Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-01-30
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Snow nel" It Good Morning I IOWA: Snow wllb stronl ry~ TH,E DAILY 'IOWAN northerly wind. l'IJ1I1'1o rt an &c. ICfWa City I'older. {owat~ Iowa City's Morning Newspaper lark ot~ ~ t Pimller. ESTABLISHED 1868 VOL. 18 NUMBER lOS raB ASIl4HJIA.TIID PUll lOW A CIT Y, lOW A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 AP WIaBPBOro FIVE CENTS I aVailable : two dct. I lillY _ r50~1a. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt A~dQ, Parents of Suzanne , ed for at. Degnan Receive Human I but I1lat. lonol'td II l Ear Through Mail e, Prof". Dies in New York After Illness CHICAGO (A P)-Another U. S:. Steel Claims Ceilin gruesome phase of the case of 9 Suzanne Degnan, 6, kidnaped, the 1880', FDR Adviser Acted killed and dismembered Jan. as in. Ih~ As Truman Emissary r 7, developed yesteroay when a I Cax\on. human ear was received by ~ In Moscow Talks mail at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. NEW YORK (A P) - Harry Prevents ncrea sein"Wages Degnan. I opkins, the lanky, 100 s e Lieut. Philip Breitzke, head joint«l man of mystery who was of the police homicide squad , ~sted by the late Franklin D. said the head of little Suzanne, JAP ACCUSED OF EXECUTING DOOLITTLE FLIERS Roosevelt with many of the na which with other parts of the Council Names Vice-Admiral Smith lion's highest secrets, died yester body was found in sewer catch GM, Union day. basins, had both ears and • Gives Contradictory Even in death, there was a therefore the police were dis bint of mystery in the man who missing yesterday's weird ex was so close to the late president hibit from the inVestigation Lie Secretar Report to Committee Resume Talks that he Lived tor three and a and turning it over to postof half years at the White House. fice inspectors. Investigators Hear A formal announcement by Dr. Breitzke said the ear ,vas Members Unanimous Nebraska Farmers . C. P. Rhoads, superintendent of wrapped in tissue paper in a As Russia Agrees New Angle on Kimmel, Memorial hospital said: Propose 'Strike three-by-three Inch Dox done Zacha~ias' "Harry Hopkins died at 10:35 up in brown wrapping paper With U. S. Selection Discussion Against Strikers' , m. (CST) yesterday. The na with no markings on it other ture o! his illness was obscure LONDON (AP) - The United WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice BJ TJJ!! ASSOCIATED PIlESS than the address. It was General Motors and the CIO and final determination cannot Harry Hopkins mailed in Chicago. He said po~ Nations security council by secret Adm. William W. Smith yester be made until further facts are !icemen on duty at the Deg ballot last night nominated Try- day described Capt. Ellis M. Zac United Auto workers agreed yes available." nan hom e opened it and gve Lie, 50-year-old lawyer-diplo- harlas' story of predicting the terday to resume wage negotia Foneral ServIces Friday brought it to central police mat and Norway's foreign minis- Pearl Hal'bor attack as mere tions but the United States Steel Funeral services will be held headquarters. ler, for the post of secretary-gen- "clairvoyance operating in re Corp. said it would need a ceil at 1 p. m. (CST) Friday at st. N_ii ·Doctors. eral of the United Nations organ- verse." ing price increase of "very much Bartholomew's Protestant Epis • > • ization. Smith told the Senate-House more" than $4 a ton to grant strik copal church, Park avenue and The security council met se- committee investigating the Dec. ing steelworkers even the 15 cents ~Oth street. creUy but American officials who 7, 1941, attack that he remem an hour wage boost already of The 55-year-old son of an Iowa ~~perim~nted Cameras on Towers attended the gathering of the 11- bered very well a talk Zacharias fered. harness maker was considered in nation body said Lie's name was had had with Rear Adm. Husband In Washington, meanwhile, high Washington as one of this na placed before the council by Ed- E, Kimmel, then Pacific fleet optimism was expressed by recon lion's most powerful men. He To Photograph Tests ward R. Stettinius Jr., American commander, early in 1941. version director John W. Snyder On., Prisoners. · spoke rarely in public, but his member of the council. And he was "absolutely posi- over prospects for settiing the steel, Joni, lean face, topped by thin The council was in seSSion only tlve," Smith -declared, that noth- General Motors and other strikes. hair often was seen in the back NUERNBERG (AP) - Nazi SS Remote Control Device 30 minutes and the selection was ing was said about a possible at Snyder said, however, his