Ag/S3/10/17 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU AGENDA FOR MEETING ON TUESDAY 11 MAY 2010 2.00pm: Room Q1.03 1. Minutes (a) Draft minutes of 4 May 2010 (attached) (b) Matters arising 2. Future Business Programme (PB/S3/10/84) Legislation 3. (a) Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill – Stage 1 referral (PB/S3/10/85) 4. Opposition business allocation 2010-2011 (PB/S3/10/86) 5. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers 6. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 18 May 2010 PB/S3/10/84 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU POSSIBLE MOTIONS FOR MEMBERS BUSINESS 1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time. 2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below. S3M-6236# Stewart Maxwell: 65th Anniversary of VE Day—That the Parliament commemorates the 65th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) when on 8 May 1945 the Allied Forces formally accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany; honours the contribution by veterans of all ages and from all conflicts; believes that there should be greater recognition of war veterans in Scotland, many of whom sustained severe physical or mental injuries in defending their country, and encourages veterans to take advantage of their eligibility for the Veterans’ Badge, a small, but visible token of society’s appreciation of their service. Supported by: Rob Gibson, Brian Adam, Maureen Watt, Andrew Welsh, Bob Doris, Des McNulty, Kenneth Gibson, Dave Thompson, Tricia Marwick, Stuart
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