Wetland Conservation Strategy for the High Valleys of the Salmon River, Idaho

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Wetland Conservation Strategy for the High Valleys of the Salmon River, Idaho WETLAND CONSERVATION STRATEGY FOR THE HIGH VALLEYS OF THE SALMON RIVER, IDAHO Prepared by Edward Bottum Idaho Conservation Data Center October 2004 Idaho Department of Fish and Game Natural Resource Policy Bureau 600 South Walnut, P.O. Box 25 Boise, ID 83707 Report prepared with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Section 104(b) (3) of the Clean Water Act Grant No. CD 980742-01-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 SURVEY AREA..............................................................................................................................4 METHODS ......................................................................................................................................5 FIELD METHODS....................................................................................................................5 Reference Areas and Sample Sites ......................................................................................5 Field Data Collection ...........................................................................................................5 OFFICE METHODS .................................................................................................................6 National Wetlands Inventory ...............................................................................................6 Wetland Plant Associations .................................................................................................7 Site and Community Databases ...........................................................................................7 Site Ranking.........................................................................................................................8 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................10 WETLAND ACREAGE AND TYPES...................................................................................10 WETLAND OWNERSHIP AND PROTECTION STATUS..................................................11 WETLAND CONDITION.......................................................................................................11 Wetland Losses ..................................................................................................................15 Functional Shifts ................................................................................................................15 WETLAND DIVERSITY........................................................................................................17 Wetland Plant Associations ...............................................................................................17 RARE FLORA.........................................................................................................................21 RARE ANIMALS....................................................................................................................22 CONSERVATION PRIORITIES FOR WETLANDS ............................................................24 Class I Sites........................................................................................................................24 Class II Sites ......................................................................................................................28 Reference Sites...................................................................................................................29 Habitat Sites.......................................................................................................................30 Other Sites and Priorities for Conservation .......................................................................30 How This Information Can be Used ..................................................................................31 How To Request Additional Information ..........................................................................31 i LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................................................32 APPENDIX A................................................................................................................................35 IDAHO CONSERVATION DATA CENTER SITE AND COMMUNITY REPORTING FORMS....................................................................................................................................35 APPENDIX B. ...............................................................................................................................42 GUIDELINES FOR ASSIGNING ELEMENT (SPECIES AND PLANT ASSOCIATION) RANKS....................................................................................................................................42 APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................44 SITE SUMMARIES FOR WETLANDS IN THE HIGH VALLEYS OF THE SALMON RIVER......................................................................................................................................44 BANNER CREEK FEN ................................................................................................................45 BULL MOOSE FEN......................................................................................................................47 CHILCOOT PEAK........................................................................................................................49 DITCH CREEK MEADOWS........................................................................................................51 MAYS CREEK FEN .....................................................................................................................53 MUD LAKE, VALLEY COUNTY...............................................................................................55 POKER MEADOWS.....................................................................................................................56 TULE LAKE..................................................................................................................................60 WARDENHOFF MEADOWS ......................................................................................................61 WARM LAKE...............................................................................................................................63 AYERS MEADOW.......................................................................................................................65 BEAR VALLEY CREEK HEADWATERS .................................................................................68 BEAR VALLEY-ELK CREEK FLOODPLAIN...........................................................................71 BEAVER CREEK FEN.................................................................................................................76 BLIND SUMMIT FEN..................................................................................................................80 CACHE CREEK LAKES..............................................................................................................82 CORDUROY MEADOWS ...........................................................................................................84 CROOKED CREEK EASEMENT................................................................................................88 CUB CREEK PEATLAND ...........................................................................................................89 ELK MEADOW ............................................................................................................................92 GOAT CREEK ..............................................................................................................................97 HUCKLEBERRY CREEK FEN ...................................................................................................98 ii MYSTERY LAKE.......................................................................................................................100 POLE CREEK MEADOWS........................................................................................................101 REDFISH LAKE MORAINE .....................................................................................................106 SHELL ROCK - RAINBOW LAKES.........................................................................................108 SOLDIER LAKES.......................................................................................................................110 BRUCE MEADOWS...................................................................................................................112 CAPE HORN MEADOWS-DRY CREEK .................................................................................115 TYNDALL MEADOWS.............................................................................................................117 APPENDIX D..............................................................................................................................122 ACRES OF WETLAND AND DEEPWATER
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