hopes ground of momentous, Inter doctors sacrificed hundreds of Used in Recording said to be unanimous. tack on Pearl Harbor, about its were based on recent trends to national meets before and during prisonllrs. as human guinea'pies in The general assembly now must coming on a Sunday, or about sea- ward "[n!e collective bargaining" World War II. concentration camp experiments', a Atomic B~mb Re?ults act upon the nomination but Lie's planes. settlements and com men ted: M Mr. Roosevelt's closest 45-y'ear-old ,laboratory secretary election is r~gar.ded as a i~rmality. In fact, Smith said, the talk "When you see the customers of confidant, Hopkins was present said :y'esterday at the trial 'of ' 22 NEW YORK (AP)-Cameras on The nomlOatlOns o! LIe (pro- lasted "more likely about 15 mln steel-Ford and Chrysler, for in at the historic Atlantic charter ranking Nazis for war crimes. top : of 100-foot steel towers, ar nounc.ed ~ee) left only one major utes" rather than the hour and a stance-getting ready to do busi meeting with Minister Winston . ALfr~ Balachovisky, one-time ranged in a ring around the war~ o:gamzabOh problem to be de- , half Zacharias had testified to and ness, that's a hopeful sign." Churchill in 1941. Hopkins was secretary in the Pasteur iMtitute, ships in Bikini atoll, will photo cIded by the .United N~tlo~s as- Kimm I did pra tic ally all the Rumor Increase Paris, ,told the internatioJ1al' miJi graph the navy's atomic bomb sembly-seleclIon of a site m the t lk' e c Referring to reports, never offi at the -Casablanca conference, at JAP CAPT. SOTOJIRO TATSUDA BOWS *«I Capt. Chase Jay Niel Cairo to meet with Generalissimo tory tribunal that he saw and Jl!in tests this sllll'imer; United States for the permanent a Ing.. cially confirmed, that a $4 a ton sen 01 Hyrum, Utah, at Sban«hal, China, as the'DooUttle flier IdentI Chiang Kal-Shek, at the Big dled case histories of numero\ls The cametas will be automatic, home of the world peace agency. The commIttee was ad~lsed that price increase had been offered in fies him as the commandlnr officer of a flrlne squad Utat executed Three meeting in the Crimea. !'patfents" in the notorious auch operated by remote control" by The major powers on the coun- no record could be found ID Tokyo, an effort to get "big steel" closer radio on ' R distant snip. Other ell were said to have agreed Mon- London or Canberra of the re three Doouttle fliers whose plane crashed on the China coast. to the CIO demand for an 18'h Truma.n Emissary enwald camp. (AP WIREPHOTO) President Harry S. Truman last The prisoners were used in ex cameras will take pictures from day night at a conference in Stet- ported "winds" broadcast signify cents hourly increase, Irving S. May sent Hopkins as a personal perirnents on typhus and on phos airplanes flying at safe distllnces. tin ius' hotel room that Lie would ing a break between the Japanese Olds, board chairman of United enlssary to talk with Marshal phorus burns, he said. In addition, several planes oper have their unanimous support. and the United States. States Steel, said in a statement: Josef Stalin In Moscow on mat From 1942 to 1945 at least 600 ated by remote c.onll·ol, pilotless, The five-p 0 w e r session was The Tokyo advice came from "On the basis of an annual pro ers arising from the collapse of persons, mostly Russians, were fa will carry cameras closer than the cailed by Stettinius after he re- Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur. The Army Intelligence S.ays Zionists duction of 16,000,000 tons of fin Gennany and the war with tally inoculated with typh\Js by the manned planes . ceived word from the Russian British and Australian govern ished steel, which is apprOXimately Japan. Germans in. order ·to maintain 12 The arrangements Were an~ delegates that they again were ments g a v e similar reports 80 pel'cent of our present capa In July,. though, Hopkins asked strains' of the disease among ' the nounced yesterday, with approval ready to taire up the question. Ithrough the itate department. city, either a wage increase of 15 ill be relleved of his duties and inmates; he said. of the navy security office, Wash Vice-Commissar of Foreign Af- Organiied Jewish 'Movement cents an hour or one of 18 'h cents to be excused from accompany Another witness, Hans Cappelen, ington, by the Fairchlld Camera fairs Andrei Vi shinsky of Russia The reports on Ihe "winds" hunt. an hour will require a very much ing President Truman to the Pots Qslo attorney, described a ride to and Instrumeht corporation, which announced that the Soviet Union were put into he record during a larger steel price increase than dam conference.