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BOY SCOUTS TO CAMP CAMP ASSOCIATION CHAIN STORES TO CLOSE Point Offer AT ALLAIRE AGAIN ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS McLean and Collins Win That Cranford people appreci- ^Hsaea, IUa*nsartef. far ate the importance or the main- naif-tor Cleats* a* Wiianaay For Congress and Sheriff; s Nbw in Effect 8«tonc«''Atttv«Uea«i»ce4ed to. tenance of ' Cranford Camp at - to (M-'TMr . Altratl Maay Boytr Silver .Lalti is. evidenced by the fact that the effort put forth to Loizeaux for Senator i PaH on Ail Collections and Opportunity • ralM Jnoney for this yearns, e*- • Cranford Boy Scouts will again make prasr*:>ia m»«ting with a liberal Three'chain Mom "In Cranford will ltoWinBifC^Prrx*s«tEndofDriT . Cran- Cams Burton at Allaire their head- -- respbnM. Following U the report dose Manorial Day. Independence Day Lull and Beggs.Rehominated for Township Committee. Otto, C quarters lhi»'Summer. This camp Is and Labor Day. In cooperation w IThemtre Givinf Free Ticket With Each Sub- for the week'of requlrnnrnts and located at the "Deserted Village" of Al- • contributions: :^~ •".."• the Buslnns Menii AswciaUon plan, Muir, WardLand Pascoe Again .Picked for Assembly '_- *-* scription. lt b Not Too Late for New laire on the Manasquan River nve miles according to Mien received by Secre- v rrom"Spring Lake In Monmouth Coun- Budget Repulrement SIJM00 tary Julius Wotra of the association Nominations by Republican!; Cooper, Ackerman, Previously- Reported • 600,00. Entries to Start Work ty. It coven an area of HO acre* and f The 'letters wen read at the meellnt • McElroy and Kwalipk by the Democrats. the boys have Urn use of an additional Received Since fjST-^- last night at. the home of President five thousand acres for hikirig and ptorl- . Report ...-:...... :.... ;.. 310.00 Charles KurU in Hampton street. Ward Wins for Sheriff Over Smith. . , . j CranforjJ. Citizen ami Chrnnicle will Iw fouml a Ust of eering purposes. The camp is conduct* Total .-.. ~; 910.00 -With rrgard to the attOriaUon plan Balance to Be Raised .1.084 00 Light Vole Generally Throughout 1 date in the fjifcufation camiiaign. While the list I* a K'X-HI one. ed by the Monmouth Council Boy of closing Wednesday afternoon, the ; tnagement'is very well pleased with tlie progresi of'the ilnve Scouts of-America, which allows other Those who. wl«h to contribute chain atorea claimed they.give employ _ County Except fh Plainfield.' - ,'• ts time, there arc-unite a fe.w who .iynifiwl their intention of councils to use the camp. to the lupport of this camp, tea paid vacations In lieu of the Wed- ; the campaign who* have not prngrnseu" farther than the Each .Council has'a separate village -which is open to all boys of Cran- netday half-hoUdaya: All said they ford may send checks to th* The voi« in tlw primaries 6( rhr cminty Cotmnllte without any s.coupon si with sleeping quarter*, headquarters would lite u> be advised of other chain's inatorlnl. stU'cr^. • If the choice of and council fireplace. Troops are urged treasurer. Wesley,A. SUnget, or action on tht-Wednesday closing. Indl •was light all through the County ex- i a few who en- to either of tile banks. The tru»- • cept In Klalrificld wbj-rc a lively ronlrat Chairman uws tn vote, Mr. Daiier will I not turned In their first sub- to take advantage of thc'olTer to at- eating the halt-day might be observed have upwards iir 00 per cent, of' till tend under their own leaders. . All are tees appreciate prompt -vtponses if all agreed. It IU pomtod.put that for Mayor nomination brouiiht out • Asd foe this reason . 4n order v that they may latelll-. nniiibi-r»)ii|i of (hi<' Committee with nr%4 ,>N6t all of entitled to take jfwrt In the »p«cUl. fu- Uio>uend«nt uort-^erpcra give paid va- big Republican role. ; him, . . ,-• ,- .'•' -. .'.«' tures of the camp, overnight nlkes' un- .gently plan their work lor-the cation, in addition tot the hatf-day • Thets were n« «m«st* Item, in Craii- wlU Uke an acUve coming season-. •'•_.' • Piir .County-Ci>mnill|t« In tlie First 'within the next few days a der the pines,t»rinis. .jnotflfboat trips doaints dwtng July and August -ttur ford, Miwt LilU arid IfetttV bring "•- r>Mrt;'l.jJjV> the JU'publlcnn Hide Mrs. {at names wtyl'be dropped. Tlw down the Manasquan' and- Metedcconk ing discussion of Ih* chain storea' re nomlnaU>d without onposiuon'mid the Dfller won hiuuDly from Iwr. opiwnent, Rivers, archery and rnarksmaiuhip, $<>P action to the Wedncadajr afternoon total vote, Itppublican and Ueinucmtlc. anag^r only wtshe».tQ.puh- r Mf». Van Doreij, ltw toJS. In UmTliIrd of those who-Intend talc- Thirteen Glaasea Scheduled for ley ban and basebair. water and field imv. it «arbrou(fat out that prn>- was" botrrlvM* In-a-tol*i~ registry,-of •T}fifiirt','Win.". Ore. 138 l»- 103. aiid Hi llii? SfVenth nature study, • Seoutcraft,' Indian lore; oprrate with m«na«rs of the aatodar Arrata.'