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Medical History A QUARTERLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MEDICINE AND THE RELATED SCIENCES OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HISTORY OF MEDICINE SOCIETY FACULTY OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY. THE WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON THE NORWEGIAN SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE THE OSLER CLUB OF LONDON THE SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Contributions, which may deal with any aspect of medical history or bibliography, are invited. The maximum length for original articles is about IO,OOO words. Previously unpublished texts and documents, short papers, and bibliographical notes and queries will also be welcomed. Manuscripts should be typewritten with double spacing and wide margins. The Editor reserves the right to make literary corrections. Captions or legends of illustrations should include particulars of their source and should be typed on a separate sheet. No particular style of bibliographical citation is insisted upon, but contributors are asked to pay special attention to the accuracy oftheir references. A galley proof, which should be corrected and returned to the Editor as quickly as possible, will be sent to every contributor ofan original article. Contributors of main articles will receive fifty reprints free of cost. Particulars of the cost of additional reprints will be sent with galley proofs. Manuscripts, review copies of books and reprints, and correspondence relating to the publication of papers should be addressed to the Editor, Medical Histo¢y, c/o William Dawson & Sons Ltd., I6 Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. SUBSCRIPTIONS Medical History is published quarterly on the Ist January, April, July and October. The subscription rate is C2 IOS. od. a year in the United Kingdom, and $7 50 in Canada and the U.S.A. Single issues of the current volume can be purchased at 15S. each, and ofprevious volumes at 20s. each. All subscriptions and orders should be addressed to William Dawson & Sons Ltd., Cannon House, Macklin Street, London, W.C.2. All inquiries regarding advertising should be addressed to Dawsons of Pall Mall, I6 Pall Mall, London, S.W. I. INDEX A Bridges, Robert: pioneer in rheumatology, 297-9 Administration of an eighteenth-century provincial Bridges, Robert (1844-1930), Poet Laureate, and hospital: the Royal Salop Infirmary, 1747-1830, Member of the Royal College of Physicians of 34-55 London, I98 Adrenal tumour, case of Cushing's syndrome des- British Congress (Second) on the History of Medi- cribed in 1914 by Dr. Lucien Dedichen of cine and Pharmacy, I90 Kristiania (Oslo), 283-5 British National Committee for the History of Anatomy, reform of, Sylvius and, IoI-i6 Science, I90 ANNMG., S. T.: The-apothecaries of the General BROCKBANK, W.: Country practice in days gone by: Infirmary at Leeds, 22I 3. The Woodforde Diary, 173 Antiquity of Caesarean section with maternal sur- Browne, Sir Thomas, psychiatric aspects of, 157-66 vival: the Jewish tradition, 117-31 Apothecaries' Garden, Sir Hans Sloane and the, C 154-6 Caesarean section, antiquity of, with maternal sur- Apothecaries of the General Infirmary at Leeds, vival: the Jewish tradition, I I 7-3I 22I-38 Cambridge University History ofMedicine Society, 95 Auenbrugger, Leopold (I 722-I8o9) and the history Cheselden, William, attacked by John Martyn in of percussion, a list of papers, etc., 192-6 the Grub-Street Journa, 361-74 Auenbrugger, Laennec, and John Keats, I67-72 Cheselden, William, Charles Bell and, I96 Auscultation, notesonearlyhistoryofpercussion and: Chirnside, Dr. George Henderson of, 277-82 Auenbrugger, Laennec, and John Keats, I67-72 Chorley: a treatise of the nature of man, I99 B Cobbold, Thomas Spencer, and British parasitology, Bell, Charles, and Cheselden, I96 341-8 Bentley, Richard, attacked by John Martyn in the Cohen's Rabelais, 77-82 Grub-Street Journal, 361-74 Consilia of Gentile da Foligno, a case of snake-bite, BISHOP, P. J.: A list of papers, etc., on Leopold 90-5 Auenbrugger (1722-I809) and the history of Contributors, 100, 202, 304, 404 percussion, 192 Cooper, Bransby (1792-I853), military general Bishop, William John, 305-8 service medal awarded to, 294-6 Bishop, William John: Bibliography, 309-12 COPEMAN, W. S. C.: Sir Hans Sloane and the Black, Greene Vardiman (I836-I915), the grand Apothecaries' Garden, I54 old man of dentistry, 132-43 Country practice in days gone by: The Woodforde BOOR Ravmws: Copeman, W. S. C.: Doctors and Diary, 173-7 Disease in Tudor Times, 1960, 200; Diepgen, P., CRELLw, John K.: Eighteenth century phmacy and Goerke, H.: Kurze Ubersichtstabelkn zu at St. George's Hospital, London, 327 Geschiche der Mediiin, 1960, 303; Fisk, D.: Dr. Cushing's Syndrome, case due to an adrenal tumour ennmer ofBerkeyl, 1959, 99; Florkin, M.: Lettres d described in 1914 by Dr. Lucien Dedichen of Thodore Schwann, I96I, 301; Gordon, B. L.: Kristiania (Oslo), 283-5 Medieval and Renaissance Medicine, I960, 304; D Havard, J. D. J.: The Detection of Secrtd