arXiv:1906.08544v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 20 Jun 2019 ls foie,snetesmnlwr fGoodenough of work seminal wide the a Kanamori since in and oxides, understood of of well nature class also The is rules. exchange is Hund’s inter-atomic magnitude so-called whose mag- the open-shell moment by a only magnetic established has issue: a atom settled have long given can a atoms a is not the state or In ground netic whether matter. of atoms, properties topics of electronic central case the the of of study one the is in crystals and molecules atoms, a aei osbet yteiehgl eciediradi- triangulene reactive as highly such synthetize species, to cal surfaces, possible vacuum it chemical ultrahigh made developments in high has recent methods, very synthesis However, the new of of diradicals. challenge of the reactivity faced has ago area century more hy- a to aromatic back than goes polycyclic nanographenes) or includes (PAHs) also drocarbons (which nature cal ihzga edges zigzag with xetta iaiasawy a rudsaewith state ground a had always S diradicals could that one that Naively, sublattices lattice. expect bipartite triangular honeycomb interpenetrating the form two primar- the formed occupied are of doubly that the by orbitals between ily gap molecular the empty in and lie that states microscopies. probe scanning using them explore to lcne Spain Alicante, ∗ nlaefo eatmnod ´sc piaa Universida F´ısica Aplicada, de Departamento from leave On .Ortiz R. nesadn h ocle xhneitrcin in interactions exchange so-called the Understanding h td of study The ,det h iiiuewt h aeo open-shell of case the with similitude the to due 1, = degenerate, almost or degenerate, two host Diradicals π orbitals 1 , 2Dpraet eFıiaAlcd,Uiesddd Alica de Universidad F´ısica Aplicada, de (2)Departamento 4Dpraet eQ´mc ´sc,Uiesddd Alica de Qu´ımica F´ısica, Universidad de (4)Departamento 2 , 3 IEO eatmnod uıia nvriaed Avei de Qu´ımica, Universidade de Departamento CICECO, (3) 4 ihalre asinbssst u eut obyn h we numbers: the PACS beyond o go the results and states. multiplicity Our excited the and address set. we as basis rule, Gaussian Ovchinnikov’s both larger model, a Hubbard z combinat a with of a with exci using calculations existence low-lying interaction accomplished the the ration is and not predict This state is correctly nature. ground this closed-shell to the but both rules of systems, of multiplicity these set to a rules provide Hund’s of application utn pno h neatn rudsaei fe correc often is state ground interacting the two of occupying electrons sulting two have triangulene synthesized, .A Boto A. R. , 2 ait fplanar of variety A . .INTRODUCTION I. π 10 8 cnuae yrcroswt diradi- with hydrocarbons -conjugated eyotnte r oaie none in localized are they often Very . swl sohroe-hl PAHs open-shell other as well as 3–6 xhnerlsfrdiradical for rules Exchange xeietlrsac nthis in research Experimental . 