.voted more tl>aiv.usual.in a prl- i the finish. " JWihiAtive Prizes Of- 1 District,- Mr. HtiumiM' won by 143 to W irauld be under bi hamMcfairas-condctd by th» amfr n imT-r-rrimls l-" •*—>»- "<« hrrf *n» tnailvay W Mr. Vmi CMilw,—TIMMW-WMO—tlie - I at the present time, as management A large library composed cJpsmgr l»uw««n. legardhw OlstfieVdel»gates,-Mr»."J,-W,B«relUat ror-cmiiity-Commtttee store artfiiti. • • • • Cranford bliing a candidate for Alter- i Is really only in its infancy A riidlng competition for junior riders of diversified, books Is available for OthfM rlecu^d w<*iv James ft. Warner tweeks yet to run before the those who wish to read or study." Prom Mra. Jacob Stanley, prestdent nate Delegate.' She was circled. In l\\i Flr»t; .Haniwl II. Tool and Mrs will be sponsored. Saturday afternoon junior Police Will Start Busy of the Rkgn School P.-T. A. request was : of the big cash prises at the at i:30~o*Clock by the Kensington Jun- Last,year many of the Cranford boys W. Warren Harbour was uuoppowd Florenco iVU'rwm in the Becond, Mrs made good progress' In their Scout work Season' for Boys' Retreat on made (or a pontrliKtltoa to IU scholar- for. the Republican .nomination for Mnbrl llurni-tl In 1 lit: 'ililrd. Ocorge* Q ior Riding Club at the Kensington Rid- ship fund. The matter was tabled. i 'tag person in this section who would ing School. Boulevard. Kerulworth. and are looking forward to obtaining WariferrCounty Lake. United States Senator and Pcrey 8l«w> Telli'r^and Mis Mary Dry In the to some extra cash, during higher ranks this year. The total cost Charles Lobieaux. candidate for the art tor the Democratic nomlnutlun. Fiiurth, 3. Edwnrd Wolf ahd Mrs.. Al- Thirteen class* are listed In the sched- nominatioa as State OenatoT In UM Re- r;*J»re time, may fifin ld lust .the op> ule; with two classes open to riders of the camp Is very low, the Monmouth Fred. C. Hyer and Win. A; l*oimrd phuArneMii In the rail), Robert Nit- rfor which they an looking, by Council charging only $0 per boy week A meeting of the Cranford Camp publican Primary Ttlfaflsy-waa » guest likewise were unopposed for oCngre«s drtich and Mrs. Oroctf linker In the over eighteen.. Mrs. B.'A. Mettlach of Doard or Trustees will be held Monday at the merttnt- He nt gl»wn a great Rlith, Mrv Uorulhy Tcrrlll In the Sev- the Cranford Citizen and Fanwood will judge the "various events for those coming from other councils. and the Btale Senate. „. . , Local Scout leaden hope to reduce thla night at the home ol W. W. Buckley ovstion. though »t that 4im« It was not Tlw race between Plcrson and.Lot- enth, and Win. W. .Austin and Mrs. cte drive. JT^wLCamrjalgn Is open wtth-Edwant. Kiifnstl.tr -amLH^_V^ or the- pur pom of electing ll f^n^.|«na in this section. per. wcek-to-tho-boya-Uirouert wrwlhw he iMfr—iful In ;«u« for-tlw Republican nomination Hiiruh Wclniiahl In the Clarke, both of Plainfleld, acting as the year and to discuss the completion g.'Tbat('«r» DO obligations of any kind funds, raited by several projects now the prumrjr. for Stale Senate was very close, so closo i)n the DnmOcrnUc then was but ring stewards. Ribbons will be award- of plans for the season's activities. The >t the maUnt wn Wward Kane. r. and there can be no losers. ed in all classes, .'hi addiUon a silver scheduled. The funds raised by sub- that the result may be changed by the one contosl for'County Conurdttce, in scription last Fall were Insufficient to receipt of funds for operation have been manager c4 the M«v Cranford Tnealre a dallyy on all trophy is Affered in the championship official canvass. Wednesday afelrnoon the Eighth District This was staged reduce tho cost to the boys as other sufficiently large to enable the trustees mni Robert Wyekoff. fang* operator. Lolaeaux was M to the good and this after the ix-IMona were filed with John and then at the end of the horsemanship class' and belts, crops, pin council expenses absorbed the whole to proceed with their plans with conn- After tn..e busines. s mtsttng, enter- f-ththe ffou r moatt successfufll subb- sets and handkerchiefs In the other morning Plerson was 07 - nhrad. hut Murphy In a paster campaign against amount subscribed dcrice tliat the entire amount will be tainment m fumlsned by Max Thtel. tabulation completed In tho County > solicitors receive • the four contests^ Post entries may be made, for h Thomas Kennedy Kennedy won, 48 to y thi.tlm.Vi.iiip nrmnn OlM nf ^..gtoi.t. «iwi K.1* Ptoallo. toolUt a? birt Mutphy luul on. tale during tlie offtclal canvass may change th>*rMUlt, ti_ Collins. In the FIfUl, Oeorge S. buildings constructed of ship Jap. with Jlrtto«b6had «ronv Oranford gave Lolaeaux over 200 ma- 8(uer t1,a o,rol V McU, In the tlh, Delegates PrtrteW Non-Unioii nl*««rt r,j, - ' - - trial profHun aw su* «••»—»• • —*——. —,- immitte dudes tht following classes- 'beginners' Haan,. County CommlttM inreughptfl Cittry, and In the ,El»hth, Thotoas •.extra points. And the first subscrip- or cold days or nigbta'and permit ol the Wednesday tht County ensures tho ejection of EoVi Kennedy and Mra II D. J Craig. class, walk and trot; jumping, 2 ft 9 in. clares Economy Was Only replacement of steel cots on the floors QttE Stresses '• Uon also earns points under the reg- under 18 years; horsemanship, u years ward Bauer as Chairman. Mayor Unv< | The local vote !)y_f)l»trlcU was as fol- ular point schedule. For Instance, one Objective. In dormitory fashion. While most ol Work of Present Board. den of Roaella made a bid for contrul lows , and under; apple race;^ boys' horse- the boys prefer tents, there are mtny 4 new subscription for one year will start New Officers Elected to Ex- For United Stales ifteiulor— ID 3D 3P. 4D 5D OD. 7D 8D Tot. manship under 18 years: pair class, who like shack life and the aim of the : new entry with a total of 35 000 horsemanship, open to all. horseman- Progress of details for the community Barbour, H < I'll 74 111 MH. OS 171 ilg 104- 1143 trustees Is to lake, cure of as ouuiy ecutive Committee; Stewart, O _ 40 2B '1 48 M IS 70 Ml ship 15 years to 18 years: bareback observance or Memorial Day May 3P wants as possbile. < ~~ a number of representative class under IB years; girls' horseman- wert reported at the committee meet- ror Congressman— By resolution, the Wednesday Mom- 411 DO 13 125 72 801 from this section have entered ship, under 18; going to Jerusalem: Ing Friday night in Township Rooms Chief Hennessey > making his plans ~ McUan, R m : ing CTub at its meeting yesterday In Hand. R , « 37 41 423 ttie~*ftrtve, the total amount of work Junior Club Class, under 18 years; sen- Final plans will be made at the last to- take the Junior Police up as soon as school Is out., They aril to have a two- the library protested the Governor's Hyer, D 2» 311 3 4» 27 08 253 done is fairly evenly distributed. Mo ior horsemanship, over 18 years, and a meeting of thr committee next Friday. For State Henalor— one can be said to have secured a big week stayiu an orguntzation and any nUn to change the State Department of championship horsemanship class, un- May 26 ' Institutions and Agencies, from its pres- Loiseaux, R ' 71 48 ma 78 111-Ml n 713 - lead of any kind. A new entry at this boys who wish to stay longer will be 14 .70 012 der 18 years H. B. J. Craig announced plans were ent form. The resolution, addressed Plerson, Jl >m 114 Ml (IB 48 time would be under but a slight han- Entries ror the Junior classes have under way for the erection and decor- permitted, to do so by paying the nom- Leonard, D :» 17- 2 27 . 14 Oil 291 dicap. Only a few subscriptions at this inal board of a dollar a day. The camp to Mrs. M. K. rtimiisnri. chairman of the ror Aaaetnbly- been received from the Misses Peggy ation of the speakers' stand near the atlsens' Committee, of One Hundred, time would be necessary to bring one's Cruickshank, Marie Lawrence, Mollie World War Memorial at the corner of will be optu all summer lor all boys Momtt. R " 0 71) 7» 128 72 0M -'» nt.nnrllinr right nn nfth Miff leaders |n. and_anj- boy of camp Bge may enter co-operaUng-wtUi the League of Wo- Mulr, R , HI) no 311 128 100 200 1049 , ir it men Voters, was as follows: '223 142 101 218 n IUH ths campaign. son, Joan Crump, Elale Hansel^ Jean TUXJimppilcatlon^lo C A WoUace, prin- Otto, R - 13H 70 rains Memorial Day, arrangements have "Whereas, under tht .State Board of Ward, R' " 1^1 (IB 211 U4 IU1 208 10$ 1092 And one of the Biggest advantages in Morrison, Masters Floyd Britton. Dick cipal of Sherman School and camp di- 104 been made to hold the first part of the Control, the Department of Institutions Pascoe, R 111 1)1 147 128 1MI M 834 beginning at this,time Is the fact that rector. Philip Barnes will be in charge 1 3 87 Waterhouse, Robert Nagle, David Da- exercises in the Presbyterian Church and Agencies has functioned with great Oant, I) . . I) 5 0 7 41 theblggest.