The Magazine of the

•^^Tstew FfeeTSupport * All Compass Pbirits Fighters and the Defence Budget * Veteran Rc Magic Lantern Slides * Japanese Naval Reyj r In this Issue Viewpoint 'Pink Panther' Leaves the Fleet 3 Australia's Strategic Policy 5 The Navy Magazine is sixty-years-old Fighters and the Defence Budget 7 To mark the event long serving Federal President, Geoffrey Evans New Fleet Support 9 has put pen to paper and reflected or, the role of this, the official organ ANZAC m the News 17 of the Navy League of Australia In his contribution, Geoff highlights Japanese Navy Pictorial 18 the dramatic change in style of the magazine over the six decades, for the Royal Brunei Navy 19 while at the same time, ensuring that both members and readers alike, OFFICIA-NAVL ORGAN OF THE NAVY LEAGUE OYF AUSTRALI A New Ship But Old Memories 24 are kept informed of the current state o< play m the Royal Australian Magic Lantern Slides 1895 28 Navy, at home and abroad

What is a Writer ? 29 This edition also includes a report on one of the major changes to NAVY WEEK SOUVENIR PROGRAMME ISSUE effect the 's support structure Last October the Regular Features newly created Defence Maritime Services, a member of P&O Maritime Viewpoint 1 Services, signed a contract for the supply of port services and support Naval News 11 craft to the Navy over the next ten years What this means to the Navy Observations 15 is outlined m New Fleet Support All Compass Points 20 The Navy Revisited 26 This year the Fleet Air Arm celebrates its 50th Anniversary Readers Book Reviews 30 who wish to obtain more information about the Golden Jubilee celebrations and the Australian Naval Aviation Museum can be

Our Front Cover obtained by contacting the Museum on 044 21 1920 or e-mail HMAS ANZAC October. >997. enroute to Hoard Island See story paqe 17 anam©o/email com au (Photo ABPM David Connolly) The Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force recently held a large Fleet Review to publicise its new capabilities and latest submarines, Corporate Members surface ships and auxiliaries Photographs taken of the occasion are THE AUSTRALIAN SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION published in this edition and for the history buffs, a collection of 19th COMPUTER SCIENCES Of AUSTRALIA PTY LTD BTR AEROSPACE AUSTRALIA century iantern slides of life in the HAWKER DE HAVILLAND LIMITED Befoie closing this edition's "Viewpoint" mention should be made ROCKWELL SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD of the service provided by the survey ship HMAS MORESBY, paid off STRANG INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD from the naval ranks on 13 November, 1997 The first purpose

The Navy designed survey ship built for the RAN, MORESBY sailed more than All letters to the editor, contributions etc to 1,17 million nautical miles during her 33 year career What the future The Editoi. Ross Gillett holds for the ship is still undetermined, maybe a new career in the 4 Deia Close, Mediterranean, like her younger running mate, the former HMAS Dee Why. NSW 2099 COOKi

Subscriptions and Membership Ross Gillett All magazine subscription and membership enquiries to. The Hon Secretary. NSW Division. The opinions or assertions expressed in The Navy are those of the Navy League of Australia. authors and are not necessarily those of the Federal Council of the GPO Box 1719. Navy League of Australia, the Editor of The Navy or the Royal Sydney, NSW. 2001 Australian Navy 09

Copy deadline for the next issue is 9th February 1998. THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA FEDERAL COUNQl SOUTH AUSHUUAN DIVISION Patron m ChM Mr E*e«ency The Governor General Patron: Hn C xceKency. The Governor of South Auctraka Pmxbnt G'aham M Harm, RfD Pmkfcnc AJan Prekett. RFD. ISSIeeptHA Dnve. Panorama SA 5041 RAOW A j Ro6ertw\ AO. DSC RAN (Rtd) John B»d. CORE HJP Adarm. Hon. Secretary. Mw J E Gil. GPO Bo* 1529. AdeMe.SA 5001 Telephone (06)8347 1985 AM. RAN (Rid) CAPT HA Joiephv AM. RAN (Rtd) TASMAMAN DIVISION Hon. Secretary: Don Schrapel PO Bo* US. Wtood*»e. SA 5011 Patron: H« Excellency The Gc^mor o( Tavnanie Telephone (08)8147 1985 Fax (08) 8347 3256 ftertdawt MJ Cooper. OAM DIVISION Hon. Secretary: Mrt J M Coopet 42 Amy Road launceflor, Tai 7250 Telephone 03)6344 1S31 Patron: H* Exrtknr* The Govemo. of New South Walei J INCLUDING PROGRAMME of Pmidant R O Albert. AM RFO. RD Oevonport G Wiftamt, 15 Pine Place. Dcvor^ort. T« 7310 Trtephcx* (03)6424 5886 Hon. Secretary: IC J Jeppewn, OAM RFO GPO Bo. 1719, Splney NSW 2001 •umie: G Davn, 40 Cherry Street. Burrne. Tat 7320 Telephone (03)6431 4023 DISPLAY AT GARDEN ISLAND, 12th OCTOBER. 1957 \ Telephone (02) 9S70 842S Fax (02) 9232 8383 MCSTBW AUSTRALIAN DIVISION VtCTOWAN DIVISION Patron Hn ExteCency The Governor ol Wntem Auwaha Patron: E*cefler«y The Governor at Wtona FmMntAII Hevwtt. JP AND Preiktant J M WHkni RFD' Hon. Secretary: MnGHewftt 23 Uwrfer Road Attadale.WA 6156 Telephone (08)9330 3600 Hon. Secretary: T E K*x»n M8E. VRD*. PO Bo* 1KB Bo* HSU Defcvety Centre VIC 3128 OPEN DAY AT H.M.A.S. "WATSON" AT WATSON'S BAY, 19th OCTOBER. 1957 Telephone and Fax (03) 9560 9927 Geratdton: E BeckvMth. 2 PettheH Sweet. Rangeway WA6S30 Telephone (08)9921 3768(H) QUEENSLAND DIVISION (08)9921 1200(B) Patron: HH EnceOenry The Governor of QueersUrid Aliany: D Bray Lot 46 Frtdenct Street. GlMtKMc v Dm Leach. AC CBE. LVO. RANEM could he rrpntducetl In full etJtiur. Sit hen• II Is.' Bundafaarv: I lohte. PO Bo* S141. Bundaberg WW. Od 4670 Telephone (071) 51 2210 We Admiral V Richard Pee*. KBE. CB. D5C RAN (Rtd) Soutfcpart: > V Foot. PO Bo* Southport. Qtd 4215 Telephone (07)5532 2447 John Strang Chairman Strang International Ply ltd

The Savy. .lanuuiy-Munh HHtH 1 FROM OUR READERS "Pink Panther" Leaves The Fleet

OUR HISTORY GOING Yours faithfully prompted me to write to you Any information " you \"w Jeffery. Navy Public Affairs Officer (WA) R Genge. to enquire if can provide would be Dear Sir, An era ended in Royal Australian Navy history when the When commissioned in 1964, MORESBY boasted two Stockton. 229> a) There are any back appreciated Thank you As an Australian and veteran hydrographic survey ship HMAS MORESBY was survey motor boats (SMBs), FANTOME and HERALD, the 1945 issues of the reader of "The Navy". I was decommissioned at HMAS STIRLING in Western Australia on design boat SANDFLY and the all-purpose boat TRINITY They Editor: Some interesting magazine available Tony Rundle. disappointed to read about Thursday, 13 November, 1997 were later replaced by SMBs ALERT, BEAGLE and DART, who ideas, but I think the Federal with articles on Denistone East 2112 the fate of ex HMAS SWAN In a 33 year career MORESBY recorded many milestones, were in turn replaced by FLY, RATTLESNAKE and authorities have other ideas Fairmiles Let's hope that the same the most famous being that of the first RAN ship to reach one WATERWITCH. Finally they were in turn replaced by FANTOME. MORESBY b) If you know of any Editor: A copy of a does not occur with the soon See article in this million miles in service MORESBY achieved this on 31 October, INVESTIGATOR and MEDIA to be decommissioned issue books available that recent Fairmile article has 1992 whilst surveying off Arnhem Land whilst under the For the first decade of her career, MORESBY was based in escort HMAS detail the wartime been sent to our command of CMDR Mark Hudson, RAN. Sydney, conducting surveys on the east coast, Tasmania, Papua TORRENS. which could be service of the Fairmile correspondent. A new book At the time of her decommissioning MORESBY had New Guinea, Torres Strait, South Australia and the north west My late father was on outlining the history of the steamed back to Sydney and FAIRMiLES boosted that total to a staggering 1,170,421 7 nautical miles, of Western Australia handed over to the Navy several Fairmiles during the 35 Fairmiles is expected to be accumulated during 88,241.8 hours underway Her last CO, HMAS MORESBY, renowned for her teak deck, buff funnel museum and placed in the Dear Sir, war and I would like to know published in 1998 by the CMDR Paul Spencer. RAN, said in his Decommissioning speech, and all white colour scheme briefly sported a blue 'GT' stripe unused Naval Dockyard The photo article more about this class of Fairmile Association. We will "it is a sad occasion, but it may be a time to reflect". How very along her length in 1973 until directed by Fleet to remove the graving dock within Sydney "Onboard a Fairmile" in the vessel and their service be reviewing it when true! offending stripe and revert Harbour The NRC could also last issue of the magazine careers. released. 0 The 2350 tonne, 9b 7 to her normal unbroken use the ship for training metre long HMAS white appearance. And what about the MORESBY was laid-down Undergoing a refit in Hydrographic Survey Ship at the Newcastle State 1973-74, which saw a HMAS MORESBY could be Dockyard way back on 1 number of modifications, steamed back to her building June, 1962 as the first including the building of a place in Newcastle, NSW, for purpose built hydrographic slim forward exhaust stack her decommissioning and survey ship for the RAN. on the forecastle which handed over to the Maritime Costing two million replaced the original side Museum and placed on pounds, she was at that exhausts, the heightening display there. time, one of the most of the main funnel, the There's one more ship advanced vessels of her removal of two 40/60 soon up for decommissioning, type in the world. Bofors guns from 01 deck MORESBY HMAS FLINDERS, when her was (although the sponsons replacement is commissioned. launched by Mrs W. remained until her 1991 Australia doesn't have enough Gatacre, the wife of Rear refit) a new crane (from the naval museums. That's why I Admiral G.G.O. Gatacre, old aircraft carrier HMAS SYDNEY III), say let's save these ships. If Flag Officer Commanding East Australia Area on Saturday, 7 which is still on the ship, and a new searchlight we don't another part of our September, 1963. sonar and echo sounders. history will be lost. On 13 February, 1964, MORESBY sailed from Newcastle as MORESBY arrived at Fremantle, Western Australia in an unregistered civilian vessel flying the Red Ensign, and after November, 1974 for homeporting Five years she later clearing lobby's Head headed soi 'th bound for Sydney. At the transferred to the nearby recently commissioned HMAS halfway mark of the delivery voyage, off Norah Head, STIRLING in 1979. MORESBY remained homeported at MORESBY was officially accepted by the RAN STIRLING for the rest of her service career, completing a record At 1400 on Friday, 6 March, 1964, MORESBY was 23 years based on Australia's west coast, and surpassing the commissioned into RAN service at Garden Island, NSW, under legendary HMAS DIAMANTINA's 20 years in the west between the command of CMDR J.H.S. Osborn, RAN. in what has 1959-79. become a long and fruitful career. Ironically, MORESBY only ever visited Sydney three times in Initially, MORESBY carried a Westland Scout helicopter the next 23 years; in 1988 for the Bicentennial Naval salute, in which was replaced by a Bell 206B-1 in 1973. During her 1995 for the Hydrographic Service 75th Anniversary, and lastly career, three helicopters have 'gone for a swim' the first being in November, 1996 for a farewell visit. a Scout in 1967, followed by two 206Bs, one totally destroyed Over the years, MORESBY was involved in a number of in the 1970s after a rotor clipped a cliff and the most recent, a medivac and rescues. In October, 1975 she departed her survey 1985 ditching in the Admiralty Gulf, WA after an engine ground near Rottnest Island, WA. to rendezvous with the MORESBY FUJISAIE MARU THE .WHY mitler Jtthn Mortimer sent In clews of the new survey shifts. LEE WIS Oyhig alongside) and MELVILLE (on the construction failure. This helo was rebuilt and was embarked on Japanese fishing vessel. No. 6. after an slipway). He also managed to I/Kale the old mlnehunler CURLEW, strip/nil of most fillings and tucaiiing a new career. Dues any reader know of the when she achieved the million mile mark. Fortunately there altercation onboard has resulted in one death and another future fitr CJ'RLEWV .Ul of the photitgrnfths were taken In September. was never a serious injury in any of these incidents. crew member with serious stab wounds A medivac was

iti The Navy. January-March /.'*« The Nary. January-March I'HtH 17 ill IK i ! V - I III I 111 I

carried out by the ship's helo to transfer the wounded seaman MORESBY was also the first RAN vessel to be slipped in the to HMAS LEEUWIN at Fremantle Just over four years later, yards of Australian Shipbuilding Industries at Henderson, WA, Australia's Strategic Policy MORESBY evacuated a sailor from the yacht SELTRUST for a bi-annual refit December 2, 1997 ENDEAVOUR 1985 saw MORESBY'S helo rescue two shell The ship's RAS tune, the theme from "The Pink Panther", divers near Esperance which was fittingly played by the WA Naval Band at the ship's THE HON LAN McLACIILAN. AO. MP Champagne corks popped in Fremantle in June, 1978 decommissioning, originated when the ship was operating in MINISTER FOR DEFENCE when the 17 officers onboard MORESBY learnt that they had the Port Hedland area in the 1970s A dust storm turned the won the Si00.000 second prize in a million dollar lottery freshly painted MORESBY into a dusky shade of pink, earning Capability Implications * Air superiority is a decisive This process will build on the March. 1982 saw MORESBY in a different role when she it the affectionate nickname of "The Pink Panther" MORESBY capability. strengths of the Collins, taking full was ordered to observe a splashdown and recovery of a has also been known as "The Love Boat", a reference to her In terms of military capability Australia faces a difficult set of advantage of new technological Russian space vehicle some 300 nautical miles south of the graceful lines and livery being similar to P8iOs cruise ships implications, a key issue is the choices over the next decade, about our developments benchmark against which we measure Cocos Islands The ship also shadowed units of the none-to- The departure of MORESBY from the Fleet marks the end future fighter aircraft capabilities We have a continuing requirement friendly Soviet Navy, using the ship's helicopter to fly our own capabilities of an era All future survey ships will be based at HMAS My Department is examining to conduct patrol and enforcement photographic and surveillance sorties daily The splashdown CAIRNS in northern Queensland, thus ending a 38 year The acquisition of high-technology options on the balance of emphasis we operations now carried out by the and recovery was observed by the aircraft crew and the association between the Hydrographic branch and Western defence capabilities throughout the should put between upgrading the Fremantle class patrol boats operation described a complete success, with a well done' Australia with HMA ships DIAMANTINA and MORESBY writing Asia-Pacific means we cannot take for sensors and combat systems of the F/A- The Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) from CNS themselves into local maritime folklore granted that our forces will keep their 18 and acquiring new aircraft. had originally been designated for these MORESBY'S other diverse activities have included After the decommissioning MORESBY was turned over to technological edge It is likely that a major upgrade of tasks Following Malaysia's decision not embarking members of the WA Maritime Museum m an the Department of Asset Services for sale by public tender with To maintain our relative strategic the F/A-18 will be required — what ever to award its OPV contract to Tenix, our attempt to find the missing World War II cruiser HMAS bids closing on 10 December Who knows where the graceful position, our forces must measure up to the outcome of these studies —as an judgement is that the scale of SYDNEY, assisting with her helo during anti-US demonstrations old lady will end her days? two key benchmarks: interim step in modernising our air investment required for an Australian- at the HAROLD F HOLT Communications Station, and Perhaps joining the former RAN units STALWART and capabilities * First, we must have the capability only OPV is not appropriate for the arresting an illegal Indonesian fishing vessel COOK in the Greek Islands as a ferry, or being fitted out as a to deny our air and sea These decisions are for a later day performance of primarily peacetime Darwin was MORESBY'S final port before her return to research ship, private yacht or as a fisheries mother ship There approaches to any credible — and I might add, a later budget patrol tasks MORESBY'S Fleet Base West to decommission It was 82nd visit has been no lack of interest in the ship and time will tell where context force, and * We will extend the life of the to Darwin during her long career she will finally go 0 * We are also looking at upgrading * Second, we must maintain a very Fremantle class boats for as long our air-to-air refuelling capability strong regional presence as a as economical, followed by * As foreshadowed in the last maritime power replacement with a boat for budget, we will upgrade the The discipline this imposes on how similar purposes. survivability, maintenance and we shape our forces leads to some habitability of our guided missile tough policy choices frigates (FFGs). Strike Capability These involve making decisions on * That includes upgrading their the balance of resource allocations Our third priority is strike, that is, radar systems, communications between land, air and naval forces; the ability to operate pro-actively equipment, anti-submarine and between current preparedness and against enemy forces in the defence of mine avoidance sonars and an future capability, between the scale of Australia and our interests improved defensive missile forces immediately deployable and the system. * Our plan is to maintain the F-111 time they can be kept in the field. in service until 2015 to 2020; to * We will enhance the surface Few countries, however, have as expand the operational fleet by .IssLstiny refugees /i»»m 11 it nam. 11 MAS MORESBY. IfUHi. Th, shi/> Ls acnmpanted by three olher strike and underwater defence survey motor launches. The ship's helicopter deck Ls vLsilth aft. clear-cut a strategic focus as Australia upgrading our existing F-111Gs; capabilities of our ANZAC ships, and to acquire long-range stand- when it comes to making these choices. including the acquisition of anti- Our geography dictates a maritime ship missiles for the ANZAC's new off weapons as well as improving focus for defence. helicopters. the electronic warfare and air- defence suppression capabilities * We plan to expand and enhance of the F-111s. Maritime Capabilities our submarine capabilities, including by the acquisition of * By stand-off weapons we mean Our second priority (number one is more capable torpedoes and a something with greater range the knowledge edge) relates to mining capability. than the short-range weapons developing military capabilities to defeat And we will begin work on already being acquired threats in our maritime approaches. enhancing the current Collins class * But we are not proposing very * We are developing a mix of air, design to provide data to guide decision long-range weapons, such as the surface and sub-surface forces to making on future enhancements of the land-attack cruise create a formidable barrier to any class, or the possible acquisition of missile. We do not require this Kesplentleni in her hydmqmphlc while colours. MORESBY returns to her Beneath overcast skies the Australian While Ensign Ls lowered alumni hostile ships and aircraft in our additional submarines should that be weapon to meet current strategic hi tmefturt at HMAS STIRLING after a survey of theArafuru Sea. If MAS MORESBY for the last lime on lit November. I'.HIT. deemed necessary. (I"h

4 The .Vary. January-March I'.MH The Sary. January-Marrh HWfi \nslraliji's SiinKiiii I'olio

Priority Focus However, the current budget does Based on earlier design studies the not make it possible for us in the Australian companies ADI Limited and Fighters and the Defence Budget Together, the enhanced military medium term to contemplate Tenix Defence Systems are competing capabilities I have outlined - and the developing major new capabilities in the for a contract to upgrade all six FFGs I ill Navy Leaguer rigorous set of priorities against which form of new fighter aircraft, or a new The ships will be upgraded in Australia they have been developed - will give us surface combatant should government m the first half of the next decade the most modern, capable force in our decide that such acquisitions were immediate region needed Missiles for ANZAC Ship This force relies on highly-skilled personnel using high technology and Helicopters modern equipment to achieve mobility, Anti-Ship Missile Self-Defence Eight ANZAC frigate^ are being hitting power and flexibility, exploiting Upgrades for Guided Missile built by Tenix Defence Systems The first information technology to attain Frigates (FFGs) has entered service and the remainder maximum effect from relatively small The six Adelaide class guided missile will be delivered over the next several forces frigates (FFGs) acquired in the early years. These initiatives will bring a 1980s will remain amongst our most Initially the ships will be fitted with comprehensive enhancement of the capable and flexible surface fighting a basic suite of equipment, allowing for military capabilities of the ADF over the ships to around 2015 more advanced equipment in the future coming decade, enabling the force to FFGs can strike other ships with with minimal disruption. A series of meet the key benchmarks I mentioned anti-ship missiles, used in upgrades are already in progress earlier conjunction with surveillance and including capability to fire Harpoon anti- We will upgrade all our major targeting information from Seahawk ship missiles, acquisition of Super combat ships and aircraft, restructure helicopters They can aiso protect Seasprite helicopters to embark on the and re-equip the land force and invest military and commercial shipping ships, and additional self-defence heavily in technology to promote the F-IIIC. taxiing at Tlndal. June 1<>77 capabilities knowledge edge against attack by aircraft and submarines Each FFG can embark two As a key element in this progressive A significant defence budgeting The plan had been to modernise has a substantially longer radius of Of course, such capabilities don't upgrade. Penguin anti-ship missiles will problem looms. the RAAF's Hornets with new radars and action than the F/A-18A/ Due to the come cheaply Over recent years, we helicopters, not necessarily Seahawks, Although their airframe and have spent some $2.2 billion annually adding to the flexibility these ships offer be purchased for the Super Seasprite combat systems under project Air 5376 withdrawal of F-111 type aircraft from on investment in new equipment to a maritime force helicopters These missiles will provide a engines are only half way through their With Projects Air 5398 and Air 5400, it US service, difficulties are foreseen in The Defence Reform Program will, To harness the full potential of potent strike capability, particularly in normal life of time, the RAAF's 71 was concluded that the RAAF Hornets obtaining spare parts etc for the RAAF's over the next three years, realise a one- these ships the core combat systems are coastal waters, and will allow strikes Hornets F/A-18A/B strike fighters have would be brought up to the full combat aircraft. off saving of $500 million and mature to be upgraded Radars and command against other ships while the ANZAC been found obsolescent in one of their capability to keep them in service until Looking ahead, no new aircraft will annual savngs of between $900 and systems with improved capability to frigate remains safely out of range of a roles about 2015 be available to succeed the F-111s in $1000 million detect missiles will be fitted and a new response Penguin will complement the The Australian Hornets have two However, it is now being argued RAAF service Therefore, it is proposed Current defence spending levels will defensive missile system, optimised to open ocean longer-ranged Harpoon roles Firstly, they are strike aircraft with that it may be more cost effective to to replace both the F/A-18 strike fighters allow us - with the savings from the engage anti-ship missiles, will also be missile which is carried by other ADF the ability to attack hostile surface craft replace the Hornets in 2005. This would and the F-111 strike and reconnaissance Reform Program - to substantially installed. Crew habitability and self- ships, aircraft and submarines. in the sea/air gap around Australia's involve bringing forward by some ten aircraft with one type of aircraft On a modernise our existing defence defence against torpedoes and mines The Penguin missiles will enter coast and ground forces. In this their years the most costly Australian defence one for one replacement basis, some platforms like the surface fleet, to will be upgraded and the ships' ageing service early next decade in conjunction primary role in Australia's defence, the equipment project ever undertaken. The 110 to 120 aircraft would be required acquire airborne early-warning aircraft machinery systems will be made more with the introduction of Super Seasprite Hornets are still very effective with their funds to do this could only be found by A further factor is the new types of and to give the Army greater mobility reliable. helicopters. 0 Harpoon missiles and will be more so increasing the defence budget or by aircraft available by 2005. after new air to surface missiles are cancelling or postponing by up to a There are the Eurofighter 2000 provided under Project Air 5398. This decade one or more other defence (Western Europe's new air superiority project is to provide the RAAF with a projects. fighter with some strike capacity), new general purpose stand off weapon, An alternative to is to acquire one France's Rafale, Sweden's Gripen and an anti radiation weapon, a weapon to squadron of new aircraft as soon as the US Navy's F/A-18E/F All these are in attack area and semi-hardened targets possible, deploy this squadron in the the later stages of development and a multi-purpose stand off weapon. sensitive air superiority role and upgrade Further ahead, the US led multi- However, in their air superiority the remaining F/A-18A// for deployment national Joint Strike Fighter and the US fighter role the RAAF's Hornets were in the strike role. F-22, an air superiority fighter which has found deficient in exercises with the Into consideration with the strike just started flight trials. The JSF will Royal Malaysian Air Forces MiG-29s fighter problem must be taken the come in several versions - land based armed with a new type of Russian made question of successors for the strike fighter, land based strike, conventional air to air missile. The RAAF plans to reconnaissance group's 17 strike F- aircraft carrier based strike fighter and provide its Hornets with new air to air 111Cs, 15 strike F-HIGs and 4 short take off and landing strike fighters missiles under project Air 5400 reconnaissance RF-111Cs. The F-111 for the US Marine Corps and some USAF HMAS ADELAIDE

The Savy. .lanuary-Mimh lUftH The Savy. January-March HHtH 7 l ijjhlcrs an«l l IK* IICIIIKV ltwli>CI roles and British service inc udmg carrier Then, there are the force multiplier relatively few missiles. There are none of borne At this stage, the JSF is in the benefits of the airborne early warning the overflying right difficulties which can NEW FLEET SUPPORT early stages development, techno- and control aircraft that will enter ADF inhibit the use of strategic strike aircraft By Graham Davis logically ambitious and risky In the service early in the next century Because and their inevitable air to air refuelling longer term, this is the most likely AEW & C can make more effective use aircraft of strike fighters, we may not need to replacement option for the F/A-18A Because of the long range of replace the F/A-18A/Bs on a one for one Well down the track there will be Tomahawk, a surface combatant armed further alternatives These include basis We may be able to do the same with Tomahawk can launch their unmanned aerial vehicles, both for job with fewer strike fighters missiles outside the range of shore combat and reconnaissance Early Then AEW&C can greatly improve based hostile aircraft This can be used versions of the latter have seen service in the attack and defensive capabilities of as an implied threat, in place for Bosnia Ideas for unmanned combat naval surface combatants. This is weeks or months, during diplomatic aerial vehicles include operations for important in both defence against air negotiations relatively small naval surface attack against Australian shore facilities Collins combatants and in the use of offensive ship The RAN's class submarines Before Australia undertakes such a launched weapons The use of and ANZAC class frigates already have stupendous budget outlay, every aspect appropriately armed and directed naval the mechanical launching equipment must be subjected to the most rigorous surface combatants may well be a more required for launching Tomahawk. and objective analysis cost effective way of providing defence Some combat system work would be Firstly, the basic question of against air attack than shore based high required on missile mission planning, strategic priority must be addressed Do technology aircraft but the cost would be much less we really need to spend so much of our As a strike successor to the strategic than acquiring a whole new class of defence budget on the aerial defence of deterrent F-111s there is an alternative aircraft the sea air gap ? Do we really need a with substantial attractions That is There is no doubt that there are strategic strike and deterrent capability 7 Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles available to the ADF a number of Then, are there better ways of and other similar missiles of shorter alternative ways of replacing the RAAF's doing it than simply acquiring, at very range Submarine launched cruise strike fighter and strike reconnaissance great cost, the same number of aircraft missiles are covert - an enemy will not aircraft as we have now' know where the submarine is or how BRITISH MAONVS. November. 1090. Then, are fixed bases, whose many there are With surgical strike These must be analysed and 17 An historic change for the Royal inshore afloat support sen/ices for the "Of the remaining 60 Defence location an enemy would know and be capabilities, risk of collateral damage is evaluated without an assumption that Australian Navy has occurred with RAN Australia-wide, provide many of civilians, a significant number of them able to attack, and which are difficult to minimised This surgical strike accuracy the existing aircraft should simply be the signing of a S320 million the required craft and maintain all craft will be hired by DMS." its generai resupply particularly with fuel, the best enables a naval force to complete replaced on a one for one basis or contract with a new company, to operational standards, including by manager, Mr Mark Taylor, said. "DMS way to do it ? Would mobile bases - its strategic deterrent mission with a indeed by manned aircraft at all gg Defence Maritime Services (DMS), replacement if necessary will have a permanent workforce of aircraft carriers for the supply of support craft ?nd 110," he added operating joint strike Among the key services that the port services to the Navy. fighters and unmanned Navy will require from DMS are tug Both CMDR Smith and Mr Taylor aerial combat vehicles, As a result of the contract officers services, target services, practice agreed that the most dramatic with their much greater and sailors of the RAN will soon be weapons recovery, range support, developments brought about by the flexibility in deployment operating from a number of new, but submarine trials and calibration support new contract included; and easier logistic support, privately owned, vessels including a patrol It will also require a full range of harbour a The purchase of a new Pacific be more cost effective and boat, two 2000 tonne multi-purpose services. including ammunition class patrol boat from Transfield WA less vulnerable than fixed vessels and a fibreglass sail training ship embarkation and fuelling of HMA ships which will be unarmed Operated by a bases? Or would it be The contract, to last for ten years, In addition the contract will calls for a DMS crew, the new vessel will replace better to acquire air will effect more than 600 craft operated complete range of training services GPV ARDENT as the navigation training defence fighters and by the Navy involving both motor and sailing craft, a vessel based at HMAS WATERHEN. The undertake the strike role "It is the greatest change in the full range of logistical services for boat will have additional navigational with naval surface history of the RAN," CMDR Warren support craft, including craft embarked facilities to the 22 other Pacific class combatants ? Smith, the project manager for the in HMA ships, both in Australian waters patrol boats now serving with navies of and when deployed overseas Australia's Pacific neighbours She will Naval vessels - aircraft changeover commented The contract be in DMS livery, likely to be a black hull carriers, submarines and between the Navy and DMS was signed The contract means that 210 and buff superstructure and will carry surface combatants offer at Pyrmont last October by SCA/N current employees of tne RAN who now civilian registration numbers. No name the advantage pre- RADM Admiral Simon Harrington and operate support craft around Australia has been decided upon for the new positioning in launch areas the chairman of DMS, Mr Ross Brewer will have their billets "disestablished." boat Delivery of the boat is expected and a much quicker Throughout the contract, DMS will "Of the 210, 150 are uniformed around October 1998 at which time reaction time than PIA-I8A aver North (opr. refuelling from a 707 tanker. be required to plan, provide and defence people They will be absorbed ARDENT will be disposed of aircraft manage a wide range of offshore and into the Navy, CMDR Smith said iti The Navy. January-March /.'*« The Nary. January-March I'HtH NEW FLEET SUPPORT