Homicide: Dedichen, Dr. Lucien, of Kristiania (Oslo): des- A Stu of the Medico-legal System ofInvestigation of cription of a case of Cushing's syndrome due to Sudden and Unexplained Deaths, i96o, 4,o; Huard an adrenal tumour, 283-5 P., and Grmek, M. D.: 1c Premier Manurcrit Dentistry, Greene Vardiman Black, grand old man Chirrgical Turc, I960, 303; Jefferson, Sir G.: of, 132-43 Selected Papers, I96o, 98; Kervran, R.: Laennec. Doctors murdered by their patients: In the course His Lie and Tines, I960, 202; Keynes, Sir G.: A of duty, 393 Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke, i96o, 98; Ludo- Donne, disease and doctors, 144-53 vici, L. J.: Cone of Oblivion, I96i, 4o2; Morson, Duxsu, Cuthbert E.: Dr. James Sims (I741-I820): C. (Ed.): St. Peter's Hospital for Stonw, z660-960, a new appraisal, 375 I960, 99; Nissen, R., and Wilson, R. H. L.: DUELING, R.: Some unrecorded English versions of Pages in the History of Chest Surgery, I960, 201; foreign seventeenth-eighteenth-century works, O'Malley, C. D.: Thomas Bartholin On the Burning 396 of his Library and On Medical Travel, I96I, 404; E Randers-Peirson,J.: TheSurgeon'sGlove, I960,301; Englishversions,unrecorded, offoreignseventeenth- Registerband zu Sudhofs Paracelsus-Gesamtugabe eighteenth-century works, 396 bearbeitet von Martin Mikllr. Nova Acta Paracelsica ENTRAcr, J. P. J.: In the course of duty, 393 Supplmentum z96o, I960, 299; Valentin,Bruno: Ge- Examination of physicians and surgeons, Spanish schichte der Orthopddie, I961, 403; Watermann, R.: Royal Decree of I617, 290-2 Theodor Schwanm. Leben und Werk, I960, 301; Zaunick, R.: J7ohann Christian Reil. 1759-1813, F I960, 302 Faculty of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy, Boss, J.: The antiquity of caesarean section with second Annual General Meeting, 293 maternal survival: the Jewish tradition, II 7 Faculty of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bradley, Richard, attacked by John Martyn in the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, Grub-Street Journal, 361-74 i88 408 Index Fergusson, Sir William, F.R.C.S., F.R.S. (I808-77), Martyn, John, and the Grub-Street Journal-with 1-14 particular reference to his attacks on Richard FOSTER, W. D.: Thomas Spencer Cobbold and Bentley, Richard Bradley and William Cheselden, British parasitology, 341 36I-74 French haematology, some notes on a contemporary Mary Queen of Scots, the maladies of, 203-9 review of, 239-52 MATrHEws, L. G.: King John of France and the English spicers, 65 G 'M.F.' engraving (the) and the Valverde muscle- GEIRINGER, E.: Cohen's Rabelais, 77 man: a correction, I97 General Infirmary at Leeds, the apothecaries of, Middleton, a township in Lancashire, and the I848 221-38 Act: a public health petition, 384-91 Gentile da Foligno, a case of snake-bite from the Military general service medal awarded to Bransby Consilia of, 99-5 Cooper (1792-I853), 294-6 GoLDwwN, R. M.: Nicholaas Tulp (I593-I674), 270 MITCHELL, W. S.: Dr. George Henderson of Chirn- GORDON-TAYLOR, Sir Gordon: Sir William Fergus- side (I8oo-64), 277 son, Bt., F.R.C.S., F.R.S. (1808-77), I Monro Primus, history of surgery and introduction GORNALL, J. G.: A Spanish Royal Decree of I617 to surgical lectures by, 28-90 concerning the examination of physicians and Monro Secundus, Alexander, and the interven- surgeons, 290 tricular foramen, 83-9 Grub-Street Journal (the) John Martyn and, 361-74 Murder of doctors by their patients: In the course H of duty, 393 Haematology, French, somenotesonacontemporary Myasthenia gravis, history of, 313-26 review of, 239-52 HENDERSON, D.: Greene Vardiman Black (i836- N 1915), the grand old man of dentistry, I32 North-Riding Doctor (a), in I609, 178-88 Henderson, Dr. George, of Chirnside (I8oo-64), Norwegian Society for the History of Medicine, 40, 277-82 97, 294 History of myasthenia gravis, 313-26 History of surgery and introduction to surgical 0 lectures, by Monro Primus, 286-gO Obituary: Bishop, William John, 305-8 HOWIE, W. B.: The administration ofan eighteenth- century provincial hospital: the Royal Salop p Infirmary, 1747-1830, 34 Parasitology, British, Thomas Spencer Cobbold and, 341-8 I Patients who murdered their doctors: In the course Institute of the History of Medicine, Valencia, 299 of duty, 393 Interventricular foramen (the), Alexander Monro PxrrERsON, M. A.: The Life and times of the Hon. Secundus and, 83-9 John Rolph, M.D. (I 793-1870), I5 Percussion and auscultation, notes on early history of: Auenbrugger, Laennec, and John Keats, JARCso, S.: Auenbrugger, Laennec, andJohn Keats: I67-72 Some notes on the early history ofpercussion and Percussion, Leopold Auenbrugger and the history auscultation, I67 of: a list of papers, etc., 192-6 Jewish tradition: antiquity of Caesarean section Pharmacy at St. George's Hospital, London, in with maternal survival, II 7-31 eighteenth century, 327-40 John, King ofFrance and the English spicers, 65-76 Philip, Sir Robert: a pioneer in the campaign against tuberculosis, 56-64 K Philip, Sir Robert, erratum, I99 Keats (John), Auenbrugger, Laennec, I67-72 Physicians and surgeons, examination of: Spanish KELLETr, C.