Dol: 1 0,1 774611 563-0110.2017.45.4.102-112 Р.К. Dashkovskiy1 and O.G. Novikova2 lДhаi State Uпiyersity, Pr- Lепiпа бl, Ваlпа1]l, 656019,

Е-lпс!il: das hkaNs kiу(цfрп. asu - tч 2State Herпitage Мusеum, f)yortsoyaya паЬ_ З4. Sl. Pelersbufg, 190000, Russia E-mai l | поч ikоvа@,hеrп ilage. ru

Ghinese Lacquerware from the Pazyryk Burial Ground Chineta ll, Altai

This article describes frаgпепts of lacquer ;frоп lhe early попаdiс bцriqls itl поuпds 2 ] сlпd 3 l 0t Сhiпеlа lI, поrth\,еstеrп Altqi. Their localioп iп lhe grаvеs, lпaterial, апd distributioп раttеrп sчggеsl that thеsеfrаgпепls Ьеlопgесl to wоосlеп cups. The analysis, which iпchtded пethods of апаlуtiсоl сhапistrу, iпfrared апd Fourier specfi,oпetl)), /$j4. rеvеаIеd that the rепаiпs of раiпt reseпbled those of Сhiпеsе lacqtterware coaliпgs based оп qi-lacquer The aпalysis о;[ the раiпt layers showed that the lacquer coatiпgs were папчfасlurеd|оllоwiпg the tradilioпal techпologl usеd iп апсiепt Сhiпа. The red upper layers, ýiпilar to lhose kпоwп as zhu-qi !ft)ý, were applied o,,,er dark Ьrолvп layers oJ qi-Iacquer (:ý). Parallels are fоuпd аmопg the Сhiпеsе lacquers;froп Pazyyk, Вчgry II, etc., оwпеd Ьу the Stale Herпilage Мusеuп. The соmраrisоп of saпples jоп Chiпeta ]I |,ith thosefrclm high-rапkiпg Sсуthiап Age burials iп the Altai Sugqests thal lacquer itelпS y,ere iпported Ьу the попаds from а siпglе псlпчfqсluriпg сепlеr iп Сhiпq iп the Scythiaп period. It has Ьееп suggested that persoпs buried at Chilikta I I пottпds 21 апсl 3 1 must hсlче Ьеlопвеd to lhe elite, although these burials were iпferior to the "roy l " поuпds qt Tuekla, Pazyyk, Ваshаdац Bere], Каtапdа, etc., iп lеппS oJ'Status.

Keywords: Дltаi, early поmаds, Pazyryk cuhure, ;fttпerary rite, Chiпeýe lacquerware, qi-lacquer (Й), FTlR s р е ctro s с ору, s с iеп с е - Ь as ed п е l hod s.

Introdцction оl Clrinese lacquerwaTe was discovercd, which show pmallels to the Pazyryk culture. The burial ground of Chineta lI is located on the since atrcient timcs, chinese artisans coveled theil second terTace above the floodplain оГ the Iпуа Riчеr, рrоduсts with а mixtuTe based on the sap ofthe Chinese 1.0 1.4 km to the South-Southeast of the village ol lacquel tlee (Rhus verпicifllta) оГ lbe Ап.лсqrdiасеае Chincta in thе lGasnoshchekovsky District оГ the Altai family (Chinese'qi-zhu' ()*tЁ{)), and used lacqueT Teшitory (northwestem Altai) and belongs to the chineta coatings based оп qгlасquеr ()f)* not only as decorative, archaeological microregion. This burial ground includes objects ofthe Scythian- period, as well as the Turkic, *Lacquer trees grоw in as а wild species апd have (Dashkovskiy, Kyrgyz, and Srostki cultures Usova, 20ll; been cultivated thеrе since ancient times. Тhе lасquеr tradition Dashkovskiy, 2014, 2015; and othels). Durirrg the study spread frоm China thгоughоut East and penetгated into оГmочпds No. 21 and 31 at the Chineta II burial ground, Japan. oi-lacqueT is made of the Sap оf the Chinese lасqчеr а complex of specific aTtifacts including ГIаgmепts tree, оr Лйrs |еlпiсфuа Stokes (Тохiсоdепdrоп verпicifuuп

Агсhаеоlоgу, Ethnology & Апthгороlоgу of Eurasia 4514 \2017) 102-112 Email: Ечrаsiа@аrсhаеоlоgу, nsc,ru О 2017 SiЬеriап Вrапсh of the Russian Academy of Sciences @2017 lnstitute оfАгсhаеоlоgу and Ethnography of the Siberian Вrапсh of the Russian Academy of Sciences @2017 РК, Dashkovskiy, o.G, Novikova

102 s.Д. Дkhmеdоч / Archaeology Ethnology апd Дпthrороlоgу of Eumsia 45/4 (2017) 9з-101 101

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аге i lаm rhе ]00 (Бt difl of( сот а\а

gla rhe Th an ]0 01 Рк Dashkavskiyaлd o.G Novikava / Archaeo]ogy, Ethnology and Дпthюроlоgу ot Euhsia 4Ы4 (2О17) 102-112 103

