Addison, C., 58N, 71N Apothecaries' Act
INDEX A Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 40 Anderson, John (physician, fl. Kingston, Surrey, Abbadie, Antoine d', 59n, 64 1783), 370 Abbadie, Arnauld d', 63, 64n Anderson, John (surgeon, fl. Newcastle upon Abbebe, Berhanou, 64n-65n Tyne, 1783), 370 Abernethy, John, 95 Andromachus the younger, 345 abortion, 345, 346 animals, humane treatment of, 204-208 Abram, A., 23n Annaratone, C., 58n, 67, 68n, 69n, 70n AbCrl QasTm, 47-48 Anne, Queen, 140n, 441 Acheson, R. M., 210 Anne, 2nd queen of Henry VIII, the alleged acupuncture, 99-100 miscarriages of, 49-56 Adams, Thomas, 365 Annear, Marshall, 330 Addington, Anthony, 365 Anning, S. T.: A medical case book: Leeds, Addison, C., 58n, 71n 1781-84,420-431 Ahmad II, sultan ofTurkey, 325 Anslinger, Harry, 89 Ahmad III, sultan ofTurkey, 325 anthropology, 444 Aikin, John, 230 antibiotics, 213 al-Amirt;'447 antiquity, tuberculosis and leprosy in, 162-173 al-Farabr, 447 Apicius, M. Gavius, 195 Alanson, Edward, 422 Apothecaries' Act ( 1815), 40 Albert ofCarpi, 51-52 Appert, Nicholas, 195 Albert, Charlotte Louise Henrietta, see Apsley, Sir Allen, 24 Papendiek, Mrs Charlotte Apte, R., 124n Albert, Frederick, 306 Arabic medicine and science, 446,447 Albinus, Bernard Siegfried, and the Florentine archaeology, 42-48; see also, palaeopathology collection at La Specola, 432-437 Arderne, John, 7-8, 26 Albucasis, 47 Aretaeus ofCappadocia, 168 Albury, W. R. (rev.), 88-89 Aristotle, 135n, 145n, 218, 225, 326, 416, 446 alchemy, 440 441; a medieval tregtise on the Arkwright, Sir Richard, 233 quinta essentia, 308-323 Armstrong,
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