1 unaa,ItrainlIeinNntcnlg Labo Nanotechnology Iberian International QuantaLab, (1) 3 .Garc´ıa-Mart´ınez N. , 7 rgahn nanoribbons graphene or π v eteJseVia 7530Baa Portugal Braga, 4715-330 Jos´e Veiga, Mestre Av. cnuae yrcrossc shpatrn,Ca’ gob Clar’s heptauthrene, as such hydrocarbons -conjugated Dtd ue2,2019) 21, June (Dated: 1 , 2 .C Sancho-Garc´ıa C. J. , 9 and , de d 1 π httespin the rule that Ovchinnikov’s the using anticipated be ini hscaso iaiasi o lastesame the always not is diradicals of class this in tion rule tm.Weesti sotntecs navreyof variety a in case the often is this systems Whereas atoms. vhnio’ ueit theorem a the into upgraded rule Lieb form Interestingly, Ovchinnikov’s that lattice. sublattices honeycomb triangular the interpenetrating the of h ubro eomdsi ie by given is modes zero of number the theorem another o iatt ytmi ie loby also given is model system Hubbard bipartite the a of state for ground interacting exact the ncneune ytm ihasbatc maac of imbalance sublattice a with N systems consequence, In gemn ihteOcinkvsrl n ibstheo- in Lieb’s and, and have modes rule rem, Ovchinnikov’s zero the two goblet have with Clar’s sub- agreement still no the and have imbalance as cyclobutadiene lattice such (planar) undistorted diradicals, the some or First, sons. S rdciepwro h spin the on power predictive fagvnbpriesse a eomd tts This states. mode zero has system anticipate bipartite to given all approach unified a to a if provide generalization we First, its mat.). as well diradical of hydrocarbons kind (as conjugated nanographenes planar of or case the in questions nature. closed-shell nor vs states, open-shell excited the their of on spin on information any of with provide nature with diradicals the GS those is a in what exchange power: antiferromagnetic explaining the poor very a has N cnuae hydrocarbons -conjugated A A 1. = ngnrl h pno h rudsaei Ascan PAHs in state ground the of spin the general, In oee,ti itr sntcmlt o eea rea- several for complete not is picture this However, nti okw drs hs ogtnigresearch longstanding these address we work this In − 2 12,16–21 = N t,060 atVcn e api,Spain Raspeig, del Vicent Sant 03690, nte, t,060 atVcn e api,Spain Raspeig, del Vicent Sant 03690, nte, B o faayia ruet n configu- and arguments analytical of ion l niiae as anticipated tly N e-coe-hl aueo ohground both of nature pen-/closed-shell e tts oehrwt hi pn or open- their with together states, ted eeeaemlclrobtl.Tere- The orbitals. molecular degenerate akdb unu hmsr methods quantum by backed where , 3,11–15 B r oesae,a ela h spin the as well as states, mode ero orc nsm ntne.Hr we Here instances. some in correct S hrfr,tesg fteecag interac- exchange the of sign the Therefore, . ± o 8013Aer,Prua and Portugal Aveiro, 3810-193 ro, 4 S .Melle-Franco M. , letbihdLe’ hoe and theorem Lieb’s established ll .Scn,weesLe’ theorem Lieb’s whereas Second, 0. = ,sc stinuee r iaiaswith diradicals are triangulene, as such 2, nohr hr sa is there others in , ?Tid h ibstermde not does theorem Lieb’s the Third, 0? = S N 24 π A,B ftegon tt sgvnby given is state ground the of cnuae yrcrosi h suppl. the in hydrocarbons -conjugated salse htfrabprielattice bipartite a for that establishes aoy(INL), ratory r h ubro tm neach in atoms C of number the are S ,etnigthe extending 1, = e n,recently and, let 3 S .Fern´andez-Rossier J. , ftegon tt,it state, ground the of violation 23 hc ttsthat states which , N S Z = = 22 fteHund’s the of N htstates that , | A N − 2 A N − B 23 Yet . N S 5 has 1 B . ∗ = | . 2

