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MAY 6, 2010 SentineNORTH BRUNSWICK • SOUTH BRUNSWICK l 50< S.B. introduces budget with 8c tax increase Council assures public that there is still much work to be done BY JENNIFER BOOTON Staff Writer

"though the South Brunswick Town- ship Council introduced a municipal T budget last week that carries an 8-cent tax increase, officials were sure to note that there is still much work to be done. The budget introduced on April 27 ab- sorbs an unexpected $1.1 million slash in state aid. The township took a 17.5 percent hit in its energy tax receipts, which brought expected state revenue down from $6.4 mil- lion last year to $5.2 million this year. "Budget problems in Trenton get fixed in the suburbs, not in Trenton," said Deputy Mayor Chris Killmurray. "The playing field is not level with Trenton, but we have to deal with it. " The $46 million budget was introduced last week for statutory purposes, since the state requires municipalities to introduce their budgets by May 11, but it will most likely see many amendments before the public hearing and possible adoption on June 22, according to Township Manager Matthew Watkins. "While you're introducing this today in April, we're not looking for a final adoption on this for some time," Watkins said to the SCOTT (TRIEDMAN council. "We reworked some of the budget, Ryan Kloos, 13, of East Brunswick, checks out a huge towing truck from l,x>gan Towing of North Brunswtek during the IG** annual North (Continued on page 38) Brunswick Cops & Rodders car show at DeVry University Sunday. See story, page 36. Apparel company expands to larger warehouse

Jacques Moret Inc. enters into multiyear of a nearly 382,000-square-foot warehouse off Route 130 in Dayton. lease with Heller Industrial Parks Inc. The move comes less than a year after the mar- BY lENNIFER BOOTON Slatf Writer keting company leased 28,000 square feet of space at another building owned by Heller in the township. fter leasing a smaller property in Dayton last Moret will use its newly acquired space for na- summer, one New York City-based firm has tional distribution of several apparel brands. Some of A decided to expand operations within the town- the better-known brands licensed by the company in- ship. clude Jockey Sport. Joe Boxer, DKNY. Hello Kitty. Jacques Moret Inc., an apparel design, sourcing Levi's. Mudd. Hannah Montana and Everlast. Some and marketing company headquartered in New York of its retail partners include Kohl's. . Wal-Mart. City, recently entered into a multiyear lease with J.C. Penney and Macy's. Heller Industrial Parks Inc. (Continued on page 38) MAILINC ADDRESS Moret will be leasing close to 103,800 square feet We're still LENDING r PROVIDENT READY, WILLING & STABLE! I I BANK 2 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 April29 , 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 3

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Leam about foods that prevent disease and encourage recovery. Page 33

Darren and Christine Young, of North Brunswick, visHed Haiti in March to assist with the devastation from the earthquake earlier this year. Pictured clockwise from above: A young Haitian boy represents the resiliency and happiness of the people of Haiti. Christine Young sits with a young Haitian girt who looked in the mirror for the first time ever; Young said the students were fescinated by their reflections. School in Haiti is Just like in the United States, except the students beg for tests on Fridays. What's happening Check out Just Go to find out what plays, events and concerts are taking place. 'Young' and old still need help in Haiti

Page 18 ren Young said. the pre-kindergarten through seventh-grade For This One nonprofit is holding The Youngs adjusted their plans and visited classes, providing relief to the regular teachers medical-supply drive a Haitian oiphanage that was also a school who had not gone home since the earthquake. First reading passes to benefit earthquake victims March 13-20. The teachers had already prepared the week's The main orphanage in Port-au-Prince was lesson plans for their math, science, English and North Brunswick council BY JENNIFER AMATO destroyed in the earthquake, so they stayed in health classes, which were taught from about 8 votes to introduce zoning Staff Writer another building that had been under construc- a.m. to 1 p.m.; the school day had been short- ordinance that affects tion and had survived. The new building was ened since the earthquake. proposed transit village site arren and Christine Young first became intiigued with Haiti last September, supposed to be a three-story school and dormi- "It was as if teaching a class in the U.S.," Page 37 Dmonths before the devastating earth- tory, but there were no walls or doors. A corru- Christine Young said. quake catapulted the impoverished country into gated steel roof blocked sunlight but not rain. the headlines. The Youngs acted as substitute teachers for (Continued on page 26) QilOTl OF THE WEEK Their friend, Jennifer Kovac, of Borden- town. had already been to Haiti to do aid work "We are going to be appealing." and brought back pictures and stories of her time there. Kovac's sister. Doreen Sigman, is — Nichola.s Sewitch part of Much Ministries in Georgia, whose As.sistiint Middlesex County Prosecutor group had been building schools in the West In- Page 30 dies country. The Youngs, of North Brunswick, were plan- ning a trip in February to do some volunteer work because they were so inspired to help out. "I think what was really inspiring for us was Classified 4J to see Jennifer's pictures when she came back. Editorials 6 Just as ordinary people, you could go down there and make a difference. It was very inspir- Entertainment 18 ing to us that ordinary people could help in that Police Beat 27 way," Christine Young said. Real Estate 40 Then, in the midst of making travel plans and Sports 39 starting their Haiti-based nonprofit organization. For This One, the massive earthquake hit the is- land Jan. 12. "Even before the earthquake, the situation in Haiti was one of dire poverty [and] a lack of ed- ucation in the areas we were working," Chris- on the web tine Young said. A Gtsatet Media Newspaper "We weren't planning do to this so soon, but I guess we had to hit the ground running," Dar- 4 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 Local science fiction club celebrates 25-year 'trek'

The USS Avenger will Road, on the second Sunday of each month. representation of the Avenger ship. The USS Avenger also participates in char- commemorate silver anniversary "Star Tivk" entertainment such as the tele- The group members have gone to muse- itable causes, such as the Polai' Bear Plunge May 15 in Edison vision show, the movies and the books are ums, the Liberty Science Center, Renais- for the Special Olympics and walks for the Ju- naturally discussed, from the fantasy realm sance fairs, and the movies "to stretch the venile Diabetes Research Foundation. BY JENNIFER AMATO to the allegories expressed about modem- mind," according to Bmgmans. Although the Intemet has changed the Staff Wriifr day events. The members also visit a convention just course of communication, the Avenger "Because they slapped on some extra outside of Baltimore, Md., twice each year, members still believe that interpersonal NORTH BRUNSWICK — The USS makeup to make them look like aliens ... in and about four more elsewhere. They have communication is key. Avenger, a longtime science fiction fan as- the science fiction veil they met several of the actors The members believe that the appeal of sociation based in central New Jersey, will could make some sugges- there, such as Leslie Nielson, "Star Trek," and thus the longevity of the celebrate its anniversary this year. tions about what is accept- "It has been an Ernest Borgnine and Mark Avenger chapter, has endured because of The "Star Trek"-based group will hold a able and what is not," said adventure in Shepherd. the multiple levels of storytelling and the silver commemoration May 15 at the Pines Todd Brugmans, the chap- They have also developed appeal of the fantasy aspect, as well as the Manor in Edison. This comes after the every sense of ter's vice president. "Every semi-personal relationships relationships that have developed. Avenger was bom out of a conflict with a incarnation of 'Star Trek' has the word." with the people involved "I enjoy the portrayal of the future and different chapter in June 1985. when offi- had an underlying tolerance with "Star Trek," such as going out into outer space, and the adven- cials from Starfleet, the International Star between characters ... a mu- — Alex Rosenzweig when Shepherd joined a dis- tures that they had," said Judith Waidlich, Trek Fan Association Inc., allowed about 20 tual respect despite their co-founder of cussion with Rosenzweig and of Linden, who is the chapter's current members to create their own chapter. background ... and this uni- USS Avenger chapter his friends about education, chairperson. "I'm really looking forward to "From the time I was old enough to un- verse in which people have constitutional law, the chal- the party. ... It's going to be another fun derstand what it was, I had been hugely in- the capacity to understand and tolerate one lenges teachers face, and child rearing. Or evening among many we've enjoyed." terested in outer space ... and when I first another rather than live with prejudices and when an actor from the "Stargate" spin-off "If you told me in 1985 that we'd still be started getting into 'Star Trek,' I was like, fears." grabbed a guitar and led an impromptu sing- here and having fun in 2010,1 would have 'Wow, it's a really, really cool show about The group members also focus on "Star along in a hotel lobby. Or when Rosenzweig thought you a bit crazy, but here we are," outer space,'" said Alex Rosenzweig, a Trek" spin-offs, the science fiction genre in was able to speak direcdy with and continue Rosenzweig said. "It's been a great ride, and North Brunswick resident who is one of the general, the Starfleet organization, real-life corresponding with costume director Robert I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've made founding members of the Avenger. and fictional technology, and real-world sci- Fletcher. Or when Rosenzweig was com- many of my best friends through this club. Now there are about 30 members of the ence. missioned by an editor to write a book. ... It has been an adventure in every sense Avenger hailing from Middlesex, Somerset "Largely, it's an opportunity for us to get "You get a sense that the stars are often of the word." and Mercer counties, one group out of five together and discuss what we have seen re- as affected by it as the fans are," Rosen- For more information about the organi- in the state and one of about 40 fix)mNe w cently in the sci-fi genre," said Bragmans, zweig said. zation, the chapter or the anniversary, visit Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, of Warren Township. "What's unique about science fiction, as Maryland, and Washington, D.C., in the The Avenger members also participate in a fan-hood, is it allows actors to interact mid-Atiantic region. their own writing exercise in which they firsthand with groups of people they in- Contact Jennifer Amato at Locally, the Avenger meets at the North create their own stories set in the fictional spired," Brugmans said. jamato @ gmnews. com. Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann

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Let's is a private owner willing to put up really dream. We could create a capital. When the economy turns, park in the sky. Maybe we'll be a it would be nice to see a village tourist destination. here. I see the transit village pro- The Alternatives: The alterna- posal as a step in that direction. tive to a mixed-use center would Let's take that step. likely be more big-box stores, strip At the hearing, people were malls or industrial uses. I doubt it concerned about traffic, kids and will be a park. The real issue, be- the likelihood of success: fore we object, is what do we want Traffic: Walkable, bikeable to see there? transit conununities should reduce The change in the master plan Nursery Lands group thanks supporters of Arbor Day celebration traffic. If we didn't need to drive allows us to proceed with the pro- to the grocery store or to the park posed mixed-use project, subject ^he Friends of Princeton Handsome Molly, Griggstown . 6vent. to take a walk, how many trips a to many more approvals and citi- Nursery Lands hosted a col- Lock Rapper Sword Team, Mill- For many of the participants, it day would that save? We need zen input. The plan is not perfect. T orful and spirited Arbor Day stone River Morris, and the youth was a first visit to the Mapleton communities that encourage non- I liked earlier plans better without celebration on April 17 that could Morris Dance Group from the Preserve, the heart of the pre- carbon transportation for our as many big-box stores. The cur- not have happened without the Waldorf School. served Princeton Nursery Lands. health, environment, national de- rent plan resulted from compro- help and support of many. We Behind the scenes, the talents The entrance is at 145 Mapleton fense and quality of life. Proposed mise, balancing concerns for thank you for listing the event. We and energy of the D&R Canal Road, Kingston, headquarters of road improvements will help, and ratables and impact on schools. are indebted to Jim Confsolloy, State Park staff helped the Friends the Delaware & Raritan Canal more diffuse traffic patterns would That's how democracy works. If who led our tree walk. Cub Scout prepare for the event, and Dave State Park. We invite the public to reduce congestion in arteries. we stop this plan now, what are the Troop 195 for assisting in the Reed of Mapleton Nurseries vol- explore and enjoy this treasure! Kids: You can't eUminate odds we will like another proposal planting of three trees, and the unteered his time, expertise and them. This type of community will more? Let's find a way to make five dance groups who brought labor to dig the holes for the trees Karen Linder not invite them. There are no guar- our town the place we want it to motion, tradition, music and even to be planted. We are grateful to President antees, but the likelihood is fewer be. Let's move this plan forward. a maypole to the Mapleton Pre- Princeton Nurseries for their gen- Friends of Princeton Nursery kids would reside in the proposed serve: Princeton Country Dancers, erous donation of trees for the Lands type of housing than in suburban Andrea L. Kahn Paying more for using less water tract homes. Hopefully, mixed-use North Brunswick outh Brunswick Township Is this a joke? We are told to when flushed. residents could get hit with a conserve energy and water. We ••• Now we are penalized for letters policy S17.6 percent increase in their use rain barrels to collect water, using less water and therefore will water rates starting next quarter. buy new energy-efficient washers, be paying more. Tell me how that Letters to the editor may be emailed to [email protected]. Please This rale hike was primarily dishwashers and other appliances. makes any sense! include a daytime telephone number where the author may be reached caused by a decrease in consump- We buy showerheads that use less for verification. For more information, call 732-358-5200, ext. 8233. tion brought on by last year's un- water, we replace toilets for the Marianne & Ken Sundbye usually cool and rainy summer. newer ones that use less water Dayton

Editorial: 732-358-5200, Ext. 8233 Classified: 732-358-5200 Fax: 732-780-4192 The Sentinel is published Thursday ty the Fax: 732-780-4678 )ennifer Amato Tim Morris Sentinel Publishing Co., P.O. Box 5001 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Managing Editor Sports Coordinator Sports Email: [email protected] Freehold, N| 07728. For mail subscription ^Sentinel information, call 800-989-9969. Delivery problems? Display Advertising: 732-358-5200 Call circulation at 800-989-9969 Ben S. Cannizzaro Fax: 732-780-4257 General Manager «t A Greater Media Newspaper or email: [email protected] Publisher Email: [email protected] before noon on Friday. SKI Volume 17, Number 33 April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 7 Resident wants the millionaire's tax reinstated

YOUR TURN am writing in response to a guest column More generally, it is becoming increas- Water-logged in South Brunswick ingly clear that the assault on organized I labor that began with the mass firing of I outh Brunswick Township Chief Fi- The residents of South Brunswick are ("Even the Playing Field in School Ne- striking air traffic controllers by the FAA 29 . nancial Officer Joe Monzo and MayoMayorr about to be saddled with a hefty rate in- ptiations") by Marc Gaswirth, Ed.D., years ago is partly responsible for our cur- ' Frank GainbatesGainbatese statstate thathatt residentresident, crease on the assumption that water con- assistant superintendent of the Marlboro rent economic mess in the first place. The S School District, that has appeared in the water consumption is down 11 percent and sumption will be down again for the 2010 currently fa.shionable single-minded focus Sentinel (March 11) and a number of other commercial sewer revenue is down 8.8 per- summer season. on the tax side of the equation ignores the Greater Media New.spapers publications cent. comparing 2009 figures to 2(X)8. fact that the gap between income and taxes So why does Monzo want to generate a over the past two months. As a result, Monzo wants a water rate in- has shrunk in part wages have not cash now of $5,342,040, almost 2.5 times My initial reaction was similar to the one crease of 17.5 percent because 2009 rev- risen faster than inflation over this entire the $2.2 million Monzo stated that was eloquently expres.sed by Jennifer Henning enue of $19 million is short $1.6 needed, even with the ill-fated Princeton time period. This flattening of wages can be of Keyport in her letter to the Independent tied directly to the decline in union mem- million from 2008 water and sewer rev- Hospital deal factored into the budget? ("It's Time to Study Cutting the Number of enue figures! The residents and property owners of bership (from around 30 percent to around School Districts," March 11). In fact, I have 15 percent of the work force), which has in- This is just a 7.77 percent decrease, 19 South Brunswick Township should demand often heard of people from other states ex- diiectly affected the tens of millions of million v. 20.6 million. answers to pertinent and significant ques- pressing amazement that the residents of a nonunion workers who previously benefited The water consumption summer season tions before this rate increase is allowed to town the size of West Cape May (with a from the rising wages won by unionized hasn't started yet in 2010, and can only be pass by authority of its governing body, population of about 1,000) or even a town workers. The inevitable result is a slow- projected to be the same as 2009, adding an- namely: the size of Marlboro (with a population of down of the economy, as workers have less other 7.77 percent decrease or a 2009-10 1. Why shouldn't neighboring commu- about 40,000) would consider implement- money to spend on goods and services. total shortfall of 15.53 percent. nities (West Windsor, East Windsor. Prince- ing the extra bureaucracy to have their own (Equally problematic, of course, have been So why do the residents and businesses ton) be consulted with the sharing of "cost school district. burden," regarding the "Princeton Hospital trade policies that provide incentives for in South Brunswick have to get saddled But it occurred to me that an even bigger large corporations to export jobs overseas with a hefty 17.5 percent increase, given deal?" and more insidious flaw in the reasoning of Certainly, the new location for the to countries such as China, where costs as- that consumption may be up in 2010? Dr. Gaswirth and others than ignoring the sociated with protections for workers or die A vital statistic search for Princeton Regional Medical extravagance of New Jersey's "home rule" Center is a "value added" ben- environment have been greatly reduced or South Brunswick Township mentality is blaming the remnants of organ- eliminated.) lists the housing density at The residents efit to quality-of-life factors in ized labor in the United States for the major 37,620 occupied houses and of South South Brunswick. economic difficulties in which working P.S. How could New Jersey taxpayers apartments (30,398 owner- Brunswick are These same beneficial fac- people and retirees (aka "taxpayers") and afford even the true cost of essential public occupied and 7,222 renter tors will be shared among all their dependents now find themselves. services (not to mention sensible invest- occupied). This Internet about to be neighboring communities, and The one-sided portrayal of labor unions ments in our crumbling infrastructure, etc.) search is believed to be cur- saddled with a inter-town cost sharing should soaking taxpayers for excessive benefits in given the current economic situation? Tax rent and accurate and does be explored before saddling particular is misleading. For example, the cuts at the federal level over the past 30 not include Plainsboro. hefty rate the residents and property "Cadillac" health care plans that are central years have favored the wealthy, with much Monroe or Cranbury, also increase. owners of South Brunswick to the controversy over benefits for teach- if not most of the income of millionaires serviced by the South Township with this rate in- ers and other unionized workers in this and billionaires now being taxed at the cap- Brunswick Water and Sewer Utility, which crease. country would be considered a basic human ital gains rate of 15 percent (compared with would "increase" the housing density fig- 2. If a decrease in water consumption right in any other industrialized nation, and top marginal tax rates of 70 percent under ures. triggered the need for a "rate increase," shouldn't even need to be a factor in the bar- President Richard Nixon and 91 percent under President Dwight D. Eisenhower), re- The proposed water and sewer rate in- shouldn't there also be a "rate decrease" of gaining process. Moreover, the costliness of sulting in a significant "trickle up" to this crease of $35.50 per quarter is $142 per the same amount when residents adjust their these benefits in the United States has as year. So $142 assessed to 37,620 units is consumption upward, during seasons with much to do with the 30 percent to 40 per- group of taxpayers from the middle class. $5,342,040, or seven times the stated less rainfall? cent in "administrative" costs — much of it Given that one-fourth of all income cur- $730,000 budget shortfall in the water and 3. Can the township enter into re-nego- accruing to CEOs and lobbyists — rently goes to taxpayers with an annual in- sewer budget! Commercial billings would tiation of the fixed cost contract with the skimmed off the top by so-called "health in- come of $400,000 or more, it seems to me add to this figure! New Jersey American Water Co., for less surers" as it does the actual cost of the that reinstating the so-called millionaire's than 3.7 million gallons per day under a 30- health care being provided. (By contrast, the tax or some variation of it would make a lot Monzo was quoted in the South more sense than the current approach of cut- Brunswick Sentinel as stating, "So the 17.6 year contract? administrative overhead for Medicare is ting state funding to municipalities, which percent increase, which would generate an What happens during a drought when well under 5 percent.) In fact, the five forces a greater reliance on regressive prop- additional $2.2 million in revenue this year, mandatory conservation did not raise rates largest "health insurance" companies in the erty taxes. would be needed to cover the water costs in as opposed to voluntary conservation? United States managed to rake in $12.2 bil- 2010." 4. If amicable contract negotiation can- lion in profits last year (a 56 percent in- "In addition to required costs com- not be achieved, for a water purchase crease over the previous year), while Kenneth J. O'Dowd. Ph.D. bined with the loss in revenue from con- modality that better reflects the "variability dropping 2.7 million people from their North Brunswick sumption, the township is dealing with of usage." can judicial intervention in the rolls. a drop in revenue from a hospital in Prince- courts, under contract law, achieve a suc- 'Why have county governments at all?' ton. year the township received cessful renegotiated result? $954,000 from the hospital for connection 5. Can "salary negotiation," either small Ihere are bills before our Legislature our homes? fees, and this year." Monzo said, "the town- reduction or wage freeze, be explored in an in Trenton to eventually combine our We run the danger of trivial details such ship cannot expect anything greater than effort to contain costs? T local school districts along county as still needing local vice superintendents, $200,000." This question is significant, during this lines. support stalFmg of higher-level administra- So it "appears" that Monzo is really say- time of national recession, as some school Why are counties sacrosanct? If even a tors. being necessary evils of this grand ing the shortfall is; employees in New Jersey are entering into meaningful savings at all, shouldn't the scheme. Thought that Rutgers study a few 1. $730,000 from a drop in 2009 water contract renegotiation with teachers" unions combined school districts be with "equal" years back said similar about negligible sav- consumption. in some school districts, in light of state population/pupils? Pair every two of the 40 ings. Plus. Rutgers said local control is 2. $730,000 from an "anticipated" 2010 budget cuts for cost containment. N.J. State Legislative districts if 20 is the worth that amount. drop in water consumption. Why should any public sector employee desired number. We need real tax reform and fcMmidable 3. $754,000 loss in revenue from a be exempt from these similar cost-contain- What to do with differing pay rates? If regulations, not "Wall Street-like" manipu- Princeton Ho.spital deal not consummated. ment measures? "low" South River is forcibly combined lations. Just conveniently choosing outdated Grand total: $2,214,000 6. How is that additional $3,128,040 with "high" East Brunswick, guess which county lines shows not much thought went It appears that the residents of South going to be used, which is more than rate will apply? And how will some unions into this proposal. Leads to the question of Brunswick are being asked to fund the cost Monzo's projected need of $2.2 million? be able to forgo pay increases while others why have county governments at all. of a Princeton Hospital deal, along with the feel the state should bear the burden through infrastructure and water and sewer "fixed" T. Frank Sever progressive tax reform, eliminating that Matthew "Skip" House contracts that went along with that ill-fated South Brunswick cruel, confiscatory school property tax on North Brunswick Princeton Hospital deal. 8 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmneWS.COIH April 29, 2010

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I hosted a gold party at my home. Everyone complemented how 748 Route 18 North professional arui knowledgeable you were. Some of my guests East Brunswick were elderly arui didn't feel comfortable taking their "treasures" to a public business location and were grateful for you to evaluate and purchase in my home. I was amazed at how much you paid me for hosting it! Everyone thanked me for the great party! Maria G. Franklin Park, NJ a, EAST BRUNSWICK GOLD EXCHANGE is one of New Jerseys With this ad. Not valid with other offers. Expires 7/6/10 top gold buyers. If you have any questions please call (732) 801-7610.