PROTECTOR'S duties in Adelaide, PROTECTOR will be refurbished to NAVAL NEWS

become a sea training vessel based at on the 27th, is the Navy's at the time of the incident Jervis Bay annual test for its and a survey of the hull was c A 16 metre fibreglass sail mine countermeasures and undertaken to determine the training vessel will also be bought and clearance diving force Last damage positioned at Jervis Bay Delivery of the year the exercise took place The boat was left in Mackay. suspended, listing to port, yacht is expected in October of 1998 Navy Clearance Divers until the next day, when an Virtually all vessels of the RAN established a tent city at attempt was made to float including HMA ships, will be effected by Scarborough Boat Harbour GAWLER at the high tide the contract from where they conducted During the lowering process "Even the launches and rubber the mine clearance and one of the supporting cables craft carried on our warships are part of clandestine operations in broke, the aft section of the the contract, CMDR Smith said. "Like Moreton Bay Also with them vessel taking a five metre MS. \(S) KDRAAGA will take /tin in EX II INTER in .April. the workboats and tugs at our ports and (ItuHo - Urian Morrison) was a US Navy/US Marine plunge into the harbour, her Corps detachment of 16 facilities they will be maintained and bow still left on the lift The Hunter 98 Exercise control and personnel known as the Very boat was towed away to be changed over by DMS umpiring with their Shallow Water Mine Counter assessed for repairs "If a warship is up in the Gulf and The Royal Australian Australian counterparts Measures Detachment The synchrolift was needs a replacement RIB, its captain will Navy (RAN) and the Joint Commanders for (VSWMCM Det) from San completed in 1982 and was contact DMS "The sailing boats used by Republic of Singapore EX HUNTER 98 will be Diego last sen/iced in June, 1996 HARMAN Navy (RSN) will conduct a the people at HMAS on Lake the Commander of the The vessels operated in Burley Griffen will also come under Mine Counter Measures Moreton Bay from a forward Australian Mine Warfare and Navy Marches Into (MCM) Exercise. EX support unit at Bulimba DMS " Clearance Diving Forces, Coffs Harbour HUNTER 98. in Darwin Implementation of the contract Commander Geriy Kelly, and barracks. from 13 to 24 April 1998. The close links commenced in mid November with the the Commanding Officer of The third in the series, between the northern support craft attached to HMAS CAIRNS the RSN's 194 (MCMV) Patrol Boat Stranded EX HUNTER, will include Squadron Lieutenant- NSW city of Coffs Harbour the first to "go private" HMAS planning for MCM The RAN Fremantle and the Royal Australian COONAWARRA Colonel Albert Lee m Darwin followed Navy were reaffirmed on operations and the conduct EX HUNTER 98 will class patrol boat HMAS immediately with Sydney changing over "GAWLER" became stuck 1 November, when the of such operations at sea provide both 'fleets' with the in late December 1997. HMAS in mid-air on Monday, 3 Australian Minesweeping Hosted alternately by the opportunity to gain CRESWELL in January and HMAS November, when the Squadron was granted two navies, the last exercise experience working together STIRLING synchrolift lowering her the Freedom of Coffs in February Backgrounding was organised by the RSN in to combat a common into Darwin Harbour Harbour City. the changes, CMDR Smith said he and a May 97 maritime mine threat. The broke down. With the Freedom of the temporary staff of five had been For EX HUNTER 98 the two navies mutually benefit GAWLER had just City previously held by working on the Commercial Support RAN will deploy up to seven from their interactions and Mine Counter Measure completed a minor the now decommissioned Program concept for five years will look forward to closer maintenance period when submarine HMAS OVENS. Vessels to Dan/vin, Currently co-operation in the future "Five groups showed interest in programmed to participate the frame collapsed No the Council was anxious to b The purchase of two second- PROTECTOR, currently involved in safety seeking the contract," he said "This are the mmehunters HMAS personnel were on the boat retain the close links that had Divers Keep Brisbane hand 2000 tonne offshore supply and support of the Collins class was reduced to a short list of two one RUSHCUTTER and HMAS Open tenders. BRITISH MAGNUS and BRITISH submarines The second of the two was from the Navy, an In House Option SHOALWATER and auxiliary VIKING from the British company MPV's will go to Fleet Base West Mr and the other was from Defence minesweepers BROLGA. More than 250 Dramgate To be called 'multi purpose Taylor said he was confident his Maritime Services, an Australian WALLAROO. BANDICOOT. personnel and seven KORAAGA. BERMAGUI vessels' the ships are currently involved company would tind officers and crew company put together by P and 0 and naval vessels visited from within Australia to man both in oil rig supply and similar duties Maritime Service and SERCo Australia," MCM operations are Brisbane in mid November around the UK Costing S15 million MPV's designed to ensure the CMDR Smith said to clear mines layed by each . the vessels will operate with a The 2,000 tonne craft will be multi- safety of navigation by the mythical enemy of "DMS got the contract and it was DMS crew of seven to nine The first of roled and equipped to conduct other keeping the sea lanes free of Orangeland which had signed recently by RAMD Harrington the two ships is due in Australia to tasks such as weapon recovery Like the mines. blocked the approaches to and Mr Brewer." he said. Mr Brewer, the participate in next March's Operation new patrol boat, the MPV's will have Up to eight RSN officers- the Port of Brisbane. chairman of DMS, said ," this contract Black Carillon, a submarine escape and black and buff livery No names have will participate in Exercise The exercise which r cements further, our relationship with rescue exe cise The first of the MPV's been decided upon Once the Adelaide Headquarters planning and began on Monday, 10 wili be based in Adelaide and replace based MPV has taken over the Government 0 command, as well as the November and concluded

10 Thr Savy. January-March I'.HtH The Nary. Janutiry-March HHNi \uvul News

developed between the Navy "swords drawn, drums The Lord Mayor of Air Show commencing at and the local community. beating, bands playing and Sydney, Frank Sartor 10 30 am. This Air Show will The ships of the colours flying" Having attended the service with the attract a large variety of Mmesweeping Squadron passed the challenge, the Commanding Officer of the historic and contemporary had been regular visitors to Squadron proceeded to current SYDNEY. Commander military aircraft Coffs Harbour over the years march in review before the James Goldrick, providing a Also located at as they travelled between Mayor and other dignitaries short memorial address ALBATROSS, and playing a HMAS WATERMEN and in front of the City Council Four SYDNEY'S have vital role in preserving operational exercise areas in Chambers before continuing served in the RAN. the first, a Australia's naval aviation Queensland Accordingly, on to the Cenotaph light cruiser, won the Navy's history, is the Australian the City's request to grant The ever popular RAN initial battle honour of the Naval Aviation Museum the new FOE was forwarded Band followed up its role Great War when she This non-profit institution to CANBERRA for approval in the celebrations by destroyed the German raider has one of the finest private by the Chief of Navy performing at a lunchtime EMDEN on 9 November displays of naval and other The Squadron, comprising concert in the Mall 1914 Her mast now rests military aircraft These the Auxiliary Minesweepers Amphitheatre to the delight on Bradleys Head in Sydney aircraft are supported by a BROLGA. WALLAROO. of the crowds of tourists Harbour The third ship of host of other exhibits and a BANDICOOT. BERMAGUI and shoppers The final day the name was an aircraft unique research facility and KORAAGA. crossed the of the visit was marked carrier that operated off More information about Coffs Harbour Bar and by several hours of open Korea and later as a troop the Golden Jubilee berthed alongside the ship, with hundreds of transport to Vietnam The celebrations and the Fisherman's Co-op wharf curious locals and tourists current SYDNEY, a guided Australian Naval Aviation at 1400 on Thursday, taking the opportunity to missile frigate, was Museum can be obtained by 30 October, to begin a busy look over the assembled commissioned in 1984 and contacting the Museum on four days of activities minesweepers served during the 1990-91 044 21 1920 or e-mail Friday night witnessed a The Squadron departed Gulf War [email protected] reception hosted aboard the port early on Monday, Participating at this BROLGA. with the official 3 November, bound for year's 56th anniversary First Female guests and a large and Moreton Bay in Queensland service were members of the Commanding Officer of appreciative crowd of locals to rendezvous with other HMAS SYDNEY Association Navy Ship treated to a spectacular Beat elements of the Mine The service also featured the Retreat and Ceremonial Warfare force to participate RAN Band and a Ceremonial The first woman to Sunset ceremony featuring in Exercise Shortscope in Guard of Sailors drawn from command a Royal the RAN Band and a guard Moreton Bay Sydney establishments Australian Navy (RAN) drawn from all five vessels of ship. Lieutenant Jennifer the Squadron Daetz. completed her Sydney Mourns Sailors RAN Fleet Air Arm first deployment on The Freedom of Entry to Lost at Sea Celebrates 50 Years the City of Coffs Harbour 20 November as the was conferred on Saturday The Royal Australian This year marks the Commanding Officer of morning by the Mayor. Navy conducted its annual Golden Jubilee of the the survey ship HMAS Councillor John Smith, on commemorative service in Royal Australian Navy's "SHEPPARTON". behalf of the citizens of memory of the personnel Fleet Air Arm and its Lieutenant Daetz and Coffs Harbour Personnel who lost their lives home base at HMAS the other 16 members of the from the Mmesweeping aboard the Second World -ALBATROSS". ship's company returned to Squadron, accompanied by War light cruiser HMAS This historic occasion Cairns form Australian Navy the RAN Band, then marched -SYDNEY", at the Sydney will be marked with a operations to the south-east through the streets to Cenotaph on Wednesday, number of special events and of Papua New Guinea. exercise their newly gained 19 November. reunions The majority of Equipped with the very right of passage During 1939-41 SYDNEY these will be held at latest in survey and As they approached the | achieved notable victories in ALBATROSS. 9 km southwest computerised hydrographic council chambers, the the Mediterranean Sea of Nowra. over the period data processing equipment Squadron faced the However, on 19 November Wednesday. 28 October to onboard, HMA ships traditional challenge by the 1941 the ship was tragically Monday. 2 November 1998 SHEPPARTON and BENALLA local Police Chief Inspector, lost with all hands, off The celebrations will had been proving the safety demanding to know by what Carnarvon, Western Australia, culminate on Sunday, 1 of the inshore route at Ava right the Squadron Dassed after sinking the German November with HMAS Point in conjunctions with through Coffs Harbour with raider KORMORAN ALBATROSS Open Day and the PNG Hydrographer u The \ary. January-Starch /.<*« The Navy. January-March HMN IS

The two survey ships will be the first time surveyed the area for Lloyd's have made a Observations potential use for shipping presentation outside of from Port Moresby to the Far by Geoffrey Evans. the United Kingdom. East via the China Strait This As a long-serving Navy League member the writer was years to support a viable Australian-owned shipping industry - work was undertaken during Held on 26 November, invited by the editor to comment on the role of THE NAVY over except in war-related emergencies - was particularly critical of October to December and the event included a brief sixty years Because he was still at school when the magazine the failure to recognise the risks associated with Flag of will be continued in late handover ceremony at the was first published in the 'thirties and did not join the League convenience (FOC) shipping:- 1998 It is part of the Transfield Shipyard at until after WW2 his comments (reminiscences?) must rely on The existing systems of international regulation and RAN's three year rolling hearsay for a large part of the period. control of shipping built up over centuries have failed to survey programme, called Henderson where HMAS Right from the pre-war start THE NAVY appears to have control the FOC ship phenomenon and new ones have not yet Hydroscheme ADELAIDE was undergoing a been one of the few - perhaps the only - magazine to keep arisen to take their place. Despite the best efforts of the Women now make up refit. people informed about Australia's warships and naval international community through the IMO there is in reality no 15 percent of the RAN. 30 HMAS TARAKAN. assisting In the Ai/m

14 The Navy. January-March 1998 The Navy. January-March 1998 IB ()!>scrval ions

have to protect themselves from them as if they were the Because of space considerations sailors serving at sea have enemy You will not be able to talk with some of these ships let very little privacy and mutual trust is essential if the ship is to ANZAC in the News alone control them function effectively: thieving has always been regarded by Under the Government's policy towards Australian flag sailors as a major crime and woe betide anyone caught Foreign Fishing Vessels Apprehended shipping I suspect that the Navy would be well advised to think pinching his mates' belongings! The Howard Government has long and hard about procedures to deal with unsafe vessels Naval establishments are manned by a mix of sailors and taken decisive action to protect the operated by unskilled, incompetent crews with little or no civilians, the later predominating in the vast stores. It is a pity THE sovereignty, fish stocks and unique English because these are the only ships likely to be available BULLETIN smeared the uniform people in the way that it did environment of Australia's remote to Australian industry in any sizeable emergency Heard and McDonald Island Mr Bolitho concluded his address by saying it was "folly Navy Briefing Territories in the Southern Ocean. for a island nation to allow the carriage of its commerce and Last August Cabinet directed the defence of its sovereignty to fall totally into the hands of A briefing by Navy in November for the Navy League's to mount an foreigners" and that on a global scale "the ultimate Federal Council was most enlightening for members, including operation against illegal foreign fishing consequences of this FOC phenomenon cannot be foreseen the writer in the sub-Antarctic As a result, the They can however be foreseen with respect to the Australian The event took place prior to the League's annual general Navy apprehended two vessels allegedly flag fleet and its future. Without an immediate change of meeting, held in late 1997 in CANBERRA, and obviously Navy operating illegally in Australia's Exclusive policy and strong Government and public support the industry had gone to a good deal of trouble to bring League members Economic Zone surrounding the Islands. has no future" up to date with the maritime situation The Chief of Navy, The two boats, registered in Belize One has to say the recent transfer of responsibility for HMAS «(I html Island. (Thoto - LS Chresman) VADM Don Chalmers introduced the briefing team, Mr John and Panama, were apprehended on maritimes reform matters from the Department of Transport to 16/17 October Mortimer. CDRE Paul Kable and CAPT Jack McCaffrie ana this operation is Workplace Relations and Small Business supports Mr Bolitho's The Minister for Defence, Mr Ian proof of the provided a comprehensive overview fears for the future of Australian-flag Shipping McLachlan said this operation showed high standards It is not appropriate to offer comment in this column, but that we have the capability and will to of training and fair to say the writer was agreeably surprised to learn the Sailors despise thieves protect Australia's resources and equipment that number of important projects put forward by Defence and national sovereignly even in the most we possess in the approved by the Federal Government Both deserve credit for The BULLETIN recently highlighted an article on remote of our territories Australian striving to maintain the credibility of the ADF, when funds are allegations of theft from naval premises and breaches of Unlike the dozens of foreign fishing Defence Force." limited and defence does not seem to have a high priority in customs regulations It was reported that an inquiry was vessel apprehensions that the Navy has The Minister 0 underway the public's "want list" successfully achieved in Northern for the Environ- Hook Review Australian waters so far this year, the ment, Senator Southern Ocean apprehensions took Robert Hill said " m' Hshln>l r™u'1 SAL\T)RA. (Photo - ARM David Connolly) Navy 1947-1953" place under extremely hazardous Illegal fishing has the capacity to do Berthing 30 minutes before ANZAC "WINGS AND THE NAVY 1947-1953" is still a major new contribution in an area of Australian naval history which should attract more serious conditions. great harm to marine species in the was the other ship of the task group, By Colin Jones "The Naval Task Group was Southern Ocean. It would also threaten study the underway replenishment ship Published by Kangaroo Press operating in the far reaches of the some of the values that have led to our WESTRALIA (commanded by Reviewed by Joe Straczek Southern Ocean in extremely harsh World Heritage nominations for the This is a very timely book coming as it does on the eve of weather conditions with very low Heard and McDonald Islands. Commander Stewart Dietrich. CSM, the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Royal visibility, strong winds and high seas", "The capture of these two vessels is RAN) which provided support, including Australian Navy's Fleet Air Arm Co'in Jones has produced a he added a positive step towards ensuring the four re-fuellings to HMAS ANZAC book which not only succinctly tells the story of the Australia's newest frigate, ANZAC. long-term preservation of the during her time in the Southern Ocean. establishment of the Fleet Air Arm but also that of the men apprehended the vessels, with the RAN environment in the Southern Ocean." who helped create it He tells the story of this fledgling air arm working closely with officers from the "The operation is a warning to The navy worked closely with from birth to its first baptism of fire in Korea Australian Fisheries Management foreign fishing operators: if you fish officers of the AFMA in the From the arrival of SYDNEY, the aircraft carrier was to be Authority (AFMA) in making the illegally in Australian waters, you will be apprehension of the two boats, ALIZA a central and integral part of the navy for over 30 years Being apprehensions. caught." GLACIAL and SALVORA 0 so central to the Navy's force structure and operations, it is Mr McLachlan said, "The success of ANZAC returned to Fremantle with surprising that the topic has not received greater coverage in the apprehended vessels on 28 October, the past The carrier was central to an ambitious naval plan after which the boats and their crews which, like many in the past and future, virtually came to were handed over to civil authorities for • nought The RAN did operate two carriers and two naval air further investigation stations but this was only for a short time Financial realities Heard and McDonald Islands are would soon halve this. located in the Southern Ocean 4,000km Perhaps the one element missing from "Wings and the "Wings and the Navy 1947-1953" provides a good read south-west of Perth This is one and a Navy 1947-1953" half times further than where the Navy is a more detailed examination of the and is an .nvaluable history of a period when graduates of the During the operation HMAS WESTRALIA internal Navy considerations concerning the development of Royal Australian Naval College were starting to shape the successfully rescued around the world conductctl four urulrncay re-fuelllngs of the "Wings and the frigate KIMS ANZAC the post-war force structure Notwithstanding destiny of the RAN in a manner not previously possible yachtsman Tony Bullimore (Photo - ARM David Connolly) iti The Navy. January-March /.'*« The Nary. January-March I'HtH 17 Japanese Navy Pictorial Landing Craft for Royal Brunei Navy

I'holographs by John Mortimer

In late October (25th) the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force conducted a Fleet Review in Transfield Shipbuilding WA The design can readily be adapted logistic roles including emergency Sagami Bay off Tokyo. The review was attended by Prime Minister Hashimoto and the Defence (TSWA) have delivered a pair of 36.5 for a variety of non-military peacetime disaster relief operations 0 Chief, Akio Kyuma from the decks of the flagship, the helicopter destroyer SHIRANE. Forty- metre landing craft for the Royal eight ships and 46 aircraft from the MSDF and Air Self Defence Force participated. Two of the Brunei Navy. new Murasame class were on show, as well as submarines and auxiliaries. Launched on 8 November 1996, KDB SERASA and KDB TERABAN are named after districts within Brunei. Each is 36.5 metres long with an 8 metre beam and with a top speed of 12 knots are manned by a crew of twelve The contract to build the vessels in Western Australia was won against international tenders The landing craft are designed for marine transportation and logistic support duties in coastal waters and to carry a variety of deck loads including battle tanks, artillery pieces and combat troops The vessels The tteo netv Royal Bruiiii Savy landing craft. have the ability to load through their Flagship SI lift WE. with ii lull hud of official quests. main bow door or via two side doors, -••--=- mi-" H-h port and starboard Of all welded mild steel fr construction, built to international j iftj classification society standards, the lujji vessels comply to NATO standards and safety and stability requirements Very comfortable air-conditioned accommodation and recreation facilities are provided for a ship's complement The design also incorporates modern navigation and communication systems. A typical weapon may comprise two 20mm lightweight and two 50 calibre naval gun mounts Each vessel is ftirt side vine of the ilestroyer TACHIK.IZE. IIATAK.XZE with a single live Inch gun ami tut) single I'halan.t CIWS also equipped to transfer fuel, water mounietl aft. and store to smaller combatants at sea

Escort ship MISEOVMO. Like many MSDF ships. MISEGl'MO carries .1 Visitor far the Fleet Rcvletc wais the new Thai carrier. CfbXKRJ the ,\SRO(' anti-submarine launi hir SARI 'RET. (lluxo - Martin Dunn) Handover of the craft from Thinsfield. Bridge deck of KDB SERASA.

The Savy. January-March HKtN The Savy. January-March I9!ttt 17 famous motto Speak softly Electronic Countermeasur? A key feature of the BATAAN All Compass Points and carry a big stick'," said equipment, provide the RSN Barak AMM is that it is fully Secretary Dalton. "this USS MCVs with a comprehensive automated with the fire PASCAGOULA, Miss. CONNECTICUT will patrol the capability to counter control system capable of (NWSA) - The United Tribute to Goose Green Later in the should be delivered to presence, the Seawolf class is world's oceans, preserving airborne threats such as sea- calculating the level of States Navy commissioned SS CANBERRA day casualties from the Indonesia this year also a highly capable shallow its newest amphibious peace and silently protecting skimming missiles and low threats, allocating missile(s) assault were transferred to All five boats will water warfare platform, assault ship, USS UNITED KINGDOM - our precious freedoms." flying aircraft. and launching them SS CANBERRA be modified for tropical setting the standard for CONNECTICUT "BATAAN" (LHD S), on 20 The Royal Navy paid with a The Barak AMM system automatically upon Later, between 27 May operations before beginning submarine technology into tribute to SS "CANBERRA" crew of 14 officers and 120 was acquired by the Navy September in a ceremony and 2 June. SS CANBERRA sen/ice the next century Its inherent acquisition of the target(s) by on her final docking in enlisted personnel, is 353 in 1996, and is currently at Litton's Ingalls was off the coast of South Named KRI Nagarangsang stealth, coupled with state- the ship's radar Southampton in October, feet long, a beam of 40 feet being fitted on board all six Shipbuilding. Pascagoula, Georgia as reinforcements 403. KRI Nagabanda 404, of-the-art sensors and Specifications; at the end of her last and displaces approximately RSN MCVs. Armed with Miss. arrived from the UK The Bramastra advanced combat systems, Weight - 98 kg. KRI 40S. KRI BATAAN cruise. CANBERRA 9,138 tons submerged and eight Harpoon ASMs, six is the fifth of was also to play Cundamani 406. and KRI make it one of the world's Warhead - 22 kg, Length - r 8,060 tons surfaced. It can Whitehead anti-submarine seven Wasp-class amphibious a key role in the transfe of Alugoro 407. the five boats most advanced weapons 2175 mm. Diameter - 170 Five Royal Navy ships operate at depths greater torpedoes and a assault ships authorized by prisoners of war from Port systems and the benchmark mm. Wing span - 685 mm. and two Sea King helicopters will more than treble the size than 800 feet, and its sophisticated Electronic Congress. Her mission will be William to Argentina for underwater excellence Range - 10 km. Velocity - In were on hand as a Royal of Indonesia's two-strong nuclear reactor powers the Warfare suite, the MCV is to serve as a primary landing CONNECTICUT'S flexibility excess of Mach 2. submarine fleet, comprising submarine to speeds in fuily capable of carrying out ship for assaults from the sea and impressive capabilities the larger Type 209 KRI excess of 25 knots when multi-dimensional maritime to defend positions ashore Cakra Nanggala provide the Navy with an 401 and KRI submerged operations to contribute to Super Hornet 1,000th BATAAN undersea weapons platform is the second 402 fulfilling the RSN's missions flight to operate in any scenario U.S. Navy ship to bear this Bu:lt in Kiel, the ex of providing for Singapore's name, and commemorates against any threat - from Anti-Missile Missile PATUXENT RIVER. German vessels were seaward defence and under Arctic ice to shallow Scores Hit the heroic defense of the modernised between 1987 protecting Singapore's Sea Maryland - The F/A-1BC/F water Bataan Peninsula on the Super Hornet flew its and 1992. including new SINGAPORE - The Lines of Communications. western side of Manila Bay in 1,000th flight on 12 control, sensor, navigation, Armed with the battle- Republic of Singapore The Republic of the Philippines by U.S. Navy, September at Naval Air and weapons control systems, proven Tomahawk cruise Navy (RSN) successfully Singapore Navy conducts Marine Corps. Army and Warfare Center Aircraft new periscopes and snorkels missiles. CONNECTICUT can carried out the first firing regular live firing exercises as Filipino forces during the Division, Naval Air Station safely conduct deep strike of its Barak Anti-Missile well as rigorous training early days of World War II Patuxent River, Md. Navy Christens missions while submerged Missile (AMM) during a programmes under realistic The new assault ship will "The Super Hornet is a "CONNECTICUT" far off an enemy's coast live firing exercise conditions to hone be homeported in Norfolk as SS ( ASBERR.\during the Falkland» oim/mfa/n. conducted in the South great airplane - one that will CONNECTICUT also the proficiency and an element of Amphibious GROTON, Conn - The prove its value to naval China Sea on 10 professionalism of its Group TWO The crew Navy carries the Mark 48 Marines band played on Germany and Indonesia September 1997. aviation in the years ahead," advanced capaDility torpedo, personnel as well as to consists of a ships company the quayside during the sign MoU christened its newest Launched from RSS ensure that its equipment is said CAPT Gib Godwin. F/A- of 1.200 and a Marine nuclear-powered the most reliable torpedo in nostalgic docking VALOUR, 18 Program Manager. "But it the world, for use against a Missile Corvette always at the highest state of Detachment of 2.000. The Royal Navy's JAKARTA. Indonesia - submarine "CONNECTICUT" is the people of the Super surface ships and (MCV). the Barak (meaning operational readiness Such In late September, the (SSN 22) during a participation marked the "Lightning") AMM scored a exercises include successful Hornet - government and German and Indonesian submarines With twice as NR-1 Returns important role played by the ceremony Sept. 1 at contractor. F/A-18 program many torpedo tubes and a direct hit against an airborne Harpoon ASM and Mistral CANBERRA Governments signed Electric Boat in Groton. in support of the Surface-to-Air missile firings and entire Naval Aviation 30 percent increase in target simulating a modern GROTON, Conn. - seaborne force sent by a Memorandum of Conn. weapons magazine size Anti-Ship Missile (ASM) both conducted earlier in the year System Team - who have Understanding (MoU) for CONNECTICUT Naval Research Vessel Britain to the South Atlantic is the contributed so much to compared to the Los in terms of size and speed. Barak Anti-Missile the sale of five German Seawolf (MR) 1. the United States in 1982 to liberate the second ship of the Angeles The fully automated Barak make the F/A-18E/F a Type 206 submarines to class submarines. Missile System Navy's smallest and only Falkland islands 846 Naval class, the most capable CONNECTICUT AMM fire control system on success. The credit for this Indonesia. is eminently The Barak (Lightning) research submarine, Air Squadron, which sent the attack submarine ever built. capable of establishing and board RSS Valour was able to Anti-Missile Missile (AMM) achievement is all theirs." The accord will provide returned to her home at Sea Kings, has a direct With mission and growth detect and track the target maintaining battle space point defence system is Nearly two years into the Naval Submarine Base connection with SS for a rapid handover, with capability far beyond dominance. and launch the Barak missile, designed to protect ships the three-year flight test, CANBERRA the Indonesian Navy Chief of Groton, Conn, on 20 when aircraft previous submarines, the intercepting the target at against airborne threats. The program development of the September. were embarked in May 1982 Staff Admiral Arief design uniquely supports This is the fifth naval a range of about six system consists of a vertical Super Hornet is on schedule Kushariadi travelling to vessel to be named During a five-month after the cruise ship's missions such as surveillance, kilometres. launch unit housing eight and on budget with the Germany to take possession CONNECTICUT. deployment to the conversion to a troop carrier. intelligence collection, The last was a missiles per launcher, and a aircraft still well under of the boats on 23 battleship which served as The successful firing Mediterranean Sea, NR-1 It was at dawn on the special warfare, covert cruise fire control system that can September. The first two flagship for President demonstrated the specified weight. and a research team from 21 May. 1982 when SS missile strike, mine warfare, effectiveness of the Barak be integrated with the ship* This month, prime CANBERRA submarines were scheduled Theodore Roosevelt's Great the National Geographic entered Falkland anti-submarine and anti- existing warfare suite. The to arrive in Indonesia last White Fleet AMM point defence system. • contractor Boeing begins Society discovered a large Sound and her aircraft were surface ship warfare. RSN Missile Corvettes are in November or December. The The Barak missile, together initial production of Super concentration of ancient involved in the support of In addition to its "Just as that ship the process of being fitted remaining three submarines with the MCV* 76mm Oto Hornets for fleet troop landings at Darwin and shipwrecks while exploring off formidable open-ocean- epitomized Roosevelt's Melara Super Rapid gun and with two launchers replacement squadrons the northwest coast of Sicily. iti The Navy. January-March /.'*« The Nary. January-March I'HtH Ml ( onipass I'oiiils Ml ( ompiiss Points

