The Magazine of the Navy League of Australia •^^Tstew FfeeTSupport * All Compass Pbirits Fighters and the Defence Budget * Veteran Rc Magic Lantern Slides * Japanese Naval Reyj r In this Issue Viewpoint 'Pink Panther' Leaves the Fleet 3 Australia's Strategic Policy 5 The Navy Magazine is sixty-years-old Fighters and the Defence Budget 7 To mark the event long serving Federal President, Geoffrey Evans New Fleet Support 9 has put pen to paper and reflected or, the role of this, the official organ ANZAC m the News 17 of the Navy League of Australia In his contribution, Geoff highlights Japanese Navy Pictorial 18 the dramatic change in style of the magazine over the six decades, Landing Craft for the Royal Brunei Navy 19 while at the same time, ensuring that both members and readers alike, OFFICIA-NAVL ORGAN OF THE NAVY LEAGUE OYF AUSTRALI A New Ship But Old Memories 24 are kept informed of the current state o< play m the Royal Australian Magic Lantern Slides 1895 28 Navy, at home and abroad What is a Writer ? 29 This edition also includes a report on one of the major changes to NAVY WEEK SOUVENIR PROGRAMME ISSUE effect the Royal Australian Navy's support structure Last October the Regular Features newly created Defence Maritime Services, a member of P&O Maritime Viewpoint 1 Services, signed a contract for the supply of port services and support Naval News 11 craft to the Navy over the next ten years What this means to the Navy Observations 15 is outlined m New Fleet Support All Compass Points 20 The Navy Revisited 26 This year the Fleet Air Arm celebrates its 50th Anniversary Readers Book Reviews 30 who wish to obtain more information about the Golden Jubilee celebrations and the Australian Naval Aviation Museum can be Our Front Cover obtained by contacting the Museum on 044 21 1920 or e-mail HMAS ANZAC October. >997. enroute to Hoard Island See story paqe 17 anam©o/email com au (Photo ABPM David Connolly) The Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force recently held a large Fleet Review to publicise its new capabilities and latest submarines, Corporate Members surface ships and auxiliaries Photographs taken of the occasion are THE AUSTRALIAN SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION published in this edition and for the history buffs, a collection of 19th COMPUTER SCIENCES Of AUSTRALIA PTY LTD BTR AEROSPACE AUSTRALIA century iantern slides of life in the Royal Navy HAWKER DE HAVILLAND LIMITED Befoie closing this edition's "Viewpoint" mention should be made ROCKWELL SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD of the service provided by the survey ship HMAS MORESBY, paid off STRANG INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD from the naval ranks on 13 November, 1997 The first purpose The Navy designed survey ship built for the RAN, MORESBY sailed more than All letters to the editor, contributions etc to 1,17 million nautical miles during her 33 year career What the future The Editoi. Ross Gillett holds for the ship is still undetermined, maybe a new career in the 4 Deia Close, Mediterranean, like her younger running mate, the former HMAS Dee Why. NSW 2099 COOKi Subscriptions and Membership Ross Gillett All magazine subscription and membership enquiries to. The Hon Secretary. NSW Division. The opinions or assertions expressed in The Navy are those of the Navy League of Australia. authors and are not necessarily those of the Federal Council of the GPO Box 1719. Navy League of Australia, the Editor of The Navy or the Royal Sydney, NSW. 2001 Australian Navy 09 Copy deadline for the next issue is 9th February 1998. THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA FEDERAL COUNQl SOUTH AUSHUUAN DIVISION Patron m ChM Mr E*e«ency The Governor General Patron: Hn C xceKency. The Governor of South Auctraka Pmxbnt G'aham M Harm, RfD Pmkfcnc AJan Prekett. RFD. ISSIeeptHA Dnve. Panorama SA 5041 RAOW A j Ro6ertw\ AO. DSC RAN (Rtd) John B»d. CORE HJP Adarm. Hon. Secretary. Mw J E Gil. GPO Bo* 1529. AdeMe.SA 5001 Telephone (06)8347 1985 AM. RAN (Rid) CAPT HA Joiephv AM. RAN (Rtd) TASMAMAN DIVISION Hon. Secretary: Don Schrapel PO Bo* US. Wtood*»e. SA 5011 Patron: H« Excellency The Gc^mor o( Tavnanie Telephone (08)8147 1985 Fax (08) 8347 3256 ftertdawt MJ Cooper. OAM NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION Hon. Secretary: Mrt J M Coopet 42 Amy Road launceflor, Tai 7250 Telephone 03)6344 1S31 Patron: H* Exrtknr* The Govemo. of New South Walei J INCLUDING PROGRAMME of Pmidant R O Albert. AM RFO. RD Oevonport G Wiftamt, 15 Pine Place. Dcvor^ort. T« 7310 Trtephcx* (03)6424 5886 Hon. Secretary: IC J Jeppewn, OAM RFO GPO Bo. 1719, Splney NSW 2001 •umie: G Davn, 40 Cherry Street. Burrne. Tat 7320 Telephone (03)6431 4023 DISPLAY AT GARDEN ISLAND, 12th OCTOBER. 