« * April29, 201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 9 On the move

15 fL JU10V8 Ground Pool FOR ONLY i $1999 ctMUPtrretY iMSTmaj wrth Liner, Skimmer & Return, Hayward Filter System, Complete AcMssory Kit, Start-up Chemicals, Basketball «999 Game AND Installation! CENTRALVNI OPEN 7 DAYS • YEAR ROtJND I JERSEY 4235 Rt. 9 North, Freehold, NJ 732-462-5005 I POOLS I PATIO & MORE IX#13VH01191400 • ELK. UC»7653A • See Store forbeta* .J ISN'T IT TIME YOU HAD THE BEAUTIFUL Cameron Davis tries to run past defender Aidan Loh during opening day for the NFL flag football season, held by the North Brunswick Adams Athletic Club (A.C.), in conjunction BATHROOM YOU DESERVE? with the township's Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services, April 17 at North Brunswick Community Park. NIT. flag football is two hours each week of noncon- Give your bathroom o permanent upgrade! You won't believe tact football during the spring. There are approximately 250 children on over 20 teams from New Brunswick, North, South and East Brunswick, Milltown and Franklin. Each team has the transformation. Just one call — you'll get a gorgeous new volunteer coaches, and NBTHS football players serve as referees. The Adams A.C. Indians bathroom, one you can afford. Pop Warner football and cheerleading organization is holding registration for the fall season for children ages 5-15. Registration forms;

Flea market spaces available for June 5

The North Brunswick Woman's Club $25 for two. For an application, contact will hold a flea market 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. June Ellie at 732-828-0785 or visitwww.nbw- 5 (rain date June 12) at the North Brunswick Proceeds will benefit community municipal building, 710 Hermann Road. social services. Spaces are still available at $15 for one or

LBWP to hold lake cleanup May 8 ' No mess, no demolition

The Lawrence Brook Watershed Part- bodies supply drinking water for South ' BATH FITTER installs a high-gloss, durable ocrydic tub and wall system nership (LBWP) will be sponsoring the Brunswick, North Brunswick, East - it's the same rrraterial used in high end spas eighth annual Farrington Lake cleanup 9 Brunswick. Milltown, and New Brunswick. a.m. to noon May 8. The lake is located off For more information, contact A. God- of Route 130 on Farrington Boulevard, ber at 732-846-4476 or Lou Ann Benson at A fraction of the cost of conventional remodeling North Brunswick. Registration begins at 732-247-0922, ext. 475. For volunteer op- 8:30 a.m. Refreshments will be provided. portunities information, email ZenWater- ' Commercials accounts welcome The Lawrence Brook Watershed water [email protected].

Call now to find out more about how BATH FIHER BATH viSe w 4 con help you renovate FITTER' \ without renovating! CALL NOW FOR A FREE Q) Sewing Camp ® IN-HOME ESTIMATE ^SOB"MSTAIfTl" T imnns $15 1-888-858-8827 HsaattiMamj FOn ALL CLASSES REGISTEREO BY Sun June 6 Juna7,XI10 IViwt Our Sowing Studio •IDOlfTOWN FORKED nWER VATCmK ^^^t Bninswick*732-325-25^^v^.sewingonthcedg^^cOT (732)495-0888 (609)242-3555 (908)322-1131 ZHEalM*MiJI •tttftf OWIIMMHna, I CMI*ljm#l3ni3R9M • fanrSmr •^7771 10 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010

W^MavCe Leaf Qardens



MIRACLE GROW GRMNEU. 161 HWY. 34 • HOLNDEL PEATMOSS POTTtNG MIX Corner of Rt. 34 n & Roberts Road PAVER SALE $ CZ99 2.2 cu. nr. ) APPROX. 1 MILE riORTH OF 520, riEWMAD SPRIMQ ROAD $E99 r-ACH BAOS MM it J OPEN 7 DAYS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 AM - 6 PM, SUN. 9 AM - 5 PM EACH ^ T^CU.FT ^ 732-946-3802 We Accept Credit Cards Gift Certificates Available WWW.MAPLELEAFGARDENSNJ.COM ^ April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 11 Technology upgrade

>OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 100% FOCUS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DESIBNfBUILD IN-HOUSE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES •ADOITIOHS •KITCHEHS , . „ , New Jersey License/Registration Number: REHOVATIOHS BATHROOMS I3VH01144200 The North Brunswick Woman's Club donated a 32-inch flat screen piasma TV to the North •CUSTOM HOMES Brunswick Public Library April 14. The TV replaces an electronic message sign that was •BASEMEHT New Jersey New Home Builder &Warranty very labor intensive to program. Now, a PowerPoint presentation on the TV will announce Registration Certification Number; 021175 messages and upcoming events and programs, in the past, the Woman's Club has donated $225 to the library to help fumish the children's room, and recently donated funds to the Library Foundation, which Is dedicated to raising funds for a new building. 400 AMBOY AVENUE METUCH EN. Nj 08840

(732)549-9688 WWW.IDEALCDR.COM n SELL YOUR GOLD & DIAMONDS... K enO/oOrr Gold Has Reached All Time Highs! Sell It Now... For The Best Price! Select The Perfect Gift For Mother's Day!

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'xX/e sell certified Diamonds All Movado" Watches 30% Off -on premises ^ Seiko^ & Citizen* SINCE 1945 Watches 40% Off South Brunswick Square • Suite 33A Mon.-Thur. 1Uain-6:30pm 732-329-2811 Fri. 10am-5pm • Sat. 10am-:{pir 12 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmneWS.COIH April2 9,201 0 SBHS teacher pleads guilty J^ DIN5E IN% • SU N OFTHRUTHUFR UMTT I 06CCXMT CDOUf OK TAMJ. Cannot «e commnco wtth oth» on«s. to credit card fraud Not vaud on Paktt Msnu okThaw. Not charged Dec. 22 following an investigation v*iio HouoAts. Exr S/20/10 English teacher Jill Zell used by South Brunswick Police Detective Peter co-workers' credit cards Burdick. Burdick's investigation showed to charge $300 in merchandise that Zell took two credit cards, one on Nov. NORTH BRUNSWICK 732-993-13 ,JI5%0FF 24 and the other on Dec. 12, from two fel- I ^TAKE OUT • SUN THRUTHUR low teachers. She used those cards to make THS SHOI»«S AT NOKTVI BRUNSWICK 787 SHOWTS BLVD. SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A South Limit I ixscount per group or tasu. personal purchases at a variety of stores. OLD BRIDGE 732-970-0010 I Cannot be combineo wttm other ofiws. Brunswick High School English teacher has THS SHOP«S AT OLD BRIDGE 38V9 US HIGHWAY 9 I Not valid on Party Mb*j or Trays. Not The investigation commenced after the SUNDAY BRUNCH I lAM-ZPM admitted to stealing credit cards from two ; vauohoudays. Exp 5/20/10 victims reported the incident to authorities, co-workers and racking up a $300 bill. FLEMINGTON 908-788-5400 according to Jim O'Neil, the public infor- THE SHOPPES AT FLEMINGTON 100 REAVILL£ AVENUE Jill Zell, 57, of Dayton, pleaded guilty SUNDAY BRUNCM I I AM-Z PM mation officer for the prosecutor's office. April 29 to two counts of fraudulent use of HAMILTON 609-585-0222 je%OFF Zell is to be sentenced July 26 by Supe- credit cards, according to the Middlesex THE SHOPPES AT HAMILTON 577 RT 130 i^TRAYS-TO-GO rior Court Judge Frederick P. DeVesa at the I VAUoAaWEEK.LiHrr I discount per check County Prosecutor's Office. SUN-THU I lAM-l IPM FRI-SAT I lAM-MIDNIGHT Middlesex County Courthouse in New BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENJINpU^PmVATE PARTY ROOMS PER visa. Cannot be combined wttvi other The SBHS teacher was arrested and BENSIRESTAURANTS.COM FOR ALL LOCATIONS OFFsis. Not vauo houoays. Exp S/20/ 10 Brunswick. She faces a probationary term of up to five years under a plea agreement reached with Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Manual Sameiro. aGB.*- Jmu S8S KSi" ' The defendant will be required to make . -. ^ > ^VW s^imfpl&trestitution an d resign from her teaching GUAR post. She will also be banned from holding any public job in New Jersey in the future. Zell was suspended with pay following ^^^ display her arrest in December and was suspended SPA LIQUIDATION without pay after pleading guilty last week. S.B. Senior Center '09 MOOtiS MUST GO! announces May events The South Brunswick Senior Center, "SPAS Route 522, Monmouth Junction, will hold LMfU "Laughteryoga," a series of yoga exercises with the purpose of inducing laughter, at UNHEARD 10:45 a.m. on Mondays. .OF PRICING 1 Free trips will be offered to the food store May 12, to Target, Kohl's and Weg- mans May 19, and to Hometown Buffet May 26. There will be a veterans discussion with Doug Breen, Veterans' Services coordinator for Middlesex County, and Joe Battito, of the state Department of Military and Veter- GAZEBOS, PAVILIONS ans Affairs, at 10:30 a.m. May 11; and a workshop on aromatherapy at 12:30 p.m. & CABANAS May 25. Ready (or Electrical Hook-up Great for pool, patio Ed Wendel will facilitate a discussion In most models & backyard living & gatherings. group at 1:15 p.m. May 10 and May 24 about current events such as the economy, R» This is an Incredible Price & Packed with Options... I UJUSTRAION foreign relations, the environment and war PURPOSES • 6 Person • 40 Stainless Steel Jets ONIY HOME OF THE and peace. Crossroads Middle School Jazz Band 2 Motors & Pumps • Ozone will perform 12:30 p.m. May 11, and a • 24 Hour Circulation 'Waterfall quartet of professional opera singers from Opera New Jersey will perform at noon • All Digital Lights Package • 5 Year Warranty May 20, along with selected vocal students • Upgraded Exterior Cabinet w/ Digital Exterior Liglits from Cambridge Elementary School. • Your Choice of Lounger or Non-Lounger...& Much More! A cabaret show. "Diva and the Italian Guy," will be performed at 12:30 p.m. May ^^ SAVINGS OF OVER 0^" MARKET 13, starring Marcy Downey and Buddy Se- bastian. SCHEDUIEJ/iOUR^ $3 I OMBRELIA The Senior Citizen "They Love" essay contest will be at 12:30 p.m. May 17. at which time elementary students will share heartwarming stories they wrote about sen- ALSO AVAILABLE: OUTDOOR FURNITURE & KITCHENS * IN/ON/ABOVE GROUND POOLS iors they love. WE CARRY A "Flavian and His Amazing Mind Power SET mURS TODAY! FULL LINE Show" will be at 12:30 p.m. May 24; the CENTRAU 4235 Route 9 North, Freehold, NJ BAQUACIL* monthly birthday luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. May 25; a barbecue lunch with outdoor JERSEY 1 mile north of the Freehold Raceway Mall PRODUCTS! games will be at 11:30 a.m. May 27; and POOLS (732) 462-5005 Fitness Week is May 24-28. PATIO & MORE Programs are open to township seniors 55 and older. For more information, call * SM stem for (lebis. Exclutes fvtor sates. SAIE applies to Hours: Mon. i Wed. 10-8 • Tues., Tiiurs., Fri.iSat. 10-6 • Sun. 11-5 loriasttadwpuposesorty HICUC#13VMmi914(» Elect* pertomixIb^aJEIecW^ 732-329-4000. ext.7670. UC#7653A. See store lor details on all 0«ei!.-See store (or low prto potcy April29 ,201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 13


(TEMS-rj H>r •ritev. 'ActUfcfte'Wr^o^

« SmWaLna' 'neonr 'ib'j>< ^^r»SUgp.iiiat aaecatiays Jruww.Snar.VtMefcf^ SAt£-WICEITBC!raeaCfiG' BCBCMwAira jtJi:^ Calje Ko^ UOeei Kats Aa ' 'OTSUg9:tCcKHM«&MacFtoir^M0ulr«ar.igas Ciiessi boys'DB>Mn>eiTS;Ai^iBaU»-in;.''i]aclia>fee; alK'i«]iilB pnKf*nil>app«8Llmanr&9i*Twear aa«BKa.taBrancesSbeajt/.:v^.- -^j&cnxsaTftcsiKab^tnn aOOWtfiiwMttm Mam lOlMt nigs, Ofesgw^*!^ -tLsags LA! SM. L1? 1MCteaKriTOn«Ktimis;Bgai'^Sabi.iasBnnb,slGRsen« liot BOWESK^ TMcSealngsPM myst bt prasantM M the regbtar 3t tim* of purchase to noeM Savftigs Pass PRESENT THIS SAVINGS PASS TO YOUR SALES ASSOOIAH BEFORE EVERY PURCHASE


Shop online at "OffBr valid new tttou^ Tuesday. May lUfi- Excludes Ladies' Sunma- Dresses aid Sdt Events,' Fne Jew^ Hoops Soeca; Aquataia. BC8G/BC8GKtexAzria Coach. Jucy Couture, Kors Michael Kors shoes, Lauferi/Polc/Ralph Lauren, MenaS, Michael tvfehael Kors shoes & haxibags, Turr« & Ugg men's Cote Haan; kids' Guess&boya^<5ress^ear f fe cosmetics, fragiances & tjeauty accessories; Smart Value items: all Fne Watches, diancnd sofitare rhgs, desigier jewelry & specif event promotions in Hne Jewgly FfflD ba^ Lmted-Day Specials: selecled special sale events; L&T Outlet Store; Last Tate Oasrance Zone menchandise; Beauty Sak3n. restauants, store seivices & gift carcte. Rrchases siJapct to normal aedfc approval Saie ends Tuesday. May 11th, exceptfor dearcnc e Items a as noted. Savings c« ori^ial and regia- prices. No ac^ustments to prior sale ptrchases. Selected cctecfere; nor every styte n every store OLT fegular and orignal prices are oferinq prices oriy aixl rnay a nriay not have resulted in sales. Advert^ acal 1-8CX)-22;j-7440. 14 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS• VISIT WWW.gmiieWS.COm May 6, 2010

Ail Pools In stock. Jf you own a pool or looking to buy one, Take it Noma Toiayl Over 10,000 Different Pool i>arts. Maintenance pi,,, i„r 'Hi You Must stop Here! Eauipment and ^^ vietractonr-To-You> Mfe Hawe One of ftie Largest Selections of Pools Ciiemicaisl And tiie iiiMteMb^kitkMtaiim PRICES HERE! V V and Aceessorles in the Tri-State Area! Lowest Pricing Around! fjSJnnBWi^^^

Rov>d I SpiKe Saver Oval 12*52 6W.99 ' 12*8 899.99 15x52 799.99 [ 15x10 999.99 , 18*52 899.99 21x52 1 099.99 I 18x12 1099.99 24x52 . 1299.99 T • 21*15 27x52 ... 1499.99 t

aj5i PjapJ De^Rockage^ TRIPLE PQOi iONUS *Seesmfe(MsMlmn j»530. in FREE*, fa *e-TWW BOWK' ferchandise iPoolSOeckPodcase RoMd • Round 18*52 ... 1499.99 15*52 .1499.98 21*52 1 799.99 3Ei 18x52 ...1599.98 24*52 1999.99 fVntngSfigdwMlti ^ 21x52. .. 1799.98 | Ovot jitaum ^JSS????'^ I 24x52 1 999.98 { 30*15 ... 2299.99 a. Vbhie « $200. Value .. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON CHEMICALS & ACCESSORIES "liD&beGrixfc SAUMKI ' 68% Strength 1

Ciioice off a 9' or 10' Maricet Umbrella ffor $15. (Up To $200. Value) w/Purcliase off a Patio Set Over $600 SlijigD CX)d®[? SP sw'4i 1 miRcSBiSti©RtuajiBSsS o anpODSb with purchase of patio $25.0llVaiue

Black Shadow ]iii(|BIAL 8' lift: 1999.99 Wot; 1499.99 _ I « R H A I t O « A I


SERVICE & PARTS DEPT. Pump-Filler Pool Ports, We Have It AlH East Brunswick • 233 Route 18 South, NJ 732-955-8284 Swim'n Phy, IK • HoywanI»Wslirwsyi Ocean -1 North Moll Drive, NJ 732-660-4091 ^"'•"••'^-"Cosuoandsears-seaviewsquore AT HOME Manahawkin - 712 Boy Avenue, NJ Mon.-Fri. 10AM-9PM • Sat. 10AM-9PM • Sun. 10AM-SPM Eiii^^i RECREATIQL OVER 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE May 6, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH OHLiME COUPONS • VISIT NS SENTINEL 15 business ••• Middlesi-x Legal Professionals Associ- ation will hold its third annual Installation of Officers Dinner 5:30 p.m. May 12 at the Hampton Inn, 370 Route 9 north. Wood- bridge. Dinner is $27 per person and in- cludes dinner, salad, bread, wine, soda, MORE THAN 500 PHYSICIANS. coffee, tea and dessert. To reserve a seat, contact Deborah Ar- lotta at 732-221-2205 or ar- [email protected]. 200 CLINICAL SPECIALTIES. Charschan Chiropractic and Sports Injury Association, 490 Georges Road, North Brunswick, will be conducting free lower body biomechanical screenings for ONE FOCUS: adults and children through June. Anyone with back, knee, leg or hip pains should have their feet checked out. For more infor- mation, call 732-846-6400 or visit You. www.Backfixerl .com. Local artists to exhibit spring scenes The "Spring Song" exhibit at The Gallery in the South Brunswick municipal building, 540 Route 522, Monmouth Junc- tion, will feature real and artistic flowers, scenic views and gardens through June 30. The media includes watercolor, oil, acrylic, pen and ink, digital art, photogra- UMDN phy, collage, clay and mixed media created by artists from South Brunswick, North THE ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON Brunswick, New Brunswick, East Brunswick, Plainsboro, Monroe, West MEDICAL GROUP IN MONROE Windsor, Robbinsville, Old Bridge and Somerset. Robert Wood Johnson Medical School The Gallery is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, and evenings when meet- ings are scheduled. For more information, call 732-329-4000, ext. 7635, or emailarts @ sbtnj .net. S.B. curbside brush collection May 10-15 As an alternate to delivering brush to the drop-off area. South Brunswick has an- nounced that it will have a one-week curb- When you choose a Robert Wood Johnson Medical Group doctor We're expanding our practice side collection beginning May 10. in Monroe to include: Materials must be at the curb (not in the you'll benefit from an integrated, comprehensive quality of care street) by 7:30 a.m. Monday, May 10, in for all your medical needs—from primary care to specialty services. order to ensure collection. • Adult urology Our group of physicians and scientists work together in the largest Items that will be picked up include • Cardiothoracic surgery brush/branches less than 10 inches in diam- medical practice in the region. We're not just leaders. We're also • Dermatology eter, and shrubs and bushes. Small twigs educators. In fact, we've taught many of the physicians in the state, • Family medicine/Geriatrics and small branches that are less than 4 feet • Home visits are also acceptable but must be tied with as well as leading figures throughout the country. We're known for siring or twine (no wire). No bags, leaves, creating new therapies and developing landmark treatments that • Infectious diseases and Travel medicine weeds, stumps, litter or garbage will be col- shape the future of medicine. lected as part of this program. • Obstetrics and gynecology Brush is a material that is mandated for • Urogynecology recycling. This means that brush is not per- To make an appointment call 609-655-5178 or for more information • Vascular surgery mitted in the landfill and therefore will not We're located at 18 Center Drive be collected with the garbage. In order to re- cycle this material, residents may drop off in Monroe, New Jersey. brush (less than 5 inches in diameter) at the convenience center located behind Sondek Park on East New Road. South Brunswick. The area is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. This drop-off area is for residents only, and proof of residency Where great medicine is academic. may be required. For directions, visit the township's web- Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital is the principal teaching hospital of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. site ( or call the Public Works De- UMDNJ Means a Healthy New Jersey. partment at 732-329-4000, ext. 7260. For more information, call South Brunswick Recycling at 732-329-4000, ext. 7274. May 6, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS• VISIT WWW.gmnSWS.COm Uu. 7, Family Farm OPEN Mon. thru 9at, Greenhouse"THE PLANT WAREHOUSEs" 9am-5pm Qunday 9am-3pm

