazing purpose Injure tho teeth, causohoadache, or produce con­ always known him. The fisherman lighting up all the corners of his soul. he kind to me?” She did not ask him A little ammonia or borax in tiie for the business needs of the United stipation—ALL OTHER 111 OX MEDICINES B0. to swear it by the Rock of Ages. She States, supplemented, as it is, by the Call at their room in Redden'* Block or at the waited till that prayer was through,— It was a white light, not unholy; it water you wash- your hands with, and SOUTH UEN1), IX I>. Physicians and Druggists everywhere rocommond it. took his word for it, poor thing. Wo­ use of cheeks and drafts. So extensive Record office, Bnchanan,. or at Niles Uon^crvatoiy it Wfis rather a long prayer,—and then seemed to shine throng]) and through that water just lukewarm, will keep o f Mii^lc, iu Rending block, Niles, Wednesdays Dr. N. S. Ruggles, of Marion, Mass., says: *‘I men do. is the use of cheeks and drafts at the and Saturdays. These instruments need no re­ recommend Bromi’s Iron Bitters as a valuable tonio lie too sprang to his feet. lie looked him with a soft glow like a candle on the skin clean and soft. A little oat­ present time, alongside of coin and commendations a* they are known to every out* to for enricliing tho blood, and removing all dyspeptic all around the decorous place; his face an altar. “I’ll never leave go of you, Mother Mary's husband married meal mixed with the water will whiten s! isL1108S: Directory. be the best in the m arket. symptoms. I t doos not hurt the teeth." them next day at the Mission meeting; other recognized forms of money, that Dr. K. J.L Dexzeix, Reynolds, Ind., says: “ 1 was white with tiie swift passion of Teen, if you’ll say so. I’d rather the hands. Many people use glycerine have prescribed Brown’s Iron Bitters in cases of marry you.” and Mother Mary sat down at tiie it may he questioned whether the quan­ fillViYESOTA, iVORTH DAKOTA anemia and blood diseases, also when a tonic was the drinking man. 'T never spoke in on their hands when they go to bed, tity of cash in a community is as much SOCIETIES. needed, and it has proved thoroughly satisfactory.** mootin' in my life,” said Jack in an . “Marry me?” said Teen. melodeon in the corner of the pleasant wearing gloves so as to keep the bed­ ZiIr. 'W.w.B trxs, 2® St. Mary St., New Orleans, La., place, and played and sang Toplady’s now as formerly a measure of its pros­ says: “ Brown’s Iron Bitters relieved mo in a enso unsteady voice. “I ain’t religious. I “Yes, marry you. I’d a sight rather. ding clean; but glycerine does not O. O. F. — BucUanan No. 75 holds itfa of blood poisoning, and I heartily commend it to drink. But L’m sober tonight, and I've There, now! It’s cut with it. What great hymn for them, as Jack had agree with everyone. It makes some perity. « regular nit»otin£, at Odd Fellows Hall, on j those needing a blood purifier. asked her/ It was his wedding march. - A M i - Mr. W. W. Moxahak, Tuscumbia, Ala., says: UI got something to say to yon. I heard do you say to that. Teen ?” skin harsh and red. These people C rdesday evening. have been troubled from, childhood with. Impure He was very sober and gentle,—almost Blood and eruption on my face-two bottles of what that man said. I know him. Teen wiped away the tears that fell should rub their hands with dry oat­ The Wire Age. Brown’s Iron Bitters effected a perfect cure. I like a belter man. Teen thought him A A. M. -B uchanan Lod«;e N o, 6H holds a REI) RIVER VALLEYS cannot speak too highly of this valuable medicine,” He’s old Jim Crownoby. I’ve always for her mother with one slow finger meal, and jvear gloves in bed. A good . regular meetingMoudayeveiiingon or before- know’d Jim Crownoby. He owns a tip. A ring on her finger glistened in the handsomest man she had ever preparation for the hands at night is In history we have the golden age, F t ve full moon in each month. Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed redlinos seen. AUD TURTLE MOUNTAIN DISTRICT. on. wrapper. T a k e no o th e r. Made only by sight of property in this town. He’s a the light as she did this. She saw the white of egg, with a grain of alum dis­ the iron age, the age of brass, and oth­ .u k o w '-n cinsarioAi. co., B a l t im o r e , h d . • Oh, I say. Teen.” lie nodded to her er periods similarly marked. Future OP U.—Bnchanan Grange No hi meets on With; ~X) miles New Railroad, Good Markets, Nu­ rich man. ■ He owns that block on sparkle, tore off the ring and dashed solved in it. The “Rome toilet paste” . the second amt fourth Saturday of each merous New Towns (including Rugby, an im­ as they walked away, “one tiling I for­ annalists may well describe tho pre­ F month, at *2 o’clock r. m. Black street. You know be does. it away; it fell into the mud, and was is mearly white of egg, barley flour and portant juretion, aud Minot, Division lleadqnar- You can’t deny it. Hor he can’t neither. trodden out of sight instantly. Jack got to tell you,— I’m reformed.” honey. They say it was used hy the sent period of our history as the wire tors), T w o M illio n A o r e s excellent govern­ “Are you, Jack?” age. In no part of economy of our O. if. T.