CP Violation and Flavor Mixing Makoto Kobayashi KEK and JSPS Plan
CP Violation and Flavor Mixing Makoto Kobayashi KEK and JSPS Plan 1. Introduction to the Standard Model 2. Sakata and His Group 3. The CP Paper with Maskawa 4. Experimental Verification at B-factories 5. Lepton Flavor Mixing Introduction to the Standard Model u d u Electron p Proton(p) n Nucleus d d u Atom Neutron(n) Introduction to the Standard Model Fundamental Particles u c t Quark d s b e μτ Lepton νe νμ ντ Fundamental Interactions • Strong Interaction QCD • Electro‐Magnetic Interaction • Weak Interaction Weinberg‐Salam‐Glashow Theory Introduction to the Standard Model Established in 1970’s ・ Development of gauge theory 1971 ‘t Hooft Electro‐Magnetic Interaction Strong Interaction Weak Interaction ・ Discoveries of new flavors u c t 1964 Gell‐Mann quark model d s b u, d, s e μτ 1973 Kobayashi Maskawa νe νμ ντ Six‐Quark Model After 1970 Sakata and His Group 1947∼ Discovery of Strange Particles Hadron : strongly interacting particle p n π±0 Λ ΛΣΞ±0 KK± 0 Λ lairmoeM kata Saf osyteruoC Archival Library Strange Particles Shoichi Sakata 1911-1970 1956 Sakata Sakata Model All the hadrons are composite states of p,, n Λ : Fundamental Triplet Sakata and His Group Weak Interaction in the Sakata Model - decayβ n→ p + − e ν + strange paticle→Λ p + e− ν + p ν n Λ e μ 1959 Gamba, Marshak, Okubo B‐L Symmetry 1960 Maki, Nakagawa, Ohnuki, Sakata Nagoya Modelp : = B+ν ,, n = B+ e Λ+ =μ B Sakata and His Group 1962 Discovery of Two Neutrinos ν e ν μ Lepton Flavor Mixing e μ MNS Matrix 1962 Maki, Nakagawa, Sakata + + + + p = B ν1 , n = B e , Λ = B μ , p'= B ν 2 ν1 = cosθ ν e + sinθ ν μ ν 2 = −sinθ ν e + cosθ ν μ Neutrino Oscillation 4th Fundametal Particle (GIM scheme) 1962 Katayama, Matumoto, Tanaka, Yamada Sakata and His Group Cosmic Ray Events 1971 Niu et al.
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