Serving Scotland Better: Better: Scotland Serving Serving Scotland Better: Scotland and the United Kingdom in the 21st Century Final Report – June 2009 Scotland and the United Kingdom in the 21st Century 21st the in Kingdom United the and Scotland Commission on Scottish Devolution Secretariat 1 Melville Crescent Edinburgh EH3 7HW 2009 June – Report Final Tel: (020) 7270 6759 or (0131) 244 9073 Email:
[email protected] This Report is also available online at: © Produced by the Commission on Scottish Devolution 75% Printed on paper consisting of 75% recycled waste Presented to the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament and to the Secretary of State for Scotland, on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, June 2009 Serving Scotland Better: Scotland and the United Kingdom in the 21st Century | Final Report – June 2009 Serving Scotland Better: Scotland and the United Kingdom in the 21st Century It was a privilege to be asked to chair a Commission to consider how the Scottish Parliament could serve the people of Scotland better. It is a task that has taken just over a year and seen my colleagues and me travelling the length and breadth of Scotland. It has been very hard work – but also very rewarding. Many of the issues are complex, but at the heart of this is our desire to find ways to help improve the lives of the people of Scotland. The reward has been in meeting so many people and discussing the issues with them – at formal evidence sessions, at informal meetings, and at engagement events across the country.