—Bnchanan Lodge No 830 holds its ment land, directly on the line of R- E , All 1 want to say is, I’ve got drunk sprang gallantly to pick it up. Romans in olden time. It is a first ^ rou’Uar meeting mi each Monday evening. afford excellent opportunitiesior stockmen, farm in one of them places of his,time again; “Don’t yon touch it!” cried the girl. “If I ever drinlc a drop again, so rate preparation, but it does not do the daily lives are we divorced from wire J crsjiucclianics, amt merchants. Como eariy and SliMtilONSi help me—” But he stopped. I t is our slave, and yet an ever present O .tr. \Y —Bnchanan Lodge No. 98 holdsite investigate, or for lurtlior par.icnlars write to and if there ain’t anybody bub him to She put her bared hand hack upon his work any better than oatmeal. The A * reiilar meeting the 1st mid 3d Friday even- „ „ „ „ C. H. WARREN, . pray for my soul, I’d rather go to the arm; the ring had left a little mark “So help you, Rock of Ages?” roughest and hardest hands can be master. We sleep on wire matresess. lug of aeh month. G. r. A. St. r.. M. os .M. Ry., St. l'aul, iMnm. upon her‘finger; she glanced al this, asked the new-made wife. But Jack made soft and white in a month’s time Our food passes through a sieve, and iwG devil.” winced; he was honest enough to A . R. \Vhu. Pccrott P ost No.22. Regular Jack stopped short, jammed on his and up into Jack’s handsome face; he by doctoring them a little at bedtime; is sheltered from insect appetite hy . meeting on the first and third Wednesday hat and left the meeting. In the looked very kind! hesitate at this. and all the tools you need is a nail wire covers. Traveling, we are con­ aw iling of each month. Visiting comrades al­ “1 don't know’s I’d darst—that,” he veyed by cable or electric, railways, ways welcome. Mortgage Sale. shocked rustle that followed, some one “Jack, dear,” said Teen softly, brush a bottle of ammonia, a box of The sum of thirteen hnmired and eleven dollars bad the tact to start “ltescue the “I ain’t fit to marry ye,” added ruefully. “But I’m reformed. powdered borax, and a little fine white, hoisted hy elevatorslmng on wires and TTrOMAX’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post is claimed lobe due at the date of this notice ou Perishing,” as the fisherman strode ‘‘You’re fitter’ll I be,” answered I have lost all hanker for liquor. I sand to rub the stains off or a cut of a hurried over wire bridges. We an­ VV No 81. Meetings held regularly. In Hood a mortgage made by William Vanderhoof and down the broad aisle. He did not go Jack manfully. Tenn sighed; slid did shall never drink again. You’ll see, lemon, which will do even hotter, for nounce our coming hy telegraph or Templar'* Ilallr first and tliird Saturday even­ ELz tbeth Vanderhoof to Ebeuezer Harris, dated BILIOUSNESS Teen. telephone wires, and we thread our ings of each m onth. February i;4, 1881, and rectuded filarch second, Is an affection of tho Liver, and can again. The poor young convert fol­ not speak at once; other tears came the acid of the lemon will clean any­ eighteen hundred mui eighty-one, Iu Liber twenty- lowed him up for a week or two, and now, but these was tears for herself Teen did see, as was lo he expected. thing. Way by night through streets lighted PHYSICIAN. live ot mortgages, on pane 4t9, in the office of tbe "be thoroughly cured "by th at Grand She saw a great deal, poor tiling. Register of Deeds of Beitteu County, Michigan, Regulator of the Liver and gave him an expensive Testament, and for Jack. Jack felt this, after liis by means of electric cables. Across which mortgage was on the twelfth day of May, Biliary Organs, bought out of fin almost invisible per­ fashion; they gave him singular^ con­ Jack did not drink,—for a long time; our fields are strung thousands of TVR. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Sur- 1S33, by said Kbeuc/.cr Harris assigned to James it was nearly five months, ior they She Hears With an Orchestra of miles of barbed wire. Our clocks are I * geon. Night calls promptly attended to. CL DeViney. anti recorded May 25,1SS3, in Liber SISSBSQNS LIVES REGULATOR sonal income, in vain. fusion of mind. Office in Kinyon's block. 31 ,on page 338 of mortgages in said register's oflice, “I ’ve no objections to you,” said “I wouldn’t cry about it Teen. You kept close count. He took her to Her Own. set by wires, and our politics managed and ou the 10th day of May, 1880, assigned by said MANUFACTURED BY Jack candidly; “I’m much obliged to needn’t have me if you don’t want to.” Fairbarbor, and rented the old half of “The most singular case of deafness by wires. h e o d o r e f . i i . s p u e s g . m . n ., may i.e Jam es (?. DeVtney to Louisa Matthews, and. re­ the crumbling cottage where his T consul I "(I at his office until 1/ A. M. audfri Liber 37 of mortgages, at page 418. Pursuant churches that sub-leases to a rum- “Honest?” mother used to sit and watch for him said the family 'physician, “is that of a doorsonth of Rough Bros’. Wagon Woiks. therefore