Point Offer S Nbw in Effect
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:'''-W; ."--,-~:;z« ,;. ..^i:,'; =•,".'• 1 : ; ; ''•"'• •'.' "'""• '-,- •' ' .;- '•'••'"• '-.'":'•"'•'•. ;..-•' •'/ .-•.' >• '' ' " r_ NICLB CRANPORD. N. J4 THURSDAY. MAY FiVECENTS BOY SCOUTS TO CAMP CAMP ASSOCIATION CHAIN STORES TO CLOSE Point Offer AT ALLAIRE AGAIN ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS McLean and Collins Win That Cranford people appreci- ^Hsaea, IUa*nsartef. far ate the importance or the main- naif-tor Cleats* a* Wiianaay For Congress and Sheriff; s Nbw in Effect 8«tonc«''Atttv«Uea«i»ce4ed to. tenance of ' Cranford Camp at - to (M-'TMr . Altratl Maay Boytr Silver .Lalti is. evidenced by the fact that the effort put forth to Loizeaux for Senator i PaH on Ail Collections and Opportunity • ralM Jnoney for this yearns, e*- • Cranford Boy Scouts will again make prasr*:>ia m»«ting with a liberal Three'chain Mom "In Cranford will ltoWinBifC^Prrx*s«tEndofDriT . Cran- Cams Burton at Allaire their head- -- respbnM. Following U the report dose Manorial Day. Independence Day Lull and Beggs.Rehominated for Township Committee. Otto, C quarters lhi»'Summer. This camp Is and Labor Day. In cooperation w IThemtre Givinf Free Ticket With Each Sub- for the week'of requlrnnrnts and located at the "Deserted Village" of Al- • contributions: :^~ •".."• the Buslnns Menii AswciaUon plan, Muir, WardLand Pascoe Again .Picked for Assembly '_- *-* scription. lt b Not Too Late for New laire on the Manasquan River nve miles according to Mien received by Secre- v rrom"Spring Lake In Monmouth Coun- Budget Repulrement SIJM00 tary Julius Wotra of the association Nominations by Republican!; Cooper, Ackerman, Previously- Reported • 600,00. Entries to Start Work ty. It coven an area of HO acre* and f The 'letters wen read at the meellnt • McElroy and Kwalipk by the Democrats. the boys have Urn use of an additional Received Since fjST-^- last night at. the home of President five thousand acres for hikirig and ptorl- . Report ...-:......:.... ;.. 310.00 Charles KurU in Hampton street. Ward Wins for Sheriff Over Smith. , . j CranforjJ. Citizen ami Chrnnicle will Iw fouml a Ust of eering purposes. The camp is conduct* Total .-.. ~; 910.00 -With rrgard to the attOriaUon plan Balance to Be Raised .1.084 00 Light Vole Generally Throughout 1 date in the fjifcufation camiiaign. While the list I* a K'X-HI one. ed by the Monmouth Council Boy of closing Wednesday afternoon, the ; tnagement'is very well pleased with tlie progresi of'the ilnve Scouts of-America, which allows other Those who. wl«h to contribute chain atorea claimed they.give employ _ County Except fh Plainfield.' - ,'• ts time, there arc-unite a fe.w who .iynifiwl their intention of councils to use the camp. to the lupport of this camp, tea paid vacations In lieu of the Wed- ; the campaign who* have not prngrnseu" farther than the Each .Council has'a separate village -which is open to all boys of Cran- netday half-hoUdaya: All said they ford may send checks to th* The voi« in tlw primaries 6( rhr cminty Cotmnllte without any s.coupon si with sleeping quarter*, headquarters would lite u> be advised of other chain's inatorlnl. stU'cr^. • If the choice of and council fireplace. Troops are urged treasurer. Wesley,A. SUnget, or action on tht-Wednesday closing. Indl •was light all through the County ex- i a few who en- to either of tile banks. The tru»- • cept In Klalrificld wbj-rc a lively ronlrat Chairman uws tn vote, Mr. Daiier will I not turned In their first sub- to take advantage of thc'olTer to at- eating the halt-day might be observed have upwards iir 00 per cent, of' till tend under their own leaders. All are tees appreciate prompt -vtponses if all agreed. It IU pomtod.put that for Mayor nomination brouiiht out • Asd foe this reason . 4n order v that they may latelll-. nniiibi-r»)ii|i of (hi<' Committee with nr%4 ,>N6t all of entitled to take jfwrt In the »p«cUl. fu- Uio>uend«nt uort-^erpcra give paid va- big Republican role. ; him, . ,-• ,- .'•' -. .'.«' tures of the camp, overnight nlkes' un- .gently plan their work lor-the cation, in addition tot the hatf-day • Thets were n« «m«st* Item, in Craii- wlU Uke an acUve coming season-. •'•_.' • Piir .County-Ci>mnill|t« In tlie First 'within the next few days a der the pines,t»rinis. .jnotflfboat trips doaints dwtng July and August -ttur ford, Miwt LilU arid IfetttV bring "•- r>Mrt;'l.jJjV> the JU'publlcnn Hide Mrs. {at names wtyl'be dropped. Tlw down the Manasquan' and- Metedcconk ing discussion of Ih* chain storea' re nomlnaU>d without onposiuon'mid the Dfller won hiuuDly from Iwr. opiwnent, Rivers, archery and rnarksmaiuhip, $<>P action to the Wedncadajr afternoon total vote, Itppublican and Ueinucmtlc. anag^r only wtshe».tQ.puh- r Mf». Van Doreij, ltw toJS. In UmTliIrd of those who-Intend talc- Thirteen Glaasea Scheduled for ley ban and basebair. water and field imv. it «arbrou(fat out that prn>- was" botrrlvM* In-a-tol*i~ registry,-of •T}fifiirt','Win."