Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1968-05-14
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'New Iowa Sports Arena Needed' Evy, Berg Story On Page 6 --------------------------- ---~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ail owan Serving the University of Iowa OIul the People of Iowa City Eatahirshed In 11168 10 cents a cep), Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Tuesday. fay 14, 1968 'City Of Hope' Goes Up In Capital WASHINGTON III - The Poor People's About 400 demon trators chanted "Free· clear: this is a nonviolent movement. We cause '" want to try to beller myself. Cam;>ailln raised It wooden camp, dubbed dom!" WIth each blow of the hammer as are not going to destroy :-ny person or I'll get a living if I can - , hope." a "City of Hope," 0'1 a lawn by the Lin. Abernathy drove the £irst nail for the tent· property." "I have Caith in thi ,'. said ~year-old coin Memorial Monday to begin what its shaped plywood dwellings that will house But beyond that. Abernathy said , he Lee Buck of Lambeth, Miss. leaders say will be a summer·long siege the throng of marchers con vercing OD the could give nO guarantees because the pro of Congre nation's capital. testers intend to plague the nation until Abernathy led the demonst 'ators in sing. inC the civil rights anthem, "We Shall The Rev. Ralph Abernal~y promised Although the Pentagon placed an 'n· their demands are met . Overcome," then read the Bible's Psalm announced num~Gr of trOO,)5 i what It "Tired of Reb, Ro.ch.s" 37. which includes the ver e. "Tru t In termed "a stale of readine ," there were "We are tired of living with rats and no incidents of any type reported. the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell Midwestern Marchers ronches while a few people live in man in the land. and verily thou sbalt be fed." Abernathy. leader of the campaign sions with wall·to-wall carpeting." he said. Barely Skirt Violence pl~nnE'd bv the late Rev Martin Luther "M"k Shen Inh.rit ..." Abernathv told 8 news conference later He stopped before he reached the King. Jr. said, "We're gOing to stay here thp nation has the ability. but not yet the DETROIT I.ft - The Midw,,"'" con phrase, "The meek hall inherit the un'il the Congress acts or the Congre;;s will. to meet the problems of the poor. --- tlng,nt of the Poor People's March on &0 earth." ----- adjourn . and then we will on wherever He declined to place a price tag on the Wtlhinglon had • bri.f flirt.tion with Congress goes." In meeting with Cabinet member and vlolenc. Monday nl,ht .. a ,roup of programs he seeks. lcavin& that que lion congressmen lwo weeks ago, the cam· March.rs Arri .... to econom isis. m.rch.rs tried to prev.nt pollet from The civil rights leader wore blue denim »lJign leader a ked Cor mere jobs, more towln, what march.rs said WII their work trousers, a carpenter's apron and a Withm a few hours after the ceremonir, hOUSing, Cree food [or the destitule, and more power for tbe poor communlc.tlons car from • driv.w.y denim jacket In contrast to his usual dark more than 70 of the tent· like wooden dweU· In front of D.troit's downtown Cobo Hall . suit. The top three buttons of the jacket in~s had begun to talle shape under the Abernathy will meet with lawma!lers A march I.. d.r •• Id • replacem.nt were ooen to bare his chest. But he rode hammers of marcher and local volun· Wednesday to present in more detail the for a dud battery h.d betn senl for buI to and' from the site in a Chrysler 1m. te~rs . The long rows resemble1 an Army I etslaUve 1I0als of the cam"algn, It was th.t .bout 200 poliet, som. of th.m perial bivouac ar a. announcE'd Monday mounted, conv.rged on Ihe Ie en,. The fi rst marchers arrived by bus from The first trlangular·shaped shelter was A bipartisan, biracial committee of four R.porters said the t.nlt situltion was ~ississlppi and Tennessee ~unday . Other erpcted for Mrs. Minnie Lee Hill of Marks. congre smen and senators invited Abel'· qui.ted by the march's own mMsh.II. regiments wound their way to\"ard the Mis .