to the pmvi r ot sale iu said mort- I v as afflicted for several vcais with on long, late evenings. The young Juue Weather Proverbs. gagecomnined the premises therein described, to- disordered liver, which resulted in a seller, I don’t think they understand “H onest it is, Jack.” woman up on Fremont place. She has T\R. R. HENDERSON, Physician and Shtjzooii w it: T he west sixty acres ot tin* north-east quar­ severe attack of jaundice. I had as a drinkin’ man. Hey? Well, ain’t he “Will you make a good wife. Teen ? wife did the watching now. They such a frightful noise in her head that A cold and wet June spoils the J / Office over «T. Iv. W ood's store. I’o -id u u e ter of section fourteen, tmvu eight sonth, range good medical attendance as our sec­ planted some cinnamon rose-bushes by No. 90-Front Street. niaeteen west iu Ben ten C'onnty, btate ot Michi­ tion affords, who failed utterly tore- their biggest; rooster, now? Don’t he asked Jack, after some unprecedented she can’t hear a thing except when whole year. gan. will be sold at public unction at. ihe front store me to the enjoyment of my do the heft of the prayin’, aud the thought. tiie doorsteps of the collage, and she’s in a lierdic, when the rattleof the A dripping June brings all tiling in dour of the Court House, in the village of Berrien former good health. I then tried the fostered them affectionately. Jack K. n.W EItS, W I), llvsic'un trd SiugCcm1 Springs, in said vonuty, on Friday, the eighth day favorite prescription of one of the talle.-t of their crowin’, consequently ? “I’ll try, Jack.” sort of drowns the noise in her tune. J # Oalien. Michigan. of July, 1S37, at one o'clock in the afternoon, to most reuowned physicians of Louis­ Thought so. Better leave me go, sir. “You’ll never go hack on me, no­ was as happy and sober as possible to head, and she can then hear as well as If the nortli wind blows in June, satisfy the amount due on said mortgage, together ville. Ky., but to no purpose; where­ I ain't a pious man; Fm a fisherman.” how ?” begin with. lie picked the cinnamon ever. She observes this peculiarity of rye will be splendid in harvest time. ETAPHVSZCAL on MIND CURE RETREAT with the iittorrtey lee and other legal costs. upon I was induced to try Stinm oiiH roses and brought them in for bis wife Home and Cure for the Sick. Ati». S. U April 14,1887. L iver itosrulator. 1 found imme­ “Fishes,” said Jack, “is no fools.” “1 ain’t that sort!” cried the girl, her affliction, what did she do the other Calm weather in June, sets corn in MT a t u m , Proptietorand Healer. Buchanan, Mich LOUISA MATTHEWS, diate benefit from its rise, and it ulti­ He gave voice to this remark one drawing herself up a little. A new to wear. He was proud to have a night hut bring home a watchman's tune. Assignee of said Mortgage. mately restored m e to the full enjoy­ home of liis own; he had not expected When it is hottest in June, it will he D. E . H inman, Attorney for said Assignee. m ent of health. day in Boston, when he was twenty- dignity sat upon her with a certain rattle and a pair of cymbals. She ______D E N T I S T S . ______(Last publication, July 7,1887 ) A. H. SHIRLEY. five years old. He was trying to en­ grace which was beautiful to see. to; in fact lie-had never had one since didn’t say anything until her husband the coldest in the next February at that night when his mother said they M. WILSON, Dentist. Oflice, first door north Richmond, ICy. tertain a Boston girl; she was not “Will you swear it, Teen?’ came home and sat down to dinner. corresponding days. J of the Bank. Uharges reasonable andsatis- familiar with Fairliarbor or with the “If you’d rather, Jack.” were to give her love to him, if lie He began to ask the blessing, and she’ June, damp and warm, does not ' faction guaranteed. DRAIN LETTING. scenery of his calling; he wanted to “What’ll you swear hy, now?” asked came home while site was asleep. He wishing to hear liis remarks, began to make the farmer poor. HEADACHE had beaten about so, sleeping for the Notice is hereby given, that I, L. W. Spaulding, Proceeds from a Torpid Liver ami Im - interest her: he liked the girl. He Jack, “Yon must swear by all you bang away on the cymbals. He stop­ If on the 8th of June it rain, it for- Township Drain Commissionerof thermmship of imrities of the Stomach. Xt can he most part in his berth, and sailing tells of wet harvests, men hath said. Bncbaimn, County of Berrien, State of Michigan, had liked a goon many girls, it goes hold holy.” ped light in the midst of in's devotions will, on the tweuty-seventh duv of June, A. D. invariably cured by talcing Without saying; but this one had laid '“AVliat do I hold holy?” mused again directly; he had never had any and asked tier wrathfully if she was Previous to St. John's day (24tli) we W buTH 1887, at the Colvin school bouse, in said township upon the fisherman —she knew not Teen. place, he said, to hang his winter crazy, to which she responded by dare not praise barley. of Buchanan, at muc o'clock in the forenoon of clothes in; closets and bureaus seemed - — A X ’D ------that