Loo* Ocr for Voyr Pockets.The Approaching Anniversaries
' ggs=. -JJ'J The t'ttlvrnnl I »nkc«' Nation. Mu-rlnl, Sailed from BtUtol May J, North Indian Ocean. Auction baic»* NEW Solid a 11 k America, (ttf- WK WERE WRONG IN MAYING THE On ei N S! i i J i I i> 0 S T S C R I P T7 INORAHAM, written Wedueoday cuing. ith nu(., by the llev. Henry l»l< te for the ITrifie. Romance by PIIOKEHSOR W. Fellows, Mr. Grose» il. Km.liiii of ti Arrived at Kail River TV THOMAH HEM MBM». " wouUl this » i*i, but it h Philadelphia. Mav ?, Lionida*, Atlantic 0« o>» For our umi U Soulhem Cart et/uttu/eaor, for the Nation," oppcur Miss IUhkii.t lints, of Stone, of tlii> bbla i|H m. [Stores Not. 21 Jim and 116 Fulton strett.) !>H LAHONK.t'S LECTURES. i£i- daughter " c\pressly A'aph - this morning's Mail, tee fourth o cotnu out in tlic next number. City. A uli-1..U' jv» >i»d up Narin-; I Till nsf)At' \ NINO. MAI :tb? pope. _ l<i/ keemug however, containing no B.yM.yJ, _ FTUDAY? fil l I. The present one i* in go**! On Itli the liev. Ileitis lie.t.d Coin, <lat«prnbr.ldy in FiK./eieu Coffin, Nam. Ai o'clock. in ili»? ties room, an of the sheets. The Wednesday afternoon, inst., by 300 bbt#. Ill's THR r.AKTil. the richest mutter of y large (. ha*e, I'lUiLi 1 !>. Tili.' r, of this to Miss I'Mtm. Piano ForUa, Organ-.
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