The Journal of E. Willard Smith
THE COLORADO MAGAZINE Published Quarterly by The State Historical Society of Colorado Vol. XXVll Denver, Colorado, July, 1950 No. 3 With Fur Traders in Colorado, 1839-40 The Journal of E. Willard Smith 'VITH AN INTRODUCTION AND KOTES BY LEROY R. HAFEN The Journal of E. ""Willard Smith is one of the best records of conditions and activity in the Colorado region during fur trade days. The short-lived trading posts on the South Platte are pictured in operation. The chief actors, now almost legendary, are seen with their ox- and mule-drawn wagons, hauling and packing trade goods to supply their posts and conducting trade with the roving Indians. Mr. Smith takes us over the Santa Fe Trail from the outfitting point of Independence, Missouri, to Bent's Fort on the Arkansas. Then we travel northward over the divide and down the South Platte to the adobe trading post of Fort Vasquez, near present Platteville. Leaving wagons behind, we journey on horseback and with pack-laden mules over the mountains, across North Park, down the Little Snake and to Fort Davy Crockett in the favorite trapper winter resort of wall-encircled Brown's Hole on Green River. Then to escape reprisals from wronged Indians we face midwinter on the continental divide, hole up in drifted snow, and finally emerge with spring at the fort on the South Platte. Then on a mackinaw boat, fashioned from timbers hand-sawed at Fort Vasquez, we place our load of buffalo robes and tongues and commence our voyage down the shallow Platte. After much unloading and re-loading, wading the stream and pulling the boat from sand bars, we finally reach the Missouri and dance upon its muddy flood to reach St.
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