
Chapter 4 Section 2 Notes ‐

A. A is a substance that contaminates the air, land, or water.

B. Air include soot, , ash, and gases such as dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides.

C. is created when sunlight reacts with pollutants.

1 D. Acid precipitation results from air pollutants reacting with water in the atmosphere.

1. can kill plants and animals.

2. Reducing the use of high sulfur and lowering pollutants from vehicle exhaust can help prevent acid rain.

2 3 Let's see what Tim and Moby have to say about acid rain and !

4 E. The atmosphere traps heat through the greenhouse effect; increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may cause global warming.

F. depletion, the thinning of the ozone layer, is caused by (CFCs) and can result in increased UV radiation reaching Earth’s surface.

G. Insulation can trap indoor air pollutants such as carbon monoxide or radon.

5 H. Water is polluted when air or land pollutants enter rivers, lakes, or oceans.

1. Surface water pollutants include chemical , raw , and fertilizer.

2. Rivers and streams dump pollutants into the ocean; oil spills are also a source of seawater pollution.

3. Groundwater can become polluted as it seeps through particles of rock and soil or collects in underground pools called aquifers.

6 I. Erosion is the movement of soil from one place to another; it causes the loss of fertile topsoil.

J. Soil can be polluted by solid wastes in or by hazardous wastes such as dangerous chemicals or radioactive materials.


How can important water sources such as surface water, ocean water, and groundwater be protected from pollution?

Treating and recycling solid waste before it reaches water sources; reducing the release of air pollutants into the air; improving the living conditions of human populations worldwide

8 See how much you know by taking the section 2 self‐check quiz!

9 Attachments
