A HARMONY OR A CACOPHONY? THE MusIc OF INTEGRATION IN THE AFRICAN UNION TREATY AND THE NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR AFRICA'S DEVELOPMENT Nsongurua J.Udombana* We have noted, at the close of the 20th century, that of all the regions of the world, Africa is indeed the most backward in terms of development from whatever angle it is viewed and the most vulnerable as far as peace, security and stability are concerned.' I. INTRODUCTION On July 11, 2000, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), "proudly," adopted the Constitutive Act of the African Union2 to "replace the Charter of the Organisation [sic] of African Unity."3 The Treaty establishes an African Union (AU) to, inter alia, "accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent." 4 The AU was formally launched on July 10, 2002, at the last summit of the OAU Assembly, which also became the first summit of the AU Assembly. South Africa hosted the summit in Durban, according to a timetable earlier agreed upon at Sirte.' It was at that summit that the Assembly emerged into a new order or sensibility. In the Durban Declaration that followed the summit,6 the Assembly, inter alia, paid tribute to the OAU "as a pioneer, a * Senior Lecturer, the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, University of Lagos, Nigeria; former visiting Research Fellow, The Danish Centre for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark; LL.M., LL.B. (Lagos); Member of the Nigerian Bar;
[email protected]. The author expresses his thanks to Prof.