Scottish Parliament Elections: 2011 RESEARCH PAPER 11/41 24 May 2011

The SNP gained an overall majority in the in the elections on 5 May 2011. The paper provides data on voting trends and electoral turnout for constituencies, electoral regions, and for Scotland as a whole.

This paper is a companion volume to Library Research Papers 11/40 National Assembly for Wales Elections: 5 May 2011; 11/42, Northern Ireland Assembly Elections: 5 May 2011; 11/43, Local Elections 2011; and 11/44, Alternative Vote referendum 5 May 2011.

Mark Sandford

Recent Research Papers

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Research Paper 11/41 Contributing Authors: Mark Sandford Jeremy Hardacre

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ISSN 1368-8456


Contents Summary 3

1 Introduction 4 1.1 The electoral system 4 1.2 The boundary review 5 1.3 Other elections 5 1.4 Candidates 5

2 The results 6 2.1 SNP 6 2.2 Labour 7 2.3 Conservative 7 2.4 Liberal Democrat 7 2.5 Others and independents 7 2.6 MSPs – women and minority ethnic 8 2.7 Turnout and spoilt ballots 8 2.8 Data sources 8 2.9 Map: Seat winners 9 2.10 Map: Turnout 9

3 Summary Results 10 3.1 Table 1: Scottish Parliament elections: 5 May 2011 10 3.2 Table 2: Previous Scottish Parliament elections 11 3.3 Map: Share of vote Conservative 12 3.4 Map: Share of vote Labour 12 3.5 Map: Share of vote Lib Democrat 13 3.6 Map: Share of vote SNP 13

4 Constituency results 14 4.1 Table 3: Constituency results – votes and turnout by constituency 14 4.2 Table 4: Constituency results – seats by majority (from highest to lowest percentage point majority) 16 4.3 Table 5: Constituency results – party share of vote by constituency, and majority 17 4.4 Table 6: Constituency results – notional change in party share of vote by constituency 19 4.5 Table 7: Constituency results – votes and shares by region and party 21


5 Regional Results 5.1 Table 8: Regional ballot results – votes and turnout by region 21 5.2 Table 9: Regional ballot results – party share of vote by region 21 5.3 Table 10: Turnout and party share of vote in regional ballot, compared to constituency ballot, by region (% point difference) 22 5.4 Table 11: Seats won by seat type, party and region 22

6 Other figures 6.1 Table 12: Spoilt ballot papers by constituency 23 6.2 Table A1: Constituencies with highest and lowest turnout in each region 25 6.3 Table A2: Largest and smallest majorities by party 26 6.4 Table A3: Highest and lowest shares of the constituency vote by major party 27 6.5 Table A4: Scottish Parliament members elected, May 2011 28


Summary • The SNP won an overall majority of seats (69 of 129) with 44.7% of the vote. Labour polled 29.0%, the Conservatives 13.1% and the Liberal Democrats 6.6%. 30 new SNP members were elected.

• Labour has 37 MSPs, nine fewer than after the 2007 election; and seven fewer than if the 2007 election had been fought (notionally) on the 2011 boundaries.

• The Liberal Democrats saw a reduction in their vote share from 13.7% to 6.6%, and a reduction in their number of seats from 16 to 5. They held on to two constituency seats, in Orkney and Shetland.

• The Conservatives lost two seats compared to their actual 2007 performance, and were down by five seats compared to notional 2007 results.

• As in 2007, three MSPs outside the four main parties were elected – two for the Green Party, and MSP Margo MacDonald.

• Turnout was down on 2007, falling from 51.7% to 50.3% in the constituency ballot and 52.4% to 50.4% in the regional ballot.

• The number of women elected as MSPs rose, from 43 to 45. Two minority ethnic MSPs were elected ( and in ), as was one visually impaired MSP (Dennis Robertson in Aberdeenshire West).

Summary results

2007 2011 Votes (Constituency + Regional) Conservative 618,778 15.8% 522,619 13.1% Labour 1,243,789 31.8% 1,153,996 29.0% Liberal Democrat 556,883 14.3% 261,166 6.6% 1,297,838 33.2% 1,779,336 44.7% Green 85,548 2.2% 86,939 2.2% Others 104,713 2.7% 176,102 4.4%

Actual Notional Difference from 2007 2007 2007 2011 Actual Notional Seats Labour 46 44 37 -9 -7 Conservative 17 20 15 -2 -5 Liberal Democrat 16 17 5 -11 -12 SNP 47 46 69 22 23 Green 2 1 2 0 1 Other 1 1 1 0 0

Turnout - constituency vote 51.7% 50.3% Turnout - regional vote 52.4% 50.4%

MSPs Women 43 33% 45 35% Men 86 67% 84 65%


1 Introduction

Elections to the Scottish Parliament were held on 5 May 2011. A UK-wide referendum on the use of the Alternative Vote (AV) for elections to the House of Commons was held on the same day.1

Counting of the Scottish Parliament votes began immediately after close of poll in all electoral regions. Returning officers had to begin counting the ballots for the AV referendum by 4pm on Friday 6 May, but, if counting of the Parliamentary elections was not complete, they could run the two counts alongside one another. Results became available during Friday 6 May.

Several changes recommended by the Gould report, on the administration of the 2007 Scottish elections, had been put into place by the Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) Order 20102. There were two ballot papers, one for the constituency vote, and one for the regional vote. This had been done in 1999 and 2003, but the two ballot papers had been combined in 2007. Electronic counting machines were not used in 2011, following technical problems with them in 2007.

1.1 The electoral system Scottish Parliament elections are conducted under the Additional Member System (AMS). Voters are given two ballots. One to elect 73 constituency Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) under the first-past-the-post system. The second is used to elect 56 additional MSPs, seven for each of eight regions. These members are elected so that the total representation from each electoral region, including those Members elected under first- past-the-post, corresponds more closely with the share of votes cast for each party in the electoral region.

Candidates may stand in both the constituency and regional ballot: 171 individuals did so in 2011. If a candidate wins a constituency seat and a regional seat, they take the constituency seat and the regional seat is awarded to the next candidate in the regional list. In 2011, the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and SNP placed most of their constituency candidates additionally on regional lists, but the Labour Party did this less.

1 House of Commons Library Research Paper 11/44 2 SI 2010/2999


1.2 The boundary review For the 2011 elections all but four of the constituency boundaries changed (three of these are the island constituencies, and the fourth is Cumbernauld and Kilsyth) following the first periodic review of Scottish Parliament boundaries. The regional constituency boundaries all changed, some minimally. The number of constituency seats within some of the regions also changed: Central Scotland and Glasgow each lost a constituency seat, whilst North-East Scotland and West Scotland gained one.

In an analysis of this boundary review, Professor David Denver of the University of Lancaster, presents notional results for the new constituencies based on the actual results of the 2007 election.3 These enable results for individual constituencies in 2011 to be compared with the previous election. But the notional results for 2007 also suggest the overall party composition of the 2007 Scottish Parliament would have been slightly different had it been fought under the new areas. This research paper uses these notional results to compare the 2011 results with the 2007 results.

1.3 Other elections In 2007, elections to Scottish local authorities were held on the same day as the Scottish Parliamentary elections. This decision was criticised in the Gould report into the administration of the 2007 Scottish elections (though the report did not believe that holding the two elections on the same day contributed significantly to the high numbers of spoilt ballot papers). The passed a measure to delay the next local government elections to 2012, and they will be held on a five-yearly basis in the future. There have been amendments to the Fixed Term Parliaments Bill to prevent the 2015 elections for the Scottish Parliament from clashing with the next General Election, by delaying the next Scottish Parliament (and National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland Assembly) elections to 2016.4

1.4 Candidates The total number of candidate names in the constituencies and regional lists for the 2011 Scottish Parliament election was 934: 321 in the constituency ballot, and 613 on regional lists. The 934 total includes 171 who stood in both constituency and regional ballots, so the number of individuals standing was 763. Labour is less likely than the other main parties to have candidates standing both for constituencies and on regional lists.

The four major parties had candidates in every constituency, except for the Liberal Democrats in Clydesdale. 23 political parties fielded candidates, alongside 25 independents.

