Local Boundary Commission for Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

Watford District

Personal Details:

Name: Paul Embleton



Organisation Name: Cassiobury Residents' Association

Comment text:

The Association was formed in 1962 mainly to safeguard and promote the amenities enjoyed by residents of the estate; it is the inheritor of the covenants attached to properties on the estate; and it also funds the Neighbourhood Watch scheme for the entire estate. It acts on matters of common interest in order to preserve the character and attractiveness of the estate, and address matters of common concern. The Cassiobury Estate is a residential area north and nw- wards from the nw boundary of up to and including the SW side of Hempstead Road of c.1355 houses with a membership of c.90% of the total. The Association's general feeling is that the current level of representation, i.e. with twelve wards each of three councillors to make a total of 36 cllrs for the Council. is adequate, appropriate and suitable. Moreover, any reduction in the total would create a situation of an unequal workload and onerous burden to fall on the remainder of Cllrs. bearing in mind the Cllrs' duties, responsibilities and adequate and proper representation of the electorate. Regarding ward boundaries, the Association feels the vast majority, as previously tweaked in 1998 and bearing in mind increases since then in development and population density, generally currently represent cohesive areas with strong senses of place and character. Whilst within the Council a forum existed up until 2002 for all the Residents' and Tenants' Associations within the Borough to meet together three or four times a year to discuss matters of common interest, with its disbandment the exchange of views between disparate areas of density and character is somewhat curtailed. However, it was previously expressed that wards within must have a sense of place, of character and of belonging, and informal exchanges of views since would only reinforce those views and indicate no great change in sentiment.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/5650 07/07/2015