Ghinese Lacquerware from the Pazyryk Burial Ground Chineta Ll, Altai

Ghinese Lacquerware from the Pazyryk Burial Ground Chineta Ll, Altai

ТНЕ METAL AGES AND MEDIEVAL РЕRIОГ) Dol: 1 0,1 774611 563-0110.2017.45.4.102-112 Р.К. Dashkovskiy1 and O.G. Novikova2 lДhаi State Uпiyersity, Pr- Lепiпа бl, Ваlпа1]l, 656019, Russia Е-lпс!il: das hkaNs kiу(цfрп. asu - tч 2State Herпitage Мusеum, f)yortsoyaya паЬ_ З4. Sl. Pelersbufg, 190000, Russia E-mai l | поч ikоvа@,hеrп ilage. ru Ghinese Lacquerware from the Pazyryk Burial Ground Chineta ll, Altai This article describes frаgпепts of lacquer ;frоп lhe early попаdiс bцriqls itl поuпds 2 ] сlпd 3 l 0t Сhiпеlа lI, поrth\,еstеrп Altqi. Their localioп iп lhe grаvеs, lпaterial, апd distributioп раttеrп sчggеsl that thеsеfrаgпепls Ьеlопgесl to wоосlеп cups. The analysis, which iпchtded пethods of апаlуtiсоl сhапistrу, iпfrared апd Fourier specfi,oпetl)), /$j4. rеvеаIеd that the rепаiпs of раiпt reseпbled those of Сhiпеsе lacqtterware coaliпgs based оп qi-lacquer The aпalysis о;[ the раiпt layers showed that the lacquer coatiпgs were папчfасlurеd|оllоwiпg the tradilioпal techпologl usеd iп апсiепt Сhiпа. The red upper layers, ýiпilar to lhose kпоwп as zhu-qi !ft)ý, were applied o,,,er dark Ьrолvп layers oJ qi-Iacquer (:ý). Parallels are fоuпd аmопg the Сhiпеsе lacquers;froп Pazyyk, Вчgry II, etc., оwпеd Ьу the Stale Herпilage Мusеuп. The соmраrisоп of saпples jоп Chiпeta ]I |,ith thosefrclm high-rапkiпg Sсуthiап Age burials iп the Altai Sugqests thal lacquer itelпS y,ere iпported Ьу the попаds from а siпglе псlпчfqсluriпg сепlеr iп Сhiпq iп the Scythiaп period. It has Ьееп suggested that persoпs buried at Chilikta I I пottпds 21 апсl 3 1 must hсlче Ьеlопвеd to lhe elite, although these burials were iпferior to the "roy l " поuпds qt Tuekla, Pazyyk, Ваshаdац Bere], Каtапdа, etc., iп lеппS oJ'Status. Keywords: Дltаi, early поmаds, Pazyryk cuhure, ;fttпerary rite, Chiпeýe lacquerware, qi-lacquer (Й), FTlR s р е ctro s с ору, s с iеп с е - Ь as ed п е l hod s. Introdцction оl Clrinese lacquerwaTe was discovercd, which show pmallels to the Pazyryk culture. The burial ground of Chineta lI is located on the since atrcient timcs, chinese artisans coveled theil second terTace above the floodplain оГ the Iпуа Riчеr, рrоduсts with а mixtuTe based on the sap ofthe Chinese 1.0 1.4 km to the South-Southeast of the village ol lacquel tlee (Rhus verпicifllta) оГ lbe Ап.лсqrdiасеае Chincta in thе lGasnoshchekovsky District оГ the Altai family (Chinese'qi-zhu' ()*tЁ{)), and used lacqueT Teшitory (northwestem Altai) and belongs to the chineta coatings based оп qгlасquеr ()f)* not only as decorative, archaeological microregion. This burial ground includes objects ofthe Scythian-Saka period, as well as the Turkic, *Lacquer trees grоw in China as а wild species апd have (Dashkovskiy, Kyrgyz, and Srostki cultures Usova, 20ll; been cultivated thеrе since ancient times. Тhе lасquеr tradition Dashkovskiy, 2014, 2015; and othels). Durirrg the study spread frоm China thгоughоut East Asia and penetгated into оГmочпds No. 21 and 31 at the Chineta II burial ground, Japan. oi-lacqueT is made of the Sap оf the Chinese lасqчеr а complex of specific aTtifacts including ГIаgmепts tree, оr Лйrs |еlпiсфuа Stokes (Тохiсоdепdrоп verпicifuuп Агсhаеоlоgу, Ethnology & Апthгороlоgу of Eurasia 4514 \2017) 102-112 Email: Ечrаsiа@аrсhаеоlоgу, nsc,ru О 2017 SiЬеriап Вrапсh of the Russian Academy of Sciences @2017 lnstitute оfАгсhаеоlоgу and Ethnography of the Siberian Вrапсh of the Russian Academy of Sciences @2017 РК, Dashkovskiy, o.G, Novikova 102 s.Д. Дkhmеdоч / Archaeology Ethnology апd Дпthrороlоgу of Eumsia 45/4 (2017) 9з-101 101 References lbrahimov F.