Donq Mecum's Spring Clossic
tt.i *&* **0.',q; tt'- DonqMecum's Spring Clossic TheDove Christenholz Collection wos o cornerstoneof thissole, with the $800k high soleof the weekendgoing fo o 1969Cqmoro RSZLI (orpo.nt...... .. llecumCollrtor Cor , Autfioners .qci, , lloylll8,2ll08 tl,occflql........ , Indionopolis,lndiono i llorkDolzell, ltike Hogemon,&Jim Londis ' ,L,lCtrtgltp h* rold.1.frn{ . 4ll 1752 isohr.nts...... 550/o ' :sol$.!q!ql....... i szr,lzr"lsl ;Ilsl'$Jt . tg6gChevrolaComoroRS i ZLItoupe, sold ot S8m,m :.B..un(.r.psltpq , 53110onthe lirsl S5I99, 5500 '69 Camarc ZLI topped the weekend charts ' lromS55fllb 59,$n,50/b , thercoflor,induded insold , pdcs Reportond photosby B.Mitchell Corlson Motuet oolnlonsln ltollcs ast year, like all the years before, the spotlight-and a massiveinflux of visitors-that weekend. Spring Classic was held at the Kane Likely becauseof the move,the overall numberswere down for the big County Fairgrounds in Belvidere, weekendcompared to last year in Chicagoland,but despitethat, the average Illinois. Sure,it was tent city, but sales sellingprice per car rosefrom $20,500to $27,600.Some of this alsounder- were over $26m, with 1,276consigned. This scoresthe currentmarket, where high-quality cars are tending to sell in lieu year, the event moved southeastto the Indiana oflessercars. StateFairgrounds in Indianapolis.In all respects, The saleof the DaveChristenholz Collection was a cornerstoneof this this site was significantlybetter than the other, year'sSpring Classic, having beenpublicized since it had a specialshow- with all the carsparked inside buildings and ing during the JanuaryArizona auctionmega-weekend in Scottsdale.While driven on pavementor concrete100% ofthe not a completesell-off, most ofthe lots offered sold,and for quite respectable time.
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