2949 W. Pope John Paul II Dr. - Formerly 43rd St. - Between Richmond & Sacramento BRIGHTON PARK CHICAGO, IL 60632 Phone (773) 523-3663 Fax (773) 523-3983 Email:
[email protected] LIFE www.brightonparkLIFE.com McKINLEY PARK News Deadline Monday 6 p.m. Display and Classified Deadline Tues. 12 noon Serving the Communities of Brighton Park, McKinley Park and Archer Heights, for over 80 Years VOL. 85 NO. 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 $65.00 Per Year By Mail in U.S. THE SOLID DELIVERY Newspaper 15c Per Copy at Newsstands Veterans Day At Wm. McKinley Post Literacy Center On All-Chicago Catholic Soccer Team Needs Volunteers Aquinas Literacy Center, 1715 W. 35th st., needs volunteer tutors to address the need of adult education in English as a Second Language. All instruction is one- on-one for 90 minutes per week and training is provided. Knowledge of a second language is not required; all instruction is in English. The next Tutor Training Workshop is scheduled for: Friday, Dec. 1st (6 p.m. – 9 p.m.) and Saturday, Dec. 2nd (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.). Tutors must attend both days for certification. For more information, contact Sabrina Poulin, William McKinley Post 231, The American Legion conducted a Memorial Volunteer Coordinator, Dedication at the Post Hall, 1956 W. 35th st. on Veterans Day, Nov. 11th. at (773) 927-0512 or The ceremony featured the playing of “Taps” and a 21 gun salute. Pictured email her at Sabrina@ are Agnes Bednarkiewicz (McKinley Park Civic Association), State Rep. aquinasliteracycenter. Theresa_______________________________________________________________________ Mah and Post Commander Bernie Stegmuller.