b) d) a) a) c)

b) e)

FIG. 1: Atomic structure of a) triangulene, b) Clar’s gob- let and c) heptauthrene. We assign silver and gold color to highlight the triangular sublattices. f) c) constitutes a prerequisite for open-shell configurations. Second, we provide a set of rules that determine the mul- tiplicity and the open-/closed- shell nature of the lowest in energy many-body states for these nanographene di- radicals. We find that the key ingredient that defines the properties in the multi-electronic problem are the trans- formation properties of the molecular orbitals under the FIG. 2: Non interacting zero modes wavefunction (a), (b), (c) symmetry operations of the point group of the molecule. and single particle spectra (d, e, f) for three types of struc- We therefore establish a set of simple rules that permit to ture: triangulene (top), Clar’s goblet (middle) and heptau- anticipate the relative position and approximate excita- threne (bottom). In the three cases the single-particle energy levels has two E = 0 states. The color (red, blue) represents tion energy of the six lowest energy multi-electron states, 2 2 a degenerate triplet and three singlets. sublattice and the area of the circles stands for |φ1| and |φ2| . Our results are based on an analysis using theory at three levels of complexity. First, an analytical descrip- symmetry31,32, given by the equation: tion of the Hubbard model for these compounds when the active space is restricted to the two in-gap states H0Γ+ΓH0 = 0 (1) only. Second, numerical calculations, still within the Hubbard model, in a larger active space that includes This anti-commutation relation, different from usual occupied and virtual molecular orbitals. Third, ab initio commutators associated to symmetries, entails several methods25, including complete active consequences relevant for the ensuing discussion. First, space (CAS) configuration interaction (CI) calculations, let us consider the eigenstates H0|ψni = En|ψni. Eq.(1) ′ carried using a gaussian orbital basis, and further cor- implies that |ψni ≡ Γ|ψni is also an eigenstate of H0 ′ rected by second-order N-electron Valence Perturbation with eigenvalue −En. If En 6= 0, |ψni and |ψni have Theory (NEVPT2). to be orthogonal, as they are eigenstates with different eigenvalues. Their orthogonality can be written up as:

hψn|Γ|ψni = 0 (En 6= 0) (2) II. ZERO MODES (NON-BONDING STATES). which implies an equal weight on the two sublattices. Hamiltonians H0 with chiral symmetry can also host 4,26 We first revisit the problem of predicting the exis- states with En = 0, that we label as φη. It can be easily tence of non-bonding zero modes in a PAH. Our discus- demonstrated (see suppl. mat.) that these zero modes sion applies when the system is described with a tight- are sublattice polarized and, therefore, are eigenstates of binding model with one pz orbital per atom in the first Γ. As a result, they satisfy hφη|Γ|φηi = ±1, depending on neighbor hopping approximation. This defines a tight- whether they are localized in the A or B sublattice. Thus, binding model in a bipartite graph and permits to provide Eq.(1) classifies the eigenstates of H0 in three groups, a unified and compact picture that accounts for a number according to the expectation value of Γ, that can be 0, 24,27–30 of results derived over the years . Bipartite graphs for bonding and antibonding states, and +1 or −1 for can be drawn as the superposition of two interpenetrat- sublattice polarized non-bonding states. ing sublattices (see Fig.1). We define the Γ matrix that With this background, we now provide a straightfor- assigns a +1 to the sites of the A sublattice and ward demonstration of the well known result4,24,27,33 that a −1 to the carbon sites of the B sublattice. for a given bipartite graph with NA − NB 6= 0 there are, The H¨uckel (tight-binding) Hamiltonian H0 that at least, NZ = |NA − NB| zero modes. For that matter, describes the π orbitals has the so-called chiral we first compute the trace of the Γ operator, calculated 3 in the atomic orbital basis: orbitals, φ1 and φ2, that are linear combination of the π atomic orbitals of the PAH’s C atoms. These molec- T rΓ= hi|Γ|ii = NA − NB (3) ular orbitals are obtained by diagonalization of a single- Xi particle Hamiltonian, H0, that describes first neighbor single orbital tight-binding model. The resulting spectra where i labels the atomic sites. We now write down the and molecular orbitals for a variety of nanographenes are trace in the basis of eigenstates of H . We break it down 0 shown in Fig.2. All of them have two zero modes that in terms of three types, namely, states with En 6= 0 that are occupied with two electrons at half filling. When in- do not contribute to the trace, and A or B zero modes, teractions are ignored, the two-fold orbital degeneracy of that contribute with ±1: the in-gap states results in a six-fold degeneracy of the multi-electronic ground state, that is lifted by Coulomb T rΓ= hψ |Γ|ψ i + 1 − 1 (4) n n interactions. Xn XA XB When treated in the Hubbard approximation, the in-

