Ex·Te·N.Sions of Remarks
September 23, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 33515 of. general sessions, for the term of 15 years, Eugene N. Hamilton, of Maryland, to be an ate judge, District of Columbia court of gen as prescribed by Public Law 91-358, approved associate judge, District of Columbia court eral sessions, for the term of 15 years vice a July 29, 1970, vice Milton S. Kronheim, term of general sessions, for the term of 15 years new position created by Public Law 91-358 expired. vice a new position created by Public Law approved July 29, 1970. Paul F. McArdle, of Maryland, to be an as 91-358, approved July 29, 1970. George H. Revercomb, of Virginia, to be sociate judge of the District of Colwnbia Stanley S. Harris, of Maryland, to be an associate judge, District of Columbia court of court of general sessions, for the term of 15 associate judge, District of Columbia court general sessions for the term of 15 yea.rs years as prescribed by Public Law 91-358, ap of general sessions, for the term of 15 years vice a new position created by Public Law proved July 29, 1970, vice Thomas C. Scalley, vice a new position created by Publlc Law 91-358, approved July 29, 1970. term expired. 91-358 approved July 29, 1970. William E. Stewart, Jr., of Maryland, to be Sylvia A. Bacon, of the District of Colum Theodore R. Newman, Jr., of the District of an associate judge, District of Columbia bia, to be an associate judge, District of Columbia, to be an associate judge, District court of general sessions for the term of 15 Columbia court of general sessions, for the of Columbia court of general sessions, for the years vice a new position created by Public term of 15 years, vice a new position created term of 15 years vice a new position created Law 91-358, approved July 29, 1970.
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