ANNUALS: IMPATIENS • SALVIA ^ ^^ ^^ BEGONIAS C A 99 MARIGOLDS ^^^^^ PETUNIA ^^ FLAT OF Sro^in inmZdUmte & shrubs VEGETABLES & MORE 48 PLANTS CENTRAL JERSEY'S LARGEST SELECTION 1 OF PROVEN \\ INAER PLANTS P BLACK MULCH BULK TOP ( ^25 cu. YD. SOIL > FREE DELIVERY Available 10 YD MIN. beautiful 10" HANGING BASKETS 14' TOP SOIL 1 POTTir4C SOIL COCONEST BASKETS each MANURE 1 STONE Organic Geraniums, New Guinea Impatlens, ^Mlx-n-Match $ ^ ^ 40 lb. each Proven Winners & More Bags ^ Bags for 1W 6" Cutting \r BROWN MULCH 2 cu. ft. EARTHPOTS THOUSANDS CEDAR MULCH 3 cu. ft. GERANIUMS OF PERENNIALS 99 MO^^each BLACK SLATE MULCH 2 cu. ft. Filkd with Flowers 3 pots for •1.69 each i^QOO 4 Bags for ^ 10 DRACENA SPIKES & ladaon& PEAT MOSS Perkins All American RED CEDAR WAVE VINCA VINES each PETUNIAS ROSES ROSES for M2 Bags $^499 $14 99 3 cu. ft. Bags 2.,, MO ^1.39 each each 3 *4.99 each 2.2 cu. ft. Bags FLAT OF 12 April29, 201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 17

Large Size Flowering Plum^ Weeping Cheny, Fiowerinq Pear 732-446-9205 & A Whole Lot MoreH 118 Federal Road Monroe Tixrp. SUPER . $ Open Men. thru Sat. 9am-5pm; SALES 100 Sunday 9am-3pm 99 DIRECTIONS *39 EACH Frpm Englishtown Rt. 522 to right on Main Street (Englishtown). Left on Water Street, stay No Limit - Landscapers Welcome Too!! left on Lasatta Ave. which turns into Federal Oaskos is up on the right (approx. 3 miles) From Freehold Take Rt. 33 West (Freehold Raceway MaU) roz. 5 miles to right Home Grown Mix-n-Match Shrubs on Perrineville Rd., make right on Federal :os is approx. 3 miles on left. 3 ROTS FOR ^30®® 3 Gallon Pots • Large Frpm ^ynnngrhill lyd.. Etyst- Bnmfjiwlck Rt. 1 to Rt. 18 to Rues Lane to Summerhill Rd. Summerhill to end, Alberta Spruce I Boxwoods I Assorted Holly make right on Main St. (Spotswood) to 1st light make left on DeVoe Ave. Follow about 7 miles (cross over Rt. 522) to stop make right on Federal - Oaskos is up on right Gold Thread Cypress I Azaleas I Rhodls I Barberrys From Rt. 520 Junipers I Many, Many, More SPECIAL lb Rt. 9 south to Gordons Comer Rd. into Englishtown, make left on Main Street & right on Water Street, stay left on Lasatta Ave., which turns into Federal Rd. Oaskos is (l^jprox. 3 miles on right) Beautiful 5-6' Cash or Checks Only! SUPER SALE EMERALD SOUTHERN LEYLAND , GREEN ARBS NO Debit or Credit Cards MAGNOLIAS V V CYPRESS for Sfor^lOO®® 99 THe 3 Gallon Pot each 99 Competition Gorgeous each fULL BLOOM! MIIIAClECIlOW Just Try To BLUE MOSS AZALEAS LARGE pomsoiL l^atch TltisH - POM-POMS 3 Z Cubic Ft. SELECTION OF $g99 STAHTIIWSTARTINGj At T ORNAMENTAL i99 Large Size each GRASSES Nobody Comes Close $39 EMERALD EMERALD 1 for GREEN SPIRALS to Our Selection, Quality GREEN ARBS 2 Gallon Pot or Price! 99 each OUR SHRUB SELECTION IS HUGE! We grow almost all of our own nursery stock so our quality is high and our prices are definitely low! 18 SENTINEL NS SAVf LOCAiLV WITH ONLINE COUPONS• VISIT May 6, 2010 JUST CO

Newman Springs Road. Lincroft special events • • • for kids • • • free pick of the week • • • Bark in the Park 732-224-2411 Cinderella Take me out to a ball game at FirstEnergy Park — and take your dog, too! All Rabbi Shmuley through May 15. Alvin Alley American dog owners are welcome to bring their four-legged friends to a baseball Mme of Shalom in the House Saturdays at 2 p.m. Dance Theater from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 8, at FirstEnergy Park, Lakewood. MAGIC 100.1 May 6 at 7 p.m. First Avenue Playhouse May 7 and 8 at 8 p.m.. and WFtAT 95.9 FM, two Greater Media radio stations, are hosting the sixth annual Monmouth County Library hrst Ave., Atlantic Highlands May 9 at 3 p.m. "Bark in the Park" at a Lakewood BlueClaws baseball game in the hopes of finding Headquarters tickets: $9 NJPAC homes for Ocean County cats and dogs with help from tocal animal shelters. 125 Symmes Drive 732-291-7552 1 Center St., Newark fefore the game begins, pets and pet owners can enjoy a variety of free ac- Manalapan tickets: $23-$92 tivities, such as agility training, Frisbee-fetching dogs, "Win It in a Mutt Minute' 732-431-7220 You're a Good Man, 888-466-5722 games, Stupid Pet Tricks, and the annual Pet Parade. free Charlie Brown Dog owners can also bring their leashed family dog to a special seating area musical for the baseball game that day Watering stations will be available. All animals May 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. must be on a leash and have up-to-date shots. Both radio stations will be broad- Senior Golt Tournament Timothy Christian School music ••• casting live from FirstEnergy Park. The baseball game begins at 4:05 p.m. To enjoy men and women ages 55 and up 2008 Ethel Road. Piscataway the game with their furry friends, fans must purcnase a $2 BluePaws Pass for May 6:7:30 a.m. check-in tickets: $8 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra each dog admitted plus a ticket to the game ($8 for general admission to the lawn rain date May 13 732-985-0300 area; $11 adults and $8 children and seniors for a special seating area. Ocean County GoH Course Golden Age String Trio concert featuring historic The money raised from BluePaws Passes will benefit the Jersey Snore Animal at Atlantis Are You My Mother? Center, a nonprofit animal shatter in Brick that takes in abandoned, unwanted and baroque instruments fee: $28 per person includes May 8.10 a.m. abused animals, and wort

CROSS ilMRSERY & GIFT SHOPPE Come visit our beautiful Victorian Gift Shoppe featuring garden statues, benches, planters & related garden giftware OVER 7 ACRES OF TREES & SHRUBS • LANDSCAPE CoNTRAaoR • WATER GARDEN PLANTS & SUPPUES PERENNIALS, ANNUALS & HANGING BASKETS • MULCHES, STONE,TOPSOIL, FERTIUZERS k SUPPUES

; Buy 4 - 3 gal Containers Best Quality, Best Price Buy One, Get Second at 50% Off Get Container HANGING ALL 3 Hollies |18"-24"1, FREE BASKETS r A11AKI Rhododendrons (24"-30"|, ^^•yy 1 Coupon Per Customer 1 Coupon Per Customer V7ALLUIM Leyland Cypress (3'), NOW t0£$r0ads Nursery GM Cgoi^roads Nursery & CiR S DEN & GIFT SHOPPE EN HOPPE 981 Georges Road, 981 Georges Road, CONTAINERS and much more ^4.99 Soutti Brunswick South Brunswick 732-297^110 752-297-8110 NawMwAotiinoftnofptiocpwtoseiOfictc^^ | ! 1 4-5' ROSES 5-6' Weeping j Buy 2 Perennials » I Get ARBORVITAE starting at NORWAY SPRUCE $ 5 OFF Any Purchase of M9.99 79.99 i FREE n4.99 $25 Or More { 1 Coupon Per Customer 1 Coupon Per Customer i j gm Crossroads Nursery >' GM CfOj ;roads Nursery 2-2 'A' I ^ ^ ^ SHOPPE EN & GIFT SHOPPE 1 bP^Ku* 981 Georges Road, 981 Georges Road, : ^ Soutti Brunswick BLUE GLOBE FLOWERING WEEPING BLUE South Brunswick 7S2-297-8110 | 752-397-8110 Noqtdwt(^aamor|inof[wdg»()(bapiinMllll ; r 79.99 $199.9 9 30% OFF ^ ^99.99 $20 OFF BOXWOODS JAPANESE MAPLES Any Purchase of GIFT SHOP ITEMS $100 Or More 36-42"-$149.99 1 Coupon Per Customer 15-18"-$24.99 18-24"-$79.99 1 Coupon Per Customer 24-30" - $89,99 42-48" - $199.99 gm Cfio^roads Nursery f 18-24"-$29.99 GM Cfoffroads Nursery I & GIFT SHOPPE 30-36"-$119.99 EN & GIFT SHOPPE 981 Georges Road, 24-30" - $39.99 981 Georges Road, South Brunswick I South Brunswick 732-297-8110 I I 752-297-8110 I No^vrii o*aofa>«r)inorpiKlBsesOajaproHllO f LARGER SELECnON OF ORNAMENTAL & SPECIMEN PLANTS IN THE AREA I NatiMwaiothCTofootpriofpiiictaspOtoaptoVjllO j 981 Georges Road (At intersection of Rt 130 And ceorgesRd.), Soutti BruHswick 732-297-8110 • Open 7 Days • 7:30am - 6:00pm April29 ,201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 21 New law means motorists must stop for pedestrians ew Jersey Attorney General Paula T. points." take sustained effort over a long period of mately 150 pedestrians have been killed an- Dow and Division of Highway Traf- Fischer explained that her agency will be time," Fischer added. "However, through nually in traffic-related crashes on New Jer- fic Safety Director Pam Fischer re- working with law enforcement officials to education and enforcement, we can change sey roads. In 2009, after a three-year Nminded motorists that effective April 1 they educate motorists and pedestrians about the the culture and improve safety for all road downward trend, the number of pedestrian must now stop - and remain stopped — for change in the law. users." deaths .statewide increased to 157. As of pedestrians in a crosswalk. Prior to this leg- "We are asking law enforcement offi- Motorists violating the new law face a March 26, 2010, 28 pedestrians have been islative change, motorists were required to cials, when interacting with motorists and $200 fine, plus court costs, and 2 points on killed in motor vehicle-related crashes yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. pedestrians, to educate them about the their driver's license. They can also be sub- statewide, as compared to 48 for the same "For years, too many pedestrians have change to the law, as well their respective ject to 15 days of community service and in- time f)eriod in 2009. Additionally, since been dying in traffic accidents in New Jer- duties and responsibilities when walking or surance surcharges. Pedesuians may also be 2004, more than 30,000 pedestrians have sey," Dow said. "With these changes to our driving," said Fischer. "Our goal is to rein- cited under state law for failing to use due been injured in motor-vehicle related law, motorists and pedestrians will no force the importance of pedestrians always care when crossing. The law requires them crashes statewide. longer have to play a game of chicken when using crosswalks, their safety zone, and for to obey pedestrian signals and use cross- "While the numbers are once again mov- it comes to maneuvering on our roads. The motorists to recognize that when approach- walks at signalized intersections, as well as ing in the right direction, even one life lost law brings new clarity that drivers mast stop ing a crosswalk they must be alert for yield the right of way to traffic if they are is one too many," Fischer said. "Until we and remain stopped for pedestrians < t inter- pedestrians and stop and stay stopped to not crossing within a crosswalk or at an in- achieve zero fatalities, we must educate sections and crosswalks, and pedestrians, in allow them to cross safely. tersection. Failure to comply with the law pedestrians and motorists about the impor- turn, must due care and not jaywalk or "We recognize that we cannot change carries a $54 fine, plus court costs. tance of remaining alert at all times, and step into traffic outside of those crossing everyone's behavior overnight; this will Fischer noted that since 2004, approxi- taking personal responsibility for their ac- tions." Kendall Park Fire Co. flower sale May 9 S.B. safety and traffic The Kendall Park Volunteer Fire Com- New Road, Kendall Park. There will be pany Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Mother's bouquets, hanging baskets, annuals and Day flower sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May perermials for sale. Cash and checks will be alerts to be sent via text 8 and 9 rain or shine at the firehouse on accepted.

BY JENNIFER BOOTON that all information sent to participating Staff Writer residents is accurate and void of advertis- Tickets available for ^Bollywood' May 14 ing. SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Automatic The South Brunwick Family MCA will There will be dinner, dancing, music, enter- alerts about emergencies and traffic can Public affairs coordinator Ron hold a "Bollywood Comes West" gala cele- tainment and live and silent auctions. The now be sent directly to residents via text Schmalz, who said the program is accurate bration May 14 at the Chutney Manor, cost is $55 per person or $99 per couple. To messaging. and timely, encourages all residents to par- Route 1 south. South Brunswick, in cele- RSVP call 732-329-1150 ext. 200. The township is using Nixie, a public ticipate. bration of the Y's Strong Kids Aimual Fund. alert and notification service, in order to The former police officer cited an ex- keep residents informed with up-to-date ample where he received an alert on his information. Residents who sign up for the cell phone informing him of an accident free program receive public safety and in Franklin. The alert, which alarmed him other public advisories on their cell of potential traffic delays caused by the phones and email. motor vehicle accident, was sent shortly after it was reported to authorities. "It really keeps you informed," said "It's free, it takes three minutes to sign Councilman Joseph Camarota, who said - i I he signed up for Nixie last month. up, and it's a great way to communicate," liie service, known as the municipal Schmalz said. wire, delivers only information from agen- Interested persons can sign up at cies that enroll and are certified through Nixie's National Identity Certification program. The selection process ensures Contact Jennifer Booton at [email protected]. BiBSMiroiSround BoollBlttwiOiitt From only 4,999 completely installed with electric & Thousands of dollars of extras at NO CHARGE!

YES, FREE!} BUT OURS IS DEFINITELY THE COOLEST. OPEN 7 DAYS jVMfoe' YEAR ROUND Walk n' Roil and Joltnson Park In CENTRAL^ KldsAbiliti«s Carnival Piscataway, NJ JERSEY presented by Kohl's Walkn' wm gfl witli an "ON-fiROIND" Pool? Register online at POOLS^ Saturday, May 22, 2010 www.f0rchtidrens.0r9 ^Roll • No Increase m property tax PATIO & MORE at 9:00 AM • No yard fence needed 423732-462-5005 Rt. 9 N., Freehold. 5NJ • 7-day Installation in most cases CHILDREN'S • Central Jersey Pools does all of centralj«rseypools. com Sto:IAUZCO HOfiPfTAU tfie work from pemiits to UC* l9(H0t191«0 • EIEC.UC* Tea* things FO U N D AT I ON installation See store lor (Mails. OAC The KohTs KkisAbiHty^ program cs made poss/bie thnxigh the generosity of KohTs Department Stx»res. 22 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 So much for my carefree

Items 'girls' night out' iris' night out. Why, there's nothing quite like a large group of women meeting for dinner ARE WE and laughter and general camaraderie. THER•E YET Good times. Since there are eight of us, we meet eight LORI CLINCH times a year for birthdays, and every time an- other one rolls around, at least one member complete an important assignment and needed of my all-male family will say, "Another me to "swing by the school" and see if he'd Mother*s Day Specials birthday?" left it there. Sale runs through May 13th "Seriously?" another male member of the "The art teacher will meet you there," he clan will inquire. "How many birthdays do further instructed, and in doing so put the skids you people have?" to my "girls' night out." "Eight," I say defensively as if I were a It poses the question, how can a gal such as 14-year-old trying to convince my parents to myself be sitting in a restaurant singing a let me out for the evening. "We have eight lovely rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song • •IIIIUMIW #ALL flats & Many More birthdays a year." one minute, and be on a late-night school tour "Does Dad know?" someone else will in- the next? Giant Selection Of Spiral & Pom-Poms Fig Trees terject as if Dad is the boss of me. The teacher was at the school as promised Oh, he knows all right, although when he and seemed much more patient about an inter- Starting At sees me all gussied up in my "girls' night ruption to a Thursday night than I. Roses out" attire rather than an old sweatshirt, he Together we searched Huey's homeroom Giant 3 Gallon asks, "Another one? How many birthdays do class, the hallways and, heaven help us, we ex- $I|G95 you people have?" plored the depths of the boys' locker room that Once I'm out the door, I quickly program presented not only its own ambiance but ex- Landscape Size my cell phone for manner mode so that I can hibited its own special aroma at that time of enjoy my "girls' night out" night in peace and night. Italian Pottery Dark American White Pines hopefully without interruption. I'll spare you the details. (Bliai OrTem Cotta) When I sat down with my peeps last The art teacher helped me dig through the Bird Baths ARBS 8'-10' Thursday night, the mood was jovial. We all lost and found, the hallways, and nooks and (Glazed Or Cerdmic) brought out our coupons, two-for-one crannies that I'd never before explored. We $4095 $2000 discounts and quickly decided how to get the searched the paricing lot, the gymnasium, and best deal from the est^lishment we were grac- each and every place that a kid such as Huey MWEach ing with our presence. might leave a coveted backpack in a moment 301 Instant Privacy We were so happy, we not only sang the of haste. Leyland Cypress Large Selection of birthday song for our own guest of honor, but Which is just about every-stinking-where, for other i>atrons who were enjoying their own and might I mention that it was to no avail? Fast Growing Deer Resisant, Perennials Proven Winners annual celebration with delist. I was so With a kid like Huey, I expected a phone Excellent Privacy Border Now Ready starting at caught up in the moment, that I didn't feel my call or at least a text message, as I did my late- 2'-$19.95 starting at cell phone vibrate, much less hear its low-vol- night rummaging, telling me that he'd found ume signal that I was needed at home. his backpack in a place as obvious as his back. 3'-$29.95 $049 When I finally looked at it, I noticed I'd But it was not to be, for as I began to won- $095 missed upward of 10 texts from my very own der why Huey wasn't calling, I looked at my 6'-$59.95 WEach mm Per Pot Huey, who was apparently experiencing some cell phone, and realized that it was deader than sort of crisis. a door nail and as useless as a pair of dirty gym English & At times like that, a mother such as myself . Hanging Green Giant Skip Laurels from endures an internal conflict. Do I look at all of Speaking of which, that's where the back- 2.5' to 6' starting at those stinking texts and see what the nightly pack surfac^ the very next day. Not under a Baskets ARBS dilemma consists of. or do I just ignore it and table in the cafeteria or in his homeroom as he live in ignorant bliss? suspected, but in his locker and most likely $^99 Deer Resistant Judge me if you want, but regular readers under a pile of dirty clothes. from 6'-14' may nscall that Huey was the same child who He might think it stinks, but thai kid owes had me out in my jammies with hair reminis- me a peaceful "girls' night out," birthday or Weeping Blue Giant Selection Huge Selection cent of Rosanne Roseannadanna, .searching not. of Boxwoods Evergreen snow banks for white sneakers that later turned And I'm so leaving my cell phone at home. Atlas Cedars of Tropicals, up in his gym bag — the first place he should 5' only Starting at have look^. Trees Hibiscus Trees, Heaven help me, but I looked at the texts Lori Clinch is the nuilher of four sons and $9995 $<1495 Palms, Ferns, and was unhappily informed that Huey was the author of the hook "Are We There Yet?" from4'-18' missing his backpack and vital information to You can reach her at www.loriclinch.cotn. etc. A. CASOLA FARMS & NURSERIES DELIVERY AND PLANTING SERVICE AVAILABLE. community bulletin board FULL LANDSCAPE & DESIGN SERVICES WITH COMPUTER IMAGING. Open 7 Days 7am-7pm Participants sought for United Way golf GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE. The United Way of Central Jersey will hold its annual Golf Outing May 10 at TPC 178 Hwy 34 & Schanck Rd. • Holmdel, NJ Jasna Polana, Princeton. ^^^^^ At the BIG GREEN & WHITE BARNS Proceeds will go to the Christian C. Kjeldsen Fund for Children. The event will include golf, prizes, greens fee, cart fee, putting green, driving range, golf 732-332-1533 course refreshments, breakfast, luncheon and awards. CHOOSE FROM OVER 2S ACRES OF STOCK. For information, call Jill at 732-247-3727, ext. 10, or email [email protected]. To take No^es^onsibj^or^^ advantage of early-bird online registration, go to April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 23

Just Carpets & Flooring has everything you need. At your local CdcuCcnic.' •-•r- becti ^^/ng the gtealet Hiwed .Tfea (ex over 25 years We are detJicatecl 10 bfingirn^vBii infiovaln« tloonng soMions fof every alyte and bodae» . , Mk of Mohawk produas to chooee trom iix;luding carpet, hexinooci and lamnwne. we ve got |ust wtiat you need to make yo-^ • »a horv


& FLOORING OUTLET CARPET I WOOD UUVIINATE CERAMIC AREA RUGS 4329 US Highway 9 North 233 Rt. 18 South (Loehmann's Plaza) Howell, NJ 07731 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 24 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 MOVIES 'Furry Vengeance' is funny for kidS; not so much for parents