5L:l з]sL) as пrOisture-plotectiYe and watelproof films соmраrаЬlе to those based on qI-lacqueT. Films of drying lэti \r.riktlra. ]000), Nоtаыу, not all mоdеrп оIgапiс oils ате chemically unstable, which is confirmed Ьу the : .::lпg mаtег]аls possess а set оf physical, mесhапiсаl, methods of analytical chemistry. .:: :J!l,s]re рrореrtiеS that cnsule supetpreservation Nоп-роlаг substances, such as vegetable oils, аrе -_:::j:::tilitl l, тhе пчmЬеr оfпаturаl substances that well-combined with Chinese lасquец since 4i'-lacquer .::; a f.,,].,nl limes ha\e Ьееп used aS coating materials is an emulsion of а роlаr liquid in а non-polar urushiol ,,,::: .:пllзг quallties is ехtrеmе]у Small, and theiт сопtiпцоus phase ("water-in-oil" type). Q!lacquer has :l:::ngs аrе quite specific. One suсh "longJiving" filming always been expensive+, and people often tried to rеduсе }go trgenl ii lhc unique Chinese r71-1acquer (since ancient its cost (often with а loss ol quality) using modifiels/ IjmeS. it \\ aS called "the king of paints"). Ву modilying diluents, suсh as nafural film-forming agents, Гот example, ,ai it. adding pigments to it, and devcloping the tecbnology drying natural oils (dце to high elasticity of their films). of appll,ing mixtureS made ofit, the chinese initiated the Соmрlех coating mateTials with а 1аrgе пumЬеr ol der elopInent of East Asian coating materialsx. modiliers Tepresent а specific 1-eafure of lасquеrs made The resistance of coating materials of qi-lacquer not during thе Han period**. Сцrгепtlу, drying vegetable oils о_у moisture, Ьut also to acids and alkalis results аrе used mainly in paints fоI а1. Lacquer coatings based R, on]},to tiom the high degree of polymerization оf the phenolic on 4'-Iacquer аге still used today in vaтious industries can1ponents, folmation оf chemical bonds with the оf China (for ехаmрlе, military рrоduсtiоп) due to netals of the Substlate, and the atnnity With the lignins thеir unique properties (strength, electrical and thегmаl .lf the rvood. In terms ol their dulability, lacqueT-based pTotection, anticorгosive properties, etc.). Nowadays, q/- composites аrе соmраrаЬlе to artiйcts made ofinorganic lacquer is modified using materials based оп synthetic гl, пraleTials** (Kumanotani et а1., l979). According to rеsiпs, such as ероху, acrylic, etc. rheir physical and mechanical properties (haтdness, heat resistance, etc.), casting biopolymers frоm 4ilасquеr е the ргесursоrs ofsynthetic materials ofthe phenolic type Date and сultцrаl attribution inr ented in the 20th centцry-thermosets, such as resite of burial mоцпds containing the rеmаiпý ог baketite (Elikhina, Novikova, 201З). of wooden lасqчеrwаrе In the context of the discussion оf qЁlасquеI, we should nention oId film-fоrmiпg agents used iп painting. The burial ground ofChineta lI, along with the previously vegetable drying oils (tung oil, linseed oil, etc,) fulI exploTed necropolis of Khankafinsky DoI (Dashkovskiy, esters oГglycerol and unsatulated fatty acids also dry in 2016; and others) marks the noгthwestem boTder ofthe lhe ail The process ofsolidification оf4гlасquет and oils Pazyryk culture атеа in the Altai. Тhе diametel ofmound has somc diffeTences caused Ьу theil chemical Struсturе No. 21 is 18 m, and its height iS 0.6 m (Fig. 1, 2). This and mоlесulаr weight. Lacquer coatings fIоm natural is one of the lafgest of the researched objects at the oils do not achieve а high degree of polymelization, and necropolis оf Chineta II. А gold еаrriпg with pendants ассоrdiпg to а whole range of properties they are not (Fig. З, 1) deserves special attention among the grave goods. Ап еаrriпg of similar фре was found in mound No. 27 at Balyk Sook I cemetery, dated to the Second hаlГ (Stokes) F.А. Barkley, accolding to thе new nomenclature); its of the бth century ВС (КuЬаrец Shulga,2007: 69 70, пrаiп component is urushiol а mixture ofpolyphenols with а fig. 14, J). Parallels also include earrings with pendants radical of l5 оr l7 atoms of саrЬоп and double bonds (Symes, frоm mочпd No. б оf the Lebedevka It cemetery in the Dач son, l95З. I954). Southem ТIапsurаlý (Treistel, 20|2: 142-144, frg. 1З), *Оthеr EastAsian Iасqцеrs (Вuгmеsе, vietnamese, oIThai) аге also made ofthe sap oftrees belongingto thе Апасаrdiасеае tЪmilу, suclr as the Japanese wat'tree (Rlrls slccedaпea) aod *Опе ofthe gleatest difficulties ofthe lасquеI technology the ВurmеSе lacquer ttее (.Melaпorrhoea usilala) (Honda et al,, is the low rесочеry rаtе of sap. Frоm 75 to l25 grams of sap can ]008). In addition to чrчshiоl, these also contain other urushiods Ье collected frоm опе tree реr day; and 10 kg oflacquer can Ье (tshilshiol апd lacquecol) with а lаrgеr molecular mass and collected flоiп опе trее duriпg its entire life. То this day, there iS ditЪrent struсturе of the hуdrосагЬоп radical. The specificity а saying in China, "А hundred thousand knives give опе pound of Chinese lacquers is detenlined Ьу the ratio of the phenolic <(0.45Зб kg)> ofpaint. **one соmропепts in rLrushiods. The mагkеrs ofOriental lacquers аrе of the ancient modifiers of 4i-lacquer (tung oil) д\ ailable (Wапа et al., 2007; Li et al., 20l6). changes the rheologicaland decorative propefties oflacquer (the **An example ofSuch ап object is а fragment ofa rоuпdеd compounds Ьесоmе пrоге liquid and the coatings mоrе shiny and glass оп а dark Ьrоwп stem (Inv. No.255l), which is а раrt of plastic). In addition, tung oil, оr lолg-оа (;f|-"]iф), is needed fоr the exhibition oГNoin-tjla finds in the State Неrmiиgе Мчsеum. grinding cinnabar iп qi-lacquel, since this lacquer destroys the This object was found in the burial mound No. ,19 and iS made of pigment, oil protects the pigment t'гоm the impact oflacquer Ьу а miхtuге ofChinese lасquег and sawdust (Elikhina, Novikova, encapsulating the pigment pafiicles. In mоdеrп chemiStry, thiS 20l]), process is called transfotmation ofthe pigment surface. 104 Р,К Dashkovskiy апd а G. Navjkava / дrсh aealagy Ethnolagy апс A|l lhrapala1y af Eu rasа 4 5/4 (201 7) 102-112

l'i.g 1, Моцпd No, 2l of the Сlriлсtа lI butt,ial _sroLlлd аftеr c]ealing the епЬапkпlеп1.

Лi& Сrаче in mоuлd No. 2], '.