day, proceed lo receive bids lor the construct­ SIPIGNS LiVER REGULATOR how, lie knew not Why, and what man “Will you swear,” continued Jack whooping it up a little louder, where­ Rain on St. Barnabas’ day (nth) is a ion of a certain Drain kuown as the ‘•Carpenter Let all who suffer remember that or woman of us could have told him? seriously, “will you swear to me by treasure bouses to him, and the kitch­ upon lie rushed over to my house and good harvest in grapes. Drain,'* located and established in the said town­ —the power that comes not of reason, the Rock of Ages?” en-lire a luxury greater than a less said his wife was a raving lunatic. I The folio wing is from “Robin’s Al­ rj p 3 t w . ship of Bnchanan, and described as follows, to-wit: SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHES good looking man would have de­ Begiuuiug at 7U imls south of the north qnar- Can bo prevented by taking a dose as soon ns their or of time, or of trying, or of wisdom, “Who’s that?” asked the girl. went hack with him to try and fix up manac”, 1097. Having recently erected an te r post of section 10, town 7 south, range IS west, symptoms indicate the coming uf an attack. or of rightness, but of the mystery to “l ’ts a hymn-tune. I want you to served. When he came home, drench­ matters, hut just as soon as I opened If St. Vitus day (15th) be rainy weather, and on the north side ot a highway: thence north ed and chilly, from a winter voyage, It will rain for 30 days together. 37® 30 sec. east, 55 rods; Ihenconorth,.8« 30sec which, When we are not speaking of swear me hy the Bock of Ages that my mouth she let lly with the watch­ Improved Brick and Tiling Kiln east, g-trods ; theure north, 15® 45 sec. west, lg KAKDSOftES WEDDING, BIRTHDAY® Jack, wo give the name of love. It you’ll he what you say you will, lo me. and Teen took the covers off, and the man’s rattle. The outcome of it is rods b links; thence north,If.® west, II rods 10 OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. fiery heat of the coals leaped , out to links; thence north, 88® west, 4 rods; thence seems a sacrilege, admit, to write it Will you Uo it Teen?” that my friend gets all his meals down Mail Bag Keys. I am now prepared to furnish the north, 01° west, 5 rods 7 links; thence north, 4(Jo here, and of these two. But then, “Oh, yes,” said Teen, “I’ll do it. greet him, and she stood in the rich town and spends his evenings at the west, G rods 18 links to outlet, 119 rods. Also, I where shall we come acrest one?” color, with her yellow hair, young and city club, while his wife, armed with Postmasters are furnished by the will at the same time contract for the delivery of again, it would be easy to be wrong. department with a patent key to open 3f*:wJL«AiE: 250 feet ol 12 inch socket sewer pipe to be deliver The study of the relativity of human “I guess I can find it,” Jack replied. fair and s weet as any man’s wife could her orchestra, goes calling on her cd at Bnchanan, freight prepaid. Said job will lie feeling is a.delicate science; it calls for “I can find ’most anything I set out look, and saicl she had missed him, and neighbors on Allen-st. and fools the the mail hag. This key is attached to the market airords. Also let by sections or divisions. The section at the called him her dear husband, Jack a small steel chain some five feet long, outlet of the drain will be let first, and theremnin- a fine moral equipment. If this were to.” children into believing that the circus which tiie directions require to be fas­ ingsectious in their order up stream, in accord­ the high-water mark of nature for So they started out at random, in even went so far as to feel that Teen has come again.”—Buffalo CouHer. ance with rhe diagram now on file with the other their reckless fashion, in the great was the luxury. He treated her ac- tened to screw attached to the bottom FIRST-CLASS TILING papers pertaining to said Drain, and bids will be Jack—and who shall say?—the tide ------♦ » * ------of the draw at the official table. The made and received accordingly. Contracts will be shall have its sacred due, even down city, to find the Rock of Ages for the cordinglv; that was at first. He came rangingin ------This Institute offers in its Collegiate, Normal, wise you will do so at once. H. H allett & Co., ing. wrote to her mother that she was Commercial, Preparatory and other graduating Portland, Eainc- Jack thought, I say, gravely of this by to whom the query was put. Thir­ A Chauge of Programme. cours. s facilities unsurpassed in the West in pre­ girl. He never once took her name in The girl said she had been there married; and her mother came on to ty-one of them replied: “You bet,” One paring for Teaching, for all the University courses, vain among the fellows, and she had once, hut that Mother Mary was too make her a little visit; and Teen cried “I beg pardon, sir,” lie said, as he and for business. Address her soul out for joy. She was very said: “I should smile;” two said: “She U. .T. EDGCDMBE, A. M., Ph.D., -W IL L FA Y - not been a very good girl either. But good for lver; she was one.of