BY REBECCA MORTON Staff Writer he furry inhabitants of Oregon's forests are not about to let their land Tend up jammed with homes and strip ADMIT ONE Mother's Day Buffet at Forsgate malls in "Furry Vengeance." The family-friendly film centers on Dan Peel and Eat Shrimp • Angel Hair Pasta with Vegetables in a Lemon Sanders (Brendan Fraser), a real-estate de- "Furry Freshly Baked Breakfast Breads & Fastries Tarragon Sauce veloper who is stuck doing the dirty work Assorted Cheese & Fruit Displays • Chive Whipped PoUtoes for his boss in developing a parcel of pris- Vengeance" Platter of Smoked Salmor\ • Spring Mixed VegeUbles tine wilderness. Variety of Gourmet Salads & Greens • GarUc Studded Prime Rib with Au Jus The animals decide to take action after Released by: Seared Salmon. Cardamom Honey CLaze • Roasted Turkey Breast with Cranberry Sauce the raccoon, the animals' ringleader, over- Summit Entertainment Grilled Chickeiv Cucumber Mar\go Salsa • Glazed Smoked Ham with Maple Mustard Sauce hears Dan and his boss, Neal Lyman (Ken Jeong), discuss the details of not only Starring: building a small community of homes but - Seating Times - clearing the forest for all sorts of develop- Brendan Fraser, 11:00 am, 1:30 pm & 4:00 pm ment. Brooke Shields, Ken jeong Loads of furry creatures pitch in to help Bstmi drive Dan crazy. It starts out small with Directed by: Roger Kumble fr tons of bird droppings on his car, and ends Running time: 92 minutes Mother's Day Reservations 732-521-8056 up crazy with an army of skunks forming a gas chamber within Dan's car. Rated: PG Adults: $36' • Children ages; 4-12 $18.00 • Children under 3 are Complimentary Dan's wife Tammy (Brooke Shields) •Plus NJ tax and service charge and son Tyler (Matt Prokop) are worried Grade: C about Dan's belief that the animals are out Forsgate. More of what you live for. to get him. Tyler is also struggling with being the new kid in town. He soon devel- 3NO iiwav fmt^f Ono Eol M. Ni Tpk. An DOC bon boop FaUnt) ops a crush on Amber (Skyler Samuels), who is not a fan of his father's developing. Tyler soon goes against his dad, trying to force him to see that what is going on is Honking the horn and revving the en- wrong. gine do nothing to move the raccoon, since The film comes to a head during the the furry guy has a plan. Up above on a Advanced Surgica local Forest Festival when Dan learns that ledge, a ferret is unleashing a huge boulder Lyman plans to permanently remove all the to Imock Dan's car down a ravine. & Bariatrics of NJ, PA forest creatures. The comedic acts of revenge may be Dan must make a decision between his geared toward children but even that seems Providing Cutting Edge Surgery conscience and his business ambitions. like something a kid would see as a bit "Furry Vengeance" is full of comedy ridiculous. Nevertheless, audiences still get When it comes to the most important svirgery of your life, trust the that will keep the kids laughing. The adults a giggle out of the antics. expert at one of the best hospitals and major academic medical center on the other hand may be rolling their eyes Brendan Fraser as Dan is humorous but in New Jersey. at some of the cheesy comedy. leaves adults wondering is this really what ^jgDT .•O E\CS is iesding the Sariatnc siirgerj'prc^ram aS While most kid-friendly films pack his career has come to? Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick. some aspects to keep the parents in the au- As most around Dan think he is going Dr. Sadek is Fellowship trained in advanced laparoscopy and bariatric diences amused, this film fell a little short insane, Fraser portrays that well, making surgery with numerous awards and researches in Laprocsopic and in that area. Dan's determination to stop the animals Bariatric surgery. The animal cast was adorable and en- turn into a dangerous obse.ssion. While Dr. Sadek is also Fellowship trained in Critical Care medicine. tertaining, except for a few computer-en- Dan does a lot to fight the animals, Fraser keeps audiences endeared to his character Procedures Offered: hanced facial movements that were a little Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass -^w^^ruws weird; think of a raccoon with a maniacal by providing moments of his conscience grin. kicking in. Inguinal lap band (Realize and Lap band) ^ Program! A few of the film's sequences with the The film does provide an important les- Laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy animals' seeking revenge are a little over son, though. It sheds light on the fact that A New Natural Oriface Procedure for revisional surgery the top. For instance, the captain of the an- animals need a home, too, and the impor- Attend one of our FREE Seminars held every second Tuesday imals, the raccoon, sits in the road, forcing tance of keeping areas preserved for them. & every fourth Wednesday at RWfUH Auditorium. Dan, to stop his car. While this reviewer's "Furry Vengeance" is definitely a film Or schedule an appointment at one of our two convenient locations. No. 1 concern would be why is the noctur- little kids will get a kick out of. Parents, nal creature out in daylight, Dan's concern brace yourselves because most of the All Major Insurance Accepted is how to shoo the little guy out of the way. humor is strictly for the kids. 49 Veronica Ave., Somerset, l^Q 08873 (732) 640-5327 Fax: (800) 689-2361 Contact Rebecca Morton 3100 Quakerbridge Rd., Mercerville, IHJ 08619 at [email protected]. (609) 385-0120 Ragui Sadek MD, FACS njsurgicalbaria [email protected] Fax: (800) 689-2361 April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 25 Pastor of Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick to retire Bedroom SALE fter 33 years of service as pastor at New Brunswick, the Synod of the North- Queen Bed, Triple Dresser, Landscape Mirror, the Presbyterian Church in New east, and the New Brunswick Council of Vanity Chest and 2 Night Stands. Reg. $3475 ABrunswick, the Rev. Dr. Szabolcs Churches. This Collection S.G. Nagy will retire at the end of May. He has served on the board of governors Available In: To celebrate Rev. Nagy's long tenure of the New Jersey Council of Churches, was and impending retirement, a special wor- a board member and trustee of the Hall Ed- BLACK ship service will be held 4:30 p.m. May 23 ucation Fund, a board member of the Rut- at the church, 1(X) Livingston Ave., New gers United Campus Ministry, CHERRY Brunswick. The .service will be followed by commissioner to the General Assembly of a reception in the church's Friendship Hall, the Presbyterian Church USA, and chair of CREAMY^ concluding at 8:30 p.m. the Tri-Synod Mass Media Board. WHITE Rev. Nagy was bom in Debrecen, Hun- He presently serves as co-moderator of gary, but his family was displaced from the Urban Mission Cabinet of the Presby- OAK their homeland during World War II. In tery and also is a member of the Presbytery 1951 the Nagys immigrated to the United Council. States, and Rev. Nagy grew up in Amarillo, Rev. Nagy has been actively involved in PINE Texas. housing issues, crisis ministry, elderly is- His education includes a Bachelor of sues, the Emergency Overflow Shelter for The classic, dean Bne» rfthi s bedroom collection give it timdess versatUfty. SNOW Men program, and the Sister Cities program Evoking the feel of Heartland America with Its solid craftsmanship, sturdy construction WHITE Arts degree from the University of Texas, a and attention to detail. Available in your choice of finishes. {15% upcharp for the oak) Bachelor of Divinity and a Ma.ster of The- in New Brunswick. He currently serves as a ology from Princeton Theological Semi- police chaplain, treasurer of the Hall Edu- To get Style, Comfort, & Quality Furniture, nary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Drew cation Fund and president of the New You Don't have to be Rich "Just Smart!" University. Brunswick Sister Cities Association. In ad- Ordained in 1967, Rev. Nagy became dition, he is on the board of directors and pastor of the United Presbyterian Church in the Executive Committee of Bethlen Com- Alpha, Warren County, where new facilities munities in Ligonier, Pa. BE^AU were built for worship and education during Rev. Nagy and his wife, Eva, longtime his tenure. In May 1977 he was elected as president of the Franklin Township Board FURNITURE pastor of the Presbyterian Church in New of Education, reside in Somerset, where Route 9 & Hwy 35 North. SajnrevUle Brunswick, the historic church established they raised their children Ilona and Szabolcs (1/2 mile South of the Edison Bridge) in 1726 by the Rev. Gilbert Tennent. T. Nagy. i/tKta^, 7^d/ti0KCLi(f: CojttniO^tj^ During his service as pastor in New For more information on the worship FREE MADEm Brunswick, Rev. Nagy was extremely active service and reception, call Agatha Asamoah DEUVERY USA in church and community activities. He at 732-981-9121, Grace Farkas 732-828- 732-721-0066 Hours: Monday & Friday: 10am~8pin • Tuesday. Wednesday & Thursday: lOam-Spm served as moderator of the Presbytery of 1133 or Barbara Nicol 732-545-2 111. Saturday: lOam-Spm • Sunday: 12pm-5pm New kayakiiii^ trips by NV/NJ Baykeeper NY/NJ Baykeeper, in partnership with cataway to New Brunswick, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Edison Wetlands Association and Raritan Saturday, June 26 (rain date June 27): Greater Media Newspapers Riverkeeper, has a new kayaking program. "Island Weir Fishladder Run" at Raritan There are 10 kayaks and five canoes avail- River from Manville to Piscataway, 9 a.m. able, but participants may bring their own to 1 p.m. boat. Tickets are $25 without a rental and Saturday, July 15 (rain date July 22): $35 with arental. Reservations must be "Twilight Tour" at Raritan River, Perth made prior by contacting Testa@nynjbay- Amboy, beginner paddling, 4:30-6:30 p.m. or 732-888-9870, ext. 6. Saturday, Sept. 11 (rain date Sept. 12): Saturday, May 15 (rain date May 16): "Navesink Tour" at Navesink River, 9 a.m. "Rutgers Run" at Raritan River from Pis- to 1 p.m.

FoHow us on Kids Day Facebook® and Twitter™ The Fariii Check out the local news Saturday, May 8th from Eastern Monmouth, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Western Monmouth & Rain Date: Sat, May 1S*» Middlesex Counties. T Spend a day with the kids out at the farm! Let the kids enjoy a fun filled day- OwwM OM while you tour our many greenhouses and shop for those garden plants. m M H Ocwo KM^ A $M •> iam^ r GllnMsMkidleaex

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there is a sense of desperation," Darren Young said. Haiti For This One was developed exclusively by the Youngs, who (Continued from page 3) currently own and operate TekPro As part of the medical clinic, Systems out of North Brunswick. from about 3 to 5:30 p.m. the It was named for a story Kovac Youngs tended to any injuries or told the Youngs she had heard in problenis presented to them. They Haiti about a boy who was trying worked in an open field and saw to save stranded starfish on a medical problems that had gone beach. An older man had walked uiTtreated even before the earth- by and told him he couldn't possi- quake. Christine Young said she bly save all of them. The boy said Haitians just don't know what the would apply Selsun Blue shampoo he was trying to make a difference next step is. They know they are to rid many children of a head fun- "for this one" and "for this one," living in tent cities but they don't gus, but sometimes more serious as he threw each starfish back into have insurance, they lost property injuries, such as months-old lacer- the ocean. and they no longer have jobs. He ations and wounds, had to be ad- The secular organization is also said the rubble needs to be cleared dressed. Because many Haitians headed by board members to make way for new construction, do not have access to necessary Michelle Stella Riordan, of Egg sanitation needs to be improved items such as shoes or proper Harbor Township, and Cara Ian- and clean water is vital. bandages, for example, there is the niello of Monroe Township. Plus, the rainy season with its risk of reinfection. There have been fundraisers winds could destroy any tent cities Then, after 5:30. the volunteers held already, such as infant for- the people are currently relying would eat and relax, and spend mula collections, concerts and T- on. time with the local children. shirt sales. Several local "I don't know that anybody "They are very huggy, very businesses and various charitable knows how to fix the problem clingy, very sweet. I don't know if organizations have also con- right now," he said. "I can tell you it s a cultural thing, I don't know if tributed in some way. the idea of the people of Haiti get- it's because they're orphans, but For This One's next step is an ting back to any type of normalcy, everybody just wants hugs. Every- ongoing medical-supply drive, living in any type of normal home body just wants to sit in your lap collecting wheelchairs, walkers, or getting a normal job ... I think and wants a hug," Christine Young canes and crutches to send to the it's going to be a while. ... They said. bospitals in Haiti. Tlic Youugs said were already in a terribje situation "With all of the problems there, that even prior to the earthquake it before this happened." still, to see all the smiling faces of was difficult for residents to seek The Youngs are planning a trip the kids ... even within the face of medical treatment and now, after back to Haiti in August, though the situation they are in, they're the tragedy struck, there is a short- most likely to Gonaives. still able to adapt and be happy age of hospitals, plus people are They will also speak about and are still able to enjoy life. It afraid to go into a multistory their March trip 7:30-9:30 p.m. kind of brings humanity home." building. May 18 at the East Brunswick Darren Young said. Retro Fitness, 222-223 North Public Library, Civic Center During the week the Youngs Center Drive, North Brunswick, Drive. They will share letters writ- alse help^ with food distribution, will be collecting the items ten from the Haitian children as which was coordinated by Sig- through June. Owner Bill lovino well as photographs they took dur- man's son. J.T. Kowalchuk. Each met Darren Young while he was ing their visit. family received enough rice, waiting for photocopies at a local "It's important to us that peo- beans, and cooking oil to last a office supply store. He inquired ple see humanity in the pictures family of four about two weeks, a about the fliers Young was copy- and see these are people you want donation from a Korean Buddhist ing and then asked how he could to help. I think the way people in a organization. However, there was help; his gym eventually became difficult situation are portrayed no guarantee of food, and because a drop-off location for the dona- evokes empathy but maybe more the street value of the coupons tions. pity that dehumanizes them. These handed out to obtain the food was "I figured if I could do some- people are people, just like us," Clockwise from top left: The devastation In Haiti from an earthquake In $ 100, the process had to be tightly thing, even at home [in the U.S.J, Darren Young said. January will take a very long time to clean up and rebuild. Christine Young spent time playing with Haitian children in Port-au-Prince in controlled to prevent crowds or I would love to do it," lovino said. For more information on how theft. "It's been a great outpouring from IMarch. Retro Fitness In North Brunswick will l>e a collection site for to volunteer, donate items, or gen- donations of medical equipment to benefit victims of the earthquake. J'You look at how people are on our members to give back and erally help out — either in Haiti or Black Friday, and that's nothing. support this." in the United States — email support shipping costs can be sent Contact Jennifer Amato at This is the only shot people have However, despite the dedica- [email protected] or call 609- to For This One, RO. Box 7271, jamato @ gmnews. com. to get food for their family, so tion from countries around the 456-0505. Monetary donations to North Brunswick 08902. world, Darren Young said that April29, 201 0 SAVE LOCALiY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT NS SENTINEL 27

Election donations may be seen online For the first time, people can now look up donations to local school board elections through the New Jersey Elec- tion Law Enforcement Commission In- ternet website. Executive Director Jeff Brindle announced. "One of my main goals is to make it easier for the public to track contribu- tions to local candidates," said Brindle. "Adding more than $1 million in school board contribution data to our searchable database helps make that a reality." According to a press release, more than $1 million raised for 2009 school board elections can now be quickly re- trieved on the website www.elec.state.nj .us/publicinformation/searchdatabase.htm. This represents nearly 70 percent of the donations provided for those elec- tions. Not included are checks smaller than $300, which candidates do not have to disclose individually to ELEC. School board fundraising committees actually raised a total of $1.476 million for last year's races. "ELEC's central mission is to maxi- xmie. disclosure of money that flows into New Jersey campaigns. With this new step, our agency has moved closer to ful- filling that mission," Brindle said. According to the press release, an analysis of the 611 school election dona- tions reveals that the New Jersey Educa- tion Association invested the most funds last year. It raised and spent $744,512 primarily on "ads/mailings" on behalf of local affiliates.

police beat

All items in Police Beat are taken from police department records. All suspects are presumed innocent until found guilty in court. Over 50 Years In Business NORTH BfiUNSWICK*** Can't Come To Us? A police officer sitting in an unmarked patrol car with the emergency liqhts activated near the construction site at College Farm Road and Call Route 1 was struck by an alleged drunken driver Al)bey Ciiri)et on April 16, Police arrested and charged Erik Fitz- patrick. 35, of Dewey Road, with DWI, assault by auto and other motor vehicle violations. 732-254-4400 A laptop, Nintendo Wii video game and jew- 732-254-4400 elry were taken from a Cedar Avenue residence We ll Bring Our Store on April 23. To Your Door! 395 Route 18 • East Brunswick A 1996 PfynfKJUth minivan was stolen from a rear parking tot on North Oaks Boulevard on April 24. Jewelry was taken from a residence on Thomas Avenue on April 24. Broken glass was found on the floor in front of the back door, ac- FREE $50 $100 $200 cording to reports. The main bedroom and bath- room vanity were ransacked. A detective 1 2 processed thie scene. e PADDING o OFF o OFF OFF i i V. ~ •• A digital camera was removed from a fib Om - Schmididtt Lane residence on April 26. The rear door was kicked open and some items were S2000 moved around, according to reports. 2 NEW ORDERS ONLY. NEW ORDERS ONLY. Q NEW ORDERS ONLY. NEW OfiDERS ONLY. ^ With coupon at time of With coupon at time of ^ With coupon at time of With coupon at time of ^ purchase. Cannot combine purchase. Cannot combine purchase. Cannot combine purchase. Cannot combine offers. Excludes sale items. offers. Excludes sale items. offers. Excludes sale items. offeirs. Excludes sale items. Expires 8/1/10 Expires 8/1/10 Expires 8^1/10 Expires 8/1/10 28 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29,201 0

Tooth Talk A Presented by Michael Parise, D.D.S., FA.G.D. PREGNANCY AND GUM DISEASE Dentists have long cautioned women est amount of time invested daily. Keeping up about 'pregnancy gingivitis,' which is with home dental care as well as scheduling caused by hormonal changes and affects periodic cleanings and wellness exams are more than half of all pregnant women. tvw> important steps toward accomplishing Usually, the gum inflammation associated the goal of a healthy mouth. Full service den- with pregnancy-related gum disease occurs tal care for all members of your family, please between the second and eighth months of call 732-821-0500 for an appointment at pregnancy, and manifests itself in gums that PROFESSIONAL DENTAL ASSOCIATES, PJV. look red and bleed somewhat during brush- Our office is located at 1950 Highway 27, ing. Without conscientious attention to North Brunswick. Most credit cards and good oral-hygiene habits and professional most insurance accepted including Empire dental care, this mild form of gum disease BCBS. We also offer a 0% financing program PHOTOS BY JEFF GRANIT staff (gingivitis) can lead to a more serious form Clockwise from top left: The Rutgers CooperatWe Extension of Middlesex County presented of gum disease (periodontitis). If left a "Build a Rain Barrel" workshop at the EARTH Center at Davidsons IViill Pond Park, South Please e-mail your questions or comments to: Bruiiswick, on April 29. Diana Krewinkel sits on a rain ban-el to keep K still as Eileen untreated, gum disease poses risks to [email protected] babies' health such as premature birth, low L'Rourke drills a hole for the faucet at the bottom of the barrel. Jigar Patel, of Kendall Park, reaches inside a rain barrel to connect the faucet at the bottom of the barrel. birth weight and even full-term stillbom P.S. During pregnancy, increased levels of birth. Pregnant women have more reason progesterone may encourage the growth than their own oral health to seek regular of certain gingivitis-causing bacteria, dental care. rendering gum tissues more sensitive to There is no magic to avoiding gum disease plaque, and exaggerate the body's response to the toxins that result from ONE DAY BATH REMODELING and achieving optimal dental hygiene suc- cess. Almost everyone can do it with a mod- plague. • Do You Have An Ugly Bathtub? www.northbrunswickdentist.coin • Mildewed Grout Lines? Tune into Magic 98.3 FM to hear • Loose Tiles? Dr. Parise with the latest We Can Corretf It In One Day And Tooth Talk News and information Guaraniee It For Ufe!_ Moup-oun Momiss! about improving your smile. Cleaning your bathtub jio% OFF! and shower walls is made simple jiUiyFiMBatkrMaOr PROFESSIONAL DENTAL is wHh beautiful acrylic liners I CMi|rt6t0 BstWhwt by Liners Direct. ImtMUMm I celebrating its 25th Anniversary. From bathtub & shower liners to I iatMaersnM complete bathroom renovations Listen for your chance to come I 732-462-MTH and everything in between - I Cmnol Dt commind wffli >rty celebrate with us because we love to We do nail. |Ollwi olMt Espitn "

see you smile. Call lor a FREE Estimate FuHyInuunrd 732^2'BATH t22B4) • NJ Registration / 13VH02064000 April 29,201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 29

My name is Heidi Klum and rm an American Red Cross volunteer. 4ii(t(jUjiwi


To HELP YOUR AMERICAN RED CROSS JOIN US AT OUR ANNUAL CHARRRR GALA; A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY OH SATURDAY. MAY 22. 2010 AT CONVENTION American HALL IN ASBURY PARK. FOR TICKET AND SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION, CALL GSP R*d Cross (732) 493-9100 EXT. t227. •I liiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i I t 30 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 State appealing dismissal IUicffe$#^Coolfngr& Heating of charges for officer Room by Room ^ On July 7, 2009. two counts of official Lt. Keith Buckley faced official misconduct were handed up from the grand misconduct prior to judge's jury based on allegations that Buckley was ^American Mini Splits' dismissal last month driving a nonpolice vehicle while on duty W9 Can Air Condition Most Homos In 1 Day without wearing his handgun and hand- BY JENNIFER AMATO 300 sq ft (9,000 BTU's) Cooling/Heating $2,595* equipment & install cuffs, and as Zerby's superior allowed him Staff Writer to do the same. The indictment states that SOOsqfl (12,000 BTU's) Cooling/Heating $2,795* equipment & install NEW BRUNSWICK — The state of Buckley violated the rules and regulations 700 sq tt (18,000 BTU's) Cooling/Heating $2,995* equipment & install New Jersey is appealing the March 26 dis- of the North Brunswick Police Department, 1000 sq ft (24,000 BTU's) Cooling/Heating $3,495* equipment & install missal of two charges of official miscon- violated his sworn duty as a police officer * standard installation duct against North Brunswick police Lt. by endangering the public he was being Lie # 13VH04158800 Keith Buckley, according to a status con- paid to serve, violated his obligation to pro- ference held April 28 in State Superior tect his passenger and violated local traffic 800-603-6376 VISA / MCIAMEX / PAYPAL Sen/ing NJ, NY & CA 30 years Court, New Brunswick. laws he was being paid to enforce. The charges stem from a fatal motor ve- Last month. Judge Frederick DeVesa hicle accident in August 2008 in which said that the indictment was too flawed and Buckley was driving his brother's rented too vague to present to a jury, and dis- Donate Your Car! 2006 Dodge Viper while on duty, with fel- missed the charges. low police officer Lt. Christopher Zerby as On April 28, Middlese.x County Assis- -888-909-SONC(766^ a passenger tant Prosecutor Nicholas Sewitch said, "We Based on a second-degree count of ve- are going to be appealing." FREE TOUnNC • ^UVV CONOmON • HR PjU hicular homicide lodged against Buckley in DeVesa then set a tentative trial date of October 2008. the -prosecution is alleging Sept. 16, depending on the decision of the BOATS ACCEPTED - TAX-OEDUCTtBLE • KtS RECOCMOEO i. DMV COMPUANT that Buckley is responsible for Zerby's sub- Appellate Division. Providing Personalized Songs for Seriously ill Children sequent death because he was driving at speeds up to 94 mph in a 45-mph zone at Contact Jennifer Amato at ! the time of the crash, according to the Pros- jamato @ gmnews. com. ecutor's Office.