:- _':..L q1, . l.r r, '(- _{ }"

Jlted mainI1 $ itllIn the бlh- i-" 5th centuтics tsС (Kirylrslrin, Frоlоч, l991t: 12,1 125,1ig. J1,1;alld o rers). lt iS notable tha1 earings olthis type colrelatc With objccts Tcpresenting thc jewelry 1radition of Asia Mirror, in particular, With the obiecls оl the Achacnrenid Circle (Treister. 20] 2: 142-144; and othcrs), ý Otlrer ob.jccts оГ the gTave goods f'тош поuпd No. 21 , including а сеrаIпiс jar-shaped vessel, iTon tlvo- IЕ 1irrk ringed bit, two bone tuЬulаr lat bcads (Fig. З, t0, l1), апd а girtlr Ьuсklс (F'ig. ], ,/]), tubular beads ь,еге fouIrd iп пrоuпd No. 99 at tl,te Bolo1al l Е. show parallels to the natcrials ()1'1he Pazylyk cultule burial ground. iп nlound No, l l of 1hc Аlа-Gаil-З е (Kubarev, 1987, 1991, l992; КuЬаrеч, Shulga, 20()7; ссmсlсrу (Kubare\. Shulga. 2007: l18, fig. 30, 12 16; and otl]ers). Тhцs, close palallels 1о thc gi h buckle and З9, 8, 1-2 16). апс] irr поцlrd No, 7 at the Kaindu burial

sr.#-l _l сF i ýБJlj s z--tсь wаi ^..]-. - {i ,eiTl з 4 ъ! Д,. / /\t\, ' bj],8 i 2 6 'лrý \,у_.#, \&/чФя l . ,,,tb _ 1_" (ъ г;-;,-в гл il+ \;};d /г,ъ. l';1,i'._].,l:1fl,h \(ЭI ):l 1,l],;i r li:,{:'|il I ( , , ъ_ _, ,,r;./д/ l /,---. il щ ЧцШЩ tftffid \fu'

.,-;д"ilц,*;r - л шLи Ц'U,#._я '' &ъфф 10 зсm

' Flg J, Сr:rr е gпоdt Поlп lппtlгd \п, ] , Р К Dashkavskiy алd а. G Novlkova / Аrсh aea]ogy Еlhпаlаgу апd Дпthюроlоgу of Eurasia 45/4 (2О1 7) 102-11 2 105

::очпd lKirytrshin, Stepanova, 2004: 2Зб 237, fig. 55, and the mounds ofthe Maltalu Iv and kok-su сеmеtеriеs ,, 5r,. -). in\ estigated Ьчriаl in the . All these аrе not earliel than the 3rd century ВС. We should keep - .ils bclons to the еаrlу lt. Pazyryk реriоd and date to the in nind that the flagments of lacquerware objects in а -:j 61h 5th сепtuгiеs ВС. certain way "make the dates уоuпgеr'', since chinese lic eastcm olientation ог the buTied Геmаlе in the рrоdцсts оссчI iп the Pazyryk mounds mainly ofthe 4th- ^_::. mоuпd utrder consideration and the pTesence of jгd centuries ВС (Shulgа,:0I5: ]0). :: : J.r.rп,] рапуiпg аrе alSo typical оlthе Моuпd No. 31 , studied at the Chirreta II Ьuriаl ?.zr п k сulturе, althoцgh the animal was buried at the gгоuпd (Fig. 4, 5), was up to 15 m iп diаmеtец and up ,i.,iiem- and not а1 the поIthеm wall ofthe gTave, and was to 0.85 m in height. During its excayation, trасеs оf :::enteil rr ith ils head to the поrth. Non-canonical position the buTial Tite wele found, which show similarity to ,,i llcct пtpaIlr iпg Ьuгiаls ofhorses iп Pazyryk cemetefies those at previously studied Pazyryk sites both in the i:s з]stl Ьсеп recolded in son]e other sites ofthis time in northwestem Altai (the cemeteries ofKlrankarinsky Dol :r; .\Ltaj: mound \о. ]7 оГ the Tytkesken VI cemetery, апd Inskoi Dol (Dashkovskiy, 2016)) and in othff parts :]]t]uпd 7 \о 0fthc Kastakhta сепrеtеry mound No. 2З оf огthе Altai, including the cenftal and southeastem аrеаs :hc \la]la]u I\' сепtеtеry, and mounds No. l l апd 21 ofthe (КuЬаrеч, 1987, 1991 ; КuЬаrец Shulga, 2007; Kiryushin, K.lk-Su сеmеtегл (Kiryushin, Stepanova, Tishkin, 200З: Stepanova, Tishkin, 200З; atrd others). Sсаrсе grave пr: Кiгrчshiп. Stepanova, 2004: 234; КuЬаrеч, 1992: goods weTe fоuпd in mound No. з 1. lt included ап irоп . :-.t: Sorokin. |971 79'1. Notably, the above mounds at ringed bit (Fig. 6, 1), iron knife (Fig. 6,2), fragments оГ ::е Tl tkcsken Vl апd Kastakhta bulial grorrnds belong to gold foil (Fig. б, З 18, 20, 2 l ), ceramtc vessel (Fig. 6, 22), ::. .arI\ Paz\.,ryk period ofthe mid бth-sth centuries ВС. hоm giTth buckle (Fig. 6, 2З), and lоrеhеаd plate made of


,tal I il-з l6,, lгiаl

j : \lt _]nd \о, ] l ofthe Chineta II Ьuriаl :.. _.; jfi.r сlеаriпg thе enlbankment,

Лi.g. ,i. Сrаче in mоuпd No. ] l. 106

-а-_а 0 scm \!taт:

t4ш9 *1- з U. (.Ф !g4 )gЭ 7 iffiryPPly4 "вYlv L-rsФ {-Ф lýщ} (ýl ?Wtw 15 16 17 1в 1з 'А &\ fu^ f1 ч1- 20 zl 0 Зсm w.щЁý 19