Comparison of Eq.(3) and (4) establishes NzA − NzB = teraction term is simply given by U i ni↑ni↓, where niσ NA − NB, where NzA/zB is the number of zero modes stands for the occupation of the atomicP π orbital with localized in a given sublattice. Importantly, Eq.(4) gives spin σ at carbon i. In contrast, it can be seen that the the minimum number of zero modes, as we can certainly same expression, projected over the two in-gap molecu- have NzA + NzB > NA − NB. Thus, in this work we lar orbitals results in a Hamiltonian with four different consider systems, such as the so-called triangulene and terms (see suppl. mat.): heptauthrene (Fig.1a, c), that have sublattice imbalance J J of 2 and two zero modes in the majority sublattice (Fig.2 HU = U˜1 − n1↑n1↓ + U˜2 − n2↑n2↓ − 4 4 a, c, d, f) and also systems with two zero modes and     ~ ~ NA = NB (Fig.2b, e). − JS1 · S2 + Vpair + V12 + V21 (5) We have found two different classes of situations in † where nησ = Cησ Cησ is the occupation operator of the which systems with NA = NB have two zero modes: 1 † molecular orbital φη, S~η = ′ C ~τσ,σ′ Cησ′ is the ˆ 2 σ,σ ησ • When there is a symmetry operation R that con- spin operator associated to thatP orbital (see suppl. mat.) mutes both with H0 and Γ, such that the different and C† is the operator that creates and electron with ˆ ησ irreducible representations of R have a partial trace spin σ in the molecular orbital φη. 34 of Γ different from zero . This is the case of 4n an- Hamiltonian (5) has four types of interactions. First, ulenes, such as cyclobutadiene. Importantly, Jahn- J Hubbard-like terms, with energy Uη − 4 , that describe the Teller mechanism is operative here, and a structural Coulomb energy penalty of double occupation of states distortion of the PAH can lift the degeneracy of the φ1 and φ2. The energy scales Uη are given by: zero modes. 4 Uη = U |φη(i)| (6) • When the structure is formed by fragments that, Xi when considered separately, have zero modes whose 4 wavefunction have no weight on the junction where i |φη(i)| is the so-called inverse participation 37 region4. This is the case of Clar’s goblet35 (Fig.2b, ratio andP is a metric of the extension of the orbital . e). Here the zero modes are robust with respect to The exchange integral is given by: Jahn-Teller distorsions. 2 2 J =2U |φ1(i)| |φ2(i)| (7) The fact that, for NA = NB, the two zero modes Xi are hosted in different sublattices has important conse- and is a metric of the overlap of the two zero modes. It quences in the many-body Hamiltonian, as we discuss is apparent that J = 0 for disjoint zero modes. below. Second, a ferromagnetic exchange term between the spins in orbitals (notice that J ≥ 0). The last two terms are the density assisted hopping terms, III. PAH DIRADICALS: A HUBBARD MODEL DESCRIPTION. † ∗ † V12 = n1σ t12C1σC2σ + t12C2σC1σ (8) Xσ   A. Hubbard model in a minimal Active Space. and the pair hopping term:

