
Regional Transitway Guidelines

Advisory Committee Meeting June 28, 2010

Information Resources

• Met Council Web Site – http://www.metrocouncil.org/planning/transportation/transitways/i ndex.htm

• “Working” Project Web Site

1 12/17/2010

Committee Reports

• Background • Existing Conditions – In the Region – In Other Regions • DRAFT Guideline Concepts • Other, Related Guidelines

Modes and Characteristics - Benchmarks

Local Bus

Express Bus with Transit Advantages

2 12/17/2010

Modes and Characteristics – Transitway Guidelines

Station Spacing & Siting Background • Definitions – Station – including on-line and off-line – Central business district – Existing • Existing Laws & Requirements – Title VI & Environmental Justice – FTA Requirements

3 12/17/2010

2030 Transportation Policy Plan - Existing Regional Policy Appendix G: Transit Standards

2030 Park & Ride Plan – Chapter 5: Existing Regional Policy Site Location Criteria

4 12/17/2010

Station Spacing & Siting Existing Conditions

Northstar Hiawatha- Cedar Ave Limited Station Commuter Central 35W BRT BRT Stop Characteristics Rail LRT Concept Concept Standard Minimum (mi) 2 0.5 1.5 0.7 0.5 Minimum Distance to CBD (mi) 5 na 2 2 na Primary access hwy/park&ride walk/transfer mix mix walk/transfer

• Ridership per Station - Handout

Northstar Commuter Rail KANABEC PINE Projected Northstar Station Market Areas




Northstar Link Lot


0.5 65 0.5 É 8 0.5 0.5 ¤£ 0.5 0.5 ANOKA

0.5 0.5 35 0.5 0.5 0.5 ¨¦§ 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 ¤£ N O T G N I H S A W Big Lake Station

14 WRIGHT ¬« 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 169 MEEKER ¤£ 35W 0.5 94 ¨¦§ ¨¦§ 0.5

É610 0.33 ¨¦§35E 0.33 0.33 HENNEPIN 0.33 0.25 É252 0.25 0.25 ¤£61 0.25 0.25 10 0.25 ¤£ 0.25 RAMSEY Coon Rapids Riverdale Station 0.25 0.25 0.25

494 694 ¨¦§ É100 ¨¦§ ¤£12 35E Station Market Areas (by TAZ) Facilities ¨¦§ É36 7-County Metro Area City/Township Big Lake St. Cloud NorthStar Link Park-and-Ride !à Coon Rapids - Riverdale Station ( Address matching Elk River Big Lake & Elk River (shared) (!à 19-County Metro Area Big Lake Station not available (!à Fridley Station Anoka Elk River & Anoka (shared) Elk River Station (!à (!à Data Collected: 9/2008 Coon Rapids Riverdale Map Created: 3/8/2010 Anoka & Coon Rapids (shared) Anoka Station 0 5 10 Fridley (!à Miles ¹

5 12/17/2010

6 12/17/2010

BRT Station Spacing In Other Regions Miles between Stations BRT System Shortest Longest Average Cleveland – Health Line 0.13 0.5 0.2 Boston – Silver Line 0.1 1.9 0.32 Eugene – Emx 0.24 0.98 0.42 Las Vegas – MAX 0.25 1 0.5 Los Angeles – Metro Rapid 0.25 1 0.7 York Region – Viva 0.16 3.07 0.93 Pittsburgh 0.51 1.7 0.97 Los Angeles – Orange Line 0.54 2.2 1.1 Halifax – MetroLink 0.45 7.7 3.28 Practices for BRT Service - APTA 2008

Station Spacing In North America

7 12/17/2010

Commuter Rail Station Spacing in Other Regions

2007/8 Fare One-way Weekday wkdy 2009 Long 2009 cust Recovery track miles train trips Stations Ave Spacing ridership Dist Fare cost/mile Est. Sounder 74 18 9 8.22 9,300 $4.75 $0.06 23% TRE 34 49 9 3.78 9,300 $2.50 $0.07 7% Tri-Rail 72 50 18 4.00 14,000 $6.90 $0.10 18% Rail Runner 55 21 7 7.86 2,300 $7.00 $0.13 na ACE 90 8 10 9.00 3,000 $11.75 $0.13 28% Caltrain 77 98 32 2.41 36,993 $11.50 $0.15 41% Front Runner 38 73 7 5.43 4,100 $5.50 $0.14 15% Coaster 41 22 8 5.13 6,800 $6.50 $0.16 38% Northstar 2010 40 12 6 6.67 3,400 $7.00 $0.18 21% Metra 565 743 239 2.36 317,400 $8.05 na 45% Average 5.48 Shaded operate multiple lines skewing spacing ave

LRT Stations • Spacing ¾ to 3 miles

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BRT Stations • Ave spacing ¾ mile • Based on capturing 85% of existing riders • MTA guideline 500 boardings per mile • FTA recommended 1,000 boardings per mile per

Station Spacing & Siting Guidelines Concepts • See handouts – Station spacing minimum outside /St. Paul Central Business Districts – Closest station from Minneapolis/St. Paul Central Business Districts – Minimum daily boardings for station opening year forecast – Primary market analysis factors – Primary access and site location factors – Secondary access and site location factors **See next slide – Addition of stations

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Station Spacing & Siting For More Discussion • Station Siting Factors – Land availability – Land costs – Development plans – Mix of existing land uses – Available infrastructure (and cost of providing additional infrastructure) – Proximity to affordable housing – Size of transit-dependent population – Impact on transit operations and/or passenger travel time – Pedestrian access and cost to provide (i.e., need for pedestrian/bike bridge) – On-line vs. off-line stations

Station Spacing & Siting Closely Related Guidelines • Service Operations – Competing routes – Transfers • Project Development, Governance, and Management – Travel demand and market forecasting and analysis methodologies • Stations & Facilities

10 12/17/2010

Questions or Comments?

