Littlebrook 9 This page unintentionally left blank. Littlebrook 9 Littlebrook is published by Jerry Kaufman and Suzanne Tompkins (aka Suzle), on an irregular and unpredictable schedule. The publishers’ address is P.O. Box 25075, Se- attle, Washington, 98165; phone number is 206-367-8898. Email can be sent to lit-
[email protected]. This ninth issue is dated May 2013. Littlebrook is available for the usual: a letter commenting on a previous issue, articles or artwork, or your own fanzine in trade. We will also accept in-person requests, the provision of a beverage, or $3. We do not accept subscriptions. Littlebrook is also available on-line in a PDF format at, usually a month or two after we mail the paper version. If you prefer the electronic version, let us know, and we’ll send you an email announce- ment when another issue is ready. In this issue: Bewitched, Bothered & Bemildred………...Jerry Kaufman ……………………...………………….…..Page 1 The Fantastic Buster Keaton………………….Jim Young……………………………………...…………….Page 4 Backwaters ………………………………………….The Readers…………………………………………...…….Page 12 The Blue Light Special Cat……………………..Sandra Miesel……………………………………………….Page 25 Suzlecol………………………………………………..Suzanne Tompkins……………………………………....Page 26 Artwork: Front and Back covers—the mighty Stu Shiffman; Pages 5 and 27—the thrilling Brad Fos- ter; Buster Keaton photos found on the Web. Bewitched, Bothered & Bemildred Jerry Kaufman Queens mob, he looked quite young. (He now has a I go way back with Stu Shiffman. You might say mustache in an attempt to look older. He grew it about I discovered him. (You’d be wrong, of course. I imag- two years ago.) He was already a talented cartoonist.