-anit brat extra point offer mon and Bud Culin of Oranford; Misses Upon Mr. Craig's suggestion. It was de- of camp activities again this year. He Harrington, D 21) II 11 4 78 of the entire campaign now in effect. is an experienced camp manager and efficiency and distinction. Cooper, D at II 24 2 25 11 n 337 Buth Lammerdlng and Betty Pentz of cided to request trul sexton of the Therefore be it resoMd that the 19 This offer does not end until'Wednes- Elizabeth; and Norman Robbie of church to toll the bo\l, after taps is recreation loader. Hcuwill be assisted Ackerman, D 22" .IH 2D 1* 17 12 304 Wednesday Morning dub of Cranford, 32 03 day night, June 1st Every, dollar Plainfleld and Carl Lena- of Bahwny. sounded, sixteen times, In honor of the by a full quota of councillors who an MOElroy, D 20 22 . 1 18 I) 181 with an acUv«, associate and honorary U iO 1 15 5 t» turned in on subscriptions up until the The senior dasr entries Include the young men also experienced in camp Kwallck, D 10 IM sixteen men who gave'their Mves,in the 0 I) 1 10 0 93 •1. night of June 1st, will earn far more work. These ^oung men are college membership of M oppose the proposed 'Fisher, D , 0 Misses Edith Orutttner. Betty Bell and World War. political appointments which change ror BherUT- 47 points than if turned in after that.time. Katherlne Park, Mrs Philip Keith and P. J Deller reported his committee Students or Instructors, giving the camp 13 tho .very best of adult supervision. -ntirely the chancier of tt* dlstm Jones, R ,. IB 10 71 44 2(1 3a 2M Until Wednesday, June 1st. ..workers Mrs. Oliver L. Richards of Cranford, would attend to decorations for the 63 1411 00 I4B 150 27 830 gulshed aervke of the body governing Collins, It ... 110 13 __in the campaign will be j^ven 120,000 Miss Marlon Dreher of Maplewood, Miss tablet and that he would secure a qiiar, The inspection of the camp conducted Scott. R II 11 •a IT IV 33 128 by the trustees two week* «c» resulted the State's Institutions and agencies" ,11 11 4 13 142 extra points, in addition to trte) regular Ruth "Bube of Bosellejj Miss Helen tctte to rendef*B0praprlate muslo dur- Smith, p 14 V 38 point schedule, for each 'and every club Tresselt and H, W Clarke of Plainfleld. In Imrnedln.V' plans for opening and the Members' also voted to commend Ward, D - . - 19 1 14 IM ing the program. Mrs -Lawrence Bon Cranford Post of the American Legion 31 or combination of subscriptions which Mrs. Dorothy Pentz, William Mackey, ne.ll and Mrs." Deller stated they would necessary repairs to the property are for Coroarr— for IU acOoa In urging non-payment of (12 132 211 08 1070 " will total f 10. Five subscriptions of one sr.'and Kenneth Mackey of Elizabeth secure children to lay wreathes Upon now. being made under the direction,ol Suaunan, R , ~ 117 i in the bonus at the present tinw, U I 14 55 323 year each will form one of the $10 The offlcert of the Kensington Jun- the tablet during tlie World War Mem- Mr. Wallace.- Evcrythlnif ol the very Barnes, I) * 28 2J " i- best Is provided lor tho boys, and the The .meeting yesterday was the club's ror Township Committee— clubs or combnatons, as also one sub- ior Riding Club are: Norman Rpbble, orial ceremony. Flags have, been re- LuU, R - 117 77 218 131 172 218 D3 1117 president; Miss Betty Pentz, vice-presi- association looks'for* urd_ to Its busiest forty-first annual business station. As scriptlon of t5 for. two years will com* ceived. Chairman H R Wlncklcr an- retiring president, Mrs. A. U Johnson Beggs, R „ - U^ 71 ' 139 104 213 M 1093 dent: Miss Marlon Robbie, treasurer. year in history. Boys n*ihij]g to go are 38 .211 M 13 59 344- pleta a set. • - . nounced, and they will be distributed outlined accomplishments.of the past Smith. D . ID Workers are-requested to turn in their Miss MolUe.Barrow, corresponding sec- for the parade by A. A Smith A R requested Us muke tlt'lr desires known Scully, D _/ J8 2U SU) 12 03 .290 retary: Miss Peggy Cruickshank,1 re- ainoon as iiosKtble and all who can yrt In addition lo Its regular pro- n subscriptions once -or-twlcc each week, MacConnell was delegated to—*eeure gram plans tor each- year, th* club car- and then at the close of the special ex cording secretary, and Robert Nagle. amplifiers for-the tablet proRramris make reservations now are urged to do executive member. Miss Katherlne such action is deemed necessary. i ' • --- "" ries ori considerable pnllanthiopte wort Announce Honor Pupils in Loizeaux Thanks Public ti» pouit offer the campaign manager so. In oidcr that the campmanager may Stressing this. Mrs. Johnson mentioned .Kill figure the total amount of cash Park Is assisting jrtth the competition Dan Arnold, chairman of the line of properly work out his i>cnedulcs< There High School', faat Term For Support in Primary as the senior clulT representative. are no formalities to applying and no contributions of money, clothing .and .