the real is getting there with both feet.” and stopped a pedestrian on Woodward 34 U Principal. U ONEST HELP FOR MEN. Jack retlected that lie was not very kind. Everybody knew Mother Mary modest and home keeping and loving; avenue, “but can you tell me where no wife in the land was truer than the other remarked: “Go ’long, ’Liza good himself, if you come to that. and her husband; he was a parson. Jane.” the City Hall is?” Pay No Move Money to Quacks. Cash for Old Iron, His downright, honest nature stood him They were poor folks themselves, this girl he had chosen was to the There were others who later went “Right over there, sir.” will send yon a New Seir-Cure, discovered in stead in this moraldistinction; there Teen-said, and. understood poor folks, fisherman who chose her. Jack knew “Ah! that’s it, eh? Are there any STR O M ’S after 30 years* experimenting, which Never that. lie believed in her. She made scudding by. One responded: “I should IFalls and Costs you, Absolutely Nothing: Cotton and Woolen Sags, was always a broad streak’ of gener­ and did for them all the year round, snicker to remark.” Another one aldermen about the hall this time o’ until cured. Address osity in him at his worst; it goes with not clearing out like rich ones when it him happy; and therefore she kept him smiled broadly: “Young ducks ain’t a day?” HENRY SPRAUL, Box*105, finiwaukce, Wis. came hot weather,>uut stood hy ’em, right. “There may he.” BOHEMIAN the temperament, we say, and perhaps (To Tie Conlimictl.) circumstance.” A third caroled: “Bet Old R u l e r , and All K inds of M etals. we say it too often to give him half' Teen said. They kept the little room ------■« a »■ — • your sweet life,” and the fourth lisped “Thanks. I suppose you know them the credit of it. open, and if you wanted a prayer you hewitcliingly: “If anybody asks you all?” B E E R . CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. . She was a pretty girl, and she was Went in and got it, just as you’d call The Living Earth. tell ’em you don’t know'.” The gentle­ “Most of them.” -----FOB ----- ALESME 0;ik street, first house north of U. B_ very young. She" had told Jack her for a drink or a supper; it was always In a paper published in the Indian man standing with tiie reporter said: “Just so. Some of them are charit­ F A M I L Y TITTLE, i "W ANTED. Permanent position8 story, as they strolled about the bright on hand for you, and a kind word sure Engineer, an illustration is given of the “ Well, that do settle it,” “and her front able, are they not?” s guaranteed with SALARY ASX) . Church', Buell tin an, Mich. llmS Boston streets on comfortable winter: to come with it, and you always knew life that dwells in nature, the phenom­ name it.was Hannah,” sighed the re­ “I don’t know*as ao that.” EXPENSES PA lBriSSy tletennln- N where to go for ’em; and Mother Mary “I see. If I found an alderman there evenings; when lie took her-to the enon of earthquakes being cited. The ed man can succeed with 11 si Peculiar advantages porter.—Dallas News. ■ to beginners., Stock complete, including many variety show, .or..to..-the-, oyster .shop, treated you like*folks. She,, liked her, peculiar terror of an-earthquake lies he might not be a charitable alderman, fast-sellinggpeclnllies. Outfit lree. TO ABYERTISERS! and. they talked together. Jack piti ed TeCu said. If she’d been a different mainly in the suddenness of its ap-' eh?” Address at once- (Name this paper.) her.’ Perhaps.she deserved it; it was girl, she’d have gone there of a cold proaeli. Volcanic eruptions are usrutl- ■ Hens anti Chickens for Cnrcnlios. “I was going over there to ask some EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTED. BROWN BROTHERS, Fora check for S20 we will print a ten-line NURSERYMEN-, (18-30) CHICAGO,TJX. advcitiacmentin OneMillioa issues of Ameri­ a sad little story—-and she was so very night all winter. But Teen said she ly preceded by vast rumblings, or jets For several years after my trees be­ charitable alderman to loan me a dol­ can Newspapers. This is at the rate of only one- TO BE HAD AT AXE fifth o f a c e n t a line, for 3.000 c ircu latio n ! T h e young!She. had a gentle.why, with felt ashamed. of steam, or other unmistakable tokens. gan to set fruit-, says a -correspondent lar, hut as the prospects are so dubious, advertisement will be placed before One Million. Jacki for some reason, God knows, “I guess she’ll have what I’m after,” Hurricanes and cyclones, in like man­ of the Congressionalfet, I waited in and as you have evinced an interest in A RELIABLE RESIEU. different newspaper purchasers:—or F ive Mix.