Tlia Maiiieine »f Mutie- Bike to Work Week May 17-23 i¥ww.5on$soflov€.or$ Keep Middlesex Moving will host Bike ested in signing up can visit to Work Week May 17-23. Anyone inter- and click on the Bike to Work Week banner. Everyone who registers will receive a copy of the Middlesex County Bicycling Guide and is entered to win a Do you have Pain from Ankylosing Spondylitis? $100 gift card. EWNJ to honor Not getting relief from current medications? A clinical 37 women May 13 research study is evaluating an investigational medication to The Salute to the Policy Makers 2010 Awards Dinner, held by Executive Women see if it can reduce joint pain from Ankylosing Spondylitis. of New Jersey (EWNJ), will honor 37 women of professional distinction in the You may qualify if you: ^ Garden State, Thursday, May 13, at 6 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick. Proceeds from the biennial event will fund EWNJ's scholarship program, which • Have been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis for at least has provided over $1 million in scholarships 3 months to more than 300 deserving New Jersey women enrolled in advanced-degree pro- • Have not taken biologic treatments such as Remicade*, grams at New Jersey institutions since in- Enbrel* or Humira* in the past 3 months stituting the program in 1986, as well as other programs that advance women. Qualified participants receive all study-related care and study In addition. EWNJ will name one New medication at no cost. Jersey company to its Business Honor Roll for making significant gains in two per- formance areas: Consider volunteering • the degree to which women are repre- sented at the highest levels of the corpora- tion and are actively involved in corporate governance, and Please Call: 1-732-410-6840 • the successful implementation of poli- cies that help all employees balance work Arthritis and Osteoporosis Associates and family responsibilities. 4247 Route 9, Bldg. 1, Freehold, NJ 07728 This year's guest speaker will be former United States Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. Arthritis Osteoporosis To event tickets or for infor- Associates mation on corporate sponsorships, contact Mary-Kate Collins at 609-249-6982 or mk- [email protected]. The deadline to regi.ster is May 6. April29, 201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 31 LANDEX NURSERY^ Our 25th Season Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties - 1000's of Assorted Evergreens & Landscape Trees & Shrubs Extensive Selection, Over 100,000+ Plants to Pick & Choose From! Our Selection Has Never Eteen More Extenshre! DISCOUNT P FAST SAME DAY DELIVERY (LOCAL) IF PURCHASE MADE BY 2P.M. EMERALD GREEN ARBORVITAE We are your Arborvitae Headquarters! EVERGREEN SUPER SALE!! IMRCE EVERCREENS 1500+ In Stock At AH Times BEAUTIFUL, FULL & LUSH 872-10'IN SIZE 2-3' 6'/2'-7' *49 • White Pines • Douglas Firs • Oartc American Arborvitae • Emerald Arborvitaes • Green Giant Arborvitaes 3'-4' M2 7'-8' *79 7-8'-9' IN SIZE nnoo 4'-5' *28 8'-9' ®99 BARGAIN PRICED AT YOUR CHOICE!! *39 9'-10' *145 Choose from the following types: each or 5 for GREEN GIANT ARBORVITAE 7'-8' Leiand Cypress (Deer Resistant Cultivar) WE ARE THE LELAND CYPRESS HEADQUARTERS 7'-8' Douglas Firs 1000s & 1000s IN STOCK. All at BARGAIN 2'/,'-3- 3 Gallon *9 3 -4' 3 Gallon 2 PRICES! L.C.D. LELAND CYPRESS DEPOT! 5 -6' Burlapped *39 7'-8' White Pines 6'-7' Burlapped or Potted...*49 7'-8' Norway Spruces 2'-3' 3 Gallon *9 3'-4' 3 Gallon'1 2 7'-8' Burlapped ®79 7'-8' Canadian Hemlocks 4'-5' 7 Gallon *2t9 4 for $100 i i 5'-6' 7 Gallon *4510 for $390 MAGNIFICENT TRUE BLUE SPRUCES evi'-y' Pots or Balls....*65 Weeping Japanese VA'-S' Extra FAT & Full Grade *99 These are super blue specimens, 8'-10' *16S Red or Green Maples premium quality at a super duper price! BEAUTIFUL SKIP LAURELS ABSOLUTELY TOP NOTCH! 5'-6' Ideal to make a Beautiful Hedge 500 + to pick from: GREAT VALUE!!!!6'- r ®125 8'-io' '250 3%'-4' in size Reg. 79°° NOW TA'-y ^59 3%'-4' ^89 750 TO PICK FROM!! DOUGLAS FIRS & NORWAY SPRUCES Beautiful Full & Lush Beautiful Fancy Spiraled Evergreens ^^[PU^ NOT A Doug Firs, 8 -10' Nice 45 MISPRINTED Norway Spruces, 5'-6' *65 Tall in size Reg. $199 $ 98 PRICE! Norway Spruces, 7 -8' ^S JUMP START YOUR SPRING WITH THE UNBELIEVABLE BARGAIN PRICES 3 Gallon Landscape Shrubs • Premium Quality— 1000s to Pick & Choose From Regularly Priced from -

weeping Keg.'i9s Japanese Red Maples $PQ(H 3 -4 High » Wide 09 This is Not A Misprint 500+TO PICK FROM Choose From Green Giant Arborvitae • Emerald Green Aborvltae • Euonymus Gold • Boxwood Azaleas • Gold Thread Cypress • Assorted Junipers • Butterfly Bush • Rhinegolds • Japanese Holly • Red Barberry Yews • Alberta Spruce • Cottoneaster • Ornamental Grasses • Helleri Holly • Liropi • Spreading Yews • Daylily • Assorted Perennials • Forsythia Silver Euonymus • Burning Bush • Hostas • Spirea • Mugo Pine • Boxwoods (5000 To Pick From) 12 HOWELL ROAD, HOWELL • 732-462-8523 CALL FOR SUPER EASY DIRECTIONS • OPEN 7 DAYS: Mon. - Sat. Sam-Tpm, Sun. 8ani-6pm FAX US YOUR PLANT LIST FOR BOTTOM BARREL PRICE QUOTE! FAX # 732-780-6270 'Fast Delivery Service 7 days a weeks For detailed, easy directions visit us on the neb at inni.landeiuiurserY.coffl or MapOoest directions: Landei Nitrsefr, 12 Homlt Rd., Freeiioid, NJ 07728 32 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 Former police director named BATHTUB REGLAZING to post at U.S. Attorney's Office SA VE IT • REaLAZEIT local organizations and serve as the district Thomas Maltese served TUB SALE PRICE office's security manager. He will also pro- MAKE YOUR BATHTUB as police director mote the effective use of state, local and in- of North Brunswick ternational law enforcement resources and LIKE BRAND NEW promote community engagement regarding NEWARK — Thomas Maltese, a former Department of Justice initiatives, law en- UMITED TIME police director for North Brunswick Town- forcement priorities, and crime prevention ship, was sworn in as law enforcement co- activities, according to the press release. Lie #13VH02840700 5425 ordinator for the U.S. Attorney's Maltese began his career as a detective CALL TODAY • BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW Office-District of New Jersey on May 3, ac- in the Middlesex County Sheriff's Depart- cording to a press release from U.S. Attor- ment. He served in the Middlesex County ADVANCED REFINISHING CORP. ney Paul J. Fishman of the New Jersey Prosecutor's Office for 22 years before District Office. leaving his position there as deputy chief of 877-3 NEW TUB • 201-288-0073 • 732-988-6005 • 973-279-0083 Maltese will facilitate communication investigations in 1994 to become the North between the district and federal, state and Brunswick Police Department's director. In 2000, Maltese became a consultant and field program specialist for the National Drug Intelligence Center in Johnstown, Pa. He then served as chief of investigations for the New Jersey State Commission of Inves- tigation in Trenton before his most recent position as the manager of investigative consult agency Falcon Group LLC. Maltese has a master's degree from Seton Hall University in addition to train- ing he received at the N.J. State Police Great gift for Mom. Academy, the Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration National Academy in Washington, D.C., the FTBI National Academy in Quan- tico, Va., and the FBI Law Enforcement Ex- Great deal for you. ecutive Development School in Quantico. Rutfirertgc s Gardens farm market Fridays in N.B. BUckBarry* Curv*"' 8530 tmartphon* LG Co»mo»'" Rutgers Gardens Farm Market, Ryders Lane, North Brunswick, will be open from > Skype mobile > Slide-out QWERTY noon to 5 p.m. Fridays through Oct. 29. capable keyboard Vendors will sell meats, cheeses, pastries, > Email & Internet > Snap pics with a 1.3 pickles, mushrooms, tea, coffee, barbecue access MP camera sauce, fruits, vegetables and kettle com. For > High-speed wireless > VZ Navigator^" capable broadband more information, visit www.rutgersgar- MCC team places first in competition FREE FREE The Middlesex County College Math fcjliiPWlww-fSiO 1 •..wM • ',io; )• '/i-' Team took first place among all two-year colleges in the Garden State Undergraduate Math Conference, sponsored by the Mathe- matics Association of America. The team placed third overall. Team members were Kevin Wong of North Brunswick, Daniel Snider of Fords and Zizhou Zhao of New Brunswick. The team part involved all three mem- bers working together on 10 mathematical problems. The individual part consisted of Buy any accessory and save big! students working individually for an hour on 20 mathematical problems. Wong placed Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 05/31/10 fourth out of 100 students. SAVE 25% t This year's competition took place at VMd(«!(iv4«luli<3lS(iOI AxvaitdfrncwMrMUitSMO »rwi(M(onxitUnl'<«<< Middlesex County College, Edison, and featured 25 teams from colleges and uni- versities in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. 747 Hiohwsy J$ 14£»»tonAve 414 Rarlttn Ave AilPage ^ MkWIetown, Hi 07748 N»w8fun»wKk, NJ 08901 Highland Park, NJ 08904 732 957 0828 732-220-8300 7J2-572 3300 Cat-adoption events Wireless under way in O.B. Summit Animal Rescue Association Inc. SWITCH TO AMERICA S LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE WIRELESS NETWORK is holding Kitty Adoptions noon-5 p.m. on Saturdays at Petco of Old Bridge, Gateway MK UM'M ol'sllkiKiMSM^M'.KiKamdwfntijnng tM^nW^HHtWlnrviOrti*! 1 M»<)«4 IBSlpwrvTirHinm «7«._ Shopping Center, off Route 9 south and inuiMfifomim uitmilioCiiMoo m Vw.UMtnifi.itMrkntitutMtM'^Jt *Mcn) t OV) i rmrM vatyiM » wim •pMnAvonlMymt•rtu^PMyjpptlyf Ofiwufjlimm AAn«i»niM«r ItifA alntHbjiKtKWnrtjJtwi^^Mof irt'wiKjjLj' Emston Road. For information call Kersten mt^>fflfl»tn irtu^ StAf }ib» Htl am uin 141 u 6 tth < t drtto »•«(» « v«tfow»u»(»» urn e Viwon at 732-735-3100. April29 , 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 33 BALLOOM .ui N y liWi NEW TF:CHN()L()(;Y BRtiVfC^HROtCiH SINUSITIS SUFFERERS... An cuMuif noft-cwtin;. tiwue wjwi iipit Ci#irf hated option for (hmc Express Care Program opens in Pediatric ED at wiiier (torn (he >vmfii(ifB% a( leamm mi chr'oiC-anMit^ llcadacbo. FuktAMi Dnp. R—) Note. ('«Bse>4*n«. BmttuA;; BIwlLifc. KajpK. <'oa^ the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital mi Son Thran. Pinai Prcwc. Toods Bai BtttA. Lr>» a( Saefl mi ivaiiitfln • No IVmn Tune iMun m tmri m U ^mn minor injuries is one where they are keep them comfortable. Child life spe- fHnubit I • Klfecine (of Adnti mi MOUK PuKm near other children who face the cialists also help to calm young chil- • AO WMJw of Nrti««t imunmce fW fwmdeied same situation. dren by preparing them for what will happen and providing support Customized Treatment Approach... Now that option exists for babies throughout their treatment through lAddiiumul imiu procrdurrt tnaihbir/. and young adults up to age 21 who therapeutic play and other relaxation ' VKtnrViMna"' Infnicd Um Omded f12SS have sustained a non-life-threatening and distraction activities. • CobUtma Rjdknurfticd Uiaauon ftuWoakipbtiy) injury or illness;The Express Care • StauNiiB Aenwolucd Aoubwuc "Dtcmpv Program of the Pediatric Emergency The Express Care area offers five • SoMm^l (80 needle) Ailer^ Immaonlhenfiy iSUTi* Department at The Bristol-Myers beds, and each station is equipped Squibb Children's Hospital (BMSCH) with a television set carrying pro- Frank J. Scaccia. M.D., P.A.C.S., F.LC.S. ( criiDH BafloMi .Sirapixitv SpcdaK* • Double Board CcniTied at Robert Wood Johnson University gramming that includes the Cartoon Hospital (RWJUH).The newly opened 20 Yearn KxperieMcc • Top Ne« YorkMrtro l)octM-286*.20l« Networic and Nickelodeon.The Ex- Top Mfir Jenty Sorry Urimg Sine t)ocior3B0^2B99 unit offers treatment for minor in- press Care unit's computer systems (iuUt U Ameriea 't Tof PkyskioM 2(XM»-2MM juries and illnesses such as colds, are fully networked with RWFUH so RICHEST SCORE IN t'-S. ON BOARD CERTIFV INd EXAM <1995) fever and earaches. that the treating medical profession- "We saw a need for a service that als can get quick access to patients' RIVERSIDK SIM S SI RGKRY CRNTKR could treat children in an expedient test results and other needed reports. fashion and in an environment that is 70 E. From Sirect Red Bank (732) 747-5300 Express Care is located next to the welcoming and comforting to them," 3992 Ambm Rd.. Siaicn Idand. NY(7I8| %7-24l I main Pediatric Emergency Room in says Ernest Leva, M.D., a specialist in 35 B

SOMERSET FREEHOLD (732)562-1010 ext 210/212 1313 Route 27 Pond View Professional Park 732-249-1010 122 Professional View Drive, BIdg. 100,2nd floor Fax:732-220-0177 732-625-8080 • Fax: 732-625-8003 bttp://'_studies www.tendersmiles.coin 34 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010

Today's Best Variety The RAT ROaCS! BARK IN THE PARK AT FIRST ENERGY PARK IN LAKEWOOD SATURDAY, MAY 8th N00N-3PIVI OPEN TO THE PUBUC FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG! Minute Mutt Games Silly Pet Tricks "JSr Pet Parade •iS> AND MUCH MORE! For those of you in Uie market tor a new furry friend, check out the Doggie Adoption Showcase! There will also be local animal shelters, rescue groups and humane societies on hand to help you choose the perfect fourlegged friend.


Interested in being a vendor? Contact Marge Guglielmo at 732-681-9591 ext. 250 For more information go to or April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 35 Meadowlands State Fair helps kids smile Vietnam Remembrance Day tate Fair at the Meadowlands Fair- This year's special events will include grounds, East Rutherford, will donate Batcopter rides, a Jersey Tomato Fight on Sup to 2,000 State Fair enUy tickets to June 26, and a "Record- Breaking Bubble ceremony slated for May 7 underprivileged children in Middlesex and Wrap Popping Event" June 27. Fair patrons Monmouth counties this spring, for use dur- are invit^ to participate in these events and ing the 19-day fair, slated to run daily from make history. The second annual Auto and •^he New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' May 7, 1995. June 17 through July 5. Bike Show will take place July 2 from 6 Memorial Foundation will hold its Broadcast live on NJN television, in at- "State Fair Meadowlands — New Jer- p.m. to 2 a.m., and July 3 from 2 to 11 p.m. annual New Jersey Vietnam Veter- tendance were Gov. Whitman, Gen. H. T sey's largest annual family-friendly event The annual fireworks displays will be held ans Remembrance Day ceremony on Maj' Norman Schwarzkopf, and more than July 3 and 4. 7 at 11 a.m. 15,000 veterans, family members and dig- — is close to home, and we want to make sure that all kids, regardless of income, have State Fair will offer the following bar- May 7 was created by legislation in nitaries from across the United States. a chance to come and share the fun," said gains this year: 1991 as a unique day in New Jersey tC' Accompanied by U.S. Sen. John Mc- A1 Dorso, president of State Fair at the • Dollar Preview Night — June 17. honor all those who served in the militar) Cain of Arizona, Whitman also dedicated Meadowlands Fairgrounds. "For our Tix 4 Everything from parking, rides and sel^ during the Vietnam Era from 1959 tc the Vietnam Era Educational Center on Kids program, we are looking to partner food items will costs $1 each, and admis- 1975. Sept. 27, 1998. with nonprofit organizations throughout the sion is just $2. More than 200.000 New Jersey resi- In addition, during this year's cere- state to identify children who could bene- • Father's Day Special — June 20. Dads dents served in the armed forces during mony the New Jersey Department of Mil- fit." ride rides for free from 2 to 6 p.m. that time, according to a press release. itary and Veterans Affairs will be awarding Interested outreach professionals may • Midnight Madness will ^ held every The guest speakers will include former a number of New Jersey State medals. email [email protected], with the name Friday night from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Rides New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman These include the New Jersey Distin- of their organization in the subject line. All and admission will be $19.95. and her husband, Vietnam veteran John R. guished Service Medal, Meritorious Serv- requests must be submitted by email (no • Carload Night — June 24. Everyone Whitman, whose leadership was influen- ice Medal, Korean Service Medal and phone calls). who fits in one car (up to eight people) can tial in the completion and dedication of the Vietnam Service Medal. enter and ride unlimited rides for one price memorial, according to the press release. There will be free admission for all vis- The fair will feature 50 food vendors and over 150 rides and attractions for all ages. of $69. with free parking included. This year also marks the 15th anniver- itors on May 7, and the Vietnam Era Edu- This year's fair will feature four new shows • Patron Appreciation Day — July 5. Pay sary of the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' cational Center will be open from 10 a.m. One Price Combo for admission and unlim- Memorial. to 4 p.m. — Piccadilly Circus, with acrobats, clowns ited rides for $25 per person. On Veterans Day 1982, a group of New liie Vietnam Era Educational Center is and circus animals; Sea Lion Splash, a Fair hours will be Monday throiji^ Jersey Vietnam veterans realized the need adjacent to the New Jersey Vietnam Veter- splashy and educational summer show fea- Thursday, 6 p.m. to midnight; Fridays from for a state memorial. After years of hard ans' Memorial off the Garden State Park- turing the antics of sea lions; an Aerial Stunt 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.; Saturdays fi-om 2 p.m. to 2 work and planning, the New Jersey Viet- way at exit 116 in Holmdel. The memorial Show featuring the original Batcopter from a.m., and Sundays from 2 p.m. to midnight. nam Veterans' Memorial was dedicated on is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. the "Batman" TV series and movie; and the "Hell on Wheels Trilogy" BMX show. En- Special hours on July 3 and 4 will be from tertainment to these and other shows is free 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. and July 5 from 2 p.m. to Summer program to focus on gardening with entry ticket. midnight. On opening night. June 17, gates In addition to this year's new shows, free will open at 5 p.m. Middlesex County students who have background in vegetable gardening prac- nightly entertainment will include hypnotist Advance tickets for State Fair Meadow- completed seventh through eleventh grades tices, pest control, environmental concerns Steve Bayner, racing pigs. Festival of lands are on sale now through June 16 and and are interested in gardening and com- and community service. Magic, World of Wonder/Palace of Illusion can be bought online at or munity service are invited to attend the After the initial training week, weekly and free concerts. Families can relax in the by calling 973-450-1073. Special group YESS (Youth Enhanced Service to Society) work meetings will be held July 26 through Kid Zone, a grassy area with picnic tables, packages are also available. Check nj- summer day program at the Rutgers Coop- Aug. 31 to help maintain a Garden for the umbrellas, and space for parents and kids to for updates on promotions and erative Extension's EARTH Center, David- Hungry; all produce will be donated to a unwind. more about this year's fair. sons Mill Pond Park. Riva Avenue, South local soup kitchen. Brunswick. The cost of the program is $55 per per- The program will be held 9 a.m. to noon son and includes a T-shirt. The deadline to St. Augustine slates tricky tray for May 14 July 19-23 and will focus on environmental register is July 12; call 732-398-5262. St. Augustine of Canterbury School, 45 For reservations or more information. stewardship and provide participants with a Henderson Road. Kendall Park, will hold a contact Deanna Hess at 732-642-2051 or at "tricky tray" May 14 at the school. Doors [email protected]. No one under Gardening class at EARTH Center May 15 will open at 6 p.m. and the auction calling 18 will be admitted, Middlesex County's Agricultural Exten- The cost is $20. Registration is required; will begin at 8 p.m. sion Office will hold "Gardening on a Shoe- call 732-398-5262. string" 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 15 at the EARTH Center, Davidson's Mill Pond Park, 42 Riva Ave., South Brunswick. Dr, Edwin Tanpiengco and his caring staff offer complete dentistry Magyar Bank shred in our new state-of-the-art office that is relaxing and comfortable. day May 15 in S.B. We'll take the time to listen to your dental heatth concerns and completely answer your questions to make you feel at ease. Magyar Bank will hold a Community Shred Day for residents and businesses 10 Beginning with your first visit to our office, you'll see why a.m. to noon May 15 at its South Brunswick Dr. Tanpiengco's patients love to refer their family and friends! branch, 3050 Route 27. Kendall Park. Indi- viduals can watch their documents being shredded, such as bank information, can- celed or blank checks, credit card offers and information, financial statements, income NEW PATIENT SPECIAL $4 hfl Clff tax records, insurance coverage, investment New Patient Exam | ||U II11 information, legal papers, medical records and personal bills. The Middlesex County Cleaning (Regularly $295) Improvement Authority will be on hand X-rays Expires 6/30/10 with M.C. Blue, the nation's first fully re- Cannot be combined with any cyclable recycling robot to explain the im- other insurance or discount Financing avaitabte. Wa accept: portance of recycling through songs and audience participation. For more informa- tion, call 1-888-990-BANK or visit Call TODAY! 886 Georges Road 732.951.0099 Monmouth Junction. NJ 08852 36 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29,201 0 DONATE YOUR CAR

