The Yields of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Explosions
Los Alamos National Laboramry Is operated by the University d Csllfornla for thsi United States department” of %rgy under contract “W-7405 -ENG-36. i .. ... .?...-----.-,- - . I —. 11%)~~ LOS AIENTIOS NationalLaboratory I . .. .. .. .... .. ... <,.. ., .. ,..’ ., . ...’ .- ..,,-- -,. ,. ,,. , ~. , r“ ., .. ,,. ~,-.,; -., - . .-. ,. .,, ,. .. ,. .. “;. .: . .“ . .... 1. \, , ,.. Ttr&”rs’&r was p~~”red & an accoun; ;fwork s&n”&~”bYariagency of the United Stati Govemmcn!. Neither tire (Jrritcd Mates Government nor any agency ther@, nor any ofthcir employees, makes any warranty, >xpressor implied, or assure= any legal Ikbiiity or re@mrst%iIity ror the accuracy, completeness, w u~fulp~ ofa~ information, ap6aralus, product, or p~<ess ditilosed, or represents that its usewould not inf~ngc privately owned @rts. Reference herein to any s~i@ commercial product, py or service by h%dc name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply ISS egdome.rne~t, !reornrnen~qtion. ,> or. fav@r&. b~,!hc Unit@ S_&aI.~-Coye-~qgl,or arq agency thereoc Thc - sd~~d opirdons ofaulhors expressed herein do not necessarily ssateor refleet those of the United Ssates . Government or any ageney thereof. c:,, ,. .t. +- .- ,,’. I . .. ,, , y.t ,~*,’.’!,~,..- , f , .,..-, LA-8819 UC-34 Issued: September 1985 The Yields of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Explosions — .— -. -.. -.. Los Alamos National Laboratory .~~ ~b~~~ LosAla.os,Ne..e.ic.87545 — THE YIELDS OF THE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI EXPLOSIONS by John Malik ABSTRACT A deterministic estimate of the nuclear radiation fields from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear weapon explosions requires the yields of these explosions. The yield of the Nagasaki explosion is rather well established by both fireball and radiochemical data from other tests as 21 kt. There are no equivalent data for the Hiroshima explosion.
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