The Egyptian government Project 15 Commissioned For anti-submarine launched from the MK 29. The discovery was a A Smart Ship reduced life cycle costs and bridge functions, saving the Navy money is acquiring the advanced duties. her armament MK 41, and MK 48 major breakthrough in mar ne and enhanced safety launching systems. WASHINGTON (NNS) - improvements for Sailors. "A one time investment maritime helicopters through INDIA - The Indian consists of two RBU-6000 archaeology. Eight sailing The USN announced on Secretary of the Navy Some of the experiments of up to $8 million per vessel the US Navy as a foreign Prime Minister I. K. Gujral rocket launchers (fitted just ships, spread over 20 square 12 August that the carrier John H. Dalton gave involve decreasing the crew on the four internal systems Military Sale Value of the formally commissioned forward of the bridge) and a miles, were lying 2,300 feet KITTY HAWK (CV 63) would "Smart Ship" a grade of a normal Ticonderoga could save maybe S75 contract to Kaman the Indian Navy's new quintuple 533 mm torpedo replace the INDEPENDENCE beneath the surface of the of excellent during a class cruiser from 350 to 306 million, equating to $2 5 Aerospace is more than S150 indigenously built launcher amidships. Russian- (CV 62) as the Japan-based Mediterranean The oldest September visit to the and spending less time on million a year over each million for aircraft and destroyer INS "DELHI" at supplied PK-2 decoy launchers forward-deployed carrier, ship, dating from about 100 cruiser USS "YORKTOWN" ship's roughly 30 - year life," support Bombay on 25 September. are fitted on either beam maintenance and repairs KITTY HAWK is scheduled to (CG 48). the platform said RADM Daniel Murphy, Charles H Kaman, "DELHI" is the first of The destroyer's hanger BC, is one of the earliest This is done by using a touch- depart her current homeport chosen to test 3nd chairman and chief executive three Project 15 ships. The and flight deck facilities sited Roman shipwrecks ever screen console running off- Director, Surface Warfare of on 15 July evaluate new ideas and the-shelf technology like Chief of Naval Operations officer of Kaman Corp., said, other two. "MYSORE" and aft, provide for the operation discovered 1998, to arrive in Yokosuka. "BOMBAY", are currently technologies. Microsoft Windows NT on a ADM Jay I Johnson calls the "This is a milestone event for and support of two GKN Japan during August 1998 Three of the ships were Secretary Dalton toured fiber optic local area network Smart Ship "the first step the SH-2G and we look fitting out and will be Westland Sea King Mk 42B Carrier Air Wing 5 (CVW-5), of relatively modern origin, YORKTOWN anchored off The test also eliminated 10 down the path" of a more forward to have Egypt as the delivered in 1998 and helicopters Both A/244S currently assigned to the including two from the 19th Annapolis, Md, and spoke people from the normal 13 efficient Navy lead international customer 1999 respectively. lightweight torpedoes and INDEPENDENCE, will transfer KITTY HAWK century and an Islamic ship with all hands "I want to on bridge watch This allows for the SH-2G and we look to the forward to supporting this INDEPENDENCE will return to from the 18th century. stress to you that I recognize the crew to focus on the task what is truly smart about the at hand - warfighting aircraft for the life of the the United States for NR-1 also assisted the Smart Ship program It is our program." decommissioning Israeli navy in searching for "Because of your efforts Kaman Aerospace will smart Sailors'," he said and innovation, we will MISSOURI (BB 63) is the submarine INS DAKAR "Most importantly. Smart continue deliveries of the scheduled to be towed from begin to implement Smart First International The ex-British World War II- Ship is about working aircraft at the rate of one a Bremerton, Washington, to Ship concepts in the fleet as Super Seasprite era diesel submarine sank in month through July 1998 smarter, not harder" soon as possible," said the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, during The first three aircraft will be INS DELHI t sea trials. April 1998 Following a the Mediterranean Sea on The Smart Ship allows Secretary BLOOMFIELD, DAKAR sent initially to the Pensacola Each Project 15 ship is a Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles three-week tow, current 25 January 1968 Sailors to test ways to The Navy intends to Connecticut - In mid Naval Air Station in Florida multi-role destroyer with are carried plans are to berth her initially was on its maiden voyage increase their readiness by incorporate the ideas and October Kaman for use in flight training of additional flag facilities for The sleek looking DELHI at Ford Island's Pier F-5, then with the Israeli Navy when freeing them from daily technologies from Smart Aerospace Corp. rolled Egyptian pilots In-county task group command move her to Pier F-3 after repetitive tasks. Workload has a complement of 40 she went down with all 69 Ship into all 27 of its out the first of 10 SH- that site is developed as her deliveries of the aircraft are Displacing 6,300 tonnes, officers and 320 ratings and manpower requirements Ticonderoga class cruisers 2G(E) Super Seasprite crew members aboard DELHI adopts a CODAG permanent location It is Arleigh Burke scheduled to begin in April are reduced while combat and 25 class helicopters for delivery to hoped to have the ship ready NR-1 searched in several 1998 machinery arrangement with readiness and quality of life destroyers, starting with the Arab Republic of American Bits and Pieces for visitors in her temporary Other international two AM-50 gas turbines and locations in international are greatly enhanced DDG 83 Egypt, the first location by January 1999 customers for the SH-2G two KVM-18 diesels Her The United States has waters requested by the YORKTOWN was These ideas bring international customer for The permanent location is to include Australian and New maximum speed is 32 knots become the first of 13 Israeli Navy, but the submarine converted to create a teslbed automation to maintenance, the aircraft. be ready during 2001 Zealand, which signed Laid down in 1987 and nations to sign an still was not located for increased readiness. engineering, damage control. agreement for future contracts in June for a total launched in February 1991, The decommissioned tank DELHI'S production of the Evolved landing ship SCHENECTADY of 15 aircraft and support completion was a Sea Sparrow Missile (LST 1185) has been valued at $785 million protracted affair, caused by (ESSM) on 10 August. authorized for transfer to Deliveries of 11 aircraft delays in the supply of Russian- ESSM will be an Thailand, while her sistership, ordered by Australia wil! manufactured equipment. improvement on the BARBOUR COUNTY (LST begin in the year 2001 DELHI'S principal weapon current RIM - 7P Sea 1195), will be transferred Deliveries of New Zealand's suite comprises a single AK- Sparrow surface-to-air to Malaysia (previously four SH-2Gs will begin in the 100 100mm gun forward, point defense missile; it approved for Venezuela and year 2000 16 Zvezda Kh-35 Uran will be capable of being subsequently cancelled). • The SH-2G is the most (NATO SS-N-25 'Switchblade') recent helicopter to surface-to-surface guided complete US Navy weapons (in four quad Operational Evaluation and launchers), two single-arm is currently in service with launchers (each with a 24- the US Naval Reserves round magazine) for the performing long-range Altair Shtil medium range surveillance, anti-surface area air defence missile warfare, anti-submarine- system (NATO SA-N-7 warfare, mine warfare 'Gadfly') and four AK-630M countermeasures, search and close-in weapon systems The new Egyptian Nary SII-HG(E) Super Seasprite helicopter. rescue, and utility service (two on either beam) rss Misstnni (I'hoto - Kimuin)

The Sary. January-March l!H*N The .Sary. January-March I'lfUi Nev\ Ship but Old Memories New Ship but Old Memories

(iraham I kins

When, after a multi-million dollar a Royal Artillery officer made an aerial the eastern side of Fly Point and the renovation. HMAS MANOORA. slides survey of the east coast to find a RAN's training school to go on its back into the Hunter River at Newcastle, location for a training base Port western side she will carry on her funnel the Stephens was selected At the end of a The mission of JOOTS was to Combined Operations Crest a naval peninsula, with only one access road, it conduct 20 day courses in combined anchor crossed by a sub machine gun was an easy spot with which to maintain operations for officers of both nations and surmounted by an eagle in flight security At the time there were only 420 HMAS ASSAULT under the For those watching ihe ship's return people of whom only two were aliens command of CMDR Cook in HMAS to the water there will be a wave of CMDR Cook was authorised to buy WESTRALIA was officially commissioned memories, memories which will take a square kilometre of land at Nelsons on September 1 with an initial intake of them back 50 years, to Australia's "first" Bay's Fly Point on which to build 24 officers and 280 sailors The mission HMAS MANOORA and to HMAS an Amphibious Warfare Training of the base was to instruct officers and ASSAULT a naval/military training Establishment The armed merchant sailors to man and maintain assault establishment which operated during cruiser HMAS WESTRALIA which had landing craft and to form Beachmaster World War II at nearby Port Stephens been earmarked for conversion to an teams The crest is the legacy of HMAS amphibious operations role as a Landing The task of the teams was to land ASSAULT, the ships assigned to it and Ship Infantry (LSI) was sent to the port with the first wave of assaulting troops, those who trained there arriving on September 1, 1942 She was check the beach and mark the area with Today there is little left of HMAS accompanied by HMAS PING WO. an ex- flags for following waves of incoming ASSAULT apart from its sick bay which is Chinese river steamer to act as tender craft, troops and materials an arts centre, its sport field which is In addition 12 launches were The teams also trained to maintain ship to shore communications. One of now Oval and the Little commandeered as instructional craft HMAS riSO UT). Beach slipway which is heavily used by while 24 assault landing craft were built the officers at ASSAULT in 1942 was commercial boat operators and even the Funds were also allocated to build a LEUT VAT Smith a Fleet Air Arm The Naval Board (AUS) countered Stephens. Meanwhile LSI's HMA ships 1944 ail training stopped with an officer MANOORA. WESTRALIA Army landing craft pound, wharves and a observer who was to become Admiral by saying Port Stephens was ideal The and and 24 sailors held to carry out care and workshop At the same time the Army Sir Victor Smith, Chief of Naval Staff and Australians won the argument and the KANIMBLA had been assigned to The Port Stephens Lighthouse, now maintenance. commandeered the Shoal Bay Country then Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff base remained Admiral Barbey's amphibious force. under the control of the Royal Volunteer In April of 1945 it was handed to Club for its headquarters for soldiers The new establishment had only In January 1943 the first of the Coastal Patrol has a room set aside as a In the eight months till October the to be used by them undergoing the amphibious training been operating a few weeks when museum to HMAS ASSAULT The patrol three Australian merchant cruisers 1943 the Port Stephens training area for amphibious training. MacArthur told the Australian through its Chief of Staff. John General MacArthur directed the selected for conversion to LSI's . HMAS was to see 22,000 soldiers and marines What remains of the base today? establishment of a "Joint Overseas Government he thought training should MANOORA. arrived At 11,000 tons and Mclnerney and his volunteers from Port training in ship to shore warfare. HMAS The site of the main hutted camp at Operations Training School" (JOOTS) on be conducted in Queensland a draft of 7 3 metres she is believed to ASSAULT had by then trained 100 RAN Stephens have provided some details Fly Point is now a grassy, tree studded have been the largest vessel to have officers. 100 landing craft coxswains. about the vital base public reserve with just a few scattered anchored in Port Stephens 453 landing craft crewmen. 250 stokers. They come as MANOORA and sister concrete foundations. A covered stage At this time there was an odd 120 beach commandos ( beachmasters) ship KAN 1MB LA near completion in has been built in the park as a memorial situation with hMAS ASSAULT teaching and 40 signalmen. In that month Newcastle during 1998/99 to those who served at ASSAULT and British/Australian amphibious doctrine Admiral Barbey closed down the In mid 1942 following the aboard MANOORA. WESTRALIA and on one side of Fly Point while on the training centre and ordered that future successful naval battle in the Coral Sea KANIMBLA when allied forces had halted the other side at JOOTS. US procedures training be done in Queensland. The US has built a memorial at Little southward push of the Japanese. were being taught. In February of 1943 The three Australian LSI's sailed Beach to the 20,000 who trained in the General MacArthur decided an those of the SW Pacific Command HQ together on October 11 area while at Salamander Bay three roads amphibious warfare strategy for changed their mind regarding the role HMAS ASSAULT remained in have been named after the three LSI*. Australian and US forces to go oh the of Port Stephens and closed down commission for another ten months, her offensive against the Japanese and JOOTS. In its place came an amphibious landing craft providing training for But according to John Mclnerney," ASSAULT regain the territories they had occupied training centre under the command of sailors and a holding depot for the best legacy of HMAS is her First move was to get amphibious CAPT K J. Christopher USN operations trained personnel. By this Combined Operations Crest - a naval ships and support craft with trained The new set up was to comprise time it had also acquired a small fleet of anchor crossed by a sub-machine gun crews and then train troops from the US HMAS ASSAULT, a facility to train troops its own, HMA ships PING WO and GUM and surmounted by an eagle in flight, all and Australia on how to strike from the in landings and a USN Landing Force LEAF (commandeered trawler), two in red on a royal blue background - sea Equipment Depot. The depot was to auxiliary patrol boats FLYING CLOUD which continues to be displayed as the In June 1942 Commander F N. amass 94 USN landing craft to be used and KWEENA, nine locally built landing funnel badge of the RAN's amphibious Cook DSC RAN with a Royal Marine and HMAS MA\(X>RA (II) (ItuMn - . WW A .\ldwnrth) in training across the beaches of Port craft and 19 built in the US. In August of ships and craft of the 1990 s" •

24 The .Vary. January-SUirvh l'&ft The .Vary. January-Mnrrh HUtH "The NAVY" Revisited

1998. The Navy celebrateps -I'iss 60th year cf publication In this issue we featurfeatui e the last of the earlier V R.) i* engaged u«i the * il is. n this issue some ol the more interesting pages from the month of February 1948 Uo • , guelen. tVrc V> cjtaNuh a fu I • dump The landing on Heard 1 UnJ was made on ?fah »ccmbci when the AuMralun Has waa raw ed a«l*»r The Mimater for Ex tcnial Atfjm (Or Evatt) an nounced a few Jay» later thai * equipment nut whore from LST ' 5501 included a V) tun. of I toiler •uvea, and more than • -• 200 drum* of ad, whkh vrrr H

U*diaq Sklpi lafaatry KM. A S K.mmbU (Captain A P. Couun, D.SO, R A N R (S ) ) »prnt Deoanbtr and Janit ary m Sydney for leave and refii after carrying e* intcrnert and da placed pertuni between tfcttwuim and Frrtiuntle She a now the


The Sary. January-March I Magic Lantern Slides 1895 ? WHAT IS A . . . WRITER ?

This set of facsimiles from original Magic Lantern Slides are taken from a series comprising a lecture about the Royal Navy, The 'Wluu is a ... ' navii in-ople series was orit/iiuilli/ written in the hue lH5()s. The sel of cit/hl will he dated 189S The editor wishes to thank The Tree Factory of 136 Railway Parade. West Leederville. WA. 6007, for permission to re-prtKhieetl in 'The .Yun/' tlurinti 1!W7-!)H. reproduce the vintage images A Writer is not. as the name implies, is created by the duty writer each CAPTAIN'S OFFICE The mam duty a writer, but is a person who sits all day morning He attends the office early and of this type of Writer is to see that the typing and making lots of work out of carefully places folders, pencils, sheets notation of swimming test passes is not pieces of paper A Writer can sit in one of paper, rulers, rubbers and payment recorded on the sailors service of three places - Pay Office, Accounts queries in position When the rest of the certificate A lesser duty (but still very Office, or Captain's Office Some Writers staff arrive, they are busy straight away important) is the duty of are even capable of sitting in all three - clearing it all away again confusionalisation All the Writer does (though not at the one time) but these The bible of the Pay Office Writer in answer to questions regarding species are rare - they invariably stick to is the pocket size ready reckoner This advancement, removal requests, etc , is the one is used to calculate pocket size to quote Australian Navy Order PAY OFFICE In this section the payments numbers, correspondence file numbers. Writer is trained to create payment ACCOUNTS OFFICE This type of Advancement Regulation article queries, the answering of which keeps Writer is a lonely type He is chosen for numbers, etc , with such rapidity that him busy for 13 days Much time s his ability to remain seated for long the listener leaves the office confused spent by the Writer in this section in periods m an air-conditioned office with NOTE BENE Writers are assured / 'mlenray. a (Juartermastrr pmeUles a keeping stationary Pay Office Writers one or two Supply Officers Apart from that no slight is offered on this page *Uiuly hiintl on the irheel. The net > Able have an air about them - generally this duty, the Account's Office Writer in men kepi in liHegniphic communicaiUir No-one works better No-one work«i iriih the em/me num. with the IHheer ol conditioned keeps the travelling expense records the Winch, keeping ihe ship on station. A favourite expression used by the travelling Because of this continual longer No-one works holder than a Murine Huylcr in liuulliu/ kit. Pay Office Writer is "come back travelling (from office to office, for Writer tomorrow, we're putting up pay", when signature and checking, and back again (Well, it must be remembered that m actual fact, they are creating still more for more signatures and more checking) Writers do carry out the duty of posting, payment queries. this type of Writer's favourite expression so a good word must appear Careful training in the Supply is "come back three months from somewhere Perish the thought of School enables this type of Writer to tomorrow, your expenses haven't another 12 months in MELBOURNE") appear busy at all times This impression travelled far enough as yet" a

the lecture. 'leaning the small arms anil cutlasses.

H.MS EMPRESS OF INDIA. Members ««/ the Sural Rrigtule about to embark in their ships, lying a anchor in the (Wund Harbour. Malta.

HMA Shl|»s and early I9BO» The Sapy. January-March HHM TORRUK BATAAX, The Savy. January-March IMS Hitler's U-Boat War approach. Wynn's book is a history of individual boats Each Although these volumes are not provided with an index, "BUILDING AND DETAILING SCALE MODEL - Volume 1: The Hunters 1939-1942 boat from U1 to U510 is listed. The entries consist of basic they do have a comprehensive table of contents which lists SNIPS" each individual document. The documents themselves are dates for the U-Boat. builder, laid down, commissioning, etc. The Complete Guide to Building, Detailing, arranged in chronological sequence. By Clay Blair Which flotillas the boat served in. who commanded it and how Scratchbuilding and Modifying Scale Model Ships Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson many patrols it made A short narrative is then provided giving All-in-all the reprinting of these volumes make available, By Mike Ashey an invaluable history resource, a resource for which many will details on the various patrols In the case of many of the Reviewed by Vic Jeffery U-Boats the final entry is "There were no survivors, 54 dead" be grateful. U-Boat Operations of the The research and effort that has gone into producing I think most of us have tried our hands at building model Second World War U-Boat Operations of the Second World War is surely ships somewhere along the line and I often wondered how - Volume 1: Career Histories, U1-U510 commendable and will ensure that this book becomes an TAKEN BY STORM" some people seemed to have that innovative ability to create indispensable reference for any naval library. The true story of HMAS MANOORA's experiences in the superbly lifelike models out of a model kit. By Kenneth Wynn If a criticism can be leveled at the book it is in two minor South West Pacific This 112 page softcover book is possibly the most Published by: Chatham Publishing areas. First is the lack of any photographs or illustrations, apart comprehensive book on building and detailing scale model Reviewed by Joe Straczek By Mervyn Eather and Bill Galmes from maps at the back. The second concerns the lack of ships ever written. It documents with step-by-step, both in text Both of these books essentially deal with the same subject Published by Port Phillip Press technical description, and again illustrations, of the various and in hundreds of close-up photographs, how to turn an but tackle it from different perspectives The Second World Reviewed by Greg Swinden U-Boat types. Though it must be said that this is readily average ship model kit into a highly detailed masterpiece. War saw the greatest undersea battle ever All the major available elsewhere and does not detract from the overall There are hundreds of simple techniques that will teach belligerents deployed submarine forces against their Several years ago I wrote that ship history's had a tendency quality of the work. you how to assemble and add detail to ship hulls, decks and opponents The submarine forces of the German and to be either well done or poorly done and there was very little Both Clay Blair's Hitler's U-Boat War - Volume 1 The superstructures, add real chains, and bore out kit-supplied gun American navies were probably the most successful of those middle ground. This is an example of a well written and Hunters 1939-1942 and Kenneth Wynn's U-Boat Operations barrels. It also shows you how to scratchbuild guns, masts, engaged in the war. Remarkably there are also a number of interesting ship history. of the Second World War are highly recommended and do in propeller shafts, superstructure parts and railings; how to similarities between the earlier operational experience of these Mervyn Eather and Bill Galmes both served in HMAS fact complement each other to the extent that the purchase of display models, create water dioramas, the list goes on ... submarine forces, but more on that later MANOORA. Mervyn was an RANR Signalman and Bill an AIF both would be fully justified and provide many hours of Amongst the 238 photographs included are 28 in colour, The war against the U-Boats was. for the Allies, the crucial Sapper (part of the ship's Dock Operating Company). Together interesting and informative reading. including views of the superb models of the battleship USS they have produced a highly readable and interesting history of battle of the war. Defeat of the U-Boats did not guarantee ARIZONA MANOORA's and the German submarine U-505. victory but it did ensure that the Allies, and in particular Britain, time as a Landing Ship Infantry (LSI) in the Pacific Published by Airlife Publishing Ltd. Shrewsbury, England, would not be defeated Clay Blair in his book. Hitler's U-Boat Theatre. The story of the ship is uniquely told by a central this commendable book is distributed in Australia by Peribo War - Volume 1: The Hunters 1939-1942 covers the first part fictional figure, one Ordinary Seaman 'Shorty' Blake, whereas THE DESPATCHES AND LETTERS OF Pty. Ltd.. 58 Beaumont Road. Mount Kuring-Gai. NSW. of this important battle He recounts how the U-Boat arm was all other characters mentioned were actual members of the LORD NELSON VOLS. 1 AND 2 Retailing at S39.95. it is a must for model builders, old established and operated ships company. and new. Of the many interesting points to come out of this book is Edited by N. Nicholas The ship's history starts with 'Shorty' Blake joining MANOORA the lack of submarine numbers, and the technical problems Published by: Chatham Publishing and then follows their fortunes, and misfortunes, faced, in the early stages of the war. Like the United States in Reviewed by Joe Straczek through eight amphibious landings from Tanahmerah Bay "THE GERMAN NAVY 1939-1945" the Pacific, the Germans had major problems with their During the 1840s Sir Nicholas Nicholas, a retired naval (Dutch New Guinea) in April 1944 to Balikpapan (Borneo) in MANOORA's torpedoes. Part of the solution to the problem came from the officer, commenced to gather together the despatches and July 1945. last three assault landings were in By Cajus Bekker capture of a British submarine and her torpedoes. These letters of England's greatest sea captain. Vice-Admiral Viscount Borneo where she landed AIF troops at Tarakan Island in May, Published by Chancellor Press problems were offset, however, thanks to the British Lord Horatio Nelson. These documents were published Labuan Island in June and Balikpapan in July. When not Reviewed by Joe Straczek concentration on the 'battle line' which helped result in too between 1844 and 1847 and ran to seven volumes. employed as an LSI she was used as a troopship conveying "The German Navy 1939-1945" is not the most Australian and American reinforcements to Dutch New few escorts available to marshal the merchant ships and hunt To the delight of this reviewer and I am sure to any naval authoritative book published on the German Navy of the Guinea, the Philippines and Borneo. the U-Boats Despite the small numbers available, the Germans historian interested in the Nelsonian period. Chatham Second World War. nor does it pretend to be What the book "Taken By Storm" were able to cause substantial damage to the British merchant Publishing has commenced to re-print this invaluable reference is well set out. lavishly illustrated and is. is a concise and very informative book which includes a brief marine This situation did not change until the arrival of work. contains a number of appendices detailing those who served history of the German Navy and its war at sea. Of particular MANOORA additional escorts, new technologies and new tactics. The From these documents researchers and historians alike can in details of assault landings, honours and awards, interest are the author's comments concerning the culmination of these factors and the increasing number of obtain an insight not just into the man that was Nelson but and other snippets of information about the ship and those shortcomings of various German warships. submarine losses turned the hunters into the hunted. also the times and the society that he lived in. The very who served in her. One appendix describes in detail As a former member of the German Navy, the author MANOORA's only casualty of the war. the unfortunate Sick Clay Blair's 800 page study on this first half of the U-Boat thoughts and actions of Nelson jump from the pages of these writes with the authority of a person who witnessed the events Berth Attendant Alec Hill, who went for a joy ride in a RAAF war is prepared with the authority of an individual with books as do his hopes and fears. These documents represent a he describes. Beaufighter involved in an attack on Japanese positions on mastery of his subject One of his earlier books was "Silent living history and are an important research tool. The reprinting The publication is profusely illustrated with photographs Celebes (Netherlands East Indies) in February 1945. The Victory", which detailed the United States Navy's submarine of these volumes make them more readily accessible to a wider covering almost every aspect of the German Navy^ war. Beaufighter was shot down and Hill became a Prisoner of War. campaign against Japan in the Pacific. Though written a audience than was previously the case. Unfortunately many of .the photographs were reproduced too He was executed by the Japanese in June 1945. number of years ago it is still the classic book on the subject. Volume 1 covers the period from the American Revolution dark to be able to see any details. The photographs alone "Taken by Storm Hitler's U-Boat War is destined to follow as being the classic to the Siege of Calvi. where Nelson lost the sight of his right " is an A4 size paperback of 252 pages provide the reader with a clear understanding of the naval war reference on the battle against the U-Boats. It is easy to read, eye in July 1794. Included in this period is Nelson's first available for $30 (including postage) from the HMAS in the North Atlantic and Arctic; fog. ice, sleet and generally MANOORA packed with information and detail. meeting with Emma Hamilton. The second volume, covers the Association (c/o 21 Royalty Ave Highett VIC 3190 rough seas. or J. Wilson 146 Bay Road Sandringham VIC 3191). The German Navy 1939-1945' Kenneth Wynn's book U-Boat Operations of the Second Battle of St Vincent through to the attack on Tenerife. This is an excellent book and World War - Volume 1: Career Histories. U1 - U510. though volume is supplemented by a number of documents which A recommended purchase for Naval historians and those provides an insight into the history of the German Navy during MANOORA. on the surface dealing with the same subject, takes a different were omitted from the first volume in its original printing. with an interest in HMAS its six years of conflict at sea.