† † ∗ † † The discussion of the effect of electron-electron in- Vpair = ∆C1↑C1↓C2↑C2↓ + ∆ C2↑C2↓C1↑C1↓ (9) teractions starts with the description of the Hubbard The Hubbard matrix elements that control these model that, in the context of nanographenes, has been Coulomb assisted hoppings are: shown29,36 to give results very similar to those of Den- 2 ∗ sity Functional Theory calculations. We start with the t12 = U |φ1(i)| φ1(i) φ2(i) (10) minimal Hilbert space for two electrons in two molecular Xi 4 and B. Hubbard model Reduced active space: theory ∆= U (φ (i)∗)2φ (i)2 (11) 1 2 In the following we apply this theory to three different Xi types of diradicals, with and without sublattice imbal- Both t12 and ∆ can be complex numbers. ance and with different point group symmetries. In all At this point, we make two crucial observations. First, cases, we determine the open-/closed-shell of the mul- since φ1 and φ2 are degenerate, there is not a unique tielectronic states by the overlap of the multielectronic representation for them and the values of the Hubbard wave function with the configurations with a well defined integrals Uη, J, ∆ and t12 depend on our choice of rep- occupation of the single particle states, always taking the resentation. In the following we choose φ1 and φ2 so zero modes as eigenstates of a symmetry operator. that they diagonalize a symmetry operator of the point group of the molecule. This permits to obtain closed ex- pressions for the spectrum of Hamiltonian (5). To do so, 1. C3 diradicals: Hubbard model. the first step is to find a symmetry operator Rˆ that con- ˆ mutes with the single particle Hamiltonian, [R, H0]=0 We consider first the case of systems with NA −NB =2 29 and with the sublattice operator Γ. We choose φ1 and and C3 symmetry, such as triangulene and trimethylen- φ2 such that: emethane (see suppl. mat.). In this case, the relevant symmetry is the in-plane 120◦ rotation, Rˆ( 2π ). The di- Rˆφ1,2 = λ1,2φ1,2 (12) 3 ˆ 2π agonal representation of R( 3 ) in the subspace of zero In table I the relevant symmetry operators and the eigen- ±iǫ 2π modes has two eigenvalues e with ǫ = 3 . Therefore, values λ1,2 are listed for the three systems of interest. given that the rotation matrix is real, we can easily see ◦ ∗ Symmetries include a 120 rotation in the case of trian- that φ1(i) = (φ2(i)) , i.e., overlap between zero modes gulene, and reflection around the mirror symmetry axis J is maximal. From here, we obtain U1 = U2 = 2 , which in the case of Clar’s goblet and heptauthrene. implies that exchange is the dominant energy scale and Our second central observation is the fact that Hub- ∆ = 0 and t12 = 0. bard integrals, defined in eqs.(6, 7, 10, 11) have to re- The resulting spectrum, shown in Fig.3a, has a ground main invariant under the symmetry operation. Hence, if state triplet, in agreement with Lieb’s theorem, with we replace φ1 and φ2 by Rˆφ1 = λ1φ1 and Rˆφ2 = λ2φ2, J energy ET = − 4 . The three excited singlets are ar- we have: ranged in a low energy closed-shell doublet, with ener- J 4 gies E = E = , and a high energy open-shell sin- U = |λ | U S2 S3 4 η η η J 2 2 glet with energy ES1 = 3 4 . The spectrum of excited J = |λ1| |λ2| J states of the triangulene is quite peculiar for two rea- 2 ∗ t12 = |λ1| λ1λ2t12 sons. First, the open-shell singlet is the highest energy ∗ 2 2 excitation, within the manifold of states considered in ∆ = (λ1) λ2∆ (13) this approximation. This reflects the large value of ex- Thus, the prefactor in the right hand side of Eq.(13) change that arises from the maximal overlap of the zero have to be identical to one, otherwise the correspond- modes. Second, the closed-shell singlets are degenerate. ing Hubbard integral vanishes. As it can be inferred from table I, the Hubbard integral t12 = 0 for C3 and TABLE I: Hubbard integrals for the structures from Fig.1 heptauthrene systems, out of symmetry. Obviously, t12 also vanishes for all diradicals with disjoint zero modes. Structure U1/U U2/U J/U t12/U ∆/U U(U) λ(Rˆ) When t12 = 0, we obtain analytical expressions for the ± i2π six eigenvalues of Eq.(5): Triangulene 1 1 2 0 0 0.096 e 3 Clar’s goblet 1 1 0 0 0 0.144 1 J E = − Heptauthrene 1.220 0.779 1.209 0 0.604 0.106 ±1 T 4 3J E 1 = + S 4

J 2 1 2 ES2 = U − − ∆ + (U1 −U2) 4 r 4 2. Diradicals with NA − NB = 2 and reflection symmetry.

