FOOD ADDITIVE PRODUCT FOOD CONCENTRATES SPICERY CATALOG INSTANT FOOD 2018 SEASONINGS IN MINI DOY-PACK Group of Company ARIKON is one of the largest producers of spices, seasonings, grocery products and instant products. The company is represented on the market for over 20 years.

The company’s portfolio includes brands such as: Magia Vostoka (Magic of the East), Preston, Premix, Vostochniy Bazar (East Bazar) - more than 500 products. All products are manufactured in accordance with basic Russian standarts and the for meat seasoning for chicken seasoning for shashlik seasoning for fish Technical regulations of the Customs Union, and therefore has a consistently high quality. PREMIX net weight: 50 g | in box: 15 More than 20 years the company’s products win high awards at international exhibitions. The company has international certificate of conformity ISO 22000:2005, which confirms the high quality production of safe and quality products conforming to in- SEASONING ternational standards. Production complex of the Group of companies Arikon is located in a modern

building and equipped with a large fleet of high-tech equipment. The best Russian seasoning for pilau vegetable seasoning SPICES & and foreign suppliers provide our production with natural ingredients of consistent quality. Every production process is exposed to it’s stage of control. SEASONINGS IN GROSS DOY-PACK Modern warehouse is total area of 5 thousand square meters allows us to pro- vide wide range of products and constant delivery of goods to our partners.

universal seasoning «8 vegetables» universal seasoning fragrant mix net weight: 80 g | in box: 20 «20 vegetables and » net weight: 100 g | in box: 20 net weight: 90 g | in box: 20

onions and carrots mix universal seasoning «5 pepper» seasoning «mix of roots» seasoning for net weight: 45 g | in box: 25 net weight: 90 g | in box: 20 net weight: 100 g | in box: 20 net weight: 100 g | in box: 20 2 3 SPICES & SEASONING PREMIX seasoning fortastychickenwithgarlic seasoning fortastybarbecueribs seasoning fortastyturkeywith herbes deProvenceandgarlic net weight:30g| inbox:25 seasoning forfish PREMIXMARINADINABAG seasoningsfor tastychickenwithherbs seasoning forspicychickenMexican seasoning forroastofmeatand potatoes 4 seasoning forshashlik seasoning fortastychickenwithcapsicum seasoning fortastyduckand seasoning forspicywings goose withapples net weight:150g|inbox:10 caesar saladdressing net weight:100g| in box:25 greek saladdressing black peppercorns Sea net weight:20g|inbox:25

net weight:160g|inbox:10 NEW DESIGN NEW lve aa rsigmsadslddesn cheesewithParmesan mustardsaladdressing olivier saladdressing Gimalaiyan salt net weight:100g| in box:25 ground blackpepper PREMIXDRESSINGS net weight:140g|inbox:10 SALT INGRINDERS PREMIXSPICES Adugeyan salt 5 net weight:20g|in box:25 ground blackpepper net weight:65g|inbox:10 salad dressing net weight:55g|inbox:10 net weight:20g|in box:25 black peppercorns five peppersmix saladdressing

SPICES & SEASONING PREMIX SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) mixture ofpeppers seeds net weight:15g net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:7g net weight:7g in box:35 in box:40 in box:40 in box:25 in box:30 SPICES ANDSEASONINGSMAGIAVOSTOKA(MAGICOFTHEEAST).SERIESEXTRA coriander powder peppercorns pink net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:7g net weight:7g in box:30 in box:40 in box:30 in box:40 in box:40 cilantro ground blackpepper peppercorns white net weight:10g net weight:15g net weight:7g net weight:7g net weight:7g in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 in box:25 in box:35 savory 6 black peppercorns seeds net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:7g net weight:7g net weight:4g in box:40 in box:30 in box:40 in box:40 in box:25 cardamom powder net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:7g in box:40 in box:30 in box:40 in box:40 in box:35 gelatin ground allspice net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:5g net weight:7g citric acid in box:40 in box:30 in box:40 in box:40 in box:35 barberry mint net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:10g Khmeli-suneli seasoning for dumplings in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 seasoning forfish Sumy net weight:15g net weight:7g in box:40 in box:20 seasoning foraspic net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:10g seasoning for with gelatin in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 potatoes seasoning forshrims Zira net weight:15g net weight:15g in box:40 in box:15 bay leaf seasoning forborsch seasoning foraspic net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:10g in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 salting salmon net weight:20g seasoning for net weight:7g in box:40 in box:35 7 Korean Carrot(Hot) seasoning forsoup net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 curry salting herring net weight:15g net weight:10g seasoning for in box:40 in box:40 garlic seasoning «Adjika» russian fishsoup net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:15g Korean Carrot seasoning for seasoning for in box:40 in box:40 in box:40 net weight:10g net weight:15g Caucasian seasoning in box:40 in box:40 seasoning «» vegetable seasoning seasoning forpilau net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:20g in box:40 in box:40 in box:40

SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) the meatoncoals net weight:25g net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for seasoning for seasoning for chicken legs mulled wine net weight:15g in box:35 in box:40 in box:40 seasoning for seasoning forlamb SPICES ANDSEASONINGSMAGIAVOSTOKA(MAGICOFTHEEAST).SERIESEXTRA in box:40 net weight:15g in box:40 net weight:20g net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for seasoning for seasoning for chicken grill cocktails in box:35 in box:40 in box:40 the fishoncoals shurpa net weight:15g seasoning forbeef seasoning for net weight:15g in box:40 in box:40 seasoning forbitters net weight:15g net weight:15g net weight:10g seasoning for seasoning for whith pepper in box:40 in box:40 in box:30 kharcho chicken the chickenoncoals seasoning formeat net weight:15g seasoning for net weight:15g in box:40 in box:40 8 dumplings andkhinkali seasoning forbitters whith cinnamon net weight:15g seasoning for net weight:10g net weight:15g minced meat seasoning for in box:40 and in box:30 in box:40 seasoning forshashlik the lamboncoals net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for in box:40 in box:40 seasoning forlobio net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for beshbarmak in box:40 in box:40 the vegetablesoncoals seasoning forgrill net weight:15g net weight:15g seasoning for in box:40 seasoning forsamsa seasoning fordolma in box:40 net weight:15g net weight:15g in box:40 in box:40 SPICES ANDSEASONINGSMAGIAVOSTOKA(MAGICOFTHEEAST).SERIESLUX seeds net weight:40g net weight:40g net weight:50g net weight:50g in box:50/15 in box:50/15 in box:15 in box:15 allspice paprika poppy vegetable seasoning black peppercorns net weight:50g net weight:50g net weight:50g net weight:50g chili pepper carnation in box:15 in box:15 in box:15 in box:15 9 ground blackpepper net weight:50g net weight:50g net weight:50g net weight:50g Adugeyan salt citric acid in box:20 in box:20 in box:15 in box:15 gelatin

SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) seasoning forchicken net weight:200g in box:20 seasoning forsoups net weight:200g in box:20 seasoning formeat net weight:200g in box:20 seasonings seasoning forshashlik net weight:200g in box:20 10


doy - seasoning forpilau p net weight:200g ack in box:20 seasoning forvegetable net weight:200g seasoning in box:25 seasoning forfish net weight:200g in box:20 net weight:410g|inbox:6 spicy saltwithvegetables net weight:110g|inbox:10 Sea saltfinegrind net weight:130g|inbox:10 spicy saltwithgarlic net weight:110g|inbox:10 net weight:410g|inbox:6 Sea saltmediumgrind Adygheian spicysalt net weight:150g|inbox:10 sea salt

net weight:110g|inbox:10 salt spicy saltwithvegetables net weight:400g|inbox:6 Bulgarian spicysalt


the 11

banks net weight:110g|inbox:10 net weight:370g|inbox:6 Provencial spicysalt spicy saltwithpaprika net weight:110g|inbox:10 net weight:340g|inbox:6 Caucasian spicysalt spicy saltwithherbs

SPICES & SEASONING MAGIA VOSTOKA (MAGIC OF THE EAST) SPICES & SEASONING BRIGHT VOSTOCHNIY BAZAR (EAST BAZAAR) seasoning forshashlik seasoning forchicken SEASONINGS BRIGHTVOSTOCHNIYBAZAR(EASTBAZAAR).SERIESECONOMY net weight:15g net weight:15g in box:25 in box:25 price -quality Optimal ratio Optimal seasoning formeat seasoning forpilau net weight:15g net weight:15g in box:25 in box:25 12 vegetable seasoning seasoning forfish net weight:15g net weight:15g in box:25 in box:25 ground blackpepper net weight:10g net weight:10g net weight:10g in box:150 in box:150 in box:150 net weight:20/10g paprika gelatin in box:100/150 bay leaf SPICES BRIGHTVOSTOCHNIYBAZAR(EASTBAZAAR).SERIESECONOMY black peppercorns net weight:10g net weight:10g red pepper in box:150 in box:150 net weight:1,5g in box:500 vanillin net weight:20/10g in box:100/150 bay leaf net weight:5g net weight:10g in box:100 in box:100 parsley allspice 13 net weight:10g net weight:5g in box:100 in box:100 carnation dill ground blackpepper net weight:20/10g in box:100/150 net weight:20g net weight:10g poppy food in box:100 in box:150 cinnamon black peppercorns net weight:20/10g in box:100/150 net weight:10g net weight:10g in box:100 citric acid in box:150 garlic