(Continued, on last pagt> march committee, announced assembly food given tht Central Relief Oommit- for those planning to participate-in (he strings tied to attendance at the camp. tee, money glvtn tht club's. .welfare Following U the Honor Roll for Cran- ' Deeply impressed' by the fnponsl- parade would be at 0.45 a m. Memorial chairman for her work-in Cranford. ford High School for the term ending Wlltywplaced upon me by_th« RepubU-___. Day,, at the corner of.Wtln.ut avatiue regular -yearly cttttrawUons- to th* Entrants in Citizen arid Chronicle and Chestnut street. Organizations Republican Club Will Have' Traveller's Ald.'Olrl Scouta. Rnl Cross, in May. ran Voter* of -Union County/ at this planning-to march were requested to Benefit in Cranford Theatre Blind Babtef Home, If. J. Blind Men's Freshmen .Oall Wild, Eleanor Force, moment,' 'just after receiving* official contact Chairman Arnold so that they Club. Consumers Leagbt, K. J. Confer- Wade Poston, David BwarU. Howard news of my victory, I can only express - . Subscription Campaign may be assigned positions In the par- of Social Work, Mary Fisher Horn*, Rath, OertrtMe Cleary, Rhoda Oood- my great gratitude to these voluntary ade After forming on the South Side, The Cranford Republican Club will and Hlndnio Settlement SchooL The fellow, Oeorge Reusch. John Manning, worlurs- whote loyalty and devotion In in response to a, suggestion that .such sponsor a benefit In the New Cranfonl club has also contributed yearly to the Robert Smith, Kenneth Washington. New entries, wanted, in the campaign. Many sections not yet action would secure greater; co-oper- Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and scholsnhip fund of the high school and Roger Markham, Fred JPreuss, Virginto presenting my candidacy made success represented. Solicitors should report subscriptions on or before 5:30' ation from residents of that section, Wednesday. Manager Eflward Kane of gives an annual money prise for his- possible. . "'" the parade will proceed to the World DtFaUo, Paul Conley, Wll&am Qulnn. o'clock p. m. next Wednesday evening for next week's paper. thtf theatre has offered a month's past tory, Un. Johnson conUrnwd./ Hope deOutmaiWessle.Crumback. ML. "I conduced.a campaign free from War Memorial where the first jart of to every child selling ten or more tic- the exercises will take place. After the In Jonnstn' declared Man McOorrnlck, Constance Nelson. personalities, and my supportets* llke- BAXBORY, WiDtSTON, 929 Orandview Ave,, Westfteld — 34,650. kets, while Ihe one disposing of the It was a (rest honor to have been pnsl- Howard Stanley, Edith Manchon, Wow- pi.^K^a, MRS. NANCY, 189 North Ave, E, Cranford . .. .' 6,000 program there, the parade will re-form most will receive a .three months' ;' Oontrrmad to lasV»ag> ,WIM refrained from . any, fc^ and rnarch to West End Place. Here arcs Goodman, Ruth Davis, Justine CONSHORS, MRS MAE. 30 S Union Ave, Crants^d .. ..35.000 to the theatre. Frank. Dorothy Wolf, Edward Daniels which rnlght be construed as unfair lo (Continued on last paga) jt^ D/lOtCBi. MRS. RUSSELL, 208 Cranford Ave, Cranford - ,_. - 30.000 All returns, tickets,'or money, must State Le*der.Wffl Addrf*. Elsie- aundetson, John pavelkaTMaur- DANIE&S,"EDWARD, 303"Retford Ave, Cranford - ...... 27.000 be made to members of the committee tce Decker, LoubL-Kzamer, "In Ui» campaignpgjj4^- L DININO. ANTHONY, 12 South Ave:,-Cranlord .—•> ...... 30400 before. 6 pm. Tuesday. The commit- Rcpdbliaa Women Tuettiay shall matttt thh e fight as ono who to mo- William Ridunlwn GeU tee Includes.* Mrs. Fred Deller, chair- Sopboshore: Henrietta Miller. Alma tivated by* a desire to serve, all the-.peo- MARCkAEfiT, 38 High St., Cranford — 34.600 Wysockl. Julia Pavelka, Isabelle Franke, - .. 5.000 Honor at Rutgen function man, James E. WcnVer. Harry Hum- Mrs. Oeorgi B.-l^at-«f Rumsbn. ple of Union County, and upon this •_ p*t»rm|T», ALBERT, 509 Centennial Ave. Cranford , mer, William C Klein, J Edward Wolf. MoUie Comstock. Dorothy Lewis, Be(ty oasis, I respectfully ask the favorable 34,700 president oCMm^fameat SUte Repob, Johnson. Harriet - HAOER, UNCOUJN. 