The Xary. Junmuu-Miirch HMM The Soph- •Itinuary Shtrch HKtH Army Moves North N


S (hi 11 Wm-mhtr. swi laiullru/ cru/i (LCMfts) I rum the Win iltrich I nisei I •in lUiicr Trims/nm Squailn m salleil /mm their hi nm • hist <•! tin hist V> years. This I07& rlrwaf the Wmihrlrh lin k, itrpieis .Inni; Meillum ItiiuUiui Shti*. smtilUr LCMHsaiut the can/it ship .It HIS M(l\.\SII (11i.X" Hiiss CnlUtt)

Uiiicr Irrrl rune at (hi-

Departing fur thr final time. LCMHs 10KB. 10t>7. HXW. HlfH). 'The IaixI Famn-ir. (ItuHn - Hrtan Morrison) I (Mil aril WHO sail far Wruri. im II Xnrrmbrr. 1007. (Ifuttn - Ithan Morrison)

The Xapy. January-March Hits Egyptian Navy SII-U

ISSN 1352-1.531 miiaittiiiiiiiiK 01

9*771 JZZ^ZJOOO' The Navy League of Australia


The Navy League was established in Australia in 1901. initially in the form of small branches of the United Kingdom Navy League (established in 1897) and since 1950 as an autonomous national body headed by a Federal Council consisting of a Federal President and representatives of the six States, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory

The Navy League of Australia is now one of a number of independent Navy Leagues formed in countries of the free world to influence public thinking on maritime matters and create interest in the sea

The Navy League of Australia cordially invites you to join us in what we believe to be an important national task y MEMBERSHIP JOINING THE LEAGUE Any person with an interest in mantime affairs, or who wishes to acquire an interest To become a Member of The League, simply complete the Application Form below, in. or knowledge of. maritime affairs and who wishes to support the objectives of the and post it. together with your first annual subscription of $22 (which includes the League, is invited to join four quarterly editions of The Nauy). to the Hon Secretary ol the Division of the Navy League in the State in which you reside, the address of which are as follows OBJECTIVES NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION: GPO BOX 1719, Sydney, NSW 2001. The principal objective of the Navy League of Australia is "The maintenance of I hie VICTORIAN DIVISION: PO Box 1303. Box Hill Delivery Centra, Vic 3128. maritime well-being of the Nation'' by QUEENSLAND DIVISION: CI- PO Box 170, Cleveland, Old 4163. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION: GPO Box 1529, Adelaide, SA 5001. • Keeping before the Australian people the fact that we arc a maritime nation and TASMANIAN DIVISION: C/- 42 Army Road, Launceaton, Taa 7250. WEST AUSTRALIAN DIVISION: 23 Lawtor Road. Attadale. WA 6156. that a strong Navy and a sound mantime industry are indispensable elements of our CI- national well-being and vital to the freedom of Australia It you live in the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory, pleaae post the form to the Hon Secretary of the New South Walea or South Auatrallan Division • Promoting defence self reliance by actively supporting manufacturing, shipping and reaped Ively. transport industnes Subscriptions are due on 1 July in each year, and your membership will be current to 30 June immediately following the date on which you join the League, except that if your • Promoting, sponsoring and encouraging the interest of Australian youth in the sea firat subscription is received during the period 1 April to 30 June In any year, your Initial and sea-services, and supporting practical sea-training measures membership will be extended to 30 June In the following year.

• Co operating with other Navy Leagues and sponsoring the exchange of cadets for training purposes THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Application for Membership ACTIVITIES The Navy League of Australia works towards its objectives in a number of ways To The Hon Secretary The Naw League of Australia • By including in its membership leading representatives of the many elements which form the maritime community Division

• Through soundly-based contributions by members to journals and newspapers, and Sir or Madam other media comment I wish to (om the Navy League of Australia, the objectives of which I support, and I enclose a remittance for $22 being my first annual subscription to 30 June next • By supporting the Naval Reserve Cadets, and assisting in the provision of training

facilities Name (Mr) • By encouraging and supporting visits by recognised world figures such as former (Mrs) United States Chiefs of Naval Operations and Britain's First Sea Lords (Ms) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY (Rank) • By publishing The Navy, a quarterly journal reporting on local and overseas mantime happenings past, present and projected Street Suburb

State Postcode • By maintaining contact with serving naval personnel through activities arranged dunng visits to Australian ports of ships of the Royal Australian arid Allied Navies Signature Dale

• By organising symposia, ship visits and various other functions of maritime interest Subscriptions ere do* on 1 July In iKh year and your membership will be current to 30 June throughout the year Immediately following the data on which you |oln the League, except thst If your first subscription Is received during the period 1 April to 30 June In sny yesr, your Inltlst membership will be extended to M June in the following year Member participation is encouraged in all these activities I I JOIN THE NAVAL RESERVE CADETS

If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 year*: Hi* Naval Reserve Cadets provide lot the spiritual. social and cducabonal well are of boys and girls and help to develop Ibem in character, a sense ol patriotism, sell-reliance. uttfenship and discipline Uniforms are supplied Iree ol charge Cadets are required to produce a certificate from their doctor to confirm they are capable of carrying out the normal duties and activities of the Cadet Corps If iniured while on duty. Cadets ate considered for payment of compensation Parades are normally held during a weekend day or on Friday evening The interesting syllabus of training covers a wide sphere and includes seamanship, handling of boats under sail and power navigation physical training rifle shooting signalling, splicing of ropes, general sporting activities and other varied subjects Instructional camps are arranged for Cadets and they are also given opportunities, whenever possible, to undertake training at sea in ships of the Royal , if ccrsidertng a sea career, are given every assistance to join the Royal Australian Navy or Mercantile Marine but there is no compulsion to >o»n these Services

For further information, plea** contact the Senior Officer in your Stata. u*lng the addrea*** provided below NEW SOUTH WALES Cadet Liaison Offlcar. HMAS Watson. Watsons Bay NSW 2030 Telephone (02) 9337 0640 QUEENSLAND Senior Offlcar NRC, Naval Support Offlca. Bulimba Barracks, PO Box S44 Bulimba OLD 4171. Telephone: (07) 321S 3512 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Cadat Liaison Officer. HMAS Stirling. PO Box 22«. Rockingham WA tIM Telephone (OS) 9550 0444 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Cadat Liaiaon Officer. Naval Support Office. Keswick Barracks. Aruac Highway. Keswick SA 5035 Telephone (04) 4305 4704. VICTORIA: Csdet Liaison Officer. Naval Boatshed. Nelson Place. Wllllamstown VIC 3014. Telephone (03) 9399 9924 TASMANIA Cadet Liaison Officer. Naval Support Office. Anglesea Barracks. Locked Bag 3. Hobart TAS 7001 Telephone (03) 4237 7240 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Commanding Officer. TS Canberra. HMAS Hsrman. Canberra ACT 2400. Telephone: (02) 4240 2742 NORTHERN TERRITORY Cadat Liaison Officer. HMAS Coonawarra. PMB 11. Wtnneille NT 0421. Telephone (04) 4940 4444.

THE NAVY All enquiries regarding the Navy Magazine, subscriptions and editorial matters should be sent to The Hon. Secretary. NSW Division NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA GPO Box 1719, Sydney NSW 2001 APRIL-JUNE 1998 VOLUME 60 NO.2 $3.50 THE NAVY THE NAVY VIEWPOINT Maritime Strategy Conference at the Lakeside Hotel in Canberra over 18-19 May. The aim of the conference will be to The second edition of The Navy in 1998 highlight the greatest challenge facing examines two major topics, the Royal mankind, the management of the oceans Malaysian Navy in the 1990s and in a semi- and its resources. For further details naval area, the fleet of vessels operated by readers should contact the Maritime the Royal Australian Air Force from the Studies Program on 02 6266 6116 or by early 1920s until 1993 fax on 02 6266 6754 Many readers will be unaware of the Later, during August, 1998. at the Naval Air The Asian Financial Crisis and Defence existence of the RAAF's Navy'. Over Station. HMAS ALBATROSS will host the The Royal Malaysian Navy 1,300 vessels of different types and sizes major 50th Anniversary Air Day. with flew the RAAF Ensign, the majority during | dozens of aircraft and helicopters The Future New Zealand Navy the Second World War in support of flying expected on show. The era of naval Australia's Strategic Policy boat and seaplane operations in aviation on public disptayjwll span the five Australian. New Guinea and South East The RAAF s Fleet decades, witlv^ni Asian areas. and static disptqt?.-* New Navy Fire Safety Device Back to current events, sections of the TOWNSVIliE in the News recent New Zealand Defence Report are What is a SBA > reproduced in this edition, with emphasis Ross Gillett on the Royal New Zealand Navy and maritime assets of the RNZAF. This edition also presents an overview of the RAN's new Penguin anti-ship missile. The opinions or asservoHf txprtued tti Tfe Navy are those of the authors and are notfttti^urS those of the REGUU^EATURES Upcoming Naval events for the calendar Federal Council of the Navy League of Australia, the include the Oceans Governance and Editor of The Nary or the Royal Australian Navy Viewpoint Naval News Observations The Old Navy The Navy League of Book Reviews AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Corporate Members FEDERAL COUNCIL Patron in Chiet Hrs ExcHkncy. T>* Gcw^ior General Patron Ffa Exteiency. TT* Gotvnor South Austjafca Above: THE AUSTRALIAN SHIPOWNERS' PiesidenC Graham M Hams, RFO Prouder* AJan F\etati. RFQ IS Sleeps FH Ow A recent visitor to Austrahon ports. The USS ASSOCIATION VkxfnMMx RADMAJ Roheraon AQ DSC. RAN ftnorama SA504I. BENFOLD is pictured arriving at the Fleet COMPUTER SCIENCES OF AUSTRALIA (Rid): John BrtCDRE HJP Aim AM. RAN (Roll Hon. Secretary: Mm J E G4. GPO Box IS29. Adebide. SAS00I Tdephone (08) 8347 (985 Base East on 28 January for a five day PTY LTD CAPT HA jonfta. AM. RAN (Rid) Hon.Senary: Ctoo SdvapelPO Bo l35.VUoodv*e. TASMAMAN DIVISION goodwill stopover. (Photo - NPU) BTR AEROSPACE AUSTRALIA SA 5011 Tete(rfwe (08) 8347 1985 Fix(08)8347 3256 Patron: Ha Excelency. The (joenor al tenne HAWKER DE HAVILLAND LIMITED NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION Prwident: ML Cooper. QAM QPSM ROCKWELL SYSTEMS Petrort He ExcdencyThe Goemor al New, Souds Hon Seaetary: Mn^M Cooper. 42 Anv Road AUSTRALIA PTY LTD WHa La^emmTis 7250 TckphonemdFax:«>3) 6344 IS3I. President: R OAJberc. AM.RFDRD STRANG INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Hon. Serrotary: | C | jeppesca GAM. RFO GPO Box DewmporePOleery. I Oilman Ftace.De*jnport. The Navy (7l9.Sy*«yNSW 1043 Tes 7310 "Hcphone (03) 6424 5064 All Letters to the Editor, contributions, etc to: Telephone: (02) 9S70 8425 Fajc (02) 9232 8383 Bomie: G DM. 40 Cherry Soaot. Bune.Tai 732a The Editor. Ross Gillett VICTORIAN DIVISION Tel<*hone (03)6431 4023 Launceecon Mrs) M Cooper 4 Dela Close. Patron: His Exccficncy. The Gownor of Victoria. PiWtecJ Mwais IVD* WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Dee Why. NSW 2099 Hon. Secretary: T E KLAM. MBEVRD-. PO BOB (303 Patron: Hs Excelency, The Gownor erf Western Subscriptions and Membership Bo Hi Oeivery Caere VIC 3)28 All magazine subscription and membership Tdephone and fix (03) 9560 9927 AHHerttt.JP Hon. Secretary: Ml G Herte. 23 Lwkr Rod enquiries to: QUEENSLAND DIVISION AtodaleWA 6156. TM^hone (0» 93» 3600 The Hon Secretary. Pmidtnc IM Finer, QAM NSW Division. CciildtufL E Dcdcwith, 2 PctcWI Street. Rangiv/ay. WA Hon. Secretary: R D FYxittn. RFQ PO Box 170. 6530 Telephoned®, 9921 3768(H) (08) 9921 1200(B) Navy League of Australia. Oevebnd.Q


Australian Yachtsmen's Scheme I was drafted to the destroyer HMS Old Ships QUORN operating between the channel Dear Sir. Dear Sir. and the Orkney Islands and conducting I am seeking the assistance of your One of your correspondents in your escort duties in the Western Approaches. The Navy readers with a project I have to record January-March 1998 edition of I was later in command of my own ML expresses his concern at the loss of part the active service lives of some of the which was sent to the port of Freetown of our Navy history, with the disposal of and recruits to the Australian Yachtsmen's in West Africa to act as escort to its ships. about the Scheme which was introduced in 1940 to incoming convoys and for relief escort Your readers may be interested in the . „r for the Hornets and F-111 s. help the UK war effort. work. Later again I took part in D Day activities of several groups in Western The comments regarding the use of More than 450 men went from Australia landings based at Arromanches before Australia regarding two vessels, currendy cruise missiles to replace the F-111 s were to serve as officers with the RN under training as a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm. still in RAN service. The Naval Heritage this scheme, with a large proportion quite interesting, and the summary of the hoping to provide support against the Centre (WA) is a small but active group various fighter replacement options was being in the 30 to 40 age group. These Japanese in the Far East. Soon after of former RAN personnel, who are well done. were appointed at once as officers, the completing my flying training the atom seeking a vessel to be the basis of a navy However, the YF-22 was merely described younger participants entering first as bomb was dropped on japan and our heritage facility, to be located in Fremantle.The group has been active for as "an air superiority fighter which has i ordinary seamen. Whilst all Australian planes were grounded. several years and made a comprehensive just started flight trials" and nothing states were represented under the scheme, a total of more than half of the I have some details of another Western and respectable submission regarding the more, and to balance the discussion. I felt SWAN, men in fact came from Western Australia end Australian. Roy Hall, and sparse former HMAS when she was a few extra facts should be put before decommissioned in September 1997. and New South Wales. details of others such as Ted Thomas. Ken your readers. However, such was the program of As some readers may be aware, the first Hamblett. and Jack Moppett just to name regarding undertaken by the RAN that all Firstly, the YF-22 is a stealthy fighter, and j a few. group of volunteers (now well over 70 SWAN this, combined with its unusually long j that was left of was a hulk, an years of age) had its 50th anniversary in I am anxious to record as much detail as impossible basis on which to develop a range for a fighter, and its very agile A number of readers hove enquired about the current condiUon of the ex HMAS WHYALLA. preserved Sydney in September 1990. possible of the Scheme and the men who ashore m Whyolla. South Australia The four views, supplied by Ron Mead, depict the ship overall, herheritag e centre, with almost all fittings, performance makes it capable of Bernard Bayly Wests (deceased) and I served under it, and I hope publication of new four inch gun. the bridge deck and commemorative plaque. equipment and furnishings being replicating the F-1II's ability to SWAN were among the first to volunteer for the this letter may prompt others to record removed. as your readers now undertake long-range strike missions Trawler Record know, lies in Geographe Bay. Busselton, in scheme. We trained for sea service at their experiences and send them to me. Survey Ship Article unaccompanied by a fighter escort. It also COLLINGWOOD, the south-west of WA. as a dive wreck. HMS in Hampshire. Bern or let me have information regarding Dear Sir. Dear Sir. has the ability to perform in the served in the North Adantic on HMS Notwithstanding this temporary setback, others to whom I may write. I would be As a regular reader of The Navy I thought With reference to the excellent HMAS Defensive Counter Air and Close Air CAIRO, KING ALFRED the Naval Heritage Centre regrouped and then HMS in Sussex. very happy to collate the information in a The Support roles as well or better than any you may be interested in the recent MORESBY story in the last edition of is now actively seeking another vessel, He was appointed first Lieutenant of a small booklet, should there be sufficient exploits of the patrol boat TOWNSVILLE Navy. I can recall as a teenager, before the current fighter. Whereas the JSF. and probably the guided missile destroyer Fairmile ML operating out of Stornaway response. The attached article by SBLT Stephen Second World War, also a white painted PERTH particularly Eurofighter are pure air HMAS - the name giving the ship in the Hebrides, and responsible for co- Taylor. RAN. covers the apprehension in survey ship. special relevance for WA. By the time you superiority platforms, with short range In conclusion I would like to say how ordinating air/sea rescue between there December last year of what is believed to read this, the group will have met with the and single engines, the YF-22 is a better much I enjoy receiving and reading I would like to know if you or any of your and the UK. After being appointed be the largest fishing vessel apprehended WA Minister for Tourism, with a view to all-round choice, as its potency in air-to- The Navy readers could provide a photograph Captain in his own ML. Bern served in the magazine with its excellent get local support for the project. inside the Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ). and/or information on the earlier ship of air combat is enhanced by the tactical coverage of world-wide matters Naval. Mediterranean on convoy and escort The vessel was chased by TOWNSVILLE Western Australia, without being too advantage of stealth, enabling it to close the name. duties during the height of the desert parochial, is arguably one of Australia's faithfully under the rules of 'Hot Pursuit' from Regards, and engage in optimal position. Yours major maritime States. It has also played a campaign. After the landings in Italy he GA Negus inside the AFZ and only stopped when it The outright cost of acquisition should be H.Terry significant role in Australia's naval history was sent back to Australia and served in Laurel Nursery. Green Lane, had crossed the 'dividing' line. Even then balanced against the huge savings in Penrith 2745 and it would be fitting if a navy heritage the RAN in command of a coastal vessel Fleet End Road she only came to a complete halt after logistics which are achievable by having facility was established here. The Naval transporting stores and materials to volleys of rifle fire and having the WARSASH Heritage Centre group received wide the one aircraft in both air superiority TOWNSVILLE crew prepare the main Editor: A brief description of the first Borneo and the islands to the North of Hants S03 9JJ community support for its SWAN and strike roles. The F- III is a armament for use. HMAS "MORESBY" and photograph of her Australia. England proposal, plus considerable interest from notoriously expensive platform to in survey white have been forwarded to The TOWNSVILLE story may complement local authorities. maintain, whereas the YF-22 will be Mr Terry. the earlier piece on HMAS ANZAC and cheaper to maintain. In addition, where the even more recent HMAS the F-111 has around 2500 components NEWCASTLE that provide potential safety hazards both apprehension in February. on the flightline and at a crash site, the Our own plans are to capture more of YF-22 will have less than 500. the same, sending a big message to We should also not forget that the F-111 unlicensed fishermen; "If you fish illegally came to us eight years late, millions over in Australian waters, the RAN will be budget and with a reputation as a white there to sort you out". elephant, yet has been the most potent Yours faithfully. conventional strike aircraft in service for Piers Chatterton nearly thirty years. With impending LCDR RAN delivery of 70-odd Su-30 Flankers to Commanding Officer Indonesia (forget the Malaysian MiGs) we HMAS "TOWNSVILLE" should again buy the best, and maintain our edge over the region. Flight Lieutenant Michael Vagg Editor: The "TOWNSVILLE" story is RAAF Williams, Laverton. Plated foredeck of the destroyer VOYAGER, under construction at Cockatoo in 1955. (Photo - M. Koczmarowski) included in this issue. (See page 2 7)

PAGE 2 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY However, unless arguments other than Navy's former cruiser now lying in the THE ASIAN This argument is wrong - fundamentally * Sixteen Seahawk S-70B2 helicopters for economic are considered by the Thames between London and Tower wrong. Australia needs to increase its the frigates Commonwealth Government when it bridges, reportedly costs the Imperial FINANCIAL CRISIS AND defence expenditure to maintain its * Eleven Super Seasprite SH-2G(A) disposes of its assets, including RAN War Museum in Britain approximately technological edge in the broad region helicopters on order for the frigates. Stg. £5.000 per day to stay open. Of DEFENCE generally, particularly compared to those ships, both of these worthwhile proposals * Eighteen P-3C Orion aircraft, being course Australia's naval heritage ships larger powers who are as yet at least may not succeed. While it is upgraded. Navy Leaguer understandable in these times of cost much less than this. By unaffected by the financial crises besetting some countries to our near north. * About thirty five F-111 strike aircraft, "economic rationalism" that both the But what is the price one should pay for Over Che last few months, both print These near northern countries are being upgraded. private and public sector wants to get the the nation's heritage? Australian and electronic media have carried Australia's friends. It is not in Australia's + best return on its assets, there are still Governments have, for example, quite About seventy F/A-I8A/B strike extensive reports, opinion and interests for our friends to be forced to may other reasons to retain these ships. rightly funded the Australian War fighters, which it is planned to upgrade. conjecture on the financial crises weaken their defences. With strong It would be sad to see FLINDERS, for Museum for decades. Other more The new construction and upgrading that have beset South Korea, The defences, in defending themselves our example, go to overseas interests, and modest heritage facilities and programme represents very substantial Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and near northern neighbours act as a barrier end up catching dolphins on long-lines. establishments around the country expenditure and a significant portion of Indonesia. for Australia. More likely, and very This ship is an Australian asset and should should also be considered for official Australia's defence budget. The first significantly, these near northern be retained in Australia's interests, not government support. As neighbours and important trading concern is the numbers of ships and neighbours play an important part in sold off like a used government computer, Readers of The Navy serving RAN partners, the difficulties of these friendly aircraft. Many units will be very well ensuring the security of vital sea lanes personnel and members of the Navy powers are of great importance to equipped when they enter service. ministerial car. or office furniture. through and near the Indonesian VAMPIRE, League of Australia might like to help Australia. However, the numbers may be insufficient alongside at the Australian archipelago. to fulfill the defence duties required. National Maritime Museum, attracts retain this nation's naval heritage by Defence is an important aspect of this. However, there are gaps. Looking ahead, 60.000 visitors annually. Certainly its ideal writing to Federal Government Ministers, These powers have had to make The security of maritime trade transiting there will be further gaps unless rectifying location in Darling Harbour helps to expressing their support for such facilities extensive cuts in government the Malacca. Sunda and Lombok Straits action is taken soon. make these figures healthy. DIAMANTINA - and urging government support for the expenditure. These include cuts in and other constricted waterways is of Firstly, the best and most modern in Brisbane, and CASTLEMAINE in creation of some new ones. defence. Some decisions are already clear. vital importance to Australia's economy. Others have yet to be finalised. Many of equipment is ineffective unless sufficient Melbourne are two more success stories Yours Faithfully. This aspect of Australia's defence planning about naval heritage vessels. them involve the cancellation or fully trained personnel are on line with FLINDERS Roy Stall and force structure needs more attention As far as HMAS is concerned, a that equipment. The ADF's shortage of All of these heritage centres have several postponement of defence equipment than it has received in the unclassified local independent maritime training Naval Heritage Centre (WA) things in common.They all rely heavily on purchases. personnel in some categories reduces institute is seeking her for use as a sea- PO Box 198 version of Canberra's recently published a dedicated band of volunteers - to act operational readiness. This is exemplified going training vessel. The institute trains Mosman Park WA 6012 Thus Indonesia has postponed indefinitely "Australia's Strategic Policy". This major as guides, and to help with some by the RAN's Seahawk helicopters. ships' masters, marine engine drivers, 0149 042 468 (m) the purchase of new fighters, military policy statement pays most attention to maintenance. VAMPIRE also gets Although we have enough aircraft in deckhands and coxswains, etc.. for work helicopters and naval vessels from Russia. the defence of the sea/air gap. considerable government support via the inventory, not enough of them have in the maritime industries. The ship has Thailand is seeking ways of minimising the There is no doubt that this is important achieved sufficient operational been visited, inspected, and a business ANMM. and I understand it also received THE WHYALLA providing, as it does, the means of defence consequences of a purchase of F/A-I8D qualifications to equip those Adelaide plan has been prepared, outlining how the assistance from the RAN in establishing against invasion of continental Australia. strike fighters from the USA. This class frigates which are operational. ship can be deployed after her RAN life, its current role. Private sponsors also However, although if it were to eventuate purchase, for which Thailand has a very Another example is the P-3C Orions.The making a further contribution to make an important contribution, in cash such a threat would be truly terrible for tight contractual obligation, is difficult to ADF will not reveal how many crews are Australia. This plan includes making the and in kind. the Australian people, that threat is also avoid. It is suggested that Thailand may provided. That very reluctance implies vessel available for training purposes for It is stating the obvious that the the least likely threat to Australia. accept delivery of the aircraft and try and that there are not enough P-3C crews naval reserve cadets, in training establishment and continued operation of Threats to our economy through hostile re-sell them elsewhere. available. Secondly, insufficient flying hours establishments up and down the WA such naval heritage centres are expensive action against our overseas and coastal Recognising that it is very difficult to and sea going time are allowed to bring coastline. undertakings HMS BELFAST, the Royal maritime trade are far more feasible, avoid a purchase already contracted. ADF maritime units up to a satisfactory particularly recognising the growing Malaysia is reviewing all its planned level of operational training.Thirdly, more maritime strength of larger regional defence purchases. Some will be needs to be done to develop the powers (as distinct from regional powers postponed. Those to which the greatest integrated use of weapons and sensors to our near north). priority is attached will proceed. already available in individual air and Practical experience has shown that it is Our combat maritime forces, and plans to maritime units. Fourthly, plans to build very difficult to cut defence expenditure update them, are: new generation destroyer type ships, to in the short term. The opportunity to * Three guided missile destroyers, due to succeed the Adelaide class are repeatedly make cuts is limited to personnel training be paid off in the next few years. postponed. At first, the first of these ships and operational readiness. Cuts in * Six Adelaide class FFG7 class frigates, was stated to be required by 2005. Now equipment can generally only be achieved due to be modernised early next that date has slipped to 2013. One lesson by canceling projects for which contracts century. the RAN has already learned is that, Anzac have not yet been placed. These cuts * One class frigate, with seven however good the maintenance, old ships more on order, due to undergo a major and aircraft cannot last forever. Fifthly, necessarily take time to show up in a war fighting improvement programme. plans for a new generation of underway nation's financial performance. * One River class frigate, due to be paid replenishment and maritime support Nevertheless, it is inevitable that the cuts off shortly. ships need to receive prompt attention. now being determined by regional * Two Collins class submarines, with four Above all. it must be recognised that powers will result in a weakening of their more building. weaker defence forces for our near defence in the medium term. * Two Oberon class submarines due to be northern friends do not permit a There are those who argue that a paid off shortly. weakening of the ADF. On the contrary, weakening of regional powers' defence * Six Huon class minehunters on order. the ADF must be strengthened to fill the capabilities diminishes the need for an * A number of smaller mine counter Commissioning HMAS FARNCOMb at March. 119 increase in Australian defence funding. ceremony. fremantle. 8 (NPU) measures craft gap