Fig, 6. Grave goods Гrоm Фоuпd No. З 1,

wooden in coatings belonged is tentatively identified as а gold foil (Fig. 6, 19). These things have stablc parallels is also based оп the fact that in the ib".ut"riuli olth" Pazyryk cultцrc of theAltai (КuЬаrеч, счр. Tiris assumptiot,l оt'сIсагiпg. uпrlсr the lacquer flakes_ thс rеmаiп, 1992; Kubarev, Shulga, 2007), Ап interesting оrосеrs 1987, 1991, цооdсп objecl цеrс l'оuпd, оп hamess is dre girth buckle, wlrich ЬГа,ец рооrlу рrе5сп,/еd elcment огthс horse Tesidues ( 1987: so,o" fiug,Teni, оf thc lacquel coating, ргimеI accoTding to the classilication оf VD, КчЬаrеч LacqueT fragments (varying in size frоm fi;. А,4; \991,.49-52,fig, 10, J; and otheTs) can hаче surTived, 29-з0, the northeast ofthe humап type with tlvo oval slots 0.5 to з0.0 mm) wеIе locatedto ье attribйed to the block-shaped wеrе prong, skull, in the place whcre pottcry апd woodenvessels and ап immovable outwaldly pfotruding Girth placed in the pairyryk ЬчriаIs, MateTials ftom the hаче been found iп thc Ьцriаl mounds usually bucktes oltbis type 50), Yustyd 5th to UtanjTyK t, Tasharrta II (Kubarev, 1987:49 the Раzуryk'сultцrе оl the second half of the of 68), ВаrЬurgаzу I (KubaTev, (Kubarev, Shulga, 2007: 119 12З, ХII (Kubarev, 199l: 65 Зrd centuiies ВС : 194 liom mound 1992: 49-51), and Ak-Alakha III (Polosmak, 2001 Пп, 8l. а,. ТЬ. inu.ntoD оГоthеr calegories гапgе 202) burial groutrds and otheт Sites iп the Southeastem NЪ. Зl isalso datcd lo а ratherwidc chronological Вс, Altai testilyio the wide use oГvessels nade of wood Ьу frоm thc second hаlfоfthе 5th to the зrd centuries the . Takfug into account specific featuIes of the fцпеrаry Ье Methods of analytical chemistTy including ritc and goods, mounds No, 21 and 31 сап lrave iпfrатеd (IR) Spcctroscopy, апd X-ray n."timiniitv dited ro the 4th to mid-Jгd сеп|ury ВС, microscopy, diffTactioni. and оthсr methods ofanalysis were used to i,,,,h., ,tuii.. оГ milterial5 frопt the Ьuriаl mоuпds, study the т9mаiпs oflacquer coatings гтоm the chineta Il including radiocarbon analysis, will make it possible to burial ground. Thc Chinese 4i-lасquеr can Ье confidently estaЫish а rnoTe pTecise date,. detemined Ьу nrethods olanalytical chemiStry, In оIdеr

Natural science analysis *The lR-spcctra wеrе taken LlSing а Shimadzu FTIR-8400S of lacquerware finds scanning iпfrаrеd spectrometer with а highly sensitive heat- stabiliz;d DLATGý detcclor in КВ, tablets iп the rапgе of No, 21 and ]1 LacqueTware artifacts in Ьцriаl mоuпds 7800 ]50 cm r, Тhс analysiS ol'the elemental composilion was lacqueT Tesidues, occrrr опIу in compact clusteTs of red caTried out using ап AR'lAx Х-rау fluогеsсепсе spec1lometer ftom which rпusthаче been caused Ьу significant рrеssurе mапufасtuгеd Ёу Вrukеr (voltage 50 kv. сurгепt intensity groundwater titnc ý), Тhе Sensitivity оГ stone filling of the gTaves, clay soil, alrd 700 mА, Sрссtrum accumLilation 'l0 in both was 0.05 0,5 9'о, Тhе authors would like to thank at the monirment. ТЪе lасquетwате fтagments the methoi Deputy tIead ofthe Dерагtmспt ofscientific were found iп the Same alea, In mоuпd No, З l, s.v Кhачriп. the mounds -Iъсhпiсаl Slate ]Ieгmitage Muscunr, for According 1o theiT and Expertise of the ih"r" rv"r" t o located clustels, ci\ "loraly lacquer сопJuсliп.ц the x-la) Ruoгc\(ellje.lllal\ shapes, the object to Which the remnants оfthе РК Dashkavskiy апd а. G Novikova / п Archaealagy Elh oloa f апе Дп lh.apology af Euras' 45/4 (2О1 7) 1О2-11 2 107