SPICES & SEASONING BRIGHT VOSTOCHNIY BAZAR (EAST BAZAAR) PRESTON net weight:40g| inbox:20 buckwheat withmushrooms mashed potatoeswithbeef net weight:34g|inbox:20 pilau mashed potatoeswithherbs net weight:34g|inbox:20 buckwheat withmeat rice withmushrooms INSTANT RICEANDBUCKWHEAT mashed potatoeswithmushrooms MASHED POTATOES net weight:34g|inbox:20 14 mashed potatoeswithfriedonions ihciknbuckwheatwithfriedonions buckwheat withchicken net weight:34g|inbox:15 rice withchicken mashed potatoeswithchicken net weight:34g|inbox:20 rice withcarrotsandonions net weight:16g| inbox:25 mushroom soupwithnoodle net weight:50g|inbox:20 net weight:50g|inbox:20 soup pickle net weight:60g|inbox:20 mushroom soupwith soup kharcho croutons soup withchickenandrice net weight:50g|inbox:20 net weight:60g|inbox:20 SOUPS ANDBROTHFORCOOKING borsch net weight:100g|inbox:35 INSTANT SOUPS chicken creamsoup chicken with croutons 15 net weight:60g|inbox:20 net weight:60g|inbox:20 chicken soupwithnoodle meat soupwithnoodle cheese soupwithcroutons net weight:100g|inbox:35 vegetable soupwithnoodle meat broth net weight:60g|inbox:20 net weight:60g|inbox:20 chicken soupwithpasta

PRESTON БУЛЬОНЫ PRESTON net weight:160g|inbox:10 net weight:300g|inbox:7 cheesecakes cake net weight:300g| inbox:7 net weight:150g|inbox:10 cottage cheesecasserole pancakes Bliny net weight:250g|inbox:7 net weight:300g|inbox:7 cake withraisins Apple pie net weight:250g| inbox:7 net weight:250g|inbox:7 cookies withcereals ginger cookies BAKING MIX 16 net weight:300g|inbox:7 net weight:300g|inbox:7 lemon cake pancakes net weight:160g| inbox:7 net weight:250g|inbox:7 oatmeal cookies coconut candys net weight:200g|inbox:8 net weight:300g|inbox:7 chocolate cake hash Browns net weight:400g|inbox:6 bread withraisins net weight:300g|inbox:7 cheese bread BAKING MIXFORBREAD bread withherbsandgarlic net weight:400g|inbox:6 17 net weight:200g|inbox:8 crackers withbran net weight:400g|inbox:6 bread withcereals


natural oatmeal oatmeal with wild berries oatmeal with raspberries oatmeal with cherries oatmeal with strawberries

kissel with cherry flavor kissel with ginger and lemon kissel with rosehip kissel with honey and strawberry flavor and linden flavor PRESTON PRESTON

natural oatmeal oatmeal with blueberries oatmeal with cream oatmeal with strawberries oatmeal with biberry and with flax seeds and cream cream net weight: 37 g | in box: 20

kissel with fruit and berry kissel with blackberry kissel with sea buckthorn kissel with plum flavor and cloudberry flavor and apricot flavor and cherry plum flavor

chocolate oatmeal oatmeal «Vanilla milk» oatmeal «Caramel» INSTANT OATMEAL PORRIDGE. FAMILY BREAKFAST

kissel with strawberry flavor kissel with cranberry flavor kissel with raspberry flavor kissel with wild berry flavor

net weight: 30 g | in box: 30 INSTANT KISSEL. FAMILY BREAKFAST

oatmeal with strawberries and cream oatmeal with raspberries and cream oatmeal with wild berries oatmeal with cherries

kissel with strawberry flavor kissel with fruit and berry flavor kissel with plum flavor kissel with wild berry flavor

oatmeal with strawberries oatmeal with blueberries natural oatmeal porridge oatmeal with flax seeds net weight: 160 g | in box: 8 net weight: 160 g | in box: 10 18 19 PRESTON net weight:200g|inbox:35/8 net weight:100,200g|inbox:60/8, 35/8 instant cream mustard powder net weight:150,200g|inbox:60,45/8 starch net weight:200g|inbox:50/12 net weight:150g|inbox:60 GROCERIES powdered sugar poppy food 20 net weight:200g|inbox:50/10 breadcrumbs net weight:150g|inbox:50/10 net weight:150g|inbox:10 sesame seeds dry milk dry net weight:1,5g in box:6x100 vanillin net weight:11g instant yeast in box:6x40 powdered sugar net weight:50g in box:20 ADDITIVES FORCONFECTIONERYHELPTHEPASTRY CHEF net weight:10g in box:6x40 cinnamon net weight:8g in box:6x40 yeast net weight:75g in box:12 net weight:10g yeast in box:6x35 gelatin 21 baking powder net weight:12g in box:6x40 net weight:10g instant gelatin in box:6x35 net weight:15g vanilla sugar in box:6x40 net weight:20g poppy food in box:6x25

PRESTON PRESTON net weight:50g|inbox:20 net weight:100g|inbox:12 cherry jelly cherry strawberry cream strawberry net weight:50g|inbox:20 vanilla icing lemon jelly INSTANT CREAM JELLY cream «Tiramisu» lemon icing ICING 22 raspberry jelly raspberry chocolate icing creamy cream strawberry jelly strawberry net weight:7g|inbox:6х40 net weight:40g|inbox:20 net weight:50g|inbox:25 stars yellow blue stars CONFECTIONERY SPRINKLES noodle COCONUT FLAKES noodle white 23 pink balls balls green balls


Russia, Moscow tel/fax: (495) 925-11-28 tel: (499) 185-00-00, 184-23-00 e-mail: [email protected]