PAGE 4 PAHF S THE NAVY THE NAVY To supplement the new frigates. Malaysia PATROL FORCES features and would, when fully fitted with THE ROYAL operates two classes of corvettes. The armament, helicopter and sensors, be a MA^ttjA^M^^ two ships of the older German built The RMN operates a large number of very capable asset. Information from KASTURI class commissioned in 1984. smaller patrol craft, to undertake the twin within the RMN suggests however that Until the commissioning of the LEKIU roles of ocean patrol ana sea control of for reasons of economy the first batch of New Ships. Capabilities and Challenges class. KASTURI and LEKIR were the most Malaysian territorial waters. The classes six ships will be fitted "for but not with" By Mike James capable warships in the fleet. broadly break down into two groups, the a large proportion of the intended The Royal Malaysian Navy (or Tentera Displacing 1800 tonnes with a small missile and gun a-med fast attack weapon fit. Amongst the missing Laut) is responsible for some of the complement of 124, each ship is armed craft for coastal patrol amongst the equipment will be the surface to air and busiest waterways in the world, with with four Exocet SSM. a single Creusot- numerous small islands that litter surface to surface missiles and possibly much of the bulk freight and oil traffic of Loire 100 mm gun. a Bofors 57 mm gun. Malaysia's coastline, and larger offshore the anti-submarine homing torpedoes. the South East Asian region passing two twin mounts for 30 mm rapid fire patrol vessels (OPVs) capable of long Indeed, given the depths of Malaysia's through Malaysian waters for at least part cannons and a Bofors anti-submarine periods on station, enforcing the 200 current economic crisis, there must be a of its journey. In addition the Federation mortar. While not fitted with a hangar, nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. question mark over the number of ships of Malaysia encompasses the mainland both ships have a platform allowing them The offshore patrol role has been filled by to be built and their final armament It is States and the States of Sabah and Malaysian frigate LEKIR. (John Mortimer) to operate a single Westland Wasp the two MUSYTARI class OPVs.The name hard to imagine that all 27 OPVs will be Sarawak, located on the island of Borneo helicopter. completed, and that they will be armed ship was built in Korea and commissioned some 700 nautical miles across the South capable of operating in its closer littoral as evidenced by Singapore's purchase of MARIKH. to the full specifications originally three ex-Swedish Navy SJOORMEN class Rumours began circulating in 1995 that in 1985. with the second. built in China Sea. The combined Exclusive waters. so-called "green water" envisioned. Malaysia, commissioning in 1987. Armed Economic Zones of these widely operations. boats and Indonesia's decision to acquire Malaysia may have been interested in separated areas takes in the disputed five ex-German Navy Type 206 coastal purchasing several ex-Iraqi missile territory of the Spratley and Mischief submarines. A final decision is still some corvettes that had been completed by Reefs, claimed in whole or part by SUBMARINES distance off. especially with the onset of Italy's Fincanteri in the early 1990s but Malaysia. Indonesia. Brunei. Vietnam. The The RMN has expressed a desire to the Asian economic crisis. not paid for or delivered. These rumours Philippines and China.The potentially vast acquire submarines for at least ten years. were confirmed in 1996 when a contract energy reserves believed to lie under At one time or another interest has been was signed for the delivery of two of the ASSAD these coral reefs ensure that their shown in submarines from Germany. MAJOR WARSHIPS class corvettes in 1997 following a ownership will remain a hot topic for the short refit. A further two were Sweden. France and the UK. The core of any navy is its surface combat foreseeable future. Establishing a claim to subsequently acquired for delivery in Unfortunately for the RMN the necessary force of frigates and corvettes. Able to the area, and enforcing it, requires an 1998. financial resources have not been made operate far from land in adverse weather ocean-going navy, and it is not surprising available to allow a purchase to proceed. conditions, they provide the centrepiece At 62 metres in length and displacing 700 that most of the claimants are engaged In late 1990 an announcement was made of a nations maritime strategy. tonnes, the ships are heavily armed for in building up naval forces to allow that two Swedish Kokums A19 class Malaysia currently operates a single their size. They mount six Otomat them to better support their territorial submarines would be purchased, modified frigate, the 1600 tonne RAHMAT. which Teseo 2 SSMs. a four cell mount for ambitions. to suit Malaysia's tropical conditions. Two One of the oldest ships in the Molaysian Novy is the former USN tank landing ship RAJA JAROM. commissioned in 1971. Originally armed Selenia Aspide SAM. an Oto Melara decommissioned Swedish Navy DRAKEN Built in 1945 she was transferred to the Royal Molaysian Novy in 1974. (John Mortimer) The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) is with a single 4.5 inch and three Bofors 76 mm gun. one Breda turret mounting class boats would be acquired for engaged in a far reaching upgrade, 40mm guns a single Limbo anti- two 40 mm rapid fire cannon and six training. However, this statement was with a single Creusot-Loire 100 mm gun The remainder of the patrol force acquiring new vessels and introducing submarine mortar and a Seacat anti- anti-submarine torpedo tubes. Capable of followed early the following year by an and two twin turrets mounting 30 mm comprises gun and missile armed attack new capabilities into the fleet. The aircraft missile launcher (since removed). 37 knots with a complement of 47. the announcement that the submarine rapid fire cannon and capable of speeds craft. The oldest are the 18 boats of the purchase of new ships from the UK and RAHMAT ships have more in common with fast is today realistically capable of SABAH KRIS purchase would be deferred to missile attack craft than normal up to 22 knots, they are simple but Vosper designed and classes. Germany, together with second hand only limited coast guard and training concentrate on surface ships. corvettes. efficient long range patrol vessels. Their Basically identical, these patrol boats vessels from Italy and the United States, duties. Realistically, a Malaysian submarine effectiveness would be enhanced by an displace 110 tonnes full load and are have strengthened the Navy's abilities to ASSAD requirement would be for a number of RAHMAT's The class share almost no embarked helicopter however no hangar armed with two Bofors 40 mm cannon patrol Malaysian territorial waters and The RMN has recognised smaller boats capable of operating in the commonality with ships currently in facilities were incorporated, although the and two machine guns. Capable of 27 reinforce Malaysia's maritime claims in the limitations and in 1992 ordered two shallow, reef-cluttered waters off the LEKIU service, introducing a completely new set flight deck can land a single medium sized knots with a complement of 22. these disputed waters of the South China Seas. class frigates from the UK Malaysian peninsular and out into the LEKIU of electronics, weapons, engines and helicopter. ships are adequate for coastal patrol, Malaysia is engaged in developing the shipbuilder Yarrow. The ships. and South China Sea. Neighbouring countries JEBAT. design philosophy into the fleet. This will although their age. (commissioned capabilities to allow it to grow from a are 2300 tonne frigates which bring have opted for similar small submarines. undoubtedly result in difficulties in The requirement to operate at greater between 1964 and 1967), must be a cause coastal or "brown water" navy, to one a new level of sophistication to the RMN. maintaining these ships, at least in the distances to patrol the EEZ and enforce With a complement of 146 and armed of concern. early years. Indonesia found itself in a Malaysian claims to areas of the South with eight Exocet surface to surface similar predicament when it purchased a China Sea required more OPV class ships. The next class to be commissioned were missiles (SSM). 16 Seawolf vertical launch number of former East German warships, The Navy issued a request for tenders in the four fast attack craft - missile of the surface to air missiles (SAM), six anti- PERDANA bringing with them a new set of spares 1994 oudining a requirement for 27 OPVs class, built in France to a submarine homing torpedo tubes, a COMBATTANTE requirements, resulting in problems with to be built in Malaysia. Almost every naval modified LA design Bofors 57 mm gun and two rapid fire 30 reliability and interoperability with shipbuilder in the world offered a design, between 1972 and l973.These are armed mm cannon, they are by far the most existing systems. including Australia's Transfield (now Tenix). with two Exocet SSMs. a Bofors 57 mm capable ships in the Malaysian order of builders of the ANZAC class frigates, with and a single Bofors 40 mm gun. Capable battle. In addition both ships are fitted Despite these problems, the new a joint project to satisfy the Malaysian of 36 knots, they each have complement with a hangar for a single helicopter, PERDANA corvettes will add a potent strike requirement and to fulfill the Royal of 30. The class were followed making them the only front line warships JERONG capability, and it can be expected that Australian Navy's need for a replacement by the six strong class of fast in the fleet so equipped. Both ships efforts will be made to refit the ships to for the Fremantle class patrol boats. attack craft - gun commissioned between commissioned in August 1997. however, allow them to better interact with other 1976 and 1977. Built in Malaysia to a problems with their sophisticated combat units. Communication and electronic Following numerous delays the Blohm German design, they displace 244 tonnes, data systems delayed their departure and warfare equipment will probably be the and Voss proposal was selected in have a complement of 36 and are armed they remain in the UK undergoing further Missile patrol boot. KAKSAMANA HANG NADIM. onginaHy ordered for the Iroqi Navy but never first items to be replaced with RMN October 1997. This vessel, the MEKO A- with a Bofors 57 mm gun and a single trials and testing. delivered (John Mortimer) standard gear. 100, incorporates a number of stealth Bofors 40 mm.

PAGE 6 PAr.c 7 THE NAVY THE NAVY vehicles. This unusual arrangement was AUXILIARIES required to enable a maximum speed of A number of smaller auxiliaries are 20 knots, impossible to achieve with the traditional bow doors of older LSTs. operated by the RMN on a range of tasks. im These include survey, general transport, For situations where disembarking via the salvage and cadet training. bow doors is not possible. SRI The largest auxiliary is the 1900 tonne INDERAPURA carries three Landing Craft survey ship MUTIARA, commissioned in Vehicle / Personnel (LCVP) and a single 1978. Built in Malaysia, she is fitted with Landing Craft Personnel / Logistics a comprehensive range of survey (LCPL), all of which can be loaded via the equipment and operates six smaller stern door. Displacing some 8500 tonnes survey launches. Armed with two 20 mm with a complement of 257. SRI cannon. MUTIARA is fitted with a platform INDERAPURA can operate helicopters to operate helicopters. A complement of from her flight deck but has no support 155 includes numerous survey specialists. facilities. A single Vulcan Phalanx 20 mm Displaying hull number 1504 is the logistic supportship MAHAWANGSA. built in South Korea and A second survey ship of generally similar anti-missile system is fitted for defence. completed in 1983 (John Mortimer) capabilities is under construction. The RMN also operates two Second Survey ship MUTIARA. (John Mortimer) The most recenc class is the HANDALAN While none of the current ships in service To supply the military in the states of World War vintage LSTs. SRI BANGGI (ex- class of fast attack craft - missile, four of are fitted with more than a platform for Sabah and Sarawak a number of various HENRY COUNTY) and RAJA JAROM (ex- the largest warship in the RMN. In 1991 a the offshore patrol vessels signals the which were built in Sweden, helicopters, both the new frigates and small supply ships are operated, including SEDGEWICK COUNTY) were transferred decision was made to refit her for her emergence of the RMN as a navy with commissioning in 1979. Displacing 240 offshore patrol vessels will be fitted with dry and liquid stores carriers and fuel from the US Navy in 1974. Displacing new role as a training ship, a role she ambitions to play a larger maritime role tonnes they are armed with four Exocet hangar facilities for embarked helicopters. tankers. Eleven harbour tugs of various 4080 tonnes at full load, they can continues to fulfill. In addition to her within the region. While useful steps have SSMs. a Bofors 57 mm gun. and a single sizes and origins are operated to provide transport up to 125 troops and 2100 training role HANG TUAH carries out been taken to upgrade the capabilities of Bofors 40 mm gun. Maximum speed is 34 support at RMN naval bases on the MINE WARFARE AND tonnes of stores. If they are required to coastal patrol duties, for which her the RMN, some elements remain a knots, with a complement of 40. peninsula and in Sabah and Sarawak. beach to deliver their cargo a maximum armament of a Bofors 57 mm gun. two concern. Block obsolescence of the The fast attack craft squadrons are aging, AMPHIBIOUS FORCES Clearance diving support is provided by of 500 tonnes of stores can be embarked. Bofors 40 mm and a Limbo anti- patrol boat squadrons is a real threat, one with the force ranging from 20 - 30 plus The RMN showed an early awareness of the diving tender DUYONG, a 140 tonne The blunt bow formed by the bow doors submarine mortar is more than adequate. with major implications for Malaysia's years old. In addition, experience in the the threat a mining campaign could pose vessel commissioned in 1971. DUYONG is limits their maximum speed to 11 knots Recently undergoing a major re- ability to patrol its substantial EEZ from 1991 Persian Gulf War demonstrated the to Malaysia's maritime trade and fitted with a recompression chamber and while their antiquated systems require a engineering with Wartsila diesel's. she is the threat of poaching, smuggling, piracy vulnerability of fast attack craft to accordingly took steps to establish a facilities to support the operations of up complement of 128 each. Each is armed capable of 24 knots. Complement is 210. and illegal immigration. With funds likely helicopters armed with anti-ship missiles. dedicated mine warfare capability. This to a dozen divers. with four Bofors 40 mm guns. TUNAS SAMUDERA to remain tight for some time, the chance A point defence missile system is now culminated in the commissioning of four is a 239 tonne two Training for cadets is undertaken on of the additional offshore patrol vessels seen as a requirement for modern 610 tonnes Italian LERICI class Two small logistic support ships are masted brig built in the United Kingdom board the former frigate HANG TUAH and being procured to replace the older warships, and incorporating just such a minehunters in 1985. Known as the operated by the RMN. SRI INDERA SAKTI and commissioned in 1989. A the sail training ship TUNAS SAMUDERA, patrol boats seems unlikely, at least in the system, plus the associated radars and fire MAHAMIRU class, they are similar in many and MAHAWANGSA commissioned in complement of 10 is supplemented by up supplemented by training cruises on short term. control systems, was a major reason for respects to the Royal Australian Navy's 1980 and 1983 respectively and are to 26 trainees from the Navy, merchant board the small logistic ships SRI INDERA the increase in size of modern fast attack HUON particularly versatile assets, combining marine and maritime wing of the police. class minehunters and are SAKTI MAHAWANGSA. 2 The potentially vast oil and natural gas ASSAD and craft, as seen in the missile equipped to locate and clear mines using the capabilities of military transport, resources believed to lie under the corvettes, which weigh over 700 tonnes. landing ship, replenishment ship and cadet remotely piloted underwater vehicles and HANG TUAH is a 2500 tonne former FUTURE Spratley and Mischief Reefs and the The OPV competition was seen as a way divers. It was originally intended that a training ships. Armed with a Bofors 57 frigate now used in the training role. numerous claimants to those resources MAHAWANGSA) to procure a large number of larger, more second group of minehunters would be mm gun (two in and two Originally ordered by President Nkrumah The Royal Malaysian Navy is at a suggests that the RMN will continue capable and more seaworthy vessels to procured in due course. However, it has 20 mm cannon, they are capable of 16 of Ghana, the deal collapsed following his crossroads. It is engaged in the transition to receive funding, despite Malaysia's replace the fast attack squadrons. The been determined that a larger and more knots and have a range of 4000 nautical unseating in a coup. Completed in 1968 from a green water coastal navy to one current economic difficulties. A firm question will be the ability of the capable vessel should now be acquired. miles. Displacing 4900 tonnes at full load the ship was reluctantly commissioned capable of extended operations out from foundation has been laid for the building Malaysian defence budget to support the both can embark up to 17 tanks and 600 into the RN in 1973 as HMS MERAAAID the waters of the Malaysian peninsula into of a navy for the 21st century, now we A number of amphibious vessels are construction of all the proposed 27 OPVs troops, and are fitted with command and but saw little service. Transferred to the South China Sea. The acquisition of must wait to see what is built on that maintained to support the army, providing and their associated weapons and control facilities to control small military Malaysia in 1977 she was for many years new frigates, the ex-Iraqi corvettes and foundation. equipment. transport between the mainland and the operations To replenish army vehicles or states of Sabah and Sarawak, as well as the small patrol craft. 1200 tons of diesel fuel BOOIUIEVIE^^^^ In a book such as this, Conway, has outlying islands. Another requirement is is carried, with facilities fitted to allow successfully provided a good overall to support the Malaysian Army on United underway replenishment at sea. historical coverage of the different eras of N/ HON Nations deployments. Malaysia having Worship 1997-1998 In addition to the normal complement of Edited by David McLean and Antony Preston naval warfare, including early kite balloons The RMN operates 11 Westland Wasp participated in a number of major UN 136. up to 65 cadets may be embarked for Published by Conway Maritime Press of the US Navy between I9i5 and 1922. helicopters, however, no more than five peacekeeping forces worldwide. training cruises. These ships have Review Copy from DLS Australia Another excellent article describes the are in operation, the remainder providing The largest vessel in the amphibious force supported deployments by other units Reviewed by Ross Gillett final era of Canadian naval aviation, up to spares to maintain the aging machines in is the former USS SPARTANBURG outside Malaysian territory, with the demise of their last carrier. service. While acquired second hand in The Warship annual is prepared for the COUNTY, a NEWPORT class landing ship MAHAWANGSA providing logistic support BONAVENTURE naval enthusiast, featuring a diverse in 1969. 1988. the Wasp is a 1950s vintage LEKIR tank (LST). Purchased in 1994 and to the corvette on their 1991 Warship 1997 also includes a world helicopter and is well overdue for number of topical and historical, technical commissioning the following year as the deployment to south eastern Australia. At round-up of naval comings and goings, and replacement. A decision is due to be and historical articles. SRI INDERAPURA. she can transport some various times both have acted as mother made between the Westland Sea Lynx For Australia, the coverage in this edition the most notable naval books since the 400 troops and up to 500 tonnes of ships to detachments of patrol craft and and the Kaman Super Seasprite. Australia. begins with the story of the Royal Navy's last edition. Ironically, one of the book vehicles. The most striking feature of mine warfare vessels, as well as New Zealand and Egypt selected the Flying Squadron world cruise of 1869-70. reviews actually describes Jane's these ships are the protruding bow ammunition transports. Given the latter, while several other navies have its various port visits and a commentary Battleships of the 20th Century, as a poor horns, which support a ramp which can versatility demonstrated by these ships gone with the Super Lynx. A decision is on the success or otherwise of the time investment in funds, not really fitting the link the ship to a beach or causeway, they should be seen as excellent value for expected before the end of the year. title of notable in any way. allowing direct landing of troops and money. and effort put into the deployment.

PAGE 8 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY THE FUTURE NEW Defence Assessment. They are significant out. These issues, and the introduction of additional ANZAC frigates. A fifth items of expenditure for any nation. the Seasprite helicopters will require Seasprite maritime helicopter will be ZEALAND NAVY Throughout the Defence Assessment careful management I pledge to deliver purchased. Other ma|or investments process it has been consistently that careful management. over the next ten years include upgrading C N S (RNZN) represented by me that, based on our The other significant change in force the existing torpedoes, purchasing an upgraded Seasparrow air defence missile, SPEAKING analysis, four ANZAC frigates are structure terms is that the long-planned required to meet current output modifications to CHARLES UPHAM will be and acquiring a towed array sonar requirements and fully meet the defence deferred again and the ship leased out that will improve protection from submarines. (From New Zealand Naval News and the policy objectives. Three frigates cannot temporarily, probably for about three Defence Plan for the Future) guarantee that all tasks can be met and years. The major investments in the naval sustained. When I took over as your Chief I On the capital equipment front in the support force include the acquisition of a said that my first aim was to deliver The government is committed to immediate future. the Defence remote sea minehunting system. certainty to you. maintaining a Naval Combat Force of not Assessment has confirmed that the Total capital investment over the next five less than three surface combatants. It has Certainty in our policies, certainty in our proposal to acquire a Bridge Simulator years is estimated at $355.5 million.With decided, however, that only three ships processes, and certainty in our force will proceed, and. subject to the outcome the change from a naval combat force of are appropriate to New Zealand's structure. Behind this undertaking was of the Real Estate Review, the four Leander frigates to three ships, the present circumstances. my belief that you deserved a clear and refurbishment of the Kauri Point average paid personnel strength of the unambiguous indication of the future of As a consequence, the option for two armament complex will be initiated. Navy will decrease from 2.075 to 1.861. the Navy so that you could plan your own further ANZAC frigates will not be Other issues, notably Project Wakakura The annual operating budget of the Navy individual career according to your exercised. Additionally, the reduction to and additional New Entry will increase from $283 million to an personal circumstances. This briefing is three frigates is to be implemented accommodation, remain subject to Real eventual steady state of about $292 designed to tell you directly of the immediately to meet other NZDF Estate Review consideration. million. ability to engage surface and sub-surface The threat of sea mines is not a current outcome of the Defence Assessment and funding requirements over the next five The outcome of the Defence Assessment targets. After careful consideration New concern, but New Zealand, with its heavy what it means to the Navy and to you. years. Royal New Zealand Air Force for Navy then is that uncertainties over Zealand has chosen to equip its ships dependence on shipping from a few force structure remain. What the The current fleet of A4 Skyhawk fighters, with the Kaman Seasprite SH-2G. as have harbours, is especially vulnerable to this decisions mean to you as individuals will while old. has been upgraded to provide the Australians. The present contract is threat. Mining the approaches to New undoubtedly vary, but I would encourage an effective platform for their key roles of for four aircraft, two for outfitting the Zealand's harbours would be cheap, you to look for the positive aspects in the support for land forces and anti-ship two ANZAC frigates currently ordered unobtrusive and deniable. A few mines blueprint that has now unfolded. The missions well into the next decade. To plus two more for training and laid covertly or even the threat or claim commitment to an ocean-going combat capitalise on this investment, the fleet's maintenance. An additional helicopter to have laid there been would divert force of capable vessels remains. Long weapon delivery capabilities will be will be acquired to outfit a third ship. shipping and send up freight and overdue modern and effective helicopters upgraded. A new anti-ship missile will insurance rates. This is why almost every are appearing. Service 21. as you will hear also be acquired to permit the aircraft to Naval Support Force nation considers it necessary to maintain shortly, is poised to deliver real oenefits. release its weapons from a safer distance. Other maritime surface capabilities a counter-mine capability. In New These developments should temper the Most of these upgrades can be required include military sealift. a Zealand's case, we do not need disappointment that many will feel in the transferred when a decision is eventually maritime mine counter-measures unit, deployable minehunters to clear large reduction in the size of the Navy and the taken on a replacement for the A4s. naval control of shipping organisation, a areas; but rather inshore vessels with role it will now play. Our task is to ensure replenishment-at-sea capability for long remote mine clearing systems to ensure The most pressing Air Force requirement that reduced role is fulfilled positively and deployments, a hydrographic service, and that the approaches to our harbours can is to upgrade the capabilities of the P3 professionally with real purpose. an oceanographic research capability. be kept clear of mines. This capability is Orion fleet The airframe is undergoing a Rear Admiral Fred Wilson the responsibility of the Royal New life extension that will permit it to remain Modern armed forces have a large CNS Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve (as is in service for a further twenty years, and logistical tail.Troops can be moved by air the naval control of commercial shipping the sensor equipment, some of which but their kit and supplies must come by The new frigate TE KAHA, with HMAS DARWIN. February, 1998. (Brian Morrison) at a time of crisis). dates back to 1966. needs to be updated sea. New Zealand has not traditionally as well. The Orion's surface-surveillance maintained a military sealift capability. Because there has been speculation on The following will therefore occur: HMNZS ENDEAVOUR provides an EXCERPTS FROM THE capabilities are seriously degraded, and its Instead, it has relied on others, most the issue. I will first touch briefly on the excellent replenishment-at-sea capability, - WAIKATO will pay off in July 1998; sub-surface capabilities are almost gone. recently the United Nations, to provide widely reported prospect of acquiring 'DEFENCE PLAN FOR and it does not need replacement for These deficiencies will be addressed as a transport for our heavy equipment. The second-hand FFG7 frigates from the - WELLINGTON will pay off when twenty years. The diving support vessel priority over the next four years through risks of continuing to do so are rising.The USN. The evaluation of this proposal TE MANA becomes operational; and THE FUTURE' HMNZS MANAWANUI should also meet an investment programme known as demands of the Gulf War taught showed quite conclusively that it would the mine-clearance and other diving - CANTERBURY will pay off when the The rebuilding of New Zealand s defence Project Sirius. everyone the value of having a dedicated not be a sensible decision.Apart from the needs for another fifteen years.The Navy third replacement ship becomes capabilities will take shape over the next sealift capability for rapid deployment and inherent difficulties of operating two five years. Funding increases will have to currently has a contract from Land operational. Maritime Helicopters subsequent sustainment. distinct classes of ship in a small navy, the be limited in the immediate term while Information New Zealand to undertake analysis of the purchase, modification and Clearly three ships cannot meet the other government priorities are These are an integral part of the naval New Zealand has acquired HMNZS hydrographic survey and the production through-life operation- costs showed that commitments previously fulfilled by four addressed. The most significant combat force. No modern frigate can CHARLES UPHAM. a roll-on roll-off of nautical charts. For this, the Navy it would not be an affordable option. ships, and there will be some investments in the forces in the short and operate without a helicopter. Moving as merchant vessel which, when converted has recently acquired HMNZS RESOLUTION While the synergies of operating a mixed readjustment required in operating long term are outlined below. much as a hundred nautical miles ahead of to a military sealift ship, will provide New and also operates a number ANZAC and FFG7 fleet with Australia patterns, exercise commitments, and a ship and with modern radar and Zealand with adequate sealift to deploy of smaller in-shore survey craft. HMNZS were considerable, so were the costs, and representation and sovereignty tasks to Royal New Zealand Navy forward-looking infrared surveillance an Army force and a greatly improved RESOLUTION can also be used for the proposal will not be pursued. avoid longer peacetime deployments. The The naval combat force will move from systems, they greatly extend the ship's capability to assist with disaster relief in military-related oceanographic research. transition to the new combat force will four frigates to three in 1998. The area of control, and thus its safety when the South Pacific. The government will Any spare capacity can be made available It will be no surprise to any of you that also require adjustment to recruitment, government has decided that it will not faced with a threat. Armed with stand-off consider whether to convert HMNZS to others for research work through a CHARLES UPHAM the capital cost of frigates loomed large in training and employment patterns as take up the current option under the anti-ship missiles and torpedoes, they also in about two years coordinating mechanism known as the considerably enhance the surface vessel's the government's deliberations on the steam and other old systems are phased ANZAC Ship Treaty to purchase time. Research Vessel Committee.