:c.nlil} the components ofoliental lасquеr materials, {},et the uрреr layeTs of paint have not chalked*). Дll - ]R-speclloscopy is often used, and the spectlum оf layers оf lacquer coating rеtаiпеd high adhesion strength - rпlпоrtп coating is compaled with the spectTa оГ betýeen themselveý and the layeTs оf рrimец which was jJ:lit]ed (Urushi..., matefials 1985). In the соursе of поt destructible in acids and alkalis and Tesultcd in high _: .tudr,. the iпfrаrеd sресtrа of the lacquel coating durаЬiliб, ofthe fragments oflacquff coating. ::j deteгmined, and x-ray fluorescence analysis The pigment оГ the paint was fеrrilеrоцs ocheT оf -: п] ic rорhоtоgrарhу wеrс peTformed. The lesults light reddish-bTown color; its particles were соаrsе .. ., Ьсеп compaTed with tlre lacquer objects frоm the (Fig. 8). Small amounts offillelbased on aluminosilicates .з;tiоп оl the State , originating WеIе added to the paint. Both samples have double- ] :: mounds No. 1-7 оf thc Pazyryk burial ground sided coatings, and а Teliefoffibers (ргоЬаЬlу -: vegetable) :JпrpIeS), mоцпds ofthe Noin-Ula necropolis (over Sаtцгаtеd with lacquff in the iппет lауегs. Tlre grау primer : iJnplcs), mounds ofBugry Ьuгiаl ground, апd оthеr was made of silica (it contains the ions of copper, zinc, . -:зеоIоgiсаl sites, titanium, and manganese) with thе addition of lаrgе The lR-spectla of the samples wеrе in ассоrdапсе pаIlicles olcoal. Тhе pтeservation ofthe lacquer coatings ,,,:] lhe IR-Spectla ofthe traditional Chinese lacquers. is generally good; no cracks l]ave been observed. :;е bands , typical olalomatic conpounds oГurushiol Тhе paint conglomerate has been preseTved in а ,,.] L]bSeI\ed i in thе Sресtга in the alea оf 1450- satislъctory state in the tIапsчеrsе direction, but has ^: сп,]. Тhе bands iп the areas of 16З0, 154З, undergone Some altelations Which Tesulted in interlayer .:: i_,l]0 ( ],106) сm-l and chaTacteristic out-of-plane delamination in the Iongifudinal dircction. :j:,r.natjon vibTations ofthe -сН grоuрS and СН А flake of lacquer coating of bright red color rvas - groups :J оГ the aromatic ring in the arca of 670 fоuпd in опе ofthe samples. It lay on the surйсе ofa lауеr , ,;п,t l I) 1in our case,651,797,875, and 919 сm weTe of ocher with which it lost contact. This lacquer coating ,ooden :,:::lilied tbrthis site. Тhе absotption bands ofthe СН, was also two-Jayered (15 дrm thick) and consisted оf а t iп the ] l]l. оrоuрS -С=о Specilic Гоr urushiol роlуmеrizаtiоп layer оГ red paint lying оп а 1ауеr of dark lacquer, The эmаiпs .jucts. : and tl,te СО group specific 1br рlапt and wood colol of this layer resulted from cinnabar-the classical nd. оп . , \ silccharides lvele also рrеSепt. The rеd paint lауеr pigment of Chinese lacquelware technology. The degTee :SidueS : ::]е coaling contained almost по tung oil (the band оf оf filling the раiпt with сiппаЬат rvas high. The pigment е frоm -, cm : rras i absent). was соаrsе, апd although the paintwas consideTably well- humап The multilayer lacquer coatings wele сrеаtеd using fiIled with pigment, the process of chalking (flaking) Ls were : lricitjc tecl]nique based on а паturаl film-fоrmеr of ог the uрреr 1ауеr оf the lacquel coating was almost оm tlre :;;чст lrее sap а biopolymeT frоm pyrocatechins of undetectable (Fig. 9). This testifies to the skill оf the \fustj/d -l-.hiol, Kaolin, quartz, апd albite (tladitionai mateTials/ ancient technologists, Who added the optinal amount оГ LЬагеу, :,,,c:s tlГ ргirпеrs оf tlre Chinese coating matelials based pigment to the 1асquеr and aclrieved а high degree оГthе : 194 : ;:-lэсqчеr) rrere fоuпd in the layels оГthе primer, components' consolidation and longeviф of the lасqчеr \l:,:оiпrрчritiеs ]aStcm conSiSting oгthe Salts оГ manganese, coating, Only а slight excess оГ the clitical чоlumс l u:Tt. potassium lod Ьу -. - апd wele detected. Titanium ions were concentlation оf pigment With а minimum amount оГq/- : -:.: iп .lпе оГlhс samples Гrоm mоuпd No. З1, which lacquer was observed. ,.:::.:aa.rnL uding In the analyzed samples Iiom mound No. 21, the lоwеr Х-rау _. :,..,sl cases. the pigment of cinnabar (HgS), the lауеr of lacqueT was brown with а miпimum аmоuпt of lsed to _ :i.:.:. :illment of Chinese lacqueTs, gave thе colol to iron ions; 4/-lacquel withоut the addition of metal salts neta II :.J -]:еI ]а\еI5 of the lacquer coating. The admixtures (similar lacquer coatings were foLrnd in the samples fTom dently : .:;:m..пitе t Sb.S. ) and galenite (PbS), 5,pical оf native the Ьапоws at the Pazyryk cemetery) was used for its t оrdеr _ rrсге :-::зr. по1 I'ound.Jor the fiпаl layer of paint, а plepalation. In Iater lacquer coatings оп the objects from :-:. ГatllеСl]\е lачеr ог natulal plotein gluе WaS used; the Noin-Ula buria| mounds, which we investigated, theтe :: 1-]s bi,en preseшed, рап]\ The specific leature ofthe were layers ofblack-colored qДlacquer with а significant _ý]O0S .,::rl.'S of coating materials ftom the Chineta II burial amount ofiron ions undemeath the rеd paint layers. е heat- \\aS ::,,jгj lha| lhc uрреr lауеrs olpaint оп the object Тhе analysis showed that the lacquerwaTe пgс ol' finds frоm :.,,:]] lllL]und \о, 2l \,,ele made With paint in which irоп поuпd No. 21 constituted the lemains of а wooden оп was ,,\ _ \:J. as uscd (possiЫy as а pigment/filler). оmеlсг lacquelwale object with the wall thickness reaching about iensity Rеmаiпs of lacquer соаtiпв |rоm поцпd No. 2 ! 