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scon FRIEDMAN Colin Cumlskey (I) and his son Casey check out the engine of a 1967 Camaro with Angelo Rubino, of Monroe, and his son Angelo Jr. during the 16*" annual North Brunswick Cops & Rodders car show at DeVry University Sunday. No. Brunswick Cops & Rodders car show a 'sweet' success BY JENNIFER AMATO coupe, model 77 A, which he has had for 12 Staff Writer years. NORTH BRUNSWICK — The celebra- "I like it because it is a one-year series tion of the 16"" annual Cops & Rodders car car in the last year that Mercury made its ishow could still be considered very "sweet" own body," he said of the vehicle he despite a few initial setbacks. to buy because of its pre-World War 11 his- More than 160 new, old, classic and spe- tory. cialty vehicles were on hand at Sunday's Magnotti, who said he grew up building event at DeVry University to cars, said he has bought and benefit the general fund of rebuilt more than 70 cars dur- thd North Brunswick Police ''People of all ing his lifetime. This particu- Death, Retirement, Widows walks of life and lar coupe was completely & Orphans Fund. all ethnicities restored with only its original The theme of the car show body intact. yvas Sweet 16, and overcom- and "When you build cars, ing obstacles such as last backgrounds, there are no barriers," he week's rain postponement, said. "People of all walks of two other shows being held the thing they life and all ethnicities and on the same day, and the hot have in common backgrounds, the thing they weather made this year even is the car." have in common is the car." sweeter. Steve Ne.s.sell, of Pember- "We consistently put on a ton, was one of those people: — Ralph Magnotti good show, and it's for a good he's rebuilt more than 200 cause. Everybody likes to cars. Mail this coupon to the address below, or call 800-438-0888. come out and support us," said Police Offi- "I buy 'em, .see 'em, fix 'em, trade 'em." cer Joseph Grasso, whose father, Michael, said the former Helmetta resident, who now Join u^ for a "t^uAKck & Program a retired officer, initiated the popular show. fixes cars for a living. For the past five years Carl Swenson, of Nessell brought his 2006 Ponliac GTO - and find out fioui ijou can ^ave up to $95,000* Sayreville, has been at the show to demon- to the car show. He only brings this limited : strate his support, but as a spectator. This production car to shows, and since he pur- Programs start at 10:30 a.m. year, however, he and his wife chose to di.s- chased it four years ago, he has driven it play the 1973 Corvette he has owned for six only about 5,000 miles. • Thu. May 13th • Wed. May 19th • Tue. May 25th • Wed. June 9th months. "It was an opportunity to own a brand- • Tue. Jime 15th • Thu. June 24th • Can't attend, keep me posted "I've wanted one since I was about 10 new GTO — a legend," he said. months old, but I could only afford pictures He aLso had an opportunity to show the Name of a Corvette," he laughed. "So, finally, I car, having attended Cops & Rodders for saved up enough money to get one." years prior to Sunday. Address. Swenson's first antique car is in the style "It's a great show. You get to see every- of the Mako Shark concept car. He drives it thing: new cars, old cars, classics, rat rods, Ciry State ZIP Applew^M around on weekends and starts it up during everything," he said. "Also, it's for a great E-S-T-A-T-E-S Phone the week. cause. Anything to support the police. My 1 Apple wood Drive wife and 1 come from a long family of law Freehold, NJ 07728 "It's the true American sports car ... a ^ CentraState 800-438-0888 two-seater sports car that is affordable," he enforcement, so anything for officers." Healthcare System' said. Contact Jennifer Amato at 'limited time iiffcr Refundable dcfxnix rM)um.d by 6/.W/10 Take otcupancT b>' 9/W/lO. Ralph Magnotti, of Middletown, also ex- IJcpcndenl on Ihc size of the rcskleiKc chosen at this continuing care retirement ctjinmunity. Ojupon Code (i.MNS hibited an American car: a 1940 Mercury jamato® April29, 201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmnBWS.COm NS SENTINEL 37 SBHS to host golf outing May 28 MCC offers new N.B. council The South Brunswick High School Proj- [email protected] to reg- nonprofit program ect Graduation annual golf outing will be ister. There will be a morning of golf, lunch votes to introduce held May 28 at the Bunker Hill Golf and prizes. Middlesex County College will begin a Sponsors and golfers can email program this summer designed to help non- TOD-related profit organizations. zoning ordinance Poppy Drive in S.B. through Memorial Day There are five required courses and three The Lt. John Famkopf American Legion families. Donations are dedicated to assist- electives. Topics include fundraising essen- and Auxiliary Post 401, South Brunswick, ing veterans and their families. tials, board management, fundraising cam- Mayor has deciding will hold a poppy drive during May at var- Donations may be made by check and paigns and creating special events. vote in 3-3 split ious locations around town. sent to American Legion Post 401, P.O. Box Students may enroll in each class sepa- The red poppy is the American Legion's 82, 148 Major Road, Monmouth Junction, rately for a fee of $125 each. If they sign up BY JKNNIFER AMATO for the complete certificate program, with Staff Writer flower representing all veterans and their 08852. payment, the cost is $798, a savings of NORTH BRUNSWICK — The Tran Step Up for The Arc Walkathon May 22 $202. .V sit Oriented Mixed Use Development The Arc of Middlesex will hold its an- For more information, contact Emily For more information, visit www.mid- zoning ordinance was introduced for first nual fundraiser, "Step Up for The Arc Meyers at 732-821-1199, ext. 135, or emey- or call 732-906- reading Monday night because of a Walkathon" on Saturday, May 22, at Roo- [email protected]. 2556. tiebreaking vote by Mayor Francis sevelt Park in Edison. "Mac" Womack. "For an introduction I generally vote yes, so then we get to have a public hear- ing," Womack said of the 3-3 split he had to decide, since council members Ralph Andrews, Shanti Narra and Robert Davis voted for the introduction, and council members Cathy Nicola, Robert Corbin and Carlo Socio voted against it. "I am ^ Ot/JVJMf still inclined to favor the transit village, •Tires •Automotive Services so I also voted yes because I didn't want Get up to Double your Mail-In Rebate up to See store for details. Integrity to see the project die " Vmatih AMSeiuon Radal In recent weeks Corbin and Nicola have stated they had outstanding ques- tions about the ordinance language and P18S/6SR1S.. S104 the components of the project, such as . J-Offer valid thru 7/10/10. P205«5fi15» Si 12 m whether a train station would be ap- P215/70R1S> S94 P225m)R16» $135 JIM proved as part of the proposed transit vil- KEUYI^TWES P235«5R17«r S146 f!" MANAGER'S SPECIALS! P235/70R16- S138 SIS lage site on the former Johnson & P215«5R)7i. SI36 SHI Johnson property on Route 1. P225/e5R17>17«>. S14$149 S) 544 SAVE UP TO 50% OFF! P22S«0R17» $149 Socio said he still has questions about the number of housing units on the prop- DESCRIPTION TIRE SIZE REG. SALE SAVINGS erty, which could total over 1,800 at the EagteLS P19&f65R15ew $ti8 $S9 SAVE 24% Wrangler time of total buildout. Eagle RSA P225/60R168W $192 $119 SAVE 38% Performance SUV or Light Truck "I realize that how the legislation is Eagle RSA P1»5/50R16eWMw $237 $120 SAVE 50% SAVE$168 set up, that to get a transit village desig- Eagle < P21S/5SR17BW«w $245 $149 SAVE 39% nation nowadays you need a certain com- Eagle RSA P205/50fl17BW $287 $149 SAVE 48% m t>t«l9< ponent of housing" Socio said, but he Eagle RSA P22S/50R17BW $280 $189 SAVE 33% Tmsm feels that the existing residences at Gov- P2»/70Rt«lx>I..9U SieMf8r naw» SmOttM n Wrangler P235/75R150WL nssmmeonim SIK 173 tm ForteraHL i>xsnofn»Qt Hole Special I I Air Conditioning I Spring Maintetiance Speciai Performance Test Those have since been mitigated and an Change, Rlter& Uibej ^ I I CMCTFUOC I I updated version of the ordinance is avail- •fioft*-POMT StMflng •I I I I $2495 1 $49 Reg. Rag. $127.95 S68 35 able at I IInctud M -Cooipu I i wKtKi ^IB Freoo Extra I ci i»iMiyi> I MIL ^e > •4 whMt bitencmg M tire rotation and pt«saure I I inciuOM. o« rwm. ermmun inmtna I (Ms 1M» Mow oa • Ita MMM • a The public hearing is set for 7 p.m. •«W/30 Motor Ot 1 ^^H^ $24 K chadcViaurtanpKSionotlrontmd ntc mwyi Oyyvwdan*** •Owek • . . tak. IM i nM» • OM MMy 4 a May 17. at which time residents can «d iJK^JnyoiSiroSSrL-.^ .P, , voice their opinions about the project, which will add residences, retail space SAVE UP TO $40.00 I SAVE UP TO $14.00 I SAVE UP TO $150.001 SAVE $20.00 including big-box stores, a main street, a parking area and possibly a train station Disc Brakes Special j {Mobil I I TMOHRO^ I Preventive Maintenance i to the 212-acre property being developed - i I I SAVE Front $20 I Get $14 when you i I Shocks or Struts {Fuel Saving Service{ by North Brunswick TOD Associates. Back S2Q i I choose Mobil 1 or I I UP TO $40 Total $40 I UP I Get $7 Off with a Mobil I I I •hnpiwa Gas Mtoaga Mctuoes: 'Htm Pmt Omc Pads 'Padi Borings i TO •Labor •RaMiriaca Rotors | ' Premium oil change I I 150 OFF I •ftoduca Emoaam >ICM Nooawrd I I See store for complete detais. I Cautaig Oapoiits ^591? JSt.^ Harlem Rockets vs. N.B. All Stars May 21 SAVE $10.00 I SAVE UP TO $20a001 Call 1-80M13-5666 For Other Locations & Hours 2-Year NJ State Inspection The Harlem Rockets Comedy Basket- Computerized EXTRA SERVICE SAVINGS Brick' 732-477-3480 OM Bridge' 732-721-8900 ball team will face off against the North Wheel Alignment $5 OFF $<|QOFFl EBniwwick-* 7a!-238-1220 Piscataway* 732-424-9770 Brunswick All Stars 7 p.m. May 21 at North Lakewood' 732-367-2200 Princeton 609-921-8510 ^IQOFF 11 - ^ Manal^' 732-431-5552 Somerville"' 906-725-3244 Brunswick Township High School. Raider Mddetown 732-«71-2415 TntonFals 732-747-3404 Road. Tickets are $6 in advance or $8 at the SAVE'IS ^ pm I I tf«iMtotiw No. Brunswick 732-82M877 TomsRIyer' 732-34»«l60 door The event is sponsored by the school's lt>«>teHk«lrSteta«te 'ST'lif/Si**** • J 'Open Sunday 'State Inspection Center MMIKlKMaiF Raider Robotix team. Visit our webside at www.vespiatires.coni GROWTH COAtPANY Exctdng Camet Opportunilies: Store Managers. Asst State Managets. Service Managers aid Technidans CALL 1«X>-613-S666 38 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCAUY WITH ONLINE COUPONS• VISIT www.gmnews.coitt May 6, 2010 agreed and noted that he would "in sey resident pays into the energy tax, Gambate,se. The bottling center, he no way" support a final budget that which is then divided and distributed Warehouse said, would be extremely beneficial Budget carries such a large hike. to municipalities based on popula- to the township, because it would at- tract more high-tech jobs. The township has already pro- tion size. (Continued from page 1) posed slashing $2 million in spend- "That money belongs to South "Let's see this trend continue," he (Continued from page 1) ing from last year's budget. In the Brunswick, that doesn't belong to The company, which started in said. "It's only going to get better" but there is still a lot of work that has past 12 months, the town enacted 12 the state," he said. "There's no rea- 1975 as a supplier of women's and South Brunswick's location is an to be done." furlough days, which is a 5.5 percent son for the government to take that girls' body wear and active wear, advantage to any company, espe- In an attempt to make up for the salary cut for municipal employees, money." has now expanded to include con- cially those that are looking to oc- massive loss in revenue, the town- laid off 12 positions, renegotiated Camarota agreed and said the temporary sportswear, sleepwear, cupy warehouses and set up ship has worked to cut expenditures contracts, and did not refill several money "rightfully belongs to the intimates, underwear, loungewear distribution centers, according to and locate additional sources of rev- township." and hosiery for men, women and Gambatese. enue. "It is money to us and it is being children. The township still has approxi- The proposed 10 percent tax hike 'Budget problems cut and constantly curtailed, and "[We] are extremely plea-sed to mately 12,000 acres of open land w^d amount to a $ 156.32 increase in Trenton get that's why, when you're hit with a have been able to meet the expan- that have yet to be developed. on the average township home, fixed in the million-dollar cut, it hurts," he said. sion requirements of Jacques Moret, "We are perfectly positioned to which is assessed at $195,400, ac- The council plans to hold several while maintaining the company's be able to attract corporations now cording to Joe Monzo. the town- suburbs, not in budget meetings once the state strategic location in Dayton," said that are beginning to make a move ship's chief financial officer. That Trenton." "makes decisions on some outstand- Jeff Milanaik, president of Heller because the economy is starting to would total approximately $29.13 ing issues." according to Ron South Brunswick Mayor Frank pick up," Gambatese said. million to be raised through taxation. — Chris Killmunay Schmalz, public affairs coordinator. Gambatese said the expansion is a The township's location near Officials said they are going to South Bnwswick "I consider this current budget positive one for the township. exit 8A of the New Jersey Turnpike WOTk diligentiy to ensure that the tax Depi4ty Mayor document to be the restarting point, "Certainly any occupancy of and between Philadelphia and New hike is decre^«d by the time of the if you will, to undertake yet another 100,000 square feet is a plus to us, York City ensures that companies budget's adoption. painful round of budget delibera- and we are very, very happy about will be able to quickly ship products "1 ftilly expect we will not be rat- positions left vacant due to retire- tions in the near future," O'SulIivan that," he said. "I do see some things off to large cities, he said. ifying an 8-cent increase." Council- ments. including 51 full- and part- said. picking up in this area in terms of "You get on and off the Turnpike man Joseph Camaroia said. "We time positions over the past six The township unofficially started warehousing, and that's a plus." and get your products to market have to find ways to cut and make years. working on the 2010 budget last Other companies that have re- very quickly because you're right this acceptable to everyone in- Despite the steady decline in summer It also held budget hearings cently located operations to the there, and that's a big draw for any voVed." staff, the township has been dealing on several Saturdays earlier this year. township include Williams- corporation to either expand or The other three councilmen and with a rise in both pension and in- "We are faced with some stark Sonoma. which is leasing 1.4 mil- move to the township," Gambatese the mayor echoed similar comments. surance costs, Watkins said. Pension realities, [and] money out has to lion square feet of warehouse for use said. "T think the people of South costs have increased $2.5 million equal money in," Carley said. "The as a distribution center, and Coca- "You always hear 'location, lo- Brunswick have confidence that the over the past five years and $1.5 mil- horses are out of the gate and, as I Cola, which may soon open a bot- cation, location.' South Brunswick ultimate product will be something lion from 2009 to 2010. see it, the race is just starting." tling center in a vacant South is that location," he said. "And it's less than is introduced tonight." Mayor Frank Gambatese said the Brunswick warehouse. something we capitalize on." Councilman Charlie Carley said, ref- decrease in the energy tax receipts Negotiations with Coca-Cola are erencing the tax rale. was an unfair hit to the township. He Contact Jennifer Booton at continuing at this time but are "very Contact Jennifer Booton at Councilman John O'Sullivan explained that every single New Jer- jboo ton @ gmnews. com. close" to settlement, according to j booton @ gmnews. com. Be the teacher he never forgets. 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North Bmnswick is just 4-9, but Agled this year, senior attackman the Raiders play a tough schedule and have Michael Curran has nevertheless stood out as lost to elite teams such as Randolph, Delaware he approaches the 400-point mark for his ca- Valley. Northern Burlington and Rutgers Prep. reer. On the plus side, Stanilaus' team has pick^ With five regular-season games remaining up victories against J.P. Stevens, Edi.son, Mon- plus the Greater Middlesex Conference roe and Morris Knolls. (GMC) Toumament, the four-year Goalkeeper Mike Fischer and defender needs just 10 points to reach the mark. Thus Brad Pastrick, the Raiders' other captains, far this spring, Curran has 50 goals and 33 as- have been playing well. Fischer has been sists. spectacular in keeping North Brunswick in Curran's 390 career points places him sec- games, while Pastrick is among the team lead- ond all-time in New Jersey lacrosse, behind ers in ground balls, providing a solid veteran only Matt Poskay, who now plays at the Uni- presence in the backfield. SCOTT FRIEDMAN versity of Virginia. During his four years at Other key players are Zach Bower and East Brunswick High School's Tyler McDonough slides into the tag of Old Bridge High A.L. Johnson Regional High School in Clark, Spiros Trawlos, who have shown promise School catcher Joe Procopio at home plate during the May 1 game at Old Bridge. The Poskay amassed 468 points. teaming with Curran on the attack, and mid- host Knights won in eight innings, 3-2. "Without question, Michael is the best fielders Matthew Goggin, Tait Pickle and player in the GMC," North Brunswick's first- Scott Vogelsang, a trio who can control the year coach Joe Stanilaus said. "He comes into middle of the field. Goggin is a strong funda- games knowing he will be double-teamed, mental player, and Pickle and Vogelsang sometimes triple-teamed, yet he goes out excel at picking up ground balls. Joining Pas- sport shorts every game and finds ways to score. And as trick on defense are Ian McGeary and Char- great of a lacrosse player as he is, Michael's an lie Helms. The Blue Jays Baseball Club will hold The North Brunswick Adams Athletic even better person." "Our younger guys are getting better and its seventh annual exhibition series near Club Indians Pop Warner football and One of three team captains, Curran spends better, and they're getting a lot of valuable ex- Cooperstown for high school varsity play- cheerleading organization is holding regis- a lot of time working with the Raiders' perience that will pay off in the future," Stani- ers in the spring of 2010. Summer tourna- tration for the 2010 season. Children ages younger players on the nuances of the game. laus said. "This team has a lot of potential ments will also be held for U13, U14, U15, 5 to 15 are welcome. Registration can be His upbeat attitude rubs off on his teammates down the road. U16 and U18 teams. Night games are pos- completed online at http://www.nbindians. and he moves the ball well on the field, keep- Stanilaus, a star goalie during his playing sible. For details, call Harvey Sandig at com/. There are currently early-bird fe^s ing the other Raiders engaged in the games. days at Old Bridge High School, went on to 631-650-5759 or email cooper- available. play at Kean College. Prior to joining North An honor student, Curran will attend the Air stown314 @ aol .com/. Force Academy in the fall." Brunswick, he .spent three years at Livingston The U13 girls Old Bridge Thunder "He's so unselfish," Stanilaus said. "Some High School, where he served as junior varsity Industrial/Commercial Real Estate soccer team seeks dedicated players for the of our guys are still learning to play the varsity coach and also worked with the goaltenders. Women Inc. (ICREW NJ) will host its spring and fall seasons. The team is pro- ninth annual golf classic and reception fessionally coached and trained by a L^FA May 6 at Forsgate Country Club in Mon- B licensed full-time coach and play in the Raiders^ relay team first roe. The event will feature a scramble for- MAPS division of JAGS. Practice facilities mat. where golfers play nine or 18 holes, are conveniently located (players are firom at Twilight Invitational or participate in a three-part clinic for be- Middletown. Holmdel. Matawan, Mor- orth Brunswick High School's girls by just under 2 feet in the final. ginners. The event will also include a buf- ganville, Manalapan and Staten Island). warmed up for the Greater Middlesex Carpenter was eighth (32-2'/2). fet lunch, dinner reception and awards Fees, not including overnight travel, regis- NConference Track and Field Champi- Nicholson and Carpenter tied for seventh ceremony, as well as a silent auction and tration and uniform, are about $500 per onships at Saturday's Mercer Twilight Invita- in the high jump (5-0). draw prizes. This year's proceeds will ben- year, including fundraising. Tryouts are in tional held in Robbinsville. (5uar>ecka Davila threw the shot put 34-3^2 efit NJ Sharing Network, a nonprofit or- May. Those interested in attending a trajjj- The team of Breanna Nicholson. Vanessa and took fourth, with the versatile Carpenter ganization responsible for the recovery of ing session, guest playing or wanting more Bacom, Jasmine Rielps and Kaitlyn Davis taking sixth (33-9%). donated organs and tissue for the 4.500 information, contact Chuck Mantione at captured the 800-meter sprint medley in Morgan Communale was eighth in the New Jersey residents currently awaiting a 732-241-2441 or email at cam2@opton- 1:51.26. javelin throw (85-8). lifesaving transplant. Numerous sponsor- In the 4x100, Yakira Carpenter joined Ba- Flielps' 15-71/2 placed her eighth in the long ship opportunities are available. Details: com, Phelps and Davis on the team that placed jump final. If you would like your sports news third in the final (50.36). On her own, Davis The Raiders' Allison McQuillen took sev- published, please submit a press release at enth in the girls' 1.500 (5:06.08). took fifth in the 200-meter dash (26.34). Adult baseball players and teams least two weeks in advance of an event The previous week (April 22) at the Penn The GMC is Saturday (May 8) at South wanted for the Amateur Baseball Associa- such as team registration or tryouts. Relays. Nicholson, Carpenter and Bacom Plainfield High School, which will host the tion of New Jersey. There will be multiple Results of youth games and tourna- teamed with Laura Williams to win their sec- season-ending NJSIAA Meet of Champions wood and metal skill level leagues. Games ments may also be submitted, as well as tion of the high school giris' 4x400 in 3:59.91. on June 2. With the victoiy, the quartet won a Penn Re- Following the GMC. the race to the Meet are played mainly on Sundays with some collegiate news about former high school lays plaque, the first in .school history. of Champions will begin with the NJSIAA Saturday games. For details visit www. All- athletes. Email to [email protected]. Chelsea Glincman. who was the NJSIAA State Sectionals May 2T-22. Groups II and III email NJBase- fax to 732-780-4192. or m'^1 to Sports. diving champion this winter, was third in the schools will compete at Monmouth Regional, [email protected] or call Jason at Greater Media Newspapers. P.O. 5001, Uiple jump, 35-1. She was sixth after qualify- and Groups I and IV will compete at Hillsbor- 201-873-3349. Freehold. NJ 07728. jn^ with a 33-3% and improved on that mark ough High School. 40 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmneWS.COIH April 29, 2010 Wondering what your home is worth In todays Real Estate market? 800-206-4360 SEBETTER HOMES REALTY Weichert earns several awards at global real estate conference eichert. Realtors was recently hon- the most outgoing closed referrals per sales $300 bilbon in annual home sales. real estate network comprised of more than ored with several member achieve- associate. In addition, Weichert led the entire About Weichert 600 of the best-known local and regional Wment awards by the Leading Real LeadingRE network in 2009 for outgoing Weichert has nearly 18,000 sales associ- real estate firms. With nearly 5,000 offices Estate Companies of the World (Leadin- closed referrals, marking the 11 th consecu- ates in approximately 500 company-owned and 150,000 sales associates in the United gRE). The awards were presented at Leadin- tive year the company achieved that accom- and franchised sales offices in key markets States and 35 countries abroad, LeadingRE gRE annual conference in Las Vegas, Nev.. plishment. Weichert was also a finalist in throughout the United States. A family of affiliates sell almost $300 billion in home which attracted nearly 1,000 real estate pro- several other categories including the Mil- full-service real estate companies, Weichert sales, representing nearly one million trans- fessionals from across the world. lion Dollar Club, Peak Producers, and the helps customers buy and sell residentialan d actions annually. The network has No. 1 "Leading Real Estate Companies of the Global Alliance Club. commercial real estate, and streamlines the marketshare in more of the top 88 U.S. mar- J^orid is comprised of the finest real estate "It is an honor to be recognized by Lead- delivery of mortgages and home and title in- kets than any national brand, representing a firms from around the globe, so earning a ingRE for several accomplishments includ- surance. For more information, Weichert's powerful force in American real estate. Member Achievement Award is a great dis- ing being the No. 1 provider of outgoing customer service center can be reached at tinction," said LeadingRE President/CEO referrals for the entire network," noted Betsy 800-USA-SOLD or at Weichert's website, Pam O'Connor. "We are proud to recognize Roche, vice president of relocation for We- Each Weichert fran- these firms for being true leaders in the mar- ichert and a guest speaker at the annual con- chised office is independentiy owned and kets they serve and for their involvement in ference. operated. Internet traffic on our Network." As a member of the Leading Real Estate About Leading Real Estate Weichert received the 2009 Award of Ex- Companies of the World, Weichert, Realtors Companies of the World real estate sites cellence for Outgoing Sales Production is part of a network of more than 600 pre- Leading Real Estate Companies of the which is pnesented to the member firm with mier locally branded firms producing almost World ( is a global spikes despite sluggish recovery he real estate market has shown signs of recovery, but it's been Tslow and inconsistent. In spite of this, real estate-related In- ternet searches continue to increase. In fact, real estate Internet traffic set the record for the first quarter of 2010. HOUSE In fact, local firtn Better Homes Re- alty, which has a unique Internet mar- keting system through the Network, is an extraordinary example. The company reported a 52 percent increase in traffic to all its sites, reaching the highest level in company history. HUNTER' operates SOUTH RIVER SAYREVILLE MANALAPAN over 1,300 town sites ba.sed on their lo- calism Internet model, combining local expertise and traditional local offices with a vast network of online partner- ships. In addition to Homesinyourtown. corn's impressive business model, the firm also prides itself on knowing what FRANCES UTEPLO DUNECEA internet consumers want, including the Brotxr/SaUs Associau Reallor Associau ability to search without registering and AMustSaet Wonderful 3 e«. 3 bath (»k>nal in the Coipus Qinsti SETTER THM k COMOO! 2 Bedroom Updated Ranch Windows. Custom built home w?8376 sq. It. (not including bsmnt) ol living Section. Beautful updated kilctien, dining room wM sliders to ilecli. Siding, Root. VC & Heat Replaced wittiin past 9 Yrs. Attic Storage. space. 6-7 BRs, A'A ba. 2 story grand foyer, 3 staircases. 28' designer providing personal information. spadous master bedroom, finisned basement plus 1 car garage. Detactied Garage. Parking for 3« Cars « 50 x 110 Property. Walk to kit w/oversized center Isl, granite counter lops, v»alk in pantry, 10' has sites for Wax 10 trrc bus. Visit • 1004 Bus. Parks & Shopping. ceiling 1st Ir, ceiling 2nd tlr, walk out bsmnt, maids qtrs, step down $2M.900 $219,900 FR. 24x48 tt. Great mi. conservatory, study, 38 It. master BR w/ scores of towns throughout the state. sitting rm. 5 zone heating & cooling. French drs to LR, DR, recessed lighting. Blue Riboon Manalapan Schools. Public water i sewer Better Homes has traditional real es- _ »1,699,900 tate offices in Aberdeen, Atlantic High- ^WAm ^mm. •7/ CaH Ram lands, Bayonne, Bradley Beach, Brick, • First Realty CaH Frances • First Realty CaHOiane KELLER Cdh 609-933-1642 Cherry Hill, Colts Neck, East Cal: 908-208-6241 Cell: 732-991-0502 WILLIAMS Office: 609-987-8889 Brunswick, Freehold, Fort Lee, Ham- Office 732-257-3500 Office: 732-257-3500x317 rain.iheiio)f@iiiiowle

