The Ithacan, 1984-04-19
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1983-84 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 4-19-1984 The thI acan, 1984-04-19 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1984-04-19" (1984). The Ithacan, 1983-84. 22. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1983-84 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. THE ITHACAN,·,,- 'Y',.o The Student Newspaper for Ithaca College ·, ;,,;i_\ ~ ,~ ~ ~, ' . ,;"y April 19, 1984 ..1\ · · · c\,,, Volume 15 Issue 11 ·:...,.., \ ,./ Ithaca College will''<>- increase• your tu1t1on• • by 8.5 percent rate Ithaca. NY--lthaca College tui principal rea~ons for the in tion will incwase S5:l6 10 crease c1rc acl<litional funds w S6.5(i2 for the 1984-85 quired for ..,,uctcnt financial aid. academic y!'ar. Coll1·g1· of fc1culty and staff salarws and ficials announcccl toclay, lwndits. ancl 1lw high co~, ot Standarcl room ancl hoard .,,,11e-of-1lw-,ir1 instrunional and student insurance will Ill· <·quipmenl cre,N· SWJ resulting 111 charges In spi11· ot IIH·s<· pressuws. of S2.992. rhe total 1984-85 sn1- 1.1ppinrn11 sc1ys lh,11 "llllaca·s den1 llill of S9.S54 rcprc-s1·n1s 1u11ion r1·m,1in~ qu11c an 8.58 pt•rc·<'nl lrl(TeclS(' 0\ er wasonablc. g1\'1·n the h1gt1 198]·84. quality 01 programs we offer. "O\'!'r the pclst 10 Y(',HS \\'(' ,met is \ ery ( ornpelitive when ha\'e kept our lt11t1on 1nncai;cs rnmparcd with th<· 1u111on di al an averaiw of approximate snnilar ins111u1ions," 111,1111 Hie~rwr/llhac-an ly eight pcrrenr per year. well llhaca Col11·gt· is the larg1·st levels. Getting an early start on their studies many students may increase stress The Health below rtw nationc1I av1·rc1gc priva1<· ws1ckntial college 111 Center suggestions for relief can be found on page 2. and the rat!' of inflation for that :--Jc·w Yorh Stal<'. Ttw College i.s~----d-~------------------d.... --f~------' period." Sell(! rnlleg1• Offers 70 degree· programs 111 spokesman John Llppincotl. tradnional ,UHi proft'ssional discipline~ through six srhool<,- tu ent groups e eat ~~-~;~'.lg ~-i:~~; (~~:~r:\::~~S('S ,:~:: · :\lliecl Health Protessiom,: • k • b •11 moderate level, we have Business: Communications: Humanities and Sciences: :~·l~~~;~~t'h,·impactonfamily t WO d fill 1ng age I s Music: and Health Physical ,\crording 10 Llppincotl. the Education ancl Hecn-ation. 1Cl'S)-- Hcpcating their perfor Bingarnc1n says his cam cidents and other problems m,mre of a year ago. s1uden1 paigns against rdising the associated with alcohol grouµs were ins1rurnen1al 111 rt'· nununum <!rinking age argue abuse," Bingaman beliPvcs. Survey finds only slight 1<·111 weeks in defeating hills that heller education and While Bingaman orgaruzes 1ha1 would have raisecl the rougher drunk driving laws are s1u<ien1~ opposed 10 drinking rise in f acuity salaries ·11·gal drinking age in Georgia more cffectiw solutions 10 agt· increases. Students \\',\SHINGTON. l>.C.iCl'S)·· hc1s louncL and Washington. o.c. alcohol abuse than prohibition. :\gainst Drunk Dri\'ing has r,1c ulty sdlari1·s wc·n1 up again avl'rag<· f,wultv s,llary Iowa has also just rejected "I think rnanr students are established chap!(% on a nw this ~-car. hut 1101 ,is rapidly as llc1s gont· up ,.7 percent sinn· 111·0 a1tempts 10 introduce duped into thinking that raising number of campuses to lobby 111 the p,L<;l. <1 survey of th<' tlw 1982-8.l school yt·,ir.the drinking age legislation. though the drinking age is a sort of in favor of raismg the nunimum rn·w rnllegc 1cc1ching prok<,sion ,\11wricc1n ,\ssocic1t1011 or ~1u<1en1 groups there were not panacea for all the traffic ar- age. l 'niver~ity Prole~sors 1:\1\llPl .~ significantly involved in the found 111 prelimmary results lobbying against the bill. Residential Life to undergo from II~ ,1nnut1l <;tudy of how rr1x>rts Bob Bingaman. director much rnllcg1· 1ec1chns makl'. or the Slate Student Associa But faculty salaries went up lion in Washington. D.C .. who five major personnel changes 7.9 p<'rcenl in 1982-83. ,incl 9.!l bas helped organize ~tudent Tower/Garden Apartments unnoticed for quite a while." pern·nt in 1981-82. opposition to drinking age bills by Jennifer Callis Resident Director is one of the Most decisions regarding ,\AUi' spokeswoman Iris in a number of states. The office of Hesidential Life three resident directors remain operations. such as room alloll Molorsky at1rit>u1es the slowing But many state legislatures at llhaca College is undergoing ing at Ithaca College. Angeloni ments and renovations are rare of increases to the declin that have not finished their quite a