3 David Denver,The New Scottish Parliament Constituencies 2011 4 Not yet enacted.


Table A: Number of candidates

Party Constituency Region Total Of which: both region and constituency

Conservative 73 58 131 58 Labour 73 56 129 13 Liberal Democrat 72 56 128 33 SNP 73 79 152 58 Green 0 45 45 0 All Scotland Pensioners' 2 40 42 2 BNP 0 32 32 0 Christian People's 2 37 39 1 Scottish Socialist 0 46 46 0 Socialist Labour 0 32 32 0 - Scotland's Socialist 0 48 48 0 UKIP 3 37 40 1 Others 23 47 70 5

Total 321 613 934 171

2 The results 2.1 SNP The SNP won 69 seats, gaining 22 more MSPs than in 2007 (+20 compared to the 2007 notional results) This gives the SNP the first overall majority (of 9) in the Scottish Parliament’s history. The SNP received 45% of the constituency vote, winning 53 of the 73 constituency seats, including seats in Labour’s traditional heartlands of Glasgow and the West of Scotland, and in the Liberal Democrat strongholds in the Highlands, Fife, and . They won 30% or more of the vote in all but six constituencies. The SNP received 44% of the regional list vote, and was thus able to win 16 regional list seats, despite their allocation taking constituency wins into account.


2.2 Labour Labour lost nine seats (or seven compared to the notional 2007 base) to finish with 37 seats overall. This loss comprised 22 fewer constituency seats (20 fewer than the 2007 notional results), to give Labour 15 constituency MSPs. Their overall constituency vote fell from 32.1% to 31.7%. Some of the constituencies lost by Labour were in their traditional heartlands, in Glasgow, the West of Scotland, and the . Party leader held on to his seat in East Lothian by 151 votes over the SNP: it is now Labour’s most marginal seat. Labour did, however, win Dumfriesshire (notionally Conservative following boundary changes); the seat is now their largest absolute majority, of 3,156 votes. They also held-off the Conservative challenge in Eastwood.

Some of Labour’s loss of constituency seats was made up for by their regional list representation going up from 9 to 22, on a vote of 26.3% (down from 29.2% in 2007).

2.3 Conservative The Conservatives won three constituencies: Ayr, Galloway & West Dumfries, and Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire. The latter provided their highest majority, of 5,334, but the majority in Galloway & West Dumfries was only 862. They gained twelve further regional list seats to reach a total of 15, two down from 2007 (or one down on the notional 2007 results). Former leader David McLetchie lost Edinburgh Pentlands to the SNP, but he retained his place in the Parliament as a regional list MSP. The party’s constituency vote went down from 16.6% in 2007 to 13.9% and from 13.9% to 12.4% in the regional list vote.

2.4 Liberal Democrat The Liberal Democrats have five MSPs in 2011, down from 16 in the previous Parliament (and down from 17 on the notional 2007 results). They lost nine constituency seats, and now hold only the two island constituencies of Orkney and Shetland. They gained regional list seats in North-East Scotland, Mid-Scotland and Fife, and South of Scotland. Their vote share fell from 16.2% to 7.9% in the constituency seats, and from 11.3% to 5.2% in the regional lists. The party lost a total of 45 deposits5, and additionally did not contest Clydesdale. The largest falls in their support were in areas thought of as their ‘heartlands’: Highland constituencies Argyll & Bute (-19.5%), Caithness, Sutherland and Ross (-18.1%), and Shetland (-19.2%); and in the north-east, Aberdeen Central (-17.7%), Aberdeen South and North Kincardine (-18.4%), and Aberdeenshire East (-17.8%). The party’s vote share on the regional lists was lower than in the constituencies, with 1.4% in Central Scotland and 2.5% in Glasgow, rising to 12.1% in the Highlands & Islands.

2.5 Others and independents The Green Party did not win the additional seats which some opinion polls had predicted, returning one MSP in Glasgow and one in the Lothian regional lists. They came close to winning a seat in the Highlands and Islands region, but did not threaten to win any others. On the Lothian list, the independent Margo MacDonald retained her seat. In Orkney and Shetland, local independent candidates finished second to the Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Democrats finished fifth behind the All-Scotland Pensioners Party in Mid-Fife & Glenrothes, the Angus Independents in Angus South, and sixth behind the Pensioners Party and the Christian Party in Motherwell & Wishaw.

The other parties standing in regional lists made little impact. UKIP, the BNP, the Socialist Labour Party, Solidarity, and , and the Christian Party all gained less than 1% of the vote nationally.

5 Deposits are lost if a candidate gets less than 5.0% of the votes


2.6 MSPs – women and minority ethnic The number of women elected as MSPs rose by two, from 43 to 45. Two ethnic minority MSPs were elected (Humza Yousaf and Hanzala Malik in Glasgow), as was one visually impaired MSP (Dennis Robertson in Aberdeenshire West). 37 MSPs have served continuously since the establishment of the Parliament in 1999.

2.7 Turnout and spoilt ballots Turnout in the constituency vote was 50.3%, lower than the 51.7% in the 2007 elections. It was 50.4% in the regional vote, down from 52.4%.

The number of spoilt ballot papers at the 2007 elections was a major issue and led to several changes in practice in 2011. The number in 2011 was greatly reduced, from 85,643 to 8,392 in the constituency ballot (4.2% to 0.4%), and from 60,454 to 6,729 (2.9% to 0.3%) in the regional ballot. The number of spoilt ballots exceeded the majority of the winner only in Glasgow Anniesland, where the SNP won by 7 votes. This compares to 13 constituencies where this happened in 2007.

2.8 Data sources Voting figures and electorates were provided by the returning officers for individual constituencies. We acknowledge the help of Shona Skakle of the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) in obtaining this data.

Notional results for the 2007 election, based on the new constituency boundaries, are taken from David Denver’s paper The New Scottish Parliament Constituencies 2011, available at

Some officially published figures for regional electorates differ slightly from the sum of the constituency electorates in the relevant region. This is due to figures being drawn from electoral registers on different days.



3 Summary Results

3.1 Table 1: Scottish Parliament elections: 5 May 2011

Party Constituency ballot Change Candidates Votes % of total Seats won Actual Notional Conservative 73 276,652 13.9% 3 -1 -3 Labour 73 630,437 31.7% 15 -22 -20 Liberal Democrat 72 157,694 7.9% 2 -9 -9 Scottish National Party 73 902,915 45.4% 53 +32 +32 Others 30 21,534 1.1% 0 0 0 Total 321 1,989,232 100.0% 73

Regional ballot Candidates Votes % of total Seats won Conservative 58 245,967 12.4% 12 -1 -2 Labour 56 523,559 26.3% 22 +13 +13 Liberal Democrat 56 103,472 5.2% 3 -2 -3 Scottish National Party 79 876,421 44.0% 16 -10 -9 Green 45 86,939 4.4% 2 0 +1 Others 349 154,568 7.8% 1 0 0 Total 643 1,990,926 100.0% 56

Total Candidates Votes % of total Seats won Conservative 131 522,619 13.1% 15 -2 -5 Labour 129 1,153,996 29.0% 37 -9 -7 Liberal Democrat 128 261,166 6.6% 5 -11 -12 Scottish National Party 152 1,779,336 44.7% 69 +22 +23 Green 45 86,939 2.2% 2 0 +1 Others 379 176,102 4.4% 1 0 0 Total 964 3,980,158 100.0% 129

Party shares of vote

Others, 4.4% Conservative, 13.1% Green, 2.2%

Labour, 29.0% Scottish National Party, 44.7%

Liberal Democrat, 6.6%


3.2 Table 2: Previous Scottish Parliament elections

2007 election Constituency Region Total vote Conservative 16.6% 13.9% 15.2% Labour 32.1% 29.2% 30.6% Liberal Democrat 16.2% 11.3% 13.7% Scottish National Party 32.9% 31.0% 32.0% Others 2.2% 14.6% 8.4% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