PAGE 10 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY litres ... or about 90 times the size of the categories, including sharing top honours expectations of an action film. According metres from the stern. There were SOUTH AFRICAN average household car. in damage control and combat operations to them it set a new standard for high- even "ball boys" - three safety-helmeted Each frigate is driven by two cruising and taking second place in electronic wire suspense and broke fresh sailors aboard a RIB and armed with TON CLASS diesels. developing a combined 9600 warfare. technological ground. scoops, who retrieved the re-surfacing horsepower, to take the ships to about 12 The promoters of the new film believe golf balls once they were hit into the MINESWEEPERS knots. The main gas turbines are required harbour. FINAL FRIGATE REFIT that a new generation of moviegoers will The South African Navy is to examine the for high-speed work. The Royal New Zealand Navy frigate be stunned by the added footage and re- In an unusual competition, players had to life extension of its four Ton class The engines, nearly two storeys tall, are WELLINGTON has completed her last designed digital sound which bring this get as close to the pin (flagged buoy) as minesweepers, for a further 15 years imported from Germany in a "partial refit, a 15 month update to keep the ship action classic to state-of-the-art they could. Participating in the event were service. All built in the mid to late 1950s, knockdown" form with their crankcases, in service until the commissioning of the standards for today's audiences. professionals Peter Senior and John the vessels would be retired in 2015. Six SYDNEY crankshafts and pistons in place. The second ANZAC class TE MANA. at the Sendon as well as HMAS crew of the class were once operated by the assembly, plumbing and electrical wiring turn of the century. The main machinery WWII VETERAN members. Leuts Peter Keay and Bob RAN from 1961. the last survivor. CURLEW THREE NAVIES PACK are completed at the Kings Park plant by was overhauled, galley refurbished, Walker and seamen John Carter and paid off in 1990. a two-man team, brothers Tony and Scott helicopter hanger enlarged for the FOR SALE Mark Ottaway. GARDEN ISLAND Newport. Seasprite and a Phalanx CIWS installed as The former patrol boat MIRIMAR, which For the two professionals it was an ideal The completed engines are fitted into a replacement for the old Seacat missile served with the RAN in the Second (FBE) recently opportunity to practice for the Canon SINGAPORE NAVY modules for transport to Williamstown launcher. World War. is reported up for sale for played host to one of the largest Golf Challenge which started on dockyard where they are positioned $494,000. Built as a ferry in 1934 and BREAKS NEW GROUND concentrations of warships seen Thursday. 19 February at the Terrey Hills ready for fine tuning when the ship is operated as a passenger and charter boat since the 1988 Bicentennial Naval HMAS "PLATYPUS" Golf and Country Club. Sydney. On 10 January 1998, Singapore's launched, about two years down the track. in recent years, the MIRIMAR spent most Salute as ships from three navies To everyone's surprise, seaman John Minister for Education and Second IN SPOT-LIGHT of its working life on the Brisbane River. packed the Woolloomooloo Carter won the nearest to the pin Minister for Defence, Rear Admiral During her RAN career she operated as wharves. HMAS"CANBERRA" - The Sydney establishment HMAS competition, the prize, two VIP passes to (RADM) (NS)Teo Chee Hean, drove "PLATYPUS" was the focus of a patrol boat and examination vessel. the first pile into the sea to Joining the RAN alongside at FBE over the golf tournament. THE NAVY'S TOP SHIP media interest recently due to the symbolise the breaking of ground the weekend of 7 - 8 February were two re-release of the 1982 Academy for the Republic of Singapore Navy's Royal New Zealand Navy ships and three The Royal Australian Navy's guided GOLF COURSE WITH Award winning film "DAS BOOT" FORTY YEARS (RSN) new Changi Naval Base United States warships, to bring the total missile frigate HMAS "CANBERRA'' (The Boat). A DIFFERENCE On February. HMAS CRESWELL (CNB) project. number of ships alongside to thirteen. was awarded the Navy's top award celebrated its 40th anniversary since HMA Ships PERTH. HOBART. BRISBANE. for efficiency, the Duke of As a lead up to the film's premier in Golfers, both professional and commissioning on 20 January. 1958. As Situated on newly-reclaimed land east of CANBERRA. DARWIN and NEWCASTLE Gloucester Cup, on 6 February 1998. Sydney on 16 January at the Open Air amateurs, played on a course with part of the ceremony, staff and trainees Changi. CNB has a total land area of 86 had gathered to take part in the Fleet Cinema at the Royal Botanic Gardens, the plenty of water hazards earlier this from the first intake were on hand for hectares, comprising 79 hectares of Concentration Period (FCP). where they media was keen to see what real live month. celebrations. Recently, the Jervis Bay site operational base and 7 hectares of were pined by HMNZ Ships TE KAHA submarine life was all about. The tee off was the helicopter deck of became the home of the Navy's training base. The new naval base was and WE11INGTON. The film, originally shown in the United SYDNEY, HMAS the fairway was the Leadership and Management Training conceptualised to replace the RSN's naval States in 1982 was the most successful Already at FBE were HMA Ships SYDNEY waters of Woolloomooloo Bay and the branch. base at Pulau Brani, in view of the and SUCCESS with three USN ships foreign film ever released there. It pin was a flagged buoy several hundred expanding operational and support arriving on 6 February. had recently undergone extensive requirements of the RSN. At the same USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN. USS KINKAID and enhancement by the director, including FOURTH LAUNCHING time, the re-location of Brani Naval Base USS FORD were visiting Sydney en route new 8 track digital sound and never The fourth COLLINS class submarine. is in line with Ministry of Defence's DECHAINEUX. (MINDEF) policy of releasing home to San Diego in California after five before seen footage. was launched at Adelaide MINDEF/SAF land identified to have months in the Persian Gulf. Altogether Following its original release, some critics on 12 March. She is scheduled to higher economic potential. more than 60.000 tonnes of grey metal HMAS CANBERRA. (RAN) said it would forever change audiences' commence sea trials later in the year, packed the wharves of FBE and Garden prior to commissioning at the close of His Excellency Sir William Deane AC The extensive use of information Island, prompting some to suggest 1999 KBE. Governor General of the technology and automation is an hanging out a "Full House" sign. Commonwealth of Australia presented important feature of CNB. A modern and The start of the FCP witnessed a mass the RAN's most coveted prize in a KIWI HELICOPTERS extensive Office Automation System will exodus with a total of eight ships ceremony on board CANBERRA. daodBngMEni ® The RNZN has received the first of its enable faster and more effective work departing on Monday. 9 February fo The Gloucester Cup is presented interim Kaman SH-2F Seasprite and administrative processes with lower commence several weeks of grueling annually to the most efficient ship in the helicopters. Four of the aircraft will be on manpower overheads. In the area of exercises in the waters off southern RAN. and is fiercely contested amongst strength by late 1998. prior to the logistics, Automated Storage and NSW all ships in the fleet. Selected as the best delivery of the four SH-2G models in Retrieval Warehouses will provide ship overall in the areas of operational 2000. Both models will be flown from the automatic sorting, storage and retrieval of POWER FOR THE efficiency, seamanship, administration, Leander and Anzac class frigates. all the RSN's equipment and spares, training. morale. reliability and resulting in more efficient and responsive NEW FRIGATES resourcefulness, the winning ship has the logistics support while optimising "OTAMA" DAMAGED available manpower. The diesel engine builder MTU has privilege of displaying large gold stars, The submarine OTAMA was damaged at recently completed the cruising representing the Gloucester Cup. on the 7.50 am on Friday. 13 February during the CNB will also be environmentally friendly engines for the sixth Anzac class ships bridge wings for the next 12 Fleet Concentration Period (FCP). The with efficient water and energy saving frigate STUART. months. BECOME THE HUNTED boat struck the seabed off Botany Bay. systems.These systems include the use of CANBERRA To date, the engines of eight ANZAC class emerged as the winner of a o After surfacing. OTAMA returned to rainwater collected in ponds and rooftop frigates have been assembled at the hard fought contest, her crew also Sydney under tow from a civilian tug for containers for the washing of base company's King Park headquarters in winning the fleet award for excellence in Teeing off aboard the guided missile frigate repairs to her rudder. No injuries were compounds, the use of sea water for western Sydney. The Series 1163 engines marine engineering. CANBERRA also sustained aboard OTAMA. which was cooling systems and the use of energy Witt NEW IHCU: SB*« CNEM1S • tBfKNEO 1 C-XWh Kftl SOwfC HMAS SYDNEY on 16 February. (LSPH Steve are triple-turbocharged V-I2s of 139.56 performed well in a number of other Gurnett) carrying 81 crew, trainees and instructors. saving lighting facilities.

PAGE 12 PAHF n THE NAVY THE NAVY The CNB project is planned to be carried USS "COMSTOCK" depending on the supplier, simulators out in two phases. The first phase, to be included, overall support and other completed by year 2000. is the VISITS PORT BLAIR, facilities. construction of the base's main "Major Australian aerospace and operational and maintenance facilities. INDIA electronics companies are taking leading These include a wharfage space of 6.2 km. The American dock landng ship roles in the work, which will result in automated storage and retrieval logistic USS "COMSTOCK" (LSD 45) three advanced designs for new. cost warehouses, and a base automation visited Port Blair, India, Jan. 19 to effective AEW&C types." the Minister system allowing round-the-clock remote enhance relations between the said. monitoring of all the base's mechanical, United States and the Indian "A large number of small to medium electrical, lighting, fire alarm, and security military. enterprises in the defence industry systems. The second phase will see the COMSTOCK is the first U.S. Navy ship to sector across Australia am involved, with development of a training base, and visit Port Blair, located in the Eastern Bay the number set to increase as the project sports and recreational facilities, and is of Bengal. develops." scheduled to be completed by 2003. Vice Adm. Harinder Singh, fortress The three contracting teams are headed When fully completed. CNB will be commander of the Andaman and Nicobar by large US defence companies - Boeing. equipped with the fuli range of modern Islands of the Indian Armed Forces and Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. operational, training and support facilities other Indian officers toured the ship. "The teaming approach to the project will to meet the RSN's needs into the 21st They visited the well deck area, ensure Australia has the technology and century. engineering spaces, combat information industry ability to develop and support Center, medical/dental facilities and the the AEW&C system here." Mr McLachlan LAUNCH OF bridge. said. Many of the officers that toured our ship The final decision on the type of AEW&C were very impressed with the bridge. HMS "PEMBROKE" will be made in 1999. after initial design COMSTOCK Interesting vww of the submarine OTWAY. now preserved ashore at Holhrook in southern New South Wales IA g. R Sirtetl On 15 December, 1997 the Royal crew members also gave work is completed and assessed. Navy's new HMS "PEMBROKE" was tours to more than 1.000 Indian natives. launched by Mrs Stephanie Gretton, For some Indians, this was the first time NEW HYDROGRAPHIC wife of Vice Admiral Gretton, at they had ever seen Americans. the Vosper Thornycroft Shipyard, All were very interested in how the USN SHIPS FOR CAIRNS Woolston, Southampton. integrated Marine personnel and The Minister for Defence, Ian McLachlan, equipment aboard amphibious ships and. announced on 12 February that Cairns The ship is the second vessel of a batch once deployed, with the ability to sustain would be the home port for the two new of seven single role mine hunters ordered the employment of combined arms Hyrographic Ships. LEEUWIN and in July 1994 and will enter service in assets. MELVILLE, now being built for the Royal 1999. Australian Navy. "The visit to Port Blair was a thrill for the "These ships will significandy increase the The Hunts are designed for hunting and ship." said COMSTOCK's commanding destroying mines and are able to operate capabilities of the Hydrographic Survey officer. CDR Gregg S. Jackson. "Not only in deep and exposed waters. They are Force that currently operates from was it a unique cultural experience, but it constructed from Fibre Reinforced Cairns." said the Minister. was an opportunity to show off the Plastic (FRP) and mainly non-magnetic "The basing decision involves deploying United States Navy-Marine Corps team materials. an estimated additional 115 Defence and increase understanding between the personnel to Cairns to crew and support This batch of seven ships is being adapted Indian and United States militaries. the new vessels. It also means that local to incorporate female accommodation It was a visit that none of us will soon industry will benefit through providing for one officer and five ratings. forget." follow on support to the vessels. A five year contract for this support will be Rear Admiral Peter Spencer. Director undertaken by NQEA. the builder of the General Surface Ships and Controller of AIRBORNE EARLY vessels. This contract is worth $34.4 the Navy, who was present at the WARNING AND million, of which Defence estimates some ceremony said: "This launch is a very $27.4 million will be spent in the local happy occasion which marks another CONTROL area." milestone in the progress of the The Minister for Defence Ian programme to enhance the Royal Navy's "A further $8.8 million is planned to be McLachlan MP, announced on 28 mine-hunting capabilities." spent on HMAS CAIRNS, the base January, the signing of three supporting the vessels, to establish contracts each valued at $8.5 He added: "I am also delighted that the additional office and accommodation MoD and Vosper Thornycroft have been million, for initial design work on facilities used by the ships' crews, support able to adapt the design of this second the Airborne Early Warning and staff and their dependants." batch of ships in order to incorporate a Control Project (AEW&C). number of enhancements including Under the contracts, companies will ADI ACOUSTIC accommodation for female officers and provide detailed designs and plans of the ratings. The flexibility shown by the AEW&C system they are proposing for MINESWEEP company in order to adapt to the MoD's the Australian Defence Force. The A state-of-the-art acoustic revised requirement is an excellent project, approved by the Minister in minesweep recently developed by example of the co-operations between December 1997. is for the purchase ADI Limited, Australia's major An old WWII Harbour Defence Motor Launch, now named BIBEL TARIK. IT.C. HoWwm) the two organisations." of six or seven aircraft, the number defence, systems and engineering

PAGE 14 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY company, has been exhibited for the in the first anti-poaching operation in AUSTRALIA'S Within the wider region focus Australia's defeating any aggressors in our maritime first time at the UDT '98 (Undersea October last year. In that instance ANZAC most direct strategic interests continue approaches, before they reach our Defence Technology). arrested the Panamanian registered ALIZA STJAreGI^OUCI^^ to include the stability, safety and friendly territory. This concept would rely heavily GLACIAL and the Belize registered disposition of the countries closest to us The ADT Acoustic Generator is a water on air and naval forces. Land forces would SALVORA less than 50 km from Heard — the inner arc of islands from Indonesia driven, turbine, powered sweep which can RADM A J Robertson AO DSC RAN (Rtd) also have an important role including the Island. be programmed to emulate the acoustic Federal Vice-President Navy League of in the West through to Papua New crucial one of the defence of command, Guinea, the Solomon Islands and the signatures of specific classes of ships. It The French Navy has also been active in Australia communications and intelligence facilities will be incorporated into ADI's countering poachers in the Great South West Pacific. Any substantial and air and naval bases. The latest publication on Australia's minesweeping and support system Southern Ocean with several illegal military attack on Australia could most Combat aircraft, submarines and surface Stripped of allfittings, the old SWAN is moored (AMASS). Strategic Policy, released early in December easily be mounted from or through these fishing boats being arrested in the French in position to await her final 'resting' place. combatants with their overall support 1997. contains a fairly comprehensive islands. Recent evaluation by the Royal Australian Exclusive Economic Zone waters off (ABPH Stuart Farrow) facilities would be our first line of defence outline of the present government's Navy and the Australian Defence Science Kergulan Island, which lies north east of The paper asserts that by any measure and our highest priority. Naval and Air Decommissioned at HMAS STIRLING. defence policy and priorities. It is the first and Technology Organisation (DSTO). Heard Island. our most important strategic relationship Forces will be capable of both defensive Fleet Base West, on 13 September. 1996, such review by a Liberal-National Party including shock trials, has proved very BIG STAR and her crew of 38 were remains with the United States. Relations and offensive actions. Based on the SWAN was gifted to the WA State Government since 1979, in a world which successful. escorted to Australia where the ships with New Zealand are also covered, with military capabilities likely to exist in the Government as a dive wreck by the has been subject to great political, owners faced court on several counts of some disappointment that NZ is not region over the next 15 years, the The generator has been developed to Commonwealth Government. economic and technological change violating Australian fishing regulations. planning a higher level of naval capability. benchmarks which the government aims complement the ADI Dyad influence After close examination of a number of The policy, which takes into account the Relations with Britain too are canvassed, to ensure are that; sweep which is based on a series of large submissions, the steering committee, recent white paper on foreign and trade NAVY RESCUES including our close historic relationship permanent magnets that can be consisting of environmental, industry and policy In the National Interest, attempts - we have the capability to deny our air and our co-operation under the Five configured to emulate the magnetic marine safety and transport to reflect the full extent of our security and sea approaches to any credible MERCHANTMAN Power Defence arrangements with signatures of specific vessel classes. Ti e representatives, unanimously agreed the interests and. while still placing much regional force, and For HMAS "WOLLONGONG" the Malaysia. combined magnetic and acoustic sweep emphasis on the defence of continental year 1998 started the way 1997 Geographe Bay Artificial Reef Society's - we maintain a strong regional presence becomes an acceptable target to the Australia itself, acknowledges that our We aim to maintain our role as Papua ended for her, with the hard worked proposal best addressed the criteria. as a maritime power. most sophisticated mines. patrol boat once again in the SWAN spent 12 months in Bunbury strategic interests do not begin and end New Guinea's key defence partner and as The paper outlines measures being taken Seven countries including the US. UK and headlines. Harbour where it was cleaned to meet at our shoreline. It is much concerned the key strategic power and primary Denmark have purchased Dyads and the strict Commonwealth and State with the security of our region as a whole defence partner of the island countries of over the last few years to maximise the WOLLONGONG was called in to provide generator has attracted strong interest (though this is not fully reflected in the the South Pacific. We also aim to support capability we get from the Defence assistance to a stricken merchant ship from many of these customers. proposed priorities). and develop a sense of shared strategic Budget and states that with careful some 200 km north of Nhulunbuy in the UDT Pacific, a major undersea defence objectives with as many of the countries management and rigorous prioritisation, Northern Territory early on the morning technology exhibition was held at the Notwithstanding their present economic the necessary capabilities can be achieved of 25 February. MV LAURA, bound from of SE Asia as possible. Sydney convention Centre at Darling problems, as the economies of East Asia without major increases in defence Jakarta to Port Vila, suffered engine So far as Indonesia is concerned, the Harbour from 24-26 February. recover and grow, the paper opines that trouble in rough weather. While drifting focus of our defence relationship will be funding in the shorter term. But rising Australia's relative economic standing in the freighter's cargo of concrete and on a high-level strategic dialogue. Other costs and requirements will place the region will decline, and with it our FISHBUSTERS bitumen shifted, causing LAURA to issues include practical co-operation in pressure on defence funding. The current strategic weight and ultimately our ability budget does not make it possible to Fisheries poachers in the Great develop a dangerous list to port and take developing capabilities — especially in the to defend ourselves in the future. contemplate developing major new Southern Ocean have been put on on water. maritime area, 'where our key interests Australia's strategic policy is not directed After the explosions, SWAN slipped below in less lie' — and the development of a degree capabilities in the form of new fighter notice by the RAN that their illegal WOLLONGONG was requested to go to than three minutes. (ABPH Stuart Farrow) towards meeting any particular threat or aircraft or new surface combatants. activities in Australian waters will the stricken vessel's assistance by the of interoperability. contingency but rather to addressing the In conclusion, the paper comes out with not go unpunished. Rescue Coordination Centre in Canberra environmental standards. During that enduring fundamentals of our strategic The paper examines the tasks for which The guided missile frigate NEWCASTLE after LAURA's crew were forced to take to four priorities for Force Structure time its 44 tonne twin 4.5-inch gun turret situation. The focus of our strategic we need military forces, stating that we delivered the message when a boarding life rafts and activate rescue beacons.The Development: was removed and transferred by road to attention is now more than ever the Asia must have the military capability to party arrested the Seychelles owned but 11 crew members, three from Malaysia the south coast town of Albany. There it Pacific region comprising the countries of prevent an enemy from attacking us Honduran registered trawler BIG STAR and eight from New Caledonia, were was re-located at the historic Princess East Asia, Southeast Asia, the South successfully in our maritime approaches, Priority I inside Australia's 200 km Exclusive reported to be in good health when Royal forts complex located on the Pacific, the United States and perhaps gaining a foothold on our territory or The highest priority is 'the knowledge Economic Zone surrounding Heard rescued. slopes of Mount Clarence overlooking increasingly in the future. South Asia. extracting political concessions from us edge'- effective exploitation of Island on Saturday, 21 February. WOLLONGONG's crew then attempted to picturesque King George Sound from The paper postulates the special through the use of military force. information technologies to allow us to NEWCASTLE kept the 60 metre long tow the 1283 tonne merchant ship to the where the Anzac convoy sailed in 1914. importance for the security of the whole So far as the Region is concerned, while use oi«r relatively small force to fishing trawler under surveillance during port of Gove, however conditions Fittingly it was Navy divers from region of the relationships between Australia would have a range of non- maximum effectiveness (by integration of the night and moved in at first light. As worsened and the ship sank some 60 km Australian Clearance Diving Team Four China. Japan and the United States. military options in any major crisis, our surveillance, command and targeting, NEWCASTLE'S Seahawk helicopter closed who laid the charges which sent the old north east of Cape Wessels.The survivors Strangely neither Russia nor India are defence planning recognises that the intelligence and communications). in crewmen on board the BIG STAR were warhorse to the bottom. SWAN steamed were transported back to Darwin. mentioned in this context, though government may decide that a military videotaped throwing illegally caught fish 775,850 nautical miles during her 26 year This latest emergency for WOLLONGONG (despite Russia's present economic commitment was warranted. Such a over the side. naval career. Priority 2 comes on top of her winning the 1997 troubles) both can be major players, and commitment would be undertaken with Defeating threats in our Maritime Once aboard the boarding party Kelly Shield for Minor War Vessel both can be expected to gather regional friends and allies. Approaches. Priorities will be to ensure discovered 90 tonnes of the protected Efficiency. economic and military strength in the The ADF will be developed to defeat our air superiority aircraft have a clear Patagonian Toothfish aboard packed in the future. Russia has retained much of its attacks against Australia, and provide advantage over systems they are likely to ships freezers. Estimates of the size of the military power and it seems unwise to A WATERY FAREWELL substantial capabilities to defend our encounter increase the maritime illegal catch of the Toothfish range up to neglect its probable future increasing The former Royal Australian Navy regional interests. Priority will be given to interdiction capability of our combat more than 100.000 tonnes per year, influence in the power balance of the vital destroyer escort "SWAN" was the first of these tasks, but decisions will aircraft, submarines and major surface attracted by high prices in the world's fish scuttled in Geographe Bay on NW Pacific area. be influenced by the ability of forces to combatants by upgrading our Air to markets. Western Australia's southern coast contribute to both tasks. Surface Missiles The unique place Indonesia, which could The arrest, which took place some 4300 on 14 December, 1997. Resting in 30 In examining the type of forces Australia metres of water, "SWAN" is sitting be one of Asia's 4 great powers in the expand our submarine capabilities make km south west of Perth, was the third in needs for its defence the paper supports the area in the last five months with upright 1.3 nautical miles off Point Divers 'eye' view of the now fish breeding 21 st century, has in shaping our strategic cost-effective investments in the a maritime concept — concentrating on ANZAC arresting two foreign fishing boats Piquet, Dunsborough. reef SWAN. (RAN) environment is especially recognised. defensive and offensive capabilities of our


present fleet of major surface NATO led forces have been rapidly the defence of essential merchant This amount was again increased in 1938 combatants. organised on a number of recent shipping in both continental and regional "THE RAAFS FLEET" when the threat from the north was occasions. It seems inconceivable that any defence situations. If we are facing serious recognised. Priority 3. Strike external assault on say. Indonesia. attacks in the north then any enemy must by Jim Allen Longer-range stand-off strike weapons In 1939 further bases were built including PNG or Malaysia/Singapore would not be possess significant maritime power, in Not many people are aware that the two that would require marine craft. for the P— III and perhaps other which case he would consider launching followed by an immediate call for Royal Australian Air Force ('HAAF) These establishments were situated at platforms will be acquired, but not very attacks elsewhere against our important Australian military assistance and major ever had its own fleet. In fact most Rathmines on Lake Macquarie in NSW long-range weapons such as the centres and shipping, as happened in both international pressure on Australia to publications on the subject do not and at Darwin in the Northern Territory. TOMAHAWK land-attack cruise missile. world wars. provide such aid. Similarly it would seem even acknowledge the existence of Prior to this, only Point Cook had Priority 4. Land Forces in our own long-term self-interest (and While there is some welcome the maritime force. This is required marine craft. When war was astounding when one considers that Defending air bases in northern Australia we should not forget our membership of recognition of the need to enhance our declared against Japan by the allies on the during the peak of Second World would require a significant effort from the the 5 Power Defence arrangements) to small submarine capabilities, there is no 8 December 1941. the RAAF found itself War the marine section had no less defence force. Protection of key facilities assist neighbouring friendly countries to consideration of the great advantages unprepared, having not yet completed its than 600 powered craft and 700 would require regional force surveillance resist aggression. There is a strong possessed by appropriately armed expansion program. unpowered boats. units, fixed-wing aircraft, unattended argument that this scenario is much more submarines in precision strike warfare The outbreak of the Second World War ground sensors and possibly unmanned likely to occur, even as a precursor, than is against land targets, as demonstrated in The history of the RAAF marine section caused the expansion of the marine aerial vehicles (UAVs). a direct assault on continental Australia. the recent Gulf War. There may well be goes back as far as the days of the section, for not only did the RAAF The army will maintain a brigade group at In army priorities the paper includes a an argument to base much of our strike Australian Flying Corps (AFC). On 21 require marine craft to rescue downed a high level of readiness for short-notice capability for short notice operations capability in submarines as well as in August 1914 the Chief of the General aircrew, but also needed boats to 01 Chss Armoured Target Lounch, Point Cook. operations, including overseas. At least overseas and a limited amphibious F-llls. Staff wrote a minute to the Secretary of transport stores, fuel and personnel, OCoy) part of the land force will be capable of capability but the paper contains no Overall, despite acknowledgment of the Defence requesting authority to purchase along with many other specialist tasks. To conducting amphibious operations and 01 CLASS ARMOURED consideration of what might be required necessity for a Maritime Concept the a small boat for the establishment of the meet these demands, the United States garrisoning to support the defence of TARGET LAUNCH for the support and protection of such paper gives scant attention to the Central Flying School at Point Cook. Air Sea Rescue Service and Royal offshore territories. The Army will rely deployments. One question which must resulting needs and priorities. While the Victoria.This craft was required to rescue Australian Navy assumed many of these Length: 40' heavily on air transport with a mix of be asked is how the naval and ground land-based air element of Maritime officers undergoing flying training who requirements, while the RAAF underwent Beam 8'9" helicopters and light transport aircraft forces will obtain air support for Warfare seems to be at reasonable may be blown off course over the bay. a program of seconding and requisitioning Draught: 3' Priorities would be: deployments into the region. There are strength, the naval side of the balance From this humble beginning, the marine civilian craft Requisitioned naval craft Speed: 20 knots few airfields in the island chain to our section grew to the impressive force of SEEKA, TONGA BOONOOROO. - the development of highly mobile joint seems inadequate. Given the huge such as Engine: 3 x power meadows - north capable of operating FA-18 aircraft distances involved. a surface the Second World War. KAZEMBE AMOHINE task forces. and undertook 100 horsepower and support from airfields in Australia destroyer/frigate force of a mere 14 On the 7 November 1921, after a period some of the air sea rescue tasks, with just - the development of a limited Manufactured by: British Power Boat even with in-flight refuelling could be vessels often without air cover and of seven years of evolution from the AFC one boat lost during the war years. On 16 amphibious capability. Company UK spread between 2 major coasts, will be via the Australian Air Corp (AAC) and May 1945, FAURO CHIEF was sunk when desultory at best. Major army resources Number in - the development of a land surveillance Australian Air Force (AAF). the Royal would have to be devoted to the ground hard-pressed to escort essential shipping the jetty she was moored alongside at system to cover key targets in Australian Air Force (RAAF) decided that RAAF Service: 7 (01-1 to 01-7) defence of any available overseas airfield while supporting, resupplying and Milne Bay collapsed. northern Australia and with the arrival of the Fairy HID seaplane, The superstructure on 01-03 was rebuilt and resupply with fuel munitions and defending an overseas deployment and marine craft were required for duties Meanwhile. RAAF was undergoing a large at a later date so she could perform Air - acquisition or improvement of aerial stores would be a major task. But the undertaking offensive and defensive other than rescuing pilots from the bay. boat building/buying program to obtain Sea Rescue duties. fire support, reconnaissance and troop alternative of providing air support from action against even a modest maritime Boats were essential at Point Cook to craft specific to satisfy specialist tasks. lift capability. small aircraft carriers carrying V-STOL power. assist in the mooring and removing of One of the first of these specialist types The Strategic Policy document is well aircraft does not appear to have been Adequate forces for the effective defence planes from the water each night in order was the Armoured Target boat, obtained laid-out and readable to the layman with examined, though it has been adopted by of Australia even against a modest level of to store them in the hangers. from the Royal Air Force and delivered in few of the tedious and offputting a number of maritime nations and is a threat clearly cannot be provided with Australia in February 1939. acronyms and jargon so common in major strength of the US Marines. the present level of spending, and risks As the flights of seaplanes expanded As the RAAF did not operate many official documents. Nor has this alternative been examined must be taken, but at least the around Australia, so did the requirements marine craft in the early stages, the for the defence of offshore territories or requirement should be known and for further boats and marine section It takes the nation a step further towards authorities saw little need to number for the defence of essential shipping and decisions taken, with resources gradually personnel. Marine Section coxswains and a rational defence policy but still has what them. However, as the number and types many observers would consider some naval forces when outside effective range being allocated, to work towards the motor boat crews found themselves of boats grew a simple numerical system 02 Class Lounch Rescue 481. Darwin. 1957. of Australian air bases. It would be requirement being posted all over Australia to service serious omissions and a failure to carry was instituted, running from the first craft expensive, yes, but there is a trade-off in the seaplanes. Examples of some of the 02 CLASS LAUNCHES forward the sound strategic overview As the nation moves steadily towards to the last. In late 1942/eariy 1943. a class frigates and other air platforms, and in any duties that marine section personnel into logical conclusions. self-reliance and independence in foreign of craft system came into being which RESCUE serious war situation without local air undertook included supporting the Fairy The pillars of our past defence policy policy, and as the countries in the Asia remained in use until the disbandment of Length: Came in t>vo lengths superiority any deployment of naval and HID and the Supermarine Seagull Mark III remain but with it a willingness under Pacific region recover and increase their the Marine Section in 1993. 46 I* and 48.1' on a mapping survey of the Great Barrier some circumstances to go forward and army forces overseas could be fraught economic and particularly maritime Beam 13' with danger. Reef and also at the RAAF experimental This article describes the craft in that play a role in regional defence. The strengths. Australia's possession of 7' section, La Perouse, NSW. where system. There were however, occasions Draught: examination of this possibility however significant maritime and air power backed While the paper predicates that a Squadron Leader Wackett and his staff where class numbers were used twice Speed: 17 knots seems limited and seems to lead to by a small but highly mobile army will Maritime Concept should be adopted as developed and trialled the Widgeon during the war, and post war, an example Engine: 2 x Chrysler Royal a distortion of Australia's defence become of increasing importance for our the most appropriate concept for the seaplane. of this being the 02 type. Marine 8 petrol priorities. defence, for the stability of the region and Defence of Australia and that we should engines maintain a strong regional presence as a for our national standing and influence, During the years between the two world Former members of the section may In World War II our first action in the Manufactured by: Botterill and Fraser maritime power, it does not then proceed including as an ally. wars, marine craft were purchased and question the titles I have given different Pacific was to send some forces forward Melbourne VIC 7 x to examine the most appropriate size and then disposed of as they, in turn were the various classes of craft. However, it to assist allies, to buy time, and to use While the need for strong air power has 461 craft and Spring composition of naval forces required for replaced. At the end of 1934 the should be remembered craft were defence in depth to the full. been acknowledged for many years, it is and Denard Brisbane the task. Government announced a three year retitled, from era to era. as their specific In today's world there is usually a rapid time now to look more closely at the role program of increased spending to make tasking changed. What follows is a list of QLD 8 x 48' craft and relevance to Australia of naval power international reaction to any aggression Indeed it is astonishing that there is no up for the neglect that had occurred the craft employed during Second World Number in in all its forms. by middle or small powers and UN, US or mention, for instance, of the vital role of within Defence during the depression. War. RAAF Service: 15 (02-1 to 02-15)