LyniwBnuM Alice MittlHm SMaAssocM Suta AaaocMir 42 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT April 29, 2010 Weichert New Homes announces two new models at TWin Brook Estates in North Brunswick The better side of 55, eichert New Homes, Barbieri of the additional bedrooms are light and spa- Builders and SJL Realty, LLC an- cious with generous closet space. A full bath JUST OUTSIDE PRINCETON. Wnounced the introduction of two completes the Sienna's roomy 2,600-plus- new models at Twin Brook Estates, located square-foot floor plan. in North Brunswick. At Twin Brook Estates, six distinct mod- The Ventura model is priced from els priced from $519,900 offer generous lay- $519,900 and the Sienna is priced at outs ranging from 2.370 to 3,2^ square feet. $569,900. New home shoppers are invited to Lavishly designed interiors feature 9-foot visit the site and learn more about this popu- ceilings on the first floor, select rooms with lar 24-home enclave in the heart of central ceiling details, recessed lighting, family New Jersey, a neighborhood where Old rooms with a zero clearance fireplace with Worid craftsmanship combines with the lat- wood mantel and marble surround, and est building techniques in distinctive single- gourmet kitchens with 42-inch upper cabi- family residences. nets, granite countertops and a gas range. "We're looking forward to a tremendous Exterior amenities such as a stepping stone amount of excitement and interest with the front walkway, paved drive, TimberUne ar- introduction of our new models," notes Dave chitectural series 30-year roof shingles and Richardson, regional vice president for We- energy efficient vinyl-clad windows add to ichert New Homes. 'They are the perfect the appeal of these stylish single-family complement to this community's akeady homes. beautiful collection of new homes." Each of the models can be customized See our decorated models today! The Ventura model will feature more with a selection of options provided by the than 2,300 square feet of ideal living space. builder. Named after enchanting and wel- PRICING FROM The flexible first floor plan offers a two- coming resort areas of Italy, each of the story foyer, formal dining room and aiiy homes provide four bedrooms and two-and- great room with French doors. A spacious one-half to three baths with attached two- or $299,990! kitchen opens to a light-filled breakfast area three-car garages. and family room with comer fireplace. A The home sites at Twin Brook Estates convenient pantry and powder room com- have public water and sewer connections, plete the first level. Upstairs there is room 200 AMP electrical service with under- for all with four bedrooms including a grand ground cable, phone and natural gas utilities. master suite with dressing room, walk-in AlO-year limited home warranty from RWC closet and master bath. A full bath and laun- is also provided by the builder. Energy-sav- dry room finish this level in style. ing features include high-efficiency heating The dramatic Sienna model offers plenty and cooling units and programmable ther- of architectural interest, with available bay mostats. window detailing and two-story entry. A for- The Barbieris and Lipoczkys, both cus- Ask about our mal dining room and Uving room with tom builders, have joined forces to develop SMOOTH xMOVE vaulted ceiling grace the front of the home, Twin Brooks Estates. Pat Barbieri of Barbi- incentives wttle a chef's kitchen with center island and eri Builders Corp. has been an award-win- breakfast nook adjoin a family-sized family ning builder since the early 1980s. Together room with cozy fireplace and are situated at the Barbieris and Lipoczkys take great pride WELCOME TO THE BETTER SIDE OF 55... the back of the home. The first flqor also in providing a fine new home with un- UNPARALLELED AGE-EXCLUSIVE LIVING IN A REMARKABLY hosts a separate laundry with mudroom area matched attention to detail and customer CONVENIENT AND ABUNDANT LOCATION JUST 5 MILES FROM THE along with a powder room which can be eas- service. DINING, SHOPPING AND CULTUR.\L OFFERINGS OF PRINCETON. ily upgraded to a full bath. For more iriformation about Twin Brook Lavish on the inside The Sienna's second level features a dra- Estates, contact Weichert, Realtors sales as- • Low-maintenance townhomes showcasing open floor plans matic overlook into the living room below. A sociate Richard Nastarowicz in the Hillsbor- • 1,844 to 2,342 sq. ft. of living space sumptuous master suite with dual walk-in ough Office at 908-874-8100 or • 3 bedrooms with first-level master suites, 2.5-3 baths closets and gracious master bath with dual 908-581-6189. Visit the Weichert New • Spaciou.s, well-appointed kitchens, finished lofts and 2-car garages vanities, separate shower and private water Homes web site at http://www.weichert- Lively on the outside closet is the first of four total bedrooms. All • 7,S00-sq.-ft. clubhouse • State-of-the-art fitness center • Grand Club Salon, game room, library and computer center Gloria Nilson GMAC wins national awards » Outdoor amenities including a heated pool, wading pool and Jacuzzi • Bocce court and putting green loria Nilson GMAC Real Estate with a professional team of cxpcricnccd ranked in the Top 10 of all GMAC .sales associates. Many of their offices are Gcompanies worldwide in 2009, for market share leaders in their area, and main- both Closed Units and Gross Commission tain a high customer .satisfaction rating a,s Income (GCI), making it one of the top tracked by an independent company. performing companies in the network of "! am extremely proud of our agents, more than 600 offices and 15,000 sales managers, corporate and support staff for professionals. achieving Top 10 nationally yet again," See it! Own it! Live it! "I'm proud to present this award for says Dick Schlott, CEO of Gloria Nil.son Great new homesites arc avail.ible! Call 609.799.0459 outstanding achievement to Dick Schlott GMAC Real Estate. "Especially given the or visit for details. and Gloria Nilson GMAC Real Estate," market challenges our industry faced this said Harley Rouda, president of GMAC past year, continuing to deliver such im- 108 SCHALKS CROSSING ROAD, Real Estate. 'This award represents a deep pactful results says a great deal about the MONMOUTH jLfNCTION,NJ 08852 M commitment to excellence, hard work and expertise and commitment of our leading From Northern -NJ: NJ Tnpk. to Exit 9 and follow the signs for Premier Service delivered by the Gloria team." To find out more about how Gloria Rte. 1 S. Follow Rte. 1 S for 12 miles. Take the jug-handle for MILLEMNHIM HOMES- Nilson team. Their professionalism and Ridge Rd. At riie first light turn right onto Sch^ Crossing Rd. A FAMILV OF SUII UtJtS dedication ensures that the expectations of Nilson Real Estate can help you ykm will see the entrance on the right. Go through gatehouse Dcvetopw/Builder: PPSO their customers and clients are exceeded." or market a home successfully, contact one and followth e tapa to the Sales Center and model homes. Oevetopmtt Company LLC Established over 30 years ago, Gloria of their leading offices in Mercer, Mon- Nilson GMAC Real Estate serves the needs mouth, Ocean or Middlesex counties, or of buyers and sellers in their market areas visit April 29, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT www.gmnews.coiti NS SENTINEL 43

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We offer: LIVING ROOM ir^StarTV 1-800-306-6602 PHONE' 1-888-271-0463 • Quaified Lead Program BE YOUR OWN BOSS! flexi- Reach over 1.4 Mlllk>n ble Hours. Residual Income. Queen Sola Bed & Love Seat RG TREE- $40. • Same-Day Advances A-1 Condition: Lovely Print. HousehoWs! Place your 2x2 Garage Sale AMERICAN TAX REUEF • Insurance Benefits for PC Online Requned. Ful Train- (Giant black, white & purple Display ad in over 120 NJ ing Provided Asking $500. Auctions SETTLE IRS BACK TAXES you&famty Call Joan 732-972-4892 available) weekly newspapers lor ONLY Call 1-888-350-0350 COMPUTER SUPPORT $1,250, CallDianeTrent at Do You Owe Ovet $15,000? It • Ureque. Exaustve Product SERVICES Call 732-663-0918 So. Can Us Now! — FREE • Liberal Underwriting LOVESEAT and couch in 609-406-0600 ext 24, email DRIVER-CURRENTLY HIRING Call 732-951-0004 dtrent©njpa,org or visit CONSULTATION Fot Less Cal Uncoln Heritage Expenenced teams and sotos excellent condifkxi, $500.00 or HOT TUB COVER iWf Than What you Owe! Stop 1-888-713-«B0 best offer.732-248-9787 CUSTOM - S". 2 LB. Density, (fTationwide wim HaOTiat Dry Van & Temp placemen! available.) Wage Ganshnients! Remove control available. CVOs 76"x70", Other sizes available. Bar?- Levies. Tax Levies 8 MAINTENANCE POSTTON THOMASVILLE Cheny Dining $199. Call 732-409-7727 Ask about our TRI-BUY pack- Lookng for responsWe pereon wekxxne Call Covenant Furniture age to reach NY, NJ and PA! PropSty Seizures! Slop Pay- 866-684-2519 or apply al Room Set consisting of table ment Plans That Get You to maintain office buildings at 2 w/ 2 leaves & 6 chairs & 1 light- Nowhere! Settle Stete and Busi- tocatwns in North Brunswick & ed china closet in great condi- WANTED: OLD BARNES EAST BRUNSWICK ness Payroll Tax Problems Edison. Need val«) drivers li- EARN UP TO $150 PER DAY BUNK BEDS Twin over ful, with tion $350.00 SOLD AND Bam wood, Okj barns Neigbomood Sale Elinwate Penalbes. Interest cense and transportation. Duties Undercover Shoppeis needed desk, ladder and safety rail in- bought and sold nattonwide. Timber Rd/Famis Rd, Circle, Charges & Tax Liens! SETTLE involve: lanilonal. grouxls up- to Judge Retal & Dining Estab- cluded. Excelent Condition. LeftoverHOTTU. 6 person with k>ungeB . Buyers and Sellers. May 7 & May 8th - 9-6pm IRS BACK TAXES NO OBLI- keep. i tenant commuiication. lishments. Experience Not Re- 96 length x 54 vnde. 54 chrome jets, ozone, water- Rain date 5/14 & 5/15 GATION. CONFIDENTIAL Please email resume to: Imda quired Cal Now 732-si?5-9392. fall, fit^ercptics. Never used. CALL AMERICAN TAX RELIEF njggiero© 1-877-218-6211 Cost $8,000, SELL $3,695. NORTH BRUNSWICK CRIB / NK3HTSTAND i Call 732-71 &-3344 635 SPRUCE ROAD 1-800-3SS-1716 FREE CON- GOVERNMENT JOBS - $12- HI-CHAIR Merchandise MECHANK: - PT/FT Saturday, 5^8 Only. 8:00-2:00 SULTATK3N. 48.00mr. Full BenelitsPaid SOLID OAK-Baby's Dream con- LAWNMOVffiR TORO 22 inch Wanted Bus & medium tnjck repairs. Tra»nng. Worft available in ar- BUY NEW JERSEY FOR $495! PM 3 Family Garage Sale Benefits, cnwi tools vatd vertfcle crib and nightstand. self-propelled 6.5hp $75,00, BANKRUPTCY? S299 Plus eas Ike Homeland Security. Place your 2S-word classified Clarinet Selmer CL 300 like Route 130 S.-Wood Ave,; $369 For Court Costs Le( our drivers liconse 732-591-1966 $390. or best offer. Eddie Bauer ad in over125 NJ NEWSPA- Filmore Rd,: Spmce Rd. Uw Enforcement. Wildlife & solid wood hi-chair, $40. or best new $75.00. TV JVC 27 inch Experienced Professionals han- more! 1-800-858-0701 ext 2002 PERS! • Call Diane Trent at tube $75.00. SOLD ANTIQUES RAIN DATE: W 5 dte _your Ertife Banknjptcy WORK FROM HOME, PTflT. olfer. Aberdeen, 732-566-5140 609-406-0600 ext. 24, email TOP PRICES PAID FOR: $500 - $1^00 per week . Wil FAST EASY. NO-RISK. GUAR- DESK dtrentOnipa,org or visit www.nj- LET GREATER MEDIA Antk^ue furniture, oriental rugs, a OLD BRIDGE - HUGE ANTEED S PROVEN! Cal train. Please call 732-414-8745 (Nationwide placement Help You Sell YourCarll paintings, jewelry & silver. GARAGE Sale. 109 Throckmorton lor mote information. Employment OAK ROU TOP DESK NOW l-80frS78-2215 For Sale. Ok) Bridge. $100 or avail&le) Ask about our TRI- tall 732-358-5200 We purcfiase entire contents of Lane (off Thomas) Thuis,, Fri., Wanted best offer Leave BW^ckage to reach NY, NJ Fax 732-780-4678 estates. Will come to your Sat, sm, 5/7^, 8:30am-7:pm home. Call 1-800-290-5401 HU6E VARIETY BURIED IN DEBT? Help Wanted SOLD Over $12,000 wolh? -BODYGUARDS WANTED" SAVE money-Gel out c/ deW Seasonal FREE TFIAINING for members. FASTER! One alfordable No Experience OK. Excellent monthly payment. Call DEBT $$$. Ful & Part tine. Sign on SETTLBSENT USA. 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YOUR STRLCTURED SET- SPECIALISTS Please contact tor more inio lET PRomom Heip TLEMENT OR ANNUITY PAY- Oi« y •FIOPES AND CLIMBING Call Danielle, 908-331-1778 MENTS. HIGH PAYOUTS. SPECIAUSTS email: CALL J.G. WENTWORTH •OFFICE ASSISTAhfT 1 -866-SETTLEMEKrT (1 -866- •VIDEOGRAPHER 738-8536) Rated Af by the Bet- on ter Business Bureau Health Care OONT WATT Tia SUMMER CASH NOW! GET cash for APPLY ONUME AT; your structured settlement or www-oakcrestdaycampxom annuity payments. Hi^ pay- or call us 732-297-2000 HEALTH & COMFORT outs. Cal J.G. Wentwonh. 4- HOME CARE AGENCY 866-7a»«36 Rated A+ by AVAILABLE home health care the Better Business Bureau. NURSE- LPN or RN, for kscal for ekJeriy or disabled people in summer day camp, salary plus need. Live in/Uve out. ^ « 5 camp for kids. Great pay. great We accept Medicaid, private Custom Made hours, great fun. tofily on line pay. kxig term insurarKe. and at rndst pnvate insurances. Employment TENNIS COACH-For kxal Call 732-246-8555 or summer day camp, great pay, Tol Free 866-559-0100 [nn great houis, great fun. Apply on fine at MARISOL'S HOME CARE- yers • Menus GIVERS -We provide caring i Help Wanted affordable in-home care for Help Wanted seniors S disaUed w/ illness & Full Time injury. DailyAve-in. Family own Part Time '.ed. NJ Sc. InsJ Bonded. 912-9312 Weantoryoul ACCOUNT INSURANCE HOME Brochures • News etters SURVEYOR FieWwork i EXECUTIVE computer reporting for industry leader fto expenence. Pak) NJs best and largest weeWy tramrra. Perfonfiance t}ased newspe^ gmUJ. Greater pay. $15Jhour. P/T. Apply at: Media Newspapers, has an exciting opportinity. We are lookiig tor an Account Exec- LFE GUARDS - OW Bhdge utive to pro-actively contact YMCA 5am-10pm. Monday thai and sell print and online ad- Friday. Salary based on experi- ved^sbg. to both an existir>g ence. Must be certified. Cal base, as wen as creating Teresa at 732-727-0704 ext. 304 sa^ from potential cus- • Designed tomers in a designa^ mar- TEACHER AIDES NEEDED Robin Jay Nursery School. Okt HESS TRUCKS 1989-2006 in ket. TT^ posibon wil be re- boxes can after 5p.m., sponsWe for meeting and Bridge area. Imrnediate o— revenue goals ings for al shifts. 732-254-; 732-721--iue.: while deivering quality cus- tomer satisfaction. Greater • Printed Media Newsp^rs offers a Appliances ccmpetilive salary induding bonus potential, and an ex- celtent benefits package. AIR CONDITIONER, $25. Our office is kxated in Free- De-Humidifier. $65. hold. Excetent benefits and Attention Stainless Range Hood. $35. • Delivered to your specific zip code 401(k). Greater Media Microwave, $25. Please send resume and Newspaper Readers Call 732-566-2945 salary requirements to Note that the tMe of this Linda Vmci at dassificatKin is Emptoyment FREE MOTOROLA 8ACKFUP [email protected] Services. Ads under errmkjy- From AT&T. ment services are not lOb of- Cal Wirelly 800-354-7147 fers. These advertisements pro- www.Wirefly.conVFree Backfllp vide a service, for a lee. Ihey do After instant discount for current Call Greater Media Newspapers for more info CHHA's, FT/PT not provide actual emptoyment or new AT&T Customers. Re- RN, Pn Per Dtem strictions apply. Call for details. AIRUNES ARE HIRING. Expires 5-31-2010 Sooisl Worker, Per Diem Tram for high paying Aviation Freehold 732-358-5200 or Also; Office Help. Spanish. career. FAA approved program. WASHING MACHINE Financial aid if qualified. Job stackaWe front toader in placement assistance.Call Avia- excellent condition sadaiy. Fiil benefits. tion Institute of Maintenance. $120. Long Branch 732-870-6070 732 866-559-0100 Call 732-710-0850. April29 ,201 0 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT WWW.gmneWS.COW NS SENTINEL 45