1957 \ Telephone (02) 9S70 842S Fax (02) 9232 8383 MCSTBW AUSTRALIAN DIVISION VtCTOWAN DIVISION Patron Hn ExteCency The Governor ol Wntem Auwaha Patron: E*cefler«y The Governor at Wtona FmMntAII Hevwtt. JP AND Preiktant J M WHkni RFD' Hon. Secretary: MnGHewftt 23 Uwrfer Road Attadale.WA 6156 Telephone (08)9330 3600 Hon. Secretary: T E K*x»n M8E. VRD*. PO Bo* 1KB Bo* HSU Defcvety Centre VIC 3128 OPEN DAY AT H.M.A.S. "WATSON" AT WATSON'S BAY, 19th OCTOBER. 1957 Telephone and Fax (03) 9560 9927 Geratdton: E BeckvMth. 2 PettheH Sweet. Rangeway WA6S30 Telephone (08)9921 3768(H) QUEENSLAND DIVISION (08)9921 1200(B) Patron: HH EnceOenry The Governor of QueersUrid Aliany: D Bray Lot 46 Frtdenct Street. GlMtKMc v<a Atoany WA 6330 ruiiilml IM Frater OAM Telephone (08) 9841 65*2 Hon. Secretary: R D Poulton RFD. POBo* 170. Cleveland Od 4163 Telephone (07) 334S 2174 F GeoMriy Evanj. 08E. VRD. Chairman I'" Cafcra: A Cirvneen. PO Bo* 1009, C*mv Old 4870 Telephone (070) S4 1195 Wm Bofctho, AM towavlr l McOouQal. PO Bo* 147* TowrwBe. Qtd 4810 Tefephorw (077) 72 4S88 AArwal Michael W Hudior\ AC RAN (Rtd) .1 number <•/ rentiers asketl If ihr eitccr ihplt iim/ IIMAS TOHRl'K Inun the (kiither. If&7 cdllhm nf The Stwy (fntm \hi. Kl Xit.4). Macfcay: Mrs W Oihom. PO Bo. SS27 Mackay Old 4740 Tetephene (079) SS 1663 We Admiral Dm Leach. AC CBE. LVO. RANEM could he rrpntducetl In full etJtiur. Sit hen• II Is.' Bundafaarv: I lohte. PO Bo* S141. Bundaberg WW. Od 4670 Telephone (071) 51 2210 We Admiral V Richard Pee*. KBE. CB. D5C RAN (Rtd) Soutfcpart: > V Foot. PO Bo* Southport. Qtd 4215 Telephone (07)5532 2447 John Strang Chairman Strang International Ply ltd The Savy. .lanuuiy-Munh HHtH 1 FROM OUR READERS "Pink Panther" Leaves The Fleet OUR HISTORY GOING Yours faithfully prompted me to write to you Any information " you \"w Jeffery. Navy Public Affairs Officer (WA) R Genge. to enquire if can provide would be Dear Sir, An era ended in Royal Australian Navy history when the When commissioned in 1964, MORESBY boasted two Stockton. 229> a) There are any back appreciated Thank you As an Australian and veteran hydrographic survey ship HMAS MORESBY was survey motor boats (SMBs), FANTOME and HERALD, the 1945 issues of the reader of "The Navy". I was decommissioned at HMAS STIRLING in Western Australia on design boat SANDFLY and the all-purpose boat TRINITY They Editor: Some interesting magazine available Tony Rundle. disappointed to read about Thursday, 13 November, 1997 were later replaced by SMBs ALERT, BEAGLE and DART, who ideas, but I think the Federal with articles on Denistone East 2112 the fate of ex HMAS SWAN In a 33 year career MORESBY recorded many milestones, were in turn replaced by FLY, RATTLESNAKE and authorities have other ideas Fairmiles Let's hope that the same the most famous being that of the first RAN ship to reach one WATERWITCH. Finally they were in turn replaced by FANTOME. MORESBY b) If you know of any Editor: A copy of a does not occur with the soon See article in this million miles in service MORESBY achieved this on 31 October, INVESTIGATOR and MEDIA to be decommissioned issue books available that recent Fairmile article has 1992 whilst surveying off Arnhem Land whilst under the For the first decade of her career, MORESBY was based in destroyer escort HMAS detail the wartime been sent to our command of CMDR Mark Hudson, RAN. Sydney, conducting surveys on the east coast, Tasmania, Papua TORRENS. which could be service of the Fairmile correspondent. A new book At the time of her decommissioning MORESBY had New Guinea, Torres Strait, South Australia and the north west My late father was on outlining the history of the steamed back to Sydney and FAIRMiLES boosted that total to a staggering 1,170,421 7 nautical miles, of Western Australia handed over to the Navy several Fairmiles during the 35 Fairmiles is expected to be accumulated during 88,241.8 hours underway Her last CO, HMAS MORESBY, renowned for her teak deck, buff funnel museum and placed in the Dear Sir, war and I would like to know published in 1998 by the CMDR Paul Spencer. RAN, said in his Decommissioning speech, and all white colour scheme briefly sported a blue 'GT' stripe unused Naval Dockyard The photo article more about this class of Fairmile Association. We will "it is a sad occasion, but it may be a time to reflect". How very along her length in 1973 until directed by Fleet to remove the graving dock within Sydney "Onboard a Fairmile" in the vessel and their service be reviewing it when true! offending stripe and revert Harbour The NRC could also last issue of the magazine careers.
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