PATHOLOGY and MOLECULAR MEDICINE Fields of Research Greer, P
PATHOLOGY AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE Fields of Research Greer, P. A. Pathology is a study of disease and the mechanisms Professor leading to injury. It involves a wide range of biochemical, Cole, S.P.C., Collier, C.P., Deeley, R.G., Elliott, B.E., Greer, P.A., molecular, cellular and clinical approaches. Fields of LeBrun, D., Lillicrap, D.P., Manley, P.N., Mulligan, L., SenGupta, interest in the department include: cancer biology, drug S., Shepherd, L.E., Tron, V., Yang, X.,Young, I.D. resistance, metastasis, programmed cell death and cell cycle regulation, transgenic mouse models of gene function, cell Associate Professor differentiation and gene regulation, hemostasis/thrombosis, Berman, D., Boag, A.H., Davey, S., Feilotter, H., Hurlbut, D.J., amyloidosis and Alzheimer's disease, disturbances in protein Rossiter, J.P. synthesis, and human genetics (including human gene Assistant Professor mapping). Detailed information on faculty research interests Chen, J.C.-H., Childs, T., Davidson, C.M., Farmer, P., Good, D., is presented in a brochure which is available on request. Isotalo, P., Manduch, M., Nicol, C., Rauh, M. See also the Department of Pathology WEB Page: http:// Professor Emeritus Kisilevsky, R., Ludwin, S.K. Departmental Facilities Adjunct Professor Excellent facilities are available for training in experimental Zoutman, D. pathology and basic research in cell and molecular biology. Facilities and techniques include hemtological analysis, Adjunct Associate Professor electron microscopy, histochemistry, immunohistology, flow Chan, M. cytometry, two-photo confocal fluorescence microscopy, microinjection with fluorescence image analysis and time Adjunct Assistant Professor lapse capability, transgenic mice facilities for production Crocker, S., Hough, C., Sangrar, W., Tam, S-P.
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