401 Union K\t, Cranlor*:. —.. . - Robert D. Yankey. Robert Nledrach, Bean Ctab and Mrs. O.UA. Thomson Cortnne "consideration of tfat electorate," 34.750 William "HJ Richardson, son of Mrs. Miefc, Frank MejMejr, Lawrence Larkln. \ NELSON E^_607 Riverside Dnve, Cranford M. KTSlpaugh. William W. Austin and Miefc, CHARLES E. LOXBBMlX" Nathaniel Van Doren of 33 Or'ove street MUwell VanNUys. Orace Thiel, Betty fc-EDNA. 23cd Oh. KtnUworth will receive a medal al the best . Mrs. Erllng Arnrmn. , " • , i, 'a -f . ..,, >, BUSMAN. 404 Myrtle Ave. Oarwood ... -. _. _ _ - - ^ 5.000 mon at the 41»t annual Mffltary/leld Double,' features will be shown all Mothor Coaaefl. wUJ In Mm.- Carol Otofson. Phyllis Stuck. Haynes, Arthur Wemel. Ira Diradour- at Ow box laadwaa-4f - LOXLET. UPWARD, 129 Hulcres. Ave.. Cranford , ..... —'M^OO Day at Rutgers University tomorrow. three d$yt Monday^and Tuesday. Will- Zb«ene Henrich, Betty'Barrlnger, Mary \$XL- ^ -^* USAfUH,' ALBERT J r 21 E. Lincoln Ave, Cranford^, —.- - — 34J00 The award will be presented at the iams and Sidney Fox In "Mouthpieo;- Republkmn Ctan Tnssdsjf •! » p. m. at th* home of Mm Hrtart.ifcrrm, » Seniors; Crul Williams. FarrlsSwack- final parade of the drill season of Rut- and Andy Clyde In "Heavens, My hamer, Catherine Fuchs, Louise Merkl« MARTIN, JOSEPH. 826 Springfield Ave, Cranford 5,000 an y y ti Wdd' Juniors: Beth Harris, EUiabeth Tar- f GfXSBON. ANDREW a, 215 North Ave, W, Cranford , 30,000 gers' unit of the R. O. T,' C. Richard- Wife," will be attractions. Wednesday's Himptnn low, June Peterson, Maty DiFablo, Lu- Herbert Crane, Cella Sorensen, Apot- son I* light guard of Company F. He shows will be Miriam HopUnsCand Jack Reserntigq* for tht aeetl onla Wysockl, May, Joseph, Irralyn . «mW,'iyij«ift CHAS» 21 BB SU, Cranford H00O msd« with Mrs. U B. SuaJTl dlle Lansing, Evelyn Waters,' Arthur graduated Irom-Manlius Military Oakle In "Dancers in the Dtft." and su Brown. Deborah Cannon, Margaret Myers. './» Charles SarjtU to "After Tomorrow." 7 / ,.


ftarrlfd liemUui* vt all; tlmefl to pontiff;— ••'••". \_ Dad and Daughter in First Meeting It tu out of t1iM« *venlDcs that Fun lot All the Chfldrenr MatemityWard there n>on ltwlf around iUf^itlft wi-o~ Ediud b, DOROTHY EDMONDS^,; Cheerio Chapters ' . _ - — •-- >• „ of ropiauce. The mo«t chaffltfg of th«. tmalfif group around, hrr, brilliant^ •-down ODOB bis head and tied the ud get some Brewood as Vt •*• jounj AIniw'orth, bwaotc h«fr mtfont, LADDER CLIMBING cuss. But Mrs. Coyott kn«w what Fannie Hurt! poles tof ether. Then ahe tied Old Man Coyote on to the tepee poles be was op to snB tied Mm Sgsia t» **I don't want to tunny," tatd Vtnl*, and told him to' bold on Ught-When tbs tcps* poles and-startsd on. knrming from the flrit tl)tie be ajk^d, |eaaT AJUX abe had ererjthlng read/, off they "Pless* dont more tnls wsy," 01* liiat fhe witulit. ^IJve B«>n too much went over the pntrle. Old'Han Han Coyots cried. But His. Coy goffered tw mueS"tif |Ue raftering ftf Coyote- ptote«Uiir «tt';rhftit*. ofhprit. Itffcidif,. my^uork la.iatd out ou paid no stteatJoo to nlntlB*; 1 rtnally they came,to some woods took him througb Ita woads sganv . for TUP. *-' . . - . ——.— and .Mrs. Coyote took him throat* ,,, In ti,i*,Mr(l. of court*, *h* did marry and over tna moontslnt sad 1 the .topis tit. the trees rapidly, paying throagh Us rlrer until b* ws» so Min, anO -Dit ^ were to rMtalillxli. tbrt . DO attention when the branches got tfi#-$r*py et*r, at*S[.VJii3.- V**«a &a& 1 tlntt rrif rltiiic »r Ita kind In the mid- cold and hungry h* was half 4mS£ \att tntvn, ,ti-Ti-«Ki;$* il* 3"i>X fwrifcd t>f in bis eye* and tore bla clothes. Then Mrs, Coyote, who wsa A*?- d"l»» wi'Ktfrfi' ct\y in whirh thi-y »I " (Change tbti^ words at tb« 'base They came to a river. For a loac llu( flfuidK lutilfifi-.rl(llilrcn, Stic did wblriwlnd. Set himi down tad 1st' - <»1»ti«ra.f'*'i fr* iitTilh. 11**1 luilti *rf. flit. of the ladders to the. words .at the time she dragged him down the him ran away. -T(f«iltm)jr hoU\ oul over a jterlixl of top In five changes. Each change river until be was cold and wet ftiur" )i'um. "v When be looked as though be had. * of a letter, of. course, oust spell a MISS PETITE •"Vjfy HH;II »in» ti'r« my (»wn,m 1 w real word, and only one letter can had punishment moucb she act him hrliitf a rtilt'J into n world Info which be changed at each move.) down and began to set up the te- It <}<•<» ""I U'fM" '"' l^"'''- JNf/nrt pee. Old. Man Coyote was-mighty (Hers Is one of th» i liiiit- I urn liti'Hiy flinVnot Irisurw Imp Clad to get oft those tepee poles per dolls In ths world, straight- pinion for my (j/TtiprliiB, I dofrtT OLD MAN COYOTE AND and thought he would run any from Paris wlttrber new dotssA", a •tmhy/r _rL.