а. l988 Ьцt зls АzэгЬаусапtп orta эSr ýэhэrlаriпdэ mеtаliýlэmэ sonati l\oril Akhmedov ý.А. 2009 (IX-XIII аsгlаr). 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Hudiakov Y.S. l991 vооruzhепiуе tsentralnoaziatskikh kochevnikov v epokhu Received October 19. 20l5. rannego i razvitogo srednevekorya, Novosibirsk: Nauka. Received iп feyi\edfurm Deceпber 2, 2а15- (SIо mail гаdi Dal аге i lаm rhе ]00 (Бt difl of( сот а\а gla rhe Th an ]0 01 Рк Dashkavskiyaлd o.G Novikava / Archaeo]ogy, Ethnology and Дпthюроlоgу ot Euhsia 4Ы4 (2О17) 102-112 103 5L:l з]sL) as пrOisture-plotectiYe and watelproof films соmраrаЬlе to those based on qI-lacqueT. Films of drying lэti \r.riktlra. ]000), Nоtаыу, not all mоdеrп оIgапiс oils ате chemically unstable, which is confirmed Ьу the : .::lпg mаtег]аls possess а set оf physical, mесhапiсаl, methods of analytical chemistry. .:: :J!l,s]re рrореrtiеS that cnsule supetpreservation Nоп-роlаг substances, such as vegetable oils, аrе -_:::j:::tilitl l, тhе пчmЬеr оfпаturаl substances that well-combined with Chinese lасquец since 4i'-lacquer .::; a f.,,].,nl limes ha\e Ьееп used aS coating materials is an emulsion of а роlаr liquid in а non-polar urushiol ,,,::: .:пllзг quallties is ехtrеmе]у Small, and theiт сопtiпцоus phase ("water-in-oil" type). Q!lacquer has :l:::ngs аrе quite specific. One suсh "longJiving" filming always been expensive+, and people often tried to rеduсе }go trgenl ii lhc unique Chinese r71-1acquer (since ancient its cost (often with а loss ol quality) using modifiels/ IjmeS. it \\ aS called "the king of paints"). Ву modilying diluents, suсh as nafural film-forming agents, Гот example, ,ai it. adding pigments to it, and devcloping the tecbnology drying natural oils (dце to high elasticity of their films). of appll,ing mixtureS made ofit, the chinese initiated the Соmрlех coating mateTials with а 1аrgе пumЬеr ol der elopInent of East Asian coating materialsx. modiliers Tepresent а specific 1-eafure of lасquеrs made The resistance of coating materials of qi-lacquer not during thе Han period**. Сцrгепtlу, drying vegetable oils о_у moisture, Ьut also to acids and alkalis results аrе used mainly in paints fоI а1. Lacquer coatings based R, on]},to tiom the high degree of polymerization оf the phenolic on 4'-Iacquer аге still used today in vaтious industries can1ponents, folmation оf chemical bonds with the оf China (for ехаmрlе, military рrоduсtiоп) due to netals of the Substlate, and the atnnity With the lignins thеir unique properties (strength, electrical and thегmаl .lf the rvood. In terms ol their dulability, lacqueT-based pTotection, anticorгosive properties, etc.). Nowadays, q/- composites аrе соmраrаЬlе to artiйcts made ofinorganic lacquer is modified using materials based оп synthetic гl, пraleTials** (Kumanotani et а1., l979). According to rеsiпs, such as ероху, acrylic, etc. rheir physical and mechanical properties (haтdness, heat resistance, etc.), casting biopolymers frоm 4ilасquеr е the ргесursоrs ofsynthetic materials ofthe phenolic type Date and сultцrаl attribution inr ented in the 20th centцry-thermosets, such as resite of burial mоцпds containing the rеmаiпý ог baketite (Elikhina, Novikova, 201З). of wooden lасqчеrwаrе In the context of the discussion оf qЁlасquеI, we should nention oId film-fоrmiпg agents used iп painting. The burial ground ofChineta lI, along with the previously vegetable drying oils (tung oil, linseed oil, etc,) fulI exploTed necropolis of Khankafinsky DoI (Dashkovskiy, esters oГglycerol and unsatulated fatty acids also dry in 2016; and others) marks the noгthwestem boTder ofthe lhe ail The process ofsolidification оf4гlасquет and oils Pazyryk culture атеа in the Altai.

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