2003 election Constituency Region Total vote Conservative 16.6% 15.5% 16.1% Labour 34.6% 29.3% 32.0% Liberal Democrat 15.4% 11.8% 13.6% Scottish National Party 23.8% 20.9% 22.3% Others 9.6% 22.6% 16.1% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

1999 election Constituency Region Total vote Conservative 15.6% 15.4% 15.5% Labour 38.8% 33.6% 36.2% Liberal Democrat 14.2% 12.4% 13.3% Scottish National Party 28.7% 27.3% 28.0% Others 2.7% 11.3% 7.0% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Figure 1: Percentage share of the vote by party

50% 45% 40% SNP 35%

30% Lab 25% 20% Con 15% 10% 5% Lib Dem 0% 1999 2003 2007 2011


4 Constituency results

Table 3: Constituency results - votes and turnout by constituency

CON LAB LD SNP Others Total Electorate Turnout Majority Central Scotland Airdrie and Shotts 1,396 9,983 531 11,984 0 23,894 51,336 46.5% 2,001 Coatbridge and Chryston 1,317 12,161 381 9,420 0 23,279 51,206 45.5% 2,741 Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 1,156 10,136 367 13,595 0 25,254 48,006 52.6% 3,459 East Kilbride 2,260 12,410 468 14,359 414 29,911 58,251 51.3% 1,949 Falkirk East 2,372 10,767 727 14,302 0 28,168 56,408 49.9% 3,535 Falkirk West 2,086 9,862 644 15,607 0 28,199 55,739 50.6% 5,745 Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 2,547 9,989 616 12,202 0 25,354 56,123 45.2% 2,213 Motherwell and Wishaw 1,753 10,713 367 10,126 1,492 24,451 53,610 45.6% 587 Uddingston and Bellshill 2,117 11,531 530 10,817 0 24,995 55,584 45.0% 714

Glasgow Glasgow Anniesland 2,011 10,322 1,000 10,329 256 23,918 55,411 43.2% 7 Glasgow Cathcart 2,410 10,326 1,118 11,918 450 26,222 58,525 44.8% 1,592 Glasgow Kelvin 1,845 9,758 1,900 10,640 405 24,548 61,893 39.7% 882 Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 1,222 9,884 833 8,592 0 20,531 56,622 36.3% 1,292 Glasgow Pollok 1,298 10,875 490 10,252 0 22,915 58,429 39.2% 623 Glasgow Provan 777 10,037 413 7,958 0 19,185 55,138 34.8% 2,079 Glasgow Shettleston 1,163 9,542 371 10,128 0 21,204 55,874 37.9% 586 Glasgow Southside 1,733 7,957 612 12,306 0 22,608 52,325 43.2% 4,349 Rutherglen 2,096 12,489 1,174 10,710 633 27,102 57,777 46.9% 1,779

Highlands and Islands Argyll and Bute 4,847 4,041 3,220 13,390 978 26,476 48,925 54.1% 8,543 Caithness, Sutherland and Ross 2,934 5,438 6,385 13,843 0 28,600 55,121 51.9% 7,458 Inverness and Nairn 3,797 7,125 3,763 16,870 1,176 32,731 62,183 52.6% 9,745 Moray 5,873 3,580 1,327 16,817 999 28,596 56,215 50.9% 10,944 Na h-Eileanan an Iar 563 3,724 228 8,496 0 13,011 21,833 59.6% 4,772 Orkney Islands 686 458 2,912 2,044 2,052 8,152 16,406 49.7% 860 Shetland Islands 330 620 4,462 1,134 2,845 9,391 17,505 53.6% 1,617 Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 2,834 4,112 9,742 14,737 490 31,915 57,028 56.0% 4,995

Lothian Almond Valley 1,886 11,162 656 16,704 329 30,737 59,896 51.3% 5,542 Edinburgh Central 4,354 9,243 5,937 9,480 0 29,014 53,606 54.1% 237 Edinburgh Eastern 2,630 12,319 1,227 14,552 0 30,728 55,773 55.1% 2,233 Edinburgh Northern and Leith 2,928 12,858 2,836 12,263 0 30,885 59,138 52.2% 595 Edinburgh Pentlands 9,439 7,993 1,420 11,197 0 30,049 52,620 57.1% 1,758 Edinburgh Southern 6,298 9,254 8,297 9,947 0 33,796 54,868 61.6% 693 Edinburgh Western 5,047 7,164 9,276 11,965 0 33,452 56,338 59.4% 2,689 Linlithgow 2,646 12,936 1,015 17,027 558 34,182 65,025 52.6% 4,091 Midlothian North and Musselburgh 2,541 11,083 1,254 14,079 861 29,818 58,264 51.2% 2,996

Mid Scotland and Fife Clackmannanshire and Dunblane 3,501 9,644 1,018 13,253 0 27,416 49,415 55.5% 3,609 Cowdenbeath 1,792 11,926 997 10,679 276 25,670 54,284 47.3% 1,247 Dunfermline 2,093 10,420 5,776 11,010 0 29,299 55,479 52.8% 590 Kirkcaldy 2,007 12,397 820 12,579 0 27,803 60,079 46.3% 182 Mid Fife and Glenrothes 1,676 9,573 630 13,761 673 26,313 53,701 49.0% 4,188 North East Fife 5,618 3,613 8,437 11,029 979 29,676 58,858 50.4% 2,592 Perthshire North 7,866 2,672 1,196 18,219 0 29,953 53,412 56.1% 10,353 Perthshire South and Kinrossshire 8,907 3,980 2,256 16,073 0 31,216 58,093 53.7% 7,166 Stirling 4,610 9,188 1,296 14,858 454 30,406 52,185 58.3% 5,670

North East Scotland Aberdeen Central 3,100 9,441 2,349 10,058 201 25,149 57,396 43.8% 617 Aberdeen Donside 2,166 7,615 1,606 14,790 584 26,761 56,145 47.7% 7,175 Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 4,058 5,624 4,994 11,947 2,030 28,653 54,338 52.7% 6,323 Aberdeenshire East 4,211 2,304 4,238 19,533 0 30,286 57,591 52.6% 15,295 Aberdeenshire West 6,027 2,349 8,074 12,186 0 28,636 53,779 53.2% 4,112 Angus North and Mearns 6,374 3,160 1,726 13,660 0 24,920 52,124 47.8% 7,286 Angus South 5,581 3,703 874 16,164 1,321 27,643 54,922 50.3% 10,583 Banffshire and Buchan Coast 4,592 2,642 958 16,812 0 25,004 53,698 46.6% 12,220 Dundee City East 2,550 5,862 800 16,541 0 25,753 54,404 47.3% 10,679 Dundee City West 1,625 7,684 1,063 14,089 0 24,461 53,841 45.4% 6,405 CON LAB LD SNP Others Total Electorate Turnout Majority

South of Scotland Ayr 12,997 7,779 713 11,884 0 33,373 61,563 54.2% 1,113 Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 4,160 10,669 624 13,250 0 28,703 59,368 48.3% 2,581 Clydesdale 4,291 10,715 0 14,931 0 29,937 56,828 52.7% 4,216 Dumfriesshire 9,468 12,624 1,419 8,384 0 31,895 59,716 53.4% 3,156 East Lothian 5,344 12,536 1,912 12,385 0 32,177 56,333 57.1% 151 Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 12,933 2,986 4,990 7,599 308 28,816 54,327 53.0% 5,334 Galloway and West Dumfries 11,071 7,954 763 10,209 0 29,997 56,611 53.0% 862 Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley 3,309 10,971 614 16,964 0 31,858 63,257 50.4% 5,993 Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 3,743 5,312 8,931 13,855 0 31,841 57,781 55.1% 4,924