<S"KVTn' w'oii over Nevllte tWJdwhowjnjjHcttp .^Gompelitipn in! Glub Ring, sporti, O&vernoft Day, Sunday services, Camp Trustees Meet ure might be brouEht to hawthtm co- „„_ 2«--pK-Mllt.--Th«-P«m>. Ore. 138 l»- 103. aiid Hi llii? SfVenth nature study, • Seoutcraft,' Indian lore; oprrate with m«na«rs of the aatodar Arrata.'.voted more tl>aiv.usual.in a prl- i the finish. " JWihiAtive Prizes Of- 1 District,- Mr. HtiumiM' won by 143 to W irauld be under bi hamMcfairas-condctd by th» amfr n imT-r-rrimls l-" •*—>»- "<« hrrf *n» tnailvay W Mr. Vmi CMilw,—TIMMW-WMO—tlie - I at the present time, as management A large library composed cJpsmgr l»uw««n. legardhw OlstfieVdel»gates,-Mr»."J,-W,B«relUat ror-cmiiity-Commtttee store artfiiti. • • • • Cranford bliing a candidate for Alter- i Is really only in its infancy A riidlng competition for junior riders of diversified, books Is available for OthfM rlecu^d w<*iv James ft. Warner tweeks yet to run before the those who wish to read or study." Prom Mra. Jacob Stanley, prestdent nate Delegate.' She was circled. In l\\i Flr»t; .Haniwl II. Tool and Mrs will be sponsored. Saturday afternoon junior Police Will Start Busy of the Rkgn School P.-T. A. request was : of the big cash prises at the at i:30~o*Clock by the Kensington Jun- Last,year many of the Cranford boys W. Warren Harbour was uuoppowd Florenco iVU'rwm in the Becond, Mrs made good progress' In their Scout work Season' for Boys' Retreat on made (or a pontrliKtltoa to IU scholar- for. the Republican .nomination for Mnbrl llurni-tl In 1 lit: 'ililrd. Ocorge* Q ior Riding Club at the Kensington Rid- ship fund. The matter was tabled. i 'tag person in this section who would ing School. Boulevard. Kerulworth. and are looking forward to obtaining WariferrCounty Lake. United States Senator and Pcrey 8l«w> Telli'r^and Mis Mary Dry In the to some extra cash, during higher ranks this year. The total cost Charles Lobieaux. candidate for the art tor the Democratic nomlnutlun. Fiiurth, 3. Edwnrd Wolf ahd Mrs.. Al- Thirteen class* are listed In the sched- nominatioa as State OenatoT In UM Re- r;*J»re time, may finfi ld lust .the op> ule; with two classes open to riders of the camp Is very low, the Monmouth Fred. C. Hyer and Win. A; l*oimrd phuArneMii In the rail), Robert Nit- rfor which they an looking, by Council charging only $0 per boy week A meeting of the Cranford Camp publican Primary Ttlfaflsy-waa » guest likewise were unopposed for oCngre«s drtich and Mrs. Oroctf linker In the over eighteen.. Mrs. B.'A. Mettlach of Doard or Trustees will be held Monday at the merttnt- He nt gl»wn a great Rlith, Mrv Uorulhy Tcrrlll In the Sev- the Cranford Citizen and Fanwood will judge the "various events for those coming from other councils. and the Btale Senate. „. , Local Scout leaden hope to reduce thla night at the home ol W. W. Buckley ovstion. though »t that 4im« It was not Tlw race between Plcrson and.Lot- enth, and Win. W. .Austin and Mrs. cte drive. JT^wLCamrjalgn Is open wtth-Edwant. Kiifnstl.tr -amLH^_V^ or the- pur pom of electing ll f^n^.|«na in this section. per. wcek-to-tho-boya-Uirouert wrwlhw he iMfr—iful In ;«u« for-tlw Republican nomination Hiiruh Wclniiahl In the Clarke, both of Plainfleld, acting as the year and to discuss the completion g.'Tbat('«r» DO obligations of any kind funds, raited by several projects now the prumrjr. for Stale Senate was very close, so closo i)n the DnmOcrnUc side then was but ring stewards. Ribbons will be award- of plans for the season's activities. The >t the maUnt wn Wward Kane. r. and there can be no losers. ed in all classes, .'hi addiUon a silver scheduled. The funds raised by sub- that the result may be changed by the one contosl for'County Conurdttce, in scription last Fall were Insufficient to receipt of funds for operation have been manager c4 the M«v Cranford Tnealre a dallyy on all trophy is Affered in the championship official canvass. Wednesday afelrnoon the Eighth District This was staged reduce tho cost to the boys as other sufficiently large to enable the trustees mni Robert Wyekoff. fang* operator. Lolaeaux was M to the good and this after the ix-IMona were filed with John and then at the end of the horsemanship class' and belts, crops, pin council expenses absorbed the whole to proceed with their plans with conn- After tn..e busines.