J 2 1 2 E 3 = U − + ∆ + (U1 −U2) (14) S 4 r 4 We now discuss the case of PAHs with a different point group. We consider the heptauthrene diradical, that has 1 where U ≡ 2 (U1 + U2). The first line corresponds to the a reflection symmetry that preserves sublattice. The triplet. The energy ES1 corresponds to the open-shell eigenvalues of this symmetry operator are ±1; thus, its singlet, and ES2 and ES3 to closed-shell singlets. These application leaves all the Hubbard integrals unaffected equations constitute our first important result. except for t12 and t21 that change sign and, therefore, 5

a)CAS (2,2) b)CAS (2,2) c) CAS (2,2)

d) e) f) CAS (4,4) CAS (4,4) CAS (4,4)

g) h) i) NEVPT2 (4,7) NEVPT2 (4,4) NEVPT2 (2,4)

FIG. 3: Low energy excitation energy spectra of various diradicals, including the effect of Coulomb interaction. Top panels: spectra calculated using the analytic exact solution of the Hubbard model with an active space that only includes the zero modes, CAS(2,2). Middle panels: spectra calculated numerically with CAS(4,4) employing CI method. Lower panels: spectra calculated numerically with different active spaces employing the NEVPT2 method (see suppl. mat, section VI). For top and middle panels we took t = −2.7eV and U = |2t|.

must vanish identically. Since the eigenvalues of the sym- 3. NA = NB diradicals. metry operator are real, the states φ1 and φ2 are also real, which automatically entails J = 2∆. However, we have U1 6= U2. The resulting many-body spectrum, within We now apply Hamiltonian (5) to the case of diradicals 16,28,35 the reduced active space, is shown in Fig.3c. The ground with NA = NB such as the Clar’s goblet and the state has S = 1, complying with the Lieb’s theorem. The cyclobutadiene34,38 (see suppl. mat.). The single-particle excited states follow a more conventional arrangement, zero modes of diradicals with NA = NB are disjoint, i.e., with three non-degenerate singlets, with the open-shell they are located in different atoms39. As a result, the singlet in between the two closed-shell singlets. only non-zero energy scales of the restricted many-body Hamiltonian (5) are U1,2. The resulting interacting spec- trum (Fig.3b), in the minimal active space, presents a quartet ground state, formed by the open-shell S = 0 and S = 1 states, and two closed-shell excited S = 0 states. 6