Vehicles Background

• LRT and Commuter rail will be compatible with existing systems • Vehicle technology, styling, vendors, etc. are evolving quickly • Different BRTs may operate differently; universal vehicle may not work • Guidelines can’t be overly prescriptive

11 12/17/2010

Vehicles Background

• BRT Station-to-Station and Arterial BRT vehicles for today’s discussion • Draft guidelines concepts, not final

Vehicle Existing Conditions

• Laws and regulations affecting vehicle guidelines – Buy America, Best Value, ADA Compliance • Regional policies and practices – Vehicle fleet policy – General fleet practices

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Vehicle Sizing and Seating

• No one-size-fits-all solution • Important considerations in determining vehicle sizing and seating/standing amenities: – Passenger load standards/Peak loads – Passenger trip lengths (min/max/avg) – Ridership demand at end of 12-year vehicle life – Service characteristics (speed, maneuvering)

Passenger Boarding

• Boarding should be as quick and convenient as possible for all passengers • Considerations: – Wheelchair access innovation – Bicycle storage – Boarding demand at each station – Level boarding – Fare collection

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Customer Comfort and Safety • Light-rail vehicle feel compared to bus vehicle feel • Vehicles should create an open (comfortable) feeling inside – Natural or artificial lighting – Window size, number, type, tint – Color scheme

Customer Comfort and Safety LRT Bus

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Interior and Exterior Styling

• Vehicles should portray the fast, sleek, modern experience of bus rapid transit service • The bus rapid transit vehicle identity will be tied closely to branding color scheme, both interior and exterior

BRT-Style Buses

Gillig Hybrid Gillig BRT

15 12/17/2010

BRT-Style Buses

New Flyer New Flyer BRT

BRT-Style Buses

New Flyer New Flyer BRT

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BRT-Style Buses


Interior Noise

• Baseline decibel comparisons for Bus vs. LRT • Strive to achieve interior noise levels as similar to LRT as possible

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• Features of bus (customer information technology, security systems, etc.) should be integrated into the design of the bus as much as possible • Interior bike racks – Need multiple door boarding for ease of access – Need off-board fare collection for multiple door boarding – Peer examples indicate need articulated vehicle

Remaining Topics

• Cost considerations – Vehicle decision impacts on operating costs and capital facility costs – Cost of vehicle vs. regular fleet vehicle • Vehicle integration with std. fleet • Propulsion technologies – Hybrid, Electric

18 12/17/2010

Vehicle Summary and Next Steps • Handout with topic list • Continue close coordination with guidelines from other committees

Questions or Comments?

19 12/17/2010

Advisory Committee Next Steps

• Schedule of Technical Topics - Tentative – June: Vehicles; Station Spacing – July: Fare collection; Service Operations – August: No Meeting – September: Branding; Funding; Project Development, Governance, and Management – October: Runningway; Stations and Facilities; Technology – November/December: Review and comment on all draft guidelines – for recommendation to the Met Council to start the TPP amendment process

Schedule -Tentative

• Fall 2009 – Mar 2010: Project Initiation • April 2010: Project Kick-Off • April – Oct 2010: Develop Technical Content and Draft Guidelines • Oct - Dec 2010: Stakeholder Outreach 1 • Oct – Dec 2010: Revise Guidelines • Jan – April 2011: Finalize Guidelines and Adopt into TPP (Stakeholder Outreach 2)

20 12/17/2010

Guidelines Development Committees Station Spacing Leadership and Runningway and Siting Oversight Tom Thorstensen & Adam Harrington Arlene McCarthy Charles Carlson

Service Stations and Operations Public Facilities John Levin & Tom Thorstensen & Cyndi Harper Advisory Charles Carlson Committee Identity and Vehicles Branding Jan Homan Bruce Howard

Fare Collection Technology Project Funding Systems Gary Nyberg Amy Vennewitz Tom Randall

Guidelines Advisory Committee

Wendy Wulff, chair Met Council Kirstin Sersland Beach

Met Council MTS Director Arlene McCarthy

Comm. Peter McLaughlin - Henn Co Counties Transit Improvement Board Comm. Jim McDonough - Ramsey Co (CTIB) Comm. Dan Erhart - Anoka Co

Suburban Transit Association (STA) Commissioner Will Branning – MVTA Chair

Tim Henkel, Asst. Commissioner Planning Mn/DOT and Programming

Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) Russ Stark, St. Paul City Council

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Technical Committee Deliverables • Technical memorandum including committee recommendation • Guidelines document

Questions or Comments?

22 12/17/2010

Regional Transitway Guidelines

Advisory Committee Meeting June 28, 2010