5 пm, painted оп both sides. Fоr its mапufасturiпg, ql- riq оf ::е rсргеsепlеd Ьу several lаrgе and firm fragments of ) thank :зd-brorrn color and lrаgilс small ассцmulаtiопs of *"Chalking" is the destгtrction of pigmented lacquer ienti{jc :J.qчсг coating of red coloT (Fig. 7). The two lаrgеst coatin8S accompanied Ьу the Гоrmаtiоп of frее particles of tm. Гоr ctrnslomerates ( 1 .5 х 2.8 and 1.2 х 2.з mm) consisted ог pigments апd/оr fillers оп thе surface due to thе loss of their lаl еrs of Ыоlчп lacquerand high-solidpaint оп the lасquсr bond with the binder ,l08 РК. Dashkovskiyалd О G Ье assumed that in lhe uрреr layers ог coating, lt сап оГ lhe ;.;;;; ,.';iJ shades in tЙе paint ing/coloring l арреаrs tп i".ou.*ur. object, Such multicolor painting Chinese ;t';;;;;;U;;" а Гrаgmепt о[ the uall оГ а t :;;;;;;; cip (Chinese 4 tT) (Sutyagina, ploducts (Сhц Qin Ы"",rЙЙ,Ъtirii"'"d';"o""r on оЙт Chinese Han.... 1996; Qin Han qiqi",,2007), '^';;;;;;;' ;ii;;iuer )оаriпg lrопt mоапd No, 31, I (Samples м"rt_;ii;; fiug*.nt, fTom mоuпd No, З1 l-and 2) аrе the Temains of Ted-black ;;;;;rБ The in.ou.r*ur. оГ rarying rJegrees оГ рrеSег\аtiоп, ;ЦЁ';;;;^'",.;'оп Ъо,Ьilа" bur has поt survired 1сm аrе ехtrеmеlу 0 {Fis. I0). The lacquer coatlng sample, 'r.ii,"_ is minimal, in. strепgЙ огrhе layers пumЬеr mound "io "JЁоп flik" depends on tlre lасquеrwаrе fragments frorT ?i. ,'ь'.й.l, ы'п. Йсqu" Дig, 7. Gепеrаl view of Гrоm lЗ pm: 1цо ;;';;;;, ,h.' have рrеsепеd adhesion: up to З6,5 цm, iuu.i, Ы iu.ou., .ouling ( ц ith lhe ргimеr) mm, ТЙе"'loJ" lcngth of the samples is 20 true-*ts of lасquеr coating have been ly, 1hеу аrе double-sided: their o*r*r.O'.o'",pr.te А glue о[ l,bu.,r. und гечеrsе hare а bright red соlоr, А black ;;;i";';; applied orcr lhe rеd coating, "", irоп salts is visible i;"";;;";-i".;;"r' соlоrеd ''irh ,;i;;Й J;;ll-i;,,cs in rhe геd lауеr (Fig, 1,1, l2), In lacquer coatlng (Small g.п"йI. рrеSегчаtiоп о[ the it iu-ь..ог.,u.к,.'h. acratches, chipS, elc, ) makes роsъiЬlе use опlу for а Short time ," Й*i irr"iibi .Цесt was in before Ьеiпg buried. rеmаiпеd "''ЫЙ;;;;.;is аrе coating flakes цhiсh of the lacqueT coating along the bonding ^d;;а;Й;;,ionbase reaching complete loss оГ lop lа)ег оГраiпl lrоm mоuпd i^-l, F/е, 8. Мiсгорhоlоgгарh оГlhе "i.-"."K loobe lllms hare simple '1,1n ,]20, ;i; i;;;;;;i., of ,u,й il, icd осhеr pigment, layeTs: red .,r"ir**orry': uпJЪоп,i" of two traditional Tegular woven ri'i*. 13, а), The Temains of а ;i*-;;;;ЙЙleihTeads"rj'ij""'K of ореп *eave, probably of (Fig, 1З, Ь), As Ёirr""r. *-r"Ъ;'lе, have been observed technology, г"r the ( hinese lаспltеrwаrе *"r."ri"rr" Allhough ',i;" ili;;;i;J in а narural filming agent, Гоr sizing, in ii".K )l-r"й*, u as mosl iiequent|y used origin, was ;;;;;, diii.r.", glue, рrоЬаЬt1 оГ animal -цочеп" layer lumed.oul Tbi. .", Ь-е why the "rri.a. lacquer соаl lпg, * in lhi5 Гrаgmепt ol'lhe -п ".uK.ti rhat tuo 'JЪ. 'ь.;;} Ь. u,surned uith bigh probabilily !п mouno distinct lacr;ueгrrare objects цеrе located i'". ir. irl.' wеrе ditierenlly соlоrеd: the lacquer i"'" .tur,." ln rhis Ьапоw is different, The ""^''""'"i'r*, than the ,.r"i Ггоrт clu,ter No, l iS thiппеr опе i;i;; ""г..ii;;1i;,,., \о, 2 (see Fig, I2), Арраrепtlу, paint, which gave lауег of paint fгоrп mor,rnd ouin'.a r,lith а mоrе liquid Fiя 0, \4iсrорhоIоgгарh оГ the top , 500, "ii".i*u, аГtег drying, АпiГасt No, 2l , СiппаЬаr pigmenl . ini"r..b"' layer ,}о, ?."u, ;;;;;;;;Ы;ique of а 'ihollow mоdеl", without ,,;';; ;;.;. FаЬriс was glued upon а wооdеп.оr based оп q/-lacquer в ете used coaltng lасOuеr and the compounds ы."l. апd thеп the layers оГ lасquеr altemating lауеrs оГ lасquеr rооtl,t i"'i*iЙЪ. i*n"blogy ol' ""ruйi. l М object rras dried in а \pecial ёйiп", lu..qu" t,chnology, Осhеr "","'l""ri.a. conditions, :;;;;.:';'l;; ; Й, ;t,;;;;;r;" rcmperature and humidit1 Ж;'i'-';;;;;;l оГСhiп", lu,qu"s, wеrе discovered РК Dashkovskiy апd а G. Navikova / Дгсhаеоlоgу Еlhпоlчу агс i-э ,2а17) -ж ... э. Е,эsа .5ц 1о2-112 109 lssulned that llогiпg ofthe rg appeaTs in оf а chinese ) (Sutyagina, lctS (Сhu Qin uпrl No. jI. j 1 (samples , of Icd-black r\ ation, The not sulvived ie extremely ,S iS minimal. Flg //, \Уiсrорhоlоgrарh оГthе top п the пumьеr lауеr oI'painl Гrоm mound No. ]I. СiппаЬаr l 1З two щп; plgment. . /2U, р 1о З6.5 prn. i hаче been sided; theiT )r. А gluе of ting. А black ts is visible . 11, 12). In ;. lating (small _- \ Iicrophotograph ' : ::;lion оf lасquеr es it possible - :.: : :-tlm mоuпd No. з 1, - а short time _!::-! \о, ] ((?) and 2 (D). ch remained пg along the s of bonding have simple llayers: red guJar woven . оf рrоЬаЬlу : ' . ',1:.:o!holograph of ig. 1З, Ь). As -: -:: :1a: trb\erse) апd : technology, -]_. -..::!. ol lacquer Int. AIthough -::.1 _ :: -: llound No, з 1. :оr sizing, in -:::-.