PAGE 18 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY The first 11 being seconded boats. The 09 CLASS AIRCRAFT Origins: Pritchard Brothers Number in next 5 were purpose built and their MAINTENANCE Sydney. Botterill and RAAF Service: 295 (13-01 to 13-339) specifications are shown above. The final SCOWS Fraser Brisbane. Qantas The following craft were canceled 217- 2 craft were the refuelling launches Length: 33' Empire Airways. 238.286 -297.303 and 327 - 329.The RENOWN and PENRITH, on hire to the Beam: 8'9" Robinson Invincible. following boats were never commenced RAAF from Shell for the duration of the Draught: 2'4" US Small Ships. Spring 261 - 266.013 craft were supplied with war. Interestingly all similar type purpose Engine: 2 x Meadows Chrysler and Denaro Brisbane. and carried by larger craft. built boats held by the Army Class had Ace Marine 6 Lees Sydney. British names starting with E. for example Manufactured by: Impressed by Ministry Power Boat Company 03 Class Torpedo Recovery Launch. (K Kerle) 05 Class Refuelling Launch. 05-22. Maggie, ex ELSPETH and EUNICE. of Munitions from UK. 2 Flying Boat Shell Co Melbourne. 5 January. 1944 Repair Base Rathmines. 03 CLASS TORPEDO (K. Kerle) private owners RECOVERY Number in Number in LAUNCH 05 CLASS REFUELLING RAAF Service: 6 (09-1 to 09-6) RAAF Service: 124 <011 -1 to 011-128 Length: 60' LAUNCHES (1,500 09-1. 09-4. 09-5. and 09-6 were Aircraft less 011-78 to 011-85 GAL) Maintenance Scows. 09-2 and 09-3 were which were not Beam: 14*3" bomb scows. delivered) Draught: 3*9" Length: 38' Speed: 12 knots Beam: This series was an assortment of purpose built craft and seconded, requisition craft. Engine 3 x Chrysler Royal Draught: 4*9" Marine 8 petrol A number were transferred to the 026 Engine: 2 x Chrysler Ace engines class. Marine 6 07 Class Marine Tender. 07-02 of Port Manufactured by: Crowley and Sons of Macquane. NSW. (R Pitt) Manufactured by: Norman Wright Brisbane QLD Brisbane and Spring 07 CLASS MARINE TENDER Number in 010 Cass Bomb Scow. 0IO-O7.(K Kerle) and Denaro Brisbane Length: 26' RAAF Service: 13 (03-1 to 03-13) ik. - 014 Class Dinghy Sailing Number in 010 CLASS BOMB SCOWS These craft were also used for air sea Engine: Single Chrysler Royal RAAF Service: 22 (05-1 to 05-22) Length: 32' — - ---.I rescue duties but were not as fast as the Marine 8 014 CLASS DINGHY SAILING MAGGIE (05-22) a refuelling launch with a Beam: 8'9" 02 and 08 classes. There is also evidence Manufactured by: Lars Halvorsen and Length: 8-14' capacity of 1.000 gallons of fuel/40 gallons Draught: 2'4" Aj to suggest that 60' Torpedo Recovery Sons Sydney Manufactured by: Purchased from of oil was powered by a cletrac tractor Engine: Chapman 10 private owners Launches from the UK were used in Number in engin She was impressed from the Shell horsepower and Gray Number in Australia during the Second World War. RAAF Service: 11 (07-1 to 07-11) Oil Company of Melbourne,Victoria. Sea Scout RAAF Service: 12 x Dinghy Sailing GAYLESS JNR. 07-4 was known as Four Manufactured by: Botterill and Fraser. (014-1 to 014-12) craft had their classes changed as follows Spring and Denaro Carried aboard larger craft. Those not 07-4 to 011 -87.07-05 to 011 -92.07-6 to Brisbane disposed of. were transferred to Point 011-88. and 07-7 to 011-93. Number in Cook Sailing Club. RAAF Service: 34 (010-1 to 010-34) All of this class were 32 foot bomb scows with the exception of 010-35 which was a 30' re-arming scow. 04 Class Launch Refuelling, 04-05. 45'. (K Kerle) 011 CLASS WORKBOAT 06 Class Motor Lighter Steel. 06-13. 04 CLASS LAUNCH (K Kerle) Length: 16-26' REFUELLING Beam: 9'. (2,600 GAL) 06 CLASS MOTOR Draught. 2' 9"-' LIGHTERS Length: 45' and 46' 012 Class Whalers. Located at Port Moresby (STEEL) Class Crash Boat. 08-34. Jervis Bay Beam: 11' during Second World War for escape if required. (J Romain) Draught: T for craft of 45'. 3'6" Displacement: 350 tons (RPitt) for craft of 46' Length: 122.3' 08 CLASS CRASH BOAT 012 CLASS WHALERS Engine: Beam: 24.6' Length: 38' Length: 27' 2 x Chrysler Royal Draught: 8' Beam: 103" Manufactured by: 012-7 to 012-9 Marine 8 Petrol Oil Class Work boat. 011-29. 015 Oass General Purpose Launch - Medium constructed at 2 Flying engines Range: 3.000 miles at 8 knots Draught: 3'6"' 015-73. TURTLE (K Kerle) Engine: Chapman Super Pup 4 Boat Repair Base Speed: 9.5 knots Speed: 20 knots Origin/ I /2horsepower. Rathmines. The rest at 015 CLASS GENERAL Manufacture: RAF UK and the Engine: 2 x 180 horsepower Engine: 2 x Chrysler Royal Chapman Grey. Berrys' Bay NSW PURPOSE LAUNCH Department of Fairbanks Morse Marine 8 Chrysler Ace Marine Number in (MEDIUM) Munitions Diesel's 6. Rover, Thornycroft, Manufactured by: Lars Halvorsen and RAAF Service: 9 (012-1 to 012-9) Length: 56' 12 Continental. Rugby. Number in Crew: Sons of Sydney NSW Beam: 16* Penta. Gray 4 cylinder. RAAF Service: 14 (04-1 to 04-10 Manufactured by: Purpose built craft. Number in 013 CLASS DINGHY PULLING Draught: 47" Ford V8. Chrysler were 46 footers Johnson's Tyne RAAF Service: 45 (08-1 to 08-45) Length: 8- 14' Speed: 8 1/2 knots and 04-11 to 04-14 marine 8. Universal Foundry. Melbourne 08-8 was used as a fire tender. 08-15, Origins/ Engine: Gray Marine Diesel. were 45'). 45 horsepower. Number in 08-16, 08-17. 08-18. 08-19. 08-20. and Manufactured by: Purchased private single screw. 180 Chevrolet. Dodge, and Note 04-15 and 04-19 were not owners and impressed horse power RAAF Service: 19 in class 08-21 were used as seaplane tenders. Power Meadows 100 launched or completed prior to the end 2 Flying Boat Repair Manufactured by: Slazengers Aust Pty horsepower. of the war. Base Rathmines Ltd of Sydney.

PAGE 20 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY UNCLASSED AUXILIARY the weather became worse. By 12.00 am A plan formulated on the 25 November Number in Number in CRAFT LAUNCH on 17 December the wind had reached 1 948 listed the craft required to be RAAF Service: RAAF 71 (015-01 to RAAF Service: 32 (from 017-1 to Length: 25' an estimated 120 miles an hour. The ship retained post war. These included; 015-60.015-66 to 015- 017-32) Beam: 6*9" was swept upon a reef and by dawn it was 75 and 015-91). 017-01 to 017-28 were seconded craft of 02 • 10 013 - 43 Draught: I "6" discovered that ten members of the crew Impressment of private varying sizes and dimensions. Some of the 04-12 014 -6 Engine: Thornycroft RA 4 Star craft 015-61 to 015-65 had been lost. Help reached the scene 06 - 3 015 - 12 launches were transferred from the 015 Thornycroft Sydney. cancelled. Purpose built that evening at 8.00 pm with the arrival of 08 - 11 020 -3 class. From 017-29 to 017-32. the craft Marine by Cockatoo craft 015-76 to 015- an American tanker. 010 - 16 026 - 3 were purpose built and their dimensions Dock Sydney 90.015-92 and 015-93 011-21 are shown above. Several craft were 020-1 designed for firefighting duties. IRAN) Whilst initially it was thought that not completed prior Number in WANAKA reclassified from the 011 and 015 classes may not be recovered, she was This provided the RAAF with a total of to the end of the war CLASS 020 FIRE FLOAT RAAF Service: 2 VCA 23 and CA 24) to the 017 class. towed to Sydney two months later and Length: 38' These craft were on loan ex department 140 vessels. 91 powered and 49 The majority of this class were seconded repaired in time to resume her duties just Beam: 10' KARUMBA unpowered craft. craft However, from 015-72 onwards they of Civil Aviation (CA 23) and prior to the end of the war. were purpose built craft as described Draught: 6' GROOTE ISLAND (CA 24) They both Classes Introduced PostWar above. Two of these vessels TORTOISE Manning: 3-4 retained their Departments numbers. Summary (015-75) and TURTLE (015-72) were Engine: Chrysler Royal Many RAAF craft experienced a hard life returned to the Navy in 1962 for use as Marine 8 during the war. Often maintenance diving tenders. Manufactured by: Seconded Department sections were not available and crews had of Munitions to make do with whatever was available Number in to keep their craft in action. RAAF Service: 7 (020-1 to 020-7) Such was the case with ALMA, a work 018 Oass Barge Powered. RAAF Depot boat numbered 011-25. On the 8 May Melbourne near TMO and Duke and Orrs Dock. These craft were based on the 08 class 1945 a report stated she was completely (R Pitts) hull. Oass Air Sea Rescue Launch. 1983 unserviceable. Her hull had opened up 02 02-/09 CLASS 018 BARGES Mine Yawl. IK Kerle) (H Irwin) CLASS 021 BARGE badly, she was nail sick with the coaming POWERED REFRIGERATOR CLASS MINE YAWL deck, rubbing strake, and seats needing CLASS 02 AIR SEA RESCUE Length: 54' 26' ALMA's FREEZER Length: replacement motor was also in LAUNCHES Beam: 14' Beam: 8'6" 016 Oass General Purpose Launch - Large Displacement: 300 tons poor condition. Sadly the ALMA ended Length: 63' Draught- 6' 6" 3*4" up being written off. considered not 016-01 ENDEAVOUR at Port Moresby, later Length: 100' Draught: Beam: 15*3" reclassified as R Pitts) Engine: Ford V8 Mercury Engine: practicable or economical to ship her 0/5-70. { Beam: 27' Draught: 4' converted by Ford Origin/ Continental 6 south for repairs. Draught: 6'6" Engine: 2 x Hall Scott Manufactured by: Ford Company Manufacture: 016 CLASS GENERAL The RAAF operated only one of these A number of vessels were also lost due to Defender VI2 petrol Geelong Number in Ex US Small Ships PURPOSE LAUNCH former Army craft. AB 2043. named enemy action. One of the better known engines 1260 Number in DRIFT RAAF Service: (LARGE) SNOW incidents was the loss of 08-05. On 29 horsepower RAAF Service: 59 2 (MY 12 and MY 13) Number in These craft were received from US August 1942 the Battle for Milne Bay was Manufactured by: Miami Shipbuilding RAAF Service 12 (016-1 to 016-12) This class comprised a mixture of ALCM Small Ships. All retained their former imminent. The crash boat had been Company with the This class comprised craft impressed - MK2 (54') LCM. ACL. MK 5 and LCM numbers. ordered to proceed from Milne Bay to exception of 02-113 from private owners. Their sizes ranged MK3 (50') under the classification of Mullins Harbour to observe and report which was built by Lars WANAKA from 60' - 85 .MYRTLE BURGESS (016-06) Barges powered 40' - 60'. 018-45 was a on possible enemy shipping.As the launch Halvorsen and Sons WANAKA and SAPPHIRE (016-08) were reclassified salvaged Japanese landing barge. Although the large did not fit was making its way across the harbour it Number in Specifications for ALCM - Mk2 shown to the 016 class from the 015. into the class system, she should be duly was observed by the Japanese destroyer RAAF Service: 13 (02-100 to 02-113) above. ENDEAVOUR (016-01) was reclassified recognised in this article. URAKAZE which turned her spotlights on The Air boats were initially commissioned WANAKA from the 016 class to the 015 class. Built as a motor vessel. was the launch and sunk the craft with the for the RAN and served during the Second 026 Oass Work Boat - Small. (K Kerle) employed by the RAAF as a stores fourth shell. Two of the crew were killed World War. Twelve were transferred to CLASS 026 WORK BOAT carrier, flying the RAAF ensign during the outright and of the other three, only two the RAAF postwar, and of these, three SMALL war. She was requisitioned from the made ashore. On this occasion the crew were returned to the RAN in the 1960s. Length: 15 - 20' Union Steamship Company of New of 08-05 were a mixture of RAAF and Whilst most were sold to the public after Beam: 6' Zealand, her crew including Merchant Army personnel. being decommissioned, several were Draught: 2' Navy Officers and Seaman. RAN At the conclusion of the war the RAAF. stripped and sunk as targets by the Navy. Engine: Chapman 5-10 horse Gunners, and RAAF medical attendants, like the Navy and the Army, found itself power. Morris Vedette. wireless operators, storekeepers and with a large surplus of unwanted craft. Gray, and Simplex. mess stewards. She is possibly best 0/9 Class Barges Towed Work Barge at Brisbane Accordingly, a massive disposal operation 0/7 Oass General Purpose Launch - Small. Manufactured by: US forces. Chapman (R Pitts) remembered for having survived a was undertaken by the Commonwealth 017-29. (K Kerle) and Sharack. cyclone and having been recovered in Disposal commission with the assistance CLASS 019 BARGES TOWED Halverson. Kopson and time to return for the war effort. of the Navy. As well, orders for craft to 017 CLASS GENERAL Manufactured by: Spring and Denare. Ex Sons (the last three On 16 December 1943 whilst returning be built and drafts of new vessels on the PURPOSE LAUNCH Forces and transferred located in Sydney). to Australia from New Guinea. WANAKA's drawing boards were cancelled. (SMALL) from RAN Number in Master Captain J. Dawson decided that During the period up to their ultimate Length 40' Number in RAAF Service: 73 (026-1 to 026-73) due to bad weather and reefs in the area, disposal, some craft some sank at their 07 Class Immediate Response Craft (Sharkcat). Beam: I2'6" RAAF Service: 33 (019-1 to 019-33) This class comprised a variety of craft, the ship would anchor in the vicinity of moorings. This was due in part to wear (H Irwin) Draught: 5'6" This class comprised an assortment of some being impressed. Additionally, this Wharton Island off the Queensland and tear that had occurred during the Speed: 9 knots CLASS 07 IMMEDIATE barge dumb, flat topped lighters with class had a number of craft transferred coast At the time of making this decision war and the fact that maintenance Engines: Varying engines both RESPONSE CRAFT derricks, and barge pontoons of varying from the 011 class. there had been no advice of cyclonic could not be kept up to them before diesel and petrol (SHARKCAT) sizes and dimensions. weather, the master treating the weather they were transferred to their new Length: 23' Manufactured by: Built by various as a bad storm. As the night progressed owners. Beam: 18' companies

PAGE 23 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY Draught: 8' Manufactured by. Steber Craft On 17 February. 1992 the final blow came Driven by regulated compressed air Speed: SS knots Number in NAVY GETS THE DRILL when the Chief of the Air Staff directed supplied from a cylinder or fixed system, Engine: Twin Evinrude RAAF Service: 1(011-001) the disbanding of the Marine Sections at ON NEW SAFETY a motor rotates a tubular rod tipped Outboard's 175 Horse Accepted by the RAAF in October 1989 Base Squadron William and Operational with a hardened steel bit Along the tube Power AIR HAWK became redundant and was Support Squadron Townsville . An DEVICE are a number of holes. A 38 mm fire Manufactured by: SharkCat Pty Ltd of paid off with the closure of the Marine administrative instruction followed in July hose with an easy-to-operate "on/off" Section in 1993. giving details for the disposal of the final Labrador QLD By Graham Davis lever, is attached to the base of the AIR EAGLE, AIR Number in three craft, 08-002 08-003 device. CONDOR, AIR A device which bores through the RAAF Service 1(07-001) 016 Class. Search and Rescue Craft 016-100 and 011 -001 HAWK. Whilst WARANA the RAAF marine section was disbursed steel deck of a ship in seconds then "The FireDrill is aimed at use in 07-001 came into service in 1981 and was in 1993 many of its former craft can still injects a fire suppressant at the suppressing fires in confined spaces, such broken up on a reef at Point Cook. CLASS 016 SEARCH AND CLASS 011 SEARCH AND be found around Australia's coastline. throw of a lever, has been as aboard ship, aircraft passenger RESCUE CRAFT RESCUE LAUNCH Boats such as the OOMOOBAH (015-03) demonstrated to armed service fire compartments or sealed shipping Length: 76' Length: 20' at Port Macquarie and BATAAN (02-08) at officers, senior naval personnel and containers." Mr Ken Whyte, the defence Beam: 16*6" Beam: 7.8' Surfers Paradise are still giving stirring civilian fire chiefs, at the RAN's ship manager of Chubb Fire. said. Draught: 5' Draught: 2.2' service in their capacity as civilian safety and survivability centre at Speed: 22 knots, cruising "They are already used widely in the Speed: 35 knots pleasure craft. Personnel who were in the Jervis Bay. speed 16 knots United States." Engine: Twin Mercury Marine Section have either changed Called the FireDrill-2. the device was Engine: Twin General Motors Outboards 155 Horse mustering or taken their discharge. developed by RJE International in the At the Jervis Bay demonstration an Power VI6 Diesel United States of America. Chubb Fire, the operator was able to bore through the Manufactured by: Millcraft of Brisbane Australian agents for the equipment are steel deck of one of the mock ships at the Manufactured by: J.J. Savage and Co of Bibliography 08 Class Immediate Response Craft (Sharkcat), seeking to sell it to the armed services fire training facility in just 33 seconds. Williamstown Merlin Number in AIR SWIFT 08-001. off Nobbys. Newcastle. Documents and Pamphlets: and fire brigades across Australia. Once through the metal, the operator style hull. RAAF Service: 1(016-100) NSW. (H Irwm) 1. RAAF Historical Section Document Number in WARANA was originally operated by the titled "Particulars of Marine Craft in RAAF Service: 1(011-201) Department of Civil Aviation at the service during World War Two and the CLASS 08 IMMEDIATE Cocos Islands. She was purchased by the immediate post-war period." RESPONSE CRAFT This craft was nicknamed "Little Toot" RAAF and moved to Townsville in 1975 (SHARKCAT) 2. Various RAAF administrative for search and rescue duties. Length: 27.21 documents. Speed: 42 knots Conclusion 3. Magazine 'The Navy' Engine: Twin Evinrude Another two types of craft without class CLASS 013 DINGHYS- 4. RAAF News numbers should also be mentioned. The Outboards 235 Horse PULLING MAX Power first was the long range rescue craft 5. Australian Archives Series MP 472/1, Length: Varying sizes 9'. 10'. ELSE II. Item 16/14/6497 Manufactured by: SharkCat Pty Ltd of This vessel was not a RAAF craft I0'6" and 15' Labrador QLD but was hired from the National Safety 6. RAAF Air Board Agenda Manufactured by: J.J. Savage.Thornycroft, Council for use by the RAAF Marine Number in 7. Register of Small Craft BBC Fiberglass. J. Rowe Section at Newcastle in 1985. With a RAAF Service: Air Swift 08-001. Air dated 15 July 1944 and Brooker length of 15 metres she was powered by Eagle 08-002. Air Number in twin 570 horse power diesel's which gave Books: Condor 08-003 her a top speed of 21 knots. With her Named AIR SWIFT. AIR EAGLE and AIR Service: Post war. there is 1. The Third Brother (The Royal sophisticated radio, and radar. MAX ELS2 CONDOR. AIR SWIFT was destroyed in a evidence of at least 10 Australian Air Force 1921-39). was capable of providing a rescue capacity by CD. Coulthard-Oark. storm at Point Cook on I December 87 Dinghies pulling having With AB Tony Scormis of Nowra standing ready with his tanker. RAAF SgtTony Hastings bores a hole in been purchased. in all weather. and written off. 2. Australian and New Zealand Warships the aircraft cobin whUe WO Tom Kinnear supports him with tne oir cylinder and hasekne (LSPH Steve Due to incomplete records it is hard to In 1981 the Newcastle section obtained 1914-1945 by Ross Gillett. Gumett) determine what is Second World War or two rubber duckies. Designed by 3. Australian and New Zealand Warships opened the valve allowing high pressure post war. Beaufort, these inflatable craft were 14 Since 1946 by Ross Gillett water to cascade from the holes in the foot in length and powered by 25 bore tube and extinguish the fire burning horsepower outboard motors. Their i*/v> ® \ below. Suppression took seconds. The purpose was for use in close to shore r* manufacturers say foam, dry powder or work around bays and islands. In 1983 CLASS 014 WHERRY SAILING inert gas can be used instead of water. one was used in an attempt to quell a fire I DINGHY The demonstration on the mock warship that occurred aboard the police launch •'.tit Construction: Cavel planked .014- was followed by an exercise using aircraft MACKAY after it caught fire in Newcastle Oil Class Search and Rescue Vessel. 011-001. 107 Bondwood. type metal attached to the centre's mock Harbour. AIR HAWK. (H Irwin) Length: 15* helicopter. Beam: 5' (some variation Post war there was not the requirement With water supplied by a Navy Fire CLASS 011 SEARCH AND craft to craft) for air sea rescue. Sections and units that RESCUE VESSEL had played a prominent part during the v Service fire appliance and air for the Draught: 18" Length: 11 meter war at locations such as Rathmines. East pneumatic motor supplied from a hand- Manufactured by: Service Personnel Crew: 5 Arm (Darwin), and Sale were no longer held cylinder, service firefighters were Number in Range: 350 nautical miles required, disestablished, then closed able to bore through the metal in WO Tom Kinnear, a Navyfirefighter from HMAS Speed: 30 knots Service: 15 (014-100 to down. By the 3 November I960 the just seconds and inject the fire ALBATROSS and SGTTony Hastings an airforce Engine: Twin 375 horsepower 014-115) marine section had shrunk to 45 craft and suppressant. firefighter from RAAF Richmond, move in with the diesel Caterpillar Carried on board corresponding 99 personnel. By 1989 Marine Sections FireDrill 2 to bore into an aircraft cabin and FireDrill 2 comes with varying sized turbocharged with numbered post war 02 class craft Ai! were only retained at Point Cook. USS V1NCENNES arriving in Sydney. 18 March. suppress a fire at SSS Jervis Bay. (LSPH Steve Newcastle, and Townsville. shafts and drill bits and sells for $15,500 after cooling were disposed of in 1960s. 1998. (LSPH S. Gumetx) Gumett) in the shipboard mode.