- said Jack. “She sounds like she would. vain for a plum. The little turk took my Welfare, permit me to abandon n m t d r m s m. mim. i .iox Headers. Ten lines will nccommoclato why, she had. trusted him from" the' ner, have heralds that announce their NATURE’S F or Sich Stomachy first, and, lie had never, once been Let’s go in and see.” every one. I then put a temporary my original plan and strike you for a CURE FOR Torpid Liver, about 75 words. Address with copy of Adv. and. coming. But with an earthquake there Packed in Cases or Barrels to suit Bilious Headache, check, or send30 ceutefor Book of ITfipagcs. - known to. disturb lier trust. That was I So they went into the quiet place, ■are no. premonitory symptoms. The fence around the trees, and put in a quarter.” Costiveness, GKO. P . ROWELL & CO., Purchasers. U 10 SwiucE St., N ew York. the pleasant part of it. • among the praying people, and stood great earthquake which took place at hen witli a brood of chickens, and jar­ ------T- CONSTIPATION, Tarrant's Effervescent staring, for they felt embarrassed. Lisbon in the year 1775 found the red the-trees every morning—the ear­ Bottled a t the Brew ery, S e 11 z e r Aperient On this evening .that.we speak of, A Large River Cargo. Mother Mary looked very white and people engaged in their ordinary occu­ lier the better—and since I have done It is certain inits effects. Jack whs sober. He Vas . often sober The largest load ever takeh by a . Itls gcntle in its action. IsonfllelnPbilndelplila when he liad an, evening to spend with peaceful; she was a tall, fair woman; pations. All the shocks were over in this, the Only trouble has been so much DETROIT, - MICH. ^ It is palatable to the at the Newspaper'Advcr- about five minutes, The first shock fruit that the trees cotild not mature single steamboat down the Mississipi B taste. It can be relied THIS PAPER__ risingAgeney of Messrs. the Boston girl; hot,always—no; truth’ she wore a black dress .with white P upon to cure; audit enres N . W . AY E R 4 SOI about.the bosom; it was a plain, old lasted about six seconds. In that brief all. Some would rot on‘the tree. But reached New Orleans, La., recently. w n c x m i n m a t t e n t i o n i We SONa our authorized agents- must he told. She looked as pretty as The Joseph B, Williams had the tow nU liIlljJu ulluOUDU are now prepared to fnr- by assisting, not by out­ was in her that bight; she had black dress, much mended. Mother Mary space of time most of the houses had I have boon rewarded with bushels of uish all classes with employment at home, the raging, nature. Do not did not look rich, as Teen had said. been thrown, down, and thousands of delicious plums. made up on the Ohio River, consisting whole of the time,: or for their snare moments. take violent purgatives eyes'and'a kind of-yellow hair that of 39 boats and barges loaded with Business new, flight and profitable. Persons of yonrselves, or allow your Jack liad never seen crinkled low on The room was filled with poor ‘crea­ men, women, and children crushed be­ I then planted trees ih my lien-yard, either sex easily* earff from 50 cents to $5.00 per children to take them, al­ ■the forehead above black eyes before; tures gathered about her, like her neath the ruins. At times the ocean and with the jarring, the success is the coal; the load, 826,011 bushels of coal, evening,, aud a .proportional snni "by devoting all ways use this elegant or 31.3SS tons. The steamer is attach­ their time to the the business. Boys and f iris Sick-Headachef phannacuentfcal prepara­ he thought her as- fine to look at as children, while she talked with them lends fresh terrors to the scene. Thus same. I begin to jar the trees as soon earn nearly as mnch as men. That all whe see AND tion, which has been for any actress he ever saw ; for the stage and taught them as she could. She at Lisbon a wave of water over 50 feet as the fruit 6ets, and keep it up until ed to the rear of the tow, guiding and this may send their address, aud test the business, more than forty years n controlling it in the current. It would w e m ake this offer* To such as are not well sa tis­ public favorite. Solti by was Jack’s standard of the magnifi­ crossed.the room immediately to where high rushed in among the houses, and the stone forms. Then I thin out'all fied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble DYSPEPSIA• Bruggists teerywhere. cent, as it is to so many of his sort. the young man stood, with the girl be­ covered what still remained. In the I have tlieheart to, but enough usually. take about 2,000 freight cars and fifty of writing. Full particulars and ouifitfroc. Ad- side him, island of Jamaica on a similar occasion; While the- trees are small, yon can jar engines to bring the load dy rail. dress George S'rntsoif«& CO.,. Portland, M aine, The girl’s name was Teen, Probably REGISTERED. • she had been called Christine once, in “We’ve come,” said Jack, “to find two thousand five hundred houses with the hand, giving two or three •pueq 4B JUQTi'aaZX'iaS «$XMV?HIV7L dSd3 were buried'in three minutes under 30 sharp raps or pushes; as the trees.get punt oq; — >K- her country home; she never told Jack the Bock of Ages”’ He drew Teen’s The possibility of premature burial anoqSnoiqi sonjtauy osjaL Notice to the Ladies! that she had-been baptised. had through his arm, and held it for a feet of water. Recent delicate scientif­ larger, I use a mallet, With a padded *69JO)S ic experiments have disclosed the fact has heen considered so great by the •ox noos ai o^noddo^soT “I Wasn’t myself,” said Jack; “I minute; then, moved