County Marine Patrol Explains Why Boaters Are Often Stopped
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County marine patrol explains why boaters are often stopped By Chip Chapman \'1e Just enforce It" manne patrol and at other times Staff Writer patrol';, role of educatIng boaters and safety courses people are told they The Wayne County CommlSslOn's when he had witnessed other boaters patrollmg Lake St Clair and the can be pulled over for safety checks." The rules of the road don't neces- commIttee on pubhc safety and Judi- bemg stopped DetrOit River He saId the three Schmoekel spoke of an mCldent ~arlly transfer to the waterways cIary held a public meetIng "I don't beheve, for no Just cau"e, biggest problems the marme patrol when a boat that was pulled over, and On land, pubhc safety officers need Wednesday, May 8, at the Grosse you should stop boats," he said encounters are lack of knowledge of was !>hort one hfeJacket, ended up rea~onable cause to pull over a POInte Shores vIllage offices to "There's probably a great deal of good motorist Not so on the lake many boaters, congestIOn on the lake capslzmg three weeks later <lddress what some boaters see as that they (the marine patrol) do But and nver and boaters operatIng their "Under the Manne Patrol Sdfety "Fortunately, they had enough hfe- hara~sment by the county marine Just to stop a person to search the craft under the mfluence of alcohol Act, we may stop boats at random for Jacket" then," he said patrol boat, to me, IS wrong I perceive It as "The key to makmg boatmg safer IS ~<lfety checks," said Wayne County The Wayne County Manne Patrol Grosse Pomte Park resident and an InvaSIOn of privacy I thmk you're through educatIOn," Schmoekel said Sheriff's Manne Patrol Lt Larry UOlt has four boats ;,tatlOned at Its boater Joe Bourbeau told of occasIOns creatIng a SituatIOn of ammOi'Hty" "We do put an emphasIs on our water Schmoekel "We didn't write the law In which he had been stopped by the Schmoekel explaIned the marine safety program Durmg our boatIng See BOATING, page 3A Your Community Newspaper ...~ ~-............ ~ , Grosse News Vol. 57, No. 20 48 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 Home Delivery 561t • Newsstand 751t May 16, 1996 State questions G.P. Saturday, May 18 The annual Paint the Taxpayers Assoc.' s Window contest sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Village ASSOCiatIOn has been rescheduled for 11 a m campaign spending today. Call (313) 882-4101 By John Minnis and could not be subtracted for details. Editor from the campaign expenses The Grosse Pointe Taxpayers reported Monday, May 20 Association - the self-pro- Therefore, McCulloch said, The Grosse Pointe hbrary claimed fiscal watchdog of the ''The allegations that the asso- board meets at 7:30 pm m Grosse POinte Public School CiatIOn exceeded the $1,000 the Neighborhood Club, System - now finds itself threshold was supported by 17150 Waterloo In the City of Designers' under financial scrutinY. your response ." Grosse Pointe. The Michigan Department of Further, according to cam- Show House State has ordered the taxpay- paign finance law, If a newspa- ers association to file a com- The Grosse Pointe Woods The JUDior League or per offers political advertls10g City Council meets at 7 30 Detroit'. Designers' Show plete campaign finance report at a reduced rate, the candi- p m. in the mumclpal court HoUlJC wD1 be open for vis- covermg Its expenditures prIOr date or political group placing room at city hall, 20025 itors untU May 25. Thirty- to the June 1994 millage the ad has to declare the Mack Plaza. four designers eon- renewal vote for the Grosse amount reduced as income con- Pointe Pubhc School System. tributed to the makeover tnbuted to the campaign In The investigation was mitl- The City of Grosse Pomte of 340 LakelaDd 111the thiS case, the taxpayers associ- Council meets at 7.30 pm in Uty of Grosse Pointe, and ated by former school board ation would have had to claim the Grosse Pomte Umtarlan proceeds will fund JLD member Carol Marr, who was an additIOnal $422 40 contnbu- chairman of the HELP Church, 17150 Maumee projects in the city of tlOn In kInd from the newspa- Detroit. Committee, a pro-mJilage poht- per, which would have Ical action group. The 20th annual Grosse The chlldren's bedroom, 10creased the group's campaIgn Marr discovered that the Pomte North Spring Art above, features a hand- costs to $1,42640. taxpayers aSSOCiatIOn, m ItS Show runs from today painted map of the world Gagho, though, said his through Wednesday, May 22, on the celling and two statement of orgamzatlOn, had group paid the same rate other at the Grosse Pomte wah. said it did not expect to spend advertisers were paymg faT Commumty Performmg Arts Tours are $15. Ticket. more than $1,000 in any elec- full-page ads and that the tax- tion, thus absolvmg It from payc~ aSSOCiatIOn did not get a Center Hour~ are 8 a m. to 3 8I'C available at the door haVing to file campaign finance special discount. The newspa- p m and 6 to 9 p m or call (313) 881-<>040. PIl010 by 1'Il.. Walk ... reports. per supports Gaglio's claim. Tuesday, May 21 However, her clipp10gs Also, Marr, who herself had culled dur10g the millage cam- to meet campaign finance laws It's electIOn day In the paign reveal that the taxpayers as chairman of the HELP Village of Grosse POInte association placed a nearly Committee, pointed out that Shores Polls are open from 7 Board names Suzanne Klein two-thirds page ad In a local all these expenses do not yet a m to 8 p.m in the muniCI- paper on May 31, 1995, and a include the costs of the taxpay- pal offices, 795 Lakeshore full-page ad m another publica- ers aSSOCiatIOn's post office box interim school superintendent tIOn in June 1995 (None of the and checkmg account fees. The Eastside Republican ads appeared in the Grosse She SaId she would also like Club's candidate forum for By Shirley A. McShane trlCt employees, residents and ing but the highest regard for Staff Writer community leaders will be held her" Pointe News.) to know who the taxpayers the Grosse POinte school In response to a Dec. 12 association members are and board election begins at 7 30 Within the coming week to col- The Grosse Pomte school Klem came to the Grosse inquiry from Thomas R. who donated the funds to cover p m at the Grosse Pointe lect input on what the district board on Monday unanimously Pointe Pubhc School System in McCulloch of the department the group's expenses. War Memorial appointed deputy supermten- should look for in a new super- Intendent 1987 as the new prinCipal at of state's compliance and rules McCulloch has given the ~- dent C Suzanne K1em as the Pierce Middle School division, the taxpayers associa- payers aSSOCiatIOn until May Wednesday, May 22 mterim supermtendent until a A pubhc meeting will be tIOn said it paid $585 for the 23 to file the necessary reports replacement IS named for the A school board candidate held on Tuesday, May 21, at In 1990 she was appomted full-page ad (although the required by state election laws departIng Ed Shine forum sponsored by the 7.30 p.m. In the Wlckmg director of speCial educatIOn paper's advertlsmg rate card If the aSSOCiatIOn does not League of Women Voters Klem will take over leader- Library at Grosse Pointe South and 10 the 1992-93 school year, hsts the cost of a one-page ad respond satisfactorily, the begins at 7 30 P m m the ship of the dlstnct on July 1 HIgh School. she was promoted to director of at $1,007 40) and $419 for the department of state may Wickmg Library at South The school board has hired the instructional services ad m the other paper, amount- request a hearing to determine "We are In good hands with Chicago-based firm of Hazard, Ing to a total of $1,004 whether a CIVilVIolation of the Sue Klem as intenm superm- She became an assistant Young and Assoc to conduct 'The fact is," said taxpayers Michigan Campaign Finance tendent," said board vice presI- super10tendent In 1993 and association treasurer Phil Act has occurred. the supermtendent search. dent TIm Howlett "I met her was promoted to deputy super- Gagho, "we're talking about a Under penalty of the act, any A senes of meetmgs WIth dis- years ago and have had noth- intendent thiS year dispute over $4. It's not the treasurer or other indiVIdual great political scandal of our designated as being responsi- Opmwn 6A time." ble for record keepmg and Schools . llA The taxpayers association, report preparatIOn and fihng Senwrs 17A however, claimed it received a who IS found to have knOWIng- Obttuanes 18,20A $10 credit on June 22, 1995, ly failed to file complete Autos 21A from one paper, thus reducmg reports is subject to a fine of up its expenses to under $1,000. to $1,000 Busmess 22A But McCulloch pointed out "The fact IS we're gomg back Entertazn ment 6B that the credit was awarded and forth over $4 or $6," Gaglio Sports . 1C after the campaign finance said. "We main tam we spent Classlfied ads .... 5C report1Og penod had elapsed less than $1,000 " Home: Grosse POinte Woods Age: 44 Family: Husband, Don Lang; son, Chnstopher, News con appear one gue'lt son, Sebastian day and be gone the next But fhe paper Occupation: Medical staff news IS printed on can liaison with St John and should live on HospItal Lost year more than Claim to fame: Faclhtator one third of all U S of tranSitIOns and solver newsprint was recycled of problems for physl And fhat number IS Longing for summer clans at St John growing every day Quote: "Personal relation- Recycling A You W'OUldn't Imow it b:Vthe weather, but .ammer.