PAGE 24 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY The White paper canvasses various Letting off Steam Overseas THE NORTHERN ALL COMPASS POINTS aspects of increasing globalisation and The writer is invariably left with a sour NNMiaHIB^^HH concludes "The power of national taste in his mouth whenever he reads of SPECIALIST From Geoffrey Evans governments may become more Spotlight on the United States Navy some organisation or group of Foreign Affairs - Trade and Defence circumscribed in the future but the nation Australians airing grievances overseas. Aircraft Carriers state is far from dead, and sovereignty is Two important policy documents were On the recent patrol to bolster still cherished. This is unlikely to change Surely there are enough courts, tribunals, The decommissioned carrier AMERICA issued in the second half of 1997 - a surveillance strength in Northern significantly over the next fifteen years." commissions, ombudsmen and people of (CV 66) was moved from the Norfolk White Paper on Foreign and Trade Policy Australia HMAS "TOWNSVILLE", goodwill in Australia, capable of Naval Shipyard on 22 September to the titled "In the National Interest" ( issued commanded by LCDR PSND Australia's Strategic Policy preventing injustice without dissatisfied Philadelphia Inactive Ships Maintenance by the Foreign Affairs and Trade Chatterton, RAN, apprehended the Facility. AMERICA had been laid up at Department in August) and a "Strategic The policy is presented in an easily-read people seeking foreign intervention? largest illegal fishing vessel ever Norfolk since her August 1996 Policy paper" ( issued by the Defence three parts; dealing with:- Quite apart from the slight to national taken in Australian waters. decommissioning. Department in December). The trade pride, most foreigners have enough * Strategic objects and environment. TOWNSVILLE, a Cairns based patrol boat paper looks forward some 15 years while problems of their ov/n to worry about sailed early December for the Gulf of Associated Press reported on 23 * Factors determining capability Defence's paper understandably covers an without adding those of Australians. Carpentaria apprehending a pair of Type November that a "senior military official" indeterminate period but certainly no less. priorities for the ADF. "OSCAR III traditional Indonesian fishing boats. revealed that a Russian //"-class Although issued separately the Recognition for Service nuclear-powered missile submarine * Force structure priorities. These were given to HMAS WHYALLA to documents are complementary, in fact maneuvered close to the super-carrier During the last two years this column has tow back to Darwin. After a weekend in the strategic paper is admittedly based on Like its Trade counterpart the Defence CONSTELLATION (CV 64) off the coast of contained reports on efforts by former Gove, and the traditional naval transit of assumptions canvassed in the trade paper. document attaches priority to concluding Washington State in late September. The naval personnel to obtain recognition and Hole in the Wall (Gugari Rip). The latter document is extremely bilateral agreements, especially with S E AP quoted the official as saying. "The consequential benefits for service in TOWNSVILLE headed towards the detailed and examines trade Asian neighbours, but not neglecting United States knew about it, it was Australian ships involved in the Malayan Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) line. This opportunities - and possible pitfalls - in wider regional and multilateral alliances tracked. There was no danger" to the Emergency in the nineteen-fifties. proved to be a frustrating few days virtually every significant country and and relationships such as the Five Power Mid section of trawler's main freezer. carrier. "If we'd been at war. we wouldn't investigating suspect contacts, eventually region in the world; one must assume the Defence Arrangements, APEC and the Despite the seemingly irrefutable have let it get even close." The feeling that they were chasing their own picture that emerges reflects the oudook ASEAN Regional Forum. evidence put forward by the former speed, feeling they had escaped to Washington Times also reported that the of both the Coalition Government and wake. sailors to support their ease, both Labor freedom. Litde did they know that the same boat had cruised off the Washington the Opposition - the Strategic Policy \Although the "Fortress Australia" State coast, practiced "attack operations" and Coalition governments have refused small grey shadow on the horizon was appears to be in many respects a natural concept of defence never really took off against the CARL VINSON (CVN 70). and to accede to the request. the long arm of the 'aw reaping justice. development of Labor's 1994 Defence and was comparatively short-lived, a shadowed the NIMITZ (CVN 68) before Angered by official insensitivity, a group of The unlucky boat which had been tracked White Paper. refreshing element of the latest strategy returning to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskyy was the 'VANINDA No. 18', a 53 metre. paper is the frankness with which the Navy's former most senior officers - on I November. 750 tonne member of the Handoo Fish The trade paper said to be the first of its forward defence is discussed - not in the including no less than 14 admirals - has Co. After firing rifle volleys across their kind, is particularly interesting not least sense of raising and deploying sizeable sent a letter of protest to the Prime The keel of the new RONALD REAGAN bow the ship stopped, and was boarded. for its scope and summary of conditions forces for service abroad but rather by Minister, a move which must surely be (CVN 76) was laid at Newport News contributing limited forces to United The Korean mastered, Indonesian Shipbuilding & Drydock Company. in various parts of the world. If the writer unprecedented in our military history. registered vessel had 2 GPSS, 2 radars. has reservations they concern the overall Nations tasks and military operations Newport News,Virginia on 9 February. This matter seems unlikely to 'go away' optimism of the forecasts which do not such as those in the Middle East etc. 2 colour digital display echo sounders. Launch Postponed Museum Ships appear to have taken into account the as "Strike" forces (air and sea) are also DF and autopilot, making the patrol The HMAS WARRAMUNGA Association yet unknown extent of fall-out from discussed as a possible option. boat's navigational fit look somewhat MISSOURI (BB 63) was opened for public financial instability in major Asian has been advised by Tenix (former inferior. tours at Navai Shipyard Puget Sound, Given the great importance given VANINDA No. 18 under escort to Darwin in countries. The fall-out could include Transfield Defence Systems) that the Washington, during January, after which to Australia's world-wide trading December. The live fish on the deck and on the resentment in countries receiving launch of WARRAMUNGA MK2. scheduled preparations began for the ship's planned relationships in the Trade departments - processing table below made for a fnancial aid with severe conditions for 18 April 1998, has been postponed tow to Pearl Harbor. Hawaii, in April. The White Paper, it is rather surprising that Ending this monotony was the eyes in the relatively easy apprehension, and the long attached; they may well feel their hard- Secretary of the Navy was expected to merchant shipping - without which there until 23 May due to industrial problems - sky of Coastwatch. spotting a fleet of trip to back to Darwin commenced. The won struggle for independence from sign a formal contract during January to can be no trade - is scarcely mentioned not a new experience for the about 14 stern trawlers, all working near steaming party welcomed the change European Powers after World War 2 was transfer custody of the ship to the USS in either of the government papers. Williamstown dockyard! the AFZ line. TOWNSVILLE proceeded to of maintaining watches on an air under threat, (the Prime Minister of conditioned bridge, instead of with shark Missouri Memorial Association. The Association's office bearers have a investigate, and radar plotted one of the Malaysia has already expressed similar The Navy league has for years contacts 4 miles inside the line, as it tried fin on the roof of a Type III in the midday misgivings). busy time re-scheduling arrangements In early November the USN has maintained that a major weakness in to escape northwards. Once about 2 sun. The arrival into the port of Darwin WISCONSIN for the various functions planned for proposed berthing (BB 64) Australia's well-being is virtually complete saw TOWNSVILLE conduct a lead through. Also, while it is always risky quoting miles past the line, the boat slowed in at the Nauticus sea exhibit in downtown dependence on overseas-owned shipping the event, not least re-booking 250 yards ahead of the VANINDA, while selectively, the following passage caused Norfolk, Virginia. The battleship is to transport goods in and out of the accommodation for interstate visitors. media crews ducked in and out of the the writer some concern. "For Australia, currendy lying mothballed at the Norfolk country. The present government is no (The writer joined the first wakes to "capture the moment". These security also means preserving its Naval Shipyard, where she is occupying exception in its failure to recognise WARRAMUNGA prior to commissioning images would be in the papers the capacity for independent decision- valuable space. The proposal, backed by Australia's vulnerability in this regard. following day, and beamed nationally that CINCLANT. WISCONSIN making. thereby ensuring it can pursue on 22 November 1942 and spenr almost would open 'S night, which ironically may have been national objectives without external 2 years in what was regarded as a "happy topsides and selected interior spaces to With the foregoing qualifications, the watched by the crew of the VANINDA ship", most of the period under the the public, much in the same manner as coercion." Strategic Policy objectives and priorities itself on the TVs scattered throughout the MISSOURI was open during the How does this square with reports (in appear to be reasonable and capabie of command of her gready admired Captain. the ship. summer of 1995. The Navy would retain February) that Australia is among a achievement - the latter provided that E.F.V. Dechaineux, who shortly after ownership of the batdeship and pay for number of countries negotiating a government and the community accept leaving VVARRAMUNGA was killed in The fishing boat was subsequently handed preparing a berth at Nauticus, moving the multinational agreement that would that the world abounds with armed HMAS AUSTRALIA while taking part in the over to the Fisheries Representatives, TOWNSVIILLE ship, and the $200,000 in annual preclude national governments from forces, a fact recognised in both policy allowing to proceed landings in The Philippines). maintenance costs. The source of the regulating foreign investment in their papers, and provide the necessary alongside Darwin Naval Base for a well Navy funding was not identified; the Navy countries? funds VANINDA No. 18. deserved weekend of rest.

PAGE 26 PAGE I I THE NAVY THE NAVY Cohen stressed that the long-term 55,000 in Selected Reserves; and 80.000 tilt-rotor aircraft. the Advanced proposal to berth "WHISKEY" at the Taiwanese Navy. Total cost of the sale stepping into the 21 st century here" said readiness of U.S. forces was threatened Amphibious Assault Vehicle, and the Nauticus is unique, and may not fit into is S300US for the former USS AYLWIN. Airman Wesley S. Knowles. of Taft. Calif. DoD civilians. End strength trends and by the budgetary drain of excess 4BN/4BW helicopter upgrade. current guidelines Initial reaction from PHARRIS and VALDEZ. Six of the type "This UAV provides for safer acquisition goals are shown below: infrastructure. The Department of the city was favorable. Groups in Norfolk currently serve with the fleet. The last of of vital information in a potentially hostile Modernization of U.S. Forces • Modernization of naval forces includes Defense is burdened with facilities and have been seeking to acquire the IOWA six French built La Fayette class frigates. environment." procurement of the DDG-51 Destroyer. bases that it neither needs nor can afford. •One of the QDR's most important WISCONSIN CHENG DU. has also been delivered, on LPD-17 amphibious transport dock ship, (BB 61). but the proposal USCG contributions was to detail a plan to To remedy this. Secretary Cohen again and New Attack Submarine (NSSN).The may put an end to those efforts. 16 January. ensure that the Department could fulfill HEALY (WAGB 20) launched 15 urged Congress to approve two more tenth and final Nimitz-class carrier The last surviving Independence class Amphibious Ships its ambitious and essential plans to November at Avondale Shipyards. New base closure and realignment (BRAC) CABOT Following successful tests aboard (CVN-77) is fully funded in FY 2001. a light carrier, the long-stricken rounds. modernize U.S. weapons. The QDR ASHLAND Orleans. Louisiana. The sideways-delivery cost-saving acceleration of one year. The (CVL 28). ex-Spanish DEDALO. was taken (LSD 48). the Ship Self Defense endorsed the importance of increased launch created a wave that inundated a budget also supports development of the in from New Orleans to Port Isabel. System (SSDS) was recommended by Transforming the U.S. Defense procurement funding both to prepare for number of people on a viewing stand, next generation aircraft carrier and the Texas, arriving on 18 October The sad Commander. Operational Test and Posture future challenges and to upgrade aging causing several minor injuries and sending destroyer. and confused state of the ship, which Evaluation Force in mid-October for fleet systems. It also recommended numerous eleven people to a hospital for treatment. The FY 1999 budget begins failed to open in New Orleans as a introduction. SSDS is a distributed, open changes to specific major modernization • The QDR confirmed the need for. but Meanwhile, i dispute over the character implementation of the QDR's plan for architecture combat system for point programs and proposed ways to reduce made major adjustments to DoD's three tourist attraction, saw the Coast Guard of the ship's namesake, who served in the transforming U.S. defense strategy and defense that links RAM missile launch major programs for modernizing U.S. declaring her a menace to navigation, and i 9th century as the captain of the cutter military forces. tactical aircraft. New budget plans reflect her arrival at Port Isabel likely presages systems. Phalanx gun mounts and decoy BEAR, is unlikely to result in a name Shorthand for the new defense strategy DoD's decision to reduce and delay some her eventual scrapping. In late 1997. the chaff launchers to detect, track and change. The icebreaker is scheduled for is: Shape. Respond, Prepare. It calls for the planned procurement of the Joint Strike Commandant of the Coast Guard made destroy incoming targets. According to delivery in February 1999. U.S. to work to shape the international public an appeal by former President the USN Navy. SSDS destroyed all of the Fighter (JSF). F-22. and F/A-18E7F. The JSF security environment in ways favorable to will continue in its concept Gerald Ford to save the ship, and the 200+ targets it engaged during the Department of Defense Budget for American interests, be willing and able to demonstration phase into FY 2001. in American Academy of Industry in summer tests. The system will initially be FY 1999 respond to the full spectrum of crises as preparation for procurement to Chicago is continuing its efforts to installed aboard LSD-41 and LPD-17 class Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen needed, and prepare now for an uncertain commence in FY 2005. Funds for the first acquire CABOT and tow her to Chicago amphibious ships, and selected aircraft recently released details of President future. The FY 1999 budget supports this two production F-22s are requested for for eventual display. carriers. Clinton's Fiscal Year (FY) 1999 defense strategy primarily by ensuring continued FY 1999, leading to a gradual buildup to budget. It requested $257.3 billion in The Governor of Minnesota announced BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD 6) is American military superiority, high procurement of 36 aircraft per year by FY budget authority and $252.6 billion in on 26 November that the State and the planned to be commissioned on 15 July readiness, and extensive overseas USS MISSOURI (NPU) 2004 Production should soon increase outlays for the Department of Defense City of Duluth had agreed on a location 1998. while /WO JIMA (LHD 7) had her deployment of U.S. forces. It also for the F/A-I8E/F. which has greater (DoD). the future likelihood that the Department for the stricken OES MOINES (CA 134), keel laid on 3 November at Ingalls advances the transformation of U.S. survivability and weapons payloads than would need to shift funds out of now lying at the Naval Inactive Ships Shipbuilding. Pascagoula. Mississippi. Her forces and the organizations and activities earlier F/A-18 models. For the longer Release of this budget is the culmination investment accounts to cover must-pay Maintenance Facility at Philadelphia PA. commissioning is scheduled for February supporting them so that together they term the Navy plans to transition from of intense scrutiny of the U.S. defense costs like unbudgeted operating The announcement included the 2001. can best guarantee America's long-term F/A-I8E/F to JSF procurement at a time posture carried out during Secretary expenses. prediction that the ship would arrive at security. based on the pace of JSF development. GUAM (LPH-9) is scheduled to return to Cohen's first year in office. The new Duluth during mid 1998. Navy approval of Norfolk on 3 April, then decommission in budget begins full implementation of • To support implementation of the a preservation group s application for the • The transformation of U.S. military • The new budget supports the QDR's QDR. procurement is funded as follows: ship, and Minnesota state legislative forces seeks to maximize their emphasis on munitions of superior Department of Defense Procurement approval for the project, have yet to be effectiveness across the full spectrum of precision. Substantial funding is provided secured. future crises and conflict scenarios. While • Among its major modernization for ATACMS/BAT. Longbow Hellfire. we will transition to forces that are initiatives, the new budget emphasizes SADARM. and Javelin for the Army; One of the last examples of a WWII different in character, the hallmarks of the advanced information-technologies Sensor Fuzed Weapon for the Air Force; destroyer escort, the SLATER (DE 766) America's military will continue to be top needed to fulfill Joint Vision 2010. It and JSOW.JDAM. and AMRAAM for both was towed from New York City to Albany. quality people, high readiness, and accelerates acquisition of new command, the Air Force and Navy. The Navy will New York on 26 October, ending superior doctrine and technology. The FY control, communications, computers, continue to improve its inventory of attempts to establish the ship as a 1999 budget includes strong funding for intelligence. surveillance. and Tomahawk missiles and convert anti-ship museum/memorial in Manhattan. The all these. reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities. Harpoon missiles to SLAM-ER land attack Destroyer Escort Association acquired missiles. USS AMERICA • Transforming U.S. forces also requires the ship in 1991 from Greece, where she For example, funding was added to implementation of Joint Vision 2010. the accelerate by two years the fielding of the • The QDR stressed America's ability to served as HIERAX from 1951 to i 991. A September 1998. Previously. NEW the Department's comprehensive Department's new conceptual framework Army's first digitized division and corps. project military power to distant regions, new non-profit organization has been ORLEANS (LPH 11) was decommissioned Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).The for how future U.S. forces will fight and Numerous such advances will enable and the new budget continues the formed to operate the ship at Albany. at San Diego on 31 October 1997. QDR examined the security threats and achieve "full spectrum dominance. " At the military commanders to more effectively Department's airlift and sealift SLATER was first commissioned on I May CLEVELAND (LPD-7) recently installed opportunities facing the U.S. and heart of Joint Vision 2010 is the ability to direct forces, transfer information investments. Some 120 C-17 aircraft will 1944. the Pioneer Unmanned Aerial Vehicle developed far-reaching recommendations collect, process, and disseminate essential between them, and dominate future be procured by FY 2003. All KC-135 Cruisers (UAV) system and tested it off the coast for the post-Cold War era. information to U.S. forces, while denying adversaries. Also funded are key tankers will receive major avionics of Southern California. A UAV can cross ARKANSAS (CCN 41), the last of The budget includes $48.7 billion for the enemy the ability to gain and use surveillance assets such as unmanned upgrades. To improve sealift, FY 1999 into hostile areas for surveillance, the "VIRGINIA"-class nuclear-powered procurement of more modern weapons. battle-relevant intelligence. Support of aerial vehicles and critical navigation aids procurement includes the last LMSR targeting and battle damage assessment. cruisers, was deactivated 18 October at Procurement is projected to reach $61.3 Joint Vision 2010 in the FY 1999 budget is like the Global Positioning System. transport vessel, needed to move early- A full UAV detachment and civilian Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. After billion in FY 2001, achieving the $60 primarily for funding relevant new deploying Army divisions. engineers from the Naval Air Warfare • Modernization of ground forces will entering drydock for stripping, she will be billion goal previously set by the Clinton technologies. Center Aircraft Division. Lakehurst, N.J.. stress upgrades of primary combat FY 1999-2003 Major Defense (navy) fully "re-cycled" (scrapped), unlike her Administration. DoD leaders consider embarked in the LPD to test the system. The QDR recommended end strengths platforms like the Army's Abrams tank. Modernization Programs (Procurement sisterships. which have all been stripped, this higher modernization spending to be The UAV detachment and CLEVELAND'S and force levels that are only slightly Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and Apache $ in billions); but are still awaiting final scrapping. essential to the future readiness and Air Department conducted numerous below those already planned as a result of Longbow helicopter. Major development F/A-I8E/F Aircraft 15.0, DDG-51 battlefield superiority of U.S. forces. Frigates briefs, walk-throughs, rigging and the Department's earlier post-Cold War efforts include the Comanche helicopter Destroyer 14.1, New Attack Submarine and Crusader artillery system. Marine 7.5. LPD-17 Amphibious Transport Dock The United States has approved the sale unrigging practices and aerial vehicle While highlighting the importance of adjustments. It called for additional cuts Corps modernization features the V-22 of three additional Knox class frigates to engine system checks. "I think we are weapons modernization. Secretary of about 60.000 active military personnel; Ship 6.5.V-22 Tiltrotor Aircraft 5.8.


devoted to the RAAF's Neptunes and Published in 1912 this book was one of history of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Sea Space: Geopolitics. War and Naval 'THE OLD NAVY' Orions and the Navy's Gannets and the first to analysis the development of Second World War. This publication Policy; Part Two - Overcoming Distance; Trackers. This 100 page book is right up the British warship.Though this book may should be available in about two years. Shipping Settlement and Ports; and Part to date, with the AP-3C Orion section not by today's standards be considered as The Maritime Defence Of Canada is a Three - Living with Seas: Work. Culture ? WHAT ISA. ..SBA? correct to March, 1998. Australian an academic work it is none the less an collection of essays dealing with a variety and Lifestyle. The 'What is a ...' navy people series was important work and one which will Maritime Patrol Aircraft comes highly of aspects of Canada's maritime defences I do not subscribe to all of Mr Broeze's originally written in the late 1950s. The set continue to be sought out and referred recommended and at only $12.95. will and makes for an interesting comparison views, but overall feel he has achieved an will be re-produced in 'The Navy' during to by students of the period. not set back the finances too much. to similar issues in Australia. The essays enjoyable and thought provoking book in 1998 In The British Battle Fleet Its Inception and cover such topics as rearmament, trying to cover all aspects of our Growth through the Centuries, Jane traces A Sick Berth Attendant is a sort of a male mobilisation and coastal fortifications maritime history, past and present. THE BRITISH BATTLE the development of British warships and Florence Nightingale who uses an electric through to anti-submarine warfare in the Broeze's comments describing Collins- their associated technologies. The book torch instead of a lamp when searching FLEET: Atlantic and help place into context the class submarines as "controversial succinctly describes the development of for the dreaded mechanised dandruff. BOOK Canadian maritime experience. because of their cost and dubious the ships as well as some of the social Sick Berth Attendants are an exclusive set ITS INCEPTION AND In common with Australia, Canada was an strategic value" and describing the changed which occurred during the - they wear white dresses back to front integral part of the British Empire and former aircraft carrier HMAS GROWTH THROUGH period. One of the more revealing points MELBOURNE and are usually sterilised. They are often many of the decisions which impacted as "bought second-hand is how during the 1680s the lot of the heavily on Canadian security were taken from Britain" shows a degree of referred to as "untouchables" but it is THE CENTURIES seamen began to deteriorate after the in London. As Australia has found out not ignorance and naivety on naval matters. In pointed out however, that many of there REVIEWS By Fred T Jane supply of provisions and clothing was the author's defence it must be pointed patients are more untouchable all of these decisions were made with the Published by Conway Maritime Press passed into contractors hands, something best interests of Canada in mind. This is out that he cannot be expected to (particularly following a visit to some akin to today's Commercial Support AUSTRALIAN MARITIME Review Copy from DLS produce a book of this magnitude and be mystic port). During this latter period it Program. Hopefully after 310 years things the disadvantage of a nation being part of an expert on every topic. requires an experienced sick Berth Reviewed by Joe Straczek have improved. a collective security regime where it has PATROL AIRCRAFT Just released, this well researched 291 Attendant to be able to put his finger on very little say and no control over Published by:Topmill page soft cover book is supported by 48 the trouble. J Jane is possibly one of the few authors external elements. In this context the Reviewed by Joe Straczek photographs and illustrations plus six who places the design and construction book adds to the available literature on At Childers.the SBA. is fully trained in the maps. Retailing at $24.95, it is a worthy Coscf 12.95 of CERBERUS into its true historical Imperial Defence and helps to provide an use of the APC. This is known as the read for anyone with an interest in insight to various local issues and Maritime Patrol Aircraft is a detailed llir 11 nihil context The vessel designed by Sir EJ APCD School (Aspirin Phenacetin Australia's maritime history. examination of the seaplanes, flying boats Reed was the basis of modern warships opinions. Caffeine Dispensing School). Contrary to iwill! iidi and land based patrol aircraft of the up to and beyond the famous There is much in The Maritime Defence Of popular opinion the technique of ll- • |HllMI .Hill DREADNOUGHT. RAAF since 1922, as well as the carrier I|M In essence, everything Canada which would be of interest to APCDing is involved. l.m»ih IIIIMII.IHHII 1 DREADNOUGHT CERBERUS BATTLECRUISERS borne anti-submarine aircraft of the Fleet that had. had. Australian readers. Not only is the book For example:- III. 1. limn. . Air Arm from 1948. f in smaller scale, some 40 years earlier. By John Rcberts informative but it is also a good read and n.. The British Battle Fleet Its Inception and Published ijy Chatham a. Ascertain patient's trouble Twenty-five aircraft types are discussed, : I I-.-.I I I highly recommended. ifi" b. Disregard it Growth through the Centuries is a timeless (The Maritime Defence Of Canada including eighteen RAAF and seven naval Ill I'l • -I..M may be Review? j by Ross Gil ett c. Approach APC bottle and d 1 book and one which will provide those purchased from the publishers. The models, with 130 black and white and 30 Stemming at high a peed through a North withdraw cork. interested in naval affairs and warship Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, colour illustrations. The story of the Sei swell ir. 1917 Fisher's 'Splendid Cats' d. Pause (for full medical effect wait maritime aircraft is related through well development with a wealth of Suite 402. 2300 Yonge St, Toronto. M4P were indeed a splendid sight 30 seconds) researched narrative and data, plus some contemporary information. This book is IE4 Canada, for $CAN20.00) e. Remove three tablets interesting large format (full page) tables strongly recommended for inclusion in So reads the first narrative In the new Battlecruisers, f. (Remembering naval economy which describe through figures, dates and naval libraries. Chatham publication ISLAND NATION TIGER. PRINCESS measures) replace one tablet data, the chronological history of these describing HM Ships ROYAL UON g. Search for measure glass and fill unusual aircraft As well as the better A HISTORY OF and steaming in company THE MARITIME during the later stages of the First World with water known types, the book also features the Within the area of naval history a number War. h. Dispense - with/of patient. small batch of land planes converted of names are instantly recognisable as DEFENCE OF CANADA AUSTRALIANS AND THE quickly by the RAAF to serve in the having made a contribution to the wider Designed with the speed of a cruiser and At Flinders where the SBA is trained, he By Roger Sarty SEA undergoes an extensive course in the art maritime role, mostly in the mid war knowledge of national or international with the firepower of a battleship, the Published by The Canadian Institute of of needle fencing. This course comes in period from 1919 to 1939. Each aircraft naval affairs. This publication brings By Frank Broeze British Battlecruisers spanned an era Strategic Studies two parts or methods ... "the dart" and entry is presented via an introductory together two such names. One Antony Published by Allen & Unwin from 1908 to the late 1940b, this new Reviewed by Joe Straczek "the direct". The latter however has little squadron table. an historical Preston is such name, a renowned Reviewed by Vic jeffery work concentrating on their origin, to recommend it and has little glamour background (design origin, overseas authority on naval affairs and contributor Unlike Australia. Canadian defence This is the tenth book in the series "The design, the ship's early years in service about it. It is designed purely to reveal to development/orders and RAAF or RAN to a number of international Journals.The concerns have historically been linked Australian Experience" examining aspects and the all-important technical side of the acquisition/career history), technical data, the patient that that he did after all have a second name virtually needs no with its land border with the United of Australia's history and heritage. It various classes, from INVINCIBLE (1908) armament notes, special facts and final muscle there! However, "the dart" introduction. Fred T Jane, perhaps one of States. The maritime elements have explores the important role of the sea in to HOOD (1920). Also included in this disposal. method smacks of the theatre with its the most famous navalists of the late 19th tended to take a back seat However, this Australia's history and shows how it acts timeframe are the large light cruisers dramatic unexpectancy (real Alfred and early 20th centuries. His name does not mean that they were as a highway, spanning those vast COURAGEOUS. GLORIOUS FURIOUS. For the naval enthusiast, the seaplanes and Hitchcock stuff) - slap! slap! dart - you got continues to be associated with the unimportant. The Maritime Defence Of and flying boats operated by the 'senior distances between ourselves and Each ship's development is well it pal! international naval scene through Janes Canada by Roger Sarty provides a brief, service" from »ts seaplane carrier, cruisers overseas neighbours, rather than acting as documented, with superb perspective and Fighting Ships, which he founded and the but informative, overview of the maritime a barrier. cutaway drawings of each class. There is a method in an SBA's madness. and survey ships are included in the RAN series of journals published by the Janes dimension to the Canadian security Battlecruisers chapter, along with the Fairey Fireflies. is the second in the new For you see. the SBA has the game sewn- group. Every aspect of our maritime history problem. Shipshape series (after The First up. so if they appear distant and not quite Fairy Gannets arid Grumman Trackers from national security, trade and maritime flown by the light fleet carriers between Destroyers) from Chatham Publishing. A widi you. remember that they are really The publication which has bought these The author. Roger Sarty. is the senior unions through to surfing, boating and 1948 and 1980 wonderful book which is highly thinking about their patients (patience) two names together is the re-print of historian at the Canadian National fishing is included in this well thought out recommended. and are not just in the ether. All of the photographs have reproduced Janes The British Battle Fleet Its Inception Defence Headquarters and is currently book. The book is divided into three well, with an colour section mainly and Growth through the Centuries. working on a new three volume official sections.They are: Part One - Controlling


AUSTMAUAM UATOWU Digger". Smoky'. Wheels', 'Tiddles'. JANES WAR AT SEA Durbo' and all the other remarkable 1897-1997 creatures in this book, comes through FRIGATES just as clearly 50-odd years on. 100 YEARS OF JANES Some of the stories are funny - even bawdy, and others are sad. A bit like life, FIGHTING SHIPS really. But. at least, to the best of the By B. Ireland and Eric Grove author's knowledge, they are all true. Published by Harper Collins Nevertheless, it is understandable that Reviewed by Ross Gillett there may be differences of opinion about exactly what did happen all those years The name Janes is synonymous with many ago. Most of the contributors were things naval and has now been so for over * recalling events which took place in their one hundred years. w y teenage years, with all now in their 70s. To mark the centenary of Fighting some in their 80s. and even a few in their Ships, the Harper Collins group has 90s. It would be surprising, indeed, if they released the impressive Janes War at Sea all still retained perfect, unclouded 1897-1997. The book is written around it **** memories of events. the development of the warship during A paperback, laminated. 205 page book. the past 100 years, centred upon the Shipmates is illustrated throughout with major eras and warship types, from supported by a wealth of photographs. more than 280 black and white battleships and aircraft carriers, through Many of the;e photographs have never photographs, with a bibliography and to torpedo boats and amphibious ships. Bbeen publishe d before, a boon to the index. The book will be available In April. The book features hundreds of high serious student of naval history and the 1998. direct from the author. quality photographs and numerous model maker. colour profiles, all printed on glossy The book is laid out in three sections.The paper. Unfortunately, for this reviewer, the first covers the Royal Australian Navy narrative was found to be too small for while the second examines the ships of any period of long reading. the Royal New Zealand Navy. The third The compilation of a book such as this is section is made up of 16 pages of colour a daunting task, thousands of ships, photos, including a rare 1950s colour ORDER numerous developments and alterations view of HMAS QUEENBOROUGH to the warships. To their credit the following her modification to an anti- authors have presented the general submarine frigate reader with a well balanced, by ship type FRIGATES would be a welcome addition and national navy, overview of the 100 to the bookshelf of any ship lover and FORM years covered by the book's sub-title. continues this excellent series. The next book is planned to cover the corvettes, anti-submarine and mine warfare ships. AUSTRALIAN Please send me copy/copies of FRIGATES is available through better SEAP0WER newsagents for a recommended retail Shipmates at $25.00 plus $5.00 postage PH0T0FILE NO. 6 - price of $9.85. and handling for one book and $2.50 for each additional book. Total $ FRIGATES SHIPMATES Published by Topmill ILLUSTRATED TALES OF Name Reviewed by Mike James THE MASCOTS CARRIED Cost $9.95 Address... The Australian Seapower Photofile series, IN RAN SHIPS AND published by Sydney's Topmill Books, has provided a convenient and economical ESTABLISHMENTS Post Code resource for the maritime enthusiast and By Vic Cassells layman alike. This book tells of the trials and FRIGATES continues this worthy tradition, tribulations of the mascots carried in the covering the many and various classes of ships and establishments of the Royal Phone/Fax escorts that have operated in Australian Australian Navy - and a few RN cases Signature and New Zealand waters. From the first where their story is pertinent in some sloops of the pre-World War One era UR way to this country. to today's technologically sophisticated The most eye-opening thing found by the Payment: Cheque or Money Order only Anzac class frigates, all are covered in author during his research was the extent detail. to which these mascots contributed to To: Vic Cassells, PO Box 229 Each class is broken down into individual the morale of the men. In the hundreds of Paradise Point, Qld 4216 ships and the highlights of each ship's conversations conducted by Vic Cassells. career is detailed, in peace and wartime. the strong affection they'd had for Telephone or Fax (07) 55773305