by some fine end: and as they get eight or ten inches Madrid authorities that the municipal Dr. Elsie' F. Anderson, instinct mysterious to, liimself, he that the surface of the land is never in diameter, I reach up among the 116 North M ichiean street, suodo 91 ‘send earn® Ml Dr. E. S. Dodd & Son, roared so, they darsen’t do it. My cemetery has been provided with an mother got me to church, for she was lifted and laid it in Mother Mary’s absolutely at rest for more than thirty larger branches, as a rap on the trunk electric signalling apparatus which will SOX7VCSH: BEN D , IN D rA N B - oios oipvoqjoxuAom iuojA: Druggists aud: Booksellers, have the agency for hours at a time. Thus those great will'n ot jar it enough. Try it, and eat *q3noxq9 the sale of the lemons specific,. “Orange Blosp6inr’r a pidus woman, and I pnmmeled the own notify the officials of the slightest? v&jsflg oqt sotvjnOos earthquakes which make epoch in plums to your fill for six weeks, besides Tre ats alt Chronic Diseases. D iseases gf Xep XaXep jaayi pldioj oqi n positive care for all Female diseases. Every . parson in the face with-hoth'.fists,.and “Explain it to her, ma’am.” lie said; movement in any Coffin In the receiv­ o tr s v jl SPECtA2.Tr. ’Will visit Buchanan each ^«!

uchanan ecord AT the mectiug of Niles City Coun­ J a c o b A l l e n , one of the men who Did you ever notice that tansy is G ALIEN ITEMS. ADDITION. C. A. Simonds & Co. B R . cil, June 13, two claims of damages for started what is now the business con­ never molested by insects of any kind? The Children’s day exercises in tiie C. A. Simonds &Co. injuries received by falling through ducted by Spencer & Barnes, under the The same is true of anything else that M. E. Church, Sunday evening, were a We are constantly adding to our stock goods of THURSDAY, JUKE 23, IgST. Niles, Mich. the finest make from Niles, Mich. poor sidewalks were filed. firm name of Spencer & Allen, about grows near it. The tea sprinkled on success in every way. The program £nt?rert at the Post-Office, at Buchanan,5lich twelve years ago, and who lias since will keep bugs off from melon vines; was good and well carried out; the lit­ A huisy scene is presented at this The Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Fine Kid Boots, all sizes and as S econd'Cla8 8 Matter; Mr. Totjbje has just been putting in that time been in the West, returned worms off from hops, currants and tle ones doing themselves much credit widths, from “B” to “EE.” a water ram for keeping the cream to Buchanrm last week. gooseberries; is likely to be a good thing by the way they performed their parts. STYLISH GOODS, ery cool, which will he a great saving to in the case of the cabbage worm, and Next Sunday evening the Baptist S. S. vv Popular Sloe House. DIVISION. SUPERIOR STOCK, TRENBETH, him in ice bill. N i l e s celebration committee went is recommended as keeping curculio will have Children’s day exercises. Once a customer, alwaj’s a customer is true of I am enabled by my largo patronage to divide to Chicago for their printing. We from tiie plum trees. this linn. LO W PRICES. Rev. B. McDermond fchas not yet re­ profits with my Buchanan customers. It Jimmy Dudy spent a part of Satur­ wonder if the numerous printers our turned from his wedding trip to Can­ Best Quality of Goods, pleases me to do it. (C. A. S.) CHAS. A. SIMONDS, Manager. day afternoon in town, got full, as usu­ neighbor contains were also slighted At a meeting of the School Board, ada, but is expected this week. al, and went home with a conple of by the soliciting committees when held Tuesday evening, the vacancies in Reed’s European circus was here Aud Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. A. Simonds & Co. (FORMERLY WITH NOBLE.) THE TAILOR. holes kicked in his face. No arrests. funds are being raised for the celebra­ the corps of teachers for the ensuing Monday night. The D ee part of the tion. A town that will treat its pub­ year were filled. The full list is now show was extremely well patronized, Job lot Corsets, from 25 to GO cents, Mrs. J. H. Roe and her brother, Mr. lishers in that way ought not to have as follows: O. E. AleSbire, Superin­ and the tent was well filled later. worth from 50c to $1.25. Will Blowers of Grand Rapids, went IIAS A FINE STOCK OF any. tendent; Ii. F. Buck, Principal; Miss Mrs. Nellie Endley started on Tues­ GRAHAM. Monday for an extended visit with Fannie Metzger, Assistant; Miss Lizzie day for her future home in Walkerton, Salt Pork, home made, 9 cents, at their parents in Kansas. The pupils in the first grade the past Young, Fourth Grammar; Miss Lizzie Ind, W. H. KEELER CROXON’S. — ------term have had a living example of Strauseight, Third Grammar; Miss Dr. Spaulding has been prevented -DEALER? IN- F o u r t h of July commences early Vienna Bread, at BISHOP’S. promptness in one of their teachers, Effie Perry, Second Grammar; Miss by the illness of his wife and child Plenty of new goods at Mrs. De- Foreign and Domestic this year, patriotism has been crack­ Miss Emma Grover, She has passed Annie Treat, First Grammar; Miss from