(Iowa City, Iowa), 1965-02-27

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1965-02-27 ~iII in Congress Would Aid Cold War Gis in Schooling owan ' By JOHN CEGIELSKI eran must have also received an dancing, personality development, Serving the University of Iowa St.ff Writer honorable discharge. entertainment, photography, music, and the People of Iowa City II a bill now in the U.S. Senate's Yarborough estimates that there public speaking school or pro­ Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, February 71, I965 committee on labor and public are presenUy about three million grams. welfare is passed by the Congress of what he calls "forgotten Amer­ (Courses in music, public speak­ and signed into law, ex-service­ icans," and said thaI this figure ing and photography taken as parI men who have served since 1955 will jump to five million by 1973. of a college curl'iculum would not will be eligible to receive govern­ HE ESTIMATES that the bill be affected.) ment financial lIid for their edu­ would cost around $289 million an­ There are some limitalions to the calion . nually, but argues that in the long­ assistance the bill would give. No This new G.T. Bill, patterned run it will be self-liquidating si nce veteran would be eligible to receive after its World War II and Korean well-trained veterans pay higher it if he started on an educational War predecessors, would enable taxes. U of I Athletic Board program more than three years miUions of veterans to receive help Yarborough has said that in 1963 after his discharge or release with their schooling after they get more than 210 thousand veterans from active duty, or three years out of the service. received more than $96 million in after the date the bm is enacted The bill, S.9, was introduced into unemployment compensation. into law. the [i r8t session of the 89th Con­ The amount of financial assis­ Al so, the assistance would not gress on January 6, by Sen. Ralph tance which Would be available to exceed 36 months of schooling. Yarborough CD-Texas ) and was co· a veteran wou ld depend on whe­ However, a veteran could inter­ authored by 38 other senators. ther he wenl to school full- three­ rupt his education for periods of me hall Against Ga A quarter or time, and on how with SIMILAR BILL was introduced ISU up to one year_ br Yarborough in the 88th Con­ many dependents he had. gress, but it died in committee. SOME OF THE responsibility A full time student with no de­ tor administering the program The senator has said he hopes pendents would receive $110 a would (all to the states. Each state the new G.!. Bill passes this time month . 'If he had one dependent he would have to set up a state ap­ Members Polled: 4 as to give veterans who had would receive $135. A person with Schmidhauser - so proving agency whieh would OK . more than one dependent would re­ the "bad luck" to serve acter the courses of study and institulions. benefits of bills ran out, "a fair ceive $160 per month. shake." THREE-QUARTER and balf-time The expense of the state agency would be paid by the federal gov­ Backs HUAC Of 6 Oppose Idea. Under the "Cold War Veterans' students would get proportionately ernment. Readjustment Assistance Act," an less. (SH Rel.t.cI Story, p ..o 3) ex·serviceman who has served on The financial aid would apply to Just how many veterans now at­ Th po sibilily of Iowa-Iowa active duty for a minimum period any ex-serviceman attending a pub­ tending the Univel'sity of Iowa Funds Study 'tote football game omelime in of 180 days between January 31, lic or pri vate school. It would not would be eligible for assistance if Sec Taylor the Cuture seems to have aroused 1965 and July l , 1967, would be elig­ the bill is enacted into law is di f­ apply, however, to persons en­ Calls DI To Explain only moderate interest amoll~ ible for the' financial aid. The vet- rolled in commercial bartending, ficult to determine, since no rec­ many people closely connccted with ord of veterans and their date of Position on $370,000 Iowa athletics. discharge is kept on file, accord­ Dies in Miami ing to Donald E. Rhoades, direc­ Outlay for Committee The Board in Contl'ol of Athletics tor of admissions. ilt the official governing board aQd Rep. John Schmidhauser CD­ pollcymaki ng body in control (If It is equally difficult to deter­ Iowa ) called The Daily Iowan At Age of 78 mine exaclly how many studcnts the Athletic 0 fr'om Washington Thursday to ex­ DES \101 E Ilf - Garner Willis partmenl. The benefited from the previous G.r. plain his support for a motion Bills, since only semester totals I (Sec ) Taylor, 78 , whose career a board musl