West of Scotland Clydebank and Milngavie 2,758 11,564 1,769 12,278 0 28,369 53,018 53.5% 714 Cunninghame North 4,032 9,422 543 15,539 0 29,536 56,548 52.2% 6,117 Cunninghame South 1,871 8,645 547 10,993 0 22,056 50,926 43.3% 2,348 Dumbarton 3,395 12,562 858 10,923 770 28,508 53,470 53.3% 1,639 Eastwood 10,650 12,662 835 7,777 0 31,924 50,476 63.2% 2,012 Greenock and Inverclyde 2,011 12,387 1,934 11,876 0 28,208 56,989 49.5% 511 Paisley 2,229 10,665 1,783 10,913 0 25,590 52,066 49.1% 248 Renfrewshire North and West 5,489 9,946 550 11,510 0 27,495 49,060 56.0% 1,564 Renfrewshire South 2,917 12,933 702 10,356 0 26,908 50,221 53.6% 2,577 Strathkelvin and Bearsden 4438 12456 2600 14258 0 33,752 59,323 56.9% 1,802 Table 4: Constituency results - seats by majority (from highest to lowest percentage point majority)

Majority Rank on Rank on Constituency seats Member 1st 2nd Votes absolute % % Aberdeenshire East SNP LD 15,295 1 50.5% 1 Banffshire and Buchan Coast Stewart Stevenson SNP CON 12,220 2 48.9% 2 Dundee City East Shona Robison SNP LAB 10,679 4 41.5% 3 Angus South Graeme Dey SNP CON 10,583 5 38.3% 4 Moray Richard Lochhead SNP CON 10,944 3 38.3% 5 Na h-Eileanan an Iar Alasdair Allan SNP LAB 4,772 23 36.7% 6 Perthshire North SNP CON 10,353 6 34.6% 7 Argyll and Bute Michael Russell SNP CON 8,543 8 32.3% 8 Inverness and Nairn SNP LAB 9,745 7 29.8% 9 Angus North and Mearns Nigel Don SNP CON 7,286 10 29.2% 10 Aberdeen Donside SNP LAB 7,175 11 26.8% 11 Dundee City West Joe Fitzpatrick SNP LAB 6,405 13 26.2% 12 Caithness, Sutherland and Ross Rob Gibson SNP LD 7,458 9 26.1% 13 Perthshire South and Kinrossshire Roseanna Cunningham SNP CON 7,166 12 23.0% 14 Aberdeen South and North Kincardine Maureen Watt SNP LAB 6,323 14 22.1% 15 Cunninghame North Kenneth Gibson SNP LAB 6,117 15 20.7% 16 Falkirk West Michael Matheson SNP LAB 5,745 17 20.4% 17 Glasgow Southside SNP LAB 4,349 24 19.2% 18 Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley Willie Coffey SNP LAB 5,993 16 18.8% 19 Stirling Bruce Crawford SNP LAB 5,670 18 18.6% 20 Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire CON SNP 5,334 20 18.5% 21 Almond Valley Angela Constance SNP LAB 5,542 19 18.0% 22 Shetland Islands Tavish Scott LD Others 1,617 50 17.2% 23 Mid Fife and Glenrothes Tricia Marwick SNP LAB 4,188 26 15.9% 24 Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch Dave Thompson SNP LD 4,995 21 15.7% 25 Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Christine Grahame SNP LD 4,924 22 15.5% 26 Aberdeenshire West Dennis Robertson SNP LD 4,112 27 14.4% 27 Clydesdale Aileen Campbell SNP LAB 4,216 25 14.1% 28 Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Jamie Hepburn SNP LAB 3,459 31 13.7% 29 Clackmannanshire and Dunblane Keith Brown SNP LAB 3,609 29 13.2% 30 Falkirk East Angus MacDonald SNP LAB 3,535 30 12.5% 31 Linlithgow Fiona Hyslop SNP LAB 4,091 28 12.0% 32 Coatbridge and Chryston Elaine Smith LAB SNP 2,741 34 11.8% 33 Glasgow Provan Paul Martin LAB SNP 2,079 42 10.8% 34 Cunninghame South Margaret Burgess SNP LAB 2,348 39 10.6% 35 Orkney Islands Liam MacArthur LD Others 860 58 10.5% 36 Midlothian North and Musselburgh Colin Beattie SNP LAB 2,996 33 10.0% 37 Dumfriesshire LAB CON 3,156 32 9.9% 38 Renfrewshire South LAB SNP 2,577 38 9.6% 39 Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley Adam Ingram SNP LAB 2,581 37 9.0% 40 North East Fife Roderick Campbell SNP LD 2,592 36 8.7% 41 Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse Christina McKelvie SNP LAB 2,213 41 8.7% 42 Airdrie and Shotts Alex Neil SNP LAB 2,001 44 8.4% 43 Edinburgh Western Colin Keir SNP LD 2,689 35 8.0% 44 Edinburgh Eastern Kenny MacAskill SNP LAB 2,233 40 7.3% 45 Rutherglen James Kelly LAB SNP 1,779 47 6.6% 46 East Kilbride Linda Fabiani SNP LAB 1,949 45 6.5% 47 Eastwood LAB CON 2,012 43 6.3% 48 Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn LAB SNP 1,292 53 6.3% 49 Glasgow Cathcart James Dornan SNP LAB 1,592 51 6.1% 50 Edinburgh Pentlands Gordon MacDonald SNP CON 1,758 48 5.9% 51 Dumbarton LAB SNP 1,639 49 5.7% 52 Renfrewshire North and West Derek MacKay SNP LAB 1,564 52 5.7% 53 Strathkelvin and Bearsden Fiona McLeod SNP LAB 1,802 46 5.3% 54 Cowdenbeath LAB SNP 1,247 54 4.9% 55 Glasgow Kelvin Sandra White SNP LAB 882 56 3.6% 56 Ayr John Scott CON SNP 1,113 55 3.3% 57 Galloway and West Dumfries Alex Fergusson CON SNP 862 57 2.9% 58 Uddingston and Bellshill Michael McMahon LAB SNP 714 59 2.9% 59 Glasgow Shettleston John Mason SNP LAB 586 67 2.8% 60 Glasgow Pollok Johann Lamont LAB SNP 623 62 2.7% 61 Clydebank and Milngavie Gil Paterson SNP LAB 714 59 2.5% 62 Aberdeen Central Kevin Stewart SNP LAB 617 63 2.5% 63 Motherwell and Wishaw LAB SNP 587 66 2.4% 64 Edinburgh Southern Jim Eadie SNP LAB 693 61 2.1% 65 Dunfermline Bill Walker SNP LAB 590 65 2.0% 66 Edinburgh Northern and Leith LAB SNP 595 64 1.9% 67 Greenock and Inverclyde Duncan MacNeil LAB SNP 511 68 1.8% 68 Paisley George Adam SNP LAB 248 69 1.0% 69 Edinburgh Central Marco Biagi SNP LAB 237 70 0.8% 70 Kirkcaldy David Torrance SNP LAB 182 71 0.7% 71 East Lothian Iain Gray LAB SNP 151 72 0.5% 72 Glasgow Anniesland Bill Kidd SNP LAB 7 73 0.0% 73

16 Table 5: Constituency results - party share of vote by constituency, and majority

CON LAB LD SNP Others Total Majority Central Scotland 39.6% 29.7% 19.8% 9.9% 0.9% 100.0% Airdrie and Shotts 5.8% 41.8% 2.2% 50.2% 0.0% 100.0% 8.4% Coatbridge and Chryston 5.7% 52.2% 1.6% 40.5% 0.0% 100.0% 11.8% Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 4.6% 40.1% 1.5% 53.8% 0.0% 100.0% 13.7% East Kilbride 7.6% 41.5% 1.6% 48.0% 1.4% 100.0% 6.5% Falkirk East 8.4% 38.2% 2.6% 50.8% 0.0% 100.0% 12.5% Falkirk West 7.4% 35.0% 2.3% 55.3% 0.0% 100.0% 20.4% Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 10.0% 39.4% 2.4% 48.1% 0.0% 100.0% 8.7% Motherwell and Wishaw 7.2% 43.8% 1.5% 41.4% 6.1% 100.0% 2.4% Uddingston and Bellshill 8.5% 46.1% 2.1% 43.3% 0.0% 100.0% 2.9%