\] ](оi ,]0)апd L огigiп, was ] :: . _']00), )I fumed out luеr coating. ity that two d iп mоuпd i:::: :eaching haгdness and durability, the base was the lacquer Discussion .:- :,, iJ. and thе layers ofcoating material wеrе applied ffеrепt. Тhе : ::е lппег sчгfасе ofthe solid iасqчеr coating. The In thеiг пеr than the соlоI, the altilacts from the Chineta II burial :-э;; rr as dгiеd again and at thе last Stage it was painted ground, which have not survived to present ,arently, one : :..,ih sides п,ith the day, are thick opaque paint. The durаЫе and simiIar rrhich gave to the exampIes olChinese lacquer coatings, and ::: \ cisei has not stood the test of time. Тhе ancient find parallels аmопg the lacquer materials I No. 2 WaS :: :u;t has frоm thъ elite not reached оuг days in its original fЬrm, monuments ]l", Without ofthe scythian period in theAltai. А studv of :,..э'_tse the lауеrs of q'-lacquer With the finest Woven the Stlatigaphy ofpaint layers iп the samples ц ooden от ::se hare поt survived fTom the site the load ofthe soil. Тhе object undff investigation coating ,.,.1i has shown that the ]асquеr coatings lчеr b1o\qn into pieces, and the lacquer coating (due to WeIe mапцfасtulеd using the pecial rооm :Ье replacement tгaditional lacqucrwa.e oГthe in the prirner gtue_1 4lJacquff witi technology о Г апсiеп t China. The upper conditions. tr as delaminated lacquer lауеrs оГ along the weak lауеr. red соlоr { the layer оГ pigmented rеd flakes1 аrе similar 110 5th сепturу ВС (Rudcnko, 195l; '/hu-qт' '(, j , а and the end ofthe zИ,-,1,1 ( c hiпese ВС 1о thc Ia\ers оГrеd paint оr the late 4th-nrid-3rd century hc1 wеrе applied ;;;i;r. iOOO1 ;'l,;,;;;i;"i;;;; цith cinnabart"l lob). lla\c Ьееп !irund, It is al:o Resel tthc rсmаtпs о[ ,l'rJr"..,.:п,s, lб5 j1 Ыоuп qi-lacqucr the lаuquсr coalinp,' о] i.'*r" ;;r:;;i; ,:; ;"" paralleIs hetucell "ii"" \о, 2l), anLl tп SOme case\ tll Iiопl \ltai lrcouer '"r.i'coatinp Гrоm rnound groun.l uп,,lе, considerati"n and сOаtiпg liom mоuпd ir",,, ь"rиr iiilГi".Й.iO"*,nenls оГ Iасquеr 'ir. ], preciscly, r-rith the_,аmрIе Сh]п "J:'".l;, principle, o!'the ;;;л;,;;";; io, i;;"n,istent * ith ttle 'nо," Ьопе опlау Гrоm зпd ;;i, -the х",'iiвrцЬЫ*i,ь. сагrсd borr-shaped Вс lthal сrаftsmап is а з]tсп )i""r,,r.i' ,."'i* ,lпd сепtuq the Sашрlс No, 1685/26l, Тhеrе соlоr uрпп th", ь"r* rr"-*. ],* uп!у u,ith r,,J " -а ftom thс Clineta ll :hc'a ifi';;'';i 1.,.О".., - ,hc lacqucr coatings гсч(гsс lоur italic, the ;j;;;;;", the :urii ),, ,, l lu,a, . but поt itl "rJеr" burials: lacqueT coatings from 1969: 267), Similar to bridle in "rj'in"'*""rrra,ircrJ Й- tll. of the hoTsc :a.с 'esnichcnko, the layeTs ofthe lacquer -С "ornpo,l"nts and гrоm ( ,]"jii.r,*'^rii".r]ia"b" ir.i".* lасqцеrýаrе, ц l686ilз5 and ]686/146) layer of ГаЬriс made .Ъr.Jil". r*". оп top ola bri..lle and in mоuпd fi:;;;;;;;" "еrе the ,;;;.;;;""': ol rhe hоrs" оГ lacquer c.alitreS, I i" :оп]е \зl]lпlе, l 5j, lб87 l 50 l 57, ::-: :,:;,";;;b.i., i", пrЪ. ruri, r з*, lбх? l44, lb87 alhite hас hееп рrс!сп ed- i" i,'il.r'"i*."''"- quu*,, :rna dislincti\c imprillt 0l ГаЬriс struсturе оп lrсquег соаtlп€L and lb87 272 ). Л ,'*'icruphy оt the liycrs о[ was а соmmоп featmc l'i,,._ ,Ь. i,'Jйrr. otir-," rucqucl coatings iI Ь"riаl ground aIrd all соmролепls afiitbctý frоm the iй',i. iьi"Й irl й ёr.r*" п"с, u,,,d so," оf the аrс tTaditional 1Ьr atrcient Chinesc Pazyryk mounds No. 1-5, "r"iirJЪыr' techniques,'*"'s шrdеr ctlnsidcratiorr [acquet-waтe'--lr.nnn iie rеlnair,,s of thc lacquer coalings oi' archreological Iасquеr of lacquer lhc Гrаgmепtý-collecriоп r"tutiu. similaTiiy to the 1iagmcl,Its o1.1he ýtale Hermitage rnound ...,i"er' Ё";,Ь" "bnr-" the еrсlt at ion, оГthе Bugry burials iп Sibcria .""'i*r''l""O O"r'"g hare hееп found in ( sk} Di!lгicl оГ *..."'r. r" ,bJri";stcpгe ,/"пе Rtlbts(\\ "bi.b Stepanova, Khavrin, 2013; ".",",i" samples r'ovikova, iЁОii"i i"rrii."l. Fот Йmратisоп, 12 lacquer "rib""ir"i Novikova, 2008), finds flonr the i,rlriir,'iin^lr,;,^ri" i-r-вuпл llц.irе urcd: Ггоtп tttound No, ltgrarcsl-J) corTespond to the tiagmcnts ('huguпо\, 20l4: i'b."i"'ri buTial gTound б and lhe Jгоm"S l t according to the Йi',**". ,ri", Pazyryk circle "* \or ikor а, ]0I 6), i-- й" and ii,blin, :о r-z, 507: Sulyagina, "tЪе micToanalysis, physical ' " аЬ\сt]се ;;;;;;;;"i;,,."'igraphy, lъrturе оiраiпr lt"m Вцgг) ца\ thе iiоm the Chineta ll o ,"*in. analysb), LЙquеr coatings iппаЬаr iп rhc lасquеr coating ;;;;i;;l uith complex ,," i"г'""g oil, С ..r.,." alrT* lrоm lhс lacqucr coatings '"ri 'r".., ,;; highl5 hlled, Tlle lасquсr is Ьuгlаl mounds at Noin- ;;;;;;r,;, раiЙ "", -"^U"r.lrй Б""С lhc Хiопgпu to the lассluст coating ftоm thс et al,, ]0ll: ;1;" i;-iir'.;;;"rition ц",rkоrа,'п 20Il: Pol"smlk а significant а!поuп1 ili"',-пirTb1", ёЬiп"iч rI burioie,oultd (conttrining 20 1 1 ; PoIosmak, ;;i.;;;.;.