ap­ which would have forced a public Des foines Registt'r and Tribune pro v e tenta\Jve of those receiving assistance were hearing on how the Hou e Un­ sports editor spanned 50 >'ears, died schcdul for all kept. American Activities Committee (HUAC l planned to spend its rec­ of a heart attack early Friday in I Iowa team be­ However, a rough estimate of lI1iami, Fla. Core the games statistics kept in the olCice of ord $370,000 appropriation. He wa on of the nallon 's most con be officially "I have given careful consid er­ Miss Elizabeth Stroud, research widely known port writ er ond I cheduled. Th e associate, division oC student serv­ ation to the size of the committees' had long standing fri nd hlp with tenlallve s c h e d­ ices shows that probably about budget and staff." Schmidhauser many 01 the sports rigure of the ule are arranged 12 ,000 stUdents benefited from the said. " I thel-efore supported the motion for full and open hearings lost half cen tury. 3nd sumbitted by - World War Two bill and about 6.- Death camc at 'lercy 110 pital Ihe conche in- EASTON 400 benefited from the Korean bJlI. pertaining to the opel'ation of this , ~ , committee." in Miami, a few hour after Taylor volvcd and Athletic Dircctor For­ "I also firmly believe," he said, nrrivcd to cover major lcallue hose- cst Evashevski. "that a reduction in appropriations Tours Johnson Project ball spring training ('amps. The 01 six board member whom Sunny Skies Cor HUAC is appropriate. The size body was to be retul'ned to Dunn 's The Daily Iowan contacted, (our of its starr and the cost of its op­ Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson Frielay toured Ridgecrest community ntlllr Funeral Home here. Funeral ser- stated their views. vices are pending. eration are excessive in compari­ Lar,o, Fla., accompaniod by local residonts. The community is a Willard R. Lane, profc sor in son to other more responsible Taylor had covered the major Are Forecast training center for the VolunttlOrs In Service to Americ., one of the College of EducaLion, said he House committees. events in rna I ports during ,the does not ee what we would gain By The Auoci.tttc/ Press "The fact that the sentiment in "resident IIohnson's Wllr on Poverty projects. Jo" V.n, Dll ily past 50 years, and was one or the Iowan M.n.,ing Editor, is in L.rgo for the tour. Co\lege editors in the matte r. IIe added, however, All indications Friday were lhat Congress is overwhelmingly in sup­ few writers left who were particu­ thal he is "willi ng to listen to all lar about whom they call an ath- February would disappear from the port of continuing the function of wero uked to attend es ,uests of Mrs. Johnson_ sid ." Hawkeye state with a fine display ~hi~ ~ommillee places on me, as an - AP Wirephoto lete. indIVidual congressman a greater ____________________ He deCint'<l an alhlet a' "one ' Max S, Hawkins, £leld secretary of sunshine and warm tempera- obligation to see that BUAC op- cap<lble of contending in xerric' in Alumni Records, . aid he agrecs tures_ Ierates in a responsible manner; a requiring agility, endurance or with lh official policy of the board A general warming trend was re- manner fully consistent with the University freshman Killed; strength oC mind, or th(' like ." is 'ucd some time ago. e fleeted Friday in temperatures Ico~ .titutional objectives of main- Of auto race drivers, jockeys nnd According to Hawkins, t b e . .' . tall1J11g freedom of thought and ex- barn s racers, h • aid . " I do nol board' o[(i 181 policy is that It which vaued flom about 40 south- pression by individual citizel)S," Car Collides with Train consider them to be athletes. would not be in th bcst interests west to the lower 2~ _ northl'a$t. Schmidhau e1' said. Sportsmen, yes." of either in titution LO play such ~outherly winds and variable cloud- Although the motion fOI' a public Gel'r Breneman, A1 , Cotter, a Colt r railroad crossing without Taylol'" wife , llaz 1, who wa games now. lie saId that ... mess helped promote the warmer hearing on the issue gained sub­ died in tantly Friday afternoon in signals. society editor of th 51. Joseph an open mind on the subject. wealher. stantial support from House lib- (M o.) Gazette when he married ilcr George 5. Easton, dean or the Southerly winds were to exert era Is, it was defeated 332-58 in a Cotter when a Rock Island frei ght The train pushed th e car down train collided with the cal' he Was the tracks about 150 feet, accord­ 0/1 Chri tmas Doy , 1914 , was with College or Dentistry and chairman their influence again Fl'iday night, roll call vote.
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