Pets & Animals Pets & Animals Pets & Animals Waterproofing

ATTENTION DAVE'S AppHsnca Senk:e MR. Fix-rr MAJOR APKIANCE REPAIR AAAA1 ABOVE ALL Clean CAT LOVERS Upa ft Junk Removal Basement Waterproofing 30+ Years Sereing Central NJ ACCENT 1-800-765-2793 Many young adults are Call 732-786-0810 20 years exp. Basements, Homes. Garages. Estate desperate lor homes! bathrooms, kitchens, paint- Closings. Trees. Junk Cars. Free est. Dea; w/owner. Save Please consider adopting!! ing, carpentry, tiling. We do Bestp^. Wei do the load- Adoption fees $40.-$80 ing. Cal M)k«, 732-406-7047 Call Whiskers ftoscue for more any & all types of home Information 732-921-0616 repairs & improvements! AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train www,whi8kersrascue,org Big & Small. NJ Uc. & Ins. Abra-Cadabra Junk Be Gone (or high paying Aviation Mainte- Call 732-792-7171 Clean-Outs. Junk Removal nance Career. FAA approved DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS DemoStion Best Pnces lentance Princess. Serving Area Since 1972. program. Financial aid if quali- ALL HANDYMAN SERVICES VisafliiiaAmex 732-262-9779 fied- Housing available Call TabNha -Has been waiting o Call Pat 732-341-8063. someone to love her! I am a low- Bathrooms, Kitchens. Carpentry ABCO 24-7 Aviation Institute o( Mainte- OddJolM • Fast Service nance (877) 818-0783 key, quiet torbie girl, waiting for Bsmls.. Garages. Yards & Estates my forever home for a tong time. Carpet Install Call John, 732-238-5763 10% on HTKa Oemo Too! ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE BINDY is kxikins for love. This I need a good home and some- ALL Remodeling ft Repairs Call Walt, 732-343-2575 one to love me. I am no trout>le Repair/Sale ([X>m Home. Medical. Business. sweet purring ball of love ^as Landscape plantings, A BARGAM CLEAN-UPS & like to cuddle In front of TV - licensed ft ins. Photos ft rel. Paralegal, Computers. Cnminal abandoned on a busy road ivith wil pick up your JUNK. 19' SEA RAY-165 HP, new Justice. Job placement her 5 babies. ThankfufV we fcund do you need a companion & BILL'S CARPET SERVICE Call Bob 732-236-8916 have a quiet home for me? 2 POWER RE-STRETCHING Basement, yard, attic seat, new rug, new ti^^gM assistance Comber available. tfiem before they were caught in Call now! 877-782-4742 stery. Askng price or Financial aid it quaNfied. traffici Mommy i her babies are yrs. okl, spayed & up to dale on ft REPAIRS. Over 25 yrs. exp. HANDYMAN - 20 years vaccines. Adoption fees $40 - Free est. Cell • 732-925-1177 All InstaHatkJns and Repairs. best offer. Good shape Call 800-488-0386 sweet peas & need loving hof les. TRASH ft JUNK REMOVAL Call Mike 732-300-^9 She is now spayed, tested and $80. Call 732-921-0616 WALUN- If you are kx>king for or 732-254-2764 Reasonable and prdessiorul. Anything you want taken vaccinated. Bindy s a very toving a furry baby Wallin is your Free est 732-236-»M to dumps. Free estimates iinners GUITAR LESSONSI girl who head bonks you for at- He cries for attention and wants Call 732-721-6246 to Advanced virith a ;ley fentoo! AdoptioMion fees $4$40-$80C — . nothing more than to tie with his Ceramic Tile RENT-A-SON Alumni w/15 yrs. exp. Learn Call 7^-921-0616 lamNy He was found dumped Repair/Install Odd fobs done Inskle ft out songs from G. Hero, R Band, on route 9 but realy wants to Call Dan. 732-238-2429 Painting etc!Xall Tommy 732-939-8811 be a k)ved house wtty again. He is only 18 mo. oW and des- Wallpapering PIANO LESSONS perately wants a family to kwe. GROUT CLEANING All ages, 4 years to adults Adoptkm fees $40 - Re-cau Iking Beginnef^ welcome. 31 years ACCENT PAINTING experience. Call 732-«5f-3190 (732)921-0616 20 yrs. exp. Exceltent ADDrrK)NS • BASEMENTS indoor & outdoor paintirig. Gfout Geok inc. 732-521-3809 BATHS •KITCHENS Residential & commercial. NEUY-Neivous Nelly is kwkmg for Pet Supplies Free Est ANI Constnxaion WaHpaper removal. AAAA-D0KAT10N. DONATE Luv! She is a young little girl who Call 732-521-2444 Your Car Boat or Real Estate. barely made it off me street. She and Services Insured Call 732-792-7171 IRS Tax deducHble Free pick- was me only survivor. A little shy K. T. uprtow any model/conilk)n«k>ndi- but very very sweet once she Cleaning Domestic PAUSING ft IMPROVEMENTS t»n Help Under privileged Chil- ATTEND COLLEGE online from knows you. Loves other cats & will WHEN DOODY No job too smal dren Outreach Center. t»me. "Medical, "Business make a perfect playmate. Spayed, Free estimates. 732-991-2440 1-800-939-4543 •P»alegal, "Accounting, "Criminal CAT ft KITTEN ADOPTTONS tested, vaccinated & leady for a CALLS • A BETTER CLEAFING SERVICES Justice. Job piscement assis- Pet Waste Clean-up Homee/ Apts. Refs. lnsJl)onded $65 PER ROOM PAINTING • AAAA-D0NAT10N. DONATE every Saturday at Old Bndge, kiving home. Please give this girl a 20 Years Experience Mninum Your Car Boat or Real Estate. tance Comber available. Petco, Gateway Shopping Cen- second chance at We Adoption Service Professional. Courteous Servk» Financial aid if qualified. Great $ Over 10 yrs. 732-558-6218 Lawn Care 2 RoofTis. Your paint. IRS Tax deductible. Free pick- ter off RT. 9 &]uthbound side fees $40-S80. Call 732-921-0616 Is your dog's poop a pain in 732-21 awi up/low any model/condtion Help Call 888-220-5975 Come Adopt, Volunteer, or just thegrass'f 5-32-495-7667 Landscaping ANGIE'S HOUSE CLEANING Under privileged Chiklren Out- visK our cats. Our kitties wouW www.v^ 10 yrs. exp. Est Refs. E. Biuns./ PAINTING ft PAPERHANGING reach Center. COLLEGEBOUND NETWORK: love to see you. Please call surrounang areas. 732-425-2173 lnt./Ext. House deanmg ft win- N.J.D E.P. Pest Control Program 1-800-33»4543 Free advicel Wen help you Kersten at 732-735-3100 with dow washing. Free est Honest any questkHis. CLEANING SERVICE licenses and regulates Landsc^pers prices. Call Joe 732-360-0943 BMW 3251 •01 - Perfect cond choose a program or degree to who apply pesliades in the State d Garage Kept. Fuiy kiaded. get your career & life on track Weekly, Bi-Weekly 15 yrs. exp. Homes, Offfees. Affordable, reli- New Jersey. Consumers are advised 86.000 h«vy. mi. Must see All Collegebound h4etwort04 affordable Free est 732-690-1866 Geometry & Basic Skills. SAMUEL is a stunning sem kmg •Sod, Soil. Mulch, Stone 2 DR Conie, auto., p/s. p/l>/w/l, Experienced Teacher & Tutor haired tuxedo boy. Regal good A kiving couple wishes to Ucflnsured »13VH05605800 aUse. air. moonroof. alloy Call 732-613-9225 kxjks with a plume tail your taste? a nevvborn into a tiome fiHi Free estimate 732-492-5932 6 & B wheels. Very dean, 95.000 TTiis is the boy for you. He has a with happiness, security and POWERWASHING niles, $8,550. 732-952-8602 MATH Colleg* tsKher - AH DANNY IS an adorable Nttle boy. sweet demure personality & ksves endless fove. Expenses pakJ. SHEETROCK ft TAPING levels SAT, GRE, GED. im- CENTRAL JERSEY Most homes $150. ft under. UNCOLM CONTINENTAL, 2000 He IS a great kitten who needs a other kitty friends. Neuteied, tested Please call Brendan and Laurs Lk. #13VH01778800 Small prove immed. 732-238-3042 caring h^e. He is a complete luv ton free at 1-800-991-0782 or UNDERCUTTERS Decks, pa»os, concrete ft 8 cylinder, 49,500 miles. i vaccinated al he needs is some- lobs accepted. 732-668-2096 with numans but scared of new one to tove him1 yr. oW. Adoption email us at LANDSCAPING powenwashing 732-721-4869 Black w/leather inter**, power SI>ECIAL/REGULAR ED He needs a kiving mom or lees $40-$80 732-921-0616 vKindows and doors, $5,000. K-12. Exp. teacher I learning B teacft him that life if good Weekly Lawn Care, Spnng Clean Call 732-545-2044 consultanL MA 732-613-7826 even when your belly is not being ADOPTKJN - A LOVING AL- Ups, landscape Des^. Muk:h, rubbed. Purrs and gives kisses TERNATIVE 10 unplanned Stone etc. Mice, 732-715-9123 Plumbing pregnancy. You choose the with his sweet red and white spot- LG ft R Landscaping -Lawn Autos/Trucics ted lace. He is the perfect shy family for your chiW. Receive pictures/info of waiting / ap- ABC ELECTRIC Cutting, Muteh, Stone, Pavers, Wanted baby, luuy boy Nuetered, tested, Additions, lighting, fans. Shnjbs, Seeding, Top Soil, vacanated ano kidong for a furr- proved couples. Li\^ ex- BACSOKA Lost & Found pense assistance. Free est. ReSatJe. bc.« 15754 Spnn^FaU Clean Ups. Free PLUMBING ft HEATING A1-MIKES AUTO ever home Adoption fees $40- 732-236-8320 • 732-690-3702 est., fily ins. 732-246-3466. $80 Call 732-921-0616 1-866-236-7638 Complete Kitchen & Bath Junk ft Running Cars, No title. SHIFFNER LANDSCAPING Remodeling, Water Heaters, No keys, No problem! Top prlee I R M R ELECTRIC Mowing, Shrub Trimming, Sewer ft Drain aeaning paM. Call Mike. 732-406-7047 Reasonable Rates. Free Est. Residential Servk» & Repair Mukrfi, STone, Shmbs, S<—"- AAAA • CASH PAID AUTOS be. #14966 • 732-416-1072 & Topsoil. Can 732-251 Uc « 5628 WE DO rr ALL! Call 732-727-0014 AS vehides, motorcycles, ft boats Fast ft friendly service, SMIDGEN ft SMORES are kit- STUMPS REMOVED GARDEN STATE PLUMBING Call 732-581-•5961 0 tens in kivei They're an FREE ESTIMATES, INSURED Fencing 0«mer Operated. Uc. »5568 AAAAAA TOWING DOG LOST Husky, PMMnda lo adorable brother ft sister pair Call 732-254-7845 7:&-2S1-5660 •«• "Anger, day pK on Main St wtxiVe been waiting months for A< aUos aocspled. Any cond. Townhome,. S»yrBvlle,10«9/01 a family to tove them They are THE YARD JOCKEY Trucks, cars we buy ft ai G ft VFENCING-All Types Spnng Clean Ups • Tnrmiing ^ JIM'S PLUMBING 4 CASH!7.'24 732-221-6550 Male, blacWwtiAe «>/wti*e te« sweet, playtui ft soft as can be, Entertainment Installed, repairs, replacement. and wme face, tan cheeks, the perfect pair They are Pnjnmg- Topsoil- MukJi- sone Service. Repairs, Retaxiing walls. Clean outs. Free Est, ChariB, 732-521-0287 brown eyae. apcrox SO tis nemered. vacanated. ft tested. AM Fulynsurod 732-796-5939 kistatotions-Free quotas. $CASH RAIDS WlDte smpe on Fwad. $1,000 they need « a second chance ft • • A1 CASINO PARTY » • Lk:«10952. Owner Operated. FOR ANY ft ALL JUNK AUTOS Rmard cashi 732-277-8519 Me outside tie partang tot we found Coci^uU 'Pimu 'ijnnwaatmLa 732-251-6133 Dead or Aive! No Keysmte. EMMIT-Lookmg for a LUV Bug? them n Adqpfcn fees $40-580. Lawn Mower We have Nml Emnw is a 1 yr. JUWPINJAXS Efft 140 problem! FFIEE pick-iE VLOST CATV ok) bl»ck beauty who LOVES to Fun Foods, Candy Carts, Tents, Floor Finishing Repair 24 ifcirs. 7 Days Per VKeek. www whiskersrescue org CALL 732-446-6021 Black and while domeMK short cuddte He s sweat and gor- TaWes, Chans, etc 732-972-0618 geous. 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gas/electric treatment to its MKZ luxury sedan, Honda will introduce the hybrid CR-Z two-seat sports coupe and Hyundai will launch a midsize Sonata Hybrid. Toyota is readying a plug-in version of the with popular Prius hybrid that will be able to run for longer periods solely on Sharon Peters battery power. There's also a wave of electric- powered vehicles on the horizon such as the Chevrolet Volt and Nis- Seeking a san Leaf, both due by year's end, with a battery powered Ford FOCSB, and the Mitsubishi Miev following green ride in early 2011. Likewise, in the com- Our son, who will finish graduate ing years expect to see more cars offer "clean " engines that Q combine stellar fuel economy with strong performance. • school this spring, is very environ- Otherwise, tomorrow's cars will • mentally conscious. We are buy- pack smaller and more fiiel-eflficient ing him a car and want to get him gasoline engines that won't give up a green one. But it's so difficult to know if much in terms of drivability. We'll only hybrids are OK, or if there are conven- see widespread use of direct injec- tional vehicles that get even better mileage tion, which enables gas to be in- and leave a smaller environmental footprint. A far more economical — and environmentally friendly — jected into each of an engine's Websites for various vehicles present them fleet of cars and trucks is on the way, individual cylinders under high pres- as if they're as environmentally friendly as thanks to stringent new federal rules. sure to wring the most power from Conestoga wagons. Is there any source that the least amount of fuel. Likewise can advise us about which vehicles are actu- By Jim Gorzelany with tuittochaipng; this enables^ ally green cars? CTW Features smaller engines to perform like larger ones without any significant There is. The EPA has a secant penalty at the pump. Already, Ford offers a tuit)ochaiged 335-horse- n a move that's certain to transform the U.S. auto industry, the power V6 engine instead of a V8 in its large vehicle lines and the A Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection midsize Buick Regal packs a 220-hp turbochaiged four-cylinder en- • devoted to green car education. gine instead of a laiger V6. • Go to Iagency instituted stricter fuel economy regulations on April 1 that Click on "How to use this guide" will make new cars and trucks 40 percent more fuel-efficient by Future models will adopt slipperier aerodynamic exteriors with 2016. and look for "How do I look up the Gnsenest more extensive use of lightwei^t materials such as aluminum and vehiclesT' There you can search a range of What's more, the directives include the first-ever standards for carbon fiber. They'll run on low-rolling-resistance tires to eke out ad- eco choices, delivered by model year, type greenhouse gas emissions — including caiixjn dioxide, nitrous oxide ditional gains in foel economy. of vehicle and your state. and methane — which are believed to be major contributors to Unfortunately, raising fuel economy standards by 40 percent The impending demise of GM's global warming. across the board won't come cheaply. Implementing new designs "These are the first national standards ever to address climate and technology will cost automakers an estimated $52 billion, whicti Q change," says EPA administrator Gina McCarthy. "Over the coming is expected to increase the average vehicle's sticker price by around years, America will witness an amazing le^ forward in vehicle tech- $950. However, the EPA suggests motorists will see a net savings in • Hummer concerns me quite a bit, nologies, delivering fuel efficiency that will save us money and pro- the neighborhood of $3,000 over a car's lifetime because of the re- • since I am a Hummer owner. Will tect the environment." duced fiiel consumption. I be able to get parts for it four or Beginning with the 2012 model year, automakers will be required The National Automobile Dealers Association wcsiies that cash- five years from now? to boost their fleet-wide fuel economy incrementally to achieve an strapped consumers will be more concerned with the higher up-front CM said that it will continue to average 37.8 mpg for passenger cars, and 28.8 mpg for light trucks costs than long-term savings, with new-vdiicle sales arid, in turn, the (pickups, SUVs and vans) by 2016. Manufacturers are also required economy suffering as a result. "Under these new mandates, the price A to reduce their fleets' greenhouse gas emissions — which are gener- of new cars and light trucks will rise significantly, meaning fewer • provide service and parts for ally in correlation with a vehicle's fuel economy — by about 5 per- Americans will be able to buy the new vehicles of their choice." says • Hummers after announcing plans cent per year. Low-volume and specialty automakers will have NADA chairman Ed Tonkin. in Febniary 2010 to shut down the Hummer longer lead times to reach these mandates. Some suggest the new riiles may be responsible for increasing line. The EPA estimates this will save around 1.8 billion barrels of oil traffic congestion down the road as reduced operating costs encour- There's always a backlog of parts for any and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 960 million metric age motorists to drive more and rely less on public transportation. make stacked up on shelves at dealerships all tons over the lifetime of the vehicles covered by the new regulations. Worse, it's feared they could cost lives, since the laws of physics dic- over the country. How much inventory is But how will automakers adapt their fleets to achieve these tate that smaller and lighter vehicles inherently fare worse in crashes anyone's guess, but it is worth noting that all goals? For starters, you'll see more fuel-sipping compact and sub- than do larger and heavi


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