few changes this sees the transition as "Yes. we made one 10 two years in ad ing amounts of money stale spring sessions are still spring. The office will be los are losing five good people. vance. so there really is no legislatures gi\'e to colleges. Wl.'ighing laws that would ing three out of a total of six but we are gaining five good cause and effect problem with When academic funds are either raise the legal drinking Resident Directors and two people. People with new ideas integrating new people into the right. "thcre·s a tendency to age or limit 18-year-olds to buy Assistant Directors. While the willing to share their ex system. give flat sums across the inR wine or beer. loss of these five people is cur rently creating increasingly periences from different Residential life is losing both board" 10 faculty members. "Drinking age is still a hot busy schedules within the of schools." As one of the staff of lheir assistant directors. Bill she points out. In practice. that issue, and probably will be for fice, most staff members are members remaining at Ithaca Perkins. who was responsible would mean there's less of a a while," observes Michele confident that the transition Angeloni does not foresee any for operations. has already left. salary difference between full Glastetter. who tracks drinking should move smoothly. AS of immediate changes in residen and is currently working in and associate professors. laws for the National Con yet. no one has been hired to tial life as a result of the job residential life ar Corneil Over the last two years. ference on State Legislatures. replace the five people leaving transitions. "There may be in University. Maria Pinto is however. administrators have responsible for staff/Programs. "There are still bills in quite Residential Life. ternal changes within the of said the major reason they had afew states proposing to raise Recently Brian McAree. fice. such as new computer fil her resignation becomes effec 10 raise tuition much faster !heir drinking age." she says. Director of Residential Life. and ing methods. However. the ex tive June 8th. Pinto feels that than the inflation rate is ternal changes will probably go See Staff Changes page 19 Twenty-six states have rais- Maria Pinto, Assistant Director See Faculty salaries page 14 ed their legal drinking limits of Residential Life. attended a since 1976. At least a dozen - national conference to recruit including south Carolina. candidates for Resident Direc THIS WEEK IN THE ITHACAN hlabama. Vermont, Colorado, tor and Assistant Director posi Connecticut, Florida. Ten tions. According to Maria Pin nessee, south Dakota, Hawaii. to, "The five people leaving Dealing with Exam Stress ............................ 2 Kansas. Mississippi, and residential life are very \1rginia -· have bills pending to qualified and experienced. We Innocent Bystander .................................... 7 hike the minimum age, Glastet hope to gain five new people ter reports. who are just as qualified, Television Listings ...................................... 9 "We thought this year ii which will make the hiring pro The Band Will Rock the Quad ...................... 10 Would be a relatively dead cess very competitive." ls.sue." Bingaman says. Jim Angeloni. the West - l I III, rI Hr\C:\:S: ,\pril I!l. 1'1!14 THE ITHACAN Pub utilizes marketing strategies Founded 1932 by Brian Walsh marketed as well as they senior/Imported Beer Night. socializing. The three students Tht' Ithaca College Pull. should be. Incorporated 1969 "In the beginning of the year want to get students to come located in Egtwrr Union. ha~ After taking the position of we had 30 different events. W<· in for other rea<;ons surh as tlw -EDITORS- urilit<·cl rlw rn<1rkcring calcnrs of marketing director. T1crner narrowed rhar down to five or special cw·nts. sc\· ~1udcn1s ro increase sought rhc help of Race ancl I>,1,·1· I,~, lwr I.IJII OH IN LIIJrl - . six events which were held I},l\'lll t(ll'Ul M.\!';A<,IN<, 1.u1Irni awareness ,incl provide a Gcorger who arc also in this year," Tierney saicl. "Our The Pub's biggest problem is :-:Ews social atmosphere for the rnl tercstecl in marketing. Georgcr objective is to service the cam trying to provide occasional ,\!Olld 1'111'/!l"T !-.0t11111111.1. lcgc community. is an Economics Management pus as best we can by getting events for underage drinkers. 1.10yd 'i,mro SPOIITS Terrance Tierney, Marketing major. Race is a Speech com students more involved and in When the drinkng age was rnis l'IIOJ<X,H.\Pm services Director ar the Pull munications major and hopes terested in activilies.