Committee: Date: Item no. Planning and Transportation 3rd February 2015 Subject: Valid planning applications received by Department of the Built Environment Public 1. Pursuant to the instructions of your Committee, I attach for your information a list detailing development applications received by the Department of the Built Environment since my report to the last meeting. 2. Any questions of detail arising from these reports can be sent to
[email protected]. DETAILS OF VALID APPLICATIONS Application Address Proposal Date of Number & Ward Validation 14/01006/FULMAJ Sugar Quay, Lower Variation of condition 53 (adherence 09/12/2014 Billingsgate Thames Street, to the approved plans) of planning London, EC3R permission reference no. 6EA, 12/01104/FULMAJ dated 16th September 2013 to make minor material amendments to the permitted scheme including lowering of the first floor soffit level and repositioning of the two north cores, rationalisation of restaurant deliveries and refuse collection, facade and landscaping improvements and associated works. 14/01216/FULL Dashwood House, The formation of an external seating 18/12/2014 Bishopsgate 69 Old Broad area with associated screening and Street, London, ramp and shopfront alterations EC2M 1QS including the installation of two awnings. 14/01254/FULL 133 Middlesex Extension at roof level [55sq.m GIA] 22/12/2014 Bishopsgate Street, London, E1 to provide an additional storey of 7JF accommodation (third floor). 14/01285/FULEIA 100 Liverpool Refurbishment and extension of 07/01/2015 Bishopsgate