Extension of the Hilbert space is thus necessary to resolve approaches are obtained using a Density-Functional the singlet-triplet energy difference, that must favour a Theory calculation based with the hybrid exchange- S = 0 ground state to comply with Lieb’s theorem23. correlation functional B3LYP (see suppl. mat.). We have carried out ab initio calculations for three dif- ferent diradicals: triangulene, Clar’s Goblet and heptau- IV. HUBBARD MODEL CALCULATIONS threne (see Fig.3). In all three cases, the ground state and WITH AN EXTENDED HILBERT SPACE. first excited state have the same spin than anticipated in the previous sections. In the case of triangulene, the sym- The description of the diradicals using a restricted metry of the spectrum also comes in the 3-2-1 sequence Hilbert space sometimes gives spectra with peculiar de- obtained using the Hubbard model. The relative value generacies, such as the first excited state of the C3 di- of the energy difference between triplet and open-shell radicals or the ground state degeneracy of the NA = NB singlet is also in line with the Hubbard model: largest diradicals. We now explore whether these degeneracies for triangulene, and much smaller for the Clar’s goblet. are artefacts of the truncated Hilbert space, or they are In the case of the Clar’s goblet, the ab initio calcula- byproducts of symmetry. For that matter, we have car- tions predict a second excited triplet with energy smaller ried out exact diagonalizations using a configuration in- than that of the two singlets, in contrast with the Hub- teraction method for the Hubbard model, extending the bard model predictions. This discrepancy is probably active space to include valence and conduction states. We related to the underestimation of the energy overhead denote a complete active space (CAS) with N electrons associated to the double occupancy of a molecular or- and M molecular orbitals, each with a two-fold spin de- bital in the closed-shell configuration when electronic re- generacy, as CAS(N , M). For N = M = 4 we have a pulsion is treated in the Hubbard approximation. As total of 70 many-body states. a result, the Hubbard model underestimates the energy Our results for CAS(4,4) for the three systems of in- of the two closed-shell singlets, compared to the second terest are shown in the second row of Fig.(3). In the open-shell triplet. Barring this discrepancy in the higher case of triangulene, the main peculiar properties of the order excited states of the Clar’s goblet, the main features spectrum obtained in the minimal model are preserved of the Hubbard model are confirmed with the more so- here. This is also the case of trimethylenemethane (see phisticated, but much more computationally expensive, suppl. mat.), for which the CAS(4,4) calculation covers ab initio methods. the complete Hilbert space. We thus conclude that the peculiar symmetry obtained in the analytical CAS(2,2) model is not a specific feature of a truncated active space. VI. EXCHANGE RULES. Our results for heptauthrene, using CAS(4,4) are also in line with the analytical model. We are now in position to conclude with a number Unlike the analytical model, our CAS(4,4) calculations of rules for the exchange interactions in PAHs diradicals, give non-degenerate S = 0 ground state for the diradicals based on the analysis of the results obtained with various with NA = NB, such as the Clar’s goblet and the cy- methods: clobutadiene. This complies with Lieb’s theorem23. The 1. Lieb’s rule: the spin of the ground state, S, is de- lowest excited state is a triplet. We have verified (see termined by the sublattice imbalance, |N −N | = suppl. mat.) that the singlet-triplet splitting, scales as A B 2 2S. ES=1 − ES=0 ∝ U /t > 0. This scaling indicates that the antiferromagnetic exchange is driven by virtual ex- 2. The spin and orbital degeneracies of the six lowest cursions to excited states, with electrons in the conduc- energy states is predicted, qualitatively, by Hamil- tion states and/or holes in the valence states, driven by tonian (5). The eigenvalues energy scales are gov- the Hubbard term. It must be noted that this is differ- erned by U1 2, J, ∆ that, in turn, are strongly con- 40 2 , ent from the usual kinetic exchange scaling t /U, that ditioned by the point symmetry group of the PAH has also been discussed for the case of in-gap zero modes diradical. hybridized by hopping in nanographenes37. 3. Ferromagnetic exchange J is maximal for C3 diradi- cals, on account of the maximal overlap of the zero V. AB INITIO CALCULATIONS. modes. The C3 symmetry also imposes that the lowest energy excited state turns out to be given At this point we further explore to which point the pre- by a degenerate pair of closed-shell states. dictions of the Hubbard model are different from more 4. Ferromagnetic exchange J is minimal for NA = NB sophisticated yet costly ab initio calculations including diradicals, on account of the disjoint nature of their nuclear coordinates relaxation, more atomic orbitals per zero modes. atom, H atoms passivating edge C atoms, and long-range Coulomb interactions. The structures and molecular or- We acknowledge J. L. Lado for fruitful discussions. bital basis set used to carry out the multi-configurational J. F.-R. and R. O. acknowledge financial support from 7

MINECO-Spain (Grant No. MAT2016-78625-C2) and eralitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo). M. from the Portuguese “Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a M.-F. and R. B. would like to acknowledge the Por- Tecnologia” (FCT) for the project P2020-PTDC/FIS- tuguese “Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia” NAN/4662/2014. J.F.-R., M. M.-F. and N. G.- (FCT) for the project IF/00894/2015 and FCT Ref. M. acknowledge support from the P2020-PTDC/FIS- UID/CTM/50011/2019 for CICECO - Aveiro Institute NAN/3668/2014. J. F.-R. acknowledges support from of Materials. This project has received funding from the UTAPEXPL/NTec/0046/2017 projects, as well as Gen- European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation eralitat Valenciana funding (Prometeo2017/139). R. programme under grant agreement No 664878. O. and J. C. S.-G. acknowledge ACIF/2018/175 (Gen-

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