Glasgow 0.0% Glasgow Anniesland 8.4% 43.2% 4.2% 43.2% 1.1% 100.0% 0.0% Glasgow Cathcart 9.2% 39.4% 4.3% 45.5% 1.7% 100.0% 6.1% Glasgow Kelvin 7.5% 39.8% 7.7% 43.3% 1.6% 100.0% 3.6% Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 6.0% 48.1% 4.1% 41.8% 0.0% 100.0% 6.3% Glasgow Pollok 5.7% 47.5% 2.1% 44.7% 0.0% 100.0% 2.7% Glasgow Provan 4.1% 52.3% 2.2% 41.5% 0.0% 100.0% 10.8% Glasgow Shettleston 5.5% 45.0% 1.7% 47.8% 0.0% 100.0% 2.8% Glasgow Southside 7.7% 35.2% 2.7% 54.4% 0.0% 100.0% 19.2% Rutherglen 7.7% 46.1% 4.3% 39.5% 2.3% 100.0% 6.6%

Highlands and Islands 0.0% Argyll and Bute 18.3% 15.3% 12.2% 50.6% 3.7% 100.0% 32.3% Caithness, Sutherland and Ross 10.3% 19.0% 22.3% 48.4% 0.0% 100.0% 26.1% Inverness and Nairn 11.6% 21.8% 11.5% 51.5% 3.6% 100.0% 29.8% Moray 20.5% 12.5% 4.6% 58.8% 3.5% 100.0% 38.3% Na h-Eileanan an Iar 4.3% 28.6% 1.8% 65.3% 0.0% 100.0% 36.7% Orkney Islands 8.4% 5.6% 35.7% 25.1% 25.2% 100.0% 10.5% Shetland Islands 3.5% 6.6% 47.5% 12.1% 30.3% 100.0% 17.2% Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 8.9% 12.9% 30.5% 46.2% 1.5% 100.0% 15.7%

Lothian Almond Valley 6.1% 36.3% 2.1% 54.3% 1.1% 100.0% 18.0% Edinburgh Central 15.0% 31.9% 20.5% 32.7% 0.0% 100.0% 0.8% Edinburgh Eastern 8.6% 40.1% 4.0% 47.4% 0.0% 100.0% 7.3% Edinburgh Northern and Leith 9.5% 41.6% 9.2% 39.7% 0.0% 100.0% 1.9% Edinburgh Pentlands 31.4% 26.6% 4.7% 37.3% 0.0% 100.0% 5.9% Edinburgh Southern 18.6% 27.4% 24.6% 29.4% 0.0% 100.0% 2.1% Edinburgh Western 15.1% 21.4% 27.7% 35.8% 0.0% 100.0% 8.0% Linlithgow 7.7% 37.8% 3.0% 49.8% 1.6% 100.0% 12.0% Midlothian North and Musselburgh 8.5% 37.2% 4.2% 47.2% 2.9% 100.0% 10.0%

Mid Scotland and Fife 0.0% Clackmannanshire and Dunblane 12.8% 35.2% 3.7% 48.3% 0.0% 100.0% 13.2% Cowdenbeath 7.0% 46.5% 3.9% 41.6% 1.1% 100.0% 4.9% Dunfermline 7.1% 35.6% 19.7% 37.6% 0.0% 100.0% 2.0% Kirkcaldy 7.2% 44.6% 2.9% 45.2% 0.0% 100.0% 0.7% Mid Fife and Glenrothes 6.4% 36.4% 2.4% 52.3% 2.6% 100.0% 15.9% North East Fife 18.9% 12.2% 28.4% 37.2% 3.3% 100.0% 8.7% Perthshire North 26.3% 8.9% 4.0% 60.8% 0.0% 100.0% 34.6% Perthshire South and Kinrossshire 28.5% 12.7% 7.2% 51.5% 0.0% 100.0% 23.0% Stirling 15.2% 30.2% 4.3% 48.9% 1.5% 100.0% 18.6%

North East Scotland 0.0% Aberdeen Central 12.3% 37.5% 9.3% 40.0% 0.8% 100.0% 2.5% Aberdeen Donside 8.1% 28.5% 6.0% 55.3% 2.2% 100.0% 26.8% Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 14.2% 19.6% 17.4% 41.7% 7.1% 100.0% 22.1% Aberdeenshire East 13.9% 7.6% 14.0% 64.5% 0.0% 100.0% 50.5% Aberdeenshire West 21.0% 8.2% 28.2% 42.6% 0.0% 100.0% 14.4% Angus North and Mearns 25.6% 12.7% 6.9% 54.8% 0.0% 100.0% 29.2% Angus South 20.2% 13.4% 3.2% 58.5% 4.8% 100.0% 38.3% Banffshire and Buchan Coast 18.4% 10.6% 3.8% 67.2% 0.0% 100.0% 48.9% Dundee City East 9.9% 22.8% 3.1% 64.2% 0.0% 100.0% 41.5% Dundee City West 6.6% 31.4% 4.3% 57.6% 0.0% 100.0% 26.2%

17 Table 5: Constituency results - party share of vote by constituency, and majority

CON LAB LD SNP Others Total Majority

South of Scotland 0.0% Ayr 38.9% 23.3% 2.1% 35.6% 0.0% 100.0% 3.3% Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 14.5% 37.2% 2.2% 46.2% 0.0% 100.0% 9.0% Clydesdale 14.3% 35.8% 0.0% 49.9% 0.0% 100.0% 14.1% Dumfriesshire 29.7% 39.6% 4.4% 26.3% 0.0% 100.0% 9.9% East Lothian 16.6% 39.0% 5.9% 38.5% 0.0% 100.0% 0.5% Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 44.9% 10.4% 17.3% 26.4% 1.1% 100.0% 18.5% Galloway and West Dumfries 36.9% 26.5% 2.5% 34.0% 0.0% 100.0% 2.9% Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley 10.4% 34.4% 1.9% 53.2% 0.0% 100.0% 18.8% Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 11.8% 16.7% 28.0% 43.5% 0.0% 100.0% 15.5%

West of Scotland 0.0% Clydebank and Milngavie 9.7% 40.8% 6.2% 43.3% 0.0% 100.0% 2.5% Cunninghame North 13.7% 31.9% 1.8% 52.6% 0.0% 100.0% 20.7% Cunninghame South 8.5% 39.2% 2.5% 49.8% 0.0% 100.0% 10.6% Dumbarton 11.9% 44.1% 3.0% 38.3% 2.7% 100.0% 5.7% Eastwood 33.4% 39.7% 2.6% 24.4% 0.0% 100.0% 6.3% Greenock and Inverclyde 7.1% 43.9% 6.9% 42.1% 0.0% 100.0% 1.8% Paisley 8.7% 41.7% 7.0% 42.6% 0.0% 100.0% 1.0% Renfrewshire North and West 20.0% 36.2% 2.0% 41.9% 0.0% 100.0% 5.7% Renfrewshire South 10.8% 48.1% 2.6% 38.5% 0.0% 100.0% 9.6% Strathkelvin and Bearsden 13.1% 36.9% 7.7% 42.2% 0.0% 100.0% 5.3%

18 Table 6: Constituency results - notional change in party share of vote by constituency (%points)

CON LAB LD SNP Others Central Scotland Airdrie and Shotts -2.6% -0.9% -3.0% +10.1% -3.6% Coatbridge and Chryston -2.1% +4.5% -2.9% +11.1% -10.7% Cumbernauld and Kilsyth -0.9% -7.9% -4.8% +13.6% 0.0% East Kilbride -1.6% -3.0% -7.0% +10.2% +1.4% Falkirk East -3.8% -5.2% -4.5% +13.4% 0.0% Falkirk West -2.7% -4.3% -6.5% +13.5% 0.0% Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse -3.9% -4.3% -5.6% +17.7% -4.0% Motherwell and Wishaw -1.1% -4.6% -4.5% +15.8% -5.7% Uddingston and Bellshill -1.8% -3.5% -4.4% +14.6% -4.9%

Glasgow Glasgow Anniesland -3.8% -4.8% -4.6% +15.4% -2.2% Glasgow Cathcart -1.2% +1.2% -4.7% +14.3% -9.6% Glasgow Kelvin -0.8% +6.0% -5.9% +14.0% -13.4% Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn -1.4% -1.1% -6.4% +9.7% -0.8% Glasgow Pollok -1.2% -5.1% -4.9% +11.8% -0.5% Glasgow Provan -2.3% -3.9% -4.3% +13.5% -3.0% Glasgow Shettleston -2.0% -7.8% -4.7% +17.5% -3.0% Glasgow Southside -0.0% -4.6% -6.9% +14.7% -3.2% Rutherglen -0.9% +1.5% -14.9% +16.3% -2.1%