- *•• • from such a «rr!M« wife, so he If there isn't a. paper don ttmttt 1 It wns a niiimrntoua da} In lh« Hres of Ibis pretty' twenty one-ycnr-olil THE WHIRLWIND At I In *TI(1 of four yiMiri, »ln»n Ainerkun Klrl imiJ hrr fatlier, a Kri'luh opera sinner, as they met fur (he made believe that be would go off In yonr house, yoa ess sort'«w. nut* tier riioxt iH'iiutlful, fli'Ni un« tit with lljss PeUte.) ~ tint llniMiii theileak of a great ftcfan liner at New York. Like the story of (Rcprintld rrom th« T|P»», Boo* l»c H t)ill*l and nn'f innri! the fofivlt* one «f-the futlrer's heioved o|>erus, rejidii th«*acrouht of how I^ouU Itotisseaa by PermiBRlon) tlnri* uf VCHIU wt'iit Unwn bcrorw lu- Aa l>4Ua UfU. 1 arid'hfa'dulighter hinl uimU(-e«Mflir njlllrii: dlsiatir'e of earli ollic-r In New .York. , The-jjlrl was. One day Old Man Coyot» was "\V«'|| fiaini' It Vi'Htit," Wild AIll* walking: through the .woods Ulklng tirfh. jmtt(*!lr (tint tarn In Dullan, Teiita^i few «eek» after Iier-fiither and mother had divorced to .himself. "There Is a woman HT- tfc»» iw^mtyvia. will Mur »Hli !''« "uml separated. t^>Mt?e ^yoirsiteiiu'was at liie pier asthe liner.icllded up- the. "UV' II ntunr It flrv(i#»r,v,** TW*ln. l/iiy, bringing her fiither to her. She hud waited all her life for him. . Ing In these woods," be said, "who I i rh*> iHlriK -Mi-rii Imrn, wants a.husband and I think 1 ilium VrHiu and .fi should HKe to hate her for .a wife." • ^ »» y^-wrr.i^p -t*. ail* f«-1Vw liOijiiins, "You will have Hfiwrcs'lle with. Quantitie* of Mexican ... me,", a voice replli"d from .among It?. In IHt -mlt «ii<1 Silver Used by ChineM ..the trees, "and If yqu throw me 1 *»i'\\\\ww (litnnrUI i runiactUmii, ure will be your wife." ', p-nt-TitHy uiiulu. In l^rJiut jtt Mi'Xlnin "I will wrestle with you." Old Jeari JVe\*;t6n Man CoyolB-'replIed'.alid because \li>lluri, Tor limtnncp, .ri«w*pup Hill tt'iinrt tlnit. tlio government of uthe woman 'knew who he wos she ceniurjvs ago, every.palace hud Its.Nu- I'liiua IIIIM uppt<>pflut*!(t ''$l,fK)U/ INFLUE(HCE" -Jet him throw her. But she had nojt merous hackiloors; ami • ixlck stairs forgotten how lie had run away, and ;'**.-• J^f*"- xi CBIJ'' f «r 1 Ii I g origin t tnjrpiMitt, -^1 s v 1 throtiRh whicS pr1»nre acreinr was hndr iii'tin (Urlliir or'(M'Mo.U worlli sll# •"•i«n''n(!r 'V»beo'»«iJni»--berh0Bimii* tn roams tnwhlcli'privy eonferencci berore'and ahe Intefided fd'iel efen li*«* tint it fiU t'cnVi lu Atitcrk j j . foree Jlmt ncrouiplUhes 1 Its were.held. ..'_ !, .....".. •.with blny. .';• :'.'.,':... ••:•." —It—4>—ihtti—tnrt—of-undVrhnnd In- - -"I -mOT«^«o=o{t«Bi-no-niaa-wlU )ti(rliie; HIP i-iirly IIITI -know—i trlKue thut flourished because of httck^ '*ll««Twitlrine^Blie*tqljl him.—~~~. h tcntury thp HpuuHl) dollar' iwmHeth: een lury dlnroHTT thoueh the |ilira*e Duds doors, and - buekstinra; and, which, "That won^t bother me," Coyote WRU ji'itn luritl Hi to i'UUiu/hy western fre<|iient unage In Ihls (In Ue sickle however, undeslruhle It wuk tn Mines answered^ ' ; • tu rWflt tlmn thero century. • ' gonp by, still seems to be prevulcnt Mrs. Coyote began t» Ret. supper dreulallnn In .-The very..natne, as a mntter of fact, today. _ and said nothing but Just us her riiinn pscrpt tli iijll 'c(i(i|tor pi eoniijii to us from. tho iricident iluit iusband begnn to eot>be_cflme In and said they would have to move iinciiiRr^l silver liullloti^. was rlRht away. She pulled the tepee <(*, l»l. Waatara NinnM U&IM.> «Mii(ifu)fi!, Mjrf i'Mnvuu otince of »\Uvr British Naval Victory ONE THING SURE X}\* a l»i>1._ Clilncrto int>rchuiiU ••ulna niiiro t-ini Told in Old Newspaper tluin luiliiim iirj n clrcutut Memphis, TOUIL—An • Issue or tho urn II ji (I Hirtniiitli tin Mum wore London Times one hundred and twen- Britain Lists 540 as lyseveiryi'urs:old, carrying J«II ac- A i»li(irtntt(*.1ti tli» 8U|t[ily of Spun count of the victory of ihe- Itrlilsh Millionaires in 1931 Its- «i^*Kit*fi*-*- lnji'ttf**. hli tlolifU-K lf.'U to llin lulfodutlloivjif^ ttyH at Otpo .Trnfalgarf WHM. dlncov- ~Jays London.—Five hundred and forty Mtxhnii (inJInrw nl.out 1SJO. Wllliln Tri'd recently hy Mm- Florence John- millionaires In'this country "were as- i very ft'iv )rnr» tli*vXO col nil, tnlnt^d ton while cleaning out an old Book- HIS soil In piazza aind window cottun fabrics -by ,co\erlng tbe spot sessed for surtax last year, according iu Ali'Xiru li^Ttirr-Mrnilnin Thoxi'»_ dries oiit .ver with butter nnd allowing It to remain to the report of the Inland revenue "f*>r:'«~fCTr~tiours-»t»efore -waslitag.