कᴂद्रीय भूमि जल बो셍ड जल संसाधन, नदी विकास और गंगा संरक्षण विभाग, जल शक्ति मंत्रालय भारत सरकार Central Ground Water Board Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti Government of India AQUIFER MAPPING AND MANAGEMENT OF GROUND WATER RESOURCES SARAIPALI BLOCK, MAHASAMUND DISTRICT, CHHATTISGARH उत्तर मध्य छत्तीसग褼 क्षेत्र, रायपुर North Central Chhattisgarh Region, Raipur जल - भारत के ीयभिूू मजलबोड mRrj e/; NRrhlx<+ {ks= f}rh; ry] ,y-ds- dkWaiksZjsV ,oaykWftfLVdikdZ] /kerjhjksM] MwejrjkÃZ] jk;iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½&492015 Qksu&0771&2974405] QSDl&2974405 bZesy&
[email protected] AQUIFER MAPS AND MANAGEMENT PLANS SARAIPALI BLOCK, MAHASAMUND DISTRICT 1. Salient Information: About the area: Saraipali Block is situated in the easternmost part of Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh and is bounded on the north by Raigarhdistrict, in the west by Basna block of Chhattisgarh, in the east and in the south by Odisha state. The area lies between 21.10 and 21.48 N latitudes and 82.88 and 83.28 E longitudes. The geographical extension of the study area is 870 sq.km, representing around 17 % of the district's geographical area. Administrative map of the block is shown in Fig. 1. Geomorphology comprises of pediment and pediplains in the central and south-western part, denudational hills and slopes in the northern and eastern part. Geomorphology map shown in Figure 2. Suranginala flowingeastwards is a tributary of Ong riverand Lath nala, Kholtinala flowing northwards is a tributary of Mahanadi river. Drainage map shown in Fig.3.