*;""ov, Tseveendorj, ioni, and an admixture оГ titanium simple. application tcchuique iiiы"rJ uеrе ;;; ZOiSl - ""r.п. аrе StrotlP аПJ,"lid, :iпсе lhеу 'Ь" r,I Cltincsc lасquег Tir. coatinp.s ;;;l;;.";,, ,,Г basic laycrs typicaI ',,,,i lha| did not сопlаIп \ ccctablc ."а" high--qualiц 4t-llcqucг ,"а ,ll; luсk-оГ lnojifie" based оп ",i"* (such as tung oil), li.,'"-,, Гlпllу ,i*"iГ""ri qrb,iiics оf modifieв '" сiппаЬаr ца5 вгоuпdr, А burial .,ь thc рооrl} lateT Han lacquers frоm tlre Noin-Ula ol pallll 15 ;;;J;; 'йu,,("5ропgу") strrtcture оГ the lop lа}сr 201З, 20l5), Тhе_ t]огоus *"."о, rЪiiкt *", Ыочiiоча, Khavrin, оГ r isiblc in miсrорhоtоgrарhs, LrbserveJ Ьемесп oltr tiagment, 7 i;;,;j;;ij;Ы;as "'' o,tiГu,t, Iiollr rnounds \о, l frrgmellt5 ;;;;;;;i;..;u,-, uno thrее red апd black lacquer ýan]plcs shоцеd,rеlаtirt i^""u., .ou,in* i"'P"irr"K 28 оГВчgц ll: the liagпlelrt ol lhe цаll "l. "","у, огсhаrас|еrtsllс Dапqs ir",i*,n" ,lril,,riry ln renlrs огсоiпсidепсе "".Бо"i', c''Dei lacquer cup with painting, coarings liom the chinela II ;i;ё;t;;;'Ъr"d" ВС, i,t-, ibc'rp..tru оГ lасquеr earlieT than 1ate зrd century ", эhl,цсd dеfiпitс rilrlillrity, o,u'pl,., "r*й.i.l"аrr*э tпоuпd No, L and рrе,umаhl1 the "".r"""'ii. ""; Гrоm Pazyryk ir". ,^^.r"iй. i""i".. i"qu"..o,'"ings "r"* "" liotll grave l оГ moultd No, l апd "Г,','uп1 о[ uаtеr-s,rluЫс сорреr ;.;;.;;;, ir*i"ir.""a, iS Ihe рr;,епсе "i.;o, 4 (Sutyagina, Novikova, 2016),. samlt*e glЙ'О ,,i-"*a Oro, iопs \\еrе гrсýепt ll catr Ьс ."Пr. По,uЫу, сорреr 1пt1 iп о[ lacquer coalillgs [rоm Chinctit Clrincta ll bunal рrоuпo l-rap.menl, No, l Гrоm mоuпd No, 2 l оГthе о[ Lсqчеr coalings Ггоm 1he " tlr,, *.r.,lui.O rеmаiп, hеtwсеп the Iасquеr coatings frоm "iirr,r,. соllаr of а plate that was а р 1 оf the breast \о, З -5 оГ thc Ра/) D К Ьurlаl i"uJup"a Cbincta'irii.riii., tl sitc and tпоuпd, г"""а in the Second Tuekta Ьшiаl mound, pe od between thc middle ьо*" bj-"r, *b,"i Oated to the liоm tlre butial mounds of tlre ir""rj, "," i"b" p*Ыlcls "irli" "Г Ье cxpandcd, Ьul thi\ i\ поt )et -.. -. -.' -... -...- --*ur",-r** Purrroi .ur,u.. could in the soil) salllples salts in а burial (оп things, j". i" smalt пumЬеr оГсопlрагаЬlе *осr in the prescnce o{inse S оfЬrопzе ""r]i']r. 'r,'. оГ tlrc Stilte Hcrtrritage Ь" un lnol,""t,ign ofthe :,i;";r'i,;. iп 1hс coIle(tion t hiпс,е с,Д, r ct,tгs "un n. n"r, lo lhеm, Гог с\аlпгIе, the the set of all coпrpletely preserved ,i,'U.,, on й"r"."rl in"' ,.'"'rr Мопgоliэ, had Bilded Ьгоп/е onla)S i.i,"o'o""*'i"r", in laycrs, 20l3), lacquer ilreir handles (Elikbina, Novikova, -:2-"i РК. Dаshkоvsk]у апd С G \., l:.з :-.э+1,:l;!::--.6;. аа: :,-,:--_сLа.{:J J Э-гjЕЕ !э! Z:'- 111 l95З; сопсlчsiопs Dаýhkоr5Ц Р.L 2016 гу ВС \t.rsilnik paz\nkskoi kчIttrц Кhапkагiпski) dol naAltale: Кhаrаilегisтikа obq ada i osnovnl,e парrачlепiуа is also Research of lacquer coatings frоm mочпds \о. ] l and реrеЬаlпоgо mezhdist5iplinam) kh issledor апi1,, I п .\ 1il olo--:re пi\,е паsеlеlli|,а |atings ] 1 of the Chineta II buTial ground in the попhlr еstегп lichпoi Sibiri i Тsепп,а[llоi -1:ii I istoriclle\koi retfospeclive, \ss. l frorrr that they wele made using tгaditional Altai has shown IX. Ваrпаul: Izd, Alt. L_ni\,. pp, -l] {6, ,ample Chinese materials (4lJacque1 cinnabaT, kaolin, and albite) Dashko\ýki\ Р.К.. l'sor а l.A. 20lt у lrom and observing traditiona1 ql-lacquer technology rvith Pazlryk burial at Khankarinsky Dol in the NorthweStern lrе is а a]temating paint and lacquer layers. ThuS, the remains of Altai, :1/cЛaeologl,, Еthпоlоg,, апd Дпtl1l-ороlоgl of Eurasia, ineta II lhe artifacts with lacquer coating found in the nomadic voi,39 (3):78-84, ,m the 'ourials repTesent а special category of Chinese imported Elikhina Y.I., Novikova о.G. 2013 lakiTovannykh chashechek epokhi idle in goods, and а specific social mаrkеr. lssledovaniya kitaiSkikh Кhап iz kollektsii Gosudarstvennogo EImitazha. |n Teoriya l frоm Comparison of the results ol analysis ol ancient i praktika arkhealogiclleskikh issledoyaпil, No, l. Ваrпачl: mound геmаiпs ollacqueTs and paints fгоm the buTial mounds оf рр. 1З5 146. at the Chineta II necTopolis 6-157, :he Pazyryk cultuTe located Elikhina Y., Novikova О., Khavrin S. 201З fuIе on цith the 1асquеr coatings from mounds No, 2 5 of Chinese lacquered cups of the Han dynasty frоm the fеаtuте :re Pazyryk cemetery has revealed mапу similarities. collection of Noyon-Uul, thе State HeImitage Museum: оm the The high рriсе of imported lacquerB,aTe indicates а Complex геsеаrсh using the methods оГаfi history апd natural :lgniticant social status of those Ьuтiеd in mоцпds sсiепсе. Аs iап Дrс hаеоlоgl, ч оl. 2,. 9З-\01. leration \о, ] l and 3l at Chineta ll. In temrs ofsize, these mоцпds Elikhina Y., Novikova О., Khavrin S. 20l5 Han dynasty Lacquer ... Smaller than the "rоуаl" ЬаrгоýS at the necropolises Details апd Iia8ments ofchinese chariots ofthe frоm Noyon-Uul in the collections оf thе State Hermitage mоцпd l: Раzlц,k. 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