Israeli Wars (1948­Present)

Israeli War of Independence(1948­1949)(Incomplete please add to it) ● The israelis were led by David Ben Gurion ○ at the time were called the Yishuv ● Operation Balak helped the Israelis by giving them much needed supplies and stuff like that ● Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by Lehi group during this conflict ● Ended with the UN resolution 194 ○ mediated by Ralph Bunche ● The Nakba fought in it ● Haganah paramilitary group fought in it ● the Irgun group that was headed by Menachem Begin fought in this war ● Battle of Latrun saw America Mickey Marcus die to friendly fire ● raising of the “Ink” flag over Eilat ○ marked the end of the war ● Armistice Agreement ended it ● The Minorities Unit was founded during it crisis (1956)(Incomplete please add to it) ● Like a joint invasion of by , France, and Great Britain ● Goals were to get control of the Suez canal back into western hands and take Nasser out of power who was leading egypt at the time ● They achieved their objectives but the USA and USSR made them pull out ● Britain was lead at the time by Anthony Eden, Charles Keightley was in charge of the military stuff (other generals include hugh stockwell and Manley Power) ● France was lead at the time by Rene Coty although french forces were led by Pierre Barjot(other generals include Andre Beaufre and Jacques Massu ● Israel was lead by David Ben­Gurion and some of the main other guys are( , , and ), ● In result of this incident the Straits of Tiran were reopened to Israeli shipping ● Guy Mollet was prime minister of France at time and his administration was hurt by this ● Nasser was the ruler of Egypt(other important people of Egypt include: Abdel Hakim Amer and Sami Yassa) ● Operation Musketeer ● Operation Kadesh ● Operation Cordage ● Operation Revise ● Operation Tarnegol ● battle of Jebel Heitian ● France, Britain, and Israel had before this event signed the Protocol of Sevres ● Lester Pearson won the nobel peace prize for negotiating during this event ● Operation Telescope ● Anthony Eden resigned due to this event ● Resulted in the Isreali occupation of the until 1957 Six day War(add more things) ● Samu Incident ○ Israeli citizens killed by a mine ● David Elazar led a side in its northern campaign ● sinking of El Mina ● capture of Sharm el Sheik ● target Eilat ● Wadi Haroudin ● Ariel Sharon won again with his armed forced ● one of its causes was the closure of the Straits of Tiran ● crippled the Egyptian air force ● Intifada ● winning side captured the , Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, and West Bank ● city of El Quneitra destroyed ● USS Liberty was shot by friendly fire ● expansion of territory beyond the Green Line ● UN Resolution 242 dealt with territory after it ● 2003 Isabella Ginor said this war was caused by the USSR ● Aryeh Yitzhaki accused one party of killing 1000 prisoners of war ● Operation Focus ○ series of airstrikes led by Mordechai Hod ● alliance of , Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt ● UNEF forces were positioned in SHarm el Sheikh prior to it ○ to make sure compliance with the 1949 armistice ● Israel captured Golan Heights from Syria (add more things) ● preceded by the “Three No’s” of the Khartoum Arab Summit ○ no peace, no recognition, and no negotiation (with the Israelis) ● Operation Doogman 5 ● Operation Nickel Grass ● UN Security Council Resolution 338 ● David Elazar resigned in its aftermath ● ● Syria attacked the Golan Heights ● Suez Canal crossed by Egypt ● Jewish Day of Atonement ● one leaders career launched after he was pictured with a head bandage and his encirclement of the Third Army Group ● “shuttle diplomacy” of Kissinger ● unprepared ● American aid to one side led to OPEC embargo ● “Hero of the Crossing” ○ referring to Anwar Sadat ● gained back territory lost in the War of Attrition ● three week 1973 War ● Straits of Tiran were to be traded for return of the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula prior to it ● The Bar Lev Line is destroyed ● The Egypt­Israel Peace Treaty and the Israel­Syria Disengagement Agreement worked to end