™"" 0WM«teBS.a. Jor,^!4«Tiesx-.Jl3u}ed^ mid Mem |tru ct leu Hy- tlio only cur* plnce• - BcnlilliiB wuter. to cover the hat Put by twenty-one, that tho yield from i>r Il uf Slrxidnntl.illftrti to. Clitnu ninl ter .and add It to the Slfirdi, wltti a covered. Leave It for (We minutes, lists of Somerset house during the Teacher—What ihln«s 1^ tnia wurld IReu like It Out with a sUck anu* dry sear. Among -fhejr "nahf =£285^- . uwmmf • • y*- " . •• •.-" • tinxl* tierninc an-Impurtittit factor In The Issue-was dated November 17, can a mana I way» coont on? _ __ In the shade. S39.3O4.- -- Tbe-total number-ot taxpayers-was ""Tbiuiuy—llfiiihiijerit," " Trir" ifiifnsTnay"*Be~ removed" ffouf In 1W« China •Iwiei! a trentjrwlth 230,000 and among them they paid lln;iH Mrlmln In which Klin agreed to Eil Moil Ens eB5.!B0.Su4. There were actually llillHlr a uniform lyMoni of cur- Ottawn, Oan.—I'nictlcally an 4,090.000 persons with Incomea liable nncy. Yiinn Khlh-k'nl, durliiff lilt rif- day Is eaten hylevcry niiiu, woninu and to taxation, but 2,700,000 were relieved child In Canada. Tho nverago ||er ie. t-nlnctl Chlnrap Rtlyer' ^lullura In VALTER TRUMBULL of pajment by the 'operation of va- llu* IIM|U) of Inlllntinjr currency re- raiillii.yearly coiistiniptlon of cum In UGHXS OiF NEW YORK rious allowances, such as those for' niH, ntul Sim's then .Inim'y irU tho Dominion Is *IOI. the hl«Jie«(.of vt Ife, children and dependent relations. huvo fivJ'n' nunto to'eubMtltuto'nntlvA any country, according toaii odtcltil .Dr. Chiirles II, Mayo, one of the fu- Hut Bo 'Jo blocks and the crowd has from' every corner of the earth, find- The total Income brought under re- K for Mi-xl(;nn ilollura, (Jon»iv couipllatlou. > 1 nious brothers from ltoclR 8lcr,.snld re- .motted away. You begin to get out tn thejr way: to New York. You may see view was £.1,100.000,000, but through fluently, nttliotigh .riilnetio niiant*! !! cently that the grcutcsl eiiemy of tho tho rural section. Here, you can go"lion' s from Africa, tigers from India, allowances and reductions the actual tr« mill. m'tikniKMl In temm of Mrx^ 1 human raco-Is food. He iimintqlus for nilles and still keep on Budlng dinosaur skeletons from Mongolia; tax j.\vns levied- on only £1,300,000,000. lenn tlolliirii; tlti cutti'ii'thninselvi'ii iirti that 'most persons cither eat too much, throngs of people. It Is tiie- same way spices, from Araby, diamonds from Bra- liwomliiir KIIITO In t'hln» «nil thctr Building Sway May or liuvo poorly selected diets. This with everythlug_ else — skyscrapers, zil, emeralds from Columbia,' cherry ilurn la IM'IIIK rnplill; (rvkvn liy ullycr sounds reasonable. We do not believe stores, tnxleabs. We I'nvo them nil, but trees from.Japan, paintings from Italy, HADN'T SEEN HIM dollars uf iM|iml .wrtuht amKvnliie Make Stenog Sick In nny diet which Includes creumed yours are multiplied." : dresses from-fFraiice, eometlilng from nilnral In Ohlim ox llonckoni;.—I'ltth- Coluniuusv Ohio. — "Stenoitra .codtlsh, 'bruins and oegs,. or parsnips,, every known country. In the course of fitulcr Iklni;tixlno. " ' -phera of ttie'future niay become and we don't think any niiiu, untess'hc ! always have thought It would be a * .to ent a Inriic.bcefstenk pirulshed with mer residents of each state Into their Btnto unlverslly' eiiBlneer,,jiald u dozen fried', pegw, utid he wus ce.r- owtLsection. They would;aH feel thiit devoted, the ,8ame.: time to a- trip iiiN. tmt Mila Im* Hlnco Ivvn jirvviHl lu!rc.-tlia("B!>tnt?lhliig' ||ko sen- around the'wor.Id. ; o It** wri'itc rJlio \ioln wore the tin- Ju.inly a healthy' looklnj: siieclmen. But* they vjere nt homo ugiihl. especially if ' sIckncM" may nccijri leii upper he also wntf iarger''tlwn tiie'ordlnary the* floating population was -assigned .... -.- • - ' .„ «_^«_ • iiiiiil.itiVluriliinjiiMn of tho \iolln «ml itiirli'd of 'lull liiilltllnj;*.' to quarters under the same-system. IIP % lul^ \w imubUi to lotve. Experiments la the American 1 Rraperrult, halfahe-slie of'a pumpkin, .,.•..••• • •'•..' . . • : • even S«CQ the devlL Lutlilor (a \l iituiK* of Kcrlhtn, wlin Uveil In Jliid Bpinewliere lo—the city. If yd\i "•* * " " tiillest structure west of New York before, told me that his tlrst. litt- iUi*«n*ln _ nlntut tin* ycnr 1-UO fs atno know' where to look for It' Vork, nhowed a sway of only prcslon. of the-clty wan Its size and On the other, hand, 1 do not believe HeoTnnu'Mbiar- '.. »_j ••.•'.. ' . 1 •rt'tJtwi with tho fllni'overy of the \ lo- one-tenth of nn Inch In a SU-mlla quantity, "Our town," he ««li). "has you can get any finer meats anywhere Sonora, Calif.—Jonijuln Morris" hen in. AH In ntl, wlitte U In pos^lole wind at the thirty-seventh lloor. Peopks." Jewels, -. objects of art^ an- wider utrectn thaii some of 'youra,- and lmal