• II mother of eight. She said her nathy to detail his aims capital londay through Michigan , South husband receives $107 ever; two weeks The committee is made up of Rep. Carolina and New Jeraey. March leader. Crorn an antipoverty tralnlng program, ('harl s C. DiUI Jr. /D·Mich, and Sen pro,esters, "We're going to plague the predict 3,000 demonstrators will be housed but she ha no other Income. She ex. Edward W. Brooke (R·Mass.1 both Ne· pharaohs of this nation, with plague after at the campsite by the weekend. plained , "I'd like to geL welfare or g t groes, and Rep. Ogden Reid (R·N Y.l and plallue, until they agree to give us mean. ~outhern congressmen I'l'peatedly have me some kind of job" Sen Phlli!) A. Hart tD·Mlch .1 both white. THE RESURRECTION - AI Ihe fn end of Ihe grass.covered, Iree.ringed strip .1 ingful jobs and a guaranteed annual in· predicted violence. but Abernathy told the George Nixon, 76, of ;\Iarks, a grizzled The meeting will be closed except to left, the first wooden structures were Sd up Mond.y by the vangu.rd of the Poor come." demonstrators, "Let me make this crystal man leaning on 8 cane, said he came be· member of the House and Senate. Peopl.'s Campaign marcher.. Th. sU., n.med "Resurrection City," bord ... the Refl.ctlng Pool between the Lincoln Memorlll and the Washington Monument. - AP Wlr.photo LBJ Proclaims 'Friendly Lawsuit' To Seek Ruling Both Sides In Telks l IDay Of Prayer On Student Voting Right In Iowa City Demand De .. Escalation By RON GEORGEFF , tudent might be sintlle, living in oCf· spector to clear up the backlog of un· For World Peace Gary Vel dey , director of Hawkeye Legal campus hou. Ing and holdintl a part·time compleled in pection in nelt year's budg· PARIS lIP! - In its turn. e~ch side. In so far alw1Ys on our own soil . We are VIC' Services Society Inc is going to hring job with Ihe Unlver ity . Another student et. a "fri nd ly lawuit" again t Iowa City to mil(ht be single and holding a full·time the Victnarr.ese war demanded Monday tims of aggression . .. war. we have the AU TIN iA'I - President Johnson. keep The city manager's announcement thot the other side scale down the bitter right to defend our elves." get a court ruling on . tudent voters' job in the city. ing in clo e touch with the Paris talks. right- . came amid council di scussion on housing conflict as !I step toward pea' . Harriman's immediate rClction to much Monday proclaimed May 30 "os a day of The attorneys will argue the ca e before code enrorcement lind inspection. But the special emissaries of fresidenls of this durmg the three-hour llnd J5-min· prayer for permanent peace." Cily Atty. .Tay H. Honohan told the the judllt> . Hickerson said In a memo to the coun· Ci y Council at an Informal session Mon. The suit would be taken to the Supreme Johnson and Ho Chi Minh - Ambassador me session was frigid. Johnson, relaxing at hiS hili country cil that a of Jan. I. 2.354 in p cted rental W. Averell Harriman aDd Minister of day th t he and Vel dey agreed to s('(.'k a Court, Hon'ohan said , only if the District units were not yet in compliance with "You have raised this morning many ranch, is getting periodic reports from dDciara tory j ud gmen l or. the matter of Court did not j ue a definitive judgment. St t~ Xu an Thuy - were careful to muf· thl' COde. mo.,ers In a manner and in su<>stance Paris on Ihl' convl'fsatlons wilh repr ''Wn· ' student" \otlng ri ~ht s by prt',enllng thl' Honol11ln said the chnnce for such a Councilman C. L. (Tim ) Brandt said, fle their charges and countercharges in With which we disagree or whl~ .. we com· talivps of North Vielnam. But the Texas "elatively mild tern,s. It was as if they C'l e< 0' fi ··p hypo: he' iral • tud ent. be· clcor cut d ci ion weI' light. "It i an admini tralive ta'k to enforce p,ec.ely reject, he said. ") wilt not tOday Whitt' House declined to I'omrr.ent on the fore the John 'on Count)' Dislrict ourt Thl! city will pay the ellpen e ' for the tho hou ing code. We can authorize funds were Signaling a readiness to talk on and ~lIsw~r your allegallons bUl wlll J an dis ~ uss ; ons in the French capital. and, if necessary, the tate Supreme law'uit proc eding ~ , an amount e UmBted (or personnel. but it' ~ up to the adminis· on, despice their public postures, to end 3111rmative slatement (Wednesday ' which In his proclamation, Johnson direct d war both said they detest. ourl. b)' Honohan to bf SSOO . tration to enforce the code" we hope wilt conmoute to progress to tha ' all nags on federal prooerty be Ho",hnn <aid he and Veldey had Mayor Loren Hickerson aid he sup "We've always, up to now, looked only It was a predictable sendJfC for the long Wd' d the obJeclJve tha brings us here.