starting west when he had in­ Bunker’s, and as cheap as any one can ling all about town the past three muster through all of the gradesof the tended, but will go this week. Cluisteen Anderson, Fourth Primary; sell. weeks and is increasing. school and would have graduated this Miss NellioBaldwin, Third Primary; Rumor says that Galien will have spring bad she not accepted the situa­ Miss EdaBeardsley, Second Primary; another wedding in the near future. Fancy Baskets, at MORRIS’ FAIR. T i i e hand organ with two men, who tion as teacher, and was never found Miss May Haller, First Primary. Particulars later. Our Summer Underwear are very had one eye for the two, visited Bu­ on tiie tardy list. G. A. Blakeslee has just completed nice and cheap, at chanan Tuesday. They are veterans dm m over \y2 miles of wire fence on his C. O. HIGH’S ./ iu the business. This place was thrown into an ex­ E l d e r B. H. H a y d e n , of Paw Paw, citement last evening by the announce­ land in Weesaw. In Table Linen I can show you lud will make them up in the latest Mich., wilt describe his recent trip to ment that Mr. Joseph Fuller, living Mrs. C. A. Clark is spending a few elegant patterns, very cheap. / * Mrs. W. H. Major and daughter, Egypt and Palestine in two lectures at styles at very low prices. four miles north of this town, had days in Michigan City with relatives. C. C. HIGH. of Michigan City, made her many the Christian church on next Saturday Books, Stationery and Wall jpPaper. been oiitraggpuSlyratockedbyThKisked Galien is well supplied with music. F or Sale. — A six octave piano. friends in Buchanan a visit Monday and Sunday evenings, June 25, and 20. tramps^/Ete wont to a vacant houshdn We have a good band, a glee club not Price $25. Nearly that value of Rose­ and Tuesday. He will preach on Sunday morning at his field opposite his home about tw excelled by any in this vicinity, and in wood in the case. the same church. All are cordially o’clock yesterday afternoon, attracted the village more than forty pianos and HOLMES & DAVID. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Brushes, Come and Examine. This place was given a heavy rain invited to come and hear. organs. and hail storm Mondavafternoon, that by some noise, and there found two or /three masked tramps who immediately An ice cream festival will be held in “Featherbone” Corsets are only, will be a great help to growing crops. N otice.—Many persons who take PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED* assaulted him, over powered him and the Town Ilall next Saturday evening, found at /yf Bucliaium Markets. Storms came within hearing distance books from the township library keepj C. C. HIGH S. ° attached him in an outrageous man -j for the benefit of the M. E. Ghurch. of ns Saturday and Sunday evenings. them for months in violation of the Ilay—65 © $10 per ton. ner to an Iron beam plow lying there/ Nemo. Another barrel of that Extra Good Fine Soaps, Sponges, Etc. published rules. Hereafter these rules Butter—lOe. and left him as they said to die. n e Syrup, at J. BLAKE’S. A late'copy of the Scott. Kansas. will be strictly enforced. ' Kggs— l()c. was there until evening when he was FROM REKRIEN CENTRE. Those having Vegetables to sell, and News, notes the transfer of real estate, Wm. M. Roe, 39 Front Street, Buchanan, Mich. h au l—-SC. discovered by his son, who came at Mr, P. K. Charles arrived from East­ those wishing to buy call, at of one lot to Geo. W. Fox and a partner Chairman, of the Board of School In­ Potatoes new—1.00. wim to town for assistance. Mr. H. ern Maine, Monday evening. He is the J. BLAKE’S. Onions—Sl.00©$1.3.'). for $210, and one to David Lloyd for spectors. guest of MivThos. Mars. - ■ -« 6-»------N. Mewrey went out and by hard work The best 5 cent Cigar in town, at ■*, Salt, retail—$1.00 with liahMUgrand cold chisels suc­ Hayiiig^ls tiie order of the day in E. MORGAN & CO. Flour—$3.00 © $.1.00 per bbl. Chicken thieves got in their work Sts vicinity. in tliis place, last Thursday night. ceeded in breaiimgrthmplwv“bu;ilfi’knti Now, ladies, i f you want a nice Ilcmey—12. We learn that it is the expectation releasing him. As the men wore Com is looking unusually fine in They took all hut one of Charley Uoff- Lawn Dress cheap, call at Live poultry — 4 SOe. course of study at tiie University. to be had to the perpetrators. A The home talent Dramatic Company Corn—linn, 40c. Should they all do it would be the best. leghorn chickens, and took a lien and met with rousing success, at Eau at GRAHAM’S. Ladies, at all times during the season ------ft—------small chickens from Mr. Henderson, on number of pretty tough looking char­ Beans—$1.50. acters have been about tliis section Claire on Saturday evening last. The If you are in want of a nice Black Clover seeil—$3.73 A l l members of the X. Y. Z. are in­ Oak street. Mr. Wood says lie would proceeds of both evenings, at Berrien Dress in fancy weave, look at C. C. you will find new and fresh vited to participate In a social meeting, like to have them return the old hen lately and it would be difficult to Buckwheat—40