Highlands and Islands Argyll and Bute -1.0% +0.9% -19.5% +16.1% +3.7% Caithness, Sutherland and Ross -0.7% +5.8% -18.1% +16.6% -3.4% Inverness and Nairn +1.1% +0.9% -15.9% +10.5% +3.4% Moray -3.4% -1.6% -7.5% +9.0% +3.4% Na h-Eileanan an Iar -1.2% -13.0% -4.4% +18.7% 0.0% Orkney Islands -10.5% -7.5% -11.8% +6.2% +23.6% Shetland Islands -6.4% -0.2% -19.2% -4.5% +30.3% Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch -2.8% -1.4% -11.3% +14.6% +0.9%

Lothian Almond Valley -2.0% -3.4% -4.2% +14.6% -5.1% Edinburgh Central -3.3% +3.7% -10.3% +10.1% -0.1% Edinburgh Eastern -4.4% +3.8% -12.2% +12.9% 0.0% Edinburgh Northern and Leith -0.6% +6.4% -17.6% +11.8% 0.0% Edinburgh Pentlands -3.7% +0.1% -7.5% +11.2% 0.0% Edinburgh Southern -3.7% +3.3% -11.8% +12.2% 0.0% Edinburgh Western -5.8% +6.0% -11.9% +13.3% -1.6% Linlithgow -2.9% -2.1% -4.6% +10.8% -1.4% Midlothian North and Musselburgh -0.6% -3.3% -9.6% +11.9% +1.5%

Mid Scotland and Fife Clackmannanshire and Dunblane -3.6% -0.8% -5.0% +9.6% -0.3% Cowdenbeath -7.2% +3.5% -10.3% +13.1% +1.0% Dunfermline -1.3% +2.7% -13.5% +13.5% -1.5% Kirkcaldy -1.3% -0.5% -10.1% +11.8% 0.0% Mid Fife and Glenrothes -2.5% +1.1% -8.9% +7.9% +2.5% North East Fife -7.8% +4.3% -13.9% +16.2% +1.1% Perthshire North -2.5% +0.4% -7.8% +10.4% -0.5% Perthshire South and Kinrossshire -3.9% +0.1% -9.6% +14.6% -1.4% Stirling -6.6% -3.8% -5.5% +16.1% -0.1%

North East Scotland Aberdeen Central -1.5% +8.5% -17.7% +9.7% +0.8% Aberdeen Donside +0.6% -3.2% -10.0% +10.5% +2.2% Aberdeen South and North Kincardine -3.6% +1.7% -18.4% +13.2% +7.1% Aberdeenshire East -2.4% -0.1% -17.8% +21.3% -1.0% Aberdeenshire West -3.5% +2.4% -0.2% +1.7% -0.4% Angus North and Mearns +3.1% -0.6% -13.9% +11.4% 0.0% Angus South -7.3% -1.8% -7.0% +11.4% +4.8% Banffshire and Buchan Coast +0.6% -1.6% -6.3% +7.4% -0.2% Dundee City East -1.5% -9.7% -3.9% +15.2% 0.0% Dundee City West -0.6% -5.7% -5.9% +12.0% 0.0%

19 Table 6: Constituency results - notional change in party share of vote by constituency


South of Scotland Ayr -1.1% -4.0% -3.7% +9.3% -0.6% Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley -3.8% -7.8% -1.6% +27.9% -2.4% Clydesdale -5.4% -1.6% -9.1% +16.2% 0.0% Dumfriesshire -7.3% +4.7% -4.0% +6.7% -0.2% East Lothian -2.6% +4.5% -12.7% +10.7% 0.0% Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire +5.9% +2.1% -16.5% +8.6% -0.0% Galloway and West Dumfries -2.2% +2.6% -2.3% +2.6% -0.8% Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley -1.9% -4.4% -4.3% +10.4% 0.0% Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale -4.4% -2.6% -2.2% +9.6% 0.0%

West of Scotland Clydebank and Milngavie -4.7% +0.2% -7.0% +13.3% -1.9% Cunninghame North -4.4% +1.3% -4.2% +21.9% -14.6% Cunninghame South -4.6% -4.6% -5.9% +15.2% 0.0% Dumbarton -3.8% +5.5% -8.3% +4.9% +1.7% Eastwood -7.7% +9.8% -7.5% +8.7% -3.2% Greenock and Inverclyde -4.1% -0.2% -9.4% +13.6% 0.0% Paisley -0.1% -2.7% -8.9% +12.8% -1.2% Renfrewshire North and West -3.0% -4.5% -3.3% +12.3% -1.4% Renfrewshire South -1.7% -2.9% -1.7% +7.9% -1.6% Strathkelvin and Bearsden -0.6% +4.6% -4.5% +20.0% -19.6%


4.5 Table 7: Constituency results – votes and shares by region and party

CON LAB LD SNP Others Total Electorate Turnout

Central Scotland 17,004 97,552 4,631 112,412 1,906 233,505 486,263 48.0% Glasgow 14,555 91,190 7,911 92,833 1,744 208,233 511,994 40.7% Highlands & Islands 21,864 29,098 32,039 87,331 8,540 178,872 335,216 53.4% Lothian 37,769 94,012 31,918 117,214 1,748 282,661 515,528 54.8% Mid Scotland & Fife 38,070 73,413 22,426 121,461 2,382 257,752 495,506 52.0% North East Scotland 40,284 50,384 26,682 145,780 4,136 267,266 548,238 48.7% South of Scotland 67,316 81,546 19,966 109,461 308 278,597 525,784 53.0% West of Scotland 39,790 113,242 12,121 116,423 770 282,346 532,097 53.1% All regions 276,652 630,437 157,694 902,915 21,534 1,989,232 3,950,626 50.4%

Central Scotland 7.3% 41.8% 2.0% 48.1% 0.8% 100.0% Glasgow 7.0% 43.8% 3.8% 44.6% 0.8% 100.0% Highlands & Islands 12.2% 16.3% 17.9% 48.8% 4.8% 100.0% Lothian 13.4% 33.3% 11.3% 41.5% 0.6% 100.0% Mid Scotland & Fife 14.8% 28.5% 8.7% 47.1% 0.9% 100.0% North East Scotland 15.1% 18.9% 10.0% 54.5% 1.5% 100.0% South of Scotland 24.2% 29.3% 7.2% 39.3% 0.1% 100.0% West of Scotland 14.1% 40.1% 4.3% 41.2% 0.3% 100.0% All regions 13.9% 31.7% 7.9% 45.4% 1.1% 100.0%

5 Regional Results

5.1 Table 8: Regional ballot results – votes and turnout by region

CON LAB LD SNP Green Others Total Electorate Turnout

Central Scotland 14,870 82,459 3,318 108,261 5,634 19,014 233,556 486,263 48.0% Glasgow 12,749 73,031 5,312 83,109 12,454 22,057 208,712 511,994 40.8% Highlands & Islands 20,843 25,884 21,729 85,082 9,076 16,396 179,010 335,216 53.4% Lothian 33,019 70,544 15,588 110,953 21,505 31,594 283,203 515,528 54.9% Mid Scotland & Fife 36,458 64,623 15,103 116,691 10,914 14,374 258,163 495,506 52.1% North East Scotland 37,681 43,893 18,178 140,749 10,407 16,137 267,045 548,238 48.7% South of Scotland 54,352 70,595 15,096 114,270 8,535 16,018 278,866 525,784 53.0% West of Scotland 35,995 92,530 9,148 117,306 8,414 18,978 282,371 532,097 53.1% All regions 245,967 523,559 103,472 876,421 86,939 154,568 1,990,926 3,950,626 50.4%

5.2 Table 9: Regional ballot results – party share of vote by region

CON LAB LD SNP Green Others Total

Central Scotland 6.4% 35.3% 1.4% 46.4% 2.4% 8.1% 100.0% Glasgow 6.1% 35.0% 2.5% 39.8% 6.0% 10.6% 100.0% Highlands and Islands 11.6% 14.5% 12.1% 47.5% 5.1% 9.2% 100.0% Lothian 11.7% 24.9% 5.5% 39.2% 7.6% 11.2% 100.0% Mid Scotland and Fife 14.1% 25.0% 5.9% 45.2% 4.2% 5.6% 100.0% North East Scotland 14.1% 16.4% 6.8% 52.7% 3.9% 6.0% 100.0% South of Scotland 19.5% 25.3% 5.4% 41.0% 3.1% 5.7% 100.0% West of Scotland 12.7% 32.8% 3.2% 41.5% 3.0% 6.7% 100.0% All regions 12.4% 26.3% 5.2% 44.0% 4.4% 7.8% 100.0%


5.3 Table 10: Turnout and party share of vote in regional ballot, compared to constituency ballot, by region (% point difference)

CON LAB LD SNP Others Total

Central Scotland -0.9% -6.5% -0.6% -1.8% +1.6% 0.0% Glasgow -0.9% -8.8% -1.3% -4.8% +5.1% 0.1% Highlands and Islands -0.6% -1.8% -5.8% -1.3% +0.3% 0.0% Lothian -1.7% -8.4% -5.8% -2.3% +7.0% 0.1% Mid Scotland and Fife -0.6% -3.5% -2.9% -1.9% +3.3% 0.1% North East Scotland -1.0% -2.4% -3.2% -1.8% +2.3% 0.0% South of Scotland -4.7% -4.0% -1.8% +1.7% +3.0% 0.1% West of Scotland -1.3% -7.3% -1.1% +0.3% +2.7% 0.0% All regions -1.6% -5.4% -2.7% -1.4% +3.3% 0.1%

5.4 Table 11: Seats won by seat type, party and region

CON LAB LD SNP Green Others Total Constituency seats Central Scotland 3 6 9 Glasgow 4 5 9 Highlands and Islands 2 6 8 Lothian 1 8 9 Mid Scotland and Fife 1 8 9 North East Scotland 10 10 South of Scotland 3 2 4 9 West of Scotland 4 6 10 All regions 3 15 2 53 73

Regional seats Central Scotland 1 3 3 7 Glasgow 13 21 7 Highlands and Islands 2 2 3 7 Lothian 2 3 1 1 7 Mid Scotland and Fife 2 3 1 1 7 North East Scotland 2 3 1 1 7 South of Scotland 2 1 4 7 West of Scotland 2 3 2 7 All regions 12 22 3 16 2 1 56

All seats Central Scotland 160900 16 Glasgow 170710 16 Highlands and Islands 2 2 2 9 0 0 15 Lothian 240811 16 Mid Scotland and Fife 2 4 1 9 0 0 16 North East Scotland 2 3 1 11 0 0 17 South of Scotland 3 4 1 8 0 0 16 West of Scotland 2 7 0 8 0 0 17 All regions 15 37 5 69 2 1 129

22 Table 12: Spoilt ballot papers by constituency

Constituency Number of votes ballots rejected (valid & invalid) % rejected Central Scotland Airdrie and Shotts 87 23,981 0.36% Coatbridge and Chryston 105 23,384 0.45% Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 69 25,323 0.27% East Kilbride 103 30,014 0.34% Falkirk East 80 28,248 0.28% Falkirk West 111 28,310 0.39% Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 92 25,446 0.36% Motherwell and Wishaw 63 24,514 0.26% Uddingston and Bellshill 101 25,096 0.40% Glasgow Glasgow Anniesland 105 24,023 0.44% Glasgow Cathcart 166 26,388 0.63% Glasgow Kelvin 246 24,794 0.99% Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 142 20,673 0.69% Glasgow Pollok 154 23,069 0.67% Glasgow Provan 134 19,319 0.69% Glasgow Shettleston 109 21,313 0.51% Glasgow Southside 203 22,811 0.89% Rutherglen 94 27,196 0.35% Highlands and Islands Argyll and Bute 120 26,596 0.45% Caithness, Sutherland and Ross 142 28,742 0.49% Inverness and Nairn 99 32,830 0.30% Moray 112 28,708 0.39% Na h-Eileanan an Iar 68 13,079 0.52% Orkney Islands 29 8,181 0.35% Shetland Islands 37 9,428 0.39% Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 154 32,069 0.48% Lothian Almond Valley 86 30,823 0.28% Edinburgh Central 224 29,238 0.77% Edinburgh Eastern 157 30,885 0.51% Edinburgh Northern and Leith 172 31,057 0.55% Edinburgh Pentlands 107 30,156 0.35% Edinburgh Southern 210 34,006 0.62% Edinburgh Western 152 33,604 0.45% Linlithgow 113 34,295 0.33% Midlothian North and Musselburgh 98 29,916 0.33% Mid Scotland and Fife Clackmannanshire and Dunblane 77 27,493 0.28% Cowdenbeath 80 25,750 0.31% Dunfermline 92 29,391 0.31% Kirkcaldy 119 27,922 0.43% Mid Fife and Glenrothes 108 26,421 0.41% North East Fife 156 29,832 0.52% Perthshire North 117 30,070 0.39% Perthshire South and Kinrossshire 90 31,306 0.29% Stirling 109 30,515 0.36% North East Scotland Aberdeen Central 136 25,285 0.54% Aberdeen Donside 84 26,845 0.31% Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 91 28,744 0.32% Aberdeenshire East 81 30,367 0.27% Aberdeenshire West 113 28,749 0.39% Angus North and Mearns 88 25,008 0.35% Angus South 74 27,717 0.27% Banffshire and Buchan Coast 95 25,099 0.38% Dundee City East 139 25,892 0.54% Dundee City West 144 24,605 0.59%

xx Constituency Number of votes ballots rejected (valid & invalid) % rejected South of Scotland Ayr 118 33,491 0.35% Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 111 28,814 0.39% Clydesdale 136 30,073 0.45% Dumfriesshire 112 32,007 0.35% East Lothian 117 32,294 0.36% Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 102 28,918 0.35% Galloway and West Dumfries 123 30,120 0.41% Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley 126 31,984 0.39% Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 126 31,967 0.39% West of Scotland Clydebank and Milngavie 109 28,478 0.38% Cunninghame North 126 29,662 0.42% Cunninghame South 80 22,136 0.36% Dumbarton 114 28,622 0.40% Eastwood 98 32,022 0.31% Greenock and Inverclyde 132 28,340 0.47% Paisley 83 25,673 0.32% Renfrewshire North and West 92 27,587 0.33% Renfrewshire South 124 27,032 0.46% Strathkelvin and Bearsden 149 33,901 0.44%

Scotland total 8,415 1,997,647 0.42%

Table 13: Spoilt ballots - regional votes

Regional ballots Number of votes rejected (valid & invalid) % rejected

Central Scotland 684 234,240 0.29% Glasgow 951 209,663 0.45% Highlands and Islands 699 179,709 0.39% Lothian 893 284,096 0.31% Mid Scotland and Fife 823 258,986 0.32% North East Scotland 927 267,972 0.35% South of Scotland 831 279,697 0.30% West of Scotland 986 283,357 0.35%

Scotland total 6,794 1,997,720 0.34%


6.2 Table A1: Constituencies with highest and lowest turnout in each region

Constituency Turnout

Highest turnout Central Scotland Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 52.6% Glasgow Rutherglen 46.9% Highlands and Islands Na h-Eileanan an Iar 59.6% Lothian Edinburgh Southern 61.6% Mid Scotland and Fife Stirling 58.3% North East Scotland Aberdeenshire West 53.2% South of Scotland East Lothian 57.1% West of Scotland Eastwood 63.2%

Lowest turnout Central Scotland Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 45.0% Glasgow Glasgow Provan 34.8% Highlands and Islands Orkney Islands 49.7% Lothian Midlothian North and Musselburgh 51.2% Mid Scotland and Fife Kirkcaldy 46.3% North East Scotland Aberdeen Central 43.8% South of Scotland Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 48.0% West of Scotland Cunninghame South 43.3%


6.3 Table A2: Largest and smallest majorities by party

Absolute Constituency Majority

Largest Conservative Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 5,334 Labour Dumfriesshire 3,156 Liberal Democrat Shetland Islands 1,617 SNP Aberdeenshire East 15,295

Smallest Conservative Galloway and West Dumfries 862 Labour East Lothian 151 Liberal Democrat Orkney Islands 860 SNP Glasgow Anniesland 7

Percentage Constituency Majority

Largest Conservative Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 18.5% Labour Coatbridge and Chryston 11.8% Liberal Democrat Shetland Islands 17.2% SNP Aberdeenshire East 50.5%

Smallest Conservative Galloway and West Dumfries 2.9% Labour East Lothian 0.5% Liberal Democrat Orkney Islands 10.5% SNP Glasgow Anniesland 0.0%

26 Table A3: Highest and lowest shares of the constituency vote by major party

Highest Lowest

CON Conservative Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 44.9% Shetland Islands 3.5% Ayr 38.9% Glasgow Provan 4.1% Galloway and West Dumfries 36.9% Na h-Eileanan an Iar 4.3% Eastwood 33.4% Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 4.6% Edinburgh Pentlands 31.4% Glasgow Shettleston 5.5%

LAB Labour Glasgow Provan 52.3% Orkney Islands 5.6% Coatbridge & Chryston 52.2% Shetland Islands 6.6% Glasgow Maryhill & Springburn 48.1% Aberdeenshire East 7.6% Renfrewshire South 48.1% Aberdeenshire West 8.2% Glasgow Pollok 47.5% Perthshire North 8.9%

LD Liberal Democrat Shetland 47.5% Clydesdale 0.0% Orkney 35.7% Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 1.5% Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch 30.5% Motherwell and Wishaw 1.5% North East Fife 28.4% East Kilbride 1.6% Aberdeenshire West 28.2% Coatbridge and Chryston 1.6%

SNP SNP Banffshire & Buchan Coast 67.2% Shetland Islands 12.1% Na h-Eileanan an Iar 65.3% Eastwood 24.4% Aberdeenshire East 64.5% Orkney Islands 25.1% Dundee Cityy East 64.2% Dumfriesshire 26.3% Perthshire North 60.8% Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire 26.4%

27 Table A4: Scottish Parliament Members elected, May 2011 - name, constituency/region, and party

Elected Member Party Constituency Central Scotland Airdrie and Shotts Alex Neil SNP Coatbridge and Chryston Elaine Smith Labour Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Jamie Hepburn SNP East Kilbride Linda Fabiani SNP Falkirk East Angus MacDonald SNP Falkirk West Michael Matheson SNP Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse Christina McKelvie SNP Motherwell and Wishaw John Pentland Labour Uddingston and Bellshill Michael McMahon Labour Glasgow Glasgow Anniesland Bill Kidd SNP Glasgow Cathcart James Dornan SNP Glasgow Kelvin Sandra White SNP Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn Patricia Ferguson Labour Glasgow Pollok Johann Lamont Labour Glasgow Provan Paul Martin Labour Glasgow Shettleston John Mason SNP Glasgow Southside Nicola Sturgeon SNP Rutherglen James Kelly Labour Highlands and Islands Argyll and Bute Michael Russell SNP Caithness, Sutherland and Ross Rob Gibson SNP Inverness and Nairn Fergus Ewing SNP Moray Richard Lochhead SNP Na h-Eileanan an Iar Alasdair Allan SNP Orkney Islands Liam MacArthur Liberal Democrat Shetland Islands Tavish Scott Liberal Democrat Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch Dave Thompson SNP Lothian Almond Valley Angela Constance SNP Edinburgh Central Marco Biagi SNP Edinburgh Eastern Kenny MacAskill SNP Edinburgh Northern and Leith Malcolm Chisholm Labour Edinburgh Pentlands Gordon MacDonald SNP Edinburgh Southern Jim Eadie SNP Edinburgh Western Colin Keir SNP Linlithgow Fiona Hyslop SNP Midlothi an Nor th an d Musse lburg h CCliBolin Bea ttie SNP Mid Scotland and Fife Clackmannanshire and Dunblane Keith Brown SNP Cowdenbeath Helen Eadie Labour Dunfermline Bill Walker SNP Kirkcaldy David Torrance SNP Mid Fife and Glenrothes Tricia Marwick SNP North East Fife Roderick Campbell SNP Perthshire North John Swinney SNP Perthshire South and Kinrossshire Roseanna Cunningham SNP Stirling Bruce Crawford SNP North East Scotland Aberdeen Central Kevin Stewart SNP Aberdeen Donside Brian Adam SNP Aberdeen South and North Kincardine Maureen Watt SNP Aberdeenshire East Alex Salmond SNP Aberdeenshire West Dennis Robertson SNP Angus North and Mearns Nigel Don SNP Angus South Graeme Dey SNP Banffshire and Buchan Coast Stewart Stevenson SNP Dundee City East Shona Robison SNP Dundee City West Joe Fitzpatrick SNP South of Scotland Ayr John Scott Conservative Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley Adam Ingram SNP Clydesdale Aileen Campbell SNP Dumfriesshire Elaine Murray Labour East Lothian Iain Gray Labour Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire John Lamont Conservative Galloway and West Dumfries Alex Fergusson Conservative Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley Willie Coffey SNP Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Christine Grahame SNP

28 Table A4: Scottish Parliament Members elected, May 2011 - name, constituency/region, and party

Elected Member Party West of Scotland Clydebank and Milngavie Gil Paterson SNP Cunninghame North Kenneth Gibson SNP Cunninghame South Margaret Burgess SNP Dumbarton Jackie Baillie Labour Eastwood Ken Macintosh Labour Greenock and Inverclyde Duncan MacNeil Labour Paisley South George Adam SNP Renfrewshire North and West Derek MacKay SNP Renfrewshire South Hugh Henry Labour Strathkelvin and Bearsden Fiona McLeod SNP

Regional List Central Scotland Richard Lyle SNP Central Scotland John Wilson SNP Central Scotland Clare Adamson SNP Central Scotland Siobhan McMahon Labour Central Scotland Mark Griffin Labour Central Scotland Margaret McCulloch Labour Central Scotland Margaret Mitchell Conservative Glasgow Hanzala Malik Labour Glasgow Labour Glasgow Anne McTaggart Labour Glasgow Humza Yousaf SNP Glasgow Bob Doris SNP Glasgow Patrick Harvie Green Glasgow Conservative Highlands and Islands John Finnie SNP Highlands and Islands Jean Urquhart SNP Highlands and Islands Mike McKenzie SNP Highlands and Islands Labour Highlands and Islands David Stewart Labour Highlands and Islands Jamie McGrigor Conservative Highlands and Islands Conservative Lothians Labour Lothians Labour Lothians Labour Lothians David McLetchie Conservative Lothians Conservative LLthiothians Alison Jo hns tone Green Lothians Margo MacDonald Independent Mid Scotland and Fife Labour Mid Scotland and Fife Labour Mid Scotland and Fife Richard Simpson Labour Mid Scotland and Fife Murdo Fraser Conservative Mid Scotland and Fife Elizabeth Smith Conservative Mid Scotland and Fife Liberal Democrat Mid Scotland and Fife Annabelle Ewing SNP North East Scotland Richard Baker Labour North East Scotland Labour North East Scotland Labour North East Scotland Conservative North East Scotland Conservative North East Scotland Mark McDonald SNP North East Scotland Alison McInnes Liberal Democrat South of Scotland Joan McAlpine SNP South of Scotland Aileen McLeod SNP South of Scotland Paul Wheelhouse SNP South of Scotland Chic Brodie SNP South of Scotland Labour South of Scotland Graham Pearson Labour South of Scotland Jim Hume Liberal Democrat West of Scotland Labour West of Scotland Labour West of Scotland Margaret McDougall Labour West of Scotland Stewart Maxwell SNP West of Scotland Stuart